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dramthreed, the worser drawthread deux edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 97

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dramthreed, the worser drawthread
deux edition
u first
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I'd lick her clean
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Requesting thick Harpy princess buttgrope
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no u
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no u
Sir! You must draw something!
I suggest.... A hammock filled with fruit!
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>] You really are one sad, deranged, sexually tense manchild.
>] I'll let you in on this. I heard a long time ago, as my memory serves, she cuts people up. That's her thing that she's into. Do you really want that? Can you cope with that?
>she cuts people up.
Catfox? Kinky.
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My wafiu IS PURE
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>] I didn't think so.
>] Well. I'll let you sleep on that.
Come on, Catfox is a prankster but I don't think they'd really like to harm anyone.
Hi /b/
I just woke up with a fresh idea for a comic strip, or more like just a picture story cause there are no words in it. I can't draw but I thought maybe some of you would be interested.
It's about two bunny sisters. Since there are no words, there are also no names so I'll call them X and Y for the sake of further description. X is a successful runner and has won many prizes and Y is in a wheelchair.

Panel #1: X crosses crosses finish line first.
#2: She stands on a podium and receives her cup.
#3: The show is over, X is heading out, shakes some hands and talks to some mics.
#4: It's dark outside, on mostly empty parking X helps Y get to the car to drive them home.
#5: They're home, X pushes Y and hangs on the handlebars and they ride along the street laughing.
#6: X cooks a supper.
#7: She helps her sister get to the shower.
#8: Still in the bathroom, grooming.
#9: Y grabs her sister's hand and pushes it against her crotch, looking in her eyes. X blushes.
#10: X puts her cup on a shelf.
Here you can draw whatever number of panels you want of them playing in bed.

Last 2 panels:
#1: Morning, X leaves the house, Y stands in the window and they wave to each other.
#2 X gets hit by a bus.
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>] That's fine.
>] I don't count on derelict rumors being true, or else Moku would be dead by now. That said, it's in the air until otherwise disproved.
Rip this is dead
It's just shadow talking to himself... it's really weird
Smol lonely shadow
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>] On the upside, the thread probably won't be 24/7 this time around. We might even get a rare 23/7.
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he is damn huge ...

ey ey ... taking requests
or ready for shenanigans
Where did shadow go?
requesting a penis with the foreskin that covers part of the head
Shhh everyone can still be smol.
Hero, do something heroic. Live up to your filename
Now that shadow isn't here, what do you really think of him? I mean he's even alluded to using you for sex.
Ride a dragon into battle!
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Okay, now I feel friendly again! I'm becoming really fond of the future!

Y-you're not a vampire, are you?
Any chance you would? >>723555573
Woah we got some lewd in here
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>] He's still here, just off to the side crying himself to death.
>] He'll get over it. His attention span doesn't usually last more than 10 minutes.
Huge you say... and what would you know about that?
>>] He's still here, just off to the side crying himself to death.
>>] He'll get over it. His attention span doesn't usually last more than 10 minutes.
Oh fuck, it's actually a monolog, I though Shad was quoting a chat.
Well you did insult his waifu
Hero probably meant as in height wise. Not dick size.
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I know, I insinuated otherwise for a reason.
You wan some dragon dick or somethin?
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what do you really think of him?
>] Nothing more than an imbecile I have to keep up with. They could have given me any other test subject to work with and it had to be...this one.
he's even alluded to using you for sex.
>] Appeasement is a viable option under certain sets of circumstance.
Funny you should ask, I do actually.
>People always clinging to Denzel Currys' one meme song
Past the Wudz is his far superior track.
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Well, uh, I mean, he started it! I'm not aroused, you're aroused! The whole damn system is aroused!
Just didn't take you for the kind of robot who would like jerk him off casually. So what would it take for you to do it then?
Lemme suk dem ears.
Aight. I hope you get some.
Thanks, kind anon.
That's what they all say, officer!
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but ... oki ...
>ahoo ahoo ahoo
freedom and stuff!
okay ... might take a little ...
nah, way too much
im the therapist ... of the doggo. i heard all the stories ... jk!
i was taking about body height and stuff
are you crazy?! even touching them is a sin!
Why do you think they put you with him, and keep you there to boot? I mean it doesn't sound like you're very fond of him.
>certain sets of circumstance.
>implying you wouldn't fuck the birb any day
>im the therapist ... of the doggo
>dick too large
Don't worry about time, I'm just glad you're considering it
gibe panties pls
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it will bw nice if i could draqw a request
because i want to ypu know what i mean?¡!
Draw a dragon!
Sexy hannia dancing for anon
Wanna try >>723553687
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dragon done

still taking requests
Hannia as the 7 deadly sins

>lowkey curious to see lust hannia
Awesome! Thanks hero <3 <3 <3
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>] I don't.
So what would it take for you to do it then?
>] Nothing more than asking, but it has to be in good taste. Or whatever annoys me the least.
Why do you think they put you with him?
>] Good question. You see, before everything happened, I was one of the lead scientists in part to this, in for the newly obtained information in regards to shardholders. And then, they put me in this cold shell. I can do practically whatever I want with it, but the AI counterpart, the side of the programming that I'm attached to, absolutely cannot override the main objective drivers, such as the protocol sets.
>] No matter what I think, the code automatically controls me to act in accordance to those conditions. And I have to protect and watch over this beast for an indefinite amount of time forward. Maybe that'll give you a slight insight of the pain I feel.
Stop fapping over snapchat > Snapchat(z).com could help you tonight!
hate to be this niggas landlord
You being filmed, surrounded by the guys and having bukake session, and LOVING it.
>And I have to protect and watch over this beast for an indefinite amount of time forward. Maybe that'll give you a slight insight of the pain I feel.
I'm surprised you haven't developed your own relief mechanism yet, sounds like you could need one.
>in good taste
so no electroshock cloaca fisting?
what the fuck kind of roleplaying is this?
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That looks great! Thanks <3 <3 <3
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>] ...
>] Are you done?
Sounds like quite the predicament.
Welcome back shadow
Requesting drawfag leads
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the fuck is going on
Hanni drunk blowjob POV please
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>] There. Go fuck the hologram, or whatever you were trying to do with your imagination.

>] Trying to stay as far away from it as feasible works just enough. I'd need a completely different mind if I were to get any better with the situation.
yeh i want kai, eva, box and bun photo sessions!
>pretty much a feral cat
>Shadow's waifu
Old habits die hard, I guess.
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We are all lewd, wanna draw sum pronz for me?
Yes leads.
One of them is spiderman, I need leads on spiderman!
Did Tri show back up? Had something to ask them.
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Hey guys! I'm losing my will to live and to draw! How's it hanging, everyone?
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His arm got patched up, but I don't think he can take anymore requests. I think he was here last thread though
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Caffix is not feral, she is my honeybun and perfectly anthropomorphic
draw tiddies, that always helps
3/4 are top tier waifu material,1/4 are bun
Catfuck is feral sometimes
Draw some sexy nude girl.
He? I learned something today.
i can't draw humans, sorry.
You alive?
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depends on if I like it or not.
Tribal spider pls
Ah, alright. Thanks. I'll just come back later.
Bummer, would you like to try tho?
no sorry
rremain lucid
Was this paper drawperson who's avatar had a halo?
Welp, night
you care too much about the things bunny "cares" about, anon.
They're talking about Tri.
How about her pussy getting knotted and tied by disembodied doggy dong?
References: http://sta.sh/21wm4aav89os
Oh, don't really know Tri.
Only asked about that anon as the last thing they posted on their tumblr was their hand and blood.
sorry i shoud not do this
if I the ojne who asked for shit to do the least i can do is give a try
i'll do sometthing1
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this is tribal right?
not tonight. maybe tomorrow when i'm on
>forgot eyelashes
aw fuckass
Please let us see shadow fucking that hologram
What the fuck
Stop fapping over snapchat > Snapchat(z).com can help you tonight!
WHy don't you go to Snapchat(z).com and all your worries will be gone!
oh so you'll try? kinda confused with that typing but if so, awesome.
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I just looked into that. Shit man, that kid was depressed. I mean, I'm depressed as well, but more nihilistic depressed, not suicidal. Hope he's okay.
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I'm growing uncomfortable with the amount of lady parts swimming around in the soup that is this thread.
show us your pussy
instant saved
thanks hannia, you never disappoint
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Bleep boop
Give me requests.
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Oh, for fuck's sake...
Requesting you draw a grovyle.
Welcome to /b/
you rather had male parts swimming around in that soup?
tbh I like sausage better than fish in my soup. And meat balls.
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What an autistic circlejerk these threads are.
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Parades that way --->
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i mean... wouldn't anyone if you put it that way?
Show us your vagina.
Damn smooth lines... show me some tiddies.
Not people who prefer fish soup, obviously.
Close enough
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There's a parade?!
No, spread your legs for us
but, just completely talking about food now, who likes fish soup? fish soup is fuckinh disgusting.
instead you should just Snapchat(z).com and all your worries will be gone!
it can be alright, but I gjess meat soup will always be the better tasting one.
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Ni hao!
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Yep! March on in there!
I don't get the pun if there is one
I don't get it.
Its 'da china' you actual fucking 7 year old. Haven't gone through world flags yet?
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Don't be so rude anon, I'm sure the nice officer would draw you your waifu if you asked nicely.
This applies to you too >>723564182

To the original artist with the good sense of humour, how would the jaw/ponytail thing be made into a different hairstyle?
Eggs! <3
I get it now.
Sorry for not understanding it since I don't speak chink
We just want to see you fuck
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still gud

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Haha.. I can't read.
Why don't you draw the waifu?
you lack reading comprehension

That feel when you become too Jewish to request anything to

I always dreaded that day and now I feel nothing
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the real joke about this is, that you're not arisch.

excuse me
shed some light. I'm seriously lost and I feel like it's super simple
You don't need to speak Chinese to understand what the Chinese flag is.
You need a reception/nursery level education to recognise the flag, and a Year 2 level understanding of humour to get the joke. Go back to school, 4chan is for people with a basic understanding of life.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the people who contribute to the cancerous boards of today aimed at your presumed age range
>Trap thread
>Pics u shouldn't share
>FB fap
Who are you anyway
This linework reminds me of Linear
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this is bait
What a dick.
>Enhance breast size to DD cup
>Enhance buttock size by minor amount
>Increase eye definition by 30%
>4chan is for people with a basic understanding of life.
>Ingoring the fact that the mlp board exist
>minor amount
literally gay
*Teleports behind you*
*Pshht* Nothin personal kid
*Gives you a lower school text book and a katana through the heart*
Now you'll get it
Gays, gays, gays. If you want to fuck a pokemon that badly you should consider visiting the NSFW /vp/ drawthread.
Calm down, he said basic not moderate. We all know >>>/mlp/ and >>>/m/ are containment boards
>you're not arisch.
how would you know?
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Hmm, what the heck is a 'waifu'?

Oh hey, good to see you again! I replied to you above you know, it just took a long time because I was making a grilled cheese sandwich.
>the real joke about this is, that you're not arisch
>Says the tranny
I'm curious, about two things

If you're a fatfuck and if you have a half-eaten Twinkie lodged in your vagina to call it a dick
take it off then
Bumping if anybody's interested.
sex this one>>723564779 now
That stupid bitch didn't even spell oops right
Fucking disgusting
no one is interested
>doing anything that isn't focused on her boring avatar
>implying i didn't see and save it yet
did i already mention that i adore your artstyle a lot? because i do.
Top kek
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k but no need to be so mean.

No, you are boring.
Are you up for requests?
I'll take it off for you then.
Needs bigger boobs and sex
le fish alien but with EHG hair for kissass purposes XD
Stop it! Neggs is qt! qt!
You literally have autism.
Seek help at once.
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Can you draw her, getting teased in a school uniform?
I don't have any reaction images of violently vomiting
Too fat. Won't fit in a canvas.
She's a good size, she'll fit
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>Hmm, what the heck is a 'waifu'?
Beep bleep
A term coined by Otaku and Weeaboo alike for their 2D significant others; predominantly anime and video game characters. A Waifu, in contrast to a harem, is the love between one man and his one and only Waifu. You treat your Waifu with the utmost respect and courtesy and most refuse to even fap to their beloved, seeing the act as an insult to the non-existent woman they have committed themselves to.
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Me too.

You are excused.

>Hmm, what the heck is a 'waifu'?
It's a character the anon adores and considers a fit mate. Usually a female, waifu is a Japanese bastardization of "wife".
Why are you blushing?
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Dumb slut.
Well... how about show us your vag?
Just a sneak peak, you can't just tease us with underboob and then leave it at that
Let em hang free!
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gross art for your gross fetish
I was talking about you.
I wish I had a time machine to go back when you were Cancer-chan.
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N-need helps!
Did anyone save a pic from the previous thread? I fell asleep and lost the chance of saving it (and thank the creator) ...
Pic is this one :
maybe I do to.
Something should fuck it, cumshot in the ovaries
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artist here
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I'll show you a real good taste. Please draw her with an hourglass figure
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This is the only thing yall are seeing!
I put money on it that the artist will 'accidentally misinterpret' your message, thus we will get a cop out 'le funni thang' instead of some verydecent/10 r34.
I do hope we get some real r34 of this cute thing though
Yeah, nah, you don't.
Otherwise you would work with it but it's just a memory.
I'll stop giving (You)s now.
Why are there black tic-tacs where her tits are supposed to be?
Gotta love you for saving me up and for the art itself!
Thankies a lot, looks really nice!
Those are some cute nipples you have there, thanks for showing them off
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Awe really? You're so nice! I think yours is super cute and more technically competent than mine as well, though I must say I feel like I know you from somewhere... Maybe you're from the past too? Or maybe I met you in the future?

Oh! That's... sad. I only recently learned what anime is, but I feel an overwhelming urge to sit down with people who believe they're married to cartoon characters, hug them, and tell them everything is going to be alright.
Noooo uncensor it!
Show these puffy nips!
It won't happen e since it's yet another one of these stupid attention whores only here to draw their shitty avatars over and over again.
>I feel an overwhelming urge to sit down with people who believe they're married to cartoon characters
tbh, most people use "waifu" merely as a term to describe a character they enjoy a lot, few actually get involved in "relationships".
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ok i guess?
because i wanted them to be there.
your welcome i guess?
I think you need to see a doc.
Because regular nipple aren't black and rectangles
Why must you torture me with such good yet simplistic tits
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Omg out of all the years I've done this that right there is the best fucking one yet.

Shit son I have peaked, guess I'm fukken done XD
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How many eggs of size 1 do you need to fill a square of side sqrt(n)?
Shiba inus are the worst.
That.... doesn't make any sense. You like dudes. Deal with it and stop being in denial. It's 2017, your parents don't care fagboi.
Something something sphere packing
n eggs
give me something
I'm rusty though
I have a strange feeling I know who this is
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Boop beep
You're right
>but I feel an overwhelming urge to sit down with people who believe they're married to cartoon characters, hug them, and tell them everything is going to be alright.
Bleep boop
What you need to do is hang'em from the ceiling because there is no turning back if you have a waifu.
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Heh i knew it was you, is there hope for request?
I have a strange feeling you know too
go to sleep, it's 8am
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i probably still owe u lewds, don't i?

no problem mang
was fun drawing it actually

i feel like you can pull more poses off.
i'm just a nobody though. never thought about time settings here.
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>Unironically using XD
Shoo, shoo.
Unless you are drawing, requesting or telling faggots who aint drawing or requesting to leave, please leave
It's 8:19
please leave XD
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Requesting her dressed like Jessica Rabbit
>i probably still owe u lewds, don't i?
save if 4 later.
You owe us all lewds~
Knock me up thanks
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could someone make her an adult please?
Add me on snapchat for spicy memes bbrocksom94
pssshh, same difference
get some rest
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now that's what i call edgy.jpg
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Good one. Have this whilst I'm on the way out
no u
You mean deflower her?
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Can some one draw Jiraiya swapping bodies with Tsunade. He would be playing with her tits in the picture.
she's perfect like that
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but anon you never told me
do i have to draw things for 35 people now?
no one ever hits me up when i ask for requests though

identify yourself!
well, anything specific?
because you only draw quality for your best bud forever swordbro, if we ask we get 15 minute sketch. If you took your time with every request it would be way better.
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I understand, I'm nobody myself. Maybe it was something my brother told me about. He went off to the future though.

I might just be off kilter since I found out they don't sell Lucky Strikes much anymore in 2017 and I can't find them. Didn't anybody ever tell these future kids that they mean fine tobacco? Ridiculous.

My T-zone is all askew now.
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Drew this for caturday

What caption should go on it /b/ ?
Its a puuurrrrfect day to nap.
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Obviously, but what makes you think an entitled cunt as you stand on the same level as people who actually earned his friendship? Shouldn't you be happy to get 15 minutes if his time, which still gives quality that is pretty unheard of in these threads?
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>you only draw quality for swordbro
ohhh gee i didn't know
i'm sorry
that was btw a request on thread. i just had quite the fun with it.

what? they don't sell luckies anymore?
who told you that bull? luckies and pall mall are my two favorite lables.
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good morning
morning you floof

breakfast carrot?
Repost from yesterday because I just woke up. Slight hangover.

I dont come on thread nearly as much as I should.
Get an avatar and circle jerk until they let you join their secret club
wow thanks for sharing anon
Ofcourse I forget image
>until they let you join their secret club
>whaa, why won't people draw me free shit while I sit here and do absolutely nothing of value to them?

I understand autism can be a difficult diagnosis
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oh yes thank you!
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Beep bloop
Good morning
Here's some coffee.
i fucking love how people, whenever i voice my opinion, call me entitled when i don't even make requests. Also it's impossible to earn friendship you speak of while under Anon, because every single conversation you lead before is gone, you can claim your name, but then you become a cancer like few avatarfags whos name i won't say.

>ohhh gee i didn't know [..]
that was obvious exeggeration, we know you did few other quality request, keyword is your quality is inconsistent, and when we know how what can you draw, and request something we genuinely want to see, and then we get a literal shit quality compared to what you can do, yes you will hear your thanks, but also a disappointment.
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ooo bless. i love coffee. whats your name?
/r/ thot pinis bunny
You up for filling those adorable cheeks with a different type of carrot~?
this's spaghetti. I need to proof read before i post.
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grips repair .png
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here we go again.
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i can see you point and understand the grain of salt.
i'll try to put it relatively simple now: this is a hobby for me, not a job. so obviously the quality can be inconsistent, depending on how much fun i have with the picture itself.
let's say you have to do homework for your favorite class and your least favorite class. obviously you'll take more interest, thus make a greater effort, for your favorite.
for artist, that do requests, that is nothing else, honestly. when there is a request you personally like a lot, you'll make a greater effort.
if i would do commissions for you guys though, and this would be my job, i would be far more consistent, because i want to deliver my costumers a satisfying picture. in that case i wouldn't make a difference between NSFW, gore, furry, or whatever comes to mind. it could just take longer, depending on the topic of the image.
i hope this is rather clear, sorry for the long text.

tl;dr: artwork that is created as request can differ vastly in quality, depending on the likings of the drawfag.
>whats your name?
Beep boop
Well I was thinking of request bot or R.B
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Beep bloop
Forgot pic
>it's impossible to earn friendship you speak of while under Anon
Then make a tumblr or join a discord, several anons do.
>a disappointment
That's why you fucking PAY for what you want by commissions. You are like a faggot who goes to the store only to be disappointing that there are no free samples of the product you never bothered to buy anyway.

Don't expect to be given free shit, some times it comes to you as a blessing, but that it. Anything more than nothing you should be grateful for.
>i can see you point and understand the grain of salt.
why do you assume i am salty, and what you said is obvious, wasn't my point.
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please don't join conversation with your own views that doesn't matter, or at least read entire conversation before joining, i already said i don't make requests, neither i pay for commissions.
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RB sounds cute. I like it.
I know that, but what is you fucking point then, that the artists should waste their time and energy on shit they don't care about with nothing in return?
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>assume i am salty
i didn't assume that specifically you were salty, but you implied that requesters might are with inconsistent quality in deliveries.

>wasn't my point
then i don't see the point of you raising this argumet, when apparently everything is already clear to me.
do you mind elaborating, please?
Not bad dude.
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Dude this is all pretty much for free. A draw fag can give you a crude drawing of a dick and say done if he wants to, even though nost dont because that ruins the fun and make them look passive agressive.

The artist doing yout request at all is worthy enough of a thank you.

Maybe youll make a request that they like and will pit in effort, maybe they arent.

But if you want constant effort, pay them and be good to them.

Plenty of artists take commissions. If you dont want to pay, suck it up and deal with the free shit.

And the reason these drawfags will most likely do better for other drawfags is because they are friends.
Requesting werewolf father pucci.
>when apparently everything is already clear to you
sorry, fixed.
Alright that's a silly yet cute face she's got. Looks good! Can hips be widen some more?
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Beep beep bloop bloop
Ok R.B is it then.
I'm going to take a shower so I'll be back in a hour
holy fuck pin <3

/r/ thot bunny straddling a lap in a thong or lingerie
Can someone draw this?
then be a good girl and open up~
aren't you the guy that killed himself?
Ok, last rebump before I go. >>723555573

I know nobody gives a fuck and I am being an annoying shitposter right now but this is /b/ and I can bump any time I want.
I know nobody even read that shit. I don't expect anything.

You're good and you draw bunnies so have this (You) from me.

if you don't want to put 100% in your work, don't do it at all. Half assed effort will only bring mixed feelings.

But hey, i bet most won't agree, they prefer to get anything, which i find silly. Bye bye.

Talking about entitlement tho
>look peasants, i am a mighty drawfag, God amongst gods, whenever I raise a pen to draw something, you shall never be against it, because it was free, and i am one hella fucking Jewish God.
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No I am not shadow.
>Talking about entitlement tho
that's surely not what i said. but glad you're good with strawmen and generalisation.
>that's surely not what i said
oh, but are you sure? I might be wrong but i am like 100% sure you said that, hmm, strange, are you certain you didn't say those exact words somewhere? Hmmm?
Can I just say that as a drawfriend there is no way on god's green earth I'd put in "100%" because then all of the drawings would be digital paintings and they would take about a week to complete.

At which point, 137 threads would have come and gone, the requester would forget why they asked for it, maybe squeeze out a solitary wank, and nobody else would care.

You get like, 5% tops.

Saying "If you don't put your best into everything don't do it at all" is such shitty worthless dad advice. You never put 100% into ANYTHING, dad.
100% is relative you retard. Ehhh.
If you are not ok with having your request not done commission-tier level, then don't come here at all.

>im not salty tho
Ok this all too fucking dumb, maybe I will kill myself
for the third time, i don't ask for requests.
Then on what basis do you give a crap?
ye, i am not, but right now, when people throw at me those half assed retarded arguments, i am getting triggered a bit.
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grips 11.png
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oh boy with all these Opinions being thrown around, i sure hope ehg doesn't show up.

hello pin, fellow robot, HDR. hows ya'll doin'
Then you are just coming here to complain like a little bitch and literally do nothing but discourage artists over something you are not even a part of?

Holy shit you must be fun person at parties.
Requesting you draw a soldier firing a mounted machine gun.
Glad to hear :3
Thread posts: 321
Thread images: 97

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