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Unpopular opinions thread.

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Unpopular opinions thread.
/b/ used to be good
Yoshi's New Island is a good game

(. ) (. )
Laptops are good for everything, even some gaming.

That's true tho

Most people disagree
Especially /g/
I think pc gaming is completely retarded
I liked Sonic and the Black Knight
I hate pokemon. Worst games I've ever played, boring as all hell
Pot should be legalized, but as heavily controlled as tobacco and unable to be grown without a commercial license
The U.S.A. shouldn't accept refugees before we take care of our own homeless and unemployed.

What kind of sick man helps a stranger before helping his neighbor?
Cure for Cancer will never be accepted by mainstream doctors.
The free money from the public and government makes such a find a conflict of interest.
>Bye-bye free money.
That's not the unpopular opinion
>inb4 Oedipus
If you niggers are gay enough to like the thing poop comes out of then you probably are more likely to Oedipal.
1. Blue eyes are by far the most overrated. Green eyes are the most attractive and it's not even close.
2. B cup is the perfect natural breast size.
3. Fake tits are almost always a mistake.
4. Aryans are the farthest thing from a master race. Look at the state of Germany today. White extinction is not just a meme but whites are doing it to themselves.
5. Anglos ARE the closest thing to a true master race. They conquered/colonized most of the world and are actually the most powerful non Jewish ethnic group in pretty much any country they have colonized.
White/b/ois truly have small inferior cocks compared to black men.
Psychology is the most important science.
There's nothing wrong with being homophobic.
That's not an opinion, that's incorrect information passed off as opinion.
On yeah, I never got around to making my final point

6. World War III started on 9/11 and will end when Israel nukes Iran and possibly several other states in the middle east, with full support from both the U.S. and Russia.
Why should they accept it if the cure doesn't work?
Fat people can lose their stretch-marks by applying cocoa butter daily to them while dieting and exercising
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>4. Aryans are the farthest thing from a master race. Look at the state of Germany today. White extinction is not just a meme but whites are doing it to themselves.
>5. Anglos ARE the closest thing to a true master race. They conquered/colonized most of the world and are actually the most powerful non Jewish ethnic group in pretty much any country they have colonized.
t. The Eternal Anglo
I think Brazil is doing alright, not perfect but alright
A solid B-
Pedophiles are human waste but should be given a legalized outlet, some sort of method to control their urges. Pedophiles should be ruthlessly identified and marked through genetic identification and neuro-identification via brain scans or some jazz when the technology catches up. Same with sociopaths and all antisocial personality types.
sociopaths should be rounded up and taken to the gas chambers.
>Pedophiles are human waste but should be given a legalized outlet
Its called chemical castration.
Liking traps makes you gay

You can't do anything you put your mind to, your parents lied to you.

College isn't for everyone, and the solution to high prices is to stop sending so many people.
irrelevant. such a cure would most likely be discovered by a pharmaceutical company who would have all the incentive in the world to immediately become the most profitable and powerful corporation in the world from it. this ignoring the fact that saying cure for cancer is like saying cure for virus.
Be mad at the globalists, and kill them if you can.

But every last one of us would do the same things in their position.
Black Lives matter was a good movement that was corrupted by whites trying to take part.
Institutions and municipalities should be left to decide if gay marriage should be recognized as well as if the gender of transgenders should be recognized, it should not be a state or federal issue.
Only the middle one was opinion, the rest was information based.
It was pretty fun when I first came here in 2005. It started sucking around 2008 with the Chanology faggotry and the "new" /b/ (which was a bunch of faggots in Guy Fawkes masks).

A stretch mark is a scar. You can help it fade with cocoa butter and losing weight but there will always be a physical scar in the skin.

I agree with all of this.
/b/ is the last bastion for true speech and is one of the most important venues for thought output because of that.
I like this one. It makes 100% sense and yet the idea bothers me. Well played!
Sharing naked pics of someone you are currently dating (or married to) is basically Cuck Lite.
I don't fuckin like fma brotherhood. Never understood all the hype.
From a purely physical attraction standpoint, 14 year olds are more sexually attractive than 24 year olds.
How is liking traps gay a fact
real communists wouldn't
Girls do like and want nice guys, you're just not a nice guy.
traps are gay
Republicans and Democrats, Conservative Liberal what have you, none have the answers, the fact is is that humanity is largely horrible and needs to be purged, all of those besides the truthfully selfless and good willed, willing to cooperate types which comprise roughly two percent of the population. I would take a planet of dumb, peaceful people over a planet of IQ 140 selfish maniacs anyday.
There's more to it than being nice. Also, you're a faggot
Greece is nothing more than the sad gateway to the Middle East
I 1000% agree with this, even after the "territorialism" phase wears off, sharing nudes of my SO would make me a digital cuck and a genetic failure.
Gays like cock
Traps have cock
Liking traps = liking cock
Liking cock = gay

It isn't that complicated
Google is not a verb
Start a scat thread on /b/ or /gif/ once, then get back to me about the free speech bastion.

4chan has shifted from chaotic neutral/good to pure chaotic evil in the last 4or5 years. I'm not entirely convinced the shift wasn't orchestrated.

The entire site has lost all sense of irony.

4chan has legitimately ruined an entire generation of males.

Not all speech deserves a platform.

Not every moronic idea deserves equal credence.
It's pretty much the definition of the word gay. You're sexually attracted to someone that is the same sex as you.
Men have committed most of the atrocities over the millenia. They are the source of the world's conflicts.

That being said, they are designed this way, and have done 99.9% of things of note. It's time for men to put down their weapons and only do good things, male aggression is a poison.
The world would be completely muslim, and thus more peaceful if Christianity never existed
/b/ is one of the greatest places to break the barriers of culture shock and take in progressive perspectives from all over the world from the most brilliant minds the interweb has to offer.

>speaking plainly
>not trolling
Good luck convincing anyone that the college isn't for everyone part is fact based.
"Life is an endless series of train-wrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness." - Deadpool
Kek, likely trolling but if not kill urself.
I'm gonna rape you
Everyone on 4chan should start being nice to each other. We are a dying breed.
You should just do what you want. If you want to live on the beach and surf, just fucking do it. If you want to take cocks in your ass all day, do it. Anyone who disputes and or has a problem with this is stupid.
Liberal here...

1. There are only 2 genders
2. We must fix our own problems before letting refugees in and end up like Sweden
3. SJWs are completely retarded
4. Bernie Sanders has never read an economics textbook
5. Illegal and legal immigration are 2 different things
6. Modern feminism is absolute garbage
What you mean, there are more people here than ever.
Shut up, cunt.
Unpopular opinion: the most hated race in the world should not be niggers or Jews, but the Chinese.

They are unspeakably filthy, disgusting, loud, cheap, and morally devoid. They treat everything around them like shit, completely fuck over the environment, deny simple reality, and even willfully fuck over their own for tiny financial gain.
yeah its definitely pretty cuck behavior to share stuff like that during the relationship or while theres still any romantic feeling. have to be in denial to say otherwise tbh
>unpopular opinions
cmon dude all you should need to do is compliment a girl and buy her things and she is OBLIGATED to love you
I live in a liberal town... all these opinions are extremely unpopular
I live in America, they aren't unpopular at all.
Yeah, I like torturing the shit out of people, then killing them. Thanks for your words of encouragement!
Not really.. We get hits. Nobody actually stays any more. I remember just 5 years ago you could be on a particular time of day and go in particular threads and end up talking to the same people for like a week straight. Now its a fuckton of edge lord 15 year olds.
The amount of sexual media that pervades society is disgusting and intoxicating. It dumbs people down. This culture of sex is one of the worst things to ever happen to Western society.
Damn dubs. No, I'm fucking serious; that's why I put this under unpopular opinions. That's my gods' honest truth. I was disgusted when I came to /b/ the first month or so, but I have come to understand the nature of what I've seen. Alot of what people present is a visualization of their pain and hatreds of injustice against those they can empathize with. All else aside, it's a place where people can vent openly, thus purifying themselves in a sense. I consider /b/ a holy virtual temple. ...and I'm not bullshiting or trolling you. Just giving you my honest, albeit unpopular, opinion.
I should add that the local college's student government has proposed the idea of free tuition for black students and everyone seems to love it... that's just the level we're at
Jews have done nothing wrong.
Oh, well, your college clearly is more people than a country. My bad.
But that game IS fucking fantastic.
isis videos should be illegal to watch, for the same reasons that pizza is illegal to watch.
I thought hardcore Henry was stupid
It was fucking stupid.
We give black people their own bathrooms and water fountains and buses. They bitch. We let them share. They bitch for the latter again.
Post irony is the final frontier
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Traps aren't gay.

I have always considered myself straight. When I get off to traps I get off to their femininity. At times I feel like some traps make better girls than actual girls.
>pic related trap
Nobody saw it, who are you talking to that you think it's a popular movie? Are you people assuming your circle of friends is indicative of everyone?
We need to give black people a section of the United States and then never talk to them again.
Is it ironic that I laughed at that notion?
>I have always considered myself straight until I fapped to men
It's not an opinion, it's a fact that you're rubbing your dick to men.
In my area it was very fucking popular. I just thought it was a gimmick movie
>In my area it was very fucking popular
Your area of the cafeteria?
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>Doesn't understand gender versus sex
Depends on why you laughed at it
More like the city of Akron retard
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>/b/ used to be good
They are men, and you're masturbating to them.

>mad that i don't instinctively know he's from ohio
Only someone from Ohio can be this delusional. Do you also call yourself straight while looking for trannies?
Why the fuck did you bring that up.
>literacy in ohio
The new Green Day album is pretty good.
I think final fantasy vii is overrated and not the best final fantasy game
I can actually speak properly unlike a lot of idiots in this fucking state
Consensual sex with a person under the age of consent is not rape. I bet you people would say the sky is red if the government told you so.
>reading is speaking
Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing.
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If you wouldn't fuck her cause she has a dick, you're the gay one
>Implying I give a fuck
a lot of people think VI is better
myself included
I'd be okay with this if I trusted businesses enough not to fuck it all up like the did with tobacco. I have no faith that we wouldn't be force-fed shitty Marlboro Greens or something, with a bunch of addictive crap added to keep us coming back.
I don't think you would know if you did.
I can agree on that

but... the sky IS sometimes red.
VI is the master FF game. VII is very, very, overrated. It was graphics over content, whereas VI's content was good, we didn't notice that it pushed the envelope of "limited" 16-bit graphics.
14 year old are capable of consent. Europe gets this. Why can't America?
>It was graphics over content
kek. you could make this argument with the gameplay but if youre talking about the story youre just plain retarded.
But they're saying it's always red.
Nobody said always except you.
Vi's story is also better. And kefka is better as a villan than seph
>puts "limited" in quotations as if its not limited

yeah we get it faggot, i like old video games too and gameplay > graphics but still kill yourself.
>Pink Floyd only became a good band after David Gilmour replaced Syd Barrett.
Shit, age of consent is 12 in Mexico and 13 in Argentina and they don't have any problems (regarding to sex of course, they have a lot other unrelated issues)
You don't get the metaphor?
Hang on... I'm gonna use Knights of the Round. I'll just go make a sandwich, wash my car, go to work, and come home in time for the end of the animation so I can take my next turn.
The concept of the Illuminati is one of the most sane questions to be asking in a world of financial interconnectedness. It's not the concept that derails people from exploring it, it's the delivery. It has been hijacked by fringe groups to make money off of the vulnerable and as a borderline LARP.

Stop calling it the Illuminati, that term is rife with autism. Call it what it is: the potential collaboration of the richest, smartest and most politically influential in a world where communication and information travel happens in a blink of an eye, a world that allows them to communicate easily and spurs them to do so, as it is easier than ever to control and it has the potential to shift toward personally unfavorable directions as far as they are concerned more easily than ever before. Elite collusion is not a paranoid thing to be inquiring about.
good one faggot, everyone knows that.
Chinese slavers basically blew up hundreds of thousands of their own people until the railroads in the US were finished.

Leftist here (Progressive? Democratic Socialist? Whatever):

In the grand scheme, Identity politics are a bullshit waste of time and resources and should not even be approached until more pressing issues are dealt with, let alone making them the focus of your entire platform.

The vast majority of party line Democrats who call everyone racist rednecks cross the street to avoid black people on the sidewalk.
I like fanfiction some of it is well written
a metric fuckload of it is absolutely garbage though
I get it just fine, and you've inferred something that isn't a given to be inferred by everyone else.
I used quotations because it was cutting edge at the time, but we're way beyond it now.
yeah its not suited to the ADD generation as much as COD is.
And only use that specific move every fucking time.
>2. B cup is the perfect natural breast size.
i can agree with this. anything bigger and they end up sagging in the girl's fucking 20's.
Pedophiles are oppressed and don't deserve to be hated how they are.

/b/ was never good
Whites aren't privileged.
wow, you got me. you pointed out one flaw in the game and totally changed my mind!
i like a round a b-c range myself
That's more fact than an opinion
as long as pregnancy doesn't occur, incest is a great way to bond
also, anyone know source of gif?
Yeah. Genius idea to put a (admittedly pretty cool-looking... the first few times) long-as-fuck animation on the most powerful skill in the game that you basically need to use every turn.

How about Seph blowing up a goddamn star with a laser (another long-as-fuck animation) every time he attacks you, but you just say "ouch" and wait for a little healing?
trix are for rabbits too
/pol/ legitimately played a role in getting Dolan elected and they are now legitimately compromised by neo leftists.
Very true. It's ridiculous how you can be ostracized, ridiculed, and have your whole life ruined over just watching cp.

Even murderers don't face that kind of punishment.
My favorite cup size is "whatever would look perfectly proportional +1."
Or the fucking final boss being killed in one hit
if they don't diddle any kids sure but if they do they deserve it and more
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Most popular literature is utter shit and nobody knows why it sells
Nah, dude. I don't hate the pedophile who can control himself but if you actively search for and get off to children being fucked and raped by creepy men you can die. CP is not cool.
All japanese entertainment media (manga, anime, video games) is objectively awful.
I'm curious. What examples can you say. I'm not being a dick just interested
LOL true, so much bullshit. I'm a science guy and I just roll my eyes at that shit.
Through The Walls is a good Death Grips song, even though it has problems. Also, Known For It is a highlight of Exmillitary.
The characters were flat, the villain was a whiny little bitch, and they put a lot more effort into spell/ability animations (which were cool-looking the first several times, don't get me wrong) than the complexity of the story and game world. Better explanation?
Yeah, so, never good
The new wave of morally superior pizzagate /b/tards and /pol/lacks are posting on a website where there are hundreds of Kik child porn threads every day and continue to post here.
You can never really change. Your underlying behavioral patterns may manifest themselves differently. You'll always be a beta.
Catcher in the rye. Book stupid as hell. Charlottes(sic?) web. Boring. Animal farm, holy shit i get it symbolism up the ass. Of mice and men, two stupid fucks stupid book.

To name a few.
Sephiroth was such a shitty villain, in so many ways.
I used to love Charlotte's Web now just boring. I also dispise the harry potter serries
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Who gives a shit? Jacking off to "men" with tits and hot feminine features is the least gay thing I can think of. For that matter, fucking a so called "man" in the ass or sucking a nice feminine cock is about as hetero as it gets.
I never understood the classics either
to me as fiction they're just... subpar and I never understood the whole death of innocence oh great tragedy lessons of life stuff everyone praises them for
I don't know why I come here. There is nothing on here except nasty porn which I'm not into. There is perhaps one thread at any given point that isn't porn or a standard "roll for this bullshit" thread or something else. Actual discussion and banter on this site is dead. I miss when this place had a little more variety, I always got a few genuine laughs even three years ago.
I assume you mean "popular," as in like "pop music." I'd agree. There is a lot of good literature, music, and art being made, but anything that is made with the intention to appeal to as many people as possible will always peak at "slightly above average at best," never "great."
Moby Dick and Dracula, to name some classics. Overwraught prose. Style for the time, I know, but Jesus. The Twilight series was boring. I kept waiting for those kids to fuck. And I got physically sick with the quality of Fifty Shades
I can agree on this

I thought getting a gf and a good paying job would rid me of my beta-ness.

Now that I have those things... still pretty beta.
>considered myself straight

>traps make better girls
No, traps are attention seeking faggots, mostly autistic who so desperately need attention they will fuck fat neckbeards. The neckbeards say they are 'better than girls' because they can't get girls. It is as simple as that.

YOU CHOOSE TO FAP TO A GUY IN WOMEN'S CLOTHES. If you seriously think you are straight, you should consider killing yourself.

Here is the thing, trap 'porn' is usually just 1 or 2 minute videos of some faggot with a dildo. Why not just fap to women instead of the shittily made trap videos?
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Didn't know until now that this was a "you laugh, you lose" thread
It really depends on the book in my opinion
Is it worse than killing someone though?
Dude your seriously in denial bad. Your gay, a faggot, pole smoker, fudge packer, a manly whammy, your gay.

Get over it and just admit it.
Overwrought sorry
Only closet faggots constantly accuse other people of being gay.
Because the feminine girlcock makes it much better
>Manly whammy
Fucking kek
Jagermeister is good, and I still drink it from time to time, even though my college days are long gone.
Atlas Shrugged is one of the worst books ever written.
Dont take your self denial and self hatred out on us anons. Were trying to help you face the simple fact your a faggot.
I honestly didn't know that was a book.
Murderers lives are ruined. Same with CP collectors. Both of them deserve it. I'm even pretty liberal but there is a line you don't cross afaic.
The Spin Doctors' first album was actually some really, really good funk-rock.
Agreed. Pure crap that college kids preen over, like its some trophy to have read it.
is that the one where the main character does a 60 page monologue on his ideals and motivation?
I think spanking oIder kids shouId be a thing. There are some 15 / 16 year oIds who need a good beIting.
Thoughts on to kill a mockingbird?
Nice. I'll have to check it out. I just know Two Princes. Check out Rudy + Blitz Reverb On the Click if you want good 90s rock that was ignored.
there's nothing wrong with being gay, and being called/calling someone a "faggot" only matters if you think being gay is wrong.
"There's nothing wrong with being gay." screamed the faggot.
I posit that traps and futa are bisexual not straight or fully gay
Clive Barker hasn't hit a home run since The Thief of Always. Sad, because he was my mentor.
Doing so right now.

Two Princes is about the *least* funky song on that album. Go straight for What Time Is It, or Shinbone Alley/Hard To Exist (it's 2 songs that bleed into one another) for some really strong guitar and bass work, as well as some killer drum grooves.
If you are apart of a family that needs to instill good decision making and ideals through beatings, whether you are the giver or the receiver (parent or child), you need to kill yourself because you are genetically shit, you are genetically of a lower order of human.
So we've got gays and literature together now
Source on gif? Looks fucking hot.
Doesn't hurt, not because I'm not gay, but because I don't think being gay is an insult.
Clive Barker's Jericho was fucking awful
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Neither, they are faggotry.
Right on
Cash me ousside, how bow dah
I dig this. I'm getting a slightly more intense Meat Puppets vibe.
Totalbiscuit tore that title to pieces
This probably isn't an unpopular opinion, but...

Cash Me Outside is the worst meme of the last years.
wow this IS unpopuIar
pewdiepie isn't that bad
Money isn't speech. Corporations aren't people.
Might watch that

That argument makes no sense "Yeah, so B-cup is best because old ladies' breast look bad when they're any bigger."

Bigger breasts are better. Don't fuck 'em when they're older, don't ever marry them, and c) keep your pedo tendencies to yourself.
The song Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit is pretty fun, in a tongue-in-cheek kinda way.
not even a real science
Wine is more sophisticated than beer.
I get the sentiment, but at what point does it go from "discipline" to "creepy?"
Chad Ginsberg is a faggot and a terrible producer.
Cash me ousside, how bow dah.
See wa happin den

I think peeing in the shower is gross.
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I don't think that's too unpopular. That doesn't stop me from liking beer more than wine, though.
minorities are cool, women are equals, globalism is fine, jews aren't trying to take over the world, al quaeda orchestrated 9/11. 4chan is cool, op is heterosexual.
I suppose that is a vaIid point and perhaps thats why we don't do it but I don't know, I feeI it's super ineffective for chiIdren and aImost abuse but I've aIways feIt it is okay to do it to oIder peopIe. I'd have no probIem doing it to my 14 / 15 year oId son.
my ex and her dad
The more unpopular an opinion from 4chan is with 4chan users, the more popular it probably is IRL.
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children under 4 shouldn't smoke
>The characters were flat
uhh, no. thats not even debatable.

>the villain was a whiny little bitch

yeah, having a villain with emotions who you can sympathize with a little instead of being a one dimensional evil guy for you to kill is pretty dumb.

>they put a lot more effort into spell/ability animations (which were cool-looking the first several times, don't get me wrong) than the complexity of the story and game world

the story was way more complex than anything they did before. the gameplay was dumbed down but thats really the only real valid complaint ive heard from people critical of FF7.
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Any /sp/ here?

Pete Rose doesn't belong in the baseball Hall Of Fame, not because he was blackballed for gambling, but because he was a one-dimensional player and his stats aren't good enough.
in 2009 you'd be right. however an entire generation of teens/20somethings that grew up on 4chan are now adults.
It can be argued that it is equally as bad as murder. A child that is molested in many cases grows up to be fucked up mentally, and their lives take tracks that more often than not are not what they would have done. Many become junkies, criminals, and some even become predators themselves. Just because they arent physically dead doesnt mean what they were going to be wasnt lost. And someone who collects/watches those acts are supporting those acts, and thus helping them continue to happen. So, yeah, they deserve the worst. There is a reason why even the murderers already in prison detest child molesters... When the scum of the earth thinks youre scum, you must be a massive pile of shit..
You guys are fucking nerds

Give me your lunch money
What's ur paypal
[email protected]
can somebody explain how if someone watches something it enables it to continue?
Maybe not as bad as killing, but you still deserve to have your life ruined. No sympathy for the manbeasts that ruin our babies.
but the wealthiest/most untouchable ones always slip the noose and reinsert themselves into the new system. Happened in germany twice, happened in russia three times in a row.

the upper class thrives on the destruction of the middle class by means of the lower class in any society.
20 dollars sent
ok internet tough guy, dont hurt me.
the holocaust did happen
Or watch them get ruined for that matter.
nigger-loving horseshit.

if this country was ENTIRELY, you coudljnt be able to say that.
The meaning of life is to kill sibling or change sex
Jokes about diseases are bad
im gonna need you to form a coherent sentence, you sick fuck
i wish i was cool
The later REO stuff totally rocks
I didn't find the characters particularly deep. Maybe that's just a matter of opinion, fine. But they didn't progress as the story went along.

A villain with emotions is one thing (and to be fair, a lot of FF villains were just "I'm going to destroy the world for destruction's sake" but Sephiroth came off as an entitled, whiny, little bitch.

>he story was way more complex than anything they did before
FFVI's story was far more complex than VII, with more characters contributing more backstory. VII followed the story of 1 character, whereas VI didn't even have a "main character," meaning the story was pushed along by everyone, giving the narrative several layers. That's what I see as "complexity" of the story.

Daddy did the twins :-0
and it should again
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The Foo Fighters is a really overrated band. People always worship Dave Grohl like he's the second coming of Paul McCartney and I don't understand it. He seems like a good guy but his music is mediocre.
I can't disagree with this statement, but I'm still not giving you my lunch money.
Anarchism is the ideal.

And no, I don't mean those faggot black blocs who sneak out of their rooms to go destroy hardworking men and womens' cars as political tools for the political media machine. I mean principled, horizontally organized, voluntary associating anarchism.

Abolish the state. Peace and love.
people dont perform for empty rooms. .... You cant 100% end anything. But the ones who are paying to watch are funding the person who is commiting the molesting/pictures/etc and thus they continue to do so.... even when money doesnt change hands the fact that they have people to share their shit with makes them do it more.... Im not saying that cp would come to an end if nobody watched, im just saying it would decrease the amount.
that might work if people weren't terrible
Jesus... I can tell youre a 50 year old pedo just by how you type.. lmao
>an entire generation of teens/20somethings that grew up on 4chan are now adults.

That would be me. My opinions on a lot of things have changed over time, and I assume others' have as well, for better or for worse.
reichfag here. can i help?
Men are the workers and the doers, nothing gets done without us, the only thing women can contribute is having the next generation of men.

Introduction of Hr has ruined work places

Anyone who works 40hours a week deserves food, shelter, and transportation regardless of position.

All companies should be cooperatively owned by the employees.

There should be a maximum wage just like minimum wage.

Those are some of mine.
self titled, The Colour and the Shape, and Wasting Light were pretty good records. the rest are throwaway.
So what makes you think I give a shit about you and your opinions? lol. Youre wasting your time talking to me...It took two seconds to see you are a low IQ having, crack smoking, child porn watching freak.. Go cry to your mom about it, im sure you still live with her at the age of 56
were you trying to be ironic.
kek look at these two anonymous retards trying to convince each other they care so little.
I sorta agree. They're by no means my favorite band, but Dave Grohl is just a fucking awesome dude. And yeah, most of the Foo Fighters' songs sound like the same song. It just happens that I like that song.
kek samefag
that is one convincing-ass trap and I've seen a lot of traps over the years
I suppose if you use tumblr thats a valid question.
good job detective faggot, that makes a lot of sense!
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Ban Suits.jpg
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Women have sat back and watched.
Social Distortion isn't a punk band.
funny how it all just stopped
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lol proof the silly cunts dont know what they want.

poster : men commit all the atrocities
Me: Women sat back and watched
Random fucktard: picture prooving women can commit atrocities too.

So what do you want you stupid cunt?
keep sleuthing Detective Faggot, youre onto something!
Increadibly unpopular but I happen to agree.
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>makes unpopular opinions thread
>doesn't post unpopular opinion
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it's almost as if they aren't even trying anymore
Gay marriage shouldn't "legal," because no marriage, even heterosexual, should be sponsored by the government. Marriage is a religious institution, so it shouldn't matter to the state. If you want to marry someone of the same gender you are and your RELIGION doesn't allow gay marriage, well, then the problem is between you and your faith (or whatever) and maybe you should of some soul-searching.
nigga what the fuck
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Caring about what gay people do with their partners is GAYER than the actual people. A. it has nothing to do with you B. you're constantly thinking about dudes fucking other dudes and getting hot under the collar.
I think xD is still a great smiley/emoticon
>organized anarchism
There is nothing wrong about fucking with consentent under age people
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>has a dick
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that's a guy, not a her you faggot
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>a nice feminine cock
are you actually fucking serious
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Yeah, just use some mumbo-jumbo-homo-geo-imonculators and it's easy as fuck
If they knew what was on those recordings they'd run.
I know someone who has been spewing shit like that her entire life. She is currently dying of cancer because she believes an alternative method (which ironically is MUCH more expensive than a hospital treatment) could help. I'm going to do an "I told you so" speech on her funeral to piss off all of her hippy friends who murdered her.
The Kpop and Jpop girls look ridiculous the way they try to act sexy.

There are too many dick rate and trap threads.
Then it's not a cure dumbass

Reddit used to be good.
Reddit is better than 4chan now. We have the same shit threads every day.
>hating on pedophiles

What are you gay? What did they ever do to you?
Newfag spotted
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