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Recommend books for someone who doesn't like to read. Fuck

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Thread replies: 48
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Recommend books for someone who doesn't like to read. Fuck the Odyssey, gay ass book.
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i dont know i dont read fiction. im sure there are fiction books that would pull you right in

The only thing I would ever read
- art of the deal
- dictators handbook
- 48 laws of power
- machiavelli (or prince)
- art of war

Maybe that "how to win friends and influence" book

If i have to read books they're going to be the most enriching possible content
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>Maybe that "how to win friends and influence" book

Bought it a while ago haven't been bothered to read it.

I know Art of War is a classic. If it's similar to A Book of Five Rings I might check it out, thanks.
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art of war pretty chill

Ive gone through the audiobook twice now

Hit your enemies where weak, make decisions like water, better to win without fighting. If youre going to read a single book and nothing else then go for it read art of war

shits on youtube cuz


An hour and 20 minutes from now you will have gone through all of it
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Thanks bruv I'll give it a go and nice trips
lord of the flies
Hell House.
Ending is shit though.
Goes for dubs. Gets two dubs and trips
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Saw the movie

Eh not too into horror
Religious stuff doesn't interest me.

Fuck it I'll read some Halo books even though I have never played the games.
foundations of geopolitics _Aleksandr dugin
The billion dollar spy
American psycho
The Prince_Niccolo Machiavelli
The Republic_Plato
Meditations_Marcus Aurelius
Infinite Jest
The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
The Jungle_sinclair
The brothers Karamazov (volokhonsky translation)
Notes from the underground
Crime and punishment
heart of darkness
The wind up bird chronicle
The politics_plato
Julius Caesar_shakespeare
What is seen and what is not seen
Anything by Cormack McCarthy

This is a list I have. Pretty small now cuz the original list got fucked when my computer died but this is the small stuff I remembered off hand. Some fiction and nonfiction fiction in there.
Some have the author's included others don't. Sorry, kinda lazy.
crippled america
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Read The Time Machine

Plot synopsis:
>Steampunk Doc Brown travels to the year c.800,000 AD
>Finds a colony of future humans
>Time machine gets stolen by future niggers
>Studies future humans
>Waifus a future human
>Wants to study future niggers, attaceked upon arrival to their underground ghetto
>There was a crab monster or some shit?
>Travels back to c.1890 to tell his friends about his travels
I also recommend

The assassination of Julius Caesar_michael parenting

Communist manifesto
Second treaties_locke
Animal farm
The annals_tacitus
Mein Kampf (meme factor, plus historical significance)
Twilight of the idols
The stand by Stephen King was actually quite good
Kindred by Octavia Butler is also an engaging read
White fang, or a short story to build a fire

Hatchet, if you're in third grade (not talking shit, that's just when I read it)
deep throat the novel
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This, except I'd replace Atlas Shrugged with Brave New World.
this list is pretty good. most of them are not easy reads though.

"Oryx and Crake" is a good book, easy to read, not very long, prtty damn entertaining/good.
BNW is a shitty book. the concept is awesome but the writing is nothing speacial. and atlas shrugged is about 300 pages longer than it should be. ann rynd is a long winded writer.
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I have heard of Wind Up Bird Chronicle I think I will give that a read.

>Pinches invisible air nipples


Hatchet is bomb nigga

Movie is better

Those are read by politicians

>Easy to read
I'm in

Is this H.P. Lovecraft guy worth checking out
>>You're being recommended lot's of hardass books for someone who specifically says he doesn't like to read.

I will recommend you my two favorite of this year.
-Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut
-flowers for algernon by Daniel Keyes(not the short story)

They're great contender to convert a newbie into litterature and really show it's power without being hard to digest. They're also entertaining enough to overcome attention deficit.
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Read pic related
>H.P. Lovecraft
old writers tend to be harder to read because they write all old-timey.
but he is a good writer. I don't really love any of his work however.
>flowers for algernon
I didn't like it, wouldn't recommend it.
these lists...
gravities rainbow
finnegans wake
naked lunch
gulag archipelago
blood meridian
haha no just kidding you're not ready for any of that, try
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
a confederacy of dunces
slaughterhouse five
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i am furry trash and enjoy kyell gold books, they provide a different view point on gay individuals and build great suspense and personal dilemmas. and in some books it feels like the story is not over even though you are on the last page and that makes realize that life is never resolved and continues to throw problems at you.
for kyell gold, i recommend waterways
get something about history because fiction is boring unless it's porn
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I see, good looking out.

>Gravities Rainbow
Seen lots of documentaries on the development of the V2 rocket back when the History Channel wasn't dog shit. Me thinks this will be a good one later one.

Bunch of slack jacked faggots on /b/ I swear.


I can't agree or disagree with that statement.
here are easy to read and entertaining books. lots of this thread are not easy to read and/or too long winded to be entertaining (ann rynd books, etc)
they are raited out of 10.
run diaries is probably my favorite as far as entertaining read.

oryx and crake (8/10)
catch 22 (9/10)
darkness at noon (11/10)
the rim diaries (9.5/10 you wont be able to put it down very well written but the movie was shit)
anything by chuck closterman (entertaining 6/10)
a scanner darkly (if your into drug culture you will probably be in fuckin love with it 8/10)
ecclesiastes (easy to read, basically wisdom - the book 7/10)
Candide. A classic.
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Thanks brother. These look right up my alley. Catch 22 especially since I love Dubya Dubya 2 stuff.

French, idk man.
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catch 22 is dope. yassarian is my hero.
should say "the rum diaries" - its by hunter s Thompson.
a clockwork orange
fahrenheit 451
the andromeda strain
do you feel different after reading a shit load of books? as in a different outlook on life etc?
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Didn't know Black Dynamite wrote a book.

I'm going right now to get a copy.


They made a movie with Johnny Depp in it, I'll pass.

Never heard of Andromeda Strain.

When I used to read regularly I would use my imagination and dream a lot more.

Well thanks for the recs lads I'm off to check out some paper weights.
(this is the strain anon btw)
its a good read. the technology in it is out dated, as well the the sicence, but it was written in the 50s-60s
i would read "the rim diaries"...
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some books have an impact on you. darkness at noon kinda hit me pretty fuckin hard for a while. i think it did change me in a way.
atlas shrugged was what saved me from being a liberal hippy faggot.
Ecclesiastes taught me some wisdom that has stayed with me.

>They made a movie with Johnny Depp in it, I'll pass.
the movie was horrible trash but the book was fucking AWESOME. i really could not put it down i read it in 2 days at work. it is super well written in that it never gets boring. give it a shot m8. makes light of drugs and rape what more can you ask for?

pic related, my books.
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Dirty mother fucker

I'll put it on a list of stuff to read if I can't find anything else to read.

Now I'm out thanks again comrades.
bamp 4 books
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Bump for this even though I said I was leaving which I am honestly. Right now as a matter of fact. Right...now.
cya OP hope u like catch 22 and oryx & crake
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Thanks bromangchacho, now I'm definitely out. Nice to see /b/ isn't a total shit hole.
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