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Waifu claiming thread Previous: >>>>719388407 The

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 251
Thread images: 145

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Waifu claiming thread

Previous: >>>>719388407

The rules are very simple:
>post pics of your 2D waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss about waifu qualities
>insult other waifus
>post fitting, non-sexualised content (no excessively lewd content)
>mention names of people who aren't here like they're e-celebs and talk about them(you could always say nice things)
>Discuss art in general because piano holo likes it.
>most important: enjoy the music.
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No I meant, you taking piano classes?
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Oh!! No, sadly. Never took lessons yet
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marasy8 will always be better than you Holo
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Oh yeah
It's far from a party but I do what I must
Give it a couple years and I'll be a radiology tech so that will be nice

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Oh that sucks, why is it that you're so good then?
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Don't worry :o
I'm pretty confident that I suck at piano.
I play it because I enjoy doing so, not because I believe I'm skilled.
Thanks though
I'm not though
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idk you are pretty good to me, but I literally don't play a single instrument
How did you get any skills at all though?
-squeaks and claims waifu-
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By playing I guess? I practiced on my own a lot
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That makes sense
Honestly impressed, keep at it dude
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I suck too. I can only ever play the first part of Fur Elise, and that was self taught
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>his waifu is a girl
what are you, fucking gay? claimed.
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>marasy8 will always be better than you
I suppose that applies to both of us then.
I'm curious, though. What was the point of stating the obvious?
if you kids are serious you are all severely autistic and need to kill yourself instantly
I'm autistic. I will kill myself because autism is a plague.
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yo bring it in pimps and players
consider it brought.
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good morning
thank you
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Motivation to become the best
Good afternoon
sleep well?
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get on discord :o
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I'm lonely :o
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Well, thanks.
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BACK, food called and to answer your question new to these threads. been hanging around for about 4 ish days.
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godtier waifu

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Thanks you too.
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How can you guys live with such terrible waifus? This gotta be a joke.

Umaru claimed
do you wish that was you?
Look at all these shit waifus
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Yes, if my partner wants me to.
>Umaru --> waifu material
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Dead thread
Love me Arisu
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初音ミク – 1287.jpg
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Notice me wcKOMiNEtv
Have my baby Arisu
that isn't me homu
i only yunopost homu
Arisu bby
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Holy shit it's dead.
Just a bit.
Arisu please
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Surprising really.
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I've never seen it quite this dead, I don't think.
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I've seen it hit page 9 in between replies, and the thread went for 4 hours.
who are you?
I want to fuck you Arisu
it's sachi
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Huh, surprising it even stayed alive that long.
what did you do to make someone want to fuck you false kike?
but i'm sachi -_-
I want to fill the Arisu
but it isn't me -_-
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It's dieded.
what now? -_-
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It really has. So how're you?
what now? :o
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Hey Anya! How goes?

Ola Mako! Hope you're doing okay too!

Let's liven up this thread!
i guess not -_-
Give my your boypussy arisu
wanna cut me?
why not?
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Yui (7).gif
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Nothing much! I was so tired from exams I slept in until 2pm today! Been having a nice day just relaxing though. How about you?
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Anya (389).png
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I'm doing super super good! I just noticed that the hair that got lasered last week has come away now and my face is super smooth. That and it made me notice how much the pills have done for me recently too.
How about you?

Well yeah, the only thing that surprising is how you somehow keep getting cuter to me.
because yuno doesn't
Doing great! Glad this thread is back to life
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Brofresco is a shit youtuber and he's shit at league.
Uhhhh, fell asleep last night, woke up about 5-ish hours ago, just been chillin I guess. Might play some Skyrim or something in a bit.

Pls, not even really cute.
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Yui (118).png
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Ah, enjoy yourself!


Hey Horo! Good to hear you're doing well!
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Anya (391).png
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Yeah, it's definitely nice to see things a little less dead. I thought it was just going to be me and Mako here.

Would you rather I just say you have a nice body instead?
I was doing it ironically :o

I've been watching a lot of vvvortic
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He has some nice memes.

I don't watch league youtubers that much to be honest, I'd rather watch streams.

I sometimes watch goldbay and foxdrop on youtube.
I don't use twitch but I watch a lot of challenger highlights so I probably should :o
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League of Legends in 2017
season 7 just started not too long ago :o
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Dota in 2017
I haven't played it in 2017, rekt
OMG you burned him so bad!
Call a burn ward
The burn. Just... wow
No thanks, just bring me a fork and a knife and I'll take care of it
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Such a sick burn
I post frequently on the best website
I was just kidding faggot. Your comeback was cheesy trash.
It's almost as if I was just bantering with a friend, wow :^)
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Pretty sure he wasn't being serious buddy.
No No No. That cannot be. Autistics know better than that. It's impossible.
so cute...
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Gotta have that witty bantz.

Autistics don't usually know better than much.
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Best awakening waifu claimed
QOTT: who is the most autistic waifu poster?
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That would probably be me!
(X) Doubt
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can mexicans get autism though?
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Probably Mako.
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You can't deny that you're pretty autismal when it comes to things like your miata.
mexicans aren't even real
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Ohayo 2.png
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Just basically a miata.
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41 =/
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I got 16 last time

I'm improving ^-^
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There it is. I feel like I need to do this more often now to balance things out.
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The bigger the score, the better it is? I thought it was the opposite.
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oh wait I was thinking of a different test it was like an empathy test and a low score was bad

well I guess I have autism :o
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Welcome aboard.
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I got 22
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Yui (283).jpg
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I got 26 out of 50. Middle of the road!
>implying high functioning autism is necessarily a bad thing
Who were Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Bernard Riemann, Kurt Godel, Paul Erdos, Jon von Neuman, David Hilbert, Nicola Tesla, Giuseppe Peano, Alfred Whitehead, Bertrand Russell...
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Doesn't everyone insult autistic people on 4chan?3
god of autism :o
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Because now I'm the only one that will!
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The trans faggot isn't autistic?! HOW CAN THIS BE?!
A bunch of old dead autistic white guys. Good riddance.
autism is not the only mental illness out there :o
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I thought this is like Pokémon. Don't I become mental master when I catched them all?
Chen or the guy who literally fucks dogs. I don't think anyone can argue he doesn't have problems of some sort. Idling autism but something serious is not right with him
I want you to be my master :o
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Shiki 1012.jpg
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Esdeath, how is this even a question?
31 -_-
you lost by 1 again :o
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Check this out lol you can view anyones secret snapchat pics! dont share it so it gets patched
won you mean? -_-
higher score is bad :o
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Yeah, only a tiny nerf to biscuit and still no fix for American BBs.
over 50 keks
what's greater than god? :o
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Your autism has ascended to a higher plane
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omfg is this really happening....
I'm more interested in all the commander skill changes. That Radio Location looks like absolute bullshit.
The first three and Tesla probably were autistic but I think the others were just really smart.
Can't be smart without autism (° - °)/¨
t. DD player
You know what I mean

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Just in general, really. I wonder what the range on it is. If it's not fucking insane, then I'm fine with it. But this makes it seem rather ridiculous if it's got like, 15k range.
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Yeah, yeah just kidding, I don't know honestly since the description leaves so much out, better not harm my NC stealth.
According to the comments, the beta testers said not to add it in, so I can imagine this is going to be one of those "TAKE OR YOU SUCK" kinda skills.
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>the beta testers said not to add it in
>they add it in anyway
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>Claiming a god

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To be fair, the beta testers in wows are fucking retarded,. but that's the whole game so I don't know.
but beta testers are supposed to be stupid
I know. But fuck it, what company DOESN'T do this?

>Manual Secondary Arms
>Manual AA
>Advanced AA
>Radio Loc
That's actually an interesting choice.
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Anya (412).png
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All beta testers are retarded, but generally if everyone thinks something is super broken then it probably is.

>not paying attention to the feedback of beta testers
>not relying heavily on analytics to help shape the gameplay experience
>not using beta testing for literally its only fucking purpose
I'm pretty sure this is why one of my lecturers left the industry...

RIP. To be honest, I think most companies use beta testers to find bugs rather than balance feedback.

>Nephew is getting triggered by Trump being on the TV
>Mom's cooking ribs
>New balance changes in WoWs
Today has been a good day.
So basically Koktou is gay since Shiki is a guy?
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Anya (695).jpg
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Oh, they definitely do that. But honestly when it comes to any kind of beta testing that isn't in-house they tend to just use it as some kind of hype machine or something.

That's... What?
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The devs probably couldn't understand the feedback since ruskies.
>Shiki is a guy
Tumblr please.
Shiki (the person "Shiki") calls herself a guy. her "killing" her male self is irrelevant since that would require her to kill herself (in a literal way not "I am a faggot killed myself but I am still alive). This means (logically and rationally) that Shiki is a guy which in turn means that Kokzou is gay since he wants to fuck someone of the same sex.
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You seem to be confusing mental ilnesses with the actual gender of a person.
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Time for my grand entrance
Time for Makoto to go to bed
So you admit yourself that Shiki is a mentally ill retard? I do not mean mentally ill in the sense of yea she is a crazy hot bitch but in the sense of she is literally as dumb as a Jewish cocksucker
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Besides the obvious you also seem to have a fundemental lack of grasp on what's going on, your reading into Shiki and her special fantasy schizophrenia is flawed.

I suggest you read the source material again, that's even before getting into the overarching story and thematic implications of the story. The entire point is that Shiki by the end accepts everything, starts using watashi like a good girl and acts like a proper woman, showing that she has overcome the trauma.
Your attempts at baiting is hilarious, yes Shiki at the start of the story has mental issues, her overcoming and coming to terms is a major part of what makes her compelling and intersting.
Not a god.
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Probably, you'd think they'd account for that though.

Uh... No. For a start the remaining self of Shiki is the female one that takes on a more masculine role after the male one disappears. But also, I'm pretty sure that if there's any one personality that makes up Shiki's actual 'self' it'd be Void.

Makoto was a dumb and fell asleep earlier, so is wide awake now.
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Yui (119).jpg
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>Mom's cooking ribs

Hope you enjoy! I've not had ribs in months! What are you gonna have them with?
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KyoukoChibi (35).jpg
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haha yes
The show was so terribly executed and so much of it was "Uh I am so artistic this is an artistic expression of my intelligence that is why I can produce shit and call it abstract art". It is like those faggots displaying a blank painting calling it abstract art.

It is the same as if I would shit on a table and call it abstract art.
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How's it going Kyouko? I don't think we've talked in a while

No excuse
Off to bed



Mugi is that you
fuck you too homoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo -_-
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Anya (30).png
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It's not happening. Not even I could tire Mako out enough...
I always use a tripcode btw
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I'm kidding, the devs are just notoriously shitty. Power creep, making premium ships OP and retarded arbitrary changes to ships are common.
All I'm reading is "I'm too retarded for a story to employ the most basic thematic depth", don't worry that's why there's shows like Mirai Nikki to cater for people like you.

KnK isn't a deep show at all, or abstract, it's a character study told in an unusual manner exploring some very normal themes, now something like Angel's Egg, that's abstract. Sorta like the difference between GITS and GITS 2: innocence
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You know it
>thematic depth
>Mirai Nikki

>character study
>unusual manner

And I am out. The amount of shitposting is beyond measurement.

Go read Dantes Commedia then watch KnK again and you will turn it off in 2 seconds.
You're retarded, Mirai Nikki is something without it, something you might enjoy.

and I did read the divine comedy, it's alright for self insert fanfiction.
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Fuck, your stupdity seems infectious.
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Knk was definitely not a blank painting.
>Not understanding an allegory

You must be 12 or American(ized). Or both.
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The best
Post clenched fist mugi nodding as if to reassure herself

I can fix that

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Anya (782).jpg
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Oh I'm aware. Standard free-to-play stuff really.

Do not try to dong Mako to sleep. I've tried that.
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It is a shitty allegory if the two pieces don't align with each other.
You appearently do not understand what an Allegory is. How surprising. I will leave this thread now Mr. American.
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you faggots should all kys
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Considering his reading comprehension, to him it might as well be.
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I was going to claim Shiki. But you got there first. Good taste fine sir.
I know i should
because your opinion matters fuckweed. Go play in traffic.
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Anya (896).jpg
971KB, 1142x811px
Tried once, didn't turn out too well.
we all do...


how can you fuck up suicide?
not trynna be mean, but seriously
there are guides and stuff
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