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/b is infested with the same threads so i'll leave a greentext

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/b is infested with the same threads so i'll leave a greentext here. Feel free to share yours

>get dm from random white girl i've never met before
>she was average 7/10
>really into me
>turns out to have a mutual friend
>plan to meet up with them the following day
>i know nothing about this girl and she wants me to come over her house
>what can go wrong?
>get over her house
>the mutual friend and i have a conversation waiting for her
>turns out she has a therapist come to her house
>low self esteem
>just my type
>its over and we talk, eat, and watch a movie
>shes wearing nothing but a tank top with tight shorts
>shes laying on the couch
>she tells me to come over and look at something on her phone
>look down
>look downer
>i see a tiddy
>i tell her its out
>she says she knows
Go for it.
yeah bring it
PT 2
>she laughs about it
>im not
>go home
>beat meat
>she says she had a lot of fun
>she schedules another "meet up"
>fuck it lol
>she says out mutual friend is coming
>she comes to pick me up
>get in car
>see some random asian grill
> ignore it
>we get to her house
>we share stories and talk about stuff
>i tell her how i took a few lessons in giving massages and how my ex loved it
>she says
<"prove it anon"
>oh girl
>you have no idea
>i take off her bra
>pretty aesthetically pleasing breasts
>starts rubbing her down with lotion
>ofc reach around and grab her tiddies
>ask if she wants an ass massage
Conting soon
Waiting for cont.
>she whispers yes please
>she's wearing thin yoga pants
>pulled those down fast as fuck
>she wearing a thong
>she was prepared for this
>starts rubbing her ass
>slowly reach closer to her pusii
>teasing her on purpose
>her moans
>start putting fingers in
>do that "come here" motion with my fingers
>eventually whip out my dick
>raw dog it
>pretty much prone boning her
>she looks back at me
>she starts crying
>not tears of joy
will this be a weird joke at the end or messed up shit oh hell idc
>keep going because it was kind of a turn on
>she yells stop
>thought it was foreplay
>go even harder
>she throws me off
>"d-did i do something wrong
>she says how shes feeling suicidal
>still naked
>kind of relieved i wasnt doing anything wrong
>she goes on about her family
>i have no idea why this was turning me on so much
>didnt care wasnt listening
>she said how it felt kind of rapey how i wouldnt get off when she started crying
>haha funny joke right?
Am i fucked? Is she going to report me to the police or something?
someone screen cap it now
She's probably gonna talk to her therapist about how she's feeling and stuff and probably mention that buddy. Better lawyer up just in case, she is suicidal.
nah man, she is suicidal, so no cops for her.
but is it techinically rape tho?
you should be fine unless she lies about the circumstances
but therapies maybe will try something, maybe ask her??
she literally just texted me how she misses me.
am i fucked where if i dont respond she go insane
or i do and she becomes attached? help pls
whell idk where you live and what your laws are but I guess look up some suicide prevention lines or something? if this is even real (if it is no offense but it's 4chan)
i understand the doubt but will do
i would get as far away as i can
dont let this thread die
I have another one hold on
>buy her chocolates
>don't text her anything about that day - only talk to her face-to-face
>if cops come a'knockin, refuse to talk without a lawyer cause that's what your parents taught you
It will be your word vs hers. It won't even make it to trial
And probably try and fix that rape fetish of yours
Why? Is this all it takes for a screencap nowadays?
>be me
>about 16
>scrawny as fuck, longish hair
>everyone thinks i'm a faggot
>have a very small amount of friends
>best friend is grill
>qt3.14 asian grill
>grills dad hates me, and kinda hates grill for hanging out with me
>dont go to her house much, her dad owns a farm so, she only ever comes to mine. most of the time hang out at other friends house
>have major crush on grill, everyone who's ever met me knows this
>one day, getting shit beat out of me by two guys after school
>were calling me a faggot the whole time
>i was swinging, but i have bad aim.
>one fucking sweeps my leg and starts kicking me in the stomach
>was not a comforotable time.
>"Leave him alone you cunts!"
>is grill
>she legit comes up and fucking uppercuts one of them
>they actually fucking run off after this
>she takes me into her car (her dads car? i dont remember details. it was a car though.) and drives me to her place
>we get inside and she starts cleaning me up
>nose is bleeding like crazy
>her dad comes into the bathroom we were in
>"What the fuck are you doing in my house?"
>grill explains I am hurt
>looks me dead in the eyes and says
>"I don't care if you were just shot. Get off of my property."
>"I don't care if you were just shot. Get off of my property."
haha wrekt
nah, sorry to hear that man, he sounds like a cunt
but you did want to bang his daughter so...
>we leave
>grill walks me home because her dad got pissed and took her car keys
>get home, mom is passed out drunk like usual, dad left when i was five
>gril say's shes staying the night, she's like super pissed at her dad
>we're chilling in my room watching some shitty zombie movie, i'm laying on my bed because pain, she's sitting right next to me
>"Yeah anon?"
>"I love you."
>"I love you too, anon."
>fall asleep holding her
>cut few weeks, like everyone knows we're dating now
>grills dad does not though
>grills mom is cool btw. bought us taco bell once. shit was so cash
>its late friday, chilling at buddies house with grill
>buddy also had crush on grill. he was hitting on her all the time, she wasn't into him though
>buddy is kinda angry with me, the entire time at his place he's shit talking me saying how i'll probably cheat on her with a guy
>i'm getting kinda pissed honestly
>not tryna get cucked right now
>ask grill to come over to my house
>she seems pretty eager to leave honestly
>we leave, start walking cause dad is still pissed at grill and not letting her drive
>suddenly, there is a honk
>we turn around
>it is grills dad
>for fucks sake.
>grills dad gets out, really pissed
>found out we were dating through grills mom
>grills dad is like threatening my life
>keep in mind, grills dad is some jackie chan looking motherfucker, absolutely ripped
oh come on this was just getting interesting
Just tell her you like her a lot but you dont wish to make her upset like that anymore. Tell her that you were receiving mixed signals and you dont want to cause her any more grief, but would be willing to take it slow. Then you can decide if its worth sticking your dick in crazy or not. The chances of another situation like this happening are incredibly high, just remember that before you proceed.
>grill is like yelling back at him to fuck off
>grills dad is saying she cant date some faggot like me
>grill says i treat her better than he does
>desperately thinking of how to calm down her dad
>remember grill saying that he needed help on his farm because summer is coming up
>offer to work for him for free
>says im too weak to do anything on the farm
>dad storms off pissed, tells her not to come home
>i don't know what to do anymore. i feel like absolute shit for getting grill in trouble
>grill is pretty frustrated, not sad though
>grill suggests we fuck
>i'm a little virgin fuck so i got pretty hyped as soon as she said this
>shit was so cash. only lasted like a minute though because virgin
>it was like passionate as shit though.
>tell her she's the best thing that's happened in my shitty life
>we fall asleep cuddling again (happened a lot tbh)
>fast forward to end of summer
>me and grill are still madly in love
>dad has come to terms that grill is dating me, still doesn't like it though
>tells me he wants to get me fit and more manly
>i'd do anything to make him not be a cunt to me anymore
>he has like a home gym in his basement
>every day for like a month i'd work out with him there
>it was really fucking terrible at the start
>i was always so physically exhausted
>probably the most pain i was in my entire life, he kept forcing me to keep going when i should have taken breaks
>collapsed from exhaustion multiple times
>grills dad is happier with me now that i'm more physically fit
>grill is happier with me now that im physically fit
>life is just overall better
>have a pretty okay relationship with grills dad from this time out, he doesn't essentially harrass me anymore
>actually come to him for advice a lot. pretty wise dude
>fucking asian fathers
>ask him how i can become less of a pussy
>because honestly i was a major fucking pussy
>he gives me like fucking pschiatrist level talks on how to man up
>says i honestly did most of the work by getting swole
>"Fear is something very easy to overcome. You must first accept that you will not get through life without pain"
>the fuck does that even mean
>keep coming to him for advice, strange how he went from wanting to kill me to us being pretty close just because i got fit
>fast forward a year
>best few years of my life
>working as a graphics designer
>making tons of money honestly
>grill is working as 911 call dispatcher
>grill is happy, i am happy, grills dad is happy, my mom is drinking less
>living in an apartment with grill
>going to see dark knight rises
>grill tells me she's pregnant at the movie theatre
>was kinda scared, but also kinda happy
>we leave, ask her if her dad knows
>she says no and asks me to help her tell him
>we go to her little farm house bullshit
>"Hello! Good to see you two!"
>grills dad is very cheerful.
>sit him down and tell him the news
>he stares blankly for a few seconds, kind of terrified of what he might say
>"Great! You must get married! My grandchild will be no bastard!"
>dont know if im ready to get married
>still very young
>dont know if im ready to be a father either
>grill says she also wants to get married for the same reason as her father wanted
>I propose
>wedding is set to happen in three months
>really nervous but at the same time kind of excited
>ffw to wedding
>grills dad gives lengthy emotional speech
>"I was too quick to judge you, anon. You are good man. Great man!"
>i see him tearing up a little
>"I am so proud and happy my daughter was able to find such good man. So proud of both of you."
>My mom talked about how she was proud I grew into such a nice young man
>made me tear up honestly
>being married is a lot different than i thought it would be
>luckily grills parents paid for wedding
>nothing really important happens for a few months, just us having a great time while married and preparing for our child
>ffw 3 months
>watching breaking bad with grill
>she gets a phonecall, leaves room to take it
>comes back into room crying
>"Whats wrong?"
grills dad fell asleep at the wheel, went right into a telephone pole, the impact killed him immediately
>I never thought I'd cry over the death of this man when I first met him. He was the biggest cunt I've ever met.
>I see now He was just trying to make sure his daughter lived a good life.
>Fuck, I probably wouldn't have let my daughter date me either, honestly.
>The part that hurts the most though, is he'll never get to meet his granddaughter, and my daughter will never be able to meet her grandpa.

I don't know why I shared this story. It probably wasn't even that interesting. Most stories like this end with the girl dying, Althought if that happend I'd probably have killed myself and been unable to share this story.

I just wanted to say cheers to this crazy chink fuck, who taught me many valuable lessons through life, turned me from beta to alpha pretty fucking quick and was more of a father than my actual father.

peace /b/
Thats rough dude. Im sorry to hear that. Take the words he gave you to heart and take good care of his daughter. Im sure he rests peacefully knowing she is in good hands.
i enjoyed your story
congrats on the wife and kid
hope it doesn't bite you in the ass
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damn.... inspirational
>mfw no father figure

10/10 if OC
Great story dude. Hope you'll have a wonderful future.
Allright, i'll post my own greenie
Tried to post it in another thread but it got zucced, i'll be fast cuz i can just copy pasta
Here we go

>Be me, 12/m beta little glasses faggot
>Take piano lessons for the 4th year cuz parents believe its good for the kiddo, whatever
>This year however I got assigned to a new piano teacher
>Thick lady in her late twenties (around 28 if i'd have to guess, never really knew), guess my taste in women didn't really change since
>I was in love with her and have been sexually attracted to her as much as a 12 year old can be
>She was well aware of that, me being a retarded and blatant little fag
>I'd stare at her face/chest at every possible opportunity, and whenever she'd sit in front of the piano to demonstrate something, I'd stand back and stare at her ass
>She'd always call me out with a kind of flirtatious, exaggerated tone, conscious of my stare, asking if im paying attention
>One day I went as far as beating my little meat in the 3 minutes she left the room to grab some stuffs she needed
>This went on for months
>Last lesson before the year ending exam the coming week, I quickly played the pieces I would play next week, done in 15 minutes, could have left early
>Out of the blue, as im packing my bag, miss teacher asks if I like her
>Dumbfounded, i manage to stutter a yes
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>She does this kinky look, says its really not nice for me to behave this way, she should tell my parents.
>Instead stands up, locks the door, pulls her top off
>I literally forget to breath staring at those glorious, well shaped double D twins
>"Wanna feel them?"
>Nod weakly, she takes her bra off and places my hand on her tits
>Pretty sure i came in my undies at that point
>She proceeds to be a naughty little shit, calls me names, while pulling off my pants
>Proud 10cm or so erection
>"Have you ever seen a lady's lower parts?"
>Shake head
>Drags my other hand into her pants
>Bushy, soft and incredibly warm
>She proceeds to beat my little meat while I play with her pussy
>Go home and never talk about it
>Had girlfriends and sexual encounters since but this was the hottest fucking thing I ever experienced
>She since then got married and had a kid but not only did she not get fatter but she actually lost weight and she's in an incredible shape (that is if you like curvy ladies)
>Mfw i spot her profile on facebook a while ago, proudly beat my meat to her profile pic with her kid
>Mfw i would gladly give her a second kid if she asked me to

pic related btw
>out of state with mom
>at hotel late at night
>go outside to get a lemonade
>five rooms down window is open and I see a naked guy laying on the bed with 3 girls my age
>girls were naked too
>get lemonade and go back to room
>go bed
10/10 anon that could be the storyline to an anime if that's not what you copied it from
Good story bro.
so you were sexually assaulted and romanticise the experience rather than dealing with it and the obvious effect it's had on your life?
The world needs more men like your father in law, you can be one of those men.
o shiet
Never really looked at it that way, even then i watched porn and whatnot (and would be disgusted to see even a mention of anal, how times change), so I took it as a win. Looking back its obviously based child molesting, but one I fucking enjoyed, and it's not like it ruined me and whatnot, I had working relationships since (been in my current for almost 2 years now and I honestly and deeply love my girlfriend), but she (and putting a kid in her) will always stay in my mind as that one unreachable sexual fantasy we all have
This is a pretty good thread
Fucking lol
How much clearer could he be? He obviously enjoyed it. Stop trying to make problems out of everything because you were molested at a young age and happened to not enjoy it.
10/10 for blunt humour
a good story thread ill miss this
Holy shit the feels.

Hope you feel better man.
Haha some chick let him touch her big tits. You must be the biggest faggot in the world or more likely a female
Dude. Fuck her, be nice and supportive, do your own thig when she needs space. Crazy girls are thr best girls.

thats the most heartfelt saddest post ive ever read on here

the most heartfelt saddest post ive ever read on here.

Rough shit, man. Goodspeed to you and your family.
Why the fuck not, telling people makes me feel less like anheroing for a while.

>be me
>be 18
>best friends with girl since 13
>always kinda wanted to hit but i was super un-confident
>also kinda relied on each other in a fucked up codependent kinda way so i didn't wanna lose her over tryna bang, if i could get it elsewhere
>both pretty fucked up individuals
>her father raped her repeatedly when she was a child and then an-hero'd with a shotgun
>she found his body
>mother honors fathers memory like he was a saint most days
>doesn't know he fucked her daughter until her pussy bled
>i grew up in care homes/foster families because both my parents were junkie fucks
>care homes were ok, bit lonely but meh, food, water and a bed
>one foster family was lovely but they sent me back because i was torrington scum and acted like it (i was 6 so it's not like i was consciously acting scummy or anything)
>2 other foster homes were fuckin death
>one would treat me like a business, keep me locked away with a bucket to shit in and a loaf of bread and tins of beans to eat
>taken from them because a random inspectin happened and i hadn't washed for 5 days and looked fuckin malnourished
>next foster home (this was between about 10 and 14) beat the shit out of me for even the smallest shit like accidentally dropping a glass of water or whatever
>least they fuckin fed me tho
>started cutting at like 11 because they drilled it into me that i was a worthless little shit
>ran away at 13, crashed on 3 different buddy sofas
>met this chick
>i think when you've got some shit to deal with, you can detect it in others too
>start talkin a lot, not about any of that but like general shit
>over time we end up sharing all this stuff and basically acting as each other's pseudo-therapists
>actually saved her life once, found her bleeding out with slashed wrists in this forest place we used to go to smoke and tied my hoodie tight af around the cuts
>emt was like 'you saved a life today'
>still living on friends sofas
>save up enough from selling weed to buy an old RV
>live in that until 18
>throughout all this time talking with this girl, we're super close now
>im talkin if we had to be apart/incommunicado for even a week we'd start losing our shit
>we kinda...
>idek man it was a really fucked up friendship
>so anyway at 18 i get a job as a trainee drug and alcohol rehabilitation specialist
>being torrington scum brought up the way i was i had some substance issues in my past
>realized that my relationship with the girl pointed out that i work and function best whn my purpose is helping others who are going through some shit
>shit pays pretty good
>within 2 months i got a small apartment
>around this time the chick snaps on her mom and tells her about her father's rapism
>mom doesnt believe it and kicks her ass out
>'come crash on my couch then'
>never seen her this fucked
>i've seen her bleeding out and she wasn't this bad
>she would just scream and pull her hair for hours, crying and shit
>trying to comfort her, usually i'm pro at this but this time... not so much
>eventually she calms down
>next day i go work she goes school, all is as good as it can possibly be
>that evening we end up fucking
>i didn't even really want it, she'd been cutting pretty bad and that shit ain't hot
>keeps asking me to hurt her, choke her, pull her hair
>dont think she meant it to but this slipped out
>'make me scream like daddy'
>at this point it's all a total turn off, we stop
>she's crying again
>fuck.jpg this is my fault
>we talk it over and shit
>keep fucking for like 4 months, never really discuss it but we're like partners, clingy ones at that
>one day i come home from work
>i remember i'd picked up beef jerky
>this was her favourite shit of all time (yeah i know, weird favorite food)
>go to living room
>no gf
>go to bedroom
>no gf
>'ah well must be staying late at school for something'
>go for a piss
>shower curtain is drawn
>blood dripping down sides of bath
>freak the fuck out, open shower curtain
>she's obviously dead, no pulse, still desperately tryna get her to breathe, doing cpr and shit
>hugging her lifeless corpse and begging her to come back
>ambulance arrives, confirms she's actually dead
>police question me
>i'm breaking down, cannot handle it
>there was a note to me in the kitchen that i never saw
>said i was the best thing that happened to her and she was so sorry for doing this to me but she couldn't go on
>never cried so hard in my life
>imagine losing the one person who always gave you a reason to live, since like 13
>nobody to turn to
>compassionate leave from work
>stay inside cutting all day pretty much, cant stop thinking about an-heroing to be with her again
>probably wont happen anyway knowing my luck i'd be sent to hell
>this was like a month ago, im still of work and still in pieces
>typing this helped a bit but fuck man
>why did she fucking have to do this? i did everything for her and she's destroyed me, completely
>tryna cling on but its hard af
>fucking feels bad bro

There's more to it if anyone gives a shit but that's the general idea. Only person I ever loved is kill.
Text her back..get to fuck her everytime you have the chance..if she khs, you off the hook with the rape charges..or maybe she gets better with that therapy she gets and you got yourself a gf..win-win anon..
made me tear up a little tbh
Someone please screencap these, I really don't want them to dissappear
I'd say I probably spend a good 50% of every day in tears. I need her. We were so codependent, I literally have no idea how to fucking get by without her.
I wouldn't know what to do in that situation either buddy. Life really fucked you over anon...
I'm fucking my sanity and living like shit. I sleep with a bodypillow dressed in her hoodie and talk to it like it's her. I can't sleep unless I momentarily delude myself into thinking she's there long enough to switch off my brain. Then when I sleep I just re live finding her covered in blood, trying so desperately to save her,then when I realised she was gone just holding onto her for dear life screaming, and being dragged off her by the paramedics when they arrived. I always wake up then. Then I fucking cry because I'm death-gripping a bodypillow with my dead girlfriend's hoodie on it.

My life's just fucking permanent torture and I can't cope. Haven't had a proper wash in a month because I can't face going in the bathroom. Break down whenever I find something that reminds me of her (it was a mug with a bit of lipstick on yesterday). Barely eat because I just can't stomach food.

I've been through some shit in my life but this shit's fucking destroyed me. I want to an-hero but can never actually pull the trigger.
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