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Japan story CONT. >>718906558 >I Lean down and tell

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Thread replies: 300
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Japan story CONT.

>I Lean down and tell her she needs to stop talking and put the phone away.
>She looks at me like I just insulted her Sonic/shadow fanfic.
>Raise my eyebrows in a stern fashion.
>She responds by saying "You know what, I don't need you to tell me what to do! My mom could have been dying ok, I need to take my phone calls."
>I stand there gazing blankly into the subway advertisement, as she continues to speak on her phone.
>I can feel many of the Japanese people start to change their mind about whether or not surrendering was the right thing to do in WWII.
>Eventually we reach our destination.
>This time I tell her to prepare her coins before we get to the gate.
>She says she already has it taken care of.
>We get to the gate and she drops her coins on the ground.
>MFW I watch in horror as she is scrambling to pick up the equivalent of $1.25 in coins, while disrupting 1/4th of the gates.
>I turn around pretending not to see whats happening.
>She finally gets through and demands me to hurry up.
fast forward to Party
>So were at the party, which is another Izakaya (drinking place)
>Waiter looks at her waiting for her to order something.
>Says she wants a water.
>waiter doesn't understand and asks me what she means.
>I explain to sonic that we have to order alcohol here.
>She tells me she doesn't drink unless it's a special occasion.
>MFW you have to fucking buy a drink.
>She begins to demand that I tell the JApanese waiter that she shouldnt have to pay for alcohol even though everyone else is.
>Unable to ease her autism. I tell the waiter that I will buy her alcohol, and a soda drink, on top of my own alcohol.
>My levels of regret for letting her come with me are reaching previously unheard of levels.

OP from the last thread here, I'm with you brother
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bumping for more stories
Oooook Story guy here, Typing out the continuation now.

I'm also screencapping it. It's great!!!
She's not Jap? I'm new to the story
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Old thread seemed to fill up with people so doesn't seem like there's a need for more porn bumps.
Got a question for you guys. What're your reasons to live in Japan?
I'm guessing it's college related or maybe like an extended vacation?
It's a story about an American exchange student guy (OP) who got involved with some retarded weeb girl (non-Jap ofc).
Could you post it later? thx
Story guy, where does your story begin exactly?

Post number or other identifier
I will.
Other guy who lives in Japan, checking in.
Not OP but have one story

>Be me
>Take japanese at uni
>I'm a decent human being, just interested in japanese because I want to travel there someday
>First day of class (University of Melbourne)
>Half of the class are chinks
>other half are literally human garbage with putrid coloured hair
>Class starts
>Teacher seems to be so used to this shit that actually acts surprised when I introduce myself and not mention anime/manga/videogames
>random normal looking guy is late and asks if this is the japanese class
>looks around and says he has a clash in his timetable, but will fix it
>never came back

I spent two years with those retards and the only fond memory I have of them is saying goodbye at the end of every semester.

First thread >>718892347
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Enjoying the shit out of these.
>One day Sonic ((a girl)read my previous posts) asks me if she can come with me to a party I was planning on going to.
>Every fiber of my being wants to say no, but being the nice guy that I am, I say sure why not.
>Come the day of the party.
>I walk to Sonic's room and knock on her door.
>She opens the door almost in tears.
>Surprised I ask her whats wrong.
>She lets me in and begins to explain that she can't figure out which outfit to wear, and that no matter what combination of clothes she puts together she is still ugly. (her words)
>Fighting off the urge to leave this retardation behind and go to the party alone, I try to help her.
>After 30 minutes of brainstorming which sonic the hedgehog T-shirt looks best with her black leather hooker skirt, we finally head off to the party.

>We have to walk for 25 minutes to get to the train station
>As we walk to the station, she waves and yells "konnichiwa!" to random Japanese people.
>Many of them just stare.
>she tells me they must be stunned by her pronunciation.
>I try walking slightly faster hoping not to be associated with her autism.
>we finally reach the station.
>She doesn't have a commute card, so she has to fumble with coins to get past the gate.
>I'm standing on the other side staring at her.
>She becomes more and more flustered as the Japanese people try to get around her and through the gate.
>She finally gets through.
>tries to push me and says "thanks for the help Anon"
>wtf you want me to do.
>we sit on the train.
>she gets a call from someone.
>she fucking answers her phone.
Talking on your phone is a big nono in Japan, I've never seen any japanese person so much as even make a noise while on the train.
>She begins talking.
>Everyone on the train looks at her and then me.
>Being the only two white people on the train, I have to do something.

and the third part is the first post of this thread
Ok, gotcha.
bumping, last one was godlike
cmon anon, finish the goddamn story
These stories both made me want to pick up japanese in my university and to avoid it as much as possible lol.
>As the party progresses everyone is getting more and more drunk, except sonic.
>At some point during the night, she decides that this is a special occasion and announces to everyone that she will join in on the drinking.
>Everyone cheers and orders a shot of whisky.
>When the waiter brings the drinks, she tells me she actually wants wine instead.
>I ask the waiter for some wine.
>he says they don't have any normal red wine and if white is ok.
>I relay this to Sonic.
>She responds with "Are you fucking kidding me?" what kind of a shitty place is this?
>Looks like the waiter understood some of it.
>Smiles and says "Wine, OK, OK." then walks off.
>I have no idea what just happened.
>she begins asking my Japanese friends if she can "try a little" of their food.
>Just wants to stuff her face for free like the cunt bishop she is.
>After taking a portion of everyones food, the waiter comes back.
>He somehow has red wine.
>Sonic says "thaaaaaank you" and winks at the waiter.
>His eyes widen slightly, then he bows and hurrys away.
>Party finishes.
>I go to pay the bill.
>That red wine cost ~$85
>I look at sonic, expecting her to pay.
>She says I'm the one that ordered it for her so I have to pay for it.
>I legit laugh at her monkey level of reasoning.
>She says " I don't have any money, sorry not sorry" Then smiles and laughs.
>I pay for her and myself.

So, let's say I was going to screencap the entirety of these threads, what would you guys use as an original title?
"Lost among weebs"
Went to make lunch, came back to find last thread pruned! Then saw this and was happy again

Yey, so it continues.
YUS this title
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anyone knows how is it with cigarettes in big cities in Japan? Are you allowed to smoke in public/bars ?
What a cunt. SRLY
Top notch stories - thanks tall dude and op from last thread
guy thinks hes better than others for no reason,
sociopaths among people that like to have fun
white guys with yellow fever
tales of the east/ lost in weeb retardation/ hitler was wrong/ making a murderer
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I still have the previous thread open, I think it's the chick with the peace sign.
>those ham planet cheeks
Tell me about Chad! Why does he wear the panties?
What a bitch..
Also, for the uninformed:
One typically orders all-you-can-drink at such a party. Japanese restaurants are surprisingly not stupid, and usually require that everyone at a table order all-you-can-drink together, because obviously if one person didn't the others could share their drinks. This bitch was going to try to order only water becaue she's a broke-ass college student I suppose, apparently didn't order food for probably the same reason, then took advantage of OP's offer to pay for her drinks by ordering wine. Unfortunately the all-you-can-drink menu is usually limited to cheap drinks, and this place didn't carry cheap red wine. OP had to pay for some overpriced shit--in addition to the all-you-can-drink order.
no man is the one with the short hair in a foto of op a bicht an her
Sick and wearing a face mask 'cause Japanese culture
Every time I see this subject brought up I think I must've hit the absolute jackpot.
>Start my first term of Japanese with like 60 people in class.
>Live in scandinavian country so not many people are overly extrovert.
>like 15 people are annoying, but they bail before the first big test since the tempo was fast.
>Get to know people, form a study group and study
>Slowly just starts shooting shit about games, tv-shows and anime. Seemed like most people were testing each other for autism control.
>Play games together, chitchat about anime and the seasonal shows during breaks but everyone is there to study, not for the purpose of watching raw hentai or some shit.
>Class gets smaller but become greater friends with the ones left (like 16 peeps)
>go to bars, have drinking and game nights.
>Now in Japan, studying at a uni.
>Everyone is in different parts of Japan studying at different Universities but we still keep in touch over Discord.

I think the fact that most of us were pretty into anime and Japanese games but everyone being really fucking introverted helped create a class without too many annoying people. And the few annoying people that were there we basically froze out of the class AYYLMAO
>lost in weeb retardation
Lost in weebtardation
>on our way home now
>she's acting drunk but based on the amount she drank, It's physically impossible for her to be.
>On the train she starts talking to random Japanese guys asking if they like her.
>Starts to touch a Japanese guy.
>He freaks out and fleas into the neighboring train car.
>I then physically restrain her from further embarrassing my country.
>we arrive at our home station and begin walking home.
>as were walking, she grabs my arm and says "Anon-kun" I'm tired can we take a taxi?
>I tell her she doesn't have any money to pay for one.
>She starts to complain "but Im tiiiiired, pleaase, I dont want to walk anymore!"
>MFW I have to deal with for 25 year old child in the streets of Japan.
>I tell her to suck it up and keep walking.
>She says "fine, but when I get home, I'm changing all the nice things I wrote about you in my fan-fic."
>What. the. fuck?
>As were walking home I ask her what shes talking about.
>She tells me that she's writing a fanfic about her time here in Japan.
>Somehow sonicthehedgehog characters are in it to.
>I ask her not to use my real name.
>she says my name in her story is Brixx. "with two x's" (she said)
>MFW I realized I was living and breathing inside of a greentext cringe thread story.

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you're right
/b/ talks about studying in japan
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White girl is Sonic, I don't know how to make the picture not upside down. Just download it and fix it yourself.
Op is a pretty good looking guy +3 on man points

Is that the little cunt? The obvious American one? The short bitch?
Night of the living weeb
>She tells me that she's writing a fanfic about her time here in Japan.
Sounds like she's going to murder you soon.

RIP in piece anon. Your stories will be missed.
Does OP have PlayStation ?
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here is the picture of rugby from the last thread. Does anyone still have his description of her and Sonic????
Even though I live in Japan and haven't had sex in almost two years, I'd probably still have sex with her if the opportunity came up. Still crazy though.
not gonna lie, I'd do you.
>Them teeth
>That hair
>That build
How big is your penis, OP?
I have s similar jacket

Did you buy yours from Asos.com ?
I'm not OP guys, I just still have the previous thread open so I took the pic from there and posted it.
Do you have his first few posts where he described rugby, sonic, and the gary story?
sure, hold on.
god damit man how could you not smack thet shit out sonic ? 85 bucks really
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here u go
Is the story over?
Here is the last thread for those interested

honestly the more i read, the better it gets
Sounds like an exceptional movie script


>Everyday she chews/fucks with a good portion of her hair, resulting in it looking like it's been burned or something.
>Literally obsessed with Pokemon, wears the same Pikachu hoodie everyday. Pokemon merch galore. constantly plays pokemon games in and out of class.
>Bathes probably once a week. looks greasy and dirty every day.
>wore flip-flops everyday no matter where we went or what we did, until it started snowing alot.
>Never cuts toe or finger nails. (probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen tbh, it looked like she was trying to go for a world record, half of her toe and finger nails were either chipped or as fucked up in some way.)
>I asked (Begged) her to cut her nails/toe nails, she complains about societies standards of beauty and how she shouldn't have to conform.
>Legit has a mustache, never shaves, her uno brow is trying its best to reach its final form.
>Has the spatial awareness of an infant.
>Walks into people on the street, closes doors on people, doesn't answer you unless you repeat her name multiple times.
>Walks on her tip-toes, all the time. No exaggeration, she legitimatly walks on her tip-toes at all times, even if she is standing still, she is on her tip-toes.
>MFW I realized I was living and breathing inside of a greentext cringe thread story.

>Her sense of humor consists of self-deprivation, "not!" jokes, and saying "sorry not sorry" followed by forced awkward laughter by herself.
>has the same level of weeb obsession as rugby, except her thing is Sonic the hedgehog stuff.
>Self proclaimed artist.
>shows me her art.
>It's a deviant art page.
>Nothing but cringy hedgehog character personifications. stuff you would expect to see in a cringe thread.
>Shows me "herself" as a hedgehog.
>I can feel my lips start to crack a smile at the retardation I am witnessing.
>Then she looks at me and says "I think I'll draw you next"
>eyes widen
>I say "aww it's ok haha, I'm sure your super busy you dont have to do that"
>Sonic responds with "No I want to now, I think you're going to be a more shadow type character."
>MFW I'm being used as source material for cringe.
dude, you have what is called a leech, she will leech you of your sense of normality, your money, and your will to live in that order

you will never get laid and when you do it will suck

you will never get anything good out of them

cut all cords.
no, im typing more. sorry I suck at typing so it takes me awhile.

>Gary doesn't shower, ever, from what I can tell.
>His wardrobe consists of super hero T-shirts and Anime related garbage. No exceptions.
>Calls sensei "teacher" and never uses Japanese unless specifically told to.

so lets begin.
>One day, Gary decides to bring a bag of chips to class.
>our teacher asks him to put them away and eat them after class.
>He responds with "Teeeacher, I had a bad day and I just want to eat my favorite chips!"
>our teacher who is Japanese doesn't know how to respond to American retardation and just accepts his desires.
>He eats one chip at a time, continuously throughout class.
>Doesn't know how to chew with mouse closed.
>His cave like cheeks amplify the crunching of the chips.
>With each passing chomp, I can see our sensei drifting further into insanity.
>Other Chinese girl starts yelling at gary telling him to be quite.
>Gary turns red and exclaims he needs to eat for his health.
>Chinese girl says stuff in Chinese.
>Sensei excuses herself and says she has to go get something out of class room.

>When sensei leaves the classroom, yelling increases two fold.
>Chinese girl calls gary a pig and then turns around pretending to ignore him while on her phone.
>Gary's eyes are tearing up from his retard rage fit.
>starts inhaling and exhaling loudly like a child would after crying.
>I'm sitting there thinking about my decision to come to Japan.

btw. Gary is 25 and Chinese girl is 24.

Smacking her would've landed you in the tank with a bigger bill

They knew you were with her so you can't ditch her there.

It's a lose lose situation with these "people"; lesson is, don't bring spergs on your trips or be near them.

I guess if OP spoke japanese, he could've asked the waiter to just bring white wine with strawberry juice in it, I'm certain the brainless cunt couldn't tell the difference.
3 cutes in my class during the one semester I studied japanese.
I guess that's just the Sweden way.
He can speak japanese i think
>mfw all the euro/americucks don't realize it's beacuse he's on the other side of the globe and everything is upside down there
that only works for Australia...
>down under
are you retarded ?
>we finally make it to our apartment.
>she asks me if I want to "get something to drink and look at some pictures I drew" in her room.
>I stifle the urge to laugh at her proposition of sexy time.
>I tell her that I'm tired and just want to go to sleep.
>she says "oh ok, I hope you have a nice dream!"
>wtf does that mean.
>we say goodnight and go to our respective rooms.
>I normally sleep naked, so I strip down and prepare for bed.
>about an hour passes, I'm in bed about to fall asleep.
>I hear my door making noise.
>(I never lock my door, because I know everyone in my apartment, and japan is super safe anyway)
>I dont think much of it and continue to try and sleep.
>I hear my door again, this time im SURE someone came in.
>(I have a two door system to my single room, so you have to go through a small entry room to get to the main room.)
>I'm staring at my door in the dark waiting for whoever the fuck it is to come in.

Faggot you could have fit more in im at the edge of my seat here
Hurry up or get on the floor and do the dinosaur. It's late over here in Japan.
im waiting for sonic to say something like a shitty love confession
Faster, too interesting.
a hole is a hole. hope you fucked her.
comon man type more
im waiting for her to rape him

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>I see my door slowly creep open.
>I can't tell who it is because there are no lights on.
>The person turns their phone light on.
>I sit up and and said "what the fuck are you doing here man??
>he says Sonic is crying and is asking for me.
>(gary lives next door to sonic, so I guess he woke him up or something)

Cont. ill try to type faster.
always dip your dick in crazy. best stories you can get.
Until OP finishes I'll provide a few Wikipedia links towards my study of classical scholars.





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anon pls no

im going to pass out so ill look this shit up later in the archive.

thanks for the laughs OP. or sorry, rather.
Anticlimactic as fuck, but still interesting
>I can't tell who it is beacuse there are no lights on
>The person turns their phone light on
Dude I'm fucking hooked keep this up
Oops, sorry for forgetting Erasmus von Rotterdam, I don't how I could forget.

Lol, I kind of wish he had shouted this out the moment you woke up.
Don't tell me you did like a pussy and went there dude...
Nobody gives a shit
made me chuckle
I care
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Thank you!
where did op go
No problem /b/ro
fucking dying
>tfw op got kidnapped while sonic while writing a greentext story
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Holy fuck what a way to start 2017....go leak your sister or ex gf today lol - sn�pchatly.c�m
OP that Sonic girl would be perfect for that greentext story or Sonic the hedgehog that kicked a dog and shit posted on here

they have to be together lmao
Legit question. Why are 99% of autists and cringelords specifically interested in Sonic?

There you go with a few more scholars that came from Constantinople to Europe.


>>tfw op got kidnapped while sonic while writing a greentext story

The fuck you said?
op come back

It's a bot, anon.
>I tell him to wait outside of my room.
>I momentarily think out going back to bed.
>Gary says outside the door "Anon, I'm really worried, please hurry."
>Jesus this guy must have a boner for sonic.
>realizing I cant just ignore them I get up and get dressed.
>we go upstairs to sonics room.
>we knock on the door
>inbetween her sobs she tells us to come in.
>we enter her room to see her dramatically sitting on the floor with her face on the bed.
>Gary: See, anon what did you do?
>I look at him like he's retarded.
>I look at sonic and say "whats wrong yo"
>She looks up at me and says shes sorry for changing my character in her fanfic story.
>"I wasn't thinking anon, I'm so sorry"
> I'm trying to wrap my head around this level of retardation
>I say "why cant you just revert the changes you made if it upsets you so much?"
>She says because she already posted the revised chapter on her blog, and everyone saw it.
>at this point, I'm still in shock and disbelief that the shit that is currently occurring is actually happening.

Holy shit I haven't laughed this much in a week
why thank you

I don't care
Once again, sorry im so slow. I won't leave you guys hanging.
I'll let you know when im finished.
Don't worry I'm actually just trying to not get bored while studying.


Fine, keep saying fuck off to nothing then.
Thanks OP, this is a nice story so far. You seem like a pretty cool guy, shame you got stuck with retards, makes a good story tho.
this is so good
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>she cries about a story she posted as an anonymous person
>and that she changed your character in her fanfic
>beacuse she was mad
>that you didn't let her make you pay for taxi
OMG SHE iS FUCKED, I love how the beta blames you, DUMB CUNTS
i missed the start of this story from previous thread is there a link or has someone got it?
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>mfw not leaving the room inmediately after she said that

Seriously man?
getting raped by gary lols
I mean, judging from the previous greentexts at that point I'd have been threatening that Gary guy with physical harm. Gotta admire your patience, that "see what you did?" shit really pushes my buttons personally.

the autism is so much
my sides
about to prepare a full PDF of this
cheers lad
fresh out of tendies big boy?
Just a shot in the dark, but I'll bet your hedgehog was her hedgehog's love interest in her story and then she turned him into a dick, which whatever sad weeaboo tards follow her blog (almost certainly disgustingly obese foreveralone autists who fantasize that commenting on her posts will someday get her to have sex with them) didn't take to well and her whole world collapsed when their worship waned.
Props to OP for not reacting like a sensitive cuck but just straight up standing his man and not letting this absolute retardation get to him and give in to her.
got nothing better to do anway. so just keep rolling
Called it. Trips confirm.
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I have to see her blog
"...and everyone saw it."

Yeah, all 3 of them probably.
Seconding this, let's ruin her autism with even harder autism, I don't think I'd be possible tho
Wrote faster wtf how slow can you be
oh gawd yes plz
I had a fat autistic girl slobber all over me through middle and high school.
Spread rumors I fucked her on the reg and drew daily fan art and fan fics of me.
Pic related.
This guy gets it.
>Gary kneels down and trys to comfort sonic.
>he tells her that she can write about him and make him the new main character.
>I was the main character?
>I can feel their cringe literally invading my body.
>the fedoras call to me.
>Sonic tells gary that she already has his character in a set part of the story and she cant change things that major.
>he trys holding her hand in comfort.
>Im just standing there watching this shit transpire.
>I finally realize I have to calm their shit down if I ever want to return to my ever so comfy bed.
>I tell sonic "maybe it's a part of the story where I do something bad, but it was actually just to help you out in the long run secretly.. or something.."
>I'm just saying whatever pops in my fucking head.
>Her eyes fucking sparkle.
>Thats a great idea anon!
>omg omg omg I have so many ideas now!
>She went from my mom just died depressed, to make a wish disney vacation happy.
>Gary looks at me like I insulted his man-hood.
>I tell them I'm going back to bed and really need some sleep.
>we all go to our rooms.
>10 minutes pass
>getting nice and comfy cozy in my bed.

cont.. shits about to get real guys.
MFW everybody walked the dinosaur

there better be some attempted rape anon
good god, what cringy fucks those guys are...OP you were deep down in some human abyssal cringezone.
no i just cant stupid fucking pieces of shit that cant fucking read

are you that fucking autistic that you cant read through the thread and get the entire story before being a stupid little fucking bitch ass retard and asking people to post it after ur post so ur fat fucking stupid ass can read it easier?
I really hope she has illustrations for these stories. In the previous thread OP said that she said to him: " you're going to be a more shadow type character."
Jesus christ anon
Isnt op basically writing a fanfic about Gary and Sonic?
>" you're going to be a more shadow type character."
OP should provide a link to that blog

>he tells her that she can write about him and make him the new main character.
here, full introduction of Sonic >>718911087
its not fan fic if he hates them and is telling the truth

Link to previous thread:
>get back to bed
>door knock again
>ffs, cant a nigger get some sleep?
>i ignore and pretend like sleep
>Door opens, i turn around and see a silhouette of a man with bad posture
>I ask 'Who dis?'
>'IT'S FUCKING GARY!!' he shouts and laughs
>Gary proceeds to jump into my bed and start wrestling with me
>Reminds me of dad
>We wrestle and laugh for about 20 minutes before gary ends up lying on top of me
>Heavy breathing and panting
>Gary says 'anon, will you let me?'


>hilarious and original
op youre getting suspicious

Bumping for bumps sake.
Cringey but somehow adorable

Machines deserve manners too faggot.
>I hear my door open.
>Are you fucking kidding me.
>Second door opens.
>Light turns on.
>It's Gary, his face is red and he's crying.
>I shake my head in disbelief and just mutter, "what the actual fuck"
>Gary starts yelling at me.
>Says he should be the main character in her story not me.
>Says I don't love her like he does.
>holy. fucking. shit. why me god, I think to myself.
>He starts walking towards me, panting like an ogre.
>"woah woah woah, hold on gary!" I say.
>get out of her story anon!
>"dude ah uh uhh du okk ahh"
>I'm fucking speechless.
>I finally come to and tell him to just hold on.

i'm disappointed you didn't end that with notices bulge "OwO whats this?"
This is not OP.
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>>We wrestle and laugh for about 20 minutes before gary ends up lying on top of me
> We wrestle and laugh

> We
> laugh

You were having fun wrestling a fat retard while being naked?
Keep going man, my F5 key is burning.

Did anyone archieve the first thread? I came in late.
man where you in a fucking special ed. class?
not op
> F5 key

God damn man
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hahaha OP has to fucking fight his way through a supposedly fun experience known as exchange program, oh man the fucking keks.
More OC from the autist ogre that stalked me through 2 schools
That's actually kinda sweet.
Does Gary pull out his superior japanese katana folded over a gajillion times with his naruto knives to protect m'lady honor OP?
Probably not related but I spent a month in Japan and was on the trains pretty much everyday and you are right. Being on the phone/eating on the train is a massive no no. The annoying thing about my experience was that I had my gf with me and she did pretty much the type of shit mentioned in this thread. The problem I had was that my gf is a incredibly fussy eater and she knew about the food over in Japan and insisted it wouldnt be an issue, but when we got there she would constantly turn her nose at everything and waiters would just look at me in disgust. Next time I go she ain't. P.s To everyone thinking that you have to be a weeb to want to go and enjoy Japan thats not the case, I dont even read/watch anime/manga.
few years of work and she could have been a decent artist

If you have five layers of agressive, acidic, explosive brain cancer.
>250lbs 5"7
>acne and hairy
>borderline sociopath
>spread rumors I fucked her
Still really cringe though
Why do fat girls always draw themselves skinny?
yeah dude i searched archives and reread the first thread whilst u were posting this cheers man
man that sucks. I know how I hate being embarassed for other people's shit. That's why I spend most of my time alone
I can see doing that to someone you are in a relationship with. But don't do that kind of shit to get into a relationship....
No, not all of my classmates were retarded. You're just hearing about the stories of the ones that were.

>I tell gary to calm down.
>He starts lashing out
>(Don't worry gary, I wont.)
>"yo it's cool man, I wont take her from you"
>"plus im pretty sure she's into you and not me anyway."
>Gary responds with "yeah right! like i believe that!"
>MFW I have to somehow convince this neckbeard that hes worthy of love.
>"Nah for real man, I think she is just using me as an excuse to hide her feelings for you."
>Gary calms down a bit.
>"maybe thats why she always looks away when our eyes meet in class."
>Jesusfuckingchrist "yeah man, no doubt."
>he starts giggling to himself now.
>"she does always give me the best hugs when I ask her for one!"
>I force a smile "yeah, see man?" "she doesn't give me any hugs!"
>it pains me to say these cringy words.
>he looks up at me and smiles, "well maybe if you were big and fluffy like me, she would want to hug you more!"
>"haha maybe"

It wasn't the best. If I had gone with a few of my mates my experience in Japan would have gone a lot smoother and I think my gf could tell that she ruined it after we got back home.
This was when I told her to piss off in public.
Mind you I got these daily ffs
Yeah the post with (You) next to it was nigger autist, fucking get outta here will ya! Scram!
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Hell to the no, to the no, no, no
BTW, gary is the fat guy in the first picture of this thread.
>mfw Gary is the one that started Fluffy Abuse Threads
>mfw its not surprising, those fucking people are literal autist trash
nope, if my girlfriend did that, shes gone
This is not a feels thread
do this world a favor and kill em all
>"well maybe if you were big and fluffy as me, she would hug you more"

Fucking kek
When embarassment is actually palpable.
How are people unaware of their actions is beyond me.. Can't they just read people's reaction? lol.

Is that OP, what the hell happens?!
>How does it feel...
>...to feel?

Marry this girl.
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Oh, Gary, poor Gary.
I don't know if it's my cold doing it or your story but I can feel the cringe in my stomach.
Is the woman with the glasses in the picture of the first post of this thread sonic?

Or is it the one in red?
Did you start locking your room after this?
How can mirrors be real...
well put
i get that is not all but you dot mix the potatos with the normal people
More stalker fan art of me.

God this made me cringe.
is the one with short in this one >>718910352
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>Alright man I need some sleep now.
>"ok goodnight anon!"
>"yeah night man"
>he leaves my room
>I hear my door close
>I lay down and contemplate why all that shit just happened.

This shit happened awhile ago, and not much else has come from it, but I still have many other stories and experiences I can share if you guys aren't satisfied.
I have to say, OP, you're a pretty good guy. I would have had him fuck off in less time thank it takes to read this sentence, I think.
thank you
this one --> >>718910352
God I can see the crazy in the line work.
do post more, i'm preparing for work and this shit is the highlight of the day so far

do go on, this is fascinating
Ho Lee Fuk, I might know the middle girl. OP, what's her name?
Yeah I would have promptly told him to fuck off before threatening to kick him if he doesn't

But then again I wouldn't be seen within 500ft near sonic.
Blue hoodie guy isnt OP.


this guy is OP
Wan Sum Fuk
glasses chick a cute
lost @ time traveler
I call bullshit on this derailment

Why does everything look so crisp and flat?

Why did you keep this cringe?

Why aren't you just taking baddy cropped pictures?

Have you like fucken scanned this shit?
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I am flabbergasted at Gary's character development.
I dig the story and request more for... reasons...
thats what he claims, but OP isnt alpha enough to be that guy judging by his responses in the greentexts

4-eyes looks like an alpha pussy munching machine
Gary is that you?
I got them on MSN daily. Guessing she scanned it. Kept it for the lulz as it's a good anecdote
Oh shit so this is still ongoing? Please more stories and keep us updated in the future I'm sure anon's will piece your stories together for years to come.
bro is this girl >>718911065
This was fucking amazing
how fucking stupid and autistic in the protagonist here? I once broke up with a chick cause she ate too slowly.
Story guy, can you label them, like it was done here? >>718915486
I broke up with a girl cause she was always 15mins late. EVERY.FUCKING.TIME.

Was good in the sack but I hate tardiness.
I hope someone is screencapping this shit!
More oc cringe. Jesus this folder is ancient.

This was after she tutored me math at her place once.

Never happened again.
the cutest chick there is the guy tbh
You must be fun to have dinner with.
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Alright, I'm going to give you guys some options on what story you get to experience.
Choose a name, and I'll tell a tale.

Russian friends
and girls who cheated on their bfs with me

Once again, Idk if threads max out at a certain point. so let me know if I should start a new thread. I havent been on 4chan in awhile.

pic of me to prove im OP.
wow that's pathetic dude, you should remedy this situation by going to a country that isn't japan you fucking weeb
you're actually more autistic than Gary
nevermind kek
We'll how did it feel to feel?
>I can feel many of the Japanese people start to change their mind about whether or not surrendering was the right thing to do in WWII.

Gary or Russian friends

cant go wrong either way
>Russian friends
I'm from eastern europe so this should be good
You look like a chad, OP. Let's get some more Gary.
Russian always seem to give interesting stories
Thread creator here, fookme.
post dick pls
do you have any bro tier stories to singe out the cringe?

The guy standing up on the right seems completely out of place, and looking at his body posture he appears pissed/embarrassed.
Fucking imagine waiting for someone every single time for months despite setting up the time for a date or hurrying somewhere or reserving a table.

Shit was annoying to no end.
Gary. And make a new thread, we almost reached bump-limit
Why do you even bother with these people OP, sympathy, pity?
either rugby or sanic, more autismo
the chick i was dating gave head like an animal.

i just couldn't stand sitting there in a restaurant with her taking baby bites and chewing like a fucking fetal goat. i broke up before i smacked a fork out of her hand in public.

Anyways, OP deserved it for not ditching the bitch.
Are any of the cheating women spergs? I find their autistic "flirting" hilarious
i would like rugby or russian friends
same here, also make a new thread
Well isn't that the end of the world.

Let's here more tales of Sonic.
Thanks OP for the fun story, im off /b/ro
Link new thread, leave no man behind.
new thread also

Well then I chose the women I wished to date as I was popular.

Now I'm friendless and alone so there you go.
new thread
One wonders why
If she was always 15 minutes late, could you not just y'know, tell her it was 15 minutes earlier than reality y'know? Or, was it not exactly 15 minutes, every time?
Anon serious question... why the hell do you live in an appartement with 3 ppl who don't wash themselves? I mean i'm sure it's not easy to find a cheap room in japan, but staying with dirty ppl seems to be worse.
My sides have reached relativistic speeds
>isn't the end of the world

So do you date to stop the oncoming apocalypse or to find someone you're attracted to and enjoy? stop settling in life, guy.
Did you just ask for sonic to be doxxed?
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The fucking no talking on the fucking phone bullshit!!!!!!
>be me
>be married, living in Japan, with a gook
>on train home with 2 drunk gaijin friends
>they are both shouting at each other (one always wound the other guy up)
>I phone my wife to tell her "sorry, I'll be a little late"
>immediately some fuckwit comes over and tells me "ssshhhhh no phone"
Stupid fucking yellow cunts everywhere here and I'm stuck here forever!!!!!
God fucking damn it! I just got Roundabout out of my head after three fucking days and then you go and post this shit! You've doomed me to that damn song for another week or so!
What kind of shoes did you used to use?
My favorite part is Gary goes and blames you for this shit.
OP, I hope you learned your lesson and dumped that bitch.

Obviously if you did it wasn't soon enough.
OP, sociopaths dont write fanfiction lol. Sociopath dont cry over bullshit like changin a fanfiction story. They lack of empathy you retard. A psychopath wouldnt even understand changing a character could possibly hurt another person. So why would she cry over this shit? Also the vast majority of sociopath are not socially akward in the way you describe it. They are so good at immitating emotions you couldnt even tell.
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I know Photoshop, I did my best to fix it

I worked in Japan for a year and the thing I noticed most is how much everybody hates confrontation.

Whenever someone came over to pull shit on me even the mere act of standing up with a stern look on my face was enough to make the majority back off and leave me alone. But then maybe it's because I'm 6'3" and Japs are Rice Hobbits.
why are you calling and not sending a LINE message or e-mail?
get in the new thread
Sounds like you were being a cuck. "Ohno japs don't do that so we can't! Be a giod goy and act like a jap!" Grow the fuck up.
lol this was a few years back before I had line
My wife works 48 hours a fucking day. She receives lots of mails from her students so if I call her I'm less likely to be in trouble.
>she does always give me the best hugs
>when I ask her for one
Aw, poor Gary. He'll die a virgin.
its an apartment building. we all have our own rooms
we werent dating. read the beggining
I can't stand the fucking apparent "humbleness" of the slit eyed cuntwanks.
If I ever do get in to an altercation my wife always defends the jap. The whole country suffers from deep psychological problems.
dunno why but made me kek
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