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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>718751270 The rules

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 217
Thread images: 152

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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>718751270
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Discuss stuff
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Discuss art in general because piano holo likes it.
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scarf (517).jpg
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Still here~
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Claimed. But I'll go sleep a bit to this new doodle~ I'll see you guys later!
good night piano holo thanks for sharing another "doodle"
now I can sleep too
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sleep is gay
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ist that a snail I see here?

Oh my, an angry kitty
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still here
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I think I'm just going to go to bed with my waifu now.
Nighty night everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
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How can you be a guy and not own a suit?
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Sleepy shinoa.jpg
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Everyone has a need

Pfffft. True, gotta get th3 education somewhere

Too tired to post my copy pasta tbh
fucking claimed
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Making a grilled chees but I used water instead of butter
own about 6 I don't like them
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Yuuki (155).jpg
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Nighty night
>bedroom eyes for you
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Yuuki (33).jpg
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2nd best Kyoani
Enjoy your AIDS.
Good taste, anon! She da best
Future/Adult Skuld.
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Hi Chara

Bye Chara
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good morning and goodbye~
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Ika School.jpg
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Some of the water got locked into the sandwich. Looks soggy and disgusting.
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Anya (725).jpg
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Why would you do that?
you did this to yourself
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Ika Sob.gif
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Don't got butter. Hi

Nobody deserve lack of butter :'(
water is not butter -_-
Hi Ika~
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Anya (740).jpg
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Last time I didn't have butter I used oil and fried it. Actually worked out really well.

No need to be embarrassed about it.
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oh, okay, fine. I'll just leave this screenshot here though...
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But I need something to help cook the insides... Otherwise the top will burn.

Hi there how are you?

Fried grilled cheese? Doesn't that make it a fried cheese?
everything ok?
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Anya (303).jpg
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Basically. It was actually super tasty though.
Pretty good, how about you?
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eww it looks like pee
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I'm not embarrassed about it at all. I think it's cute.
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Ika Dance.gif
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I'd try it, but I already made to grilled cheeses. One with water, the other without. Water one was alright. Tastes like a grilled cheese without butter.

Doing fine as well. Hungry as you can see. What bout you?

It might be at this point.

Hey fgt. Being a fgt I see.
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It's bully time
Back hurts a bit, but I'm making good progress on my computer!
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Anya (282).jpg
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Is it that embarrassing to call yourself my kitty?
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It's too late kitty. You can't stop me anymore. The brakes are broken.
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Anya (1032).jpg
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The brakes aren't the only thing that's broken.
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Oh? Then what is THIS!? >>718767385

Like the fuck man? I'd never stoop that low.

Good progress on computer? Whatcha doooin?
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i was gone for like 5 mins now people are talking about being each others "kitties" n shit wat
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>Hametena claimed since August '16.
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I messaged if you wanna talk
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Anya (881).jpg
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Oh? Well if you don't like it...
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Your girlfriend would kill you.
Several times.

Please, the dignity is long gone.
Rebuilding, and building a fresh water cooling loop!
Now with vibrant pink coolant!

To be fair, this happened yesterday. I'm just catching the shit for it now.


I am already ded.
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I haven't been on due to work or other IRL affairs. That's why you haven't seen me as often as [insert person here].

If you mean character wise? It's Hametena, self-proclaimed defender of justice and righteousness (from Osawari Island).
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Thanks but instant messaging is not a good idea when I'm panicking like this.
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Anya (243).jpg
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Hey, I'm not going to force you into anything you don't want...
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Oh building. Like upgrading or starting from scratch rebuilding?

I'd watch that mp4.


I need help with this image. Can someone add the words "Consider the following" on this image? Thanks
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Shhhh, Makoto likes it, keep going

Trust me, I can make you wish you'd be more ded.
Also you seem to enjoy it. A lot.
Someone told me you like doing things in public too >>718768712 Isn't that right Anya?
well now I'm more concerned :(

but ok, I won't bug you unless you wanna talk
I meant both :o

where do you work?
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So I am back after passing out like always. Turns out I drunk 3/4 of the whiskey in a one afternoon. Atleast I got some left right now to counter the slight hangover
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Anya (209).jpg
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Oh you fucking didn't...
You say that, but....

Rood. I would, but I'm busy kms.

It's too late. I am already kill. This is actually a spook talking to you.
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Anya (325).jpg
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But what?
I'm in London, England as we speak. Pretty lucky that I have days off on Monday and Friday, as well as the weekend.

Regularly an IT administrator, but I also work on art-related sessions when I can.
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Only for a short time! Bully two people for the effort of one!

Actually, I'm also bullying Louise. She seems to like it.

Aww, don't be like that. I'm sure you and Anya can find something else to do in public...
I'll just send you a colar and her a leash.
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Ika Evil.png
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Of course he does. This has been known for months. It only solidifies his cuteness.

You'd watch your own video too? Damn, didn't think you'd be that edgy.
And the bottle is empty, now for trying to not cry and going out to get another one
Nice doobs
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Have you tried calling one of those emergency things?

Agreed. Let's bully him some more.
I don't want you to be concerned I'm just gonna go.
It would be worse if I talked.
Did you even get any sleep?
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Anya (63).png
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You'd prefer if I make you do it anyway?
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Claiming muh Waifu, Nodoka - hell, I fell in love with her in.. what, Winter '11? '12? God, it's been ages.

Half the anons here have good taste. Especially the anon who loves Makoto Kikuchi.
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Because it's fun. Also don't act like you don't like it. You love it when Anya is giving you orders. You submissive kitty you.

Yes, I did. 4 hours. My cats decided to be dicks and run around. And now, 50 minutes later they're still... OI THEY FUCKING WENT TO BED?!
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Ika Squid.jpg
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You're trying to hard. You might pop an artery if you continue this. And if you do then record yourself dying. Make sure it's in webm format too.



Can I post some lewds?
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Well, thank you anon. I did it for her.
They are actually kind of beautiful with the 3 infront and stuff
Ahh what is it even worth, I haven't been to work for 3 days now because I got drunk and my nosebleeds and the headache and shit. I'll try to not get another bottle right now, if withdrawal symptoms get too bad I will have to get to the emergency room. Another reason to drink, so my body not kills itself.
>Everyday I spend my time
>Drinking wine (or any ethanol containing drink,) feeling fine
>Waiting here to find the sign
>That I can understand
Life a shit
R8 m8
Poor Chara, how do you survive on 4 hours of sleep?
Same anon from >>718769772 - Mizore anon, you're lucky bastard.
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Thanks m8. You're waifu's cute too, where's she from?

I'm going to fucking throw food at you, I swear to god.

What's that? Make sure it's .txt format? Okay!
Ika's a 9/10. Funny and cute. I like her.
Mahou Sensei Negima. One of Ken Akamatsu's works.
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Anya (456).png
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Should I stop?
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I understand, it must suck...
So, how about you call one of those emergency rooms and make an appointment if that's possible?

I just do. I'll probably nap later today

but that would be a waste of food and money alike. You should rather buy Anya a colar and a leash so she can be your owner like you want to.
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Ika Goalie.jpg
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That's not good dude. Shouldn't you seek help? Missing work is big enough reason to get help.

Dude... You were SO close... I almost saved that.

What? Are you speaking from your ass or something? You don't know What an artery is?

Trip dubs of truth. Danks bruh
The witch woke me up, she's really excited because it's Friday the 13th and it's 3AM (witching hour), I know she's up to no good right now. You always seem busy though will you be able to squeeze a nap?
this took me 15 minutes to send since my wifi is shit
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Never stop anon
And that comes from a propably ethanol addict.
Realizing is the first to get better isn't it?
Well I'm already fully in with my doctor but I will only really go to the emergency room if the symptoms get too bad
It's ok, I got a yellow paper (being diagnosed by a doctor, not able to work) so I will have a little bit of time to get over with it
Nice numbers nigga
Oh wow, it's been years since I've even heard that series mentioned.


I am going to tie you up and throw you in the woodshed.

It was a joke as if I didn't hear you. Jeez Ika, it's like you've never heard sarcasm!
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Of course I will.
When will you be available for me alone?
Also, take care of yourself. You said you trust her, but well, I'm still worried about you

When do you consider the symtpoms as too bad?

You? With your cute little paws? Please. I'm used to cats scratching me but you don't even have claws!
Yeah, it never really caught on like Love Hina, and this imo, is because Akamatsu decided to be a retard and changed the genre of the manga halfway through.
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Anya (808).jpg
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Fine then, I'll stop bullying you about being my kitty. You won't hear another word about it.
Same Poster - hell, it wasn't even half way through, it was.. what, about 10 books in?
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I don't know, i'm in quite a bit of pain right now and I don't want to take out my frustration at you.
>I should make a frisk folder
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Ika Stop!.gif
2MB, 500x281px
Then send a fucking new one. I ain't taking that shit. Crap font and you know it.

I'd still try to stop it. If it's that hindering than I'd stop it.

Ask sanae how much b8 I take. Its a lot. Like similar to the amount of faggotness inside you.
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Probably when I get close to a heart attack or some
But I'm not that much of a addict, so that will probably not be my problem.
My friend actually got into treatment today because of cannabis addiction, I really hope he gets through with it
I worked hard on it though

some people will just never appreciate nice things...
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You DO take your medications, don't you? I don't want you to be in hospital again.

>taking out your frustration at me
oh please, I doubt you could do that

Hmm... I see.
Don't you think that's a bit too late then? When you "get close" to an heart attack it will just be even harder...
And I'm sorry for saying this but... you're an addict, no matter how you turn it.
To be honest, I'm a bit worried about you.
>Worked hard
Nigger, you opened up MS Paint and picked out a shit font and typed a few words. The amount of effort there is the square root of fuck all.
Are you kidding? I could sell each Oxycontin pill for $20 to the high school kids down the block.
every letter was a different typeface though

that took me like 10 minutes to do nigger
I'm trying right now, it ain't easy you know.
Off to the doctor I go, probably just high blood pressure, I hope atleast
I know I am an addict at this point,it's obvious really but I want to get over it without help but maybe help might be better, I'll see in the next days
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Anya (469).png
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It's fine, if you don't want to be my kitty all you had to do was say.
>No pic
Yeah I'm dumb

Because suits are expensive
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TomoyoKanzaki {103}.jpg
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Forgot pic
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Shush kitty, you can't hurt me with your cute fluffy paws. It's cute though.
A for effort.

That's not exactly making it better. I don't want you to get back into hospital again, even if it does make for good money.

Well, if you want to get over it without a good plan you need a plan for it.
Did you think about some kind of plan on how to get better?
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Ika Will Kill You.jpg
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Hey man, how about you work twice as hard for that shit?

Some people just don't appreciate quality in things.

Ayy mang, thanks.

Wot did I wot m8?

Nigga take another 10 then.

Uh oh, hopefully it's not too late then. I wish you the best of luck.
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I have 60 of them.

Think about that.
Well faggot, it resulted in everyone in this thread thinking you an idiot. You could have done the simple and smart thing and inputted the image into some random meme generator site and boom, instant response image.

Motherfucker, you make a actual autist like me look normal.
you do it then fuck squid -_-

this is why I hate you all
it's an investment for all the dates we will have :o
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I don't use meme generators, because I'm not a little kid -_-
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What good is the fucking money if you cough blood and die because of your spleen? First, get the fuck better. THEN sell the rest.
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Well, my plan is to not drink...
It won't be or it wiill be for good, who knows.
So I'll be gone for a bit, do not have too much fun without me guys and grills
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TomoyoKanzaki {102}.jpg
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It went from Middle School Slice of Life/Magic, to fucking Sci-fi/Magic Adventure thing. If anything good came out of that change, Honya here came out of it all a badass.
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Anya (285).jpg
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Didn't you? Well then what do you want?
good morning?
I love this pic because tomoyoyos smile :o
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It's only a little blood now...
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Me and my waifu hate you too, faggot.
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TomoyoKanzaki {131}.png
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Smile is a weird word :o
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Ika Chibi Sit.gif
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1200. Noice m80!

You do it and fix the problem you've caused. Fuck konata -_-

I'm forgetting! Help!

Hope it's not. And if it is then Rip in peace.
oshit, wrong poster, how the fuck did I fuck that one up?
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What else? You'd cuddle me to death?

I think I gave you that advice already, but suddenly stopping won't probably help...
How about trying to raise the limit you can go without a drink?
From 3 hours to 4 in little steps. Then from 4 to 6 and so on.

It's bad enough that you still cough blood. I mean it. Get better first. Then sell whatever you have left. Hell, you can even buy a second package of medication if you need the money that bad.
But first, please, please get better. I'm trying to get better too
how? :o
fuck you splatoon girl -_-

only problem here is you
Same anon from >>718771787, We hate >>718771491, not you. You, You're okay - This Nigger needs to go the way of the dodo.
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Hello everyone.
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I know right? I could buy a lot of food and toilet paper with it.
>I'm trying to get better too
You want some pills? These will f*** you up though.
And fine, I won't sell them until I'm better...
I mean, I always kinda liked the magic through sci-fi/tech idea, maybe I'll give it a watch. Been needing something to add to my backlog for a while, since I'm not in the mood for idol stuff that often.

I just want you, silly!

It is too late. You forgot.

I'd Deus Vult all over your ass.
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hands up.jpg
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everyone likes me though :)
Also, Hanako best cripple girl
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Geez, I'm not in need for pills. I need to eat more. I ate 3 times since last saturday.
Thank you for listening to me. I love you.

An army of kittens in templar costumes?
How cute~
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TomoyoKanzaki {113}.jpg
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It just sounds weird

I hate you
Love you too, faggot.
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Ika Pout.gif
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>splatoon girl
Ey you fucking twat, I was made not only before splatoon but I also appeared in splatoon as a bonus. Show your elders some respect spic.

Hi hanako

Or you could go to jail and get them for free.

Dammit.. You win this round...
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you sound weird -_-

how do I pronounce tomoyoyo
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Always wanted to find your favourite snap chat leaks? Use this tool today & thank me later lolol snap leak .cf
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Anya (192).jpg
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>Not being in the mood for idol stuff all the time.
Why do I love you again?

Is that all? You don't want to be anything of mine?
I love you too ><
I'm going to take one now, I'm starting to really feel the pain.
Also you should start with small meals. I heard you lost a lot of weight.
Jail is so boring, I don't want to go back there.
You niggers are the bane of this website.
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I'm already taken :o

How do you think?
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misaki NHK 1.jpg
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Night everyone, I'm about four hours late to bed. Sleep well!

Man some of this Chara artwork is getting strange
konata is older than splatoon though :/

and better anime :o
You got that right.

Heya Squiddy.


G'night Misaki.
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Ika slakfj;ierhgjeljfieru.jpg
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You are weird, weirdo

>going back
Are you kongou?
Good night.
Am I who?
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Yeah, I weighed myself yesterday. I lost 5,5 lbs this year so far.
Eating seems scary.

I only save the good ones though. Now just imagine the bad ones

Goodnight though
toe mow yo yo

by me <3
you're a jerk -_-
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You are enjoying this far too much...



You are really playing hardball here...
Oi, Makoto, You have discord?
This is the Nodokafag, BTW.
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I see. Is losing weight something you want to do anyway?
It's not bad. It's just strangely interesting. Is Undertale any good?

>Sorry I swear I'm going to bed but I have to hear this
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Anya (131).jpg
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I am? I'm just saying what you seem to be saying.
but was my pronunciation correct? :o
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i feel asleep last night
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God Damn I cringe at you.

>file name

Never mind. Just some gay who went to jail and got buttraped.

No u

I could take that. Thanks

Soo uhh... What were we talking about?

Inb4 yes
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And you know you like it!

>Conider the following
>Conider the

It is. I wanted to loose weight but I'm not sure how much I want to loose. Feels like my mind is going rather crazy over this

Yeah, it is good. You should stay clear of spoilers and certain SJW sites though since they love to make a good game look bad by intepreting too much feminist agenda into it.
If that makes any sense
I cringe at you saying cringe -_-
Ye boi.

You're really gunna make me, aren't you...

About how you owed me $20.

>inb4 yes
Nigger, I'm not using a trip code, blow me.
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Anya (611).jpg
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And if I am?

>About how you owed me $20.
For some reason my mind is expecting you to start Evaposting
NOOOOOOO!!!!! Fuck I got got.
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TomoyoKanzaki {105}.gif
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I said yes -_-
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Ohoho, I'm sure you LOVE it.
You still didn't tell anyone to stop so far little kitty.
You like to be bullied so much, you seem to crave it even.

CONIDER the following!
You're pathetic
weren't you saying yes to my other statement? :o
No one gets raped in jail, all we did was fight. Now prison on the other hand is another story. You get raped on your first day.
Ehh, I just pinched my tummy until I didn't feel fat there anymore. And then I knew that was the weight I wanted to keep forever.
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I understand, i must have been really boring to put you to sleep like that...

I have no idea.
Aight, sent you a FR so we can chat.
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Are you... underweight? What's your BMI?

>Pinching my tummy
I want to loose more in that case
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No -_-
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no no not at all. its just describing my bed made me sink further into it
I'm going to marry myself?
Maybe :o
Congrats! Now we need and ERP SHIT.
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Ika Computer.gif
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I take that back. I made a mistake.

>blow you
Nah that's gay

That's as big a lie as the faggotness within You.

I am.. I was only looking at the font.

Oh well then he went there.

Oh. Well how goes?

Nice try. Can't fool twice.
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TomoyoKanzaki {133}.gif
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I didn't see the watermark -_-


At least i tried -_-
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The fuck is this, /fit/? Why did a Anime thread with Lite-RP concepts turn into this?

Good god, none of you niggers trying to do this can spell.

Good, because you're the gayest, blackest nigger outside of our local group. Congratulations, you can Go and suck your own dick alone.
Sure you were.
I was trying to trick him -_-
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