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Waifu claiming thread Previous: >>716311689 The rules

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 233
Thread images: 142

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Waifu claiming thread
Previous: >>716311689

The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!
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Thug lyfe.jpg
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Sameji claim'd
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Leaves and stuff.jpg
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Hello, I am the cute girl in the pic related.
My name is Takagi and I am dimension dysphoric. I am an anime character trap in a male human's body.
Before you make fun of my condition, just know that when I came out to my parents they thought I was joking.
I think you guys might get me...
I pay them a rent but I still feel like I'm standing in their way.
And I can tell they don't like my lack of autonomy.
I want to take Ran's virginity while holding her hands.
I was never good at anatomy

and they are your parents, I'm sure they don't mind too much but idk

any plans on moving out? siblings?
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Gun 1.png
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you're bad at aiming
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My name is Takagi and I'm actually an anime girl.
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still here
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Kill them all let god sort them out!
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knife night.jpg
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Careful, you might hurt yourself
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Alice (317) copy.jpg
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how did you fuck up that badly?
jokes on you, this is a gun free zone :o
I'm also bad at anatomy :o

I know they probably don't mind too much but I still don't like the situation.
I don't know what I would hate more between this or moving away and barely being able to sustain myself.
At least I'd have some kind of pride I guess.
No need! You already shot youself!
You you three are ok

...meh, it's still 2016. I guess it's plausible.
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wow i'm retarded
What? I was born an anime character.
I'm just looking for someone to claim me
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Gun 2.png
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you hit up the wrong thread again?

you've missed me more than once tho
check out /a/
is your pride worth it?

you should at least be trying to save up then if you aren't already

maybe room with a friend
You shot yourself here >>716337884
No need to
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I do it on purpose
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witty file name 24.jpg
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tfw no 2D gf
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How lewd.gif
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whatever you say m8
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You can check the times if you want.
I can be your 2D gf!
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Yes, you are
I have decent savings, even with this shitty income.
I barely have any friends and they're not available for this right now.
I could get a cheap apartment but I can't seem to find the will to do that right now.
Well that goes for everything now.
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evil shiro (5).jpg
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Make em eat the hot lead!
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My fuhrer wants you.jpg
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End yourself
seems like you have a plan at least sorta

my mom says to enjoy my youth while I can so I try to do that :o
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Wanna ERP?
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Sorry direct orders from the man himself, I cannot stop. You should help to.
She's cute :o
No I don't have a plan at all, except going to bed right now.
I feel like I wasted all my youth and it's already coming to and end.
I'm not that old but I can't help but feel this way.
Anyway that's my time for now, I work tomorrow.
get plenty of rest, thanks for the chat

you shouldn't stress yourself too much

thank you <3
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a gif.gif
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I'll decline
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This thread.
please leave newfag
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>Calling me a newfag.
>i'm not a newfag lelelel
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Do you mean to start a war??!!!
Do you ever fantasize about shooting up a crowded mall?
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Depends on who is in there.
Innocent people.
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This faggot.png
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no one on this planet is innocent
What about your waifu?
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misaki curious.jpg
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Did you want to talk about what was going down on your end?
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Define innocent. If any of them are anything but white and German then they go here.
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well i think my wisdom teeth are coming in and i cant afford that
Innocent Japanese people who make anime for a living.
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Is it soviet russia.jpg
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Cyka Blyat
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Japan is an ally! Not happening!
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Sweater weather.jpg
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Soviets kicked your ass
such a hot picture
put some pants on :o
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Mein Futher.jpg
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Not in this reality. Also two words.
Mass conscription, only way you could win
why did you delete yourself :o
delet this
Fucked up
I think you deleted an "e" :o
you sure are fucked up :o
No. I know what I said
I want to cuddle with Ran and have her wrap her tails around me.
delet? :o
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Is this a Jojo referance.jpg
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It's because you are neither cheeki nor breeki
Delet this
>google it
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misaki curious 2.jpg
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Not much you can do about it?
I try not to acknowledge shit memes :o
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Of to the chambers with you Soviet!
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not unless i have a lot of money no
Please, everyone knows all slavs have gas masks
I want to hug Ran. I want Ran to love me.
back off
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No dental insurance? Depending on where you go they are willing to work with the finances. On the other hand, you also want a place that does good work too.
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dat boi.gif
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Pretty hard to get them when your in chains!
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all your waifus are shit

this is the ultimate waifu bois.
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nope havent been in a place of work for about 2 months. anyways im going to go shower for now
I'm sorry. It's how I compensate for my crippling loneliness, thinking about perfect fictional females loving me and caring for me.
it's fine I just really love fran :o
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I have no idea what's going on at this point
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Little fox and mom.jpg
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My lungs are strong like bear, gas will have no effect

I'll agree, she's pretty great
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Terry Bradshaw needs to go take a nap.

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Final soultion.jpg
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Then in that case.
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Yuno what this is.jpg
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All I have to do is survive the blast, the radiation will be just like the exclusion zone
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Ah, gotcha. If you're stuck in an emergency situation, a dental clinic may be your best option since they usually handle under/un-insured patients.

Your aim still sucks.

Both he and Mike Ditka lost their sanity a long time ago.

Nightly bote encounter. How are you?
Your irl wife is a bitch.
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>All I have to do is survive the blast
Afraid it does not work like that if you right next to it.
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If this is true, you >>716345343
Deserve to be shot.
very cute
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Titans really need to prove themselves tomorrow, even if it is against the shitty Jaguars. They need to fix that nasty 1-3 AFC South record if they want into the playoffs.
Also, pillow fight of the year! Rams and 49ers! Woo!
I want to lick Laura's golden eyeball.

But why?
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Kill him
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g'night fags
To show affection. Maybe she'd hug me then, or hold hands with me.
sleep tight cutie :o
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Pretty good and you
>Smile to protect
The other IS
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Good! Now you can't put up and resistance while I execute you!
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At least compliment the eye, don't go licking it! Seriously, she likes it a lot when people say nice things about her eye(s).

Wouldn't that be a really nice thing though? It's me saying 'I like your eyeball a lot, so I'm going to lick it to prove it.'
I wonder if she'd hug me though... that's all I want.
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Titans are on house money at this point, for them to be contending for a playoff spot is probably a nice surprise for their fanbase. There's a good chance that Indy loses and they win tomorrow, but I wouldn't completely trust Ten. to hold it together.

>Rams v. Niners
That's gonna be some horrible QB play on both sides.

Kraut IS. How goes it?


One of those sorts of days that takes the wind out of your sails. Not much I can do at this point other than wait and hold down the fort.
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Alice (252).jpg
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnbouQIFGZI I forgot how much I enjoyed the easter egg music from CoD zombies
what's your favorite map? :o
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I mean, you do what you want, I won't judge. All I'm trying to say is that it's something I wouldn't do.

What did he mean by this?
Your wife lick my cum off the toilet seat like the worthless fat whore she is.
This one was better
That one is nice, but I prefer Abracadaver
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antonio brown cleats.jpg
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'Tis the season of giving! Joe Flacco gave his offensive VR stuff. Ezekiel Elliot gave his lineman some UTV's too. Now Derek Carr just needs to give his lineman some stuff, and everything'll be set. Also, here are some sweet kicks Antonio Brown is going to be wearing when they lose to Baltimore.
The Titans needn't worry about the Colts or Texans, but themselves.

there's apparently a resort here named that

mine was Der Riese :o
Ah, that one I didn't enjoy much.
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chibi (16).jpg
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He didn't ask for the worst map.
That's a weird way to spell best map
that's the one I played most with my brother

good times

I miss you bro ;-;
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The easter egg music is pretty good too
Good shower?
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casual wear.png
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What about it?
I couldn't pick a best map, but acceptable answers would be Nacht der Untoten, Shi No Numa, Ascension and Der Riese.
Anime faggots
I guess trips say those are good maps.
>Shi No Numa a shit
Shi No Numa was good too, I would smap bouncing bettys
I don't like metal :o
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Not 100% sure myself.

Yeah, I saw what Zeke did for the lineman, those were pretty badass.

Seattle plays the Cards, last time was the ugly tie game, we need the win to maintain a lead over Atl for the #2 playoff seed.

I'm hoping the Stillers lose to the Ravens, expecting a ugly 12-9 game out of those two teams.

If it comes down to Houston V. Texans in week 17 for the division, I wonder which team shoots themselves in the foot first?
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it was warm wasnt it
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she says 'what the fuck'.gif
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>>Shi No Numa a shit
spam -_-
it was the first good map

the first zombie levels are horrible
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Just waiting to see if they want to drain this bad boy now.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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I don't know, was it?
It was, I'm sorry
True. The first one ever was pretty bad
Go to sleep
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well yeah
It seemed like you were asking me
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well yeah kinda
Why would I know though :o
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i dont know sorry
It's not like I join people for their showers or anything
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Think the Browns can pull it off this week?
I'm going to go with Houston. They are far worse than record indicates, with a practically non-existent offense and an average defense. They will not be able to contain DeMarco Murray, he will run all over them and turn their defense into a carpet.
>It was
>The first one ever was pretty bad
It was a super compact shithole. You had no breathing room whatsoever and it had far too many pointless corners
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i mean that sounds nice though
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I'm assuming you mean Nacht der Untoten, in which case, I loved the attribute of no breathing room! Made it more challenging.
I do enjoy showers, but that's because of the heat.
I have a poor sense of direction when I'm in a bit of a rush
>like trying not to get fugged by zambonis
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well yeah but if they were with someone else wouldnt they be even hotter?
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With your luck they will. But at least it sounds like you're getting on the other side of the illness now.

The Chargers can screw it enough up for a Christmas miracle for Cleveland. They gotta be careful if they win or they could lose that first draft pick depending on what happens to San Fran.

Houston's defense is probably their best offense at this point. That is an ugly team. Ugly enough where I could see Savage getting destroyed and Weeden put in as QB.
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>spaming YLYL thread with interracial trap hentai
>YLYL fag asks me to be their friend
why do you have that type of porn?

why are you on YLYL?
>why do you have that type of porn?
To spam YLYL
>why are you on YLYL?
To spam YLYL
would you mind sending some my way? :o
I deleted that folder.
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actually mayuri.jpg
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That's why you adapt to it, silly! I love games that make you adapt.
No. I'd be too embarrassed and trying to leave for that
I spent like a hundred hours on that map. There was no adapting
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Then git gud.
holy shit moving music from this phone to this laptop is killing me
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I'm back got wrapped up in other things
>Thread still going
That can describe every aspect of my life
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Stop being a negative nancy.
I prefer the term "Debbie Downer"
Glum Gary
That's a good one too
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chibi (5).png
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That's creepy
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cute stuff.jpg
1MB, 2448x3264px
So are you.
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Yuuki (0).png
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I want to hug Mugi.
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Me too
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Sleep calls me. Goodnight.
sleep well and warm
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well if you liked them i dont see the problem
worst cod
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Kraut is a nickname for Germans
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merry christmas eve :o
quads :o
dubs :o
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Claiming Kirino
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whoa checked

merry Christmas eve
claiming kirino poster
how was portal? :o
my love for you
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I got pretty far, seems like halfway, then switched over to playing warband. Played that till I got bored.

<3 stranger
was it portal 1 or 2?

I hear portal 1 is really short :o
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2 :O
<3 not stranger
oh ok that makes sense

we should play a game together once my friends helps me with the pc :o
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>tfw was too intelligent to post my waifu but she was claimed already
I got 5 5s once rip :o
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>tfw one off from quints
Time to Apply Noose
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Most definitely.

Any ideas of what games you would like to play?
Portal 2 has a coop thing, we could do that.
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Makoto is a boys name
I bet Mr. And Mrs. Kikuchi wanted a boy...
most likely a free game because I'm poor :o

I do own minecraft from when I was 12
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i can get you something

Minecraft can be done though. Though if I do that I ought as well revert to my Tekkit days.
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>tfw too intelligent to look at wikis
why is earth flat? :o
what is tekkit?
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A big mod for minecraft.
Adds machinery and stuff, electricity.
It was pretty cool when I was in middleschool
I never liked playing minecraft with mods

tho I guess I wouldn't mnd trying it :o
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It's a modpack you damn fundie.
Minecraft Single player is good. Multiplayer is cancer.
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neon tali.png
1MB, 624x1040px
hey all
>back from a ban for posting a thread that's posted daily
fuck /aco/ mods
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Sorry I goofed the term ya spaz
Single player gets pointless quickly.

I'm down for whatever you want :0

Sup Tali
welcome back
you too

though when I play minecraft I just mine and raise farms 24/7 :o
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You didn't evade?
What a roastie.
I tried to use a proxy but every time i clicked post a reply it'd just refresh the page.
Its almost christmas!
>you damn cutie
Thank you faceless
you know me :o
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Ah merry christmas konota
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Just unplug your router for five minutes...
Fucking normies
>this is b8
konata :o

merry christmas eve to you
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No it's literally how you change your IP
Roastie once again proves its stupidity.
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Stupid Trot.
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>tfw all this christmas food and I have to wait to eat it it
kill me now please
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121KB, 600x818px
Tali is looking pretty cute in that Santa costume
Thread posts: 233
Thread images: 142

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