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Get it off your chest. Whatever has been bothering you, don't

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Thread replies: 246
Thread images: 40

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Get it off your chest.

Whatever has been bothering you, don't repress that shit.
I make too much money
I just really don't care about black and Hispanic people.
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What's your key? Hard work, intelligence, charisma, shrewd business skills?
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Help build the wall, man!
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I miss my jap ex so bad that seeing her today reminded me how badly I want to kill myself
I have one more semester of college and I feel like I have wasted 4 years of my life and I'm going to have to move back home and hate my life being forced to take a shitty job. I know I have a capability of doing my best to avoid this, but I am scared it is going to end up like this last semester where I went to class, came back, and drowned out my sorrows by staying up really really late hoping I wouldn't wake up and keep my mind occupied with video games and jerking off all the time and self loathing.
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Sorry to hear that bro. It sounds cliche, but there are billion of other people in the world.
By shitty job I mean a non-major related job like moving boxes
Too many niggers, white nigger-lovers, Sjws and Faggots in this world all promoting degenerate actions.

I knew a guy that this exact thing happened to. To the letter, he worked for a moving company after finishing uni because he couldn't land a job in his field.

A year later he got a six figure job in a different industry.
did you lose some pixels?

"Mansplaining" "Manspreading"

re: MTVNews white guy new years resoltuions.
Bless you based anon
I don't know what the fuck I want in life or who I should be. I'm just don't want to let anyone down, especially my parents. But in all honesty, I don't really give a fuck. I don't want to be anyone or anything. I want to drift away into nothingness and the concept and memory of me will be erased from everyone's minds.
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found em.
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I don't think I'm good enough for society
I hate how idiots think our national mental health problems are "a gun problem", "an oppression problem", "an illegal immigrant problem", "a drug problem" and "racial problems."
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Fuck man, nowadays who is?
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I have thousands of dollars in debt, collection agencies
I'm dissassociating regularly, can't tell what's real anymore, the antipsychotics blend dream and reality
None of that is good news
I'm beyond jaded and depressed, but don't have the balls to kill myself. I'm a time bomb of a human and my beautiful ex contacted me today and triggered me into infinity. I'm straight up decaying physically and long for death. I can never recover. This is rock bottom + serious mental illness.
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Is creativity dead, is there anything genuine. I want to change that. Once I do that I'll think I'm good enough, but what if it's not possible?

It's an almost silent epidemic. Many people are afraid to talk about depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses due to a possible stigma attached to them.
I did a bunch of coke last night and now I can't sleep.

Off your chest, not outta your chest!
I fully believe the dark souls series of games by from software are a Japanese attack on American mental health by planting subconscious thoughts of suicide, and glorifying someone destroying themselves. Furthermore it also shills substance abuse and accepting mental illness
I developed bad anxiety around people even friends

Your treatment and therapy aren't helping anon?
git gud
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Holy shit
5 Months ago I got 2 awesome female friends, both of them had a crush on me. They told me (not at the same time) they want something more than friends, I turned them down. Now we rarely talk to each other (to both), if only they knew I turned them down because I'm gay.

Not at all. Initially it did, then I became dependent on the benzos, and just steadily started sliding. I'm inches from losing my job and home

good git.

In the closet still?
My partner and I of 5 years have two kids, and are going to break up because of a lightweight stupid thing I did. Enhance cars, a house etc. Going to sucks.

Fuck man, benzo depedency is a bitch. I was on them for years, just got clean. Still going through Post Acute Withdrawal 2 months later.
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Think about it
Source: I've cleared all of them

They're attacking our youth snd especially males and vulnerable classes through suggestions implanted in your subconscious through video games

Why do you think so many "hardcore gamers" are so maladjusted, and why depression and social anxieties run rampant through said circles?

Checkmate, Hoshi.
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Alright sure, but it's a long, not pre-typed greentext.

>be me, 21
>live with 4 other people in a "luxury" 3 bedroom apartment, it's fucking huge for an apartment
>first roommate, 22, call him Jack
>second roommate, also 22, call him Kyle
>third roommate, Jack's stupid cunt girlfriend, doesn't deserve a name but for convenience we'll call her Queefbreath
>4th roommate is my fiancee, call her Anne
>QB is a major fucking gamer grrrl attention whore, has never contributed to a conversation, works at a gas station, has no inside voice, complains practically non-stop about everything
>Jack has been my best friend since freshman year of high school, he dated QB back in college and lost his v-card to her, they reconnected earlier this year
>Jack has some emotional problems and he's earned them, has one of the most fucked up pasts I have ever heard, but is also prone to temper tantrums and being a lying manipulative twat
>Kyle is all-around decent dude, but narcissistic sometimes
>it all started about 2 months ago when QB decided she didn't love Jack anymore
>Jack, being a massive fucking white knight, has been providing her with everything and she has been completely ungrateful
>literally lost interest in Jack because she met a guy who lives in Canada on a fucking PS4 MMO
>breaks up with Jack saying she hasn't loved him for 2 months and whatever whatever
>Jack goes into a deep depression over it but he seems like he's gonna be okay
>we get a beer and hash things out
>I am pretty insistent that QB hits the bricks but he's not having it
>says she can't help her feelings and shouldn't be punished for them
>I voice my concerns, say I don't see it ending well if she stays
>end up conceding because there is nothing I can really do

Unfortunately, yes. My parents are strict Christians, and they're really against gays in the family, but not homophobes.
Oh my sexy Im waiting for you http://6url.ru/jzkJ
Yeah fam. I want to die, especially before and after I discovered benzos. So all the time. Can't take that wild ride on a noose around the holidays though
You better convince Jack to leave her alone, or better yet convince QB to leave. Bribe her with chips or donations, something attention whore likes.
i really want to strangle a human being, when ever i talk to anyone all i can think about is chokung them

This is how you show up to Christmas dinner.
Might I volunteer?

Find a chick that's really into choking.
I didn't want to come out of the closet because my family are a very strict Christians, I wanna come out to wanting to be an Atheist first before coming out to be Gay. Anons I need advice please.
I cant stop doing cocaine
Dont know how, dont want to
Were a pretty sorry lot.
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Been working at remington for the last 5 months and really liked this girl i work with. We slept with each other for about 4 nights and then suddenly she lost interest in me out of the blue for some reason, She was 22 and i'm 32. Maybe i'm just getting old?
A lot of japanese games are this way, not just fromsoft games, and they're made to be harsh and as realistic as they can make them while still being entertaining enough to be playable. They teach gamers that if you screw up or make a series of wrong moves, then you get punished. The mind set this breeds is due to the misunderstanding of the what the producers are trying to get across. In these games, you can't hack and slash to win, you have to study the move sets and watch for enemy's "tells", it's all about gathering info on the enemy, creating a strategy, executing, then winning. Granted, it does have ramifications on the player if they don't understand this, but that can also be attributed to deeper psychological problems. It's a chicken or the egg argument.
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>some time passes, basically we check up on Jack every day to see how he's doing
>not well, he's drinking heavily and moping around. Lost his job too, really he quit but not for any good reason and he didn't get another one like a fag
>got a tax return late and was living off that
>keeps pressuring qb about the nature of their relationship
>one day she says if he wants closure he has to buy her a bunch of shit or she won't talk to him
>he does it like a beta fuck
>ruins Kyle's birthday cookout by getting too drunk and overcooking the meat on the grill, using way too much lighter fluid, and refusing to let anyone else do the grilling since he dropped $50 on the grill
>he left it on the lawn and the apartment staff threw it out
>we aren't really checking in on his emotional state anymore, mostly because we're getting tired of his shit but also because it isn't changing
>after a few weeks of this bullshit, he starts pushing all of us away when we do try to help
>behind our backs he claims we abandoned him and that we don't care
>get so pissed at the sheer retardation of the whole thing that I can't even stand to look at him
>we don't speak at all for two weeks
>one night he goes ballistic, he runs down to the lake and is screaming about drowning himself
>Kyle tries to get me to intervene but I was in bed and didn't want to deal with it, which was cold, I know, but I was so worn out from it all
>Kyle ended up resolving it one way or another
>the next day Kyle explains to Jack that if this keeps up, Jack is gonna have to find somewhere else to go
>he got up and left without a word

Cont again
im really alone and depressed, my life has been going nowhere for the past 6 years and it is entirely my fault. i hate people so i cant make friends, whenever i talk to people i just want to bash their fucking brains in with a baseball bat. the only time i didnt feel this way was when i was with my ex, a perfectly fine relationship that i managed to fucked up unbelievably bad. do i need friends? do i need a girlfriend? what the fuck am i doing with my life?
If quints, I kill myself.
meet a girl, You're a lonely piece of shit is all.
What has been the 1 thing you've been wanting to do in your life that you haven't achieved yet? Do it, motivate yourself to do it, be successful, be busy. Don't worry about being alone, you have us.
I've always wanted to join the military, but now that I actually have, I'm questioning if I've made the right choice.
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although I think it was one of the ninja gaiden games that the japanese hard mode was the american normal. So, they probably just wanted to fuck with americans

meeting a girl that isn't a fucking whore is pretty hard when you dont leave your house that often


i dont really know to be honest, i dont think i've ever had any goals or achievements that i've wanted to reach/fulfill
You're working for a bunch of rich white people that do not give a shit about you. People really do not give a fuck if you serve or not. We are in it for ourselves if you hadnt noticed.
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Work on stuff you enjoy, when your shit is together and you're doing cool shit, other people will want to be a part of that.
Fam, I know how these games work. I wouldn't have formed these opinions if I hadn't finished my fair share of titles. Look at the content of ds- the story and goal laid in front of you. Ultimately you will, as a character, ideally, kill yourself to maintain the status quo. All around you are people who failed to die for their age of fire and gave into mental illness- an acceptable option, as your insignificance in the grand scheme of things is readily apparent. If you fail it doesn't matter. Someone else, some other shithead in some other world WILL succeed in their quest for killing themselves to keep shit from decaying.
So here we are presented with options, kill yourself
Give into mental illness and degenerate
Fuck everyone over and revel in your destruction of society. Pretty much terrorism
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I've become so depressed that I've given up on trying to be happy
I'm good at nothing in life. The one thing I am good at, no one cares about, no one recognises it and everyone thinks that others are better than me at it
A little slow to the punch aren't we little billy
Really? Nothing? I wanted to make a book when I was a kid, I self-published a book now and I am happy with what I made. Do what you want! Also if you really want to meet a girl, if you're an average joe, go to other country, meet girls there. Problem solved!
Nobody read that shit you idiot.
Are you jewish by any chance?

That's medium billy to you, sir.
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You did, bruv

Fuck outta here, Hoshi
Two bombs weren't enough
Christian (Catholic), why? What made you wonder?
Alright, I can see where you're coming from. I think it was in 1, your choice doesn't matter, 2, you don't get a choice, 3, you kill yourself, essentially end the world, or become king of the crazies

ironic because the only relationship i've ever been in was a long distance relationship, it was pretty recently and i lived in the US with the love of my life. unfortunately i was pretty unstable during that time due to borderline personality disorder and i ended up being escorted out of the country by my country's embassy. although during the limbo between me leaving my ex's family's house and me returning back to my country, i met a ton of fucking girls and made out with them. i was a player then, and that was only 8 months ago. how did i become such a pussy?
I don't know if I love you. I really like you and I love to spend time with you and the fact that you love me so much makes my life bearable, but I'm still in love with my ex, even when I know she's a cunt, even when I know she's in love with that fucking piece of shit, I still feel that she's the one I was meant to be with.

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>I figure enough time has gone by that I should confront him about his claims that we don't care
>he denies them, says he's just done with life, been suicidal for as long as he can remember and just doesn't want to go on living that way
>while I personally believe suicide is a personal choice, I think it's bullshit because for fuck's sake he was fine until qb dumped him
>he just keeps on until I give up
>fast forward to last Tuesday night
>the night I lost my best friend
>I was at work (i tend bar at a hotel bar, no one ever comes so it's just shitposting galore most of the time) having a comfy time
>Kyle, Anne, and a couple other friends are chilling in Kyle's room having a grand ole time when all hell breaks loose
>Jack is running around slamming doors because he tried to pressure QB into the same old conversation about their relationship
>Kyle gets fed up and walks out, asks "are you done?"
>Jack blows up, says a lot of shit about the supposed abandonment, grabs Kyle by the shirt collar
>Kyle is really composed about it, tells Jack if he feels that way then he's welcome to leave
>he has 30 days
>Jack storms out, I get home about an hour later looking to join the chill sesh
>Kyle fills me in and we go to my room to discuss plan
>Meanwhile Jack straight up spam calls QB until she gets sick of it and hands the phone to Anne
>Jack is so drunk that he thinks Anne is QB over the phone
>claims he's lost a lot of blood, he's dizzy, he's coming back for his clothes and he's going to leave
>for me this is absolutely the last straw
>I'd had it with his desperate cries for help
>it's time to force him to face this like a goddamn adult

Should only be one more post
I saw the absurd amount of text, i didn't need to read shit horus.
No reason, I just want to burn you with a lighter for being a needy bitch.
I feel like I'm a huge asshole because of my anger disorder even though everyone tells me I'm the nicest person they know. I lash out at people for simple dumb things and I always regret doing those things as soon as I sober up. I end up apologizing and feeling incredibly sad because when I get angry I don't control what I do.
I'm not the one depressed, lol. I'm just giving the advice, no need to burn me with a lighter

Probably because you're too afraid now, have some confidence in yourself next time.
Well stop drinking you fucking moron.
The same "choice" exists in all the games. You can always leave the kiln. That's succumbing to the system and/or homeless. The other choices are don't play, and/or go hollow, which is to succumb to depression and isolation.

Say it with me:
These games hardcore shill your insignificance and promote suicide.
Dubs of truth
I've come to realize that now. People are already telling me how my choice offends them. Thankfully, like you said, I joined for myself and not those stupid fucks.
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I keep repressing everything to draw power from them, but eventually always the power will consume me and end up hurting me instead.

how do i get confidence? does it relate to self esteem or is it all about faking that im the shi?. because during that limbo i thought i was the shit and had nothing to live for
I wouldn't take it as far as saying it's promoting suicide, but it does try to desensitize the player to it
I don't drink. Sober was the wrong word, I more meant sober as I feel drunk when I'm angry.
Sober up was the wrong way to say that, I meant once I'm not angry.
im scared about my future

are you messed up or an English as second language person?

i dated a chick for 6 years.
the last 3 years she was really abusive.
i tried to make it work but it wouldnt.

she constantly cheated on me the last 4 years, first it started with a friend from highschool she went to, then it was online a bit kinda. my 2nd year of dating her she couldv been hit by a car at a crosswalk but i took a dive and got hit myself. then we went to cadet camp, there wasnt enough room for me to be in leadership like she was, i didnt want to go to camp that year but i went cause i didnt really want to be away from her. i find out that shes cheating on me with another guy there, and another, and another, at least 10 different guys and a few chicks, camp ended we went back home, i wanted to forget about it and forgave her. i gave her my old xbox 360 when 360 was still new, she kept in touch with some guys from camp on it, and then started dating some totally random guy through the xbox and web cammed with him a lot, i got mad, caught her red handed she stopped. i was given 35000cnd from insurance and we moved out of our parents, i supported her, for a couple years and got a lot of nice things with the cash. she starts hanging out with guy friends of hers, they kinda become my friends, starts getting paranoid that im cheating on her starts getting mad at me ( i never cheated on her ) she starts fucking these guys thinking i dont know, we fight a lot, weeks after I get really mad, go outside, she follows, doesnt go away when i tell her to, am about to hit her. i turn around and punch a telephone pole, i break my fist. months later i heal, shes still cheating and probably with more off and online, still getting jealous over nothing, we fight more, and more and more. get evicted, no cash months after that, we move back in with out parents, i stay at hers because i want to be around her, we start fighting more, her parents call the cops, we see the cops dozens of more times before we're both given restraining orders.
So you agree to an extant that From is at least somewhat shilling an idea to vulnerable masses?

we go to court, we get it lifted, hang out as friends, find out shes pregnant, not mine.
I bail and die everyday since then.

Are you seeing a therapist?
I think they sell confidence on Amazon, they have next day delivery too. But all jokes aside. I mean have high hopes, high expectations for you self. Don't just do things that you think will make you happy, but things that you KNOW will make you happy.
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You're never going to be curable. You may or may not have bi-polar disorder or some other psyche condition. I would suggest seeking mental therapy for your madness.
Try drugs
Yeah, but I live near LA, I can only go once a month due to how few psychiatrist there are compared to everyone with problems.

Thank god that shit's over man.
I did a bunch of crystal meth, fucked a fat girl and failed my probation drug tests. Woops... Prob gonna go to jail for violation.
forgot to mention that in between having the money and then losing it she beating me constantly, calling me names, putting me down, manipulating me etc. it wasnt great times but I miss her so much, i gave her everything and i only wanted her to love me.. she set my soul on fire and I burned like a weak little piece of shit. everyone i tell says im a pussy and etc.sucks ass.. the end
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>when he gets home he tried to wordlessly push past us all
>demand to see his cuts
>he avoids showing me, shouts that it didn't matter
>back and forth ad nauseam, until finally he blows up at me too
>tries to read me the riot act like he did Kyle, but no way in hell am I gonna let it get to me
>start pulling up his sleeves and shirt, searching him for cuts until he punches me in the stomach
>hesitate for a moment
>tell Kyle to call the cops (meant suicide hotline, but heat of the moment, and Kyle isn't great at details)
>knock Jack the fuck out
>I wish I could say it only took one punch, but alas, it took three
>one in the jaw, one in the cheek, one in the eye
>his eyes go dim and roll up as his legs give out
>I hate to say it but damn it felt good, this apartment was supposed to be fun and his high school drama shit fucked it all up
>he comes to and continues his speech before the cops show up, they handle it from there
>I walk outside for a smoke
>he spent the night in psychiatric care and then left to his sister's place
>haven't spoken to him since, don't want to make things worse
>Kyle is adamant that he's not coming back after this
>had to explain it all to his younger brother today because he's been lying, saying that Anne and I were fighting, we were slamming doors, he intervened and I clocked him for it
>his younger brother is familiar with his bullshit and believes me, that kid is so damn intelligent
>still dealing with the aftermath, told the story to about 5 different people since, still have to tell others about it

Merry fucking christmas, Jack

ill try and keep what you said in mind, thanks
Blake is that you?
Its not over until i die, im gonna rob a bank or something one day, if i get away i can be happy, if i dont i can be free of all the shit she put me through, everyday is the same day full of heartache and self hate
I don't want to do drugs, I don't even want to smoke cigarettes. But don't suggest it to me, I'm only giving advice.
I am in therapy, and I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder like 6 years ago. I still am scared easily, but I only have like 2-3 panic attacks a year. My therapist thinks I'm bipolar, but I'm 18 and can't be diagnosed yet because it could still be hormones.
Go forth, Anon, and believe in yourself. But please don't do drugs, or anything illegal. I highly suggest you contact me if you want advice.
[email protected] (my disposable email for internet use)
Nah man, drugs rock

Jack needs to get his shit together. QB sounds like a royal bitch tho.
dude.....the thing you have to know about woman between there 20's-30's is that they are like monkeys swinging from branch to branch. She played you like a used las vegas casino chip and bailed after she found out you're worth a woping 10 dollars. This is 90% of any woman that you see day to day. That is why i do not condone womans rights.
He's gonna ask to see your willy, and threaten to hurt your family. Don't do it
Sure, but it's not like I'm going to do anything about it, I love Fromsoft games, and honestly, since I've started playing their games, I'm pretty sure I've gotten better at rpgs. Also, to reiterate, that's only if you take the game as completely literal, dying in those games is just a metaphor for obstacles in life.
Don't do drugs. I recently kicked a 4 year pill habit cold turkey. It's much better without.

Well occasion drug use is awesome. But don't make a habit out of it
I don't understand what's wrong with me, I don't care about talking to anyone and basically completely avoid it at all costs but I used to be a super sociable person.
Can confirm suicidal anon from up top, one took me for all I was worth and left me blaming myself
Nah, it's fine. I use my disposable email through a public wi-fi then use a vpn to access that email. Fake name, fake address on that email, no way he can trace it back to me or my family. I just want to give him advice.
18? Well stop being a whiny little bitch. You haven't even begun to live.
For some reason that's the best thing I've heard.

im too much of a fag to do anything hardcore, my father has been a good example of not what to do. only thing i've done recently that has been considered illegal is just shoplifting but that was a while ago

I'm getting this really bad feeling my girl is fucking other guys when she's out of town for work. 22 yo girl, she lies a lot.
Of course it isn't literal. It's subconscious suggestions being implanted as goals in games. What is skill at TV games compared to you and your peers health. Sounds like you sold out, you yellow bellied turncoat.
Babies, i fucking hate kids and their existence and my girlfriend really liked them and wants one. Having kids is the fucking worst im not sure what to do
No, you misunderstand. Going through that many steps to hide what you're up to
You're the predator, not him
Get a vasectomy. Problem solved.
I wish I was a girl, but Ill never come out for fear of being associated with the LGBTQIABCDEFHIJK movement and disgusting things like "caitlin" Jenner.
I accept that I already had problems before playing those games, why do you think I needed to validate myself with video game achievements?
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Christmas makes me depressed, I'm atheist so the religious bullshit has nothing for me, and I'm as poor as shit. So the commercial aspect just makes me realize Oh this shit I want that I can't afford. I'm trying to come up with a excuse to not go to the family Christmas Party. My extended hate me for being a faggot and a atheist. So its 4-5 hours where I have to put a fake smile while they treat me like human garbage, wake up the next day in a dilapidated house. and open a horribly wrapped discount walmart bullshit item that I don't want or need. It will be something and most likely will be thrown away before the new year.
Trust your gut, brother. If her existence gives you enough anxiety to post about it on a Japanese style image board, and NOT nothing but joy, it sounds like you're playing a losing game
Or... Not wanting his personal information get acquired by someone on the internet? I mean that's the disposable email I use, outside of 4chan I use a very public email account.

Good for you for not being like your father! Remember my advice, do what you love, be busy.
But she REALLY wants kids, to the extent of adopting some subhuman or getting a sperm donor and if its not my kid thats x6 worse
Sounds like it's time to turn off the games.

thanks anon, i might email you if i get stuck on something i cant figure out myself.

Good shit, thanks anon.

Shoot self in head. Problem solved.
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I have random fits of severe depression that hinder me from accomplishing my life's goals.

Also this except Korean>>716252932
IF you love her, and you've been with her for too long, then maybe having a kid isn't that bad of an idea. Most people before being a parent doesn't want kids, but they really love their kids that it made them change their views about kids.
I don't know you and you girlfriend, but if it has been long, and you really love her. I say go for it.
OR you're a kiddie fiddler
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I had a nightmare last night that I finally got with my old highschool crush except when we were about to fuck she revealed to me that she had a 6th toe which was actually a tiny dick so she was a trap this entire time and I had never considered that possibility
I laughed
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Not surprised at all that no one bothered to reply.
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In theory this sounds great, but its not dislike i straight up hate kids to the point of not being able to look at them without scowling and i cant touch the scummy fuckers
OR a Humanities and Social Science student who has been studying people with depression, and other shit, and just want to help them.
I want to kill myself because no one loves me and I hate myself
Think of the starving kids in Africa bro. Pretty sure they'd love your discount walmart bullshit.

We're all going to know nothing soon. Is there anything in your life that you want strictly for YOU?
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I'm flying back home at the end of January to surprise my Mum for her birthday.

I think the next time I surprise her will be when I an hero.

Makes me a bit sad thinking about it but it feels inevitable.
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I have a emotionally abusive father who reminds me daily that im a fucking failure of a human
It's because there's nothing we can say to persuade you when you don't care about anything.
I really don't want to work, at all. I don't want to work for or on my own. I'd just like to become a neet and lay in my bed and play my games all day.

Well, we can't all have what we want so for the next 20-30 years I just gotta put on a mask, fake it through life, and once I'm old af, I'll be a true neet.

Are you a fucking failure of a human?
Sick surprise dude, wish i could get presents like that
That's a bad angle to shoot at. You're just going to give your dentist extra work
Fee people take the time to respond if they don't relate to the issue, but I. Understand the feels, it took me nearly dying to realise that i ndeeded to get myself together, the drive to do something will come, you just need patience.
Good luck, Anon! Hope you get what you want!

Don't get your hopes up, I won't do it back home. Probably when I get back here.

you saved a thumbnail, you might actually be
By getting the standard toddler taker load out for their computer?
"If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life." Find something you love doing, do that.
Awww, come on man at least do it somewhere public then
Now I really don't know what you're saying. But it's your perspective on how you see people on the internet, I can't really change that.
You have a way of hiding who you really are
You use 4chan
Amimissing something?

That is an option. Right now I'm torn between stabbing myself in a public park or jumping off a high building. The first one would be at night so they wouldn't find me till morning to avoid any rescue.
Slow, painful, and messy. Bad idea to stab
High building so you get that falling feeling, i skydived recently and it was fucking awesome

Get some of Ma's slowmo first.
got decent work, good health, decent looking, never suffered from lack of female attention, got friends, strong family, yet I feel empty and like something is missing. Why is this?
Do you do anything for a hobby? Anything that you feel like you could do endlessly?

It's called life.
are you in your mid-20's?

That's exactly why I want it.

Some stabs in the stomach and if it gets too painful one to the neck.

I don't think I deserve a quick and painless death. I want it to be bad.
Dude, jump out of a plane and be inside a cloud, its the bomb
I didn't realize how many of us had mental health problems. I mean I knew it was fucked up, but I mean legitimately.
Yes. I recently turned 27.>>716258562
I read alot, hanging with mated, vidya, the usual.
4chan is where we go to, people get us here. In real life most people don't have mental health issues. So when we talk about ours, rather than get advice we get canned responses "It gets better." "Hang in there." "I'm here for you." If we bring up suicide then it just gets worse. Here we get help from people like us, because those people know what its like to be us.
I thought so, I wish I had a better explanation, but it just seems to be one of those times where you look back and subconciously think you could be doing better, and what could have been. Most people grow out of it.
approaching 20, still can't think of anything I REALLY like. Basically a jack of all trades. I know a bit about computers, cooking, baking, etc. but not enough to make a living out of it. Besides, the job market doesn't want jack-of-all-trades, they want that one guy who really, really knows his shit.

Yeah, this shit is like therapy in a weird way.
Just got rejected from med-school. Had convinced myself that this was my path through life, and to success and happiness. Now I have to actually think what I want to do and how I could be happy in life, with deadlines fast approaching
Living with someone who has ADD and OCD is hard and getting harder

But I'm wheelchair bound, so who knows which one of us had it worse.
What are your hobbies? Find things related to those, even if they don't pay well, it'll be better than the nothing you'd have otherwise.
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I find myself returning consistently to codeine as a source of emotional sustenance because I feel disassociated from society and all those around me.
I love you. If you're a girl or trap I'd physically love you as well.
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>Is there anything in your life that you want strictly for YOU?

Technically, yes. But they're things that I'd most likely never be able to accomplish. I have commitment issues. I have trouble starting and finishing shit. My latest "want" is joining the Marines because I couldn't stand a semester at community college. I'm not fit, I'm awkward socially and generally, I'm ugly, etc. I've never been with a girl and am currently trying my luck with Tinder…haven't gotten matches yet (of course). I'm a walking contradiction: among other stuff, I want to be with someone and at the same time, I'd rather be left the fuck alone; I hate doing shit to please other people, yet I still do some stuff just to fit in. I've never had any true friends and I don't trust most others. The list goes on and on.

TL;DR: I'm a born loser with inferior genetics (yet at times, I feel superior to others) and I just wish I was never born at all.
fuck you bish, you fucked my life up.
Fair enough.
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My gf might have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I don't know what that means for our future, or if we'll ever have children.
Wat dooooo
Pic unrelated
It's been over two years now since my insane drug-combo trip. I still think about it everyday. I can't explain it all as it was beyond understanding, but I remember specifically feeling such pure and total satisfaction with everything and being floored by beauty and understanding; so much so that I really wanted to die. Because I knew that was my peak experience at only 19. I knew everyday would be relatively meaningless afterwards.

I live one day at a time and spend every free moment repressing thoughts I can't understand. I can't rationalize my way out of this aside from calling my deepest emotions nonsense and forcing myself to be involved in objective reality.

I was mostly fine though, until 2 months ago. I have had incessant debilitating headaches which has left me functionally agoraphobic. Lights, sounds, smells, anything overbearing on my senses fills my head with hot mud to the point it should burst. My speech and memory are both equally impeded by intrusive sensations and my vision is becoming stranger everyday. I know I don't see things distorting and breathing but then why do I have to make sure they aren't every ten minutes? I thought I was becoming schizophrenic ,but I don't have delusions only discomforting obviously flawed yet unfalsifiable notions. Where are the feelings that make it all worth it? Have I already had them all? If so, why am I here?

I can't get it all out. It is who I am.
More like this, right?
My ex fucked the guy she told me not to worry about while we were on a break. Like hours after the break started. And then lied about it repeatedly.

Problem is, I think she's probably the hottest woman I'll ever get and the sex was phenomenal, so part of my brain is like "NO, CRAWL BACK TO HER".

The other guy is an asshole, too. Treated her like shit, was abusive, then apologised for that all so he could fuck her again. He has a wife and kid.

Anyway. My ex is a cunt. Yay.
Yeah man, looking into things I like to do and trying to improve myself at those things. You know, I feel like God put me here for a reason so I'm trying to repay my community by working. Just gotta find the right one. Thanks, anon. Helped me clear my mind a bit.

Fucking this. This is why 4chan feels like a family almost. I will never meet 99% of you, but I still feel like I can talk to you about anything because in some ways we are the same.

You need to work on some self esteem. Shit is NOT easy. Try to focus on the parts of your genome that are attractive.

Also, you need to get laid. Fuck man, just get a hooker!
General depression anxiety issues. It's only bad sometimes, and there have been a few times where I thought about killing myself. There's been a few times when I had a gun in my hand, but it could be a combination of me being a coward and knowing what my family a friends would have to go through that kept me from doing it. Then I get out of the slump and realize it's not that bad, it's just some days feel worse than others even if nothing happened.
Every single of my goals in life has been failed even if I work my hardest, and the only thing keeping me alive are my loved ones, which I feel will stop caring about me once they realize I'm a useless piece of human flesh that can't even look for himself.
I honestly would relinquish all of my material possessions just for unconditional love.
You yourself realized it's not that bad?
That's great man. What hobbies do you have? If you have something to do, you'll never be bored. My hobby helps me a bit with being lonely and unhappy.
Hang in there mate.
Or it's the first game in ages to have some actual fucking difficulty to it. Glad I could help.
Vidja, archery, and I recently started running a few times a week, staying active along with work does help.
>Also, you need to get laid. Fuck man, just get a hooker!

That's the thing, I don't want to fuck just some random whore. It needs to be with a real girl, although it looks like every chick I see on Tinder is a slutty cunt.

I'm in the exact same boat bro.

This is not related to the hooker stuff, but are your standards too high by chance?
I don't know what to do
Do it
Just do it

Don't let your dreams be dreams
Yesterday you said tomorrow
So just do it
Make your dreams come true
Just do it

Some people dream of success
While you're gonna wake up and work hard at it
Nothing is impossible

You should get to the point
Where anyone else would quit
And you're not going to stop there
No, what are you waiting for?

Do it
Just do it
Yes you can
Just do it
If you're tired of starting over
Stop giving up
Thank you
If at least I gave up at anything I do or have a shit attitude, at least I'd understand, but I have no explanation for how I fail everything I try, no matter how hard I try.

If working hard and a positive attitude has given me absolutely nothing, what the fuck do I do?
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>>716260422 (checked)
>This is not related to the hooker stuff, but are your standards too high by chance?

More like girls are too low standards these days.
Bitch ass GF acting like a child all the time and we both make too much money for me to think of leaving, she is fucking obsessed and I haven't been laid in 2 months because " my pushy hurts" or she wants to be tied and bound like a fucking pork roast
"fuck me or fuck off"
If you can't be with the one you love; love the one you're with. Faggot.
Yeah, nigger, you don't have any of that crap. You're just a standard narcissist. Get over yourself, write a journal (cause a blog is just for faggots and women who cook and want to impress other bitches) and get your thoughts together because you'll be dead soon and no one will care. But at least you can write about it. Also, have kids, then you can pass your bullshit self induced psychosis to them and be proud. That's what the rest of us do.
>tried to sleep last night
>slept for a mere hour or two
>didn't pass out until morning, instead woke up
>didn't feel tired
How the fuck? Anyone else have this feeling?
Be ready for a long legal fight. I recommend lots of grass and meditation daily.
My life is fucked. I followed a fever dream down a fruitless path and now I'm without a job, education, or shred of dignity. I'm an embarrassment to my family. I have no friends. And the worst part? I had fucking potential to make my life better than what it became, all because I followed my youthful ideals. So yeah. I fucked myself over and I have nothing to show for my decisions but the disappointment of everyone I've known.
You're overthinking it, faggot, live for the now. What good has dwelling on the matter done you?
I can't get myself to stop being addicted to videogames and tv in order to study what I need to for university
In fact the disappointment is yours alone. Overcome that shit, bitch, cause what's the worst that can happen? Anyone who states otherwise is a cancerous faggot. Get a job a Starbucks and be glad you're not a Syrian, African, etc. Also, find god or your approximation of such.
what's there to overthink
it's a fucking chronic disease that fucks your life
and fucks the life of your offspring. there's no overthinking there.
Your weak. Become strong by making the hard decisions and following through on those choices. I suggest taking up akkido or perhaps yoga. OH-- and everytime you come up with some weak ass excuse for not following through remember the whiny little bitch you used to be.

Throw out the game devices this fucking second and start writing your story. You owe it to yourself.
Oh. Forgive me, please, continue your whiny nonsense about a problem that may not exist.
go be a leaf in a different thread, faggot.
Oh man-- You don't have to be president of the fail boat.

Try smaller goals. Anyone who chides you for such is self hating bitch.

My daily goal is getting up in the morning and leaving the house.
I fired a missile into a compound in Afghan and it had women and children in it, we couldn't tell how many when we went to check.
It's the little arms and legs that wake me up. I have four children under 6.
What its that thing anon?
Well stated, bitch.
How could anyone be such stupid to be soldier in US. Your whole job is murdering for oil. Everyone thinking US is defending their freedom or nation on other side of world is some kind of stupid.
Ouch-- Yeah, you won't get laid with taht attitude. Are you 22?
A word from a person who was once of your opinion: your youthful ignorance is showing. Read what you wrote and answer those very questions yourself. Wikipedia is not a bad start.
I cant go a day without masturbating
When I was 9 I tried to fuck my dog
Are you me?
>How could anyone be that stupid
There seems no limit for stupidity

Or what do you mean? There is really near no defensive war in history of US wars. And if you now mention WWII. They gave a fuck about poland and french until the end. And its 70 years ago
Did you suceed?
Even commanders of IS admitted that US is arming them. And new documenta show that US attacked lybia because they wanted Inventar an gold-based currency. Iraq war wasnt defensive at all. It was an massacre
I'm not from the US.
Find God of my approximation, eh? I can get getting over my disappointment, but finding god seems impossible. I've been trying for years. I'm just a cyclical, fallow bastard.
Women treat me very differently since I started balding last year. I notice their eyes go uo to my forehead sometimes and conversations aren't as smooth. I tried to get a new hairstyle but the higher forehead doesn't look so good.

Frustrating, man
Hard to disagree, anon, cyclical and fallow are challenging.
Take it easy and remember that looks are fleeting. In fact, youth is a handicap. Enjoy aging with grace and power. Fine wines and that jazz.
Its a shame when I try to express a piece of how I feel and only achieve embarrassment for how contrived it sounds. I could tell you " I feel sad, anxious, and confused", but does that tell you how I feel? Does it share my inner life? Of course not. My circumstance lies in the intensity of my experience. Cliche is disregarded as insignificant and impersonal by definition.

If by exposing my awkward inner ramblings I am just as shameful as burying them in a 2 dimensional inept mask then what hope is there? Isn't the point of progress to bring the inner outward? My inside has grown too large and cannot be cut back into a fitting shape. Yes a statue is cut from a larger, stronger shape, but the marble is chosen specifically for its destiny. I cannot be widdled down into my purpose, as I grow both in size and amorphousness every moment. Release is temporary and the rate is insufficient. I mean of course my repressed ideas. You find out what is worth keeping and what should be disregarded by trial. Trial by conversation. I cannot share my thoughts and put them to the test precisely because even I do not hold them tight enough to carry them over the bridge between this and that. It is like a monster gaining strength behind my eyes. I could slay him if only I could see him. My fear is that one day he will be too powerful and one day he will consume me. And worse yet! Worse yet is that I may not even know that it has happened! This is the heart of my fear. Loss of control to the part of me I don't understand. Insanity!
SOrry mate, that's the human condition and sadly we're mostly cliche. I suggest a physical outlet for your angst.
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