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Muslimfag here I'm honestly getting sick of the "religion

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Thread replies: 275
Thread images: 50

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Muslimfag here
I'm honestly getting sick of the "religion of peace" memes. Since no other Muslims seem to be on this shit or they just lurk moar faggot, I'll have to show you you guys are retarded.
No where in my Quran does it say ONCE that:
>Infidels must be put to death
>Mohammed fucked a 9 year old and we should condone it
>No where does it say it is shameful to be a woman
Maybe if you faggots took the time to read you would know this shit. All these attacks are caused by an incredibly small fraction of psychopaths that use the Quran as a scapegoat to justify their barbarish ways. Not once has a real muslim killed anyone in modern age in the name of Allah.
You conservacucks are seriously the dumbest pieces of racist shit to ever walk the land
Eurofag here.
I agree with you actually.
Sadly, in these regions all Muslims are immigrants. So they became minority, Wich later turned them to crime.
So all the natives know is that theres criminal Muslims and terrorist Muslims. Never once in the news have we heard about the "nice actual Muslims".
Go fuck a goat shitskin, we don't want you around here you filthly animal.
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nice paint job faggot

what do the signs actually say
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>We should condone fucking a nine year old
Yeah no
amin brother, and I'm saying that as a catholic chirstian from conservative middle europe. people like their scapegoats, and tend to overlook that people worldwide are not so different: they all just want to life their tiny lives in peace while trying to be "good people", whatever social norms they may have that mean "being good". we're all really no different from each other, only the packaging varies a bit.

let's all pray to our respective gods/hope for/do whatever you tend to do in such a situation/a peaceful together as humanity; it's so laughable to have fights about such minor differences.

oh and let's deal with the crazy fuckheads that try to pull us apart, they should not be tolerated, no matter what corner of the earth they're from.
wich country do you live today?
>incredibly small

>studies and polls find that over half of worldwide muslims agree with terrorism including like 25% of american muslims
What they actually think.

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Simular studies were done in the UK by channel 4 and they came up with the same results.

It's not peaceful when 1 in 3 approve of terrorism .
OP here, nowhere in my Quran is that written. That's just some horseshit meme made by you faggots
Austria, close to Germany
Not once has a real muslim killed anyone in modern age in the name of Allah.

No true scotsman. Nice, nice.
I'm sure it's just one big coincidence that they were all Muslim.
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again, why you eurocucks allow the entry of this kinda subhumans in your countries
muslims never ever gonna fit to our customs
why muslims are not enough manly to defend their own muslim lands, but they prefer to harm the lives of other countries
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basically this
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>All these attacks are caused by an incredibly small fraction of psychopaths
You got that right, buddy
It's paraphrased, but accurate

Koran 8:60

And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.
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Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan
Hi OP. I dont care. I still think a ninth crusade with nuclear warheads would be better. The middle east is completely fucked with constant war anyway, why not just get rid of it?
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That meme was actually correct. I checked. Some of the translations to english vary a bit yet the essence was correct.
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> No real Muslim
> No true Scotsman
This and only this
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The you do not have a Quran in your possession or have never read it.
whoever translated those verses clearly doesn't know arabic
Fuck you mudslime
I do. There is a good reason we are called the religion of peace. The Quran is full of peace and love, unlike your book
haha, ok now this starts smelling like trollbait.
hahahahaha.No Son
Where from?...Fox News. Fuck right off
I'm sorry but with that spelling your obviously americunt bait
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this verse was meant for a specific purpose, not generally
(">ninth crusade")
If your going to post bait at least get the Crusade number right.
non-muslim people used to pay jizya to remain under the protection of the islamic state
Muslim culture is not compatible with western civilization, end of story.

"Don't make me smoke you abdul".
So it's just a coincidence then that all the people blowing up buildings, beheading people, and just being general savages are Muslims? The only thing connecting them is that they are muslim. Sunni, Shia, Arab, European, American, whatever. All of these terrorist attacks are carried out by Muslims and something needs to be done about the issue at hand. We never should have decolonized the savage lands.
Explain the part that literally says "fight those who do not believe in allah" you paki fuck
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.


Sounds good to me
It's not meant to be taken literal, it basically means debate and preach until they have accepted the truth the scripture has to offer
>Muslimfag here
Out. Take your bait to Reddit. They're retarded enough over there to actually fall for it.
Yeah it's the system amirite? You guys didn't do anything amirite?
>It's not meant to be taken literal
Did Allah tell you that, or...
Taqiyya, The Thread: Electric Boogaloo Edition*

*Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry franchise!
“When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.” 47:4
it didn't say "kill those who ..."
We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.

It also doesn't say "debate" or "converse" or anything along those lines.
So the sacred text is open to interpretation? Where "fight" means "annoy?"

Abdul, if that were the case then nobody should take it any more seriously than an old livejournal post
And as for those who disbelieve, I will punish them with a severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers.

it's talking about wars. when you're supposed to smite their necks

lol no its multiple academic studies but lollin
You mean like when you fight them? >>715933909
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

Yeah but it's about a "spiritual struggle" right?
No that's an excuse.
Again, it's subject to interpretation. Your filthy people believe you're at war with non-rapists all the time
Islam was once an amazing culture and religion
That was Sunni
Ottoman empire had respect and authority
Then yknow, Persians and shit muddled it up with shia and their stupid veil customs and super strict shariah law and shit
And now shia is a majority
Honor killings and other things
The Hindus know all about the peace and love in the Quran just look at the Jihad against Hindus of undivided India from 638 - 1857. Lots of "Peace" & "Love" there.
I'm calling bullshit on this one. While it is true that most muslims aren't terrorists and in fact have been victims of terror themselves, the muslim community as a whole has done very little to condemn the actions of the extremists. Before pointing to that pic of a small protest, bear in mind that whenever a christfag nutjob does something like blowing up an abortion clinic, the official position of the church is to condemn those actions. No high ranking imam (let alone several) has ever spoken out against the extremists. Many have actually supported them. Then there are the cases of muslim communities refusing to cooperate with law enforcement and even at times sheltering persons of interest in terror related activities. if you truly want to be seen apart from the terrorists, then as a community, you need to act. Anytime there is an attack, thousands of muslims should take to the streets. They should be led by the senior religious figures and the message must be "NO MORE". Any suspected of participating/aiding terror must be driven out of muslim communities and be told that there is no shelter to be found here. Once we see behavior like that, then you can preach that Islam is a religion of peace.
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,

All ideologies are great, in theory. Christianity is great in theory, as is islam, and communism, and social security, and health care.
>Nothing actually works
>Everything is subject to entropy
>Life crumbles beneath you

I think we can all agree that we should all just band together and fuck some nine year olds.
written like a true white yank
no the verse was written to talk about battles with kuraish, shut the fuck up because you have on idea what you're talking about
go back to africa mudslime
no one believes your lies, stop trying to be like a jew, your race isnt smart enough
can you stop sharing these? they give no meaningful addition to this debate
And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

You clearly must not have the same Quran that ISIS and every single other Muslim does then.
>Obvious low quality bait
>Complaining about how low the quality of the low quality bait is.
Shut the fuck up in the name of Allah. You guys are the source of the problem. The sooner you admit it and initiate a protocol within your ranks and accept the scrutiny you deserve, the easy it will be to address the problem and fix it. Numbers cannot be racist. They are fixed and impartial and guess what? The numbers show that your religion is responsible for a grand majority of violence. So fuck you
I don't really care i believe in nothing 2016 and people still fight or argue over religion it just feels like you all haven't evolved
reminder that muslims did not nuke japan TWICE.
no matter how brutal we seem, we're angels compared to you western fucks
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>and now shia is a majority

Bullshit abdul
Also Daesh and Al Qaeda and the vast majority of terrorist groups are Sunni
>I'm honestly getting sick of the "religion of peace" memes

That's funny, I'm honestly getting sick of Muslims killing non-Muslims for imaginary rewards.

I'll tell you what, we'll trade. You get your believers to quit attacking and killing our people, and we'll stop making you suffer through having to see memes on the Internet pointing it out.

How's that for a deal, ya fuckin shithead?
quads confirm, kill sandniggers
every anti-muslim in this thread just got BTFO
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Shia are 10-13% of Muslims worldwide, Sunni are 87-90%
Reminder that we nuked Japan TWICE for less reason than we have today for nuking you, and we just elected a crazy idiot who has already stated publicly he considers the nuclear option on the table.

Come on. Do it faggots.
Try your luck.
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read the thread first next time faggot
Are you implying that everyone anti muslim in this thread is american you cuck?
Nice samefagging
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Aw, it thinks it's smart.
O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.

That's because arabs are uncivilized scum. The only muslims to have nukes are Pakis, and they have to worry about MAD with India right next to them.
I will refer you to the Jihad against Hindus. That is a lot worse than a nuke.
You cant nuke shit stupid goatfucker the most you can do is put machineguns on camell that's how far your technology goes
Nice English "Mudslime". Maybe break it a bit and someone might believe the things you're saying. That's still a fairly small chance though.
he won't do shit
>Religion of peace

Pick one
WW1 and WW2 were not started by muslims eather, you cuck.
Youre a fucking lier and need to be beheaded because of the msulim rat you are. Every muslim is a fucking degenerate and is in need of gassing.
You won't believe anything when you and a billion of your friends and neighbors infected bodies lay scattered across all that's left of your ancient civilization. We've done it before, to many better cultures than yours, and we'll do it again.
there's a war going on in my country too
and guess the perpetrators/terrorist's religion?

yup Islam
kek, look at all these cucks losing there shit after this comment.
good job anon

Taken from the child molesters mouth!
You can no-true-Scottsman all you want and you can claim "context" but at the end of the day, your shit holy book is to be taken as infallible.

Sorry to tell you but either you're not a good/real mudslim or you can't accept facts.

No one has any idea what he will or won't do, least of all not his own party.

Lucky for you, you have all the answers of course.
I know this real legit Muslim dude. He's fu king cool and doesn't praise allah or the quaran or whatever the fuck that shit is, I don't usually get into this shit, but he's a real cool dude who'd give his arms and legs to help a stranger at any given time. I'm pretty sure he's abandoned his religion though.
WW1 was started by some serbian dude doing an assassination and ww2 by germany. Japan was allied with germany in ww2, and germany only declared war on america because they were allied with japan who attacked them.

TL;DR Japan deserved the nukes
Look I'm an easy going fellow. As long as you ain't bothering me, I won't bother you either.
>/Thread his own post
You disgust me
Nobody gives a fuck what you think faggot.

Go fuck more goats and rape little girls.
all of this shit was started by you guys. can you tell me how many people were killed in those wars? millions?
sure! certainly!

When was the last time we saw moderate muslims actually try to stop evil radicals?

Never, you say? And why is that?

Oh that's right, because you let them do as they please. And who needs to take care of the mess they make, because you can't pull up your own pants? Exactly! The rest of the fucking world!

If you took care of your own problem by yourself, then we wouldn't have to deal with this shit, NOW ON A DAILY BASIS.
Belief in gods and ghosts and goblins is retarded. Are you 8? There's no Santa clause, tooth fairy, or leprechauns either, sorry to say. Your dead relatives, are just dead bodies decaying back into the ground like the rest of the trash of the world.

Grow the fuck up.
>reminder that muslims did not nuke japan TWICE.
Translation: We're pissed we're so ass-backwards in education and sciences that we can't figure out how to take a hunk of U235 and Pu244, wrap them in a nickel-boron shell for a criticality environ and not kill ourselves in the process.
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This is why I hate you guys. As a gay guy, stay the fuck out of my country
>christians also did worse stuff in the past blah blah blah

at least christians outgrew those barbaric traits and acted like civilized people

>this guy did this horrible thing and he's a christian

they're christian alright but they didn't terrorized blew themselves in the name of their god
can you leave the thread? you give no contribution to the discussion here.
>inb4 hurrr goat fucker islam is shit
I just going to put out there that Hitler liked Islam and that many of it ideas admired.
It's also important to remember that the exact same can be said for Christians. Only difference is that you can probably count the number of murderous Christian extremist factions in the world right now on one amputated hand.
>I just going to put out there that Hitler liked Islam and that many of it ideas admired.
>Evidence not found
>Abort, Retry, Ignore?
You're mad I pointed out truths?

How about you stop fucking children, killing innocent people, and thinking that your God allows you to destroy the progress we've made in the west.?
Just saying "THE WESTERNERS HAVE DONE WORSE THAN US" doesnt change the fact that there have been thousands of islamic terror attacks and tens of thousands of deaths.

If you think events going back almost 100 years ago make us as bad as you today when we havent started any wars, then you're just retarded.
>8 billion people in the world

Not enough, apparently. Fuckin humans breed like flies, live like flies, die like flies. Way to cheapen life, idiotic "greatest" generation.
>You're only contributing to discussion if you agree with my barbaric, sub-human religion.
Please read the Qu'an before saying the Qu'ran doesn't say these things.
what about WW1?
The muslim tradition of Taqqiya invalidates all your claims.
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Sounds like you've got some kind of Happy Meal Quran
Less than the number of people killed in the name of Islam.
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Pretty much this

If we made muslims and niggers extinct the world might actually just not run out of resources too soon.
Faggot. Read:
yes that's exactly what i said
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No thx
extremely doubt that
great post! you're great man, would love to get to know you.
We'd also be using hydrogen electrolysis on moon regolith to pull rare earth metals out of moon dirt.

Instead of providing welfare and refugee relief to 740 million people that can't get off their asses and pull a plow.
here we go
I'm quoting the fucking Quran you inbred. These are literal quotes from the Peace lovings mudslimes holiest of books
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I'm glad you understand
This is hardcore trolling. Religion of pieces strikes again
WW1 was cause by a clusterfuck of alliances and miscommunication.
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>this verse was meant for a specific purpose, not generally
Your excuse is ambiguity?

This mindset comes from a tribal mindset, attempting to state that others are okay because they're like us. If you spend ANY time around Muslims, you will discover immediately how different a worldview in which religion informs every aspect of your life and even the idea of separation is the temptation of evil, from post-enlightenment secular western society, where your faith is separated from your duty to reality, your peers, and the state.

It is fundamentally different. Acknowledge the difference. Decide if you must if one or the other is better or worse and for whom, but do not lie to yourself and try to deny uniqueness.
I completely agree with trump when he said that killing the families of islamic terrorists is a good idea.

Kil the children who would join them, kill the women who would hide them. In my eyes you are a terrorist by association
non muslim alliances and miscommunications, by chance?
>Ottoman Empire
look it up yourself not gonna spoon feed you
so why are muslim migrants over-represented in crimes? And cannot find jobs and cannot fucking do anything compared to other nations and other immigrants in our (and many other) country.

And if it is not shameful to be a woman, then why wearing burkhas. They are to be used, because otherwise men would rape them or have dirty thoughts.

It is no coinsidence that muslims are thought to be underdeveloped everywhere in the world.
they dont teach that in quran yeah yeah whatever

but you still can't deny that your way of living and your laws are backwards and stone age tier which results to many people brainwashed by your religion which is also the law to do terrorist shit
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Look. I don't have a problem with islam but when it comes to inviting you guys over here I'd rather not take chances. We don't really need you, we can get immigrants from anywhere. I hope you understand what I'm talking about. Are you a normal decent guy? Probably yes, but I don't want to take any chances.
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>infidel tax
>convert to Islam or die
>faggot prophet pedo marrying 6 yr old girl (and you really think he didn't stick his dick in that young age?)
>general intolerance for anyone else in the world
>spreading barbaric stone age ideals to other places in the world
>using children as bombers
>trying to invoke sharia law in civilized countries - ie go to Saudi Arabia where it is normal and have fun

Muz filth spread across the globe demanding everyone change THEIR country and THEIR customs to suit MUSLIM ways
Fuck all muz filth
Every time I see a word of a new muzzy on muzzy bombing or when muzzies get killed I am glad
oh shit you're right. still they didn't cause the war
those are indians, duh they dont. they build computers not bombs
They should have point based immigration everywhere and being a muslim should be like -20
>not gonna spoon feed you
No, you'll try to feed it to me with a bus or an explosive strapped to your ballsack.
That's your religion of peace. That's how it delivers it's harmonious and loving gospel.

Sand coon, go fucking die somewhere alone in a sandy shithole. Better yet, go run at a YPK encampment and make yourself useful as target practice.
Well thought out.
I literally don't care

You don't belong in our countries, your culture is incompatible with ours, fuck off and take your burkas and violence with you
i'm gonna stop replying to you for discussion's sake
Islam is the cancer of the planet

Must be treated like a tumor and removed from the world
Before the world bleeds to death over some bullshit barbaric scripture written by a fucking lunatic
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Actually, it's generally agreed upon amongst scholars that he waited until his childbride was at least 9 years of age before sticking his dick in her.

What a gentleman
>nowhere in my shitty fantasy book is that written.

>meme actually proven to be real and not just a meme>>715933043

>ti's not what you think it means

>verse literally says to kill all non muslims

nigger what
>Maybe if you faggots took the time to read you would know this shit. All these attacks are caused by an incredibly small fraction of psychopaths that use the Quran as a scapegoat to justify their barbarish ways

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The main problem is America. Not even North America as a whole, but just America. They're so stupid it's ridiculous.
1. Read your holy book. It says that stuff in there.

2. Stop murdering people.

3. Fuck your bait, and fuck you for making me respond.

I am sure she was choking on his pork sausage long before then
The Ottoman Empire entered the war by carrying out a surprise attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914, with Russia responding by declaring war on it on 1 November 1914.

They helped expanding it
>It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The main problem is America.
>as europe suffers more deaths from terrorist attacks in 2016 than it has in the past 30 years for the same reason combined
>as australia sufferes terrorist attacks
>as china suffers terrorist attacks
At least Canada won't get attacked. There's nothing to be fucking had up there.
Pork is haram anyway, right?
Yes it does terrorist. Blow yourself up into a muslim crowd camel rapist pedofile. Die.
i'm not the same guy that said it's not written in the quran.
also the verse does not say kill all non muslims. learn to read you fucking kafir
>not all-
>*muslim explodes in the name of allah*
>*muslim explodes in the name of allah*
>-ms are terro-
>*muslims drive plowed through people using a truck*
Yeah here in Canada we are letting in the muzzy filth as well.

Only a matter of time before one goes off and kills some people.

Then they complain and try to sue government for not receiving enough free aid, medical, dental, food stamps, housing funds

Wish I were kidding.
Didn't a mudslime try and shoot up your parliament back in 2014?
my point that the west caused way more death than islam. not in a million years could we match your numbers
they are more real muslims than you, you delusional goatfucker.

protip: read your own shitbook
No the Ottoman Empire was allies with Germany.
not an argument
Muslims are taking over - white boys just mad their bitches don't want inferior cock. DEAL WITH IT, CUCKS!
those verses are not meant to be taken literally
it's no wonder they're so pissed in their replies.
Prove it, fucker.
Also, they ARE taken literally, so it doesn't really fucking matter what the intention of your fairy tale book really is.

>270 Million

It's b /c White men refuse to keep their bitches in place. White women are lashing out, and going for Muslim men as "revenge" - since niggers are lazy as fuck, they know Muslim Men will take the fight to the White man. It's your own faults for allowing this to happen. DEAL WITH IT.
Google Germans
look at the first picture that appears on the image

And what did You do to stop their madness? NOTHING.
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Lol who wants a puny Sandy dick when they can have a black anaconda. Nigger get out of here.

Sharia law, look it up shitskin
Then explain to me, how ARE they meant to be taken?
Yes it is, you festering shitlord. Even so, most """""moderate""""" Muslims believe in subjugating women, so fuck you either way, you disgusting sub-human.
You translated it and therefore this was an interpretation of the words and therefore it's not what the Quran actually says.
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lol wtf
its fucking sad and funny at the same time
eurocucks deserved to be islamized
Sure did Jimbo!
Lol, ok.
That makes it better
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What happens to Mormons if they preach in Saudi Arabia?

It's true, brother. They can deny it all they want, but France, and England have already fallen. Northern Europe will be secured very very soon. It's only a matter of time before North America falls.

Brother, may you bask in the fertility and beauty of as many white women as you like :)
It actually says to fight until they pay tribute.

While not extremely clear due to the translation, I would tend to think they mean "debate".

Still, religion is a blight and it would be about time we evolve past it.
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>close to Germany
What a strange way of saying "right fucking next to". Also, if someone doesn't know where Austria is, they probably would also have a hard time finding Germany on a map, so that doesn't help much.
Pic kind of related.
The brits got away from the union for this reason thumbs up for them.

over how many years exactly? take the same time period and apply the same study's to estimate west's kill count
not a relevant argument
>inb4 ive read the q'uran and its all in there.
It's all fantasy either way, so it doesn't really fucking matter what the intention of the original texts is. It's still being used to justify heinous acts. Islam is a virus.
all this hate just because we're taking your women?
pathetic cucks
I don't see any rebuttal

Deny all you want mudslime cancer, it's all in your own book.
stop resisting guys
convert to islam
when everyone is of the same religion there will be no more wars
If talking about the text a religion is based upon, the people that follow the text, and the repulsive acts of violence and misogyny done by the people who follow the texts ISN'T relevant, dare I ask what in the entire fucking omniverse possibly could be?
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nice argument
Convert to Islam never have Christmas again.
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This bait and I'll still bite it.
Awhh someone is triggered
we were talking about a certain verse. you changed the subject
Not a paint job

Fuck off, jew.
It was traditional for newly crowned rules of a caliph to declare a jihad. That is why Islam covers the north coast of Africa because it was conquered by them. It also spread far into Spain before it advance was stopped by Charlemagne.

The Byzantine empire also fell because of the near constant attacks by Muslims.
Yea um, it says all of those things. Read your book.
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Islam Regarding True Muslims.png
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Yeah, maybe if you were talking about a verse in the Bible or some shit.

It's the same subject.
nothing to lose christmas is just one day
ramadan is one month
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pretty sure it does say that mate

now go back to where you came, desert tard
Our president is jewish
Well said brother
Not-giving-a-fuck-fag here.
If you put all human rights aside, the decolonization part is about right. You'd have to have a very oppressing force in those countries, but it might have worked. On the other hand, it hasn't worked in Afghanistan or Iraq either, so maybe there just is no way of controlling those people.
However, the modern terrorist ideas came up during the era of colonization: fight the foreign invaders. So you could also argue that colonization - and afterwards arbitrarily drawing new borders between artificial countries - was the reason for the rise of modern terrorism in the first place.
how do i upvote, I am new from reddit
reminder that westerners did not hijack passenger planes and crash them into buildings TWICE. no matter how brutal we seem, we're angels compared to you muslim fucks
those are wars. if we're going to look at every war a western country has been involved with, i doubt it's gonna help your arguments
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Extremist Muslims adhere to what was written and follow the word of their prophet. Peaceful Muslims are like the equivalent of most Christians currently. They don't adhere to the what is preached and treat others like assholes and have premarital sex. While Christian fundamentalists (which is true Christianity) are Westboro Baptist Church kind of people they don't preach and support violence. Fundamental (true) Muslims are ISIS. That's the difference in between the religions.
Last time mudslides were this triggered Berlin was attacked for no apparent reason
>says the guys who willingly imported niggers.
you nuked two fucking japanese cities. how is that a comparison
Underrated reasonable post.
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We did it with billions of dollars and style
You fucking spics used box cutters and stole planes you could barely navigate with.
You're an embarrassment to humans in general.

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Here's my question then, OP, why do these Peaceful Muslims practice fucking 9 year olds, force women beneath them, practice polygamy, and shame infidels? I know the terrorists are minorities among you, Christianity has the same things, but isn't all of the Middle East like that? Or have I just been a slave to the media
> So they became minority, Wich later turned them to crime.

typical eurocuck.

also, by that logic, you could argue that all minorities are criminals. so maybe you're right after all.
so there's points for style now?
It was war it was justified, what you did was a terriost attack but we can argue back and forth but jet fuel can't melt steal beams.
you crashed hijacked planes in three fucking american cities. how is that a comparison
>3 > 2
the attack was justified, what you did was a terrorist attack
Shows how little you know about world history
yes killing few thousands of people.
you killed millions and called it an act of justice
No what we did ended world War 2 and will do the same to you
Here's a few examples:Quran (2:191-193)
Quran (3:151)
Quran (4:74)
Quran (4:89)
Quran (5:33)
Quran (8:12)
Quran (8:15)
Quran (8:67)
Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." According to this verse, the best way of staying safe from Muslim violence at the time of Muhammad was to convert to Islam: prayer (salat) and the poor tax (zakat) are among the religion's Five Pillars. The popular claim that the Quran only inspires violence within the context of self-defense is seriously challenged by this passage as well, since the Muslims to whom it was written were obviously not under attack. Had they been, then there would have been no waiting period (earlier verses make it a duty for Muslims to fight in self-defense, even during the sacred months). The historical context is Mecca after the idolaters were subjugated by Muhammad and posed no threat. Once the Muslims had power, they violently evicted those unbelievers who would not convert.
Yes but did everyone of those war involve the mass slaughter of the conquered people because the worshiped a different imaginary man in the sky.

For Europe No we tied for the most part to make them better (Ever heard of the white man's burden.)

For Islam well just look at the history between Islam and Hinduism.
sure but had the japanese nuked you guys and ended the war, would you call it justice?
>Not taking into consideration the thousands of other terrorist attacks
>Not even mentioning the horrors of the Ottoman, Arab, and Persian empires
Nice try, Abdul
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yeah same. I live in a part of the city with a lot of muslims and have friends which are muslims (not religious at all, mostly 2. or 3. generation in my country) and I dont really see a problem

unfortunately the percentage of fanatic nutjobs is a lot higher within islam (not sure why) and a lot of others have to suffer from it (see germany, france, ...) and that of course triggers hate.

it must be other muslims to put an end to this not amerifags, rusfag, or someone else. that would probably solve a lot of 'image problems'
9/11 good post anon
"Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in absence what Allah would have them guard. But those from whom you fear arrogance - advise them; forsake them in bed; and strike them."
>strike them.

good bait, though
>inb4 some repulsive sand nigger goes "not relevant"
>also checked
Then r8ddle me this slime man, why do arab countries have the worst human dignity laws and treat women as lower creatures?i mean i kinda underatand not following what your prophet says and then saying "but he teaches this", you know, humans are prone to irrationality
>not even here to argue, muslims are just pretty gay
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So stop the bastards. if the fucking niggers can get together to stop boko haram maybe you all can get off your fucking asses and get rid of the radical elements in your own countries.

protip : hurry cause russia is about to do it for you and they ain't all kind and cuddly like americans.
i wasn't the one comparing 911 to fucking nuking japan. learn to read fuckwad
yes you were comparing the two, learn to read fuckwad.
the word "beat" has a gorillion meanings in arabic
no, i wasn't. it was some dumb burger
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That's because of what foreigners think of Germans and Google's fucking algorithms.
Pic related is the result for googling "deutsche" here in Germany. Still sad, though.
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