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Secrets thread. Continued from >>714979783 Post your secrets

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 291
Thread images: 23

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Secrets thread. Continued from >>714979783

Post your secrets and confessions, /b/.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
This guy at a party said I had sex with a 12 year old. There were a lot of drugs. I can't remember anything.
What was a 12 year old doing there in the first place..
I am so surprised that stuff seems to be going well with her.

Seems like we may actually end up together in the end. But still I am kinda uncertain as to why she said "Yes"

It just seems kinda sudden for her to essentially say "Yes" instead of a "Busy" answer like usual

Maybe she is willing to and overcome her nervousness? Maybe she actually was busy in the past? Maybe she thinks that there is a chance of something?

Who knows.
I used to fantasize about fucking my mom's gf before I really understood what sex was
i really want to get raped
mom's gf? Your mom is a les?
I got you bro. Drop that address
maybe friend thats a girl..?
Mr cannibal, how did u get mixed up with people like that. How many others have they eaten
You can come to ireland? wow!
you a guy or a girl? Any rapist in mind?
She used to be.. I used to touch on her daughter's ass while we watched Dragon Ball too. Again, enjoying the experience but too inexperienced to take advantage.
Anything for you bb <3
Once when my sister was drunk and passed out I hotdogged her ass.
No? My mom was into women at some point in my life. I'm surprised this is getting attention. Probably one of the tamest things in my life.
take a guess. And not really , anyone would be good . Thought of getting raped always turned me on for some reason
When I was younger one of my brother's kissed me in the closet while we were playing hide and seek. My sister also kissed me when we were younger but that was boring so I blew air into her mouth and we laughed about it.
I post bananas in ylyl threads ironically
I hid in my closet and watched my 35yo wife give a blowjob to our teenage neighbor
I laugh at bananas in ylyl threads
woha thats so cool
Wanna do it again?
You're doing us a service. Keep going.
I'd guess fem. Ever been forced to do something sexual you didnt want?
addendum to my last secret..

i've drugged my wife so men could have their way with her at a club. i also want to see her raped, or blackmailed.
I made out with my brother (I'm a guy) when I was a child before I knew what homosexuality was. I used to think males could do it with males lmao.

Never mind that, I am completely straight now and not a lossless virgin.
Hell yes. It was super hot. She knew I was watching and put on a slutty show. Poor guy lost his load in about 2 minutes lol
What part of the states do you stay in?
i wish mine would do that.. i want mine to fuck around with our sons friends. ive been tempted to get her drunk and leave her naked on the couch when my one or more of my sons friends stay the night.
My cousin has woken me up with an Australian kiss.
Nah , sadly . Im not even that experienced in sexual stuff . But when i started to discover what i like i knew i wanted to be pinned down and forced to do stuff i didnt want.
Aww dude that's sick
Holy shit, did you press charges?!?!
I've done this too, but she was passed out and very drunk. It was with my friends, including an old creepy neighbor. They rubbed all over her. Hot scene
Did that make you gay?
U guys ever talk about it, is he older
Not sick at all I loved it
do you want it to hurt? Like having your ass forcibly taken by your attacker?

Any other fun kinks?
Dont take offense but are you a girl?
What other secrets do you have?
No I ate her out
You're a sick fuck and this is 4chan.. You disgust me.
hot. are you the guy from the other day who posted something similar? double dose of ambien?
because that's what I've been told work and i want to make it happen, since she won't put on a show for me.
Yes that does the trick. She won't remember anything at all. Booze and ambien=amnesia
No how could it I'm a guy and she's a beautiful girl
are you a nigger
I am a male. I once made a fat girl drink my friend's piss out of a pretty large gatorade bottle. She later took the virginity of one of my fatter friend's who was into beastiality and strangely he had dogs... should have picked up on that..

I once turned a girl into a whore because I wing manned too hard. Last I heard she was sucking dick in parks.

Or do you want to hear more about stuff when I was little?
Haha yes , im a sucker for pain . And i would love to be groped in a public place (is that weird?) something about fucking in public , but trying to hide it ,is really hot to me . So i guess i would love that aswell.What about you hehe?
But it's an Australia kiss.
crumble the ambien up in her drink?
We have almost had sex to but we both didn't want to go that fare.
There is nothing you can say that will make up for that Australian Kiss. GTFO
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Nah man. But dang. That just sounds sick. Have this cool picture for your story.
yes. crushed before hand though. and she was already drunk.
mm like on a crowded train, groped by a stranger who feels up your leg to your pussy?

I have very broad kinks... too broad for some people.
Pic of your body?
Why do you ask?
Maybe an Australian kiss isn't the right word for it. She kissed me with her vagina instead of her lips.
Not a huge secret but I so wanna stick my dick in that girls mouth.
Awesome now I don't have to google it. Fucking asshole with your slang
You don't play with girls pussy's?
You gotta get to know her and take her on dates and get real comfortable and respect her boundaries before you get to do that
i might try that, what i'd really like to do is slip something in her drink before we go to the club so she'll be horny while dancing and partying
Yeah ,thats it! . Or just like a stranger groping my boobs and then few sec after that i can feel his dick poking me ..super hot
Please don't drug your wife
too late for that, sorry
I once pulled a shit that didn't flush out of the female toilet at work and put it in my mouth while masturbating. I swallowed it when i came.
rip, your wife is lucky
What did you think I ment?
Or maybe he just pushes you down and takes you there and everyone watches, afraid to interfere.
Didn't know didn't care. Just wanted to make you feel like an ass.
she was only passed out while guys played with her, but i want her to be horny and want to play herself, or at least be more open to suggestion.
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this is that girl you like, bud. sorry, but youre beta af
Not girl. But nah dude. You gotta rub your dick on her while she knows and does nothing and everyone is around you. That's the point in exhibitionism. Then! You follow her to an alleyway and have your way with her anally.
I am an ass with no feelings
Here's a suggestion... stop drugging your wife
Me and my older brother used to fuck when we shared a bedroom, we started off just masturbating at the same time when we heard our parents having sex and then we did more stuff as time went on
nah, only done it once, but prolly gonna try it again
You took it up the ass I bet?
I've had sex with two of my cousins on a family trip
I have exactly 4 friends irl. One is my ex's brother, ones my instructor, and haven't seen the other two in a year because they moved to other states.
He fingered my ass a few times but his dick wouldnt fit, we only used spit for lube and his dick was pretty big with an awkward curve. I fucked him though and we sucked each others dicks
Both sound good to me to be honest . I love both equally . Ahh its so hard to decide what you want more haha
My mom let me bring home girls from school to have sex with them as long as I didn't knock them up.
Well let us both do it to you and decide which one you like more after it's over
why did you stop?
I got pictures of my sister off her old laptop and now use a fake facebook account to send them to my brother because the idea of him masturbating to our sister without realising it's our sister is a huge turn on
He moved out, got married and had a kid
Teenage boys are very fertile. Their dicks go crazy sometimes.
why not tell your sister you found the pictures and blackmail her into touching your dick?
sounds good to me hah . What do you like in bed?
Do you still fuck dudes in the ass?
only good post in this thread
choking, spanking, creampies, anal, deep throat, ass and pussy licking, bukkake, exhibition, and a little S&M.

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Because that would be retarded, you don't honestly think something like that would go how it does in your incest fantasies do you?
what part of ireland.. i live in ireland
You miss 100% of the chances you don't take
That is easy to do once you have pics that's how I made my sister eat me out
I act like I'm happy all the time but most of the time I'm pretty much dead inside.
It can actually happen
Now, imagine that everyone else is like that.
Well i did say im pretty inexperienced when it came to real life , but a lot of stuff you said is good to me too .
around dublin, and you?
Yes I know. She had him cumming in no time at all
post some pics of yourself
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>27, married for 3yrs
>love my wife or whatever
>still suck this same dudes dick once or twice a week for the last 6 years
>that feel when your wife gives crappy head and you think about how you could do better
i live around belfast, been to dublin a good few times tho.
My wife passed away having are baby and her sister is trying to take her place.
I'm literally Hitler.
i can teach her if you want
Under the right circumstances sure but 90% of the time something like that would ruin your life. she's living with her boyfriend and would definitely rather have her nudes leaked than engage in incest, she's the kind of attention seeker that would love to have a story to tell about the time her brother tried to rape her
her sister wants to be your wife?
ahh you sure?
and nice! how is belfast treating you?
Definitely sure. I at least wanna masturbate to you
its alright i suppose, hows dublin hah you got kik?
I smoke too much, it's starting to be annoying.. Now after about 3 years of smoking every day I have developed some serious mental issues.. I can't be in crowded areas (I seriously would wait for the next bus if the one coming is too crowded). I really want to go out and get friends or maybe a girlfriend but every day when I get home from work I just go to my computer, put on some music and then just chill... I hate it so much but the mental shit is really hard to deal with without. I would not say I want to kill myself but I'm tired of it all.
Yes and she's been trying to get in my bed the problem is she's a 18 year old senior in High School and I'm a 31 year old borderline alcoholic.
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[email protected]
hey, bro. Just say what the hey and get drunk and fuck her. Let life sort out the rest.
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I got you bro
I'm missing one testicle.
This part sounds like the exact opposite of a problem.
i got friendzoned with the best girl ever and we are best friends now for like 2 years but i love her so much that i cant handle it when she talks to other guys and stuf like that.

she often sleeps at my house and we sleep together in one bed.

she likes when we cuddle up and just fell in sleep but she doesn't want a relation or something like that. trust me, she dont want it, atleast not now. i hope she wants it in like 5 years when she realises that i am the best guy for her. however when she sleeps i sometimes make pics of her but or whatever i can make pics off, ill try to upload it to my laptop and send to you guys
I can't she's like a little sister to me and I need her help with my doughter.
oh my , well ill see if i can get any good shots.
so far so good , moved here 3 months ago actually . And yea , i just dont know if i wanna post it here haha
My fraternity "Kappa Alpha" has a "fidelity to brotherhood ceremony" where you give a blow job to a random brother in order to prove your loyalty. Its not gay because you are wearing a blindfold.
I know dude... But I fucking can't.. I am in a foreign country. No friends, moved here for a job.. I was already smoking before I moved here a lot but not everyday.. Now it's like my only friend, it makes me feel good and not so alone.
I worked as a bus aide for special ed , we had this 4th grader that wasn't a retard but lived next to the transportation office & she went to the school we dropped the potatoes off at, it was far from her house but still within the district. She sat in the back of the driver side & I sat in the last seat on the passenger side which was 2 rows on front of her because of the wheelchair space. She'd masturbate almost every morning at the same spot on the route. She'd slouch down so the driver couldn't see her in the mirror but I could pretty much see her through the corner of my eye if I turned my head slightly. She'd stop if she thought I was looking in her direction. One time I finally caught her red handed. She was slouched like normal but her back was against the back of the seat, her feet were on the floor & her ass was off the seat, she had her hand down her pants & she was wiggling her pelvis. We made eye contact & she froze, we stared at each other for about 5 seconds & I turned away pretending I fight see her. That was the hottest shit ever watching her move her body like that. She had her eyes closed which gave me the opportunity to get a full look. She never did it again after I caught her & I was moved to a different route. Sometimes I wish I could have successfully recorded her before she stopped. I tried recording her on my phone by hiding it in my beanie, poking the camera lens through the holes in the thread but all I recored was the bus ceiling (the beanie was handmade).
Still gay.
awh thats nice in all honesty dublin is one of the nicer places in ireland. glad your liking it. understandable ill post mine if you dont want dudes adding you. where did you move from?
Nigga, you get the most help if you decide you want to marry her. You want her, she wants you. Stop playing.

Nah, you can still stop. That would probably help you meet new people. Go to a meeting where people have the same problem. Then you can bond and chit chat and whatever.
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Seriously, I don't understand why frats make you do so much gay shit.
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>trips checked
>guess I cant so no now
>have been slowing working towards the idea of including other people
>would love to see my sweet innocent wife chow down on some puss or get spit-roasted
becoming swingers sounds like the best solution
It really is , i love big cities :) so thats good! homeless people everywhere tho . And im not sure if you know the country , but Croatia.
Its important to have a connection with your brothers. Nobody has ever tried any gay sex with me. We slay lots of pussy every week.
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That gave me a stiffy
If you want to have a connection with someone why not just go out and do some charity? And yeah they have, you sucked one of their dicks... Did they cum in your mouth?
the homeless problem is ireland is getting bad i know, thats nice what made you move to dublin :)
I don't say cuck a lot but damn you are a fucking cuck. I would have pulled my dick out a long time ago for an ass like that.
yeah its the fkng best ass ever lol
Probably literally
I like to hurt my partners in every relation ship I have. I can't help it I like when the girls fall for me and I create various situations to make them miserable. I'd what ever it takes to get them to love me. Buy them stuff I showed them I'll do anything for them and when they fall I'll leave them. I don't sleep with all of them so far I've had sex with 3 of them out of the 5 I've been involved with. I like the trill of conquer after I achieve it I don't feel they no longer need me. I don't feel fulfilled sexually mentally or emotionally. Never hurt anyone physically. I don't want to get to that point. I'm a monster I want to get better I don't want to do that anymore
>thats the goal
>we've talked about it, and we both think its hot, but we both also have our reservations
>next fancy date night we go on she wants to be a lil cock tease and get some dudes all worked up
>not sure how itll play out, but im curious to see what kinda guy she picks for her mark
>hopefully I atleast wont have to pay for drinks that evening lol
Man where to start! I fingered my babysitter when I was 6 years old. I fingered my cousin when I was 12. I've had sex with a passed out girl, I've sucked a few dicks, came in another kids ass when we were 16-17. Stolen neighbors worn panties while house sitting, jacked off to mother in laws panties, as well as a few family friends.
It really is . Ahh well had some problems at home , + my life just wasnt moving anywhere , so just one day i decided to move . So far im not regretting it!
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i like it in this collor
My wife has only been gon a year I can't just get with her younger sister
Should have fucked her.
Knocked her up.
Nigga, take her out on a date. OR just keep her around and let time bring you two together. But I wouldn't do that last one. 18 year olds usually move on. Make her play with your dick and she's yours.
I like seeing the rosy color of her ass. But that really does accentuate her shape. I can't believe you haven't hit that from the back yet.
Also your wife would want you to move on
thats the best thing to do in that situation, makes me happy knowing your not regretting anything well
There was a female cat in my town who terrorise my cats and eat their food... So i trapped her in a box with some food, I strangled her, punch her face and then I wrapped her in a trash bag and drowned her in a bucket full of water . She struggled to breathe through the bag, so I pushed her head underwater with a broom handle because I do not like cold water
Then I throw that little shit over the fence :^)
Now we are all happy
yea! Hows life treating you? Everything good?
Where you from?
everything is grand right now :) add me on kik id really like to keep talking with you gedkeen20
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When I was in highschool, I called child services on my dad's girlfriend and had her 1 year old son taken away from his mom and put into a foster home because she was drinking a lot, but mostly because she kept taking my car without asking
Did you jerk off while she was blowing that youngster?
She does more then just try to get in bed with me. She is trying to become my wife and she keeps wearing my wife's clothes. She has no idia how hard it is seeing her in my wife's clothes.
Maybe she's trying to show you that she's old and mature? Tell her to not put on your wife's clothes
I know but it's hard
Fucking a popular MFC model I met on Tinder. The sex is fucking intense. Going to start making b/g videos with her. $$
ah thats nice! , ill think about it haha , it was nice talking to you too!
you can't let that shit stick with you. It'll fuck you up
would love to hear from you like, can i ask your age?
i've been spy camming my wife a lot lately.
I know it's hard, she was the woman of your life.
But a broken heart will yield only doom.
Take the time to mend it, and only then will you be whole again.
I've told her several times not to have on my wife's clothes she still does it. I had to hide her lingerie so she won't try to put that on
well, see you gotta fuck her into submission. Once you dominate her sexually she'll listen.
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haha that question, hmm i think ill keep that a secret for now , sorry!
I worry that she might become psycho and hurt my baby girl
She wouldn't hurt a child don't worry man.
hahaha yep my bad. well you have it there kik me if you want, would be really good to get to know more of what turns you on
Got any pics of the 18 yo sister
Call the police?
Only time will tell my friend!;)
Yes and no I'm not posting them here
send it to my kik?
guess so, fyi im real good at dominating;)
I've gotten away with four hit and runs
every day I wake up I put a gun to my head and cry myself back to sleep.
Pleeez no face
I don't care if she is gross. I stilll fap
mmm thats what i like to hear
Just let me come over and face fuck you, okay?
I cheat on my wife and have multiple side pieces in different cities I visit for work. We just fuck and I don't have to buy them shit. I go to therapy with my wife to keep herida stable so I can pay off our debt and divorce her
good then;) im away from this thread now, i hope time does tell;)
Any pictures of the Mrs?

This Ireland bromance is heartwarming. I just visited Ireland myself recently. Belfast and Dublin are fucking great. I hope you two have the cum-covered time of your lives.
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That's as close as I could get to her. She has. Red hair and her boobs are a little bigger but not by much
>>715008419 (You)
>This Ireland bromance is heartwarming. I just visited Ireland myself recently. Belfast and Dublin are fucking great. I hope you two have the cum-covered time of your lives.

chill out bro, don't ruin this for me
You are a terrible driver. So basically your secret is 'I suck an abnormal amount at a skill prople with an iQ of 75 can manage"
Not for posting. I know what /b/ros do around here haha
I'm a born again Christian who browses /b/
Relax she's 18
I browse reddit and 9gag
Jesus I hope so. She looks like shes 14.

Your sister looks freakishly similar to my girlfriend. I might actually believe it's her but for:

>she only has one brother
>I'm posting this from her computer, which I've had for 2 years
Sorry I didn't realize she looked that young I was just trying to find a pic that looked close to her sister

Seriously, if I didn't know better, I'd swear this actually was her.
I fingered my cousin in her sleep when we were teens.
I've raped my girlfriend twice. We've been together 5 years.

>first time I didn't realize rape until later
>second I time totally knew

how can you not know? What??
How would you know?
I used to be 14?
Her boobs are to big to be 14
you would be surprised
Dont look big to me.

>Both drunk after party
>Start playing with her ass
>she moans or something?
>no protest
>bust in her butt
>she's upset next day

Turns out she was far more drunk thank I thought and the moaning was half protest half you-didn't-use-lube-and-i'm-passing-out-that-hurts.
you're a grill? i sent you an email, thanks for the timestamp with tits!
and second?
I helped Russian hackers rig the US election
My sisters friend has ds and shes only 13
i missed your reply. why do you ask?
yes I did
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after confessing, don't go out of your way to talk to her.

if you let a girl know you're interested in her, but then act completely normal as though nothing has changed, it will trigger a phenomenon called cognitive dissonance.

just do what you've always done. don't avoid her of course, but don't just walk up and talk to her unless you have a reason. let her come to you. if you're always coming to her, she doesn't even have to bother coming to you, or do anything for that matter.

i know it doesn't make sense, but trust me, that's how a very large portion of girls think.

>she gets passed out drunk again.
>remembered she knew it was assfuck
>drop one in the V
>she says nothing next day
To help with wife
midwest region, you?
Not that guy, but also midwest. I'm the girlfriend rapist.
Seriously? What a jackass lol
give me your email or kik
I'm not far from you into gay craic?
Texas, but travel a lot
This is now a rapist meet-up thread!
Can I get a region a little more narrow than Midwest?
At least mine knows about it and still stayed with me.
KS, NE region


if you're young and in missouri....
I thought this was the consensual guy hiding in the closet
LOL are you the rapist looking to help someone?
For science obvs
ooh ooh me me. how do i contact you for the meet up?
Young passable mtf here. Anyone wanna meet up and assassinate a world leader?
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I wish I was white.
email or kik?
I'll elaborate the region more privately.
So does every minority
Kik dallasz71man
what part of MO? How old etc?
I'm a big guy.
Dude, seriously. Affirm you as a man, grow a pair of balls.
You're not 12 anymore, don't tell her about feelings, tell her you need some action.
Do something for the male club you're suppose to be in.
If I sucessfully pass the bar exam, I will be the youngest sworn in member of the bar in my whole state
How could you know that? When I took the bar (2 different states) they didnt say anything about age
gl, homes
Also, no one worth a shit fails the bar
wait, what is it you're offering? just to be clear
You remember the gimp scene in Pulp Fiction?
Big chevy truck, huh?
kek no thanks
Here's her face, my sister definitely isn't your girlfriend, she has 3 brothers
I will turn 21yo 3 months after the Bar results

I would be very surprised if there was anyone younger than me
Fuck my best friends sister occasionally. We're both in a long term relationship.
If it wasn't illegal, I would gladly kill a friend or relative in order to achieve a goal.
Hitler is that you?
good thing, too.
Any goal in particular?
ah, yes, an assumption based on few facts. When is the bar? I had a classmate that was under 21 all through law school
what part of midwest?
better look up Gabrielle Turnquest
>I had a classmate that was under 21 all through law school

If you followed my post, I was just 17 when I entered 1L
I won't share which state it is though.
It ranks around the middle in terms of population
yeah, I did. Liberty University? It shouldn't even have an accreditation. No wonder it lets 14 yo students in--
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My biggest secret is that I work for 9gag, and we are preparing to eliminate your uselessness of web page. Pd: I love using google translate.
I ate my sister out amongst other things.
I almost want to cry for you bro
well yeah
i ate my sister too
what are siblings for?
She wont talk to me now. And i have a huge family fetish now.
I mean, was she cool with it at the time? Ages?
Yes and i was 14 and she was 17. She instigated the start of it but i did not resist.
After I'm done playing MW3, I'm going to masturbate with a feeldoe stout in my ass.
you gonna give me your kik or email?
I was once stuck on a crowded train and this guy in sweatpants was pressing his boner into my ass. At the time, I was really uncomfortable and disgusted, but now I have a major kink for it and want it to happen again.
I also feel bad for not helping the girl he was harassing before me. She helped me by making space so I could escape his dick.
i haven't done much with my sister in the past few years b/c she and her guy were getting pretty serious
but now she's single
and we're getting together for the holidays
can't wait
I fucked my cousin and now I wont talk to her. Crazy bitch caught feelings.
I can think of some, yeah.

> Tinder
> MFC model

Enjoy your AIDS.
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