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I am a Vegan what does /b/ think of vegans ? we will rule the

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Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 74

I am a Vegan what does /b/ think of vegans ?
we will rule the world one day because everyone else will die out from diet related diseases you know its true
I respect vegans but "we will rule the world one day" is extremely stupid.
How can it be when its true
Kill Yourself q:^)
>I am a Vegan
nobody cares
fuck off
I second this. As a vegan myself

OP is bait or a not just a vegan, but full of shit too, so please don't take people like him as a reference for vegans in general.
Na im for real Im a hard core vegan way harder than you
You will never do what i can do you give in to temptation all the time
Where do vegetarians fall on this scale?
I'm not rich enough to be vegan.
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Vegan fag here. Shut the fuck up with the whole vegan shit. You're the reason why everyone hates us vegans. No one gives a fuck about our lifestyle faggot. kys
Grow you own food
Everyone will die because of overpopulation. Soon enough farmlands will all become condos broseph
You are not vegan no one hates vegans
Grow your own food
Been vegan for 5 months now. I hate faggots like OP.
Yea because my land ecompasses all weather climates
That means you hate yourself thats not on me sorry
No retard I hate vegans who brag about their lifestyle. It's stupid.
Your diet is garbage and has a longevity rating similar to a McDiet. The fisherman diet is vastly superior.
Fish are full of heavy metals good luck and its not about quantity its about quality
Well if I could see the whole thing, I'd tell you.

That's a bit like showing closeups of a bunch of mushrooms and saying "which ones are safe to eat?"
Daily reminder that he ate a shit load of meat and eggs while he was competitive.
Because dog meat sucks?
The answer is none
Chimps are closer and would eat a 90% meat diet if they could.
Looking forward not looking back
Lie they are alot smarter than you
Only some fish are laced, and those are fine in moderation. And I wouldn't call spending your life as a sanctimonious faggot quality.
Well get that fish into you then and I have no ego
So that is as good as it gets
this is going no where fast
Hey op, vegan here. I almost died from e coli contaminated spinach last year. It happens to all food you fucking moron.

I went vegan to lose weight and stay at a healthy weight. I feel great for it, but I don't try to make myself seem better than anyone else. Being vegan or not is a choice that everyone should make on their own. Suse, there are a ton of pros to it but realistically speaking it would be near impossible to sustain an entire vegan planet.

Tldr: be vegan if you want, I happen to enjoy it and have had pretty positive things come from it.
We could have a entire vegan planet if people grew there own food
This is true. However not everyone has the time/space to grow their own food.
Fucking America
Well people need to make it a priority and people who can will grow it and give it to others
Transhumanism, vegans will rule nothing
Tell me your story and what you eat
I live in a city. I can't grow enough food sustainably for myself let alone my family. As much as I'd like to think this is a great option, it just doesn't work in the 21st century. If you're so on board with this idea let's see your garden then.

what is our future
Why do you live in the city just that alone will shorten your life expectancy
This can't possibly can't feed you 100%. Humans strive on variety of food. A plot that small cannot give you the variety of food needed for mental health benefits. Also that plot obviously cannot give you enough food to survive daily.
Oh yeah, your superior attitude must have nothing to do with your ego.
why do you live in the city ?
Tell me about your ego
Work. The most financially beneficial way for me to work the job I do is to live within walking distance of my job. I commuted for the firSt year from a rural area to the city and it just isn't cost effective.
My cousin is a vegan. She had to be hospitalized for malnutrition
You people die from temperatures below 60 degrees. Eat a hamburger faggot.
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what is it you are after in the city you cant get in the country ?
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Thats the best you got
if you love animals why eat animals called PETS,called DINNER? what the fuck who comes up with such retardation. I get that is not how you read it but it is just horrible design
Human ass.
if you truly love animals you should not eat any
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I think you should eat a cheese burger and shut the fuck up
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Nope, you're not gonna turn this around on me Sigmund, better luck next time. >>714763362
True, the great apes are in no way vegan or vegetarian. While it is normal for them to base about 5% of their diet on flesh, during peak hunting seasons that number climbs far higher. Sometimes hitting 40% in the wild. Chimpanzees show an obvious preference for fresh meat.
Women are a trap avoid at all costs they will bread with you then fuck you over
I know a guy who only eats chips, I guess he's technically vegan, but I'm pretty sure he won't outlive me
You mad white boy?
>everyone else will die out from diet related diseases
OP says as his vital organs slowly shut down from lack of essential vitamins and minerals that can only be found in meats and dairies
looks like 1, 3, 7, and 9. did i win?
source of information ?
humans show an obvious preference for sugar, salt and lard, you'd have to be a fucking moron to think that that was an argument for eating sugar, salt and lard. And btw human beings are a lot closer to human beings than chimps are.
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That sounds delicious!
No he wont
Why would I be mad ?
No the answer is none
I would encourage you to eat meat 3 times a day tell me how that goes for you
Shut the fuck up
it depends OP are you the militant "everyone must join me" type or are you the mind your own buisness type?
no, i'm pretty sure i'm right. the eyes of carnivores and omnivores (which taste lousy) are usually set closer together and towards the front of the head to provide more binocular vision for better depth perception, while the eyes of herbivores (which taste good) are usually set farther apart and to the sides of the head to provide a wider field of view which allows for quicker detection of predators. number 9 and number 3 are a little iffy because of the angle but number 1 is a deer or deer-like quadripedal herbivore and number 7 is a cow, or maybe a pig. i think 9 is a camel and 3 is some kind of sheep or goat.
You haven't cited any, why should I? But since I'm nice I'll give you a few.
Our Inner Ape by Franz de Waal
This one cites a 3% average, which is close enough to five that I'll use it. Either way it shits on your hippy bullshit image claiming apes are vegans. Like I said before, while the majority of the Chimp diet is plant based, they regularly eat meat, insects and fish.
And yes, humans are closer genetically to each other, whats your point? The majority of people that have ever existed have eaten some meat, vegan bullshit is new.
Vegans are like pokemon, unable to say anything but vegan.
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>Implying you will live to see the day every human cut out meat
>Implying vegans aren't edgy hipsters or get fit quick fitness fanatics capable of political means of banning meat
>Implying being Vegan is healthy as you pop a pill every minute just so you don't have a deficiency in protein or something else.
>Implying your immune system is superior than a meat eater
>Implying animals have any other use, and that they won't go extinct once we don't want them on our plates
>Implying /b/ thinks of Vegans and doesn't jerk off to trap threads and rate each others dicks all day

Faggot, begone.
please someone make the same thing but put buttholes instead of eyes
the quads of truth
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It's absolutely fine as long as you don't start judging others and acting like a religious zealot or a snob.
i think it's fine that someone is vegan i just hate it when they preach about killing animals being wrong when if we didnt kill these animals we would die in shit and overpopulation of animals.
No its been around for thousands of years nothing is new under the sun
Citation needed. For how many of the 200000 years of modern humans has veganism existed? Because meat has been a dietary regular the whole time.
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I honestly don't give a shit one way or another. Just feed my kids when I'm dead.
>select the trees
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>implying living a life of eating nuts and grass is fun
>implying you wouldn't still have to eat a bucket of weightless kale to get the same protein as a chicken drumstick

Calories and weight are different things. Weight comparison is more fair as calorie limit intake differentiate per person.

I truly believe this is bait, that or you're just retarded.
Refute it, or fuck off.
I don't think that's true, please cite your sources.
Why dont you think thats true i have put on weight and muscle since i have been a Vegan
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Just keep eating veggies and fuck off. Whether you die of incomplete proteins, iron deficiency, cognitive decline or whatever else, I don't care. Jesus Christ, just go do it and leave the normal people alone. The already-dead-animals-for-other-people will thank you on the other side.
Have you tested it for your self ?
Because it isn't cited by any science, and I know for a fact that serving of green peppers is not 22% protien, that's horseshit.
Yes, but since you won't cite a source I'm gonna assume you're full of shit.
No its truth and i live it very well
Like I said, fuck off. You started an argument to defend yourself, which means you don't buy it either. Just give it up.
the whole rule the world shit is retarded.
Not a vegan but a vegetarian
How do you know when someone is a vegan?

Don't worry, they'll remind you every 5 minutes.
Are you considering hemp seeds, or did you get in on the ground floor?
>Select all the food
In Alaska
The source is me and my own work I have done to my own body I AM living proof
No it isn't.
From nutritiondata
A single serving of green peppers
Weight 149g
Protien 1.3g

Weight 28g
Protien 5.4g

An identical weight of beef would contain about 29g of protien.
ew eating eyes thats disgusting.
I respect vegans to the extent that I respect the notion that every co-worker has a beautiful fuck-machine spouse and intelligent children.
Go ahead and submit that to a peer reviewed journal, I'll go vegan if nothing but an image of your body and no data gets published.
Am also a vegan, don't talk about it unless someone asks. Wouldn't start a thread about it.

Anyone who knows makes the joke of vegans talking about it 24/7, but I've never known one to do that, I've only ever known non-vegans to make jokes about that 24/7.

I really hate that posting "I just made this vegan cake" seems to anger people, like "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS POSTING VEGAN FOOD", why are you always posting non-vegan food?
Cause it's delicious and looks good either way?
Don't think I've ever had a day of my life where I haven't seen something about bacon on social media
>No way to back it up
The vegans I know are pushy assholes, and it's likely you're proving to yourself and others that it can be done. You can prove nothing, and your data is already shit.
PLZ check your binary relationship notions...I am an asexual heteromorph genderfuid vegan and I find that comment highly offensive.
You can't even spell protein.
Why not post the actual nutrition stats for equal weights then? Preferably with a source that can spell.
I'm a psycho-sexual "piece of broccoli" that comes from the same family as cabbage. People look at me in disgust.
I think vegans are correct, but I'm too lazy/apathetic to become one at the moment.
Its ok we know love your work I did this thread to make people aware t plant a seed
Vegan Power
Warned my daughter for 5 years that her vegan diet was fucking up her health. For 5 years I got vegan propaganda about how fucking superior her diet is.
Currently paying a nutritionist 1,500 a month to nurse my vegan daughter back to health.
Fuck your vegan diet - my kid can't even sit down to a holiday dinner without turning the whole affir on it's head. It's not a diet - it's a harmful cult.
You should it gets easier and it is so rewarding
No, I'm not a vegan. I just hate Americans that can't spell.
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You are part of the problem
Spelling is not everything and its not the end of the world
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I definitely will eventually. It just seems like the logical thing to do.
HA HA HA thats some funny shit mate ha ha ha
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As long as you leave me the fuck alone about what I want to eat, do what you want.
I sure is
Despite their cult mentality, they're ok, if a tad annoying.

Especially when they try and convince you their diet is healthier than yours but they're still unfit and weak as fuck.
Why not all of them?
Lad, in 30 years I am going to be made entirely out of steel and fire. I will enjoy burning every single plant on this world and turning this gigantic space rock in to Coruscant.
HA ha ha you are funny
None of them
Why did you let all your lettuce bolt? What a fucking waste. Enjoy your bitter leaves.
No protein on the left (unless you plan on eating 2 kilograms of asparagus) and only carbs from the sugars in the apple.

So that's 70% of your balanced diet missing right off the bat, ironically the right hand side is actually healthier.

This pretty much sums up everything wrong with vegan mentality, which is why you rarely, if ever, see a fit vegan.
Fortunately Vegans will die faster that meat eaters. Cheers!
So it goes to seed why else and its bok choy
And bitter foods are better for you
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The Fuhrer was a vegan too.
You do know that spinach, sprouts, kale and berries are in fact mostly carbohydrates with essentially zero protein right? Sure they have high quality nutrients but seeds are the best "vegan" protein containing food, as well as nuts, and even then they dont have a lot of protein. Nothing wrong with some quality free range eggs, a ribeye steak or some badass chicken. If you ever want to lift weights and get strong you WILL need animal proteins. The human body is so complex sticking to only 1 or 2 foods is bad for you bro. Variety is an important spice. Stop being a faggot and eat what you damn well please, its one of the best things about being alive at this time in history. Humans are apex predators, dont forget we are in fact more important than most species

What do you do, knowing most medicine contains gelatin and has been extensively tested on animals at some point?

You die out, and that's Darwinism in action :^)
i like to eat meat thats it now fk off my plate
Duh, what do you think veal is besides fucking delicious??
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look at the pic again our food is our medicine
Hitler was vegetarian. He still ate cheese and drank milk. Not vegan
Thank you well played my friend
At least bacon is good faggot. Even horses eat meat nigga, feed yourself stop starving yourself. The way your teeth look dowant mean don't eat meat, do us a solid favor and go stick your head right in a horses mouth get a good long look
Like I say it will all take care of its self
Satan trips speaks the truth
Broccoli is not high in protein. You'd need to eat nearly 5 kilograms of it just to meat your bare minimum RDA.

Figs literally contain a trace amount of protein in them, you'd die from over-consumption trying to make this viable. This applies to several other things on that shit list.

Brazil nuts, hemp seeds and Goji berries contain protein in decent quantities, although not even close to what you find in chicken. Unfortunately they also contain a lot of fiber, as such you'll end up shitting yourself at some point on this diet. That's not conjecture either, if you're serious about exercise and you eat this crap, you wont get far.
Build a greenhouse dipshit
Go back to bed
You are so brave. I'm a vegan a gender nonbionary but ocassonally gender fluid vegan and I identify with cows (so I don't eat them) the cows look at me and I can almost see their pain as they stay trapped in their fenced in prisions.. I'm goatkin and I think milking baby cows is wrong, I'm also vegan.
Yes, I'm sure that works wonders for the kids in South America, or on the African continent.
When someone's trying to prove something scientific (that I know is false, I eat meat and know it has less protein) and cannot even spell the key word of the subject, it's pretty fucking ridiculous.
dude now i fucking want blueberries on a pizza
go play in a wood chipper
Got a bodybuilder housemate (who is not vegan, he just eats chicken and eggs and whey protein), most of the people he meets at the gym are vegan, all more hench then him. He knows it's better but doesn't care about animals in a moral sense (I am not vegan, I just avoid meat)
Thanks for you input
talk shit all you want you greasy fucks, but Jared Leto is a beautiful man.
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>actually thinks cucumber is 24% protein
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The bedroom bully said it best,
You will only rule the metro in St. Petersburg by 2033
>most of the people he meets at the gym are vegan, all more hench then him

Seems legit.

flora have feelings, too ;(
>posting outright bullshit
kill yourself OP
i would eat all of them, dont see the problem
is legit
I live in Brighton, is like the San Francisco of England. Full of gays and progressive types, most people here are at least vegetarian, large vegan population.
Plenty of vegan bodybuilders as well as athletes, don't get why meat eaters get so butthurt over that
50 what you fucking idiot, 50%? That's some fucking bullshit. Ofcourse the risk for heart disease is higher for people eating meat, but its a minor increase in chance.
Shut up. You sound like such a pussy. So worried about being judged. Fucking pathetic. Kys
Ha ha ha cheese burger man
Are you fucking retarded?
1. Learn how to use punctuation.
2. He hates people like you who brag about being vegan, not all vegans in general. Kys my nigga
I in Preston Park, and you're talking out your fucking arse.

Nobody in my gym who's serious about lifting is vegan you moron.
well that goes verry well for me, i mostly just eat food that has meat in it, not for being an asshole but just becouse i love the tast of it
He looks fit with that keg
So which gym does he go to?

The one on Queens Road that used to be an LA Fitness?

Unless things have changed radically there in the last 18 months or so, a lot of the bigger guys in there were reservists from 3pwrr and they were definitely not vegan.
Who cares?
I would like to cook you up a dog and watch you eat it
I aint been to the gym myself, the one on North Road is the one the guy goes to.
Also know quite a few of the vegan café owners and tattoo artists are into that kind of thing?
Think maybe your lack of social skills is what's making you think I'm talking out of my arse, but I'll admit I don't have interest in bodybuilding.
ah, didn't see this reply, already wrote to another ( >>714776970 )
the North Road one. Think he also went to the one on London Road for a trial for a while? with the spaceship like pod things for entry
Vegan Strong Man Patrik Baboumian
PureGym aka PureShite.

You're chatting out your arse unless there's been a sudden influx of roided up vegans.
no problem i live in norway, Ã…lesund
love this thread. glad to see fellow vegans sticking it to the hypocrites.
This is what my non-vegan housemate tells me. I am not a vegan either.
I assume you're the one roided up here, small dick making you angry about all this?

I don't care what people eat, my initial post was just saying that fit vegan people definitely do exist. Why does that make you so angry?
Vegan Strongman Patrik Baboumian
Go Vegan:
Be Healthier
Be Happier
Look Better
Save the Environment
Stop Animal Abuse
Go Vegan:
Be Healthier
Be Happier
Look Better
Save the Environment
Stop Animal Abuse
Because like a lot of vegans, you're lying and misleading other people. I don't get why vegans can't just accept their diet for what it is.

It's not even like people say it's unhealthy. It's just not a competitive diet for most sports.
he became vegan in 2011....
Thank You :)
I'm not lying.
I responded to someone saying you don't see fit vegans, and I used an example told to me that I have no reason to believe is not true, especially since the guy that told me isn't a vegan himself.
There are plenty of vegan athletes, I'm sure if you're into sport you can see that?
Thank You glad you like it
Satan has spoken, Satan is great, and you cannot argue with him.
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>we will rule the world one day
I hope you are right humans dont deserve it
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Its not a neat square you suck

your body is 60% filter that is made to process any garbage you can find
Is there anyone else

mouth to intestines, its all cleaning organs because food WAS hard to come by, gotta be able to eat garbage, some just eat too much
Because cows are raised for meat, and dog meat isn't that nice tasting
what are you smoking
No but I think you should try dog meat
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Get it into you make sure you eat it all ha ha ha
That too

I'm going vegan!
Thats great
i knew the world would be ruled by faggots some day
this is shit-tier b8, m8.
i rate hang yourself/8.
Looks delicous. Cant wait to have some for christmas
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>they will bread with you
Parts of all of them are ok to eat once you cook the meat.

That's not my opinion, that's a fact.
who's the artist of this painting/picture? it looks cool as shit
cringed hard. lrn2meme you daft cunt. this is beyond lazy.
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Wow! A celebrity does it?! Sign me up! I wanna be a cool guy like Woody Harrison!
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didn't work for hillary won't work for this
also eats fish.
vegan is much better in many ways
checked & kekt.
You do realize a /VEGAN/ doesn't use any product by animals, right? Get rid of a lot of your shit because


Stupid cuck. You're a vegetarian; not a vegan.
god emperor tier comment is god emperor tier.
An even bigger waste.
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Haven't met one FUCKING VEGAN that can't shut their fucking mouth about being vegan
Ah, the wisdom scribbled on the curb of the designated shitting streets.
The irony of a vegan calling anyone or anything a cuck is lost on you, isn't it?
eat whatever way you want. i enjoy my meats.
the exception and not the rule.
for every dude like this there are 5,000 scrawny ass virtue signaling hipsters.
>diet related diseases

You need pills they create in labs just to survive haha
Your ideas aren't dumb but, your unnecessary idealism is absolutely retarded and does nothing but, completely piss off everyone else.
That person won nothing this thread is still alive
Your lies, you mean.
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"I'm Vegan"
>11.1 per 100 calories, 205 calories worth of broccoli is 605 grams.
>6.4 grams per 100 calories, 250 calories worth of beef is 100 grams.
>Have to eat 6x the weight in broccoli to get 2x the protein.
>health problems with taking high doses (500 to 1,000 mg per day) of vitamin C.
>205 grams of broccoli contains around 460 mg of vitamin C.
I read that carnivores are more intelligent than herbivores due to their high fat diet. If this is true wouldnt that lead to the decline of intelligence over generations? Also my sister went vegan. And she smells bad. And her farts have massive hang time. If veganism is healthy why does it make you smell bad?
You are so full of shit
And there are good fats in nuts and avocado you are so full of shit
Vegans are so aggressive because they're trying to get a point across. And it's simple:
Mankind does not have the right to enslave, abuse, exploit and kill any other being on this planet for his own benefit, with what I completely agree.
Where are most of you dumb ignorant ill informed dick heads from the US or the UK ?
Happens quite often, really.
My friend who went vegan had a leather jacket, wore it a for a few weeks when it got cold, then she bought a new jacket and gave the old leather one to charity.
Point is, vegans don't buy animal by-products, but don't necessarily throw their old stuff away (like jackets, belts, wallets etc.) until they find a proper, cruelty-free replacement.
Vegetarians are just afraid of giving up cheese.
Just sayin'.
also true
That true too alot of it is because people have addictions they cant shake
lol fuck people are dumb

most of the animals any other animal eats are babies
they're nutritious and easier to catch/less dangerous

bunch of nature freaks that disregard one of the most intrinsic parts of nature

an entire bunch (what you buy spinach in) has ~10 grams of protein, a bunch is ~300 grams, meaning spinach is technically 10% protein at best

i already know that cucumber is nowhere near 24% protein

please take your bait elsewhere
Yeah, I got help. I believed that my two closest friends were being ridiculous when they decided to go vegan. Kept making jokes about it on daily bases and they sighed, hoped I'd come to my senses. And I did.
I watched a Gary Yourofsky video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4), went to the fridge, took all the meat I bought the day before and threw it in the trash can. It was that simple. I never looked at meat, eggs or dairy the same way again..

Also, was never able to gain weight while on an omnivorous diet, but since I've gone vegan, I've steadily been gaining weight for about 5 months now (am veg for 7 months). My two friends lost hella weight.

Hope at least some of you watch the video.
Have a good one!
I don't get why people have such an urge to justify their behaviour

Yerh animals have shit lives and get killed
But dosen't affect me, all i get is cheap animal products
And I like animal products

I don't understand worrying about what happens to things that aren't me
Hope someone eats you then
literally a vegan's entire argument is

>plants can't complain
>therefore plants don't feel
>therefore i'm not hurting a living thing

The diet is bad for you, and you have to nearly over-eat expensive food to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Vegans smell bad because they are decomposing.

KYS vegan-fags
Thanks good 1 mate
>comes to my senses
>and i did

This hubris is exactly why people find vegans insufferable, and this attitude/presentation is what drives people away.
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If you dont like the taste of meat in your mouth, then stop sucking cock so much
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how do you get your EPA and DHA?
File: rAjftgt.png (461KB, 1920x756px) Image search: [Google]
461KB, 1920x756px
why do you faggots feel the need to constantly tell everyone? is it an attempt to justify it? Trying to feel superior because you know you're not? Who cares
And I'm not even that informed.
Once you get the whole idea, the whole philosophy of veganism, it's all common fucking sense from there on out.

True, but it just sounds overly dramatic. I'm trying to get a point across, so give me a break. :)
Also, I know the whole vegan thing seems like some hippy bullshit, but I'm asking you to give the video a watch. For your sake. The presenter IS AN ANGRY AGGRESSIVE VEGAN, so if you don't like what he has to say, feel free to continue ranting about how vegans are being intolerable and oppressive. :)
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