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So /pol/ I went DEEP down the rabbit hole. Politically, spiritually,

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So /pol/ I went DEEP down the rabbit hole. Politically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and theoretically. I have pretty much for the most part figured out the majority of things that most humans in this world wouldn't even tread on in their entire lives. Evil... Good... Upper levels of society, conspiracies, evil governments, pizza, horrible things in this world, dimensions, outer space... It doesn't fucking matter. At least not to me. I just don't give a fuck anymore about it in my life at this point. Bring on the aliums, apocalypse and every political paranormal thing you can throw at me. I just don't fucking care. I don't even care about death. Shit doesn't matter. We will all get a second go around anyway. Might as well just chill out and have good times until shit hits the fan. I think the biggest thing I got out of the knowledge I have gained is that I have nothing to fear. It is all really gay. I don't care if I am an ant in this world or the universe that can easily be squashed. I really just want to help out my community as a firefighter and have an adventurous life. Once you take a shit ton of redpills like I have.... You realize that you can either shit yourself and become a scared crazy looney or you can just chill out and whoever decides to fuck with you can fuck with you. Anyone can torture me, kill me, rob me, eat my soul, put me in another dimension.... It doesn't fucking matter. If someone does that to me they are the assholes. I'll still be me. Even if my mind is fucked with my soul is still the same.
The redpill has brought me back to local society. Starting with my community. I know in actuality it won't do much but being a firefighter will be more fulfilling than the majority of working class jobs out there.

>TL;DR just chill out about the universe. people are assholes and whether or not conspiracies are real don't matter. go help out your community or other people and if bad things happen to you so what
Did you smoke DMT?
Nope. Don't really plan too either. That is a rabbit hole that makes living a normal human life very hard to do. It can absolutely wreck your mind and physical experiences in this life if you use DMT.
I don't think it would destroy me but at this moment in my life I don't need or want DMT. If you are smart enough (life me ;) ) you don't even need DMT to get the information that you need from it. Is stupid for 99 percent of people and for me because I don't want to go into that side of life/living. If you are trying to gain true power DMT would be useful but I just don't care to be honest.
Hey amateur rabbit hole spelunker here. Just wondering where you are finding these RH's I'm located on the east coast and have to go to Maine to find any good ones. ~Thanks

Not sure if trolling but I was thinking about moving to maine eventually because honestly the scenery is nice as fuck. But I probably never will for the fact that nothing except nature and spooky stuff goes on there.

The rabbit hole I'm talking about... IS IN YOUR MIND and all around you lol. It doesn't fucking matter. Don't go further down the rabbit hole. Focus on mastering something you like... Like martial arts, writing, idk pick whatever you like just do something. Rabbit hole not worth it to be honest but I have a very weird mind and a big gene pool of intelligence so it was inevitable that I was going to go deep down in the rabbit hole. If I had the choice I wish I never knew about any of this stuff. Don't go any further it isn't worth it and pretty gay to be honest.
you're not very bright, faggot. prove that you are the same person you were when you were like 10 or 15 years old. you dont have the same memories or desires, not the same physical bodies, almost everything about you has changed. go on, find the constant in your consciousness that doesnt exist.
although, that being said, i must completely agree there is no meaning, but nihilism has been a thing for a long time.

>all these edgy teens thinking they are the first to go down a train of thought
This is pretty much where I'm at in my life at this point. I used to be a pretty big psychonaut, and was into a bunch of weird shit and theories about existence and pretty much dug myself into a state of depersonalization and derealization. After really figuring out who I wanted to be and how I honestly wanted to go about that, not letting bullshit get to me, I dropped everything. So instead of mentally jerking off and running in circles In my own head, I now just focus on what I enjoy and what I personally want out of a physical life, keeping the metaphysical bullshit simple.
Not /pol/ so go back to the shithole you crawled out from you stupid nigger
My constant is always trying to love, help people and make the world a better place. It's the thought that counts. I know I'm not the same person I was when I was younger but my core soul is still the same and always will be.

My soul rages like a fire nigga.
I've never even found a rabbit hole
i once found a fox hole
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Your post has proven that you actually have no idea and your "redpills" are only just scratching the surface... Your chillout mentality is actually the put your head in sand and hope you dont get fucked mentality.

>Head in the sand

No I just have better things to do than worry about bullshit. I don't care about being fucked to be honest it is a part of life.
Its actually vice versa. Human body wasnt designed to handle our mundane shitty life. Become a psychonaut and expirence what the world is really like
Already have it was good to know everything I learned but don't care. If I were to go further with it I wouldn't really be a person able to enjoy myself anymore.
Anon you sound like a crackpot but honestly I agree. I have reached similar conclusions as a result of my own philosophical investigations, and have increasingly adopted Taoism as a life philosophy and answer to these conclusions.

What are your influences?
>core soul

you delusional fuck. evidence faggot.
Thats the thing. You things "worrying about bulshit" is the same as being aware. You think you will get another chance,that nothing that happens in life matters,that you have "seen" some shit... You simply have no idea.
Grew up since I was about 7 thinking and questioning the world. My grandfather one of the smartest people he helped gain me insight. I died and went into a coma. I traveled into the recesses of my mind. Used meditation and drugs to open my mind further.

My influences are very scattered to say the least because the majority of my influences only have some truth to them. Some of christianity is my influence, some buddhism, some scientific, observational, stoicism, cynicism, alchemy, rational thinking, plato, socrates, Carl Jung... There is more but I can't think of any right now. Basically a giant mish mash and having a smart brain plus a variety of unique life experiences helped forge who I am

Find it yourself and if you don't believe me i don't give a fuck lol

You guys are retarded neet weebs if you think you can't be aware about everything around you while not worrying about what you are aware about. What separates pussies and real men is how you handle information and your surroundings.

No evidence that we get a 'second go around.'
Yeah I didn't think so either. You have to look inside yourself to find if that is true or not. The majority of people go around a second time or even many more than that. Some by chance, luck or will don't ever go around again for whatever reason. How the fuck am I supposed to give you evidence for the spiritual when it is something you are supposed to find yourself and not in the material world? For fucks sakes.

Sounds very similar to my own experience. Thoughts on metempsychosis?
nice job posting a fucking thumbnail you god damn dimwit

nice job posting a fucking /pol/ post on /b/ you shitdick retard
>find your soul
>something people have been betting on for thousands of years
and after all this technological and scientific progress, what happens
>still havent found it
>no dice
>barely a lead to where consciousness stems from
get real, faggot

>You guys are retarded neet weebs if you think you can't be aware about everything around you while not worrying about what you are aware about
the only reason you become aware of something, if if you have a drive to do so. you simply cannot learn something if you dont know where to start looking, thats why the accumulation of human knowledge is practically exponential.

You're either using a second life as a metaphor or speaking of nonsense. You don't have to give me evidence for the supernatural as you're under no obligation to prove anything. Just means you don't get to claim 'spiritual' shenanigans.
If its not found in the material world, it cannot interact with the material world, thus it have no effect on the material world (whether it be real or not).

prove me wrong faggot.
>protip: you cant

I'm not sure about other animals than humans but yeah I am 100 percent a believer. I think that if you play your cards right or by luck you can prevent it from happening and spiritually evolve yourself though.


Lol science is awesome for a lot of things but science is not the end all be all of the universe

I don't got shit to prove to you LOL. If you don't believe me or don't want to do the hard work and search within yourself and the universe than idgaf lol. Eat a dick. In fact eat a million. Jk but seriously guys why do i have anything to prove to you on a autistic norwegian knitting board? Don't you know everything posted here is a work of fiction?
>prevent it from happening and spiritually evolve

Elaborate? At this point I had reconciled myself to the eternal recurrence, but hey if I could avoid that I'd be down.
>You guys are retarded neet weebs if you think you can't be aware about everything around you while not worrying about what you are aware about. What separates pussies and real men is how you handle information and your surroundings.

This kind of mentality just keeps proving my point. You are superficial and trivial and mostly a coward. Your awarenes is extremely limited. And your arogance is sure to drive you to a fate that I would be very worried about. You have no idea of what life is and what may await us all.

You are a firefighter. I work in a state security agenciy in my country. Since ones employment seems to be important in conversation to you.
>nice ad hominen's
>saying evidence is not necessary
>implying i didnt spend the majority of my life searching for stupid metaphysical and spiritual bullshit

mate, ive been there, but go far enough down the rabbit hole, you just end up in china. still wondering where the fuck was the molten core, until it dawns on you, the topic you are talking about has no core, no substance.
>implying /b/ isn't just /pol/ v.2 now
Hahahaha. My awareness is not limited. If the way I speak and how I talk online on fucking 4chan of all places if what makes you think I am stupid go right ahead and think I am stupid. I do not have any arrogance just uncaring. I care for many people and I don't put myself above or below others if it sounds like I do. I'm not a coward... Not really anyway I can prove this LOL. Whether you accept my mentality or not, my mentality is top tier.

If you purify your soul, body and mind in this lifetime and spiritually evolve before you die you won't. It takes an insane amount of work dedication and practice to meditation though.
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what ever lets you sleep at night, but we all know your logic is flawed and that you are a fucking retard. good day sir!
I don't care if you think I'm a retard if you didn't get that message already LOL. Idk if my logic is flawed. If you have an open mind and FUCKING SEARCH FOR THE ANSWERS YOURSELF you may find out the same shit but honestly it doesn't matter even if you do. Nice and edgy!
>Hahahaha. My awareness is not limited. If the way I speak and how I talk online on fucking 4chan of all places if what makes you think I am stupid go right ahead and think I am stupid. I do not have any arrogance just uncaring. I care for many people and I don't put myself above or below others if it sounds like I do. I'm not a coward... Not really anyway I can prove this LOL. Whether you accept my mentality or not, my mentality is top tier.

As I said my job concerens the safety of my country. And I have experiance in profiling people with limited information. I never said that you were stupid nor inteligent since those are very abstract concepts. But I did say that you are not aware and I will stick to it. No human is truly aware. Since unfortunately we are limited to our empirical experiance. But you are superfitial. Your rabbit holes are actually just shallow trenches. If you knew what is and what may be of the things an average human can be aware you would be deeply concerned and indeed worried. There are things and levels of undoing much greater than death.
ok duuddddeee.

>There are things and levels of undoing much greater than death

I'm sure there are! But realistically there are only a few things that can happen to me:

>My soul gets destroyed
>I experience an excruciating amount of pain
>My soul gets changed
>I die
>I get trapped in eternity in some sort of hell

Yeah.... All of those don't really phase me. Sure they wouldn't be that preferable to happen to me and they would be pretty gay but that doesn't mean they really matter. So what if they happen? Sounds like you are a bit of a puss there bud.

> why do i have anything to prove to you on a autistic norwegian knitting board? Don't you know everything posted here is a work of fiction?

Shrugging off the burden of proof. You need to deal with the fact that we only get one life.
>I'm young and did some drugs and now I now everything.

Since I'm really getting bored with your "chad" logic. I'm just going straight out tell you this. You think pain is the problem that torture is, that ones soul can be "destroyed or changed". You are completely unaware.
Even if I am for some reason wrong (which I VERY highly doubt I am), so what? I live my life how I want, I have no regrets and I will continue to do fun and cool things in my life. If I died today I wouldn't have any regrets and could die peacefully. The only thing I would be pissed about is that I couldn't have more life expeirences. LOL
This. Anyone who does drugs is sure to stay ignorant forever.
What is the problem then? Why don't you tell me oh wise one. You will just keep saying I am unaware but not tell me why or give me explanations for why I am wrong. Please I know I am sounding sarcastic but what you are saying is really interesting me. I want to know the truth

Funny thing is I don't know everything just more than the average person LOL. It doesn't make me better than other people though.

You're not 'wrong' we just currently have no evidence that we get any life but this one. If you're already living your life to the fullest than cool. If more people acted as if they only had a single shot they may be nicer the first time around.
The thing is you never asked me to tell you anything I know. And I don't have a need to tell anyone on the internet anything unles they show interest.
So since you asked and claim that are not sarcastic. First answer me this. When do you think human history started and do you believe in Darwins theory of evolution?
I don't know exactly when human history started but I think it started way before when scientists say it started. I believe that humans got wiped out by something before and had to start from scratch. I believe in the theory of evolution but I think it is only a half complete theory. I believe in evolution and I do think humans and other creatures have the ability to evolve but I am unsure if evolution is how humans got to where they are today because of that. My guess no.
So if someone were to lock you in their basement and "torture" you until you died at the age of 60 you wouldnt care ? Because you obviously would. Tldr dont let people fuck with you.
I don't let people fuck with me, but if somehow people get the better of me and I end up in a basement being tortured until I died... What could I do about it? Somethings you just can't help. I would at least crack jokes until I died lol but maybe I wouldn't. Either way you just can't worry about shit and have to deal with the blows as they come.
This makes things easy. Human history had many cicles before our own. Evolution does exist but the theory that we all came from a single point in Africa is false. Africans, Asians and Europeans are very different. The fact that we can reproduce with each other does not meen we are the same "race".
Would you agree with this?
Yes go on
You probably are familiar with the legends of ancient civilizations that most historians consider mere myths. Civilizations like Atlantis,Lemuria,Thule and such? They did exist. And are actually one and the same. They have nothing to do with German superiority theories and such but have a solid connection wwith a certain Europen cultural group. This "Atlantis" was not an island in any ocean. Nor was it in the Himalayas. It was asociated with a sea that no longer exists as a result of a great catastrophe they caused. I will not tell you much more about it's exact location since I don't feel comfortable with it and would like to retain deniability. But if you guess its location, you wouls do this only if you knew it. I would admit its location. Before I continue tell me are you ok with all this? Should I just stop and fuck off? Opinions?
Stop. Fuck off. You're an idiot.
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Well anon, let's look at what kinda shit is in the universe:
Now, a human body is made of a bunch of iron and calcium and protein and all that good shit, but we can't make a human being from scratch despite the fact the ingredients would cost $10 at Wal-Mart (or $30 at fucking Albertson's, god damn vultures) to buy all the aforementioned shit in an adult human body (pardon the low=key FMA reference), you STILL couldn't make a living human being if you put all that shit together in the right quantities and at the right time. You might manage to make the ingredients form muscle tissue bone tissue, but even if you managed to replicate a whole body, it wouldn't be a living human; you'd just have the matter composing a body. So that's a thing found in the material world, and bodies must exist. However, that's just a body, and you would need to add a soul to make it a whole human.

Now, to bring your what-is-technically-a-corpse to life, you'd need something else to add to the mix. You'd probably ruin the fuckin body if you somehow added absence of matter to it, so the obvious solution is to add some kind of energy, aka the shit that makes us live and stay alive, our reason for eating, etc. If you take a dead body and electrocute it, it could potentially come back to life (defibrillation), so one can assume that electrical energy can be used to bring your useless pseudo-corpse to life. Therefore, it would have a soul; it would be a whole human, which means that souls ARE in the material world in the form of electrical energy, and therefore CAN interact with the material world, and thus do affect the material world. Furthermore, anon's reincarnation shit can be yucked up to a case of the same electrical energy that once occupied one human body getting passed around through the universe and eventually SOMEHOW winding up in another human body

>tl;dr: *tips atheist* m'checkmate
I'm ok with all of this.
This is not me.

What would I gain out of knowing the location? Also is Shambella the same place also?
You are not OP...
Also here is my guess for the location. Does the "sea" that no longer exist happen to be frozen now?
> I'm ok with all of this.
God exists. Wether we believe in it or not it exists. Has very little to do with modern abrahamic religions (Judaism,Christianity,Islam) since they are more means of controling the masses than religions. This God has certain similarities with Pagan religions and Asian philosophies since they are all based on the protho-religion of the said Ancient race, I will call it "Lemuria" since it is very similar with its actuall name. Lemurians were aware of the existance of God, the spheres of energy and ones beyond. They were technologicaly advanced beyond any sccience fiction and spiritualy aware and compered to us and our level of spiritual awarenes they would be considered paranormal entities. Now the point of my story is in the catastrophy they caused. But if you want to know why it was caused you need to know more about the proto-religion. Do you wish to or should I cut to the point?
>implying /pol/ isn't just /b/ v.2 electric boogaloo
I wish to know all you want to tell me. Just keep writing and don't stop. I know of these spheres of energy and of beyond so I am more inclined to listen to you.
No. It is not in the North. The main tips are:
- It no longer exists
-Pontus Albea (The White Island)
These clues mislead many researcheres before us. The answer was so plain that when I stumbled upon it I could barely believe it. Just remeber that they existed much before our modern history states we learned to write. They are much older.
any ancient religions were based on nature and shit dude. the only "Ancient Race," if you're referring to civilizations, were people in India. The only ACTUAL "Ancient Race" in terms of ethnicity is called "black," not "Lemurian"
Also what would you have to lose by telling me the information? Can't you just tell me? How come when I googled Pontus Albea nothing came up?
Can you give me more tips if you can't tell me?
The Lemurians believed and were right that there is a force of creation (we belong to this force,and so does our god) and the force of destruction (This force has no place in our existance and can't even coexist with creation). This forces are complete oposites and do not in any form co-exist. They have clear boundaries that can not be crossed by the other party without erasing the previous. Both forces hav spheres. I have no idea of the spheres of destruction, since in its nature we can only be vaguely aware of the existance of the very force let alone its forms. Buth the "spheres" of our own force I have some knowledge of. From things I learned not experianced. I will touch that subject later but first.
The universe indeed exists,but not in the way mainstream science portrays it. Our reality,the reality of creation stems from a single poin. This point is God. It is the nucleus of very existance. This force of creation "exploded" from there and started pushing back on the force of destruction. We and all other lifeforms that exist and will exist are in its boundaries. These boundaries will expand and with it stretch out existance to the point where the force of the "explosion" dissipates and than the forces of destruction will start their counterpush. It will compress our existance, not erase it to once again a single point in time and space. This single micronucleus will contain in it "everything" that will ever exist and had existed. The combined lifeforces and souls of everything living and dead. This single point will be sentient. But not a sentience we could curently comperhed,even tho we are a part of it. This nucleus is God. It will explode again and start the cycle again unto infinity. As it decompreses it will first create the "spheres". These spheres are similar emotions,ideas,concepts that group together and assist in creation. On this spheres most of pagan gods are based. I will stop here. Thoughts?
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> is called black
Okay, so if this force of destruction can't coexist with the creation force, how did the creation force have anything to create shit with?
I could lose everything I care about. This is a thing I discovered and consequently found prof about. This thruth I unearthed would be discredited if I put it forward to the historical autorithies. Since it would undo all their lies and manipulations. Simply this knowledge is my own. It is my life and I have to selfishly guard it. I dont trust you enough to outright tell you. I dont know you. I'm sorry. You will probably have to find out yourself if you have the time and effort I had at that point in my life.
>/pol/ not being a joke
>/pol/ isn't just fun roleplaying

You fucked up
Sounds bull shit. Creation and destruction are the same thing
So what I'm hearing is that you DON'T have any important information. Or at least, that you may as well not have it, since you're one single, mortal man and when you die, if you HAVEN'T told anyone your secret (ya know, that Miley Stewart is actually Hannah Montana, world-famous pop singer), it dies with you, thereby not impacting the world you lived in at all, rendering it useless and effectively non-existant.
Everything it needs is contained within the nucleus, the God. That nucleus is not a depleted reality. It is a compressed reality. Also dont look at that strictly from a materialistic sence. Spiritual forces are as real and crucial as matter itself.
You actually cleared things up for me. I was having trouble with the concept of infinity. I personally first hand experienced the "spheres" of creation and saw a little bit of those "spheres" of destruction. I also already knew that those "spheres" are everything we are and will ever be. I also knew that those spheres are gods from my research/personal experience. Do the Gods or spheres group together or just co exist with eachother living on the same plane of existence? I always thought they just co existed. Did the lemurians break the sphere of destruction rules and how did they do it?
Right. But without destroying that nucleus, all the creation force can "create" is the nucleus. Even if it contains EVERYTHING, altering it, drawing from it, or otherwise fenagle with it would count as "destruction" of the nucleus or some part of it, meaning that for it to truly be a creation force, a destruction force is needed to do that half of the job, in the same way that a creation force is necessary for the existence of a destruction force.
Those are just the label I put on them. Creation and destruction exist within our reality and are natural. This force of "destruction" I was talking about could have no familiar bame to us. It is non-existance,nothing. The complete oposite of our reality.
I did tell it and share it with certain people. My closest friends and familly. The people who believe me and I trust to spread carefully. Sharing information carelesly is worse than dieing with it.
Okay, so again, you're wrong my dude. Just like creation needs destruction, non-being is necessary for being to exist. If all things exist, what do we have to distinguish things that don't exist? Same thing goes for non-existence; non-existence can't exist without existence man. Both of these "forces" need each other, because they can't exist without each other.
Okay, so in a figurative ocean of information and events that is already waving and splashing all over the place, you managed to displace one drop of metaphorical water. Congratulations, your information of Hannah Montana's true identity STILL isn't going to have any larger effect on the world, so it is STILL useless
See this.
See this.
please elaborate what you know about pizza OP
The world would reject such information. It is content to live in lies. Such thruths can easily be disposed of or corrupted. The worst lie is the one thats based around a thruth. Sorry, if you truly wish to find the answer you can do it youself.
Oh no dude, I'm not after your answer about the secret alternate life Miley Stewart has as pop sensation Hannah Montana. I mostly thought this would be a fun philosophical thread, and it turned out to be a bunch of cross-eye motherfuckers who inhaled paste by the jar in school, and as such it's fun to shitpost on /b/ without saying "u mad wite boi" for once.
i mean red pill me about pizza lol
Nothing except what I have read on /pol/. Not sure whether the pizza shit is actually credible but it is very sketchy and something seems fucky.
Idk dude go to /pol/ i don't really care tbh
You are simply not unserstanding the things I'm saying. Everything that exist within our reality is "creation" even our concept of destruction. The otjer force I was speaking of is utterly alien to us. We cannot understand,glimpse or feel it. To us it does not exist since we cannot be aware of it and exist within our reality at the same time. It is the vaguest of concepts. I don'tunderstand IT.I'm just repeating what I learned from the fragments of surviving "lemurian" civilization.
I am understanding EVERYTHING you're saying buddy. But with every new angle you try to take, you're just proving me right; our concept of destruction and everything else that exists in our reality or whatever is part of "creation," or the shit that exists, and the other force is "destruction," or non-being. Nonetheless, the Lemurians (read: black people and/or the first Indians) are clearly wrong, because even a force of non-being has its place in a universe/reality/whatthefuckever of being and existence, because they simply cannot exist without each other.
This you OP?
I'm not sure how you managed to see the spheares of our reality or the opposites. I was just repeating what I learned from the "Lemurians".
In any case should I continue with my story?
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You were saying? ;)
You and I cannot continue this discusion. You are wrong in every aspect. Mostly because Lemurians were neither Black nor Indians. The fact tahat you would think they are proves to me that we have nothing to discuss. My thruth and your "thruth" are conflicting in their nature.
This is me. Keep going. I saw the spheres through sheer chance.
TLDR op is a faggot
>we have to stop arguing because I think you're wrong because you don't interpret things the way I do
>also, the only two Ancient Races are either Indian or black and you keep saying that, which would mean you keep pointing out that my "red pill" was probably just one xanax too many

Also, yeah, the objective, logical truth (read: what I've been saying all along) and your cyclical neander-pratering conflict with each other because yours is just you interpreting the "Lemurian" (read: either ancient Indians or some black guys) philosophy in some illogical way with no insight of any kind, but it makes you feel special to think that way so you're upset that I keep debating it.
I will believe you abouth the spheres. But am highly sceptical. Anything is possible tho.
You asked about the spheres being gods and how do they coexist with each other. From our point of view they might as well be gods. But gods lesser than god since they represent only one "concept" say: birth,death,time. They coexist with each other and complement each other. They present themselves to us through "natural events " and together. Thats why many pagan gods are in charge of many things at the same time. They are actually tge spheres sinergising with each other, I think. Any other question before I continue on to the "Lemurians" and the catastrophe they caused?
I found prof. Matherial physical prof about their identity. They are not at all Africans nor Indians in any way shape or form. They are white and originate from Europe. Your logic is based on lies and manipulations presented to you by our authorities.
Dang I am actually surprised. I already knew this information about god and the lesser gods. You are validating what I already thought to be true. Go onto the lemurians and the catastrophe
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The "Lemurian" technology and spirituality were in union. They produced energy but without destroying Earth in the proces. If they saw us today I'm sure they would consider us savages and our existance parasitic and similar to a virus. They stored data in crystals and had huge subterranian "libraries" filled with stored data. One of such libraries wad Asgard and Avalon. In our legends the cities of gods and knowledge. Their greatest ambition and ideal was to reach complete ilumination by becoming one with god before death. That was arogant of them and would prove their undoing and Humanities greatest tragedy. The next part that I will tell you is pieced together from fragmented sources unlike the other knowledge which I learned direcrtly from singular sources.
Also might you have become aware of the Spheres through dreams?
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How do you know that?
Sorry OP need to stop. I spent too much time on this thread allready. I got a job and need to go.
thanks sorry im falling asleep thanks dude pc
Pfft. you haven't dug deep yet. Try learning college physics to blow your mind. then learn history, then learn college level economics class. With these, you will understand at least the gist of how the world works. ( eg. laws of conservation and its application in daily lives, the history and more)... Or you could just google most of them in the right direction. That's the minimal requirement though.
U2 godspeed
lay off the pot u fucking fruitcake
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