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My former girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend now she's

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Thread replies: 281
Thread images: 30

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My former girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend now she's begging to get me back.

dubs chooses what I do / how to respond.
Nothing. Cold indifference.
Ask for a threesome with that friend she cheated on
accept friendship but act like you dont care
say "you're a fucking slut and I hope you kill yourself. never message me again bitch".
new phone who dis
Post rest of convo, Jonathan.
Groveling gets no one anything except apathy at best.
Nahhhhh OP fuck that
this tbh

waste of time really.
Just don't reply. Move on.
Block her on everything possible and never say anything to her again
Post the rest, Jonathan
Just respond with "No."
Cheating is unforgivable but if you act angry she won
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OP here, heres convos with the my former friend who fucked me over heavy. How should I fuck with him?
223 other messages huh? Looks fake to me
Man Joe is a really shitty best friend
Unopened groupchats
Op get the dubs
"get your best friend to fuck me and we can call it even"
joe is an asshole , a true friend would have told you
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What a douchebag.
Adding that to your slutty gf, you're probably a faggot, OP.
Never reply to him either faggot. Maybe shit on his doorstep and take this as a life lesson not to be friends with shitty people. Get your life together, op. You are who you surround yourself with.

if you take her back now, she will know it was OK for her to do what she did. And she will unconsciously start looking for a new guy, even if she says she isnt.
Nah. You broke my hear and I've moved on.

Stop messaging me.

Then block her if she continues.

You're not manipulating her, but you're still not being a push over.
Send her this screenshot.
Figure out his exact routine and fuck with him everyday. Also shit in his coffee.
You wanna know the best way to get revenge?

Be happy. Ignore people who have hurt you. Joe seems like a fucking SHITTY 'best friend' and the fact that your gf cheated on you with you 'BEST FRIEND' shows that you're surrounding yourself with garbage people. Move on, get better friends and return to being happy.
I don't believe you. (op)

Copy those messages and send it to all your mutual friends telling them to expect the same.
This is it OP, this is the one, dubs is a bonus
>>713741174 how many fedoras do you own?

Dont talk to both of them. And find a new girl
You don't OP, what's done is done. Never talk to them again, just block them and move on with your life.
Ey sorry for being a decent human being :^)
Do we wait now?

then never talk to them ever again
Do this
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heres more convos
Make that slut send nudes.
Post nudes.
Fuck her dad.
dont respond to either of them, just ignore them forever and move on with your life as if they dont matter at all. get a new gf and show them that u dont really care

btw u sound like u have some seriously shitty friends.
And I will wait
I will wait
Foor yoouuu
god damn this hits me close to home. been there OP. pouring one out for you. but like others have said just block her number entirely, cut her out of your life. give her ZERO reaction or attention. it will kill her more than any insult ever could. as for Joe, jesus christ hes the fucking scum of the earth do the same with him
Beta=\= decent human being.

Nice try betacuck
why? wtf
Just stop posting this shit here. It's all excuses, ignore, block, move on.
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Anal. Anal is always the answer.
>you make my life so much more tolerable and reassure everything is going to ok when my dad is tearing me apart

Daddy issues confirmed, ditch the bitch, she's more than likely going to cheat again
So moving on and not being a manipulative cunt is beta? Got it pal.
Yes, this op.

Tell her if she wants you back, she needs to buy a strap on and fuck you in the ass

who cares?
> I can't be with you jonathan, I'm sorry

"You were thinking you wanted to have sex with my best friend and ruin our relationship. And if you weren't thinking that then you are ignorant"
lol winarar

also this ^^

case closed

>when my dad is tearing me apart

Shit she's cheating with her dad too!?

She's a thot op
yer a fuckin loser. change your ways or live with the consequences.

Yay me
Send her this screenshot so she knows she's a fucking lying turd >>713740899
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No what I was referencing, but interesting none the less. Rolling
Cock or Glock bitch
dubs confirm. Stay far away from the daddy issues if you want an actual relationship.
Post what you're replying faggot
Roll for this
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>not okay with throwing away months
Top kek op
Two things, op.

Who is tommy, is this viral information?

And why the fuck do you have 223 and counting unread messages?
just tell people. Nobody wants to be friends with cunts like that.
charge your phone you animal
Telling her your sobstory of (in high gay beta cuck voice like yourself) "YOU BROKE MY HEART" is where you're a fucking beta piece of shit

Enjoy floating through life like a piece of shit never being able to stand up for yourself and always being the cuck 'nice guy' who never gets a girl.

Gb2reddit faggot. You belong on /r/niceguys
Tommy is someone who cheated on his girlfriend and i remember her facetiming me saying how disgusting and awful it was, hypocritical slut
This bitch is confusing as hell.
>Nobody wants to be friends with cunts like that.
You'd be surprised.
don't even respond it's not worth the wasted time. you won't listen tho. and you'll try getting back together and just fight constantly anon move on
Dubs everywhere, no responses. OP is faggot and this is fake anyway. 223 unopened messages? Suuure
Trips of truth OP. Put her on ice
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Is this your best friend? I'd hate to see your acquaintances or regular friends.
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>Have gf of 3 years
>Literally started out as friends for 2 years before that
>Just naturally came to a relationship
>Been in a happy healthy relationship since

Alright lad :^) I took the bait. People who flip shit for no reason are the reason I keep coming back here.

Do you not know what groupchats are? And the first dub was to not respond so I think thats what I'm going to end up doing.
Walk away. no reply. Tell her to get her stuff and get out.

It's not worth it.
Don't be stupid- keep her around as a piece of ass- fuck her like a whore and don't put up with a single ounce of shit from her. Fuck whoever you want and do whatever you want. If she can't deal- whatever
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You are a fucking beta atm and your friend the alpha, however today is your lucky day anon. In 5 steps I can teach you how to save this situation.

1. Get back together
2. "Accidentally" Impregnate her
3. Leave her
4. ?????
5. Profit
>224 messages waiting to be read
What the flying fuck

what a fuckin asshole
That cunt is your best friend OP?? Holy shit man Caius Cassius makes for a better friend.
send her "I'll rethink if you send me some nudes"
This man, just do it
OP here, if I released his number how would the /b/ros approach it?
Ignore this nonsense about move on amd block her OP, is that really what's in your best interests right now?

Get a secret camera/use your phone if necessary, tell her in blunt terms you wont talk unless it's in real life- tell her to come over. Hatefuck her (and record it all) treat her likr an absolute cum dumpster (and she'll let you, even if she usually doesn't because she feels guilty- but the daddy issues suggests she'll be fine with it really). After you're done, tell her she's a no good whore and to get the fuck out your house.

Post wins.

P.S. If she ever tries to lie about you/say you were a cuck/not good enough, or some BS, you've got the vids/pics to show she's a little slut.

If you follow this OP, you can sleep at night having the upper hand and still having a huge degree of power over her without being a cuck long after you've stopped caring about her. Plus, seeing her in the video will remind you she was just a no good whore and that you're better off without her.
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i feel really bad for op..
That's a point.
spam his iphone with as much bullshit as i can from numerous numbers, lmao.
i will, at least
/b fuck with him for being a nigger
That idea is completely retarded. Now she is entitled to half his shit and child support. Way to improve his situation bud
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are you even fucking LISTENING to your "'/b/ros?
God damn OP deliver

Yeah okay. You have so many unopened messages. Liar

These threads are for jokes. If you're not willing to post screenshots of you telling your cheating whore that you want to cum in her ass and have the guy she cheated with suck the cum out of her asshole then gtfo and stop wasting our time
Just say "Fuck you, bitch. I don't need a fucking whore" and move on. Don't reply anymore.

You'll be a complete fag and a joke if you forgive her. Don't do that, asshole.
Hahaha there's no way youre serious. 4/10 got me to reply and I actually think you might be real.

>Friend zoned for two years attracted to her
>Finally after being friend zoned and she couldn't find anything better she says Ok to you

You proved my hunch more than I could have imagined. You are so beta, you're zeta. Tip your fedora and turn around 360 degrees and walk away you beta cuck.
Just do it faggot
Good for you OP.
Let her lose her mind on what could've been and what is happening to her. You'll do more damage that way. How old are you? Like will you see her often or are you a grown man and can pretty much steer clear of contact.
Neither of these people chose to give a shit about you when it mattered. Return the favor bro.
fucking this
But then op is on the hook for child support.
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Say "I actually want to thank you. You showed me who you really are: a selfish slut who will jeopardize a relationship just for the sake of getting some dick. I don't want to be associated with someone like that. Now take your jacket off and fuck fuck off my kitchen."
She got aids bruh
op deliver
Trips is right
This. 10/10.
Fuck yeah! What's this move on with your life shit. Revenge is underrated.

OP think this though before you do something rash. Be cold and logical.
Another winrar. But OP is a faggot as usual. Troll thread
O.K. This is how it goes. You get an orangutan. I’m not talking a monkey or some dancing chimp BS, I mean a damn orangutan. Don’t ask me how you’re gonna get an orangutan that’s not my problem. So the orangutan’s name is Clyde. This is non-negotiable, all orangutans are named Clyde. I don’t know why this is, it’s just how the world works. So you and Clyde become man (and ape) about town. You’re seen everywhere together, you make the scene. You and friends go out in big groups. You talk loud, you laugh louder. Every time you say something witty you high-five the orangutan. The town begins to buzz. It gets back to her. “Did you know the guy with the orangutan?” “You used to date the guy with the orangutan?” “Why would you break up with a guy with an orangutan?” Next thing you know she’s calling.

“I’m hoping we can still be friends. Wanna hang out sometime?” “Geez I dunno, me and Clyde were going to a monster truck race tonight. (Orangutans love monster trucks) In fact the whole social calendar seems kinda full. I tell you what, I’ll make a little note (what was your name again?) and maybe I can squeeze you in.” “Oh, well you know my number so don’t be a stra-” “Hey look at the time! I gotta skate, Clyde’s making Mojitos’.”

At this point the upper hand is yours. You can let her twist in the wind; you can draw her back into your life at the pace you decide. Whatever, it’s your life. But if you’re a smart man? You slowly phase her back in. You’re IM’ng. You’re talking on Live. You get invited to family functions. You bring Clyde, he becomes like one of the family. You’re one big Brady Bunch.
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Okay fuck this dubs shit, here's what you do.

>Create catfish profile.
>Organise dates with as many other girls as you can.
>Book table.
>Invite them all to the same restaurant and the same table.
>Message chick
>"Hey, I've had a change of heart. I wanna talk things out, meet me for dinner.".
>She arrives to find 10 other girls at the table.
>Text her "You seen the Hunger Games, bitch?"

Now, your best mate fucked you over hardcore. So what you're going to need to do is pretned to be his friend, head over to his crib and mix shit in with his food or something. Maybe have a day where he comes over and you've baked a cake, mix your shit in with it.
Nice vision, anon.
Lmao beta cuckss!
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For great justice.

Basically I'd be more interested in fucking up your 'friend's life - post this screenshot to all his work/class colleagues/whatever so that everyone knows he's as big a dirtbag as your (tenuous) gf
*holds up spork*

1/10 I replied to you shitty attempt to be "le random XD"
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Hot diggity damn you have some rage. Just calm down, alright? I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm happy either way.

Gl in life pal. Try to be less mad at people over the internet.
lmao you know /b/ would eventually tell him it was you and then you'll get in shit

NYPA bro, either take our advice for revenge or dont lol
You took the fucking time to retype the god damned Clyde pasta? Jesus, Anon. Get help.

What a raging fuckin bellend.
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nigga bitch, never go full retard

>send pic
This man is seasoned with experience and knowledge. Check em.
Don't reply and hit on her freinds. That shit digs way deeper on women than anything you could possibly say.
Ty fr being a decent human being. Trust, she will hate herself regardless, without OP inflicting demoralizing damage to himself and to her.
who the fuck is tommy if joe fucked her??

same tbh but he seems to be taking it in his stride at least

Also I actually had this happen to me
You're so fucking new it hurts me. Gtfo, not knowing of Clyde.
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This is how you get a rape claim filed against you. Also
>Wanting to be back inside that pussy that has your ex-best friends cum still drying in it

That is how you become an actual beta, she'd probably enjoy it even more because of that.

OP, silent treatment and cutting her out of your life is best. I've been there, trust me. But if you really feel like you need to say something, just make sure you think it out first. Don't act super offended or angry, and don't be petty. Think it through and make sure it's level headed and not something you'll wish you could say differently.

Oh, and if you do decide to say something, make sure you post it.
Tommy is someone who cheated on his girlfriend and i remember her facetiming me saying how disgusting and awful it was, hypocritical slut
"Okay,we can meet up sometime.im ashamed to admit i kinda even fantaciesed about u and him doing it before it happened."
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>Ignore this nonsense about move on amd block her OP, is that really what's in your best interests right now?
>Get a secret camera/use your phone if necessary, tell her in blunt terms you wont talk unless it's in real life- tell her to come over. Hatefuck her (and record it all) treat her likr an absolute cum dumpster (and she'll let you, even if she usually doesn't because she feels guilty- but the daddy issues suggests she'll be fine with it really). After you're done, tell her she's a no good whore and to get the fuck out your house.
>Post wins.
>P.S. If she ever tries to lie about you/say you were a cuck/not good enough, or some BS, you've got the vids/pics to show she's a little slut.
>If you follow this OP, you can sleep at night having the upper hand and still having a huge degree of power over her without being a cuck long after you've stopped caring about her. Plus, seeing her in the video will remind you she was just a no good whore and that you're better off without her.
Err op?
its okay if OP only does anal then
replace slutty with cunt and do it
i remember this. good times.
Are you fucking retarded? 10 shielas aren't all going to get stood up and share the table. This isn't a Matthew Mcconaughey movie.
Send GF and other friends BF's texts.
This wtf
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OP, i honestly feel sorry for you. You're a cuck nonetheless.

She clearly has daddy issues, and she relies on you because she feels ypu are the only person making
her fell safe, cared about, loved etc. I talk from experience /bro, trust me. You make sure her dad finds out.
If you've really been dating her for several months, you probably met her dad by now. Figure out how to get his number
send this message:

"Hi (name of dad)! I just wanted you to know that your daughter, which you know i've been dating for the last few months,
went behind my back and had sex wirh my best friend. I'm in no way blaming you for what's happened, im just letting
you know out of respect for you, atleast if my daughter did something like this, i would like to know" best regards, anon.

Now, at this point you have total fucking control, you use her weakness (dad) as a way to psychologically tear her apart
making her feel more hated and unloved than ever, and who do you think the wants support from? you, but fuck no you are done with her. Best case scenario, she ends up as a depressed, suicidal fucktard.

Inb4 right after you send this message to her dad, send her a text "oooh boi son, i wonder what your dad would think about this" So that you even further psychologically tear her down.

Your fucking welcome OP
Take her back and cheat on her with best friend.
I didn't say it was a flawless plan lol
Give us his dox and we can take it from here.
Femanon here who was once in her shoes.
>fuck her shit up. it personally taught me a lesson.
lurk more, newfriend.
I don't see why not
That line right there put it all in perspective. I blame the millenials parents as much as I do thier retarded asses. The future is fucked.
fuck you, you fucking nigger cunt
Everyone deserves a second chance, friend. Put yourself in her shoes. However, she gets ONE CHANCE ONLY. If she screws up again, cold indifference like that other anon said.
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OP here, he got upset that I posted that text message on social media to expose what a scumbag he is
Send nudes to her dad
Now post this
dem trips.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Jesus OP, just fucking do your own dirty work and post results.
Stfu you cuck degenrate, smd
>I could care less

I hope he dies.
sounds like joe is a raging scumbag
maybe post his number here for the lulz?
Someone is angery
Yo nvm Joe wanna have a threesome with her I'll take front you take back lol
> get back together
> cheat on her
> record her reaction
> just a prank bro
> tommy was in on it
> thanks tommy go home now
Sounds like a jealous little faggot. Beat his ass. Post all of the convo on social media, post his number on here too.
Sounds like he got butthurt over that, keep posting his messages on social media.

Find messages in your phone where he admits embarrassing shit to you or something.

If he has a job report an anonymous complaint of gross misconduct against him.

Poor paint thinner all over his car.

Let everyone know how much of a douche he is, no self respected girl will want anything to do with a doucher.
>bruh you might be my best friend, but if your girl says she wants to fuck me I'm not gonna say no lol. What the fuck is loyalty, honor or virtue lol #yolo
>dude wtf you're so immature
This is our future folks. They will raise the next generation and run the government. I'm scared.
figures you were a whore....
Got a pic of Best Friend? This guy sounds like fucking dick

>mistake I made

Oops, i accidentally a dick

Do it OP we're NYPA but I think this could be sufficiently lulzy
Dude, stop making shit worse for yourself, /b can help you out for once.

Post his fucking number, and begin sending messages we formulate.
And reply with screenshots faster, you've posted like 3 pics u fucking slowpoke
Your friend sounds like a fucking nigger. Cold shoulder him via text but you should beat his ass.
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>dont make post
Post both their numbers
Twist: OP forgot to tell us that his "friend" is a well endowed basketball-american.
Same fag here
Ask for threesome but neglect her the entire time and just fuck the other girl
just call him a nigger
bro fuck this guy... he seems like he's been fake towards you for a long.

I wouldn't respond to either of them and just move on in life. Don't give them the comfort of your response.
But it makes sense. Only niggers would fuck a friends GF. I wonder if OP is a nigger too or just a faggot
No love for thots

OP don't be a faggot.
Dude. Just use this opportunity to fuck her one or two more times. Get some real deepthroat and then move on and don't look back. That's the best advice you can get. Use her in a way that after you are done and you don't text her anymore or return her calls she will give up right away because she knows you will just cum on her tonsils and walk away again. Lmao. Use her for nothing in return as long as she lets you.
Rollin for this
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More convos lul
How long have you known Best Friend?
tell her youd punch her fucking lights out if you ever see her again
"You're insults" - Joe 2016
give us his fucking name bruv
If she accepts responsibility for what she did she will understand that you don't want to be with the slut anymore.
you're a loser op, don't deny
you're in 4chan, which autmatically means you're a loser
you are making yourself look more cucked. stop messaging this kid and beat his ass. there is no middle ground here he does not respect you at all and honestly you both probably have tiny dicks.
Literally gay.
plus, its true, rich kids aren't shit without their money
their entir worth is their daddy's money
I know because I used to be rich in my former country.
^use this OP>>713745530
Bro this is easy, just let them know they are for each other, people who are like this will neever be happy, and will never admit they are wrong, no matter what.

If it's true and you do have a good amount of money (family or not) then fuck these losers, who gives a fuck? Tell Joe to suck your cock and to enjoy your sloppy seconds, tell your ex shes a slut and Joe is known for STD's, tell them both to fuck off while you;re drowning in money, ez pz
Dubs happened. OP failed to deliver and responded to him because he's a drug addict beta cuck piece of shit

Abandon thread. Op is a faggot and didn't deliver.



Roll for revenge fuck
expose him
Are you Mexican?
Also for once, I think we will be your personal army, Joe just seems like a real Chad
Lol honestly you should just ignore them. Move in and get them out of your life OP. Or look take your daddy's handgun and murder them both. Your choice
Post Joe's number, i will send some dick pics
Beyond childish. Grow up OP you fucking child.

OP I've been reading really good suggested replies, why don't you follow thread advice? It's not like you're losing the live of your life or a friend. Just mess around with two scums
Fuck her for a few months while you find a new GF.
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Should've fucking thought about that before you cheated, dumbass xD Holmelya be Na Orko
Get back with her. Then cheat on her with your best friend.
Tell her the only way to make it even is for you to fuck her best friend. Then secretly record it for blackmailing purposes.

or this
this, this is kind of sad actually. Seems like a pretty fucked up group of people you roll with.
gg op lost all respect with that childish ass insult lmao.

no wonder she cheated on you.
drop both of them from your life. Work out, get a new hobby, anything to better your life as you try and find people worth keeping in your circle. It'll get better. Don't post on instagram or any of that faggot petty shit. Just do you.. The best thing you could possibly do is not give a fuck and move on. That's the best revenge possible.
get a three way actually
The only way to get back at her is to fuck some whore. Equality, bitch read em and wheep.
sage goes into the options joe
Fuck off
Fucking OP!!!! Better deliver you rich spoiled beta cuck
Op, you subhuman baboon if you wanna fucking win this war you gotta listen to what we say you faggot ass bitch you clearly are ignoring what we say don't pull the girlfriend shit on me you Lil shit you had the chance to psychologically damage both o them FUCKING 10 TIMES ALREADY, you know what op. Do whatever the fuck you want
The only real way to respond is to twist the knife and lead her on for a bit, then dump her
At least my father's money can afford me a proper education. It's "your" not "you're," faggot; learn proper grammar.
finally a meme with my boy Fredrick Douglass, Nice.
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>You are so beta, you're zeta
Just fucking expose them both already, we can even do the hard work for you, you god damn nigger
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Just message ur homie that ur actually HIV positive, assuming hes black thatll making one step closer to his absent dad
You think it's not in there, nigger?
Actually the email field, newfag. You're probably too new to know that.

op this
First post best post
If you are thst rich,why not go travelling and enjoy life,find new girls and try them out,get Joe beat up when you are away,enjoy your life to the full and have fun,and reinvent yourself,work out get the bod,start working somewhere good(if your dad or you have connections use those,then walk past your ex with a girl ten times better than her and don't even say hi or anything just let her jaw drop and look at you being happy
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N I G G E R S !!!!
bring him*
He already dun goofed. Dubs were had on that exact post but he failed. Abandon thread and sage it into oblivion.

Tell GF to see a psychiatrist. IF agree, tell her you get to fuck one of her friends. As for your "best friend" he seems like an asshole. Let /b/ fuck with him till he apolagizes like a crying bitch.
Dude. Here is what you do.

Convince slut ex to go bang guy, and have her tie him up. Dump some dog shit or something on him, take some pics, spread them, and leave them both.
its his dads money hes a broke kid
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You wot m8
I'm sure hos dad will help out here ad there
i do that with my ex lol
You know what OP, /b doesnt care much for people, but when we do rach out to fuck theese peoples lives up to fucking help you, atleast you could fuckings expose them or gives us something back.
Do an hero you fucking cuck

Cmon OP. I really wanna fuck with this Joe asshole. Seems like a total douche.
Tell her the only way you'll get back with her is if you get to fuck her best friend
>roveling gets no one anything except apathy at best.
If someone who was previously my friend did this to me. i would go to their house and smash the fuck out of everything that they love, including their face.
Give grandpa hitler their number.

This is worth doxing over
Dammit post faster senpai
lol no
If she cheats once and gets away with it whats stopping her from doing it again? Do the next guy that dates her a favor and leave the bitch.
Agreed. Joe deserves an undesirable evening.
Hey op, got a great idea i used before

soo this is what you do ask her if shes willing to do anything to get back together with you, she will say yes ofc, make her buy you something real nice you always wanted stay with her for a week or so then break up with her, winwin
I wanna gouge how's eyeballs out skin newborn babies and shove the skin in his eyeholes crush the heart of the baby and force feed it to him, get a new one put it on his chest and behead the Lil fucj then stab him with needles, fill his eyeholes with maggots, crush his ribs and make a fat bitch sit on it rko the skin in hit out of him to bunch of cactus es and drag him around while he's tied on the back of a car decapitate his arms and legs and leave him in the mid de of the desert and give him gasoline to drink
Joe's not hows
Send a picture of your penis to your mom with the text "mom why havent we fucked yet?"
This. Winrar.
op respond you nigger
He an herod
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no, me the herod!
give us his name and info OP dont be a faggot we are offering you a free personal army pass take advantage of it
beat the fuck out of this guy and ditch that slut gf
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