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Hey, /b/. Former aethiestfag here. Been going to a youth group

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Hey, /b/. Former aethiestfag here. Been going to a youth group for a while and really want to become religious again, but having trouble finding proof of God's existence. Any advice?
You don't necessarily have to believe that he exists at first. Look at the things he and Jesus say in the bible and try to relate to how current events, and how the wisdom in there really does reflect so well into the real life world.
I see. Any examples?
Ever heard of Common Filth? He's a man that centers those kinds of examples on his channel.


Pretty good stuff to watch, including his podcasts.
So you don't have evidence for god, but you decided to believe anyway and look for evidence to back up what you've already decided.

If you can admit that's what you are doing, why cant you just go on and believe based on faith or wishful thinking or whatever, and don't require evidence.
Not saying im believing quite yet, just that i would like to.
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dubs means god exists, check em
Have faith my son, finding proof is the devil errand
Think about it like this, if you believe in god and there happens to be no god, then you go to the same place as an atheist. However, if you believe in god and he is real, you go to heaven.
There ain't none unless you set your standards pathetically low
I've thought about that a few times before, it definitely is an encouragement.
K, so which of the thousands of God's should we pick on a whim?
if you are honestly pursuing truth, you already have your best provisional answer: there is insufficient evidence to justify the belief in god.
Sure, re-examine your conclusions in the face of new evidence. But in the meantime, youre an atheist.

But if you can be dishonest to yourself, you can just believe any evidence even if its bad.

Or let go of the need for evidence. But be honest enough to admit you believe despite the lack of evidence (as Jesus suggested is appropriate when he was talking to Thomas after the resurrection)
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Dubs mean God doesn't exist, check em
Realized the point of religion, can be very useful. Replace the concept of "God" With your self and it is pretty good. Minus all the faggy "I LUB U JEEBUS/AYLA PRAISE PRAIZZZEE!" and the cancerous music. Im just trying to gain more wisdom not deepthroat some fagg with "Praise".
That's a real important question. Gods are jealous creatures (often to an infantile extent). So better to disbelieve then to pick the wrong god.
Christianity. Christians are some of the nicest people I have ever met, regardless of denomination.
Might take this advice and put faith in without proof. And as the guy above said, if there is a god, I go to heaven. Not really a loss anywhere.
How wonderfully arbitrary. The truth very well could be that god isn't a nice guy after all. It could be the case that he is evil.

Picking a god based off its followers is fucking stupid
that's called pascals wager and its not a good bet. Cause if you pick the wrong god your are worse off than if you don't pick. Its bad evidence.

Better to be honest and say you believe without evidence. You can even feel that god led you to believe without evidence.
Why would you want to take a step backward like that?
Also, christians are hardly the nicest ones out there. Half of them get pissed off at you if you dare to be born gay
Jehovah. Son of bitch was a wicked.
you dont ever need to find real proof any deity exists

just have something bad happen to you, and find something that happens afterward as a way of explaining/overcoming it, attributing it to whatever deity, not listening to anyone else tell you how irrational it is

then stick your face up a religious book's ass and bam you're now religious anon
Whats the advantage of atheism?
There not being proof for God's existence is why most people are atheists.

If you want evidence, the closest you can get are the pieces of the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Jesus MOST LIKELY existed and was crucified - but he was also probably a mental patient by today's standards.
Just follow the truth, speak the truth. Forget about the straw-god in the sky. God is only your highest value. it's what is beyond your comprehension, so you will not find a 'proof' of 'his' 'existence'. Anyway I never found a proof that god exists. I think that it's foolish to think of god as something, like a mysterious hidden bigfoot or higgs-boson. Forget about a demonstration or a proof, this is just rationalizations.
If hanging around fellow believers who are nice is what you're going for, become a Sikh. Those guys are great.
From my experience, the rank and file Mormons are really really nice, decent, helpful people. (But the actually church officials are creepy and spend a lot of time spying on the rank and file. And the history of the church is full of ugliness and lies.)
You're being honest
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It's grounded in truth. Also comes with a cool hat.
You either got to accept to accept the fact that the only true reason youre believing (again) is because it makes you feel good/accepted/relieved, or you've got to deny a quitte some facts about the natural world and do a lot of mental gymnastics.
They're nice when you ignore how hyper controlling their church is. They're still trying to get alcohol banned in that one state they own
Yea, how is atheism superior?
Accept the atheist position because you are following the evidence to the best, most honest conclusion. Don't pick it cause it feels good or whatever.

Its not a broad rages psychology/theology/lifestyle/etc package.

Its just a disbelief in the existence of a god. you need to fill in the other stuff from other sources.
Go with Buddhism. It doesn't force the existence of a god down your throat (literally, all the belief states is that there's some higher power, since the stories from its founding refer to the Hindu deities more as internal aspects of the Buddha than anything else), and can, depending on the sect of Buddhism, be taken more as a set of guidelines in life than anything else. It's what I've followed since I decided that I needed something to put some faith into.
By being an atheist, you are being honest. Religion is a bunch of bull shit
that's horse shit

as someone who married into a buddhist family (Chinese) the family tried everything they could do to push their religious shit on our kids, until I, as a whitey, told them to piss off.. then moved us away from her family
Could be. But theres also the off-chance that something more powerful is out there.
Where do you go for this that isn't full of special snowflake faggots? I think Buddhism is pretty based and would not mind learning a bit and discussing it but most western white Buddhists are annoying.
I wouldn't say honest, I'd say like religion you're coming to a conclusion without any proof
hence why agnosticism is best
and the time to believe that is after it has been demonstrated, not before. Believing it beforehand is dishonest and absurd
This is called Pascal's Wager.

The reality is there are ~4000 religions that have existed on this planet, and only one of them can be right (including atheism, the null hypothesis). Additionally, as no evidence for a god(s) exist, it is equally likely that a undiscovered religion is the true religion. This places your odds of selecting the correct religion quite low.

The bottom line is this: if a deity exists, the fact it has failed to personally contact you and inform you of the correct methodology to follow it is damning evidence against their existence, because they
a) don't care about you,
b) aren't powerful enough to do it, and
c) aren't smart enough to do it.
Coming to a conclusion without proof is dishonest
I think proof goes counter to the point of religion. Once you're aware and study it a bit to understand, either you feel it, or don't.
Not necessarily. If it's real and you wait until its been demonstrated, it could be too late to put faith into it.
Take a Greyhound around America
>failed to personally contact you

this is where talking to a religious person is pointless

a lot of them do believe a representative of their religion whether it be some figure, messiah, or deity itself, has contacted them, and they attribute whatever happened to it.. there's no arguing with people who will go for this croc of shit
Again, depends on the sect of Buddhism. Also, anecdotal statements aren't fully representative of anything. It all depends on the people; most are like your average, moderately faithful Christian family, some follow it more for the Eightfold Path than anything else, some actually believe in various specific deities. You can use your anecdotes all you want, it doesn't change fact.
>Youth group
>Get off /b/ summerfag
no, you are wrong.

Atheism is not another claim about god, its just the disbelief in the claims that a god exists.

Its like the "none of the above" answer to a multiple choice question. You don't need to prove that answer. You just need to not believe the other answers.

And if there is no evidence for the other answers, then the default is "none of the above"
>either you feel it, or don't
This is part of the problem with religion. Your view of the truth should be formed by facts, not feelings.
Yikes. Just trying to have a conversation, don't see how it affects you.
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>calls other people's statements anecdotal
>provides conjecture even more worthless than anecdotal evidence

nice1 /b/ro
If it's real a d not demonstrated, it doesn't matter. It still is stupid to believe it.
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See the problem with that is your trying to use sound logic and reason to find god, what you really need to do is shut your eyes, cover your ears and refuse to accept anything that sounds reasonable
Don't for me leaving was the best thing I could do it meant living for me and only me you get one shot at life I'm no gambler but heaven seems like the worst odds for gambling your life on plus if you don't expect anything you can't be disappointed and if something does happen shit thats just a bonus
This 'psychological' interest of the present time shows that man expects something from psychic life which he has not received from the outer world: something which our religions, doubtless, ought to contain, but no longer do contain -at least for the modern man. the various forms of religion no longer appear to the modern man to come from within - to be expressions of his own psychic lif; for him they are to be classed with the things of the outer world.
It's being intellectually honest
pretty much

in some ways this defines atheism too, so many of them have made up their mind that there's no god, creator, or anything

we have nothing to base this on other than the fact that human made religions are obviously made up.. but just because human made religions are clearly bullshit doesn't answer the question of a creator

so any answer that isn't "I don't know" or doesn't leave open the possibility is a religious person, even if it's a so-called atheist
Western Buddhists who really try to push their beliefs and broadcast it everywhere are every bit as bad as you've seen. Honestly, just look into the faith yourself, and if it seems good to you, practice it by yourself, and avoid the topic unless it becomes relevant. You don't want to be connected to those fuckers, I promise you, since most of the time they have a stupidly loose grasp of their religion and only use it to be special. It's not some huge thing, where you really need a place of worship and a social circlejerk to be with, it's simply a set of beliefs.
a lot of libtards believe this too when they disregard everyone's rights for feelings

clearly there are much different standards for what "intellectual" is
>if you don't expect anything you can't be disappointed
but what if you end up in hell?
Weve failed.
Agnosticism isn't a religion, dumbass. It's a ranking on a continuum of certainty in your belief. It you're agnostic, it means you're simply uncertain in you're belief, whatever that belief may be.
indeed.. people who are fed up of the shit around them also tend to glorify shit elsewhere they have no experience with.. as someone who has been around that religion I know it's every bit as retarded as Christianity and Islam
>It you're agnostic, it means you're simply too much of a faggot to form an opinion
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it's a belief, that you don't know

gnosticism is what you described

man if that happens be an optimist don't make it a bad thing celebrate it might as well you know what else are you gonna do
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Hail the real Jesus!
by saying "intellectually honest" I mean it is impossible to not believe in say "evolution" for example if you legitimately understand it, this even applies to god, generally if you take the time to read a holy book and are "intellectually honest" it is something you can't believe.
It would be hard to celebrate if you're in pain for eternity.
something had to cause the big bang Check and mate f
Pascals wager is bullshit.
What are you referring to, the fact that I didn't go into depth with detailed descriptions on the beliefs of Zen Buddhists, Esoteric Buddhists, and various other schools? There's a shitton of them out there. Fuck off.
some people are into that sort of shit man they would love it
Then it wouldn't be pain, and "god" has failed yet again
No, Gnosticism was a belief system formed around the second century which shuns the material world, and solely embraces the spiritual world. It largely died out after the Catholic Church condemned it as heretical, due to it's primarily Christian definition in which the material world is all the work of Satan, while the Spiritual world is the realm of God, with people being a mix of that Satanic and Godly influence in their existence. Learn your fucking religious history, mate.
well if you consider "god" allows diseases, war, and murders tell me were he is I've never seen him or anything I stopped believing in that nonsense a long time ago
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Don't waste your time
nice try, an extinct religion is not what is defined as gnosticism today

wikipedia and your pretend knowledge failed you terribly
Nigger, I never said he existed I was ridiculing how stupid the idea of believing is
woah nigger calm down then we are both doing the same thing
So what you're saying is, is that because there are many beliefs, by default they're all wrong? Also, I like how at least one of those isn't considered a god, even by its followers.
No, not necessarily, he's saying that it's statically unlikely your god is right because there are so many and the evidence for them is the same 0
If everyone on earth believed the same fairy tale it would be more believable. If your chosen belief is the right one and u "know" it is, then why doesn't everyone know the "right" religion?
And t's obviously making fun of the childish beliefs, I doubt whoever made it gives a fuck if one of them is a follower or not
sorry "god"
Exactly. Zero proof for any of them.
Also a nice try, but that's not what it's defined as. Agnosticism is defined as a lack of certainty in belief, primarily used in the context of agnostic atheism (belief, but not certainty, in the lack of a deity). However, agnosticism simply means you don't have absolute certainty in your faith, so agnostic Christianity is just as much a thing. I'm arguing off of the dictionary definition that I know of agnosticism, and the fact that literally nothing defines Gnosticism as a certainty of belief, other that people who don't know that it refers to a dead religion. I'll accept that it probably can be (incorrectly) used in the context you described, but in reality the word simply refers to a follower of Gnosticism. If you can find me one credible source telling me otherwise, I'll gladly take a look at it and concede that you're right. Otherwise, I'm holding to my own position.
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Kek is displeased with your attempt
Kek doesn't like you either
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>born gay
This is some bullshit, and you know it. Homosexuality doesn't make any kind of moral or logical sense (saying "It happens in nature!" Is a fallacy btw, so don't be that fag).
>When neither evolution nor biblical values support you
And the worst part is, what you're saying isn't even true. A vast, VAST, majority of Christians would silently let you commit the sin.
If there is a god, only us atheists will most likely be the ones going to heaven. This was all a test to see if we would believe stupid shit without evidence
That seems just as childish, to condemn every possible belief as false, just because there's a fuckton of them.
That seems like a much more optimistic interpretation, but wasn't really the message I was getting. Still, I like the idea.
It's no sin being gay. But it is or seems like a sin to discriminate against gay people. That's what good Christians do tho I guess is discriminate
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>i want to be a christfag to fit in so i want help pretending to believe things i don't.
People are born gay dipshit. And yes, evolution does support it. And I don't give a shit if the bible supports it. Fuck the bible.

As for the all natural fallacy, I never said that it was OK because it was natural dipshit. I only said it wasn't a choice

As for the christians, bullshit. The majority of them will think there is something deeply wrong with you just because if something you can't control.
Actually some evolutionary biologists/psychologists think that it's a trait that started from people who were in charge of their kings harems but weren't allowed to fuck, also there are many animals that have homosexual tendencies, like elephants and giraffes.
Formal logic cuts out the bullshit and memes and the 100k words of nonsense itt, anon.
>this is the reason people don't like you, you fucking nigger

When you can stare at a naked man, choose to stay soft after staring for a minute, then magically choose to get a raging hard on from it, let me know. If you can't do that, then it's not a choice.
Dubs means Judaism is the one true religion.
So u admit religion is childish?
Simply provide evidence
go to /x/
If you say so.
Essencially, believe it when you see it.

that's not what natural fallacy is dipshit.
Please be ironic or bait
This isn't an argument on if the beliefs are false or not, but you realize the religion is the main source of hate in the world
Hey OP, I can only recommend to keep going, and to ask questions. Contrary to all the mockery you may hear, the belief in the Lord is both spiritually and intellectually fulfilling. Apart from reading the bible presumably, I would recommend in some Christian literature. I'm currently reading God's Not Dead. God bless you anon.
Yes. Religion causes more problems than it solves.
Fake it until you make it. I found the argument from morality to be helpful in this place, we know what's good and what feels right, even if these things aren't materially advantageous. Why do you get a pit in your stomach when you steal or kill someone? Who put that there? Granted, i am an idiot, a faggot, and don't think much about religion anymore.
you wont become religious again, do you know why?

>but having trouble finding proof of God's existence

This is what made you atheist in the first place and you know that faith is not evidence.

You can fool yourself and the others around you by thinking you are religious/believe a God exist - but deep inside you know that there's no proof of that and you are only fooling youself because of the social aspect of a youth group.
Whatever makes u feel better
>intellectually fulfilling

get the fuck out of there, you're holy book says the earth is flat, the stars are in a filament of water surrounding the earth, and that the earth is 6000 years old.
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for one gains by losing
and loses by gaining
>intellectually fulfilling
>intellectually fulfilling
>intellectually fulfilling
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You won't find any
Religion is faith based
The Bible supports the globe. I'm almost certain you're making up that about stars, and it never explicitly states the age of the earth.
Good arguments.
Yeah and written by uneducated sheep herders!! Hahahahaha
>intellectually fulfilling
Two humans bred the entire human population, and that women came from a rib, also talking snakes.
You can't choose to believe something.
Good argument. Is that scarcasm? U can't argue with u religious fools
Read " I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" by Dr. Norman L. Geisler and Dr. Frank Turek. They use science, logic, reason, and philosophy to prove the existence of God. If you order it off their website you can get it for dirt cheap.
uhm try again sweetie
If you add up ages of the people in the order the bible says you roughly get 6000 years old,

there are multiple passages saying the earth cannot move, it is firm and that angels have stood in "the four corners of the earth

At most the bible supports a disk shape not globe.
Logic and reason? Hahahahahaha
Read "God: The Failed Hypothesis" Book by Victor J. Stenger
assuming your christian, how about you read your own fucking holy book
Yes that is sarcasm. Unless you learned that mockery is an argument in whatever school you went to. Judging by your spelling, I would assume it was.
>supernatural things aren't possible for a supernatural being
Yes. That is how God created woman. If you studied demons / Satan and what he does, you would know he possessed the snake to deceive the woman.
>implying Adam and eve were the only humans God created
>four corners of the world
In perspective to the middle east, there are four corners to the continent. Common sense dictates those are the same corners it talks about.
>implying man was there since the earth was created
Looks like something I could get on board with. Thanks!
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OP have you ever considered Satan?
Lol my spelling and your beliefs!
Can't say i have, anon.
Yeah, don't look for spiritual guidance on fucking /b/
I was trying for the get, but as you can see, I was off by 11.

The Satanic Temple is pretty based though, no shit. Bunch of atheist trolls.
Please provide evidence of women being created from mans rib, despite the mountains of evidence that contradicts this.

Exactly, it was written by middle eastern men who had no understating of how the world actually is.

And if god is "all knowing" then why did he decide to do everything in the middle east where most everyone at that time was un-educated and illiterate, why not china where they could actually read and study evidence.
You are actually retarded
Also please explain the filament of water around the earth with the stars inside, that's not just something you can brush over
I dunno, some of the people here seem pretty chill.
هذا ما نطق به لسان الفطرة عند الأعرابي عندما سُئل عن دليل وجود الله ؟ فقال: البعرة تدل على البعير .. والأثر يدل على المسير .. فسماء ذات أبراج .. وأرض ذات فجاج .. ألا تدل على العليم الخبير ..
The one you feel the most convicted to worship
It's weird that there's a bunch of wrong stuff in the bible about how things work, when god has infinite wisom
But as most say if there really isn't a god then he's not picking a god, he's pivking a religion, in which case picking because of the followers is a pretty understandable reason
sup anon. I was in the same spot as you before. I really wanted to believe in that "fairy tale happy ending".

I kept asking God to MAKE me believe. Everyday or every other day I would BEG for him to PROVE to ME that it was all real.

tl;dr my wish came true. The only way I can explain it to you is that he basically showed up in front of my face and showed me the cross.......

It's real anon. I'd bet my life on it
The irony in what you just wrote, do you see it?
Even if the Christian god is real I wouldn't worship him, hes an evil character whom supports rape, genocide, misogyny, slavery, child sacrifice, etc.
There is none. No evidence either.
What if you constantly ask for it to prove it to your and it happens?
It caused itself
I've always personally thought that Jesus was a real person, but all of the miracle stuff wasn't true, and the Bible is more like a set of guidelines to make yourself a better person, not a literal document that needs to command your life
That's pretty amazing. Thanks anon.
>(saying "It happens in nature!" Is a fallacy btw
Oh really?

Which fallacy is that?
Hilarious, given the only way to spread religion is to be as intellectually stifling as possible.
The "I'm a retard and understand nothing of what i'm talking about fallacy"
I've only told a few people that story. It isn't word for word but it happened. It really feels crazy when in your mind you feel like you have proof but can't show it to anybody...
Man has been around a lot longer than 6000 years.
You're making up BS.
you can't prove something that's not true
Like a test, it could just be you didn't study enough and frankly don't know the answer, you just believe your right, because you just don't know, doesn't make you wrong, but don't think you've got a 100% chance of being right
>being a creationist in 2016
My face literally tightened together because I wished you believed me
Has this reddit-tier logical fallacy meme taken such strong hold here that people no longer know what the actual word fallacy means?
Funny you think absence of evidence is evidence of absence, tell that to the bomb the police didnt find when the searched my property
There is nothing to theism other than blind faith. There's no knowledge or proof involved, they just believe "because". They'll never actually know for sure they're right either.
What is there to believe?
I know what a fallacy is. I asked him to elaborate on what kind of fallacy it supposedly is and why.
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OFFICIAL Religion Server!

Not necessarily
Believe whatever you want to believe, but don't lie to yourself, there is no proof.
The fairy tale happy ending man! just keep asking for it bro it HAPPENED to ME! I can't say how long it will take for you man but it HAPPENED
I don't think religion gets to have some special "benefit of the doubt" where we just assume it's true despite zero evidence for it.
And what's this fairy tale ending?
this is why I never stopped being agnostic and couldn't commit to any religion, it's the lack of knowing for certain
God will not let you have proof of God's existence. God will also not let you have proof of the absence of God's existence.

Therefore Proof of God
You live happily ever after in heaven. It sound so obscure I know but it's true. If you don't have faith that's its true ASK for FAITH.

It sounds so corny I know but it's what I did and it worked. So now whenever I see the subject brought up it's like rescueing people from a burning building....
That is idiotic logic
You'll never find proof for the existence of god. You'll only believe in god if you want to, logic will never lead you there.
how do you know you live in heaven? you haven't died yet
why not worship / respect nature instead?
i dont mean just on a hippy spiritual love sense but in an actual scientific sense too.

at least you can prove nature exists right?
There is no proof or evidence.
Yeah man I know what you mean. But after that moment I take everything said in the bible either literally or figuratively. But it's all true
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