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Room thread cause I'm bored. No cleaning, cause I sure as

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Thread replies: 125
Thread images: 35

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Room thread cause I'm bored.
No cleaning, cause I sure as fuck don't.

>shitty panoramic is shitty
Why do you have potatoes on the counter
Cause I'm lazy.
potatoe on the counter/10
would not chill with
Because of potato, or some other esoteric reason
it looks pretty cramped, but im not gonna lie, that potato is just...there

no toilet, dafuq
It is cramped.
Wasn't so bad without the couch, but someone left it by the dumpster and it was still in good shape so I lugged it up three flights.
The potatoes were in my pocket and I was just too lazy to put them in the kitchen.
There's a separate room for that.
But I share it with someone else.
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Is there a kitchen?
and wtf u walkin around with 2 potatoes in your pocket for?
Looks like you live in a hotel room.
Small shared one, but yes.
Roomate never really uses it, so I've basically got it to myself.
I'd put my liquor in there, but idk if he's 21 or older.
It was supposed to be lunch one day.
But I ended up not needing to eat them.

>also checked
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yall realize ur phones have a panoramic function to take it all in 1 photo right?
Needed an excuse to use my $500 camera.
Original resolution was 18000x4000

I hate those fucking doors. Took mine off when I had a closet like that.
mine doesn't.

and I cant find an app that does it correctly.

and my room is too small.
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dear lord...
at least your barracks are bigger than mine
Army in air force.
They keep telling me this is their shitty barracks.
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For you.
He was Arnold!
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as in the room I'm in?

I have a house. Fuck I'd kill myself if I didn't have one by 28
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What's going on with your underwear drawer? It looks like you just got the basket of clothes and dumped it onto a shelf
coraline and where the wild things are
ma nigga
nice and cozy
What third world country do you live in where you have to steal fucking potatoes?
Probably Ireland so he can make a nail bomb
your bed and couch is in the same room?
why not just have one of the other?
or have a bed and maybe just a recliner?
this room just seems so cramped
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Didn't take a picture of the bathroom, it's attached to the bedroom.
way to tidy for anon. must be serial killer
see >>713650185

I had the same thought, but the couch was free.
And its more comfortable to vidya with than the bed. I don't have people over, and I never do anything that requires a lot of room.
Fucking finish one soda fore you buy another.
Fucking waste of money.
If you're talking about the dunkin' donuts cups with dark stuff in them, i use those as ash trays. They're filled with water and cigarette butts.
You're fucking gross.
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Here's mine
That's the opposite of a waste then.
I do the same thing.
It's all white, so it's all right.
OCD must be a bitch tho.
Ik, it might look good but its a pain to keep everything clean.
Do you even know what OCD is?
The lighting at your place makes it seem like it would be depressing to live there. Especially the bedroom..
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Oddly cozy in a weird sort of shitty way.
Everything looks so sterile. 0/10 would not live in.
There are more ceiling lights in the hall and on the roof, I just like to keep it darker at night. Plus during the day its bright as fuck
Ik needs more body pillows and dirty clothes
I feel you
I know a lot of people who do this. Cheaper than buying an ashtray.
I think the biggest part is that the floor is white and tile. I feel like it would be super cold to walk on. Needs to be hardwood.
Plus keeps ash from blowing everywhere and smells less since i can just stick a lid on it. Then just toss it and use a new one every 2-3 days.
Looks like Section 8 housing
Yeah I agree hardwood is much better. But this isnt so bad esp since its florida
Yeah, I only ever smoke outside so it's never an issue for me.
you just sleep on a bare mattress?
>No sheets
Disgusting animal
Did the same when I had a place with a balcony. Now can't be bothered to go down 3 flights of stairs and like 50' of hallway every time I wanna smoke.
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Too lazy to take new pics. Looks basically the same now.
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It's not a drawer. I don't own a dresser. So yeah, I mean, I should probably get back into folding my clothes, but it tends to not work out for very long. I would fold them if I had a dresser.


Yeah, it's really comfy so I don't really see why I should. Though, maybe I should. Maybe it would look nicer. I'm used to not having alot.
They probably aren't expensive either, maybe only 20 bucks.

i'm not a disgusting animal :c
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Not gonna lie, I'm jelly.
Bruh. Put a big sex mirror up on that wall.
Very aesthetic tho, much jelly.
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Heres the living room. A bit cozier and with some lights off.
Anyone interested in seeing shitty pics of my 6ft by 12ft bedroom?
Post em faggot
Thought they typically didn't allow cell phones in prison? Much less with data plans.
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movin' out in a few weeks
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Do you live at Ikea?
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There's all four corners of my room.
Its sad isn't it?
Almost haha
Definitely looks like a /b/tard's room. A butt plug or some shit laying out on the bedside table would have made it perfect.
Where'd you get that little book shelf with all the games on it?
Why did you bother wall mounting a monitor of that size?
dat Leslie,
is the organ a real B3?
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I had a u34 curved monitor but its getting rma'd atm
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Nice Stereo.
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The whole house isnt that big too
No joke, sleeping straight up on the mattress is fuckin gross. Sheets weren't made just to look pretty.

Would maybe consider banging if you were freaky and decently hot/10
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i live in a camper
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literally looks like a hospital room
What's that like, practically speaking? I've always been a little curious. Is it big enough for a small doge?
Jesus Christ.
The rooms being posted are getting worse and worse each post
wolfenstein 3d demo
if you spend most of your time outside then sure. if youre a shut in that parks in one spot and never leaves the camper then its a bit cramped for more than one person
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It's a 1965 M-102. The M-100s are considered "Baby B3s" because it uses the same vibrato scanner, delay line, and key percussion circuit. For the spinet organs (the ones with the smaller 44-key split manuals) it's the closest one to the B3 they ever made. It's the one Rick Wright used with Pink Floyd up until Dark Side. (it's featured a lot in the Pompeii film).

>dat Leslie
It's a custom! I chopped a dead 70s transistor Hammond. It has a Leslie drum and a 12" whizzer speaker. It's a beast, the 12" sounds like a Mesa when I rip into it with the guitar!
>I would fold them if I had a dresser.
That's a damnable lie. We both know that would just make it easier to blindly shove them into the drawer.
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Wait until you start seeing dragon dildos and bottles filled with cum.
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hangin out with my roommate
is this under the interstate or something? must be noisey.
hes doing well for a homeless man. You could learn a thing or two from him.
>RC Cola
Exquisite taste, friend
Richfag detected. Are you Walmart CEO´s niece or something like that?
its not a real post. got the pic by google searching "living under a bridge"
yes but its fine i went deaf after snorting chalk
sick project, anon
>car veneration
>chair perpendicular to TV
>head right up against window in bed
You are so many of the things I don't understand in humanity.
Not quite. Close :)
How can I get become a richfag?
Uhh theres probably better explanations, but what I did was work hard and work my way up in a company. I know theres other ways especially now in 2016 but thats how an oldfag (me) did it.
yeah it came out good. i could never sell it. i could probably get a thou or something for it if i found the right buyer too
I've never had a potato in my pocket and I'm 39 god damn years old, something is wrong with you son
Your lack of sheets shocks me
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my usual pov
Ohh look, a chair with foot rest...
I'll have a sit!
Look at me!!
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Old pic but hasn't changed much
it looks kinda like your room is being flooded with wet cement or something
Looks like the carpet was poorly installed
Thread posts: 125
Thread images: 35

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