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/b/ um... what should I do if a 9 year old ate about 9 hits of

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Thread replies: 252
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/b/ um... what should I do if a 9 year old ate about 9 hits of LSD, asking for a friend
kek and record it.
How fucked are you if you take them to the hospital?
Just go to the hospital, they give him benzo's and he'll be fine. Go before he starts flipping his shit
The kids either going to turn out to be some super creative genius or end up in a mental home.
Give him some oj and take him to the hospital.

Plus even if you go to jail OP, a 9 year old probably weighs 60lbs or less dude. He needs a fucking doctor. Do the right thing.
OJ doesnt really work does it?
You go to the hospital, and tell them he ate something he found on the playground.
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Post link here
did he realize they weren't tasty only after he ate 8 of them?
take his ass to hospital, fool! Meanwhile queue up as much hardcore porn for your 64bg memory stick as possible and ram it up your ass when you get home - you aren't getting any more porn where you're going.
Do you have any Pink Floyd?
let him listen to some psychedelic shit
You people are fucking idiots. Nothing a doctor can do about fucking LSD, except for sedating the little shit, which is what OP should do.
it would taste like normal candy corn, which taste like shit faggot
But i love candy corn. I buy a few pounds of them once a year and eat them throughout the holidays.
At his weight it could result in muscle spasms or even failure of the CNS. He needs to be under observation where if mechanical ventilation is required it can be performed.
sure, smartest thing is to give him more drugs.
give pepto bismol the bismuth nullifies it
Tell him "hold on, you are about to take the trip of a lifetime"
Put on a mask and run around him screeching
Convince them you're a magician and put them under a powerful spell
Fuck it. literally have sex with him or her. They wont remember. Plus they'll be super tight
Get them to go to sleep as fast as ducking possible. If not call poison control and tell them somebody gave her candy and she's acting weird. I used to take 4 tabs every Friday for months. That shit will break her if it's 25i. I'm not fucking joking don't ruin that child
I'm not having sex with my sister faggot
I thought that i will see this in first 3 replies
Fuck you OP. If this is legit and your 9 year old sister took LSD or potentially NBOME and you DONT take her to the hospital, you are the worst most disgusting sibling ever. You are worse than Hillary Clinton. You don't fuck with that shit when it comes to family. You take a bullet for them.
this, for the lulz.

The hospital is pretty useless, assuming that he won't die.
Other than that I can assure you that 9 fucking hits of LSD already fucked up really bad his brain permanently.
Nothing you can do, they will come down in after 10hours. Dont sweat it. Just be with them, be reassuring if they look troubled. Quite normal to have body shakes/trembling.
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There's literally nothing you can do OP.
Just wait it out
>easier said for you
>yfw you very potentially fucked your sister up for life because of one simple mistake
If it's 100% acid and not some shit like NBOMe then give them like .25-.5mg of xanax and put on some cartoons or something. Xanax will dull the LSD to a large degree.

The kid'll be okay, physically, but they'll be in for a wild ride
>Not gonna have sex with a girl
>Calls me a faggot
Alright. Whatever you say cockmuncher
Op can you greentext what happened? because this seems kinda fucking retarded
nigga who is ur dealer ??
There's no way the kid is gonna die from 9 hits of acid. There's way the kid got enough LSD in her to die, the LD50 is basically a phone book of acid blotters.

Now if it's not acid, and rather a NBOMe...that kid is fucked

Still not a fun experience for either of them...
Yeah that kid's in for the headfuck of a lifetime
OP here
> Get home from work
> see little sister on the couch with my bag of candy corn LSD
> thatbitch.jpg
> remember I had ten left
> only one in the bag
> friends told me it wasn't that good so I'm assuming the quality is shit
> she's rolling on the floor talking about the walls breathing
> preparing to kill myself
Isn't breathing walls what happens when it's 25i?
and your first reaction was to post on 4chan instead of calling doctor?
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This may be a little extreme but its your best bet, knock her the fuck out, choke her or hit her head with a shovel, sounds harsh but your in a fucked situation away.
Kill her first then yourself. It's the only thing to do
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>she's rolling on the floor talking about the walls breathing
Where's mom & dad???
That happens on LSD as well, (Source have taken LSD)
Benzo. Get the kid a fucking xanax, or a shot or two of tequila. Something to dull the effects, she'll probably need it
bump for this
i mean i dont support the idea but trips are trips
If you have time and they aren't already coming up as a last resort try to give them enough Benadryl to knock them out. otherwise I would say they won't remember, but that's not an excuses to not take them to the hospital.
If that happened to my sister, I would just prepare to get in major trouble and do the right thing by taking her to the doc.
They will more than likely just benzo her....which is a good thing.
Eh, that's just a general side effect from most psychs
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>Doctor comes round
>''yeah she ate my acid''
>Doc: ''alright''
>Shrinks down to nanoscopic size and starts removing the molecules off her synapses
bumping for this, seems like a good idea
Hospital, immediately.
Its not about if it helps, its about the first reaction, like if you care about someone and hes in shit you first reaction shouldnt be post it on 4chan
Yeah, give her a quarter bar of xan

Once she's out convince her it was a dream
Kek, sounds like a Rick and Morty episode TBH
Keep us updated op
Terrible idea, she will only pass out for a few minutes then wake up tripping harder.
She's already fucked up on acid lets not throw brain damage into the mix.
Let alone the terrifying image of tripping balls while some one is choking you out.
Seriously, give her .25 or so of xanax and send her to bed.

She'll hopefully just think it was a weird dream.

The only difference if you take her to the hospital is you'll go to jail.

So do you want to go to jail?

>its not about if it helps

Nice backwards reasoning, fuckboi. If you care about the person, shouldn't you want the best option to help them?
Get her a joint and a fifth of wild turkey
pics or it didn't happen.
Duuuuuude Op, pictures!
I gave her a whole bar earlier, per request of another anon
She is gonna be fucking out. Jesus dude a full bar for a 90lb girl is crazy lol. She will be fine I'm sure.
You know, when people get knocked out via concussion or oxygen deprivation, it only lasts a few minutes, max, and that usually means there's some brain damage involved. If you knock someone out, you can expect them to be down for like .5-1 minute max

2mg is WAY too much for a 9 year old what the fuck?

Keep her awake and keep watch on her airway.

You just made this much worse.

Keep her on her side if she's passed out, NOT ON HER BACK.

You're fucking retarded, why a WHOLE FUCKING BAR?

You should have gave her .25, not fucking 2 MG you dumb shit
Good that should do the trick. Now wrap her up in her woobie put on some scooby doo and hopefully she will be out like a light
>OP - Oh no, is problem!
>anon1 - Kek!
>anon2 - Kek!
>anon3 - you should fuck problem

never change, /b/
Whoa! A whole bar will kick my ass. This was the right thing to do though OP. That little tyke'll be out like a light in a bit. Maybe a little groggy when she wakes up lol
Good job getting OP to kill his sister. 2mg is fucking way too much.
only storage useful in prison is a floppy. get to stretching
if she even wakes up
So how long before OP ends up on the news? If all this is legit at least.
You all are fucking retarded, obvious troll.
2mg of xanax on it's own won't kill her. It'll fuck her up, but xanax is very safe if it's not mixed with other depressants.
update OP?
OP is a man in a boat with a leak.
>plugs one hole
>another 2 appear
>plugs those
>the boat sinks
Ok then, next good idea, drive to some random playground and drop her off, and say she went missing, hopefully shell turn up then they're be no blame on you (for the acid, but "losing" a kid is better then letting her have 9 hits of acid)
the fuck is going on here?
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She'll be fine

>The acute oral LD50 in rats is 331–2171 mg/kg


despite common belief, xans on their own are pretty physically safe.
She's 9. 2mg of xanax can cause her to pass out obviously, but the danger is aspiration.

That's why I said keep her on her side and watch her airway. It'll be very easy for her to choke on her own saliva or vomit

>The choice of agent for pharmacologic restraint may be dictated by local pre-hospital protocols. Whenever possible, however, benzodiazepines should be the first-line agent, as they are effective both intravenously and intramuscularly, have rapid onset of activity, and do not have the potential for cardiac conduction delays or decreased seizure threshold associated with antipsychotics such as haloperidol or droperidol. Intramuscular diazepam (Valium) or midazolam (Versed) have rapid onset of action and should be used in preference to lorazepam (Ativan) if safe intravenous access is not obtainable.


the lethal dose for LSD is unimaginably high. the kids gonna trip balls for a few hours then be fine.

if you wanna avoid trouble about his mental health just give him half a warm beer and some sleep meds and hell sleep through the trip.
Post pics of sister tripping
Walls breathing is fairly low level hallucination, really.
Walls becoming a crystalline matrix which allows you to see through the molecules to understand the relationship between the frequency of the soundwaves coming from the speakers which are next to, but not part of the crystalline matrix which...
Well, you get the idea. That's what I've had after 9 blotter acid. It makes rolling joints hard, I'll tell you that.
PUT HER ON HER SIDE YOU RETARD and watch her side and watch her airway.

I'm not talking about toxicity you idiot. read above. Aspiration is how most depressant deaths occur.
Go to Netflix, have a SAW marathon.
Top fucking kek.

Ok now you can begin with the extraction of the body. First dig a hole in your backyard or something
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They all took the bait
kek nice going OP
hey don't be a cocksucker pal. I seriously doubt 2mg of xanax is gonna do shit
What is her pulse? How shallow is her breathing?

As another anon said, keep her on her side and watch her breathing. Make sure her mouth and airway is clear of liquid or vomit.

Make sure, don't half ass it. You could take a 5min smoke break and come back to see her dead, aspirated on vomit.

Keep her on her side.
My sides are eternal.
I am glad to be here right now. Thank you /b/
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She is out of it, not remembering a thing. Now is your 1 shot to ram your little sister hard up the shit pipe, shes going to die anyway so it wont scar her.
also, aspiration is likely not the word you're looking for
Include me in the screencap
It's fine anon, 2 mg Of Xanax isn't immediately dangerous even for a kid but I feel like op is really banking on the fact that what his sister took was indeed LSD when these days, over 90 percent of drugs marketed as LSD are actually some sort of RC
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Now call 911, say "My little sister found my LSD and thought it was candy, she ate 9 of them. I gave her a whole bar of xanax cause some retard on the internet told me so and now she's passed out. I'm retarded pls help"
It's not about the xanax, it's the deep unconsciousness and depressed nervous system. If she happens to vomit even a little, she could choke to death.

I'm an EMT I think i would know.

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This thread
Gake and fay
fuck him. best answer i think.
"Another anonymous poster from the controversial site '4Chan' in the news tonight, with the reported tragic death of a nine year old girl from a drugs-related incident. The brother of the deceased is under arrest as we speak, harrowing scenes here at the house - more at 9, now here's Tom with the weather!"
get out of here with this fake ass bullshit
Let them trip LSD can't kill you unless it's fake LSD than I'd go to the ER no just go to the ER
I believe in you OP! drink some coffee and watch her until she wakes up. If you pull this off with her surviving and not being insane from the acid you're a fucking legend. Good luck!

you keep using that word... i dont think it means what you think it means
He has logic on his side
NO but it is a good placebo. That only works if you know your trippin and want to come down though.

I think you're a fucking moron
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You're a true aspiration for all of us
This. Early stuff.
>"Another anonymous poster from the controversial site '4Chan' in the news tonight, with the reported tragic death of a nine year old girl from a drugs-related incident. The brother of the deceased is under arrest as we speak, harrowing scenes here at the house - more at 9, now here's Tom with th - NEW NEW NEW, MCDONALDS TRIPPLE DOUBLE QUADRUBLE POUNDER ONLY $15.99 *fries not included in meal deal, only available after 11AM, select stores only"

Or, die in a car-fire you retard cunt.

Know-nothing motherfucker.
How is he using that word incorrectly, retard?
This thread has been reported to the FBI
It's acid not heroin.
Maybe you can give her a shot of heroin to capm her a bit down, also some coke to get her back up again. Like a mixture or something just do it
Aspiration on it's own is definitely not the right word. Pulmonary Aspiration is what he meant though. Really confused me at first like "aspiration to do what now"
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But now it's a bar of Xanax and LSD.

OP is such an idiot I would bet money the poor girl is going to aspirate and die while he's fucking around on 4chan.
fuckkk her gogo
BTFO white knight
OP here

I need to know now before anything else, is she going to be okay
sorry, non native speaker. medical terms are not my strength
I don't get why everyone thinks Xanax fucks you up, she'll be fine..
We don't say "Pulmonary Aspiration" in medical jargon, we just say "Aspirate". It's too long.
I'm a doctor, she'll be fine.
Tell the doc that the kid got in the medicine cabinet.
Yes yes, but ONLY if you reply to this post or OPs sister is going to die in her sleep tonight
Sorry, not a Murican - I always, always forget to add an advert for fried or grilled meat when I write imaginary news stories to post on an image board thread...

Good save, anon - you're not a faget, far as I'm concerned.
well NORMALY it doesnt
How much medical training do you have?
Now rape her and stream your suicide idiot
Then I guess a 9 year old wouldn't have any use for this huh?
>current year
>looking this much of a cunt because you have a small vocabulary

Fuck sake, m8

Don't listen to the trolls, she'll be fine. Wasn't a great idea to give her Xanax, though she'll probably only have a light headache. The LSD isn't a problem either, kid would've gotten a great experience if not for the Xanax.
I know it might sound counter intuitive to give the kid more durgs but give him like 1mg or 1.5mg of xanax or any similar benzo. It will help calm the kid down and negate some of the effects of the lsd.
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My bro is an emt I just asked him...GO TO DOCTOR NOW
This fucking thread is so kek
In a lightweight benzo virgin, it certainly can "fuck you up", and I don't mean inebration.

It's the same danger as with large heroin doses.

Your cough reflex becomes non existent, so if you happen to drool a lot or vomit, you'll just choke to death.
I'm gonna reiterate what I said earlier and say you should take her to the hospital - the vast majority of "LSD" These days are research chemicals that will easily kill a 9 year old
degree of Doctor of Medical Science
OP you fuckin' legend
Just let him ride it out and make sure he doesnt hurt himself and if need be take him to the hospital
You are kinda late for that
Ask on >>>/qa/

That's the question and answer board
Yeah but OP can be there to make sure that doesn't happen
underrated post
"Today a 9 year old girl on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the weather..."
You DO have her on her side, right?

Uh huh, sure.
If you love her you should go to the hospital. Just to be sure that she'll be alright.
Trips here no pun intended
I had a friend once he took some acid
Now he thinks he's a fire engine
It's okay until he pisses on your lighter
Kinda smells kinda cool kinda funny anyway

satan, satan, satan...
That's really quite unlikely with just a benzo on its own..
Please don't compare a single Xanax bar with any dose of heroin LOL.

Although, combined with "LSD" or whatever research chemical she actually took, the risk is higher so OP should definitely watch for that if he's not gonna take her to the hospital.
ok so i get that the LSD was an accident and i only think you should be kicked in the balls twice for each hit she ate because your dumb ass was too stupid to hide that shit,

giving her the xanax (especially the dosage) was just beyond idiocy, its just plain disgustingly dumb. fuck you you dense shithead
Don't listen to the trolls. Thing is, if you go to the hospital you'll end up paying quite a lot for no danger what so ever. You might also get into trouble, which is what they want.
>9 year old ate about 9 hits of LSD
>I gave her a whole bar earlier

>give the kid more durgs
Put her in the recovery position and she'll just sleep through it.
record it
My /b/ro I thought the same thing.


Hints my
I think this guy is right.
How strong are the hits?

Toxic dosage is thought to be around a 1000 times the suggested amount.
dont need to be doc to know this its the first thing they teach you in first aid courses.
it opens up airways n shit making it easier to breath and throw up
"The door is ajar..."
>hints my
That's what I heard and decided to grow shrooms

if you live in the USA, you do know that youre 100% not liable for her eating the drugs as long as you bring her to the hospital for fear of an OD right?

new laws protect you from criminal prosecution.

if youre this afraid, take her to the hospital.
Can someone screencap it and post in on leddit?
More drugs doesn't necessarily equal bad. Instead of being awake and tripping balls for hours she'll just have some very weird dreams. LSD doesn't affect the same shit as xan's.
LSD sold today is not actually LSD, it will definitely be a NBome, she will die without medical intervention
Never hurt me.
kill yourself
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>people genuinely believe this happened
Lmao. Fucking idiots.
OP make a fucking update

go fuck yourself, faggot.
Trips for the Trips god
yeah the girl with timestamp its absolutely fake
This isn't screen worthy. Op posted twice and is probably trolling
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You can molest her now, she is not going to remember anything and probably going to die so go ahead while the body is still warm.
Sorry, I'm stoned and auto correct
Oh my sides
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Have a little warm feeling for getting the reference, dude. I did.
OP ! I really want to be sincere and helpful however I really think a goofew idea is melting the remaining lsd tab on a spoon and injecting that shite into your sisters brain. Directly into her brain. Make sure to use a lot of pressure to break through the skull

where did he post twice?
Yeah, literally this. I guess you should keep her calm, try to trip-sit her as much as possible and hope for the best.
Lol sure faggot. I buy my lsd and test it every time with a reagent. I've only ever ran into something that wasn't lsd once, and I just stopped buying from that guy. LSD faking isn't nearly as common as soccer moms on the internet would have you believe.
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I drew a compass to represent /b/'s stance on anon's little issue.

>Dat filename
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You guys do realize this is copypasta from years ago, right?

Or are you faggots to new to know that?
Take her to the doctor on the off chance your acid is bunk. If you could say with absolute certainty that it's 100% real acid forget about it, but research chemicals are fucking bad news. Also thank you OP. I now realize the danger of putting your acid on a faggot fairy candy instead of paper like a responsible drug user. Best of luck to you
you're right I don't know how it would be possible to get a timestamped picture of a sleeping 9 year old unless she was on acid
She's gonna be fine, everybody needs to chill out. I was 13 when my ex's brothers dosed me with a whole vial. I tripped my face off for the majority of the weekend, and it certainly activated some genetically latent mental issues, but I'm alive and well.
Can confirm, almost aspirated my sides if not for him
Melt the remaining lsd in a spoon and inject it straight into her brain. Make sure to apply enough pressure to break the skull then press down firmly and post pics if the results
>"just to be safe"
Take him to the hospital and say you lost him for a second and some strange man gave him "candy"
U try 2 h4rd m8
You have to go back
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my sides
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The b8 is so strong in this one
the girls obviously sleeping and he just threw the paper on her for the pic
5/7 fake n gay
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greentext it

not bad anon not bad
+1 internets for you
fake look at the filename
You should try harder on your spelling faggot
Fuck her she is not going to remember anything
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oh lord partner
You either believe the evidence you have, or there is no reason for you to stay in this thread
Take him to a safe open space and enjoy a wonderful evening of hallucinogenic cuddling.

Fuck off
Give her ~60mg of MDMA, she needs to feel in content with herself, she'll have her life changed in a much more positive way. Candyflipping 9 y/os all the way!

Serious about this, it'll reduce the anxiety and make things have more sense.
ooooo look everyone, this faggot finally spelled something right!
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You're our graphs dude from now on. Top work, anon.
Put me in the screencap
I remember when I used to be so desperate for attention like you, it gets you nowhere newfag
>this fucking thread
You probably think this thread is actually real and not shitty pasta from years ago, you pathetic fucking child.
Give her alcohol. Alcohol nullifies effects of psychotropic drugs
yeah hit her in the face with the shovel.. rolling for that
>mixing alcohol and 2MG xanax and LSD
So by concencus then OP, here's what I have figured out so far - first, you fuck her with a fifth of wild turkey, in which you dissolve another bar of xanax. Then, you should definitely drive her to a hospital, because some fucking maniac just fed her 9 acid, 2 bars of xanax and a fifth of sippin' alcohol...

Dude... You're gonna be on the news.

>As another anon said
>aspirated on vomit.

Epic self-fagging.
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>not samefagging
"for a friend"
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