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Hello 4 Chan! My name is Gema, and I am a writer for a major

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 130
Thread images: 36

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Hello 4 Chan!

My name is Gema, and I am a writer for a major viral new site. We are doing a story on the "alt right" and how they helped Trump rise to power, with a focus on how racism helped him gain support with uneducated white cis males. More specifically, we are also taking a look at how racist viral memes (like the one attached) serious hurt people of color and how these types of "jokes" might have helped Trump.

My editor sent me a link to your site and I've heard that 4 Chan has a high affiliation with Donald Trump and the "alt right."I would love to get a few comments for our story from some of you users. I can credit you as "anonymous" or as your username if you have one.

Thank you!

Go away.

Why? Sorry, did I do something wrong?
Most likely no one will help, sorry everyone here are self centered betas, & I dont know crap so gl
Yeah guess its looking that way. :( Thank you for the response though, I really appreciate it!
LOL! No shit dank memes are mostly about people of color, but that's alright because they're worth it!

also go away

I feel very oppressed by you simply assuming I'm a white cis male
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Do more stories on libcucks and how they are an embarrassment to America and the rest of the world
I'm sorry, I just meant to say that's who I'm looking for commentary from. I didn't mean to offend you.

I'm sorry, what do you mean by "worth it"?
Why do you repost these memes then? Haven't they done enough emotional damage? You should be ashamed of yourself!
I'm sorry, I don't understand this comment. Are you meaning to say that you're a moderator here? If you are, can I get a comment from you for my story? Thanks!
By the word "libcuck," do you mean a liberal leaning person? Why do you think they're an embarrassment?
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Tits or gtfo
Most of what goes on here is just for shits and gigs. Not everyone here is racist or even member of the "alt-right" or even the right for that matter. It's just fun to stir the pot.
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>major viral new site

gawker, plz go
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I want to cut your head off and play around with your blood. Also tits or gtfo liberal whore.
As I said earlier, I had no intention to offend you. As a POC myself, I know that these types of images have the potential to trigger very bad memories; however, as a journalist, I need to showcase them as an example for the greater good.

If you too are a POC, I thank you for being so brave in the face of adversity. We can do it! :)
So I'm not worth your time because I don't fit into your preferred group of privileged white cis males?
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wrong board normie

my username is moot btw
I think that it's apparent. The users of /b/ don't really have strong political opinions either way. Most users are either underage, or the type of person to never truly leave the comfort of thier parents house.
Trump won the election because of the uneducated alt right. This is well known fact. But this demographic has never really stepped up to the plate to vote until now. Why?
Because of the new social justice movement. All these teenage, triggered, tumblr faggots have been changing the social norms of our society. The world is changing all around us, and the alt right are scared shitless. They hate the fact that gay marriage is legal. They hate the fact that they have been left out of society's decision making, when in fact they are they majority.
In short. They simply got fed up with the idea of a non-white, non-Christian America. They feel as if there lively good is threatended by this new social change that doesn't allow them to be blatantly racist anymore.
And just for the record.
Yes, these are the types of memes that I was speaking about. How do you think these memes affect people of color? I would love to get your commentary on the matter.
black state attorney is hot

would bang like a cotton gin
What specifically is your fucking question or do you expect us to hand hold you out of whatever delusional cess pit echo chamber you work for.
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Hello moot! Can you please help direct me to the correct board? Thanks!
Not him, but the terms

"cuck" from the word "cuckold"
"Sheep" or "sheeple"

Are bandwagon terms that people have jumped onto using more in the past couple of years because they lack the vocabulary or the tact to give decent insults.
When you are so far left that you want a young girl to share a bathroom with a fat old mentally ill freak in a dress then everyone looks 'alt right' to you. Go fuck yourself and your shit tier rag.
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>has never really stepped up to the plate to vote until now. Why?

because they're not people they are computer simulated votes from our friend putin
I am 4chan, what do you want now?
Moot here, I just wanted to say how appalled I am by all your comments.

BTW, NO ONE is to use my name as their own ;)

Are there no more rules?
you'er not moot I'm moot


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"people" of color
I strongly suspect OP of being a troll
Ha Ha nice try!
When we find your article how hard would you like to get fucked?
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Tits or GTFO. Then maybe we'll answer your questions. It's just the rules.
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Tits or gtfo
As a POC, I believe that referring to black people as inhuman really hurts our standing in society and our striving for systematic equality. Why do you feel the need to post such hateful things?
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I am moot. I will prove it.

sent from my moot phone
timestamp and tits or gtfo
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Okay, I'll try to be nice to you, as far as I can.
First, the memes posted do not necesarily reflect what people actually think, or how they act in real life. So there's that: even though people post those types of memes, that doesn't mean they agree with them.
Of course, there are people who are into the white supremacy shit, but as far as I've seen here, it's a minority. They hang out elsewhere.

That's all I'll say. You're a pretty bad journalist, by the way. At least read something about ethnographic work and how to understand the people involved in the group you want to study.
Anthropology, Gema.
Also there's a book by Parmy Olson called "Anonymous: The Roots of LulzSec and Cyberinsurgency", some shit like that. It's about this site, by the way, in case you don't even try.
Look it up. It's cool. You'll understand a bit.
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I love rule 34. Any disney princess?
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Thank you very much, your comment is very helpful!
Nah, I would usually but I'm on my phone

Also, trust me we don't have to do or say anything to get people to not like the people of color. Ever been to a restaurant and a black family comes in?
Nice dubs.

This is now a get bread

check em

Nice trips /b/ro
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Ahhh, obvious b8.
Satan trips!!
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just get you some!
We're full, you can camp on the moon.
Get Bread!
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Hi Gema,

4chan is a mix of all kinds of people, you wrongly assume only alt right is active here. All kinds of people are here, alt right, democrats, pedos, psychopaths.

Maybe some people in /pol have actively contributed to Trump being choosen. Read about pepe the frog.
Hi! 4chan doesn't really have an affiliation with either of the presidential candidates. All we anonymous users do is post funny images of the candidates. As for alt right, one of the symbols of that is Pepe the Frog, which is a popular image to post here on /b/
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check that shite!!!
Two sets o trips.

Come on anon. Slap that bread!
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I'm starting to think mods have turned off gets for me
Act like a monkey and get a banana. Go flip a cop car.
Who's the big blue bitch
Fresh Pastya
Show us your dick!!
I feel sorry for you OP ... If you want to investigate the 4chan alt-right go to /pol/ (but prepare to be offended by what you'll find here)
what publication do you write for? otherwise this is massive troll
get me some more
What am I supposed to get? Bread?
I'm only going to make one post since I am afraid of being tracked. Don't believe any of these guys, we´re supposed to answer like that. With enough chaos, the element of truth disappears.
Once every six months or so, 4chan's admins plan what to focus on in the near future. Do you want to ruin a celebrity? Just contact someone in charge, pay the right amount, and now you have a whole army of humanity hating computer nerds chasing him/her down. If you look it up you'll see several examples of this happening for both individuals and celebrities.
I'm afraid I haven´t been able to find a money trail though.
My suspicions are that these methods are now being used in politics, especially in america. Since we´re known in the public, and especially in the younger generations, our messages spread quickly, at least partly hidden, around the internet.
If I were you, I'd hang around at least 6 months or so, and await the threads about cheesepizza. It's far from always, but sometimes hidden messages show up regarding contact info etc.
It's nice to know someone else is checking up on this.
Good luck on your hunt
NICE trips bitch
Gema, you might find more useful replies on Stormfront, they are an active open alt right site. You can learn a lot from it. Most alt rights are in fact zionists and not a hatred of jews, but a hatred of blacks unites them.


>major viral new site
>cis males

Congratulations on finding a use for your wymmins studies / communications degree.
I haven't had cheesepizza in a long time. When is mama cooking>?
kek christmas
lol OP you are a fucking tard
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Got nothing bitch.
Why don't you acknowledge the facts instead of your feelings? It's the actions of these people. Why are they blaming whites when clearly the problem is mainly within the black community. You are the ones trying to shame Trump supporters, we see through it and we are tired of it. That is why he won.
ITT: weak b8 and newfags
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I am 4chan you cum guzzling thunder cunt. Tits or gtfo.
go ahead and be 4chan. I am moot
No I am moot
f you . I am moot
nuh uh
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I am the almighty 4chan. Bow down before my Orange Juice.
uh huh
I am 4CHAN!
You must be confused. I am the chan that has been fourth
nuh uh
>serious hurt
>people of color
I think you took a wrong turn while browsing the internet.
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I am the 4th and most powerful of chans you cuck
uh huh!
here's a quote for your article

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
I am cucking you as you type about cucking. That's exactly how Chan I four.

I four all over your Chans. All four of them!!!
Nuh UH!
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You fuck mothering toaster strudel...
sorry /b/ro. I treated her nice. Thanks
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Trump is a meme and so was Brexit. No one actually expected to win, but then he won. Because some people said Trump will win using a get, we now thank 4chan. Nothing to learn here, you're just a libcuck who already has an idea of what people here are like, and only came here to cement that idea and make sure that these "racists" really are what you think they are. Also look at this pamphlet, you might see something that gets you to start thinking.

Tits or Gtfo, >>713616241
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It's okay. I love you
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Let me ask you a question OP.

Have you ever found yourself wanking into a sock at 3am watching compilation videos of women shitting into each other's mouths?
that's cause we are eskimo brothers now.
I still can't get that music out of my head!
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As the all powerful 4chan, Master of /b/ and all things fucked up and off the wall, ruler of Nazi Germany. I approve.
Are you on crack, anon?
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Donald Trump started out as a joke meme. No one here took him seriously. Well not on /b/. Check out /pol/ or better yet the /pol/ on 8.ch. Those guys are serious.
Give me a toke on that pipe fam
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"I'm not racist but I hate white cis males"

Why not KYS you sad SJW whining nigger whore?
I must be., I answered and didn't know. I guess we are all anon deep down.

Speaking of. How is Jake?
You know what i think is really funny about americans, for you it's always black and white. There is no political center. The conservatives call Hillary "left wing", and the liberals say everyone who disagrees on their world view is alt-right.

By the time i read your post the first thing that came to my mind was: look at me i am smarter than those dump conservatives.

Well I am really left wing, not your american lefty shit, and I hoped for trum to win, because if Hillary would have won it would be just showing that in the US all you need to be a successful left wing politician is a vagina.

Also i hate you left fucktards, because you are as bad as fucking neo nazis. You also don't listen, you are not engaging in a real dialog. you think you know the truth, and if you are right you don't need to debate. It's enough for you to just silence your enemies by calling them stupid, racist, sexsist, and so on.
do you even know where you are? if your looking for an educated opinion.
its tits with timestamp or gtfo

people make memes like this because they are funny. No sane person gives a fuck whether Hilary or trump won , you know why?

becuase they both serve the same master

the same master that pits whites against black to keep themselves in power.

and no credits are necessary, thats sort of the point of being anonymous.
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How did you all get baited so easily?
Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga I'm 100% Nigga

Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga I'm 200% Nigga
Thread posts: 130
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