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ITT: all you new faggotes get angry cos Goku would clearly beat

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Thread replies: 298
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ITT: all you new faggotes get angry cos Goku would clearly beat all of DC

》pro tip yous cant prove me wrong topkak
Superman prime fuckwit
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Science proved it just like gods not real
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Retard. Superman prime.. he spent 15000 years in the suns core..
matthew malloy
You didn't take into account that the only reason that human's power level was 5 was because the farmer had that shotgun. Try maybe 1 or 2 at the most.
>beat all of DC
Nigger that's Marvel
But goku does a spirit bomb that destroys a planet, last i heard spiderman never leaves LA so i think i know who'd win....
>superman peaks his lift at 100 tons

Try 100 solar masses. And that's nowhere near the top of what superman has been capable of.
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Saitama would fucking kill the entire DBZ universe, and all superheroes anyway. Only Batman would have a chance.
What I was saying was that Superman's powerlevel wouldn't even break 10k if you take a human's true power level of 1 or 2 into consideration. Of course we know who would win. I've seen that pussy Superman struggle to stop planes and trains.

Any fictional character can beat any fictional character. All it takes is the publisher's belief in the story's ability to drain the wallets and credit cards of manchildren or their mothers.
scarlet witch
world breaker hulk
star brand
dr strange
captain universe
ice man
just to name some
Because it makes for more interesting story telling.
In Resurrection of F, Goku was at his highest power and was felled by a laser to the chest. I don't know if you know this or not but Superman can shoot those out of his eyes.
supermans weaknesses are
goku doesnt use magic but his life force or chi
and power man (second iteration) can absorb chi rendering goku human, and hes a weaker superhuman
plus superman has destroyed planets with his finger

u fkin wot m8?
franklin richards.

Thanks for playing.
Destructo disc can cut through anything, no exceptions, Toriyama himself confirmed this.

RIP Saitama
And dont say Saitama would dodge it cause his character is cocky and would stand there.
He was honestly th coolest shit I've ever seen. Would have loved to see what they woul have done with them if they ha th balls to us him.
deadpool has been shown to kill of the marvel univers, i think he could beat goku depending on the circumstances
Not if Spiderman beat them first
yeah, it would have been so much better if he made him into a stable superhero via telepaphic control
Goku was in base form and had his guard completely dropped.

He has durability way over planet level, that laser beam cant destroy a planet.
Death likes him(or something like that), so he can't be killed.
and he doesnt die from wounds that can kill goku e.g lasers
He also spent time on the shelf bc DC cucked him by throwing him in the trash
>Caring about the strength of fictional characters.
>contributing to the thread
It's been confirmed that superman is useless under strong gravity and what does goku love to train in?
goku will spend 15 mins in a time altering room training to reach his level
but he cant change gravity
your statement is just a fact
that would be majestic
Kinda of hard for death to save you from complete vaporization
He was not in base form; his hair was blue, faggot.
I'll give you that his guard was down but Superman can fight at the speed of light (somehow). How can Goku compete with that if he couldn't even swat a puny laser bolt?
it has happened when deadpool was literally vaprised from the universe and just came back
>Caring enough to reply
To believe someone this retarded exists
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dat be dbz
>caring enough to post a comeback
supes maxes way past 100 tons like most of the top tiers high heralds do nowadays
Go find a chicks with dicks thread like I know you like, faggot.
it would probably longer than all the time he has trained already combined as he would need to destroy planets with his finger and deflect super strong lasers (that would destroy worlds) just with his skin, most epic training montage ever
Exactly! Hell they could have even gone buck wild and made it so that he tries to control his full powr but never can. They could have made it so he had just a tiny fraction of the power with the rest blocked off. Either way it would have been intresting.

otherwise why include him at all? It seems like barely anything was learned/gained from that comic at all. It seems like they just introduced him so that they could just use him As a God Emperor card for any possible "Marvel vs Blank" shit.

Now instead we get spoon fed a rehash of good marvel comics but now with a "Racial, Genderbent Progressive twist". It's fucking stupid.
Regardless of whether or not this is true, or more likely heavily skewed, Deadpool literally cannot touch Goku, he's just not on the same level. Fictional characters have tier lists in these comparisons for a reason
>being mentally retarded, fix your english please
Black Bolt
yeah, would be cool
>not knowing how to greentext
Back to plebbit, faggot.
but neither can die so goku cant beat him therefore he is not the winner
The living tribunal would beat anybody
>Toriyama himself confirmed this
He also confirmed you have autism
>>not being a rationally human being
>feels bad bro
>left side
one above all
>right side
the presence
Goku can already do that though, and has been able to for a long time. Characters have been on planet busting level since fucking Dragon Ball, though you clearly haven't seen any of the series
>being mentally retarded
Fix your spelling please.
>It's been confirmed that superman is useless under strong gravity
It's been confirmed that you're retarded
sorry for my not knowing though i have seen dragon ball so i know that at least your statement is wrong
In most media the main characters become too boring when they are too powerful, like superman for a while. Dragonball's strategy is to just keep upping the power of the villains that show up, but everyone who isn't a weaboo or a nip thinks that it's fucking retarded. Changing color = more power? Reanimated Frieza more powerful because of new color? Fighting literal gods? I thought comics were dumb enough, but anime dials that shit up to 11. Also why are you trying to incite hatred between different fandoms? Is it because it's easy?
In the comic where Deadpool killed the marvel universe, he trapped anyone with a healing factor and continuously burnt them down to nothing, because they would grow back, so seemingly it could be assumed that he could come back from that being vaporized. On his own he probably couldnt touch goku if he got someone fast or strong he could get shit done.
Um no, they were moon busters at best until saiyan saga.
this made me chuckle, and i shall proceed to ignore you
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>mfw almost the entire thread is arguing Marvel characters and OP said DC.
>mfw OPS pic is Goku vs Marvel.
Comparing goku to spiderman is like comparing galactus to krillin.
Knock yourself out, fag. Better yet, kill yourself.
That'll sure show me!
That doesnt prove anything. Goku has no gravity changing abilities. Why even bring that up?
i sense so much autism in this post.
even fucking magneto could beat vagina
It's mostly because Toriyama is a shit writer who didn't plan ahead. A good example of upping the power levels without it being retarded is One Piece. Stuff like Haki and Luffy's 4 Gears each one being unique.
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The Saint of Killers would wreck them.
He killed satan, he survived a nuke being dropped directly on his head, he killed God.
Your little anime fags would be nothing to him.
>implying you have to kill an opponent to win
Instant transmission
Goku can move instantly

>standing any chance against constant blows at a massive power level that are faster than the speed of light
Hell his guns can literally kill anything, even a grazing shot = death.
Instant Transmission didn't save him from a simple laser
My nigga
>a good example
>One Piece
Except a normal person doesn't want to watch 600+ episodes of a show that follows the same formula in almost every episode.

Instant Transmission requires concentration. Superman can somehow move much quicker than the speed of light. Instant Transmission is technically faster but a few things to consider:
>Instant Transmission won't make Goku's punches any more powerful.
He's just teleporting and punching whereas Superman is traveling the speed of light or over it and adding his own strength to the punch.
>Instant Transmission is negligibly faster than FTL movements in CQB
Self explanatory.
Is moon busting really all that different from Planet busting? Sure it took roshi a full powered kamehameha wave to destroy the moon, so yeah I suppose he likely couldn't have destroyed the planet, but that wasn't even close to the end of dragon ball and goku already matched Roshi at that point
>Implying roshi and jackie chun are the same person
Regardless, directly after the saiyan saga (read: first couple episodes of Z) Piccolo was able to destroy the moon pretty much effortlessly
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Prove me wrong
ProTip: you can't
Also it's vertigo which is DC so such it weeb's
if you didn't put galactus behind may be
Except for the obviously OP'ed god characters. Yes. Goku alone could wipe the entirety of DC out. Marvel's marysuniverse would likely stand a good chance of killing him though. Too many bullshit abilities.

Doc Strange or Deadpool could kill Goku, assemble the Dragon Balls and wish he couldn't be revived and Goku couldn't stop either if he tried.

Prove ME wrong.
Your talking about a fucking cartoon you fucking autist
Martian manhunter

These six can each take him on solo and win
Supes can fly around as fast as he wants, too bad Goku will disappear before he gets a chance to hit him
It's a good example of upping powers in a creative way
Being born didnt save you from autism

You're point? Goku could easy beat all of marvel nevemind just superman
Naw with DC specifically Batman would beat goku and all sayains simply by doing his defective bullshit and gathering all the dragon balls to wish goku and others away. Simple as that, since with batman fucker is always prepared for fucking everything.

Like honestly any crossover with goku an co. Would ultimately need to end up with someone frim whatever is being crossovered into collecting the dragon balls and wishing all the satins away with memory loss so they never stumble upon them again since killing or defeating the would mean nothing when everyone In the Dragonball universe can come back quite easily and shit.
Anyone? I've got dubs twice.
Also Inb4: he never runs out of ammo and doesn't need to reload.
Your weeb hair can't save you now
>Goku alone could wipe the entirety of DC out
Found the retard
>deadpool could kill goku

The problem with dragonball versus Marvel is that the nature of the mediums is very different. There are so many different versions of the marvel characters and so much more cannon in general. More cannon = more time to get stupid stronk
>all DC
>Has Marvel heros
>Goku could easy beat all of marvel nevemind just superman
>calling other people retarded
Death and deadpool are/were in a romantic relationship and it was thanks to fucking thanks also wanting to bone mistress death being all jealous and shit cursing deadpool with immortality making it so he could not die unless thanks himself did it.
super man has lifted infinity is some incarnations of the character top super man punches are have infinite force goku could not even take one.

The reason super man has trouble saving a train is if he is not careful he might kill everyone on board by using too much power.
He married death
I don't know shit about this comic.
Are you talking about the main dude with his Word of God bullshit?
>collect dragonballs
>wish for kryptonite
>win more instantly than instant transmission
Using this logic, Goku should be able to finish fights without taking a single hit. We've seen that is not the case.
>I don't care about this thread
>Proceeds to post multiple times
>collect dragonballs
>never heard of kryptonite
>wish for something gay like another resurrection of a useless character
okay lets see this through super man hears goku coming and making this plan since he has heard distress call from other galaxy from people yelling on another planet that is very possible. Super man hits goku once super man has lifted infinity meaning his punches have infinite force can not be any stronger this that is the peak gokus atoms and spread to the 9 corners of hell.
Goku strives to fight dudes more powerful than him or dudes that can improve his skills. If he took the easy way out he wouldn't grow as a fighter at all. I'm not saying he would just use the instant transmission and never get hit, since that's not his style. However, in this argument of whether or not he can beat Superman I'm pointing out that he easily could just dodge everything.
super man lets people hit him in most cases since they can't hurt him and can move at the speed of light check it out it in the wikis
>Instant transmission dodges
it takes goku about a second to use that super man can move at the speed of light and has reflexes to match goku would still die.
No. The saint of Killers.
Literally kills both satan and God with a pair of revolvers that can't miss and all shots are fatal.
Nothing can kill the saint of killers. They send tanks, armies, nukes, everything at him.
Nothing can hurt him, nothing is safe from him.

The only way the word of God guy (Jesse) survived the saint is by reasoning with him and teaming up with him.
In the end they had the same goal, find God, make him answer for his sins.
Yeah he could just get the kryptonite then use instant transmission to go to Superman and fucking end it before it even begins
Can we all just remember batman v superman
Batman wins
Goku cant beat somebody bataman can beat?

Back to xaviers school for the autismo you all go
He couldn't though. Instant Transmission takes concentration. He's been unable to use it when he needed it before. He couldn't be Superman unless you use the wimpy ass bronze age Supes.
Trying to her back on topic here, Lobo (DC) can't die either. He did once but he's such a cunt neither heaven nor he'll want him so been granted immortality. Ergo Lobo could beat Goku
There are DC characters that can warp reality. Like actual gods. Not like 'I'm really really strong' DBZ gods.
goku would need to know what that is and is know as a moron so would not think research about someone. Also they would need to fight in super man universe in order for that to work since only the dc shared cannon has that.

So i one out of infinite universe you are right but in all others you are wrong and even in the one it is possible it is unlikely.
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This pretty much sums Superman up in one picture.
But he's still limited.
They could just throw him into the Sun and forget about him because he wouldn't be able to escape though still alive.
Jesus Christ, the retardation levels are off the charts
Yeah but he never faced a reality warper
bringing things superman has done and taking the fact in dbz they tend to talk about everything they are gonna do is dumb.

Well if being ignorant to any logic is smart to you your up for the nobel prize.
It also says the revolvers are instantly fatal to "humans, angels, demons, Satan, or even God"
Goku and Vegeta are both aliens. There is no precedent.
superman would fuck them so hard in the ass they wouldn't walk straight fam
He isn't limited. He walked out of hell after killing satan.
Dudes immortal.
And a final tidbit;
>never miss
It says the bullets always hit their mark, not that he never misses. He'd be able to hit where they were but there is no way he could shoot Goku traveling at or above the speed of light.
Infinite Crisis
Not to mention bullets will literally bounce off of the aura of power that goku produces/can produce, making him unhittable. Though I'll admit I know nothing about the saint of killers, but unless his bullets are real fuckin special, they aren't going to touch goku to administer their 'instant death'
If they always hit there mark then travel speed doesn't matter. He shoots the bullets hit and kill.
He also had to dig himself out of the ground when a mountain fell on him leading me to believe he could still be trapped and rendered useless, somehow. I don't see him walking off the Sun anytime soon.
They are so special he killed God and took his throne, becoming God.



>Implying doomsday would not destroy them
>Implying superman would not destroy them
Also nice bait, that DC is Marvel
I was talking about your lack of ability to use the English language
Not with that attitude he won't be.
>they hit their mark
Unless the bullets were shown to physically follow their targets I'm assuming that they always hit where he was aiming. If there is no one there to hit, so be it.
Goku, I've come to bargain.
Deadpool is impossible to kill, he has killed infinite amounts of parallel universes single handedly, depending on what version, he has killed every single Deadpool in the multiverse, deadpool is in a relationship with Death itself
yeah but that still doesn't provide any relevant information. If they are limited to the same physics as normal bullets he does't stand a chance
>100 tons
>You're point
Is it just bait at this point?
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Goku could not even touch him.
You mean shitty Superman?
Maybe a bit too late to ask this but why on earth would you think that guns contribute to power levels?
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>Posts image of Marvel
The graphic that dude was responding to is horseshit anyway.
Dr Manhattan would be bored fighting him, if you could call that a fight
And he's a knock off of Superman
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yes that happen with second languages though i get you only speak one and are somehow proud of that.

But what is worse using a language wrong on being the kind of inbred moron with less brain cells then teeth that think goku can kill super man even after the fact he is told at superman's best he can move at the speed of light and has infinite force behind his blows which is much faster and stronger then anything goku has ever got near.

but hey talk about the language it's not like everyone on the internet does not know that is the little white 12 year olds answer to being shown he was wrong and not being emotionally
It's not a fight with Dr. Manhattan. It's murder.

wot even. when you have to bring up somebody's race to make yourself feel like the winner in a goku v superman thread, you've already lost.
I mean a hero superior than Superman
Not to mention superboy prime also
Sentry couldn't beat the Hulk.
There was just a death battle of Hulk vs Doomsday. Doomsday won.
Supes routinely squashes Doomsday.
>implying I only speak one language
>implying I give a shit which fictional character beats which other fictional character
>being this retarded
Because it's a lot like playing spot the vegan on tumblr since only retards who fit the lable will even take the bait and won is a very loose term for a guy who was proven wrong at every pointy little boi
umm Living Tribunal and One Above all anyone?

also Thanos with the infinity gauntlet.

pfff, he should have better spent some time in gym instead of a gay-sauna
Wasn't even the guy you responded to, but thanks for confirming that you're a total loser, and a racist
makes a post defends it at every turn and is proven wrong each time then tries to take the moral high ground after making a cheap grammer shot top kek is you think you sad little life is worth anything close to mine fuck if you died tomorrow your parent would probley throw a party since their basment dwelling parasite is gone.
Are you using google translate or are you just retarded?
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Caring this fucking much
How is it Racist to call out white people if your white so yeah still smarter though that is a low hurdle to jump.
Yeah, naw son. Hulk is Herald of Galactus, literally destroys worlds for fun. Doesn't need to scream for 5 episodes to kill anyone. Just fucking ends you.
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all Id need to deal with those two faggots is an 8 year old boy
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I never even talked about the Superman vs Goku bullshit, like I said I don't care, my first reply was about the grammar. You need to work on your reading comprehension you autistic fuck.
>arguing over which fiction character is strongest

>I never even talked about the Superman vs Goku bullshit
Then you just came in because of some dude's English? Is your life that boring and pathetic?
>posting in a thread that doesn't pertain to your interests
Shin Autismo
ghost riders power is infinite
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look into my eyes...
Goku, at least, is pure of heart. Ghost Rider can't do shit to him.
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I'm on the bus home from work, I got time to piss off some autist on the internet.
ghost rider would 1 shot goku
nobody is pure at heart...thats why ghost rider is one of the strongest in marvel

only sensible answer in this thread.
too easy
no shit retard
Hulk's power is infinite based on emotion; unless they can do some psychological warfare you can't beat him...
Yes i am the Autistic one you go on internet thread to correct people english and some how everyone else is autistic. God they need to just take people like you line them up behind a shed and shoot them. Since your life is so fucking sad that this is the only way you can find and meaning or joy frankly i would just kill myself if that is all i had but hey each their own.

Oh and WheN One OF you IS WAtcHING I sTarT making LeSS oF A eFFort
Considering that's marvel I'm sure they can beat dc
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ghost rider alone could kill everyone in dbz universe
entire dbz crew cucked by dbshit.
Samefagging this fucking hard, guaranteed poster faps to ghostrider
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OP mustve forgot that ghost rider is apart of marvel
did you just say dead pool could beat goku in a fight and ice man too? and i dont think world beaker hulk could beat him
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easy win for ghost rider
underage fag confirmed
and super man trumps them all
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wait, when did i miss out on him cucking thanos?
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ghost rider can
Yeah, that's the point. This is what you do in your free time because you're pathetic. You could be doing something productive but instead you're doing something unproductive and malicious because you need to believe you're not scum.
Too bad, you're scum.
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Super man has no sins so ghost can't do anything oh and ghost rider once tried that shit on deadpool who only thinks he did nothing wrong and it did not work either.
>cares who wins a fight between two fictional characters
>calls other people sad
This has got to be a troll, nobody is that retarded.
why would anybody fight ghost rider?
sentry did defeat hulk.
reverting into banner counts as a victory you enormous retard.
you do know where you are right?
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everybody has sins retard thats why dr strange said ghost rider is the most powerful being and his powers are limitless...when he doesnt have a human mind limiting himself
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ok why hasnt this thread been closed if we know who the winner is then?
That's a good point.
easy fight for the ghost riders...
Because you keep posting you fucking dipshit
Retard this entire thread only exists to talk about this why the fuck are you here. If i have no life for talking about this you by your own logic are even lower on the social totem pole since you have nothing better to do then to come on to this and try to insult me not seeing that you making time to do this make you the biggest fucking loser possible.
He built a machine that had a weight the same of the earth and benched it for 5 days straight.. But I'd say Goku is the better fighter.
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sounds like someones mad that ghost rider would 1 shot their fav fictional character...haha
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doesnt matter...ghost rider would just kill them both
Sorry for triggering you, I didn't realize this was a safe space.
Simon the Digger win
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ghost rider win
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the ghost riders can take down anybody and everybody...no matter what
>would beat all of DC
>pic is Marvel

You wut m8
Sentry was weak afterwards. Weak enough that human Banner knocked him out. Hulk wins, dipshit.

>triggered=/=calling a fag a fag
You're a piece of shit. Worse than a nigger. That is all that has been established. I hope your bus crashes, cunt.
Confirmation bias can be a lovely thing.
>Cell took a fucking destructo disc to the neck and gave no fucks
Simon the Digger have power to create everything from nothing
and then ghost rider kills hulk...easy
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You tell me.
I don't mind a simple debate but you're literally getting upset with people for not agreeing with you. Are you a child?
He can't stay angry forever. The Hulk can be beat but you have to outlast him first.
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ghost rider beat hulk in 1 shot
op, it's a fact that you are right. anyone thinking something else is a burger in denial, there no truth more solid than this
Sounds like someone is autistic for caring about fictional characters fighting
stupid faggots
this are dc character not marvel you fucktard
>I hope your bus crashes, cunt
Someone got their feelings hurt, kek
Not relevant, clever, or funny.
I know you're trying to push the thread to its image limit so it dies. Must be some mad kid from above because his favorite superhero is shit.
mad cus ghost rider is the most powerful????
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right before ghost rider pwned him
Once again; I hope you die. That doesn't mean you hurt my feelings. I'm not even the same guy you've been talking to; I responded to you 3 times now.
You're just another worthless piece of garbage causing trouble for others because it's the only way you keep from feeling worthless.
You are the lowest tier of person and I'd squeeze the life out of you myself if you tried this in public. Luckily for you, you're too much of a passive pussy in public so I wouldn't know you from every other troglodyte I see.
Only 108 pictures of ghost rider to go
do u fags really think goku could beat the ghost rider??? hahahahahah saaad...
nobody could pick up thors hammer...........except ghost rider...
I know you're not the same person, doesn't change the fact that you're getting upset because someone was mean on the internet.

No i just just choose to deal with the crying of lesser minds.

Super man can move and react at light speed
Super man has lifted infinity and eternity

Goku has never gotten near that but hey he would wish for superman's weakness.

Oh wait he would have to know about a something that does not even exist in his cannon universe.

Yeah real big debate here............
He didn't pick it up, he's holding it while it moves.
you for real faggot
ghost rider even beat wolverine....ahahahaha
Like I said I don't care who wins between the two. Getting upset because people on the internet don't agree with you is just pathetic and retarded.
I'm not upset because you were being mean. In fact I really don't care about your argument with the other guy. It's the fact that you come somewhere needlessly to be a contrarian because the strife makes your dick hard. You are human garbage.
ghost rider even fought the avengers and won LOL.....
weak....all of you...
This and Ghost rider didn't take down hulk in WWH
He can't get infinitely angry
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dude ghost rider couldve killed hulk easily but he left him alone ahahah stupid hulk fanboy
All I did was say he had shit grammar and called him retarded. Calm your tits.
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Disagreeing with facts is retarded it not a debate if the limits and clearly written and shown in the Cannon source and one side is clearly stating them and the other is saying BUT GOKU WOULD WIN as their entire argument.

But hey i will admit i am note nice is that what you wanted by a least i am not on neck beard levels on staying on a thread to try and talk down to a guy taking in the "debate" and trying insult him despite claiming not caring status.
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Sonic is better
Even you know you're garbage. Get the fuck out of here, kid.
Nah, I'm a marvel fanboy and you said it was right before he "pwned" him. Does pwned mean left alone now?
for all u hulk fanboys HEHEHEHEHEHE
Weak b8, OP. I'd say take it to /co/, but even they're too smart for this weak shit
How am I backpedaling you numbskull? I'm just showing you that you're an overreacting faggot.
>Weak b8
>260 replies
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ghost rider even couldve taken out dr strange if he wanted to
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>You're retarded
No, you're a fag and should die.
>Kek, your feelings got hurt
No, you're a fag and should die.
>Whoa, you need to calm down
No, you're a fag and should die.

You're a faggot and should die.
>Disagreeing with facts is retarded
It's all made up you halfwit.
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Saitama beats Ghost Rider in one punch.
Is everybody in this thread retarded.. google superman prime and have a read...
Heres the link faggots..
ghost rider even took down galactus with this stare....one of the most powerful beings in the marvel universe..
He also cut through Wolverine's adamantium spine and shot Spider-Man in the head point blank....yeah the logic of the comic is autistic
Fucking told.. debate over..
no bc ghost rider has no time to play around with gay little japanese boys
Ok buddy, you need to take it easy or you'll have a heart attack. Try not to take what people say on the internet too seriously.
What Marvel superhero didn't win against the whole Marvel Universe?
For real. Whenever they run out of writing material theres a new "_____ vs. The Marvel Universe" written by fanboys.
Goku's ki is essentially solar power thus super man gets stronger the more ki he excerts.
Kill yourself, clown.
He just has time to be beaten in one punch.
yea ok...sounds like a mad fanboy that cant swallow the fact that ghost rider is the most pwoerful marvel char
You'll relax a bit once you're off your period.
It's game over. That's not goku alone, he has the legendary vegeta with him! Unbeatable saiyan team.
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Literally fantasyland in fantasyland. What-Ifs and Elseworlds aren't canon, numbnuts. Learn how to evidence collection methodology. SSGSS Goku is a universe-breaker, canon fact. What can Kent possibly do to keep up? Nothing.
Are you still not home or are you that invested here? Who even rides the bus anyway? That's why you're mad; too poor to afford a car.
don't fight Saitama can beat the shit of all the super heroes
I have a long commute. I don't have a car because I live in a city with public transportation.
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Drake has been omega level for a while.
Fucking Plastic Man would destroy them.
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No one cares about that or your shittily worded picture,

Saitama beats all.
>SSGSS Goku is a universe-breaker
Who was taken down by a guy with a laser pointer.
Goku base form would lose
Goku kaioken (all of them) would lose
Goku ssj would lose
Goku ssj2 would last a damn long time, but would still lose
Goku ssj3 would barely lose, but probably because of lack of energy. If he could sustain ssj3 somehow, like if they were fighting in otherworld, he would probably win
ssjr/ssjb Goku would most lkely win since he is basically blessed by Beerus, who , lets face it is the one of the most overpowered (excluding the omni king) character in dbz and anime.
Vegito base would lose
Super Vegito would would win
Any Gogeta would win
and last but not least, ssj4 would beat the everliving fuck out of superman.
The bait is strong, indeed, but Doomsday would get handled by SSGSS Goku and there's nothing he could do about it. And since Goku won't kill him if he doesn't have to, the most likely outcome is that Doomsday gets housebroken, promptly does a heel-face ala Vegita and Piccolo, and pretty soon is sidelining with Krillin like a good bitch.
Striking power =/= resting/suppressed power.
Irrelevant if he can't withstand one laser blast.
lel none of your fags can beat this fella
Dubs of truth
not a fan of that shit, but isnt superman killed by kriptonite? a fucking rock to the head can kill your gay superhero
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Fuck off Reyes makes Blaze look like a giant faggot
You have obviously not heard of the vacuum in space.
The fist bump shows this person has never watched Dragonball ever
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