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How did we fuck this election up so badly, America? Trumpfaggots

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Thread replies: 183
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How did we fuck this election up so badly, America?

Trumpfaggots need not reply.
Because your pic didn't get a chance to run against the Republican, faggot.
get of /b/ you libtard
/b/ is not your echo chamber. /b/ does not hold any unified opinions about anything.
Running a Bush vs a Clinton was never gonna work out.
30% of Bernie fags absolutely refused to vote for Hillary

They wouldn't have voted for him even if Debbie Wasserman Schultz candy Bernie's ass and kissed it daily
except holding the unanimous opinion that your mom is a whore... but i guess it doesn't matter when that opinion is also unanimous across all population groups.
Quite simple really, the US Primary system showed it's flaws in both parties, but with the opposite problems.

Democrats had a system where the party leaders could pick a candidate (via superdelegates) regardless of popular vote. Hilary abused this as we all know.

The GOP had the opposite problem, with a purely popular vote system, the party was not able to block trump from getting the nomination. As a result, he walked out with a minority majority with the other candidates in the primary splitting the vote. As we know this pisses a great deal of people off in the GOP who didn't want trump to get the nomination.

Intersting that both candidates abused the opposite problems in their respective party.
I fall into this category. I didn't vote Clinton or Trump but would've gladly voted for the one candidate who, despite some of his more retarded policy objectives, seemed like he actually had the best interest of the country in mind.
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Underestimating the growing number of people who absolutely despise Hillary Clinton

This guy gets it.
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i voted hillary and wouldve voted bernie but lets understand bernie is not the great leader this country leaves and he wasnt that smart.

bernie was okay but he still wanted to let the owners ruin the country, just pay a little more.

we need a leader that understands that capitalism is an awful system and wont pussy around saying so outright.

if we cant get a flatout socialist then we need someone with a better understanding of taces and economic issues than bernie. bernie wanted to tax businesses. you dont tax businesses you need to tax the owners

if i cant get a socialist then i want someone AT LEAST pushing for
>tax inheritance over 100k at 90%
>tax income over 300k at 90%
>eliminate capital gains and classify it as income because thats what it is
>tax the fuck out of wall street trading

i also want someone whos going to put together a legal team and persecute all the big owners on tax evasion. the ebidence is there, we just need someone who isnt a pussy

if you want to be an owner, banker, or investor who doesnt work then youre not getting obscenely rich
>Implying Bernie was the answer

How the fuck was he going to pay for any of the shit he was promising? Not only that but #Feelthebern victims got fucked.

What's he doing now? He's going on talk shows to promote his new book. I guess 2 summer houses and a luxury sports car wasn't enough.

People who think socialist countries are such a paradise need to actually go to them. Let me know how Canada is when you actually live there.

Nothing is free. You think free healthcare could be a reality? Someone would be paying for it. Who do you think that would be, huh? There'd be increased taxes out the ass. People in America on this Bernie train need a fucking reality check.
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I like Bernie more than you do but I also like you.
not voting for the main 2 contenders is a vote for the winner. this time it was trump. thanks dumbfuck
>capitalism is an awful system
Spoken like a true lazy person. You know who loves capitalism? Hard workers.

Only lazy welfare leeching socialist loving fucktards think capitalism is evil.

Capitalism is the world's way of separating the lazy from the determined.
You all Fucking pseudointelectuals with this same Fucking shit over and over again

Trump won because he has the balls to speak

Believe it ir not people are tiered of so Fucking much cuckholdry political correctness and gay shit, my argument does not sound smart at like al of your pretentiously shit but its pretty much true

Deal with it
Ps soy mejicano
bernie kept memeing the income inequality but didnt have real solutions. he needed to educate the public on how capitalism ruins the country to eliminate fear of the word socialism and help people understand how fucked they get
Well, you would know...I always wondered why you're obsessed with fucking old wrinkled dred up whores. Smh, you nasty fuck!
Yeah but then he wouldn't have had any chance at all. America isn't ready for that much truth tbh.
You let the Lizard Queen dictate terms. Real democracies don't do that.
You fucked up by having the wrong ideals. Isn't it obvious?
Trump won with the electorate because Hillary didn't offer them anything. No one knows her plans or policies, all we know about her is that she appeals to women who want to see a female president and people who hate Trump.

People wanted something different in the white house other than yet another paid for politician.

Besides, why the fuck are you all ass-mad about it? What's going to change in your day to day lives? I didn't vote Trump or Hillary but I don't get why people care so much. What exactly is going to happen to you? Nothing.
You didn't fuck up just America, you fucked the whole world.
Nice logic, professor.
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>You know who loves capitalism? Hard workers.
I really wish basic economics was mandatory in all schools and mandatory earlier. Sadly, most people like you can drop out at 16 before your senior year and never even step foot into an economics classroom. Not to mention the rest of the classes you miss out on that help build your critical thinking skills.

The American education system is a joke and Bernie would fuck it up further with his inability to comprehend basic economics.
B-b-but anon, a vote for a third party is a vote for whoever I didn't vote for, don'tcha know? Stop voting for the candidates I didn't vote for!
Yeah I know. On behalf of the apparent minority of Americans who aren't retarded, I apologize. I truly sincerely am sorry.
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pretty much this
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>pic related, screencapped from another thread.
you have no idea ehat capitalism is then. capitalism is all about owners. if you have money (which you didnt work for, big owners all inherited it or scammed for it), you shove the money someehere, workers do the work and you profit off their work.

socialism is worker centric. the workers get paid for the work you do. you want more money? do more work.

you dont need welfare in socialism. i am not a big fan of welfare but capitalism desperately demands welfare. under socialism, we could offer real opportunities for people to get paid to get educated. no one would have an excuse to not get educated and work. then we could truly let the leeches die.

>socialists be so stupid cuz i say so
great argument.

hey remember the 40s 50s and 60s of economic prosperity? remember what kind of taxes we had?
Hard workers...Jesus Christ. Thieves can work their assessment off, but being a hard worker doesn't justify their actions. Typical Cocksucker Mentality: I earned this fair and square.
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fucking hillary ruined everything
how can a candidate be so terrible?
This is bullshit, the only way you get ahead in capitalism is by competing and destroying others. It's not hard workers who love capitalism it is the predatory lizard people who love capitalism
Those people should have worked harder to be born white LOL
I don't think his mum is a whore
Please kill yourself.
>A board full of NEETs support socialism and benefits

Gee, who would have thought?
Thanks anon, I'll tell her you said so. :^)
im an electrician and a socialist. feel free to post anything substantial and i'll respond to it.
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My grandparents were white,
one grandfather worked as farmer and the other in ironworks.
Both were socialists i.e. hated capitalism
What country are you/they from? Fellow socialist here, just curious.
because you play into identity politics and call people racist/sexist/bigot/homophobes when they're not, and ppl get fed up

or you refuse to acknowledge rural America/the working class as real people

or leftist ideology is just plain shitty and the policies never work :-)
because faggots like you who think silencing half the population cause they don't wanna hear what the people have a problem with.
we are the 99 faggot
Makes sense. I'm American, and was guessing you were European. There were very few socialists here back then.
Except social security and single payer healthcare around the globe, but aside from those leftist policies NEVER work
And even fewer after McCarthyism
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you're delusional if you think the wealthy will pay 90% tax on anything. businesses will disappear so fast it will make your head spin, the wealthy will simply keep their deposits offshore.


please consider investing a few hours of your time and educating yourself by watching the video above.
the lefts policy benefits the working class. rural america are not workers, theyve been on welfare for 20years.

they were at one time manual laborers. the left has offered them relocation and retraining and they dont want it. the left has reached out repeatedly to rural america. rural america doesnt want solutions and they dont want the country to progress.

they want to go back to the 70s where their dumb inskilled ass made bank tinkering in a factory. they want minorities gone, they want all these uppity women to be subserviant, they want to be rewarded for being uneducated slugs.

trump did not offer them anything real, only words that pandered to their retardation.

which is why i said, go after the offshore faggots for tax evasion. either they pay the taxes or they get jailed. they are free to leave as their businesses are overseas anyway. there is no benefit to keeping them here, they are moochers.
Holy shit dude, you and me both
He would have been worse.
The democratic party fucked up by fronting clinton despite the voters saying no.
look its mr. knowitall.
Basic problem is that we income and job disparity to grow so large that a disproportionate number of well educated high income people have moved to a small number of cities. Since the election is district based rather than a pure democratic election, this meant that the better of the two candidates which was chosen by a large majority still lost the district based election, and so the minority candidate won. The minority candidate, unsurprisingly, favors policies that will be destructive on the whole, but just might favor his constituents which would hopefully lead to a rebalancing of the country's population, which might bring the electoral systems back in like with democratic ideals. Or, you know, he could screw up the whole thing and then we'll all get flushed.
sure kid. lets start with bill and hill.
Spent their time pandering niggers and spics, calling men evil, and then expected white guilt to carry them. Can't win an election with minority votes, who could have guessed.
Do people find this funny?

It's just a list of memes... I... I don't...
>shit can get seriously fucked up real fucking fast.
Quads checkum
> Hilary abused this as we all know.
Even if Bernie got every single superdelegate, Hillary still would have won the nomination. Bernie got 3 million less votes.
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>tax inheritance over 100k at 90%
So literally anyone who owns any amount of property, including the working poor, middle class, and virtually every single small business and farm deserves to get assraped by the government. This would destroy every single family owned business in america and make most of america homeless

You're either a moron, someone who lives in a shitty apartment, someone still living with their parents and doesn't actually own anything, or all three.
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B-but how else will we give niggers free shit?!?
>get assraped by govt
the fact you frame it like this shows you aren't ready for discussion, but i'll try it anyway.

inheritance only makes unfairness worse. inheritance is unearned money. getting an inheritance because of which vagina you fell out of is not a fair system. you should have to earn your money not be born into it. you should have to earn opportunities not be born into them. keeping wealth in families keeps others from being able to work for the wealth. 100k is plenty for anyone.

>family owned

understand that owners do not work. the managers manage, the researchers research, the workers work. the owners are only good for making sure they make a profit and providing original money (capital)

the same business can run without an owner to suck up profits. the profits can go back to the workers, into costs, and the rest back to where society needs it.

no one is attacking any families. no one deserves jobs, careers, money, opportunity bc of their last name. workers should get paid for the work they do regardless of bloodtype

your dad owning something has nothing to do with you.
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Sadly there are people who actually think that. People who don't consider how many hundreds of thousands of dollars an average small business is worth, how many millions of dollars can go into land, equipment, buildings to run a farm.

These are the morons who'd rather sit on their asses and get a government check because it's "unfair" to the poor niggers in Detroit who can't seem to get a job. I'm willing to bet that at least 99% of all the faggots posting on /b/ have never worked a real job in their lives or hold any responsibility.
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>you should have to earn your money

AGREE, all this social welfare freebies have to cease. Earn your way, or lose your right to vote.
Exist as a ward of the stat Native American style.
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inheritance is not earning your money.

socialism is not welfare. welfare exists because of the unfairness capitalism creates. if you provided fair opportunities to people under socialism, you can eliminate welfare since people have a real opportunity to educate and get trained to work.
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>your dad owning something has nothing to do with you

Spoken like a neo-commie punk who has nothing, no father even. Go out and earn some,
gain some shit you treasure, and then you can donate it to the gov if you want. Fuck off.


If Trump supporters didn't reply your thread would die.

There are like 2 Libtards on this entire board
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>inheritance only makes unfairness worse. inheritance is unearned money. getting an inheritance because of which vagina you fell out of is not a fair system. you should have to earn your money not be born into it. you should have to earn opportunities not be born into them. keeping wealth in families keeps others from being able to work for the wealth. 100k is plenty for anyone.
So you believe that the government should strip a family of their farm that they have worked on for literally hundreds of years because "it's unfair" and if they don't want the government to strip it from them they should come up with $7 million or $8 million to pay the government. Because as you know every dairy farmer or corn farmer are all multimillionaires who don't have all of their money invested into their property and their livelyhoods.
>understand that owners do not work. the managers manage, the researchers research, the workers work. the owners are only good for making sure they make a profit and providing original money (capital)
This is how I know you've never worked a single god damn day in your entire life. If I open a small store in any average city it will cost upwards of over a million dollars to purchase the property, either build or refurnish my place of business, buying everything needed to run that business, having money on hand to pay the employees. If I own a small deli for instance I'm not going to be smoking cigars in the back office while I gloat about how little I pay my workers, I'm probably going to be slicing fucking salami, just like if I run a farm I'm probably going to be milking some cows or getting into my tractor and fucking plowing.

You literally have no idea how the world works because I know for a fact you've never held a job, actually talked to anyone who owns a business, and desperately just want free shit from the government. Your idea would literally destroy every single business in America. In short, you're a socialist.
This is a false statement.
>unfairness capitalism creates

Fuck off to a communist country, we are not falling for that BS.
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nope. the government should not be in the business of deciding how much money is "plenty" for any individual. people should have the right to earn money, and either spend it, invest it, or leave it for their family as they see fit. if you have enough money to leave behind to provide a comfortable life for your survivors, then you should have the right to do so. it is no business of the government to impose an excise tax intended appropriate this money for its own purposes.

your family earning money and distributing these earnings to surviving generations has nothing to do with the government.
identity politics mostly
Care to explain why you have a right to my property?

You are a thief. Period.

You need to stop believing "theory" in regards to Socialism and read a fucking history book.

It's always the same shit. Thus time it'll work because we care more.

Capitalism is moral. Mutual benefit.

Socialism is immoral. Theft.

Liberty > Equality

Liberty uber alles.
Liberty is fine when it isn't outweighed by other more important concerns, of which there are many.
>this is what retards actually believe
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>nothing of substance was said
typical capitalist

you did nothing to deserve your family's farm. you didnt earn it.

owners do not work, they own. your family farm has workers and managers who deserve to be able to earn the wealth you hoard.

you act as tho the govt is attacking you. no one is attacking you. you are not stripped of anything you earned.

if you own a salami shop, you are going to pay people to cut the salami and manage. if you are a tiny, tiny business you might manage. in that case, you can still be a manager under socialism. socialism does not prevent you from working.

your family did nothing to earn the money, samefag. no one deserves money or opportunity bc your dad had some. that is not working for money.

the more wealth you hoard, the less wealth there is for people to work for.
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can you explain why your kid has a right to your property?

once you own your property it is yours. it is not your kid's. its not hard to understand. you made use of society to earn your car. now it goes back to society. if your kid wants to earn money and own the same property you had, that is fine. but inheritance is not working.

"liberty" when you hoard wealth, you are taking the liberty away from others to work for that wealth.
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>you did nothing to deserve your family's farm. you didnt earn it.
Except by working on it since I was 6? I thought you were fond of the notion of the workers having claim to the means of production? Or does that only count when you yourself don't have to produce anything and can just play video games while the government supports your lifestyle?
>owners do not work, they own.
Yes they do, every single day. The fact that you believe that every business owner is some evil caricature of a 1920's capitalist tells me you're a moron. The fact that you believe that someone who owns a business which barely breaks even has the luxury of not working at their business tells me you're a moron.
> your family farm has workers and managers who deserve to be able to earn the wealth you hoard.
You mean three people, My father, me, and my uncle. All of which work on a farm worth around $300,000. If you actually had some live experience you might know how little $100k actually is.

You're either trolling or just providing additional proof that socialists are retards.
Because you all ran a lying,corrupt beotch
I wish I had the privilege of considering $100k a small amount of money tbh.
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if you want to work on a farm, feel free to do so. socialism does not prevent that.

you think that milking some cows at 6 years old gives you ownership rights?

if you wanna work at 6 ok i guess. you can get compensated for the work you do. not more, not less.

under socialism, you would not need to work at 6 as education and other activities would be available.

you think every owner works in a tiny little shop with only 1 other employee. thats true of a tiny tiny tiny percentage of businesses. again, any work they do can be fairly compensated under socialism.

how many people in your family own the farm and how much it is worth is completely irrelevant. any work they do will be compensated under socialism.
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>fuck this election up so badly
I don't see how it was fucked up. The childish response from the losing side proved America dodged a gigantic bullet.

We don't want Islam, and we are sick of the new breed of feminism. Hillary embodied both.

We plan on keeping Trump.

Thanks .
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How much do you think the average house is worth in america? It's $188K, which according to your dreamland economic ideas would mean the average person would need to pay 169.2K upfront when their parents died, never mind the fact that their parents payed that house off over 30+ years with a mortgage.

I'd recommend you stop posting because you're only proving how stupid and ignorant you actually are.
>your family did nothing to earn the money, samefag. no one deserves money or opportunity bc your dad had some. that is not working for money.

jesus christ you are dense. it's every person's right to earn money and save it, invest it, or leave it for their survivors as they see fit. as long as you aren't doing anything illegal, it's nobody's business what you do with it. if you have enough to leave for your children when you die, then you should have the right to do so. it's not the government's fucking business to step in and reclaim your money when you die.

>the more wealth you hoard, the less wealth there is for people to work for.

you and all your commiefag friends, have a severe deficiency in your understanding of the world around you. sustainable economic growth is built on savings not spending. savings ("hoarding" as you call it) in the form of bank deposits are reinvested directly into the economy in the form of consumer and business loans via fractional reserve banking. this creates growth, opportunity and jobs and is the true engine of a productive economy. so the more wealth accumulated in savings, means there are more investments and jobs created in the economy - not less.
that's a bad fucking shoop
We are unified in the belief that you are indeed a massive faggot
The reason we fucked up is the same reason you can't seem to understand and refuse to listen to "Trumpfaggots"
you think that getting wealth bc your parents worked is fair. you are saying do not compensate individuals according to the work they do. you think hoarding wealth instead of distributing wealth according to work is fine.

you are the problem with america and you are not ready for conversation.
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Get over it already faggot
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Praise Kek
Wow those are strong words for a 13years old
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>hey remember the 40s 50s and 60s of economic prosperity? remember what kind of taxes we had?

Tax loopholes - no wealthy people actually paid those high tax rates.

Swing.... and miss.
Hey, it`s nothing a little K-Y his and hers won`t take care of, and who knows it may be the ride of your life
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bank loans do not create jobs or growth. demand creates jobs and growth. bank loans is how the system currently responds to demand.

your level of economic understanding is very small pictured. all you did was explain what is currently supposed to happen, you did not explain actual economics. capitalism is one method of economics. it is unfair and doomed to wealth inequality which is destroying america.
there are a lot of other issues. hillary had been campaining since 08. she had ground work in a lot of states that bernie was in for maybe only a month. name recognition. the fact that most democrats viewed hillary as the establishment pick got her a lot of votes. I think if both were given equal opportunity people would have picked bernie. finger on the scales and such.
I heart liberal tears
This guy gets it.
calling people "wasn't smart" with spelling like that..
Piss pour understanding of the taxation system..

You should put the pipe down for a minute and just google whats actually involved with running a business.. You live in a imaginary snowflake world
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I wonder if 4chan's natural contrarianism will cause it to drift from the distant right now that the GOP's in power?
do you have anything of substance to say?
If history is any guide for what to expect, yes. It was pretty liberal around here during the Bush administration.
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bank deposits are loaned out by banks to consumers and businesses. when starbucks ("the office" to many of your commiefag friends) wants to open a new location, they take out a bank loan to fund the construction, and provide an initial float for hiring staff and funding operations. when someone (not you) gets a job they often want to invest in a reliable means of transportation such as a new car to ensure they can get to work on time. again, a bank loan is the easiest way to purchase a new car to accomplish this.

when there are no deposits, banks have fewer funds available to loan out to consumers and businesses. when banks have a surplus of deposits, they invest them by loaning money out thus creating jobs, opportunity and sustainable economic growth.
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im a socialist not communist. i dont drink coffee

yes, that is correct. you are describing capitalism, correct. i am not saying what you are saying is incorrect. capitalism is one system. and the system is flawed.

under socialism, if a new coffee shop is in demand, the coffee shop can still be funded and constructed. the profits just wont go to the owner/banker/investor, they go back into society. the profits here can be used to produce business over there.

the reason socialism handles that scenario better is it is not dependent on a bank or owner profiting. it is not reliant on inheritance and wealth hoarding. it distributes wealth into society so workers can earn it.
>Socialism is immoral

Who paid for your public school education?
Who paid for your publicly maintained roads and highways?

The USA has a hybrid socialist/capitalist infrastructure and economy. Infrastructure tends to be socialist; manufacturing and services tends to be capitalist.

This system is a lot better than the laisse-faire capitalism that reigns in the latter part of the 19th c. It was awful; people rebelled against it. And the USA is economically a lot better off with it.Some capitalism is good. Too much is bad.
This man is an idiot, socialism has failed all over the world. You are just a young white pussy who doesn't know how the world works.
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>Saw on the news yesterday that Trump was meeting with a lobbyist group that wants to privatize the VA

Fuck, my mom's a veteran. She's gonna lose her shit.
a lot of europe is socialized right now. it is not failing.
Capitalism is not destroying America, and neither is Socialism as most of you nitwit faggots think in this thread, Globalization is what is destroying America. If you can not compete with the slave labor of third world countries you are doomed to become one. All of the off shoring of jobs was to maximize profits, and those that are left are investing heavily in Lean Management to maximize what they can get here because they simply can not afford to make the move off shore yet. The economic conditions and debt problem at the governmental and personal level was created by the loss of the middle class tax base, and the later caused by fractal banking, ya know only printing enough money for the principle balance on the loans provided and then playing musical chairs to see who is going to go bankrupt because there was never enough monies printed to repay all of the interest. it is a viscous cycle that will not stop til we are in the grips of another great depression, not only in this country but world wide.
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private profit is needed to provide incentive for ongoing investment and efficient operations. profits are reinvested and provide sustainable economic growth, the real foundation on which America was built - the greatest economy in the world with a standard of living second to none. without profit incentive, you are relying on centralized government planning which is vastly less efficient (name one efficient government agency...) and less responsive to local needs.

At any rate, we have a crony capitalist system in the USA, nothing even close to a true capitalist system. In fact, with the mountains of regulations and taxes currently in existence, there is probably more capitalism in communist China than there is in America today.
it was inevitable.
when you look at the bigger picture and see the wave of nationalist movements sweeping through the European continent. It was only a matter of time until it washed up on our shore, first as the Tea Party which eventually morphed into an outright Nationalist insurgency that tore right through a weakened Republican Party and also a weak US Government.
Hillary ran a textbook campaign that was on point but it was never going to be enough. Her rag tag coalitions of various minorities was matched by Trump's constant 24-hour media cycle wins. America has a short-term memory best exemplified by 5-second vine videos and 140 character tweets. Clinton's campaign just couldn't respond fast enough as a large unruly monolith when compared to Trump's literal one-man army. Outmaneuvered. Outplayed. But it was a squeaker though.
But it was the same old same old in the end, Democrats losing even when they win. In the end America got the President it deserved, not the one it wanted. I can see how Trump can be viewed as the President we need. 2 steps back, to make a giant leap forward. Whether that happens as early as 2020 remains to be seen.
the federal reserve needs to stop printing money period. we are in the middle of an insane asset bubble which is giving people a false sense of wealth. Government inflation measures such as CPI have been repeatedly changed to understate inflation. Likewise, methods of measuring employment have been changed to hide unemployment..

The government can only keep printing money hoping to stave off complete disaster. The last tool they have... really is just psychology. The Fed is desperately trying to convince the public that the new inflation is a new "normal" and is a good thing.

The US can hardly afford to pay the interest alone on the national debt. Federal Reserve interest rate controls are effectively broken and stuck at or near zero for many years now. Inevitably, the rest of the world will realize we have no choice but to default on our obligations.

Once other countries decide to stop using the US dollar as their reserve currency, it's game over. If the rest of the world stops buying our bonds, it's game over. If the US government stops printing money (the only thing propping up our fake economy), it's game over.

The cumulative effect of economic stimulus is murder. A recession is needed to allow the economy to cure inefficiencies and return to equilibrium. We need the Federal Reserve to stop printing money and allow interest rates to naturally rise. Rising rates will discourage reckless borrowing and spending, and encourage savings and capital investments. There is a lot of short term pain down the road to curing the economy....
get over it... trump won.
now get a job and go to work like the rest of us
or leave w/e
stop complaining you libtard pussy
I gotta ask,
is this really what college teaches you fucking morons about economics, capitalism, socialism, globalization, and fractal banking?
cause if you paid money for the bullshit knowledge being thrown around in this thread , you got ripped off and should demand your money refunded.
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my friends are mostly college graduates and can even give me a good reason why theyre democraps. "but but... muh professor said so"
>voting for a kike
interesting statement
now realize that the real national debt in this country including unfunded liabilities is closer to or above 100 trillion and a default on the debt is inevitable.
>there is a lot of short term pain down the road to curing the economy.......
try this
it is not going to be short term, it is going to be generations to fix this fucking mess that started with Reaganomics.
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globalization is not the problem.

the problem is that we have a bunch of unkillled workers that got fucked from owners moving overseas and leaving them to eat dust. our middle class was unskilled while the world is demanding more skills.

moving from unskilled to skilled labor is good for america and its good for the globe.

what socialism couldve done that capitalism didnt if offer the recently laid off training or education. once an owner fires you, youre on your own. socialism couldve funded training and businesses in the rust belt.

bringing back unskilled labor is bad for the economy and bad for society.

you just described capitalism again.

the govt is not a bad system. the wrong people are in the government. how do you get the right people in the govt? you implement accountability programs for govt agents. there are plenty of people in this country who would work to ensure fairness in a socialistic system. i know the govt is filled with assholes like the clintons. no need to tell me.

regulations are generally a good thing. if you dont think so, consider the unregulated insurance business pre obama. you just need to make sure the regulations are sensible.

where did you get that the standard of living is so high? europeans are pretty satisfied over there.
Bad education.
Ding ding ding... Think we've got the winner here.
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Nope, this problem started long before Reagan. We ushered in the modern Age of Inflation when we reneged on the Bretton Woods agreement and got off the gold standard. Both parties are equally complicit in building our current $20 trillion national debt.

Instead of continuously printing money in a doomed effort to prevent a recession, we need to allow a recession now in order to give the economy a chance to cure its inefficiencies and return to natural equilibrium. The Federal Reserve needs to stop printing money and allow interest rates to naturally rise, this will cause a lot of short term pain BUT it will discourage borrowing and spending, and it will encourage savings and long term capital investment. Refer to the Fed Reserve under the Volcker years for a similar situation and correct actions that need to be taken.

To those who actually want to learn more: Watch "Money for Nothing" on Netflix. It's a sober, unbiase, NON-hollywood look at the crisis and it's packed full of interviews with those who are DIRECTLY involved with this problem.
You thought you could whine and protest into the oval office, WHOOOOPS.
Because people fell for a bunch of red herrings like deleted emails and Benghazi
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He wasn't dank enough.
if inheritance was taxed we wouldn't have inheritance. they would spend all the money and boost the economy rather than pass down a bunch of money that keeps making more money

this is why we have donald trump
source FBI crime database, look it up it yourselves you lazy whinny millennial libtard cunts.
~70% of the Trump protesters arrested from before AND after the election were not and or did not vote.
Go cry about that together.
You`re fucking blind are you not?
Not one fucking clue what is going on or even how to fix it. I guess those millions of people who are considered unskilled laborers should just starve to death, huh?
yep. thats what happened in the 40s 50s 60s. inheritance taxes and high income taxes. forced money back into the economy.

a lot of times owners would donate money to charities. then we could monitor the charities and get them on corruption. or they use the money properly.
did you read what i said? i said we can offer them training and education. the opportunity to earn moneyv at the same time, expanding skilled businesses in their areas.
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this was the age of tax loopholes, no wealthy people actually paid those higher tax rates.
we already offer them training and education, you moron. Where has that gotten us when there simply is not enough jobs to go around that pay a fucking living wage?
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i'm not going to do the research for you - it's easy to google... look what happened to the subsequent tax rates when the larger loopholes were closed.
They missed the 1970`s, and obviously you never earned a pay check back then or you would not be asking for proof
It all started with TV really...
If you didn't watch nightly news you were labeled as an uneducated dolt.
They made politics harder to follow and TV glorified the non-issues...
Politics became "rude" to discuss.
All the while, sly businessmen made their way into administrations.
Now we have the very thing Americans have died fighting wars against...
Our government has officially been taken over by crony businessmen.
>But come on guys, at least it isn't socialism. AMIRITE???
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and that is an argument against socialism how?

the unskilled workers got fucked in the capitalist system. the owners dumped them.

oh okay. because thats just the way it was. great evidence.

remember the gangsters back then? the ones we caught by tax evasion? the assholes paid their taxes and if they didnt, we prosecuted them.

grab a history book mate, read up.
or it could be that the left ignored its own biases, sexism, and racism; and told anyone who got dicked over by racist liberal policies that they were bigots if they pointed out these inequalities, and that they should shut up bc of their privilege

but your theory is good too
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Because america is full of republican retards
Yes and your little theory is what the alt-reich tells them self to reassure their faith in voting in cronies.
The loopholes let them pay around 60% instead of around 90% which is still much higher than today.
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This is now an Ironic Meme thread.
Get off your lazy ass and out of your mom`s basement and find your own evidence, it`s all there all you have to do is pay attention to the details and stop running for your safe place when you see something you don`t like.
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The epic collapse of the wicked Zionist Jew has come to a head. Thousands of years of social and cultural manipulation all coming to destruction, how does it make you feel you ridiculous Schlomo?
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The USSR was such a success!
Who the hell said I was arguing against Socialism, or capitalism?
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How's Greece doing? Ireland? Spain?
America is just plain full of brain washed retards, I`ll be moving North shortly.
>implying your god emperor isn't a Rothschild sock puppet
ah yes, a capitalists white flag: do your own research!!!

"you proved me wrong now go do some research"

again. too immature to give up your emotional attachment in the face of rational discussion. you arent ready for discussion yet.
We don't need Astronaut Cock & Snoopy the Fuckdog moving to Canada, thanks.
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still ya mom though.
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Libtards just love to cry when they don't get their way.

Democrats have forsaken the working class in favor of identity politics
What liberal ideas were racist or biased exactly?
Was it affordable healthcare?
Affordable public education?

The poor have been dicked over by poor capitalism... Shipping jobs over seas and stagnating wages is the result of there always being a cheaper option. Not to mention dodging taxes and starving social programs until they fail....

Instead of actually defending a shit show the right just cried they were being picked on and called names.
Typical libatard rehtoric, "prove it" when you damn well know by the time I get back with the links, the thread will be dead, and your coloring book will be used up and your play-doh dried out, so have fun in your safe place cuck fag.
Sorry mate I guess the skank hoe Rosie O`donnel is enough then?
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The USSR used the same propaganda America did... They both called it socialism.

It was a ruthless dictatorship where Stalin hired his cronies into positions of power over businesses, for their own gain, in which they had no real experience in managing.
Just like all the other poor examples that the US loves to point at, like Venezuela.
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Any informed Bernie ssupporter knew he would raise taxes.

We arent deathly afraid of more taxes, so long as there are clear benefits from them.
Dems are corrupt as hell and fucked over Berniefrom the very beginning in order to promote their Wall Street whore of a chosen one. The GOP is so out of touch with the voter base that all their mainstream candidates got btfo by a narcissistic buffoon.

Both sides should be ashamed.

/and thread
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