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continuing from >>605983479

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 306
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continuing from >>605983479

let's do this
archived thread
bump for based swede
Based Anton

Viking rage activate.
adreanon must live
reporting in.
>Bro. I messaged Johanna that I want to fuck her and Tob is coming to Täby
>He said he is coming to kill me
<call me
>Can't. I must something
<What? Take a taxi to my place. If Tobbe come comes, I'll fuck him up.
come on OP put go pro
fuck his shit up
post results
Please get a video of it.
this is why i want to move to sweden
Based Anton
>Based anon
I expect to see based Anton become the new standard
Godspeed ahead:D
>Can't, I must show this to the world.
Game still on while waiting for results?


Godspeed based Anton.
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Fucking /b/ man.
get a video OP or I'll come to sweden and fuk ur shit
Swedefags confirmed not pussies
guess the game is still on.
Har Anton några matcher på youtube man kan kolla, OP?

>top kek
God Speed based Anton
lol iOS5.
post moar pics of hot cousin
Also, if anyone else rolls dubs, we still expect you to deliver female relative 'Why haven't we fucked?' text shenanigans. Just because Based Andreas is keeping us all entertained doesn't mean you're off the fucking hook.

Trips means dick pic as well if I remember correctly.

Quads was three relatives, maybe.

I like this. My name is Antonymous.
two, not three.
yea come on feggits

dubs get

Quads was two relatives.
>post moar
He didn't post any pic ...

You have a text message to send nigga.
You retards know that it's probably staged, right?
But you want to meme and spout "BASED XDDDDDD"
we are antonymous

we never forget, we never forgive
>We are Antonymous.
>We are legion.
We're all imaginary guys, is there a need for this?
Is OP kill?

There was one at the end of the thread. Some detective found him from the data he had gotten and found Bikini FB pick of the girl
come one dude, dont kill the fun.
Ty for correction. So it's:

Dubs get: Text "Why haven't we fucked?" to female relative.

Trips get: Send text + Dick pic to female relative.

Quads: Send text (+Dick pic?) to two female relatives.
>We do not forgive
>We hide at our friend's place that has been doing MMA for ten years though.
did OP get fukes ?
fantaseas want fun and cousinfucking too, anon.

All hail Antonymous! Our glorious Hero.
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This is our hero!

facebook /andreas.ruthberg
Yes, it was text + dick pic to 2 female relatives in case of quedz.
OP is not kill. He is merely Antonymous like you and I
And we're back! Let's go Andreas!
Not confirmed yet, though.
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It most likely is, everyone knows this but it's more fun to belief in the possibilty that it is real.

I like this man. He looks like a cool man.

Cheerz to Antonymous!
If quads, will send dick pick to everyone in family, including dad.
Swedish Boba Fett is love and also life
OP summon thee for update
So if antonym = word that is the opposite of another word. What kind of group is "antonymous" then?


There must be hundred thousands of andreas in Sweden.
Seems like you're the one who's going to be updating, Anon.
Do not question us for we are Antonymous
u fucked m8
Stand and deliver.
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I'm pretty curious on what is gonna op do when this guy comes over to fuck him up.

Help me Antony wan Kenobi

You are my only Kek.

No, but I looked for a friend named Anton that does fight-sports, and this guy has exactly that.

Also cross referenced with Johanna
That's not what it means newfag

Damn, fake or not I want the end of the story!
Correction, Anton
Fair enough. Fucking confirmed.
We need to get 6ints on this thread
fucking kek
/b/ is being genuinely funny tonight
Maximum overkek
I just wanna break this k
Yeah, but he mentioned the city he's in and that he has a cousin named Johanna whose boyfriend's name is Tobbe. That narrows it down a bit.
Do we have a lock on Tobbe?

I need to have fun toshoping semen all over his face with a 'Tobbe 'came' over to Anton's place. Too bad Johanna diddn't come too.'
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fuck this mobile
anon dafuq

you know how many antons, andreas and johannas there are in sweden? most common names ever.

we need to find an andreas in täby
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Check my 6ints it was pretty hard to get
this is so fucking edgy
im back i think cant really find net. Im outside antons home. translate please.
That's actually what "antonym" means. He was trying to be funny.
All I know is that you got dubs confirmed.
Go ahead and follow the path of based Antonymous.
We are now antonomous. Hex confirms

Get to work

Rollllllling. Antonymous is life
these hexes
He lives in Taby, dipshit.
He is our Swedish hero
Link to hexes?
Fucking translation?

Rule 34 of translation?
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antonymous is here dont know worry i got the 6ints
he doesnt have enough time hes got important shit to do
That's how this whole fucking thing came to be, retard.

>cocksucking whore
>what u gonna do now
>Anton is gonna fuck Tobbe hard
>Captain sissy. We called your entire family.
>why are you such a bitch? It's not my fault Tobbe can not fuck you good

my fucken sides
Is this you?
I have created a dank meme
rough translation
see you in an hour. then i'll fuck your girlfriends tits/melons
haha. titwank. what, too graphic for you?
antonymous cumming inTaby.
it's unnatural. You're my family.
Thing I care bitch? I'll fuck your titties tonight and your boyfriend in Taby
>You cucksucking whore. Damn take you between your legs
>hahaha. Hoe. what will you do now?
>Anton will fuck Tobbe hard
<shut up Sissy. We called the whole family.
>Why are you a bitch? Not my fault Tobbe cant fuck you good.

Noice. Anton and his buddy are reking everyone sohard

Wait. 'your entire family'.

She is not his family? Damnit. Was anon a faggot after all? I am dissapoint.
Fucking wrong.

Read this one
dubs get
I guess you're not going to fuck her.


I already did find him, you fucking mongoloid.
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Cousin, Anon. She was his cousin. So, she was his extended family.
ohhhh tru.
Dubs, send "why haven't we fucked yet" to your closest female family.
Post screen
jävla blatte, hoppas du åker på däng
So what's up? Based Antonymous is at 10 year MMA Anton's now what?
Is the Tobe really coming over?
How dare you say that in an Antonymous thread?

Backing you up.
I am not sure.

Her and the Tobbe faggot are too busy Sending insults over the phone.

Do not know what is going on atm.
Only the one anon updating. This is sad :(
Our fabled Swede, Andreas, has arrived at Based Anton's. They will fuck Tobbe up.
Many with dubs tho
Well, it seems like they live somewhere else, as Tobbe said "I'm coming to Taby" instead of "I'm coming to your place", implying he has to travel to get to the area. Give it time.
tar inte tobbe s skitsnack Andreas ! Han är bara en fitta fis
Guys I gotta sleep.
Make sure to archive everything.
I have what I could.
Let's make an Antonymous tribute thread tomorrow.
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Will do good sir. We will make Antonymous 4chan famous
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facebook /andreas.ruthberg

Fabled Hero. Found 2 women on his profile with the name Johanna. I'm guessing its the hot milf he sent the texts to.
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Im back. Update. Anton is on his way home. He met the prick and seems like crisis avoided. But the slut has to pay. What do you think?

translate: whats up?
i like what you are calm.
why dont you answer but you answer at texts?
when i get home you gonna tell me what exactly happened.

PS He doesnt know ive been posting these on the nets.
What should i do to the slut? she called my mother and cousins.
PS2. its late now in sweden

Godspeed Antonymous.

Good night, sweet Prince.
You can try going on both of them and searching up "Tobbe" on their friends to see which one is his cousin
First option found in the profile
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First Johanna
>facebook /andreas.ruthberg
He does have a Johanna and an Anton, however no Tobbe
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Second Johanna
Do you have nudes? If so, leak them to all close family and friends
Could be nickname for Tobias?

Give us her facebook.

That is all.

Tobbe is a nickname, you dolt.


Post fake ads on Craigslist or something, and invite niggers to fuck her!
Fair enough, but nevertheless his #TeamAnton lives in Thailand..
here is tobbe

holy shit. that baby has exactly the same eyes as the old lady holding her.
It says he's from Thailand. He goes to a swede school
I came in too late , story from last thread please?
Give us her fb. All will be paid for.

I have semi nudes at my PC. not there now.
I have not fb so i dont know hers. I would post name and last name but i think its overkill since i know you guys
>I came in too late , story from last thread please?
if you want to take the time its archived
OP. Go with Anton, egg her house, then toilet paper it.
You have any idea how many profiles are registered with that name?

Screencap of last thread? Story? plox
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My horrible Photoshop skills wish to contribute
post nudes, and name to get back at her. she tried to ruin ur life, and make your relatives hate you by calling them. and you just let that slide?
fuck her of course, what else?
I can accept that. We would probably ruin her. If you do plan on doing it when you access your computer next, post thread tomorrow or whenever
Send us a picture of yourself OP
Anton identify yourself.
>I have not fb

This, we need a true picture of antonymous
based anton
Antonymous inventor here, stamp of approval. Creative Commons that shit ASAP
I have no clue how to do this

We have made a mistake!!
There is one confused possibly non cousin-fucking Swede somewhere right now
It doesn't matter. I am proud that you made that. #JeSuisAntonymous
Antonymous is known for making snap judgments and very poor decisions.
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i died at the harry potter line
babys has blue girl has green, how is that the same?
that may be a thing
i wish i could. her boobs are delicious
nope. this shall stay in the anonym of 4chan
i dont know. you guys tend to go over the limit>>606005005
i admit i laughed my ass out when you find someone complitelly out of the picture.

UPDATE. Anton found Tobbe that acted like a little girl since Anton is a beast.
When i told him what happened he laughed his ass off. He still doesnt know i posted it on the internet.

Swedes that live in Täby and work out in SATS Täby C, you may have seen Anton the true bro.
Will update soon

Keking at extra confusion made in the process.

Good work /b/eautiful Antons.
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You better suck anton's cock, it's the least you can do for him saving your ass.
Good thing. Antonymous Anton will be a new staple here on /b/.
Since entertainment over... will the "most dangerous game" resume?
So who is Andres?
>Anton found Tobbe that acted like a little girl since Anton is a beast
Anton best bro. You mess with anon, you mess with Anton.

Well, our good friend rolled a dub again.

Different family relative.

You know what to do Andreas.
He is the fabled swede hero.
He's had enough. Anton's on recharge
ty based andreas
This is the birth of the saga of Based Antonymous and his companion, Andreanon the Witwanker.
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Praise Beast-Anton of #teamanton
Lord-Anton does not need to recharge.

Lord-Anton is Based.
So to get this straight, Andreas sent the "lets fuck" message to his cousin. Then the cousins BF (Tob) messaged Andreas and told him he was coming to beat his ass. That is when Anton comes into the picture and Andreas has Anton take a taxi to his place to interferre when Tobbe arrives. Tobbe sees Anton and his build and gets scared and takes off. ??? Andreas is an idiot and Anton is the hero? antonymous?
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So this is propably the last update from me.
I did take it over the edge one more time and send tobbe one last sms.
i hope Anton backs me up once more.
if not, whatever. i had lulz.
Swedish bros, translate. May the force be with us
Anton tells Andreas to take a cab to Anton's place while he interferes with Tobbe
Guess its time for part two.

Antonymous the Based and his sidekick, Andreanon the Witwanker, part two: Mommy's revenge.

I mean think about it, they already sent everything to your family. Might as well go balls to the wall.
fyfan vilken äcklig blattesvenska
Golden thread... it must be archived for posterity
What does it say? What does it say? The curiosity is killing me.
I think you're wrong here but who knows.. Lost in translation
I've been keeping it updated
along with the old thread
No, he's right. That's what happened.
i know Im taking this to far, but I want to say Im sorry


Im serious

ok, nvm

Im sorry you're such a pussy and you dont care about your gf pride over the fact that youre going to get your ass kicked
So the meme pic is not right one?
I just read both threads now damn well delivered Op!
Post the pic of Anton and you , you guys deserved to be the mains of Antonymous !

This meme need to grow!
> i know im pushing this over the edge but i want to apologize
>i mean it
< okay, nevermind
> im sorry you are such a pussy and doesnt care about your girlfriends pride, over the fact that you will get ur ass kicked
So how did Tobbe know how to go to Anton's place? He knew where Andreas lived not Anton..
He didn't. Anton went to Andreas's place to deal with Tobbe, and Andreas hung back at Anton's. Lurn 2 reed

I know I run this over the edge but I want to apologize

I mean it

ok. Forget it.

I'm sorry that you're such a pussy and you do not care about your girlfriend pride in the fact that you will get your ass kicked
>I know im going too far with this, but i will be *something*
>I mean it
>ok, forget it.
>I have the impression, that you are such a faggot and you dont care about your pussy's proudness, that the fact that you come to get your ass kicked.

This prob makes little sense, but i am Danish, not Swedish, so translation is kill.
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No one's slick as Anton
No one's quick as Anton
No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Anton's
For there's no man in town half as manly
Perfect, a pure paragon!
You can ask any Tobbe, Andreas or Stanley
And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on
Such much underrated post
>I know I drove this over the edge, and I want to apologise
>I mean it
>OK. Forget about it
>I'm sorry you're such a pussy and that you don't care about your girlfriends pride over the fact that you'll get your ass kicked
Anton met Tobbe somewhere either at Andreas' house or on the way there.
Somebody call Knowyourmeme
Team Antonymous Featuring:
Anonymous Duo : Based Andreas and Anton
Ass Whoping Dick whacking Ball Kicking
Cousin Pussy Stretching Tagteam !
Andreas just had to poke the bear again. Nice.

Anton pls. Pls.
Din bøgse

We know the names , should be easy to get them , lets go for it guys.
>inb4 Tobbe does a 180
>goes to Andreas' house
>Andreas locks door
>Flips Tobbe off through window
En eller anden /b/ror forklar mig på dansk hva fanden der er sket her..
Vs all the relatives and their Boyfriends.
Dere lærer vel engelsk i danmark også?
Suck a cock mothefucker and im gonna make a meme of that!
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Text one of your closest relatives, ''Why havent we banged?''
Sut min pæk.
Jo men er lige kommet til..så ved ikke hvad der er sket fra start
Start new thread now ? doxxing thread for Antonymous .
You can suck my cock.
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ok i swear. last update.
I think i dont care anymore.
Im a giver not a taker min bøgse ven ;)
OP , Keep based .
You can be hero of /b/ , we will make a meme out of this!
Er du fuldstændig retarderet homie, læs nu tråden. En svensk bro skrev "hvorfor har vi ikke kneppet endnu" til sin kusine. Hun blev sur, hendes kæreste (tobbe) tog mod OP for at banke ham, svenske anon (andreas) har en ven (Antonymous) der er lidt vildere end kæresten, og fik afvejret krisen.
Fuck svensk man!!! Fatter hat!!!
< must feel good to hide behind anton
> actually (it does)
< he wont always be there
> easy. thats what ur gf said last night
You idiots it's not Anton posting... antonymous makes no sense.you are reading Andreas conversations
Du er en svans, det er hvad du er.
> ;)
>pis ud af 4chan.
Danskere forstår ikke at være her...
Shots were fucking fired
doesnt mean anton isnt the based one you retard
we all know that .
Based Andresnon and Antonymous are both based.
But Anton saved the day... that's why he's the hero and Andreas is the sidekick
Anton is one bad ass motherfuckers hands down
shut the fuck up

we are anton
we are legion

how can you claim he is not anton
what the fuck do you know?
Sleep now newfag. get out of this thread , we all know that , we are here since old thread.
I just don't understand how one can be so cowardly. How does it feel hiding behind a friend? It can't feel good. Grow a pair of fucking nuts and take responsibility for your actions Pussy
>it must feel good to hide behind anton
>actually (?)
>he will not always be there
>that's what your gf said last night (nice)
Okay så Andreas kender ikke OP irl?

Album of slut wife... 102 images... for anyone interested
if you saw tobbe you would understand. Tobbe is a nickname for Thorbjörn meaning actually the bear of thor or meaning thunder. Yeah im still lurking faggots
Get the fuck out of here tobbe
Anton came to the rescue... Right.. What makes you think Andreas didn't tell all these people what was going on and they (everyone in texts) were collectively fooling you all. Silly anons
Nej sry, mente OP og Andreas er samme person.
#TeamAnton ftw
anon here more interested in Anton and Andreas here.
Your slut wife do not have a chance lol.
Most anon are faggots anyways,
translatorbro here, post more convos
Please post et billede af Tobbe? Jeg vil lige se, om jeg vil kunne tage ham.
Kom nu, Andreas.
Maybe he's not so muscular chill dude that's what you have friends for if their buff their gonna fight for you So relax smoke some weed or go eat McDonald's or something
Based anon just post some pic of Anton and You?
Not full face maybe half?
He deserved to become a meme of 4chan
>How does it feel hiding behind a friend?
Probably feels damn good, you Tobbe lover.
I would rather get my ass kicked 1,000 times with my pride than hide behind a friend once.
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Så jävla coolt.
Ni är coola, alla är coola.

LoL nope. Gå och reducera era testiklar ur det rektala området pls.
I'd rather just have friends.
Then you won't survive.
Good thing , one less idiot from the gene pool anyways.
Haha ok fedt nok... er der beviser ? Kunne være en faggot svensker der kedet sig med 2 telefoner
implying my friends arent an extension of me
yea dont know what i expected from /b/ when it comes to fighting
Go eat some McDonald's alright
Survival of the Fittest
These days to survive friends become important.
Thats why Cats become more and more Common and Tigers become extinct.
Cat choose to be friend of Men , Tigers makes enemies.
See which one surviving?
Natural selection for you prideanon , you can be pride and extinct .
han skulle knulla mig
sure u would
none does. every1 of has an Anton in his life.
Andreas, Tobben, Anton and the cousin all knew what was going on. Andreas told them about it and they sent him messages as if they didn't. They were all probably in on this and you fucking retards want to immortalize these guys without any real evidence or proof that any of this shit actually happened. Quick to throw your crowns.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
We know... we just choose to believe that it's real, better that way. Like Santa Claus. We know he's not real but we still love opening his presents.
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>If I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Tobbe, I would shoot Tobbe twice.
>han skulle knulla mig

aint no anton in my life, so i have to become anton for my friends
only sandniggers and pussies have to hide behind other people. Just a fistfight between 2 people and a handshake after is whats needed....unless you try to fuck someones cousin
Jealousy is strong with this one.
I know you fail at everything.
What is the cousin you are trying to fuck is yours... as in this scenario?
Nej tror den er god nok. Ellers har han taget røven på hele 4chan, hvilket vil være godt gået. Men intet er sikkert jo. Hihi.
Go fistfight with sandniggers then instead of relying on your army and polices.

knulla Danmark
Det her ! This motheefucking shit man.. U cant trust a fucking tard swede man
this jealous newfag didn't even read any thread i think.
He doesn't have good friend who will back him up.
Fuck You
Failure is far from reality, just like this made up stupid story. Dilusion is where you find comfort. Failure is where you find your fate
Not OP.
this is my answer.
Ok dit hihi gør mig tvivl.. Har du en tissekone?
Don't you all know, Europeans aren't to be trusted... Especially those of Viking blood.
just get out and get some good friends pls.
I live in Sweden so we have the sandniggers coming and coming...I have fought a few but then they always fight in groups... How fun is that ?
I've read the thread
Vs warmongering americunts with a monkey leader?

I would pick Europeans anytime.
I live in Myanmar , a country with full of /b/ro
A Sand Nigger rape and kill an girl ,
5 towns of sand nigs across the country burnt down to ashes , not even children alive.

See the power of friends and family?
Thread posts: 306
Thread images: 27

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