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/wwe/ General #1728 - the hero /wwe/ needs

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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 55

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Admit it, if he was on good terms with the company and came out as a surprise entrant in the rumble, you would mark the fuck out
Is there any news of when he's lined up to get destroyed in the UFC? That should hurry up his return.
>Every star is injured
>wwe raiding the indys and buying top draws everywhere

He could have done it, he could have main evented WM
I'd mark out even if he was still with WWE and never left.
Gotta be honest, I probably would. And I think cm punk is one of the most overrated wrestlers of the modern era. But still, just a few extra faces would be nice, especially if they can handle themselves decently in the ring and decently on the mic. Their roster already felt small and nameless before, but these injuries has really exposed their lack of depth.
Punk probably is delighted to see WWE going down the shitter so he would decline most likely.

I know he has an UFC contract but couldnt WWE trow money at UFC so they let Punk wrestle?

In any case DBry returning seems like a more likely scenario (Thats assuming they decide to kill Roman mommentum which doesnt seems likely)
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>we will never see a WWE match between Punk and Swag consisting of really stiff kicks and knee strikes
I'd mark the fuck out for that, man.
Roman has momentum?
Eh kinda, he turned the Philly crowd to his side so he got some.
You can't say be doesn't. Vince has used his magic to get the fans to cheer for roman more than they have been. They have to play the royal rumble really carefully in order to keep that alive.
> the Philly crowd

lol if you think that was the same crowd as the Royal Rumble this year then you're just as out-of-touch as Vince
Everyone here thought he would get booed the shit out of him at that RAW.

Then it was the opposite so yes many here thought it was the same crowd.
general Philly expectations doesn't = literally the same crowd

Royal Rumble crowds have been drawing international smarks for years now, just like 'Mania weekend
Here's an idea...
A shoot Royal Rumble.

WWE will never do anything "shoot" again after the fucking disaster Brawl For All was.
But a shoot Rumble seems feasible since the only objective is to throw an opponent over the ropes. It's not as if they're knocking guys out or anything.
Retarded idea bro.

Until you get a bunch of injuries from people not taking falls right because they're not expecting it, a clusterfuck of a match that's just eliminations, and then Big Show or Mark Henry winning because the whole "too much of a fat fuck to be eliminated" thing is actually true in a fucking shoot.
I don't think getting "shoot" KO'd is as bad as getting "shoot" thrown over the top rope and a good 7 or 8 feet drop down to the floor.

Just about everyone eliminated will get injured in some way, shape or form.
Strowman could take 'em
That's even worse. He's green as a newborn's shite
Put mattresses around the ring then.

But he'd have legitemately beaten them all.
> le xXlswagsukeXx
> finisher is tripping over someone
Which wouldn't matter when we have a guy who can't draw or wrestler for shit as world champ.
>Have Bray speak for him
>Have Lesnar destroy him next PPV

All is well.
i feel bad for him
Why do Asians so often have that fuccboi haircut
Bet he's looking forward to tagging with Nakamura on the main roster.
I would be over the moon
Being an effeminate gaylord is something Asian chicks like or something.
>Vince has used his magic

Yeah, to force one guy down everyone's throat for the past 18 months, to get him partially over, at the expense of having 0 other draws on the rest of the roster.
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>Sasha is injured now too

>you now realise that Vince has literally killed his whole roster to get reigns over
millionaire who should be a billionaire
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>sasha injured
>only one face on the divas roster
>actually over
You're looking at the new face of the Divas division
Bayley its gonna be called up for Wrestlemania probably.
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Not according to Sasha.

Oh ok so he's just off TV because Vince is a spiteful prick mad that people are chanting for her during Charlotte's matches. That's so much better
No, she's having personal issues after having recently broke it off with her fiance.
You know goddamn well Show and Henry would go over the ropes if they felt it would look good.
citation needed
>implying Vince would allow time off for that
Please no i actually like Becky. Fucking took forever to get paige and the other shitters to fuck off.
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>tfw Becky will get shafted even more when Nikki and Paige return
This. She's already started touring and wrestling with the main roster, not to mention she's fast running out of competition on nxt because she's so far above the other women (except Asuka).
Fuck that autistic looking thing. Becky should be the face of the divas division.
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>she's winning the title at the rumble
it's finally happening brahs
Bailey is the top face in the women division right now.

Better get used to her, just hope they dont run her to the ground like with Cena.
I actually like Bayley, but It's inevitable that she'll be a superhero and act as a female Cena for the kids. I'm hoping that I get proved wrong though.

Worst case scenario, better her than Nikki or Charlotte at least.
I won't mind, cause she is cute af and has a nice butt.
>sasha not winning

It's like the writers intentionally don't let the fan favorites win. It's like they intentionally pick the lesser and more boring wrestler..
I dont mind bailey either but Becks needs to get hers. She is the most likeable of the divas on main roster and is hot as fuck.
becky's more over though

Sasha got a boring chant
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Becky chants

Banksetty chants
>People are excited that a homosexual gook who can't speak English and has to punch people for real to get over is coming to WWE

How do you not realize that this shit isn't going to get over?
Becky is over sasha is over with only hardcore smarks. Im a fucking pleb smark and i dont even like her.
Our Lord and Savior. If only WWE didn't fuck up so bad.
Kalisto getting a push is fun.

i hope he get a big ass rey rey push.
I think people are tiring of Sasha desu. She's still over only with smarks and even they are starting to turn on her. She's done fuck all on the main roster, as well as been booked to look weak and retarded (le female new day xD).

On NXT she played a great, nasty heel with a vicious side to her. Now she's a bad comedy act that can't win without interference.
>tfw no Drago & Kalisto & Sin Cara stable

Women's wrestling sucks, shut the fuck up.
sin cara is growing on me with his suicidal tendencies.
Well at least he's no more Mr Not Gonna Learn English Lmao, Hunico is actually quite solid.
i don even mind him botching.

because to me, thats the character.
the botching is the gimmick at this point.
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Lads i just found my new favourite butthurt aspie rant

> alright wrestling fags listen up real close cause this is the last and final chance i'm giving your fat asses to get off my board.

> /asp/ was originally created for people who who actually participate in their sports. which is why you see threads like MMA where people discuss styles and give others tips. NOT because they think it's cool after seeing it on a fucking tv show like you nerds but because it helps us become better fighters in real life. you see our practice of these sports has given us the right to post here. how many of you actually train to become "wrestlers" (i keep the word quoted because it's not really wrestling it's fucking soap opera)? i bet there's not a single one who actually is training. NO you just watching your shitty tv show all fucking day. THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS BOARD WAS FUCKING MADE FOR



> maybe we could come to some sort of agreement since it seems that the guys over on /sp/ really hate you (with good reason) and don't want you back i guess you have no choise but to stay here. BUT can you atleast limit the amount of threads you make? im not saying you can't make threads but add a few rules to it

>only make a new general when the old one drops to page 3
>don't make shitloads of threads about the same subject really there's no need to
>smal items don't need their own threads you can just put them in the general
>stop the fucking retared "is he autisic" threads and other shitposting
>that means no trolling of ANY kind

> if you can comperehend this set of rules i believe we would be happy to accept you here and allow you to post your threads

> thankyou

Bask in its glory

I swear if he actually did that to me I'd beat the shit out of him

>yfw the shoulder injuries are all caused by scar tissue being damaged after injecting into delts too much
>yfw the only reason le ugly gook and the bullet club were signed is to get stars before a new steroid trial emerges
>yfw wwe is literally going under within 5 years thanks to the Feds
i'm sure you'd beat him up my friend
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That's beautiful
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>he hates "Is he autistic" threads
against a ex mma fighter, 6.2, trained by inoki himself, master of the strong style, wrestler...you'd be lucky if you survive a legit boma ye t.b.h.
Sethfags, still here?
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>complains about shitty <100 reply threads getting bumped off the board
>proceeds to make a thread having a cry which proceeds to knock a thread off the board
I love irony.
All of that goes out the window when I pull my 9mm on his gook ass because unlike in Japan, here in USA the people have rights
god bless america

>I'm 6'3
>I also train mma
>Inoki ain't shit
>a gimmick
>a shit one

Honestly if he stiffed like that I'd no sell and beat the shit out of him
>hasn't been champ since Summerslam 2014
Good. She's sloppy as fuck and her match quality has declined big time.
The fuck is his hair doing?!
Cut that shit off, looks gay as fuck!
Vince could push Nattie. There is literally no reason she can't be pushed as the top face diva in the company. Too bad Vince hates the entire Hart family.
They aren't taking the belt off Charlotte yet. Bucky will job to her, and their feud will probably continue.
New Sin Cara (Hunico) has been pretty solid. Yes he has had a few botches, but nowhere near as much as the original.
> official /wwe/ guide on how to spot an /asp/ie or wewtist infiltrator in our threads #102
The aspie/wootist uses lots of needless exclamation marks in his posts and ends up looking like an absolute faggot
Nattie doesn't have the charisma to be a top girl. She's good in the ring but that's really all she has going for her. Wrestling ability alone isn't enough.

And as you said, he hates the Harts.

Protip: Nattie isn't pretty enough to be the top chick.
>been in the company less than 2 years
>has more titles reigns than every diva currently on the roster
>mind you Alicia and Nattie have been in the wwe 10 years

Won't even count all her fucking title shots. Paige honestly needs to fuck off.
also, he is really good at conveying emotion.

most of the time he is checked the fuck out, but when he gets excited, it fucking shows.
Natalya is hot as fuck. She's just not young enough. She's in her mid 30s so her looks will fade very soon.
>tfw she spent her prime years doing fuck all
And Nikki is?
Charlotte looks like Ric with a wig.
And Sasha isn't much to look at either.
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> i also train MMGay
How many cocks have you sucked this morning?
Nattie is 32 same age as the Bella twins, and a year older than Charlotte.

check it ouy, its our boy kenny omega playing some games and talking shop.
I just googled it, she's 33. 34 in may. That's pushing it as far as female athletes go.
1 year older than Charlotte, a WWE rookie.
Layla just retired, she was like 39. You saying she wasn't still hot as fuck?
Yeah and Charlotte is not going to be the face of the division either. It may seem like it now but they're definitely going to opt for someone younger like Bayley, Sasha or Paige. Charlie's push isn't going to last.

No she was hot, but it's just logical that the face of the division is going to be someone in their 20s who could be around for another decade or however long. I don't see Charlotte, Nattie or Nikki still wrestling in ten years. The girls tend to retire sooner.
Wew lad, how autistic does one have to write all that shit and actually expect us to say "okay we will do as you say."
Fucking retarded aspie cucks.

Nikki is way hotter than Nattie. Would you fuck off with the "hurr durr nikki isn't hot" bullshit. You're out of your mind.
you can't have heel vs heel m8, It's either Becky or Bagley who's the next champ
>HHH not going to push his hero's daughter to the moon

Charlotte will be a 6 or more diva champion by time her career is over.
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I prefer Nattie myself, but
>there are people here who wouldn't a Nikki
NXT is how Triple H works the smarks.

He can literally get anything over on NXT with the gay as fuck crowd and the gay as fuck fans on the internet. It doesn't matter what the gimmick is, it will get over. No matter how shitty or retarded, it gets over. Then it gets to the main show and people don't give a fuck.

NXT is cancer.
Charlotte is 29
>being young means you will be around forever

Like Aj? Bitch was in the company 3 years, got pushed to the moon, then quit because she did everything before shit hit 27 years old. Paige is already doing movies and TV shit. How long before she bails? I give here 3 more years.
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He's going to make it boys.
>will be 30 in April

She's old for a rookie diva.
That is the same guy who worked on Seth.
Brie is hotter.
Paige needs to find someone to leech off of first like AJ did

AJ quit because of her husband. There will be a chapter in her book about how she regrets quitting her dream job everyday for some 40 year old man who thinks he's totally punk rock for not drinking a beer.
Pretty much.
You can have a college textbook get tossed through the middle rope like a suicide dive onto a dude and those cucks will chant
She needs to hurry up and release a nude shoot or sex tape.

What do you guys think of WBF, Vince's old Bodybuilding promotion?

AJ will return and cheat on Cuck

Book it Vince
>trying to get with the champs girl
You dun goofed anon.
I hope you're only ironically Lowtest.
Only thing AJ was good at was selling.
And she only got good at selling after getting fucked by Ziggler and Big E.
Divas Tier List

Patrician Tier

Top Tier

Underage Mark Tier

Pleb Tier
>Eva Marie

Irrelevant Tier
>Alexa Bliss
>Australian NXT divas
>Alicia Fox
>liking the great khali
Womens wrestling is shit.
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You pretending women's wrestling is entertaining is fedorable. White knighting is the worst way to get laid.
Why are you posting images of yourself? Never give out any personal information online.
>Asuka not patrician
Otherwise pretty accurate.
Not the guy you replied to, but objectively speaking, divas segments are a waste of time.

>one face in the entire division
>only character they are given is "crazy"
>high school drama tier storylines
>compete over a title belt that looks like a bedazzle accessory
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>Womens wrestling is shit.
Both men and women's wrestling is shit right now.

There, you can stop posting your fedoras.
>if you like women's wrestling you're a white knight fedora fag.
>if you hate women's wrestling you're a edgy fedora fag.
There is just no winning in this shit.
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>Both men and women's wrestling is shit right now.

a women's match was the best match for three Takeover's in a row, they can most definitely be entertaining shithead.

NXT is fucking gay and women's wrestling is shit you fucking nerd.
Romark pls go, you have shit taste.
Welcome to /wwe/

All you can do is like whatever you like and fuck what anybody else thinks of it.
NXT is used to develop wrestlers. All the good male wrestlers are in the main roster already so only the women are left.

Did you cry when they cried and took a fat stinky dump all over kayfabe?

Listen i know it's fake. I know movies are fake as well. I don't need to director to step into frame during a movie and keep reminding me "by the way guys, this fake, these people are actors and not really enemies."

For fucks sake. Some women have a generic match and niggers are acting like it's the greatest thing that's ever happened.

If anything, pretending the shitty women's performances are good is much more sexist than just admitting they suck. You are holding them to a lower standard for a reason, jerkoff.

>Not Patrician

If you wouldn't fuck the life out of bitchy barbie there's something wrong with you. And is Lana a diva? Because she would be Goddess tier
>implying NXT matches male or female don't regularly out do main roster matches
Please stop fighting.
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>Womens wrestling marks
Once again i will put my challenge on the table.
Give me 15 five star divas matches in the wwe and explain what makes each of them a 5 star match.
You literally can not because there are none, a division that doesn't have 15 good matches to its name over its entire lifetime is a joke.
Divas should go back to their roots of being there to sell sexy Callenders and sex on the beach dvds because thats all they were ever good for.
>le you're only pretending to like it meme
yup we're done here
Divas don't draw, they can't really wrestle as good as men and their only appeal is the look

you know it's right and they should only be used the way they were around the year 2000 - as valets, nothing else.

Yeah. Because you have nothing to say because you know i'm right. You're a douche.

Here's what you do. Jerk off before you watch a woman's match and tell me you would be as invested as if you hadn't jerked off.

You are lonely and have attached yourself to these women you see every week and think you have some sort of connection to them. It's pathetic.
'She' will not fuck you for writing this weeb
Please have sex
It is pointless to offer suggestions because you will shoot them all down with 'nah that match was shit lol'. Which is fine, but don't expect people to take your challenge when you're clearly 100% sure that you're right. I'm pretty apathetic towards women's wrestling myself but you are very obviously biased from the start.
Bayley vs Sasha Banks Iron Woman Match is the only real womans match i can think of that have been above 4 stars and even then it was only a 4.5
dude you already told me you don't even watch NXT, we're done talking. don't reply to me again.
Do you guys think WWE is working everyone and they'll have Cena return at the Rumble?
Lose weight
I'm not that person you autistic fuck

now go suck your moms titty loser
>divas matches in the wwe

Well there's your problem.
If you want good Women's Wrestling matches, you have to look elsewhere, pal.
This is what i think, i mean the tickets are already sold anyway. I also think they will bring back DCry
Wew lad, if you're not even confident in your argument then why bother arguing?
Of course im sure im right, if you're not confident that you can prove me wrong then that just tells me that you know im right.
If you have 15 five star matches then go ahead and post them.
You're a fucking faggot if you're scared of sharing your opinion because you'll be laughed at by anonymous people.
But you know 15 5 star divas matches don't exist and you're just making up excuses.
>All this shit flinging still going on
Why can't people just accept that others will have different tastes. You're all autistic as fuck desu.
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>Can't handle bantz and debates

You're right. I don't watch NXT or pretend women's wrestling is good because I actually get laid. I suggest you do the same.
Wrong use of a fedora pic, it is well known that only feodra wearing smarks LOVE watching womens wrestling.
Tits or gtfo
This general has gone to fucking pure dogshit ever since the move. Jesus Christ.
implying your not a fat, women hating, fedora wearing, neckbeard growing smark. have sex
Are you sure you're replying to the right person? I told you I'm apathetic. I don't care about women's wrestling but those who do will not bother engaging with you even if 15 5 star matches existed (and i agree that they don't) because you're clearly the type who is absolutely unwilling to change his viewpoint.
>pictures of fedoras are 'debates'
Banter is good when it's actually good. This is just tired old 'lol u virgin' and 'no ur edgy' tripe that is shitting up the place
It doesn't matter if you think im unwilling to change my viewpoint, if they are confident in their womyns wrestling and think its truly worth a shit they will have a list of 15 five star matches.
But notice how quiet they get when i challenge them to do that, because they're all just waifufag virgins, they were probably in love with aj before she got together with punk and just moved on to sasha.
Incorrect. Suck a donkey asshole
Here we go, Brayylmao is getting his title shot on Wrestlemania
>they were probably in love with aj before she got together with punk and just moved on to sasha.
Boy are they in for a treat when they find out that Sasha is engaged to a manlet gook
It'll be the same shit as aj.
Denial for a while until they find the next bitch to latch onto.
Next chick who pretends to be a nerd and calls mania 20s main event their favorite match will get their own reddit section print outs.
>wanting 15 5 star matches
>implying anybody paid attention to a women's match before 2015
you wonder why nobody wants to waste their time
Brayy kicks out after a triple powerbomb and after an F5
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based brayy
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Sasha broke up with Cuckaze
what the fuck
And this is it, Brayy is the fucking WWE champion
I have no real idea what the fuck is happening on this card, either

anyway Cesaro pinned Taker clean, too

>that mania crowd
When you cater to fans who like high school gymnasium wrestling, you attract the same amount of fans.
That empty ass mania crowd lol
>all this empty seats
Based Bray confirm winning the title at wrestlemania
even the game knows brayyyyy lmao wouldnt draw and kill the company LMAO
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How long are House Shows? Going to see Lesnar tonight
Roman vs Triple H is the main event so all the fans are on a piss break for brayy lmaos match
2 hours i think?
You didn't have to wait 2 weeks to show us your epic youtube troll comment bro

like 3 hours with a 20 minute intermission


>that booking
>that mania crowd

Holy fuck
In other news HBK goes over Rollins after Sweet Chin Music from outta nowhere

get ready for the MAIN EVENT
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>Nakamura pulling this shit in a WWE ring

I can't wait
>that crowd

The way WWE is going, seems legit.
Kai En Tai mk.2 when?
Nothing wrong with that.
>implying its not booker

Brie's face+Nikki's body=happiness

I can't wait for him to fail either.

Anyway, other matches on this card
Mark Henry beats Cody Rhodes
Rick Rude beats Taker for the US title
Cesaro beats Taker
Regal beats Sheamoose for IC title
are the winners of tough enough will be on NXT?
>Latin no heat starts calling John Juan Cena
>Cena shows up he next week putting over kalisto
>mfw this surgery is a work for the debut of Juan Cena, kalistos new tag partner
>women's division in America has been treated as nothing but eye candy show for 40 years
>they've literally never been given a chance to be anything but that
18+ kiddo
Related to this, anyone ever read about what Fabulous Moolah was actually like? You could argue that she's almost single handedly responsible for the stagnation of women's wrestling in north america.
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>these poor women can't possibly be at fault, it's these evil corporations holding them down!
I miss him so much
I don't expect them to even start jobbing on nxt till like 2017
Becky vs. Sasha at Takeover was pretty based
>actually disputing what they said
It's not quite as black and white as anon puts it, but they most definitely have been treated like, thus seen by fans as, nothing but eye candy. Need I remind you of shit like bra and panties matches?
Is there anything more cringe worthy than the tweets from womens wrestling beta fan boys?
Because women's wrestling doesn't draw. Even if they did wrestle good matches, the only people who would care are smarks and neckbeards (see: NXT).
Post tits now
>Cena gets injured
>photos of the surgery and everything
>Orton gets "injured"
>a couple of tweets from WWE and zero photos

If anyone needed anymore proof Orton walked out and got suspended, there it is.
please don't get the neckbeards and edgelords going again
This is actually very true.
WSU runs shows right before CZW and there's barely anyone in the crowds.
When the CZW show starts, the place is sold out.
There's no way Becky wins the title at the Royumble right? They're going to hold it off to Wrestlemania...
Why is it such a popular theory around here that he walked out or intentionally injured himself?
There's no way she wins it full stop.
>They're going to hold it off to Wrestlemania
Yeah for Sasha/Bayley to take it :^)
>I dig crazy chicks sign in a Rollins match
wrestling shipping amvs
Cena is injured??
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Biggest losers on earth are those that make this shit
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Where can I go to watch the full story of cm punk ?

When I quit wrestling he was fueding with JBL and then when I come back there is just a massive blow up.
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>These consistently get 500,000+ views
WWE fans, everyone.
>Recommended channel for you
Because they booked him on the pre-show.
If you're a guy that's been pushed as a main event talent for over a decade and gets thrown on the pre-show of a throwaway PPV, wouldn't you be pissed?
Bayley is a draw.
Not me personally. I saved this after seeing it posted a few weeks ago.

>inb4 nice try ;^)
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why is it recommended?

Please respond
She draws a few thousand neckbearded smarks.
>WWE has been rehashing the "evil owner" storyline for nearly 2 decades

When are they going to do something new?
Tbh she's probably one of the worst people WWE continue to promote. I can't believe they tout her as some saint or talented performer.
kids come specifically see her.
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>tfw The Authority angle has been going on for almost three years

>Boring Banks

fuck off. they're going to be the new meme divas.
Buckle up, anon. Bayley is literally the female Cena and she will be all over your screen very soon.
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>biggest Wrestlemania ever XD
>being held on the biggest Stadium in the US
>expected to break attendance records
>Cena, Orton, Rollins, Cesaro, Sting (big names and sort of big names) injured
>company is still revolving around one Samoan ogrelord faggot
How many "legends" are they desperately trying to get and can someone remind me who they all signed recently?
i heard goldberg might return
>tfw her ass will never be all over my face very soon
Rock is pretty much all they have in terms of legends. All the others are blacklisted, dead or old as fuck.
Well, I'm somewhat hopefully they do Hardys vs. Dudleys at Wrestlemania.
Matt's TNA contract runs out soon (he's even having a loser leaves TNA match on IMPACT in a few weeks) and I would assume so does Jeff's.
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[jiggling intensifies]
They still have Batista
>tfw no American Wolves
>tfw no Hardys
>tfw no Beer Money
>tfw no Angle

the only good thing about that girl is her banging arse.
Jeff has been to do leg surgery
I don't see big dave appearing desu. He seems pretty set on staying off tv and only doing house shows when/if he returns. Then again, everybody has a price.

Isn't he still hated by everyone though because of the 2014 RR and muh precious bryan
>recommended for you
He wrestle just the other night anon...
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This is what Vince thinks of his fans
only faggots boo'd him to begin with, plus with after the success in the movies he's been in, it would be safe to assume that he would have a positive reaction. The worst is faggots chanting "drax" at him.
It's literally the only storyline they know how to do
We're going to get a lot of major returns in the Royal Rumble, aren't we? I mean, that's why it's for the title?
I think the biggest names they signed is AJ Styles and that chink faggot
inb4 "29 other men" is just the whole a'noai family who just gets in and walks out over the top rope so Roman can win
Why are Nikki Bella and Paige paired with many different people.
most likely. I feel bad for the roster they have, they basically are being told "you arent good enough, and a debuting/returning star is going to take your place at the rumble" but thats what WWE fucking gets
Because they're slags
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not just any 29 other men, Vince will make sure he gets 29 GOOD men
>Cesaro and Rollins
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Best prepare for the return of the biggest draw in the business.
nikki is hot and paige likes to be slutty.
/tv/ pls
never said they were, I was just naming bigger names and they do have a pretty big fanbase
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>Carmella def. Emma
>they are seriously pushing Carmella
fuck off NXT, I don't want to see Bayley vs Carmella

Whining emo vegan bitch.
They did a "Juan Cena" During Rio and his last feud at a house show. John Cena came out with his normal attire but with a purple and godl lucha mask. It go no heat and mexicans called it racist
Relax, anon. Carmella is just filler until Asuka vs Bayley. It just shows you how lacking the womens division in nxt is, now that most of the good ones are on Raw watching television monitors.
He was actually pretty great when he turned heel after his return
Yeah, it's basically just material for Breaking Ground to make it look like fans give a shit about Carmella.
why the fuck dont they do Emma vs Bayley already?
any other wrestler who have a youtube channel beside xavier woods?
feels good man feels good
Emma. The Bellas also have a long dead channel.
emma with her cooking show.
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woah. Seeing oldfags buff like this make me feel bad for being a huge obese shit, but it only lasts like 20 mins, then I'm back to normal
kenny omega.
ryback has a dead one
Player Uno, but i think thats dead too.
dont know if he even wrestles
Emma has the worst cooking channel.
Next thread
link to Emma's?
> lying on the internet
Do you honestly believe this or are you just b8ing?
not him but it's very true, you must not be watching.
>Booker and Layfield laying into Cole

Why? This one is still page 1?
no clue it was aut-saging in page 2 not too long ago
I really like Ryback but he lost all steam in that Rusev feud. Owens is great,
Listen to the whole thing, Its worth it.
He needs to stop wearing blue and orange, looks gay as hell on him
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