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There is no champ in the E that puts the title over like Neville

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There is no champ in the E that puts the title over like Neville is. Most of your champs go weeks at a time without ever even mentioning the belt.
I really hate that he just goes by "Neville" but he's too good for the vanilla midget division anyways.
The Miz mentions Dean's title more than Dean does.
>Dean is STILL the IC Champion
>Even if he loses it, it will be to Miz, which would be his 7th reign with the title
Why do the bookers hate the IC belt? You could argue that it has more prestige than the US, but at least the US has storylines designed around it, like John Cena's US Open Challenge and KO's current Face of America shtick.
based miz working the smarks
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Why is this guy so jacked? He looks even shorter, fuckin manlet. Overcompensating much brah?
Neville is the most well (only) booked heel Champ in the company.
Asuka does it just as well

Heels are often better booked than faces these days.

Charlotte was completely booked like face the last half a year or so.
Some people actually work out instead of putting on flak vests

>Charlotte was booked like a face after the brand split

>>Charlotte was booked like a face after the brand split

She almost always won clean, at Roadblock she clearly had the face booking and then she lost her title due to cheating.

How is that not face booking?
because she wasn't a face

it's just retarded WWMeme booking
>when you're so dumbed down by Raw's booking you think anyone winning clean is a face

I'd tell you to kys but I'm sure if we just wait a few more minutes you'll forget how to breathe.
>heels can't win clean

Not all the time, she also won clean against Bayley multiple times.
1 is technically a multiple I guess.
This. Her gradually getting more villainous order to keep the title has been a great story.
NXT Titles must be fucking cursed, nearly everybody starts heeling it up to keep the main belt.
>entirely missing the point...
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>Implying anybody cares

Doesn't matter, it's for plebs.
She beats everyone clean because WWE are more than willing to sacrifice the rest of the division for nepotism and ensure nobody else looks good. Charlotte wrestles like a babyface but has the attitude of a heel.
Yep, best champion this company has had in a long time. Her booking has been on point.

Still talking about booking here, not about her promos.
That's just generally how NXT is booked - like a wrestling promotion. Note how they build up challengers for the main title by putting faces against each other, and are constantly trying to get guys over, treating the belts like they are a huge deal and should be the centerpiece of feuds.

NXT has a lot of flaws, but the best thing about it is probably how it just focuses on the simple things and does them well, the shit senile Vince has completely forgotten about or actively doesn't care for because "Sports Entertainment".
Charlotte won clean all the time in NXT too.

>heels can't win clean

*jerking-off Emoji*
>the best champions belong to the two shows Vince has the least involvement in
Really make me think.
Who gives a fuck about NXT? She was an extremely weak heel on Raw for an entire year before suddenly and inexplicably becoming a borderline monster heel overnight. Charlotte has won every single match clean since Summerslam 2016, almost everything heel about her has been dropped.
Because he understands how to be heel.
>monster heel

You don't understand this expression.
That's what happens when the writers actually care about trying to get new people over as credible wrestlers and don't just jerk off to the same golden kid for years on end
>*jerking-off Emoji*

what did he mean by this
>nxmeme cares about getting people over

I understand you're upset about Ramen, but NXT is Raw-tier, now, paul-drone.
Literally watch any episode of NXT, they spend time trying to get the faces over and the heels as well. Does the idea make you that SEETHING?
I think he's way better than Finn Balor in every aspect
Good thing I said borderline monster heel then, you retard. She's been almost unstoppable and bulldozing through top babyfaces for months, unable to be beaten by anything short of cheating or a full monster like Nia Jax.
That's really not difficult.
I never mentioned Roman, you illiterate memeshitter.
Which Paul are you even referring to?

Are you okay? You seem extremely upset and I can't even work out why.
I know but I was implying he should get that main eventer spot Balor is getting
>he rents his furniture
>I put a qualifier in front of it

That's Nice: but (You) still don't understand what it means.

>posting this just after "Who Is Roderick Strong?"
Classic counter-memeing
Paul-drone btfo

>"Who Is Roderick Strong?"

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>There is no champ in the E that puts the title over like Neville is

KO gets a new belt and immediately changes his gimmick to best represent the gimmick of his title
>after he floundered for months.

Well now you're just lying to yourself.
>and immediately changes his gimmick

>KO changed his gimmick personally

It was Vince's idea, marky markerson.
He still puts the belt over more than Neville does ya jabroni
>Vince invented "facetiously pro-American"
*Vince does
Those Roddy videos were shit ffs.
Are you trying to imply something to do with HHH?

That doesn't even work, most smarks hate HHH. I think he's a complete shitter. NXT isn't even that good, it just does the fundamentals well, like I said, which RAM doesn't even bother with. If you want to bait to get people angry at least go for things that are likely to work and not just confuse them. You're meant to talk about bingo halls, MemeSail University and vanilla midgets or something.
he's the best heel in the E right now

sadly it's a part of the company nobody gives a shit about
>Aries wins Cruiserweight Belt at Great Balls of Fire or whatever
>Next Raw, Intercontinental Champion Miz mocks him backstage for it and for being in the purple ropes playpen
>Kurt Angle sets up the match
>Miz gets rekt and takes the count-out
>Neville is now feuding for the IC belt
I know they don't like to do heel vs. heel, but people will cheer Neville regardless of how he's designated, especially against Miz.
>"Kevin invented "facetiously pro-American""

Neither did, but Vince invented that particular gimmick, not Kevin, as he was implying.
I was correcting his mistake.
>Vince specifically investing in Owens
There's been past indication he likes him, and reports he created this new gimmick for him.
He also has some of the most merch in the store.
So, btfo, I suppose. Do (You)r research.
trips of devastation

Post 'em.
It was Sportskeeda that broke those "news", don't even bother.
Clickbait article and common sense > literally nothing
Here, take this > L

Use your brain (or google, since the former may be a biiiiit too difficult for you).
You got blown the fuck out.
>clickbait is a reliable source

L-ing my F-ing A off
>ignores that I also said common sense
>accidentally admitting that's too difficult for him

He's no longer worth a (You)
What a mess I have made of him.
Ambrose coming out a few weeks ago and stating that the IC belt was the most important belt in the company done more for the belt than anybody has in decades.
>"common sense"

Are your "sources" a "silent majority" too?

kys Cuckter
>your champs


they just say whats written for them
>Are your "sources" a "silent majority" too?

With your level of intelligence the educational staff at your high school must have been a very silent majority

>high school

seek degrees NEEThammer
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Please yes. Neville was meant to get the IC title before his injury anyway, it'd be perfect for him.
>WWE will never bring back the juicerweight championship

Juvi is perfect for the gay community. Gyrates his penis in men's faces, lets other wrestlers spank him, wears the juvi juice ring attire... Pretty sure he's gay and he can sell it better than Darren.

>Someone wins clean

How awesomely short sighted are you? Heels that can win clean are the fucking best heels, they give the face a legitimate challenge to overcome and not just an RNG game of "will they get screwed or not".

Face finally beating out a capable clean winner heel = best wrestling story that is so rarely told.

I wanted him to get it too, but he wasn't meant to get it. Miz was always meant to win at WM, because their overall story was "every heel wins at the event to make people lose hope in faces so Roman can save the show at the end". Hence Steph's promo at the end basically saying that outright. Miz was always supposed to win.

It's only when every single man in the match agreed and petitioned Vince that Ryder deserved the moment that they gave it a 24 hour delay.
>every heel wins at the event to make people lose hope in faces so Roman can save the show at the end

>Ruin Wrestlemania for the smallest inkling of a chance that Roman will be over
This sounds like some pants-on-head stupid tinfoil hat theory, and I'm shocked at how willing I am to accept it.
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and he calls out smarks. BASED JUVI JUICE
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