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Why so Macho so crazy around her? A lot of wrestlers say Macho

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Why so Macho so crazy around her? A lot of wrestlers say Macho used to lock her into the locker room and keep the key so she couldn't leave.
because she was the only reason he could draw
Obsessed with being cucked

He would have fit in here.
He didn't want her to be around other men. Paranoia probably from the juice. Locking her in small rooms and stuff when he couldn't be around has pretty much been confirmed.

Too bad you're too fat to fit in your own clothes
>Leaving your hot wife unattended in a locker room full of roided alphas and coke

Gee I wonder...
Nah I'm good bruh. WWE shop sells up to 5X
he savage
A randy savage at that.
Just look at her. You know some wrestler all coked up and on roids would try to rape her if Savage wasn't taking precautions.

I don't think it was JUST him being scared that she'd willingly suck another cock

I honestly think he knew of a few boys in the back who, while there was no proof they ever raped anyone, probably seemed like that type
A lot of people say that Macho Man was just a crazy dude all around. Cornett told a story about how Savage got into a knife fight with a cook at a Deny's after a show.
>why was a roided up 80s wrestler crazy
if he was sane he wouldn't have got into the carny business
she was a hot woman in the wrestling bussiness. macho knew what the boys could do to her. also paranoia for drugs and roids.
Based Macho was just keeping his bitch in line.
it was because macho was on coke and roids and she was a ring rat that liked coke and blowing men, so he didnt want a drop of semen in his woman when he was out working
>Leaving your hot wife unattended in a locker room full of roided alphas and coke

she was pure, and he was protecting her woman. Men have lost their values nowadays and leave their women to whore themselves.
Savage literally did nothing wrong
>thinks marrying someone you don't trust not to fuck your coworkers is totally normal and healthy

4chan has some very sad ideas about relationships
Ever trusting a woman would be the mentally ill part
Who hurt you?
ur mom lol
Just because mummy cheated on daddy, it doesn't mean every other woman will do the same thing to you.
Nobody. Only beta nu-males get hurt
Didn't she fuck Hogan the one time Randy let her out of his sights?
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its the other way around.

coked up roided alphas man. not saying they would rape her, but they would for sure invade her personal space
Fucking cringe.
In that case, why not let her have the key? That way she won't burn alive in a building fire, or be trapped in the room if one of the coked-up roided alphas came in through the window or some shit.
He didn't go far enough. Lanny would've been a great eunuch guard and I'm sure WWE could've gotten some authentic 18th century Tunisian harem attire for him to wear.
I think Warrior said it best. The locker room was full of drugged up testosterone degenerates who would resort to homosexuality if they didn't find a woman to fuck
Mach did literally nothing wrong. Women are inherently whores and she'd have fucked her way through half the locker room had he not done so. Just look at what happened when he got tired of watching over her.
look at what happened the moment savage was out of her life.

she started fucking other wrestlers, dated luger and then was hooked on drugs, primarily heroin.
EVen Bret talks about creeping on Miss Elizabeth. Macho didn't suspect that a vanilla midget would try to fuck her so he didnt take precautions when around the Shitman
>EVen Bret talks about creeping on Miss Elizabeth. Macho didn't suspect that a vanilla midget would try to fuck her so he didnt take precautions when around the Shitman


based brett taking yo girl
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Git fukt fagget
No. Savage and Hogan just happened to be on vacation together when she practically fucked an entire hotel.
A macho man randy savage, to be exact
Because she had to deal with him before
Because Hulk Hogan had LUST in his BLACK HEART for Elizabet'
>believing a word corny says
the dude is legitimently one of the most notorious liars in wrestling
>Men have lost their values nowadays and leave their women to whore themselves.

and that's all right with the world today
This is honestly one of the most hilarious gifs I've ever seen in my life
> L E G I T I M A T E L Y
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I heard Lawler tried to wank into her shoes once but Matcho twigged on and battered King
Other than Bret and Luger who else gave Elizabeth the dick?
Some might say he's the macho king.

It's madness, really.
Based Brown Sugar Bret, at it again.
>Mister McMahon, I'm WCW.
And you wonder why the world is going to shit.
and nothing value was ever lost
He probably knew how easily led she was. Look how her life ended, all strung out on meds and drugs once she had left Savage.

Her life fell apart. He probably saw that weakness in her. Sad really, but can't blame anyone but herself... And probably Luger.
True, Luger is to blame but Randy should told Lex to dump her sooner than later.
yet you're a 7XL
>He probably knew how easily led she was.

Women are weak. You can't trust them around good looking men. It doesn't matter how great your relationship is, if she gets offered dick every day from 50 chads in a locker room, she'll crack eventually and suck a penis. It's not even her fault, it's just biology.
/r9k/ pls leave
Like, as much as it was paranoia from roids and blow, but he probably knew too much about the lockerroom. Like c'mon king. Why would you wank into someone's shoes?
He isn't lying. Chads cuck each other all the time. Macho Man could have given her the best dick she ever had in her life and even with that she would be tempted to cheated. It is just the way roasties are.
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because savage didn't want to end up like candido
imagine if they'd done a segment during the summer of cuck with rusev locking lana up while he wrestles only to have a coked up ziggler come in the window
fucking carneys, man. can't take your eyes off em for one second
Unlike a man, who would never crack under the pressure of having 50 hot women a day trying to throw their pussies at you.

Don't get me wrong... you're right. But let's not pretend it's a female-only trait. Humans, in general, are prone to trying to have their cake and eat it.
It would probably be shorter to list those who didn't.
The women.
Sherri probably gave her some plastic dick
Unlike women, men are capable of honor, so even those most would give in to the pussy, there are plenty of men who wouldn't if they cared.
Women are not capable of understanding and holding principles.
I could believe Sherri being willing to "show newcomers how we do things around here". Hell, Mae Young used to whore out new students from her wrestling school.
based Bret working the niggers
What?! Where do people get their info from?

Friggen wikipedia sucks! It should have these kind of things.
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