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ITT: wrestling segments that were so bad/cringe that your reaction

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ITT: wrestling segments that were so bad/cringe that your reaction was "Wow....they have to be actually TRYING to have a terrible segment right now.....there's no way that they thought this would be well-received by anybody"
Reminder that this was almost certainly Vince's idea.
All the terrible shit you see on TV is there because Vince finds it legit entertaining and hilarious. He is leagues beyond pleb taste, he is worse than the lowest common denomnator that his product appeals to.
WWE never intentionally does bad/cringy comedy, Vince finds that stuff legitimately hilarious.
Like the example in your OP. Was not intended to be intentionally bad/corny/racist. To Vince it was the the height of entertainment gold, in a completely non ironic way.
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I think this was the only time that a WWE crowd ever chanted "TNA".

The moment was that fucking bad. The crowd felt the need to chant for a far lesser rival company.
Ace Steel needs to get back out on the indies doing the Trump gimmick ASAP before Donald quits/dies/is impeached.
He'd get nuclear heat and thus get booked everywhere and make a bunch of money.
People will pay to watch "Donald Trump" to job to Mexican and Muslim wrestlers. There is money to be made there.
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To this day I still don't know why this happened
The Brodus shit was so bad, I think I only actually watched it once then it got the fast forward.

It was still better than anything involving the shield though somehow.
They chanted it before, I even remember a Dixie Carter chant once
>low-quality bait

Na I'm serious. They made me quit watching for a few years.
don't know how he didn't tell them to fuck off the moment he was told he was getting a fat guy dancing gimmick. all you're doing is damaging your own brand.
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I can't properly express how low my expectations and opinion of WWE is BUT even as low as they are I still couldn't believe that a multi-million dollar publicly traded entertainment company let this happen.
They chanted it in a Deanetty match too once
I liked Big Dick Johnson.
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>Pic related was the last segment before WrestleMania

It was at this moment that I,unironically cringed and realized Vince is a senile old-hack who should just retire because he doesn't fucking know what he is doing
I remember someone on here once posted that the damn gimmick was his idea and that he actually rejected a more monster heel role for it.

I hope to fucking God that wasn't true.

Fuck you; that was hilarious and still is.
Did you not read the 3rd post? To entertain Vince.
Carder's promo on RAw before Wrestlemania
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>before Donald quits/dies/is impeached
not going to happen, faggot
Oh boy do I have some great ones

Why does JR keep coming back, like Vince hates him for pretty much no good reason.

Hell, the last time he was fired he was canned by that retard Johnny Ace live only knowing it was going to happen when it did.
Every attitude skit.
Good question. Only thing I can think of is because of money
>getting this worked challenging your worldview
Bro. Donald isn't going to get impeached. I'm not even a conservative but that is literally fake news.
>using buzz words

nice try faget
wut dis from niggaz
Thank #God for the Women's Revolution. Otherwise we'd be stuck watching women get sexually harassed.
>that last one
Holy shit
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In his home state as well.

It was so terrible, they referenced it about 15 years later because the memory was burned into the minds of all who watched it.
this is some straight up carny shit

These are people's lives he's messing with. He's humiliating men and women alike for no reason other than he can? He's ruining their careers and reputations because it's funny? Does anyone remember Brodus Clay for how big and how much he could have been a dominating competitor? No, they remember him from dancing and being the fucking fuckasaurus. How can Vince do this to these people?
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Is it cheating to post TNA?

low brow defined
Max cringe
sting, the thumb angle, fat joe, a team rampage, who was the fifth dude?

It is well known vince will intentionally make terrible segments and humiliate wrestlers as a rib.
both of these are based af dorks
Its actually one of my earliest wrestling memories.
>These are people's lives he's messing with. He's humiliating men and women alike for no reason other than he can? He's ruining their careers and reputations because it's funny?

Yes, vince is literally the greatest troll of all time and does it for the lulz.
Like making noam dar say Alicia fucks, just so he can have someone saying fuck on tv
im 26 now.
When was this aired? around there.
I was like 5 or 6
>the absolute madman
lol I love how each of the dudes are just actign confused as fuck. so awkward. lol TNA.
Layla is the best Wwe woman of all time Jesus fucking Christ
Physically painful to watch especially knowing Gallows and Anderson are great talkers without some scripted terribly unfunny segment

-Everything involving the Old Day in any way
-That time Taker and Kane beat up the entire Wyatt family 4 on 2 literally 6 days before they were supposed to have a PPV match.
-The opening segment from RAW 998
-The segment where John Cena brought back The Authority for no good reason
-The Gobbledygooker
Wtf? Seth threatening to kill edge to make John bring back the authority was based.
I don't mind him doing things like this during house shows or lesser shows like 205 Live......but don't do them during Raw/SD or PPVs

NXT season 3 is a perfect example. There were TONS of crap segments but because far fewer people watched the show, none of it affected the main product shown on Raw/SD/PPVs at the time
The only thing that's even remotely excusable about this angle was the fish promo. ironically though
This was complete trash.
I stand by Old Day being one of the worst things they've done in a long time. I can't even watch it back a second time. It was such a heat killer that the face team running in to break it up got almost zero pop from beating the Old Day up. Just embarrassing
you aren't
Any of several segments featuring the Authority in 2016.

No one turns on a wrestling show and wants to see long talking segments about corporate politics with shrill middle aged women.
His explanation for this makes a kind of sense, around his debut there were a few other monster heels ruling the company and he felt that he would've gotten lost in the shuffle.
he doesn't deserve a good gimmick if he's that stupid.
His reasoning is solid: how's he supposed to get over as a monster heel in the same company as Hall of Pain Mark Henry and UFC Brock Lesnar?
>he didn't like the Funkasaurus

fuck off
Best thing Ken Anderson ever did though
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>being the fucking fuckasaurus
Somebody Call His Momma!
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No one posted this yet?

Only on 4chan and similar neonazi shitholes this was cool. You guys always complain about niggers making everything about race but this time Gaytch started it
Big Boss Man dragging Beeg's Dad's coffin
Remember when Fandango-ing almost naturally became a thing with the live crowd and on social media......until the following week when they actually had Jerry Lawler try to lead the crowd into doing it, thereby instantly making it uncool and killing the whole thing?

>but don't do them during Raw/SD or PPVs

or at least wait until they're off the air before/during commercials/after those shows
>calling someone out on having nappy hair is racist

I liked that moment but then Brodus was my boy
I do not recall this
Fucking hell how does anyone recover from this
>ctrl f
>no cyndi lauper

That last segment Rowdy did with her was probably what killed him. That's how bad it was.
Any time a celebrity went over a superstar

Anything Gallows and Anderson have been involved in since joining WWE (Old Day being the worst)
Literally any time Stef tries to be an intimidating authority figure. She needs to fuck off.
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Everyone always remember the infamous Matt Hardy vs Edge/Lita feud but, what about the Kane and Lita's storyline? Shit got really weird with blackmail sex, pregnancy, abort and Kane turning face after being a creepy stalker, wannabe rapist. Too many moments

since both shows are so fucking long there is room for comedy filler like enzo wanting to fuck a bucket of chicken. If Raw was 1 1/2 hours they could just do storyline shit

Not the full segment but this is the part where Lawler was shilling it hard

Anything with hornswoggle.
Swoggle actually thinks he was a legit superstar though, almost as embarassing as """""womyn wrestlers""""" thinking they are making history
Vince liked the little bastard so he feed his delusions.
Guessing you didn't see his shoot
This was fantastic, what the fuck is wrong with you
>pretty much no good reason
He hates him because JR's the GOAT announcer and Vince couldn't even keep up with the action when he was on commentary.


It's pretty much the same reason he hates good wrestlers. He wanted to be a wrestler and couldn't hack it.
Just a few off the top of my head, and in no order. I'll try to post ones that haven't been posted.

>WM21 Sumo match
>WM23 Kane v Khali
>Most of the promos involving Bailey and Sasha. Their matches are fine, but their promos are the drizzling shits
>WMXXX Austin/Rock/Hogan
>Anything The Rock did during 2011 leading up to WM
>Any WM musical performances
>Anytime Jerry Lawler grabs a mic and tries to do anything besides be a heel
>Sparklecrotch (really just that part)
>Anything Enzo Amorgay and Big Ass do (Big Ass is at least an okay in-ring worker)
>the entire Embrace the Hate storyline
LMAOOOO Vince embarrassing niggers for his own amusement on his biggest show of the year

u do realize libshits need to control the house for that to happen, right? And they aren't anywhere close to it. stay salty faggot :^)
which shoot?
Mr Ziggles
is that jbl in the shower?
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>have to adjust the scale to make Hulk look bigger than based BEEG
I have no idea what the hell is going on during this segment.

Goldbergetty bringing his autistic son out and telling the crowd to stop booing him.

Who asked for a Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler feud?

How do you think Imus got in trouble?

A lot of people forget that there was another guy on Imus' show that called that women's basketball team a bunch of "hardcore hoes". After he said that, Imus then called them "nappy headed hoes".

Guess which guy got in more trouble, and which phrase people remember more?
That was actually funny
Nigger hair is disgusting though, even they think so
Based Vince
Shooting on God

Kek, literally just saw this thread and on my TV in the background saw Tyrus on the foxnews greg gutfeld show
>something gets over naturally
>Vince puts his stamp on it and kills it

Every fucking time.

so bad/cringe
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anything with Hornswoggle is shit

Similar thing happened with Armando Alejandro Estrada

He was a heel manager with Umaga......but the crowd loved how he said his own name, and started saying his name along with him whenever he said it

Then one night as he was saying his name during a promo, the crowd started saying it again and he literally ended his promo right there with a disgusted look on his face, as if to say "Fuck you people; I don't want you saying my name with me"

I think he stopped saying his own name after that. I'm sure Vince had him do that because heel managers aren't supposed to have the crowd imitate their promo schtick
Estrada was so fucking great
This was it.
This was the fucking moment where I finally saw the fact that Vince hates anything that gets over with the crowd without his permission.....with my own two fucking eyes.
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm aware that we all already knew it. We all saw various examples of it over the years......one of the most glaring ones being Zack Ryder's blatant burial after he got himself over via the internet.
But the Fandango thing was next-level.
They captured lightning in a damn bottle. One of their wrestlers suddenly had a huge reason for their crowd to get behind him and give him big reactions.....a cheesy entrance theme that had the crowd singing along to it and having fun. And it wasn't even just a big thing among WWE fans, it was actually starting to go viral among the general public, and was starting to get mentioned by mainstream media. THE MAN'S FUCKING ENTRANCE THEME WAS RISING ON A GODDAMN BILLBOARD CHART.
And what do they do the very next week after it starts to blow up?
They intentionally have Lawler make it seem lame by constantly reminding everybody that it was getting to be a big deal. By having him actively encourage people to keep doing it.....making it seem even lamer.
And if that wasn't enough, they had Fandango destroy it by shitting on the crowd for not "doing it right", with a lame heel promo:


There has probably never been a clearer example of Vince intentionally killing something that got over without his knowledge/permission.
you're right. Look at the tears from those rednecks and you weren't even trying.
Didn't you guys even watch the video? This was going to be canned but Cena wanted Brodus to have a Mania moment so he pressured them into allowing it.
It was going to be cut for time. Still Vince's idea.
One of the many reasons I can never take Cole seriously
what happened here

Heidenreich kidnapped Cole, took him to a dark room, pushed him up against a wall, went behind him and thrusted forward several times, suggesting that Cole was being raped
>sexually harassed

She probably came from that
jesus what era was this in? don't remember heidenreich or whatever in the AE
That was definitely the highest point of his run besides winning the US title and defending both belts in one night
>WMXXX Austin/Rock/Hogan
drink bleach right this instant
Dog that was funny as fuck

Around 2004......when Smackdown started to fall from the greatness that was the year 2003

Say what you want about this segment, I have never forgotten it. Not after all these years. It will be with me to the day I die. I don't think I can say that about any other segment.
is shane just kayfabe devout he always crosses himself during matches
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thank you based Sasha
Imus was shooting on "atheletes" that ESPN pretends to care about. HHH was just a wrestler tryig to get heel heat

In all honestly, this is why she'll never get over on the main roster.

Until she improves her mic skills, there's no reason to call her up. You need more than wrestling skills to be successful in the WWE
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That segment from like 2009 where they got that actress from Haitch's shitty movie and made her dance with Great Khali.

I cringed searching for this shit on Google. What the fuck were they thinking?

God that was so awkward and stupid.

Why the fuck didn't Vince just start a porn company on side for the Divas.
I legit liked all the Hornswoggle 'Looney Tunes' skits, and I don't care what any of you think of me for it.

It's not Brodus being the Funkasaurus that's the problem

It's the fact that for that particular segment they got a bunch of black female dancers dressed up as stereotypical old black "mommas" just because his entrance theme says "somebody call my momma"
"Turn into a monster"

Has any other wrestler ever gotten less of a crowd reaction during their entrance than this?

kek the rage in those comments will never get old

Evolution always sucked.

The Shining Stars every week.

What makes the video fucking hilarious is hard hes fucking going at it making the entrance and nobody gives 2 shits.
Shining Stars deserve better 2bh

They're good brothers

I want to know who the fuck thought that whole gimmick was a good idea. They are Timeshare salesmen. They walk out with shitty little pamphlets to try and sell the other teams on buying a timeshare?

Its just so weird even back in the era of a bunch of people with jobs as gimmicks like the repo man and shit i can't see anyone thinking this would work.
The gimmick is honestly funny and perfect for mid-level heels.

Problem is they job to the likes of fucking Golden Truth.
Repo Man is GOAT

The gimmick is honestly shit, kill yourself
Those Brodus entrances really made me want to fuck Naomi though
That isn't very nice.
Because Pat is gay. That's litterally it.
>The opening segment from RAW 998
What that?
Dana's body is plump in all the right places in the first video

How did she fuck that up... How does every call-up fuck get fat and lose so much muscle?
>threatening to kill pne of Cena's most hated rivals
They really should have picked someone else
Because they're on the road instead of working out at the performance center
>I'm sure Vince had him do that because heel managers aren't supposed to have the crowd imitate their promo schtick

Unless you're Paul Heyman
That was painful to watch.

Are Brock and Paul really heels, though? Seriously asking. I always felt like they were somewhere between face and heel
They're heels whenever the narrative says they're supposed to be.
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