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What kind of GM were you? >tfw too poor to afford real PPVs

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What kind of GM were you?

>tfw too poor to afford real PPVs
>would make my own and instead of simulating matches, watch them on Sundays
>put the main belt on GOAT Angle
>make the others job to him

Works every time
>not letting the matches settle by chance

Then again this was when I was a little shit and kayfabe was pretty spot on still. I wouldnt find out it was fake until the Vince limo explosion
Always build your show around HHH
Bury the vanilla midgets
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Would savescum hard to make sure I was GOAT

After that things stayed uphill, though there were points were the ratings battle became really tense and the other show caught up and I'd sometimes even lose. I remember the 5 star matches with my CAW though, tables, weapons, finishers. Was such a good mode, the current universe mode is just shite in comparison. The games were so much fun then, I'd lose hours to this mode alone

My show I had with my action figures was still better though.
Daily reminder you loved this game, and would CPU vs CPU pretending you were a GM before the mode would later come out : https://youtu.be/WBdwvakUaGU

>tfw somewhere at my mom's house is a notebook where I kept my bookings
I remember doing a long burning storyline with Stevie Richards vs Kane for the WWE title in SVR 06.
Yes, I remember this. As a shit eating 12 year old I went full fucking autismo. I controlled both roster and dilligently created my dream storylines. I even went as far to play every single match I booked, even the jobber ones. I controlled 2 different wrestlers, even three at a time on some occasions, to make sure the superstar I wanted over got the W every time the way I wanted them to (clean finish, interference, etc.) It was the only thing I did at one point. I could finish an entire year's worth of it in just a couple of weekends. I wish I could take back all the time I wasted with it.
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That music
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>tfw ran one of those fake brand on Youtube and used CAWs for anime characters

I knew I was a autist even back then but a kid's imagination is wew. No one can take Kakashi competting in a first blood match against Venom at Backlash from me

Wanna get depressed? The singer of the first song died of heart failure after a battle with drugs
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Which game was the one where it was really important to also manage the off time the wrestlers had?
Im talking fan meetings, dates, red carpets and that kinda shit?
I know its a SvR but i cant remember which year is it.
i also cant remember if it was good or not being objective today, but back then i was pouring a lot of time making sure Edge and Jericho got all the pushes they needed.
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Will the new game have GM Mode? I want to do a Vince playthrough and push Roman for a few in-game years
Every time I'd simulate matches, some poor fucker would go on a losing streak and would be in a furious mood. It's funny at first, but I wish the rng would throw them a bone once in a while.
I think it was 08, kind of shit but you only did it for your superstar, not everyone
They scrapped universe mode? It was basically the same shit with all the good stuff removed.
>Have Hell in Cell matches and shit on every show
>Kill my opponent in the ratings
>My guys all get injured from doing dangerous matches every week
>Forced to push jobbers
>My ratings collapse
Are you...me?

I should dig up that notebook...
...just to see what a mark I was. Yeah...yeah...
>try play the match to get top star ratings
>End up with something shitty like 3 stars because neither of them draw
>meanwhile main event between top stars auto simulates as a 4 and a half star MOTY

Truly a realistic game.
>HITC matches
>every show

Nope. My autism saved those for PPVs. Muh realism did kill my ratings every time though
>PPV main events simulate as 3-3.5 at best

Annoyed the hell out of me
>tfw when you couldnt have great stipulation matches because everyone kept getting injured and you would never get 4-5 star matches.

Who did you play as? I played as based Teddy.
What would piss me off is when high rated guys would email your opponent saying they wanted to jump ship even though you were using them every week.


Not him but my autism was so bad I would play in my head what the PPV highlights would like and what PPV theme was playing

I distinctly remember wanting a fatal 4 way HITC match between Kane, Taker, Mankind, and Sting(CAW)...as the mid-main match...at Wrestlemania...

How did they get away with have all those Sting assets in the game? His face paint was always an option!
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>tfw the A.I. crushes your show in ratings with a Khali VS. Flair ladder match
>tfw when 8 different superstars ask you for a title shot on the same day and threaten to leave when they don't get it
GM Mode sucked and I don't miss it.

Im scared to see how cringe mine was. My mom asked what it all meant when she stood over me writing one time. Funny story, I forgot who won mine but I was so inspired by Booker's KingOfTheRing run I made my own KOTC bracket. Literally 8 or 10 pages of me CPUvsCPUing every wrestler until the winner got William Regal's theme song for a month.

Teddy because Smackdown was known as the comfy brand with Undertaker and later nice man Batista. Raw was the edgy one that always broke ratings and attendance records every fucking night with lame'o Cena and his dumb spinning belt
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You are now having an anxiety attack because the other brand just took your Ramen

Who was it?
No anon, you suck as a GM
In this business, some people just aren't cut out to make it. You can't book a show. You love the business, you sit there judging WWE and making all these posts about how terrible the show is but when it comes down to it anon, when the pressure mounts and it's time to become the diamond from the lump of coal you were, you crumble.
Fuck, you niggas are young. No Mercy had a simple PPV mode but the real fun was creating the 04-05 roster on No Mercy.
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Holy shit I'm remembering more and more about this now. I swear there was a point where my money tanked and I was heavy in debt. Every week was a slow and painful struggle of top tier shows making good money to just try and finally break even and enhance the brand.
You now remember that CAW site you'd browse because they didnt have Jeff Hardy or that cool guy from TNA
Never forgot.

I know youre shitposting but its fucking true. GM Mode literally taught me how frustrating it is to handle entitled retards

Also, who /nuECW/ here? Draft was always a pain in the ass because I could never get the originals all together.
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Alright /asp/, who did you push to hell from Jobber status to face of the brand?
>tfw got Hurricane to 100 Pop and gave him the WWE Championship
>Kane falling to 8th
>not pushing the Big Red Machine like an unstoppable monster heel that would make even Brock jealous

Mark Henry was in the 80s rating yet his Hall of Pain debut was crazy good for a monster heel. If i remember correctly, I had to force all the monster heels to better ratings, like Khali and Umaga
I pushed Hurricane too, what the hell
>all about the fans

Paul Burchill. I didn't even try to push his popularity first. I just gave him the world title and forced him upon my viewers.
>another brand split
>but this time they're vacating the titles?
> here we go...
>tune in
>some wannabe pirate walks out with the belt on

This is the life you chose.
You say that like it's a bad thing
Fuck you, anon. Paul Burchill was the fucking GOAT and still is in my heart.
I wish WWE would make a new version of this and stick it on the App Store. You could draft wrestlers with your friends and shit, would be cool.
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>Start year
>choose raw
>push stacy and trish
>after backlash pop is 70s
>create feud between them
>ss arrives
>book fulfill your fantasy match
>5 star moty
>smack can't outdraw my piss break
Mi amigo of African flavor

There was something oddly satisfying about getting women over. Let alone CRUSHING the competition each week.

I forgot, could women do fun matches? Lita without a tables match doesnt feel right
>when the TNA game wasnt out yet so your whole space of CAWs was taken up by the brand
>when you maximized the autism by creating a TNA belt and CPUvsCPU pretending both a TNA game AND a GM Mode exist
>still literally play this game just for this mode

GM Mode was so based.

I always drafted either Haitch or Angle first, then either the other or Undertaker.

Always had my CAW on there, maxed stats, make him tag champs with Guerrero/Benoit, catapulted him into main event status, feud with most popular superstar. Always worked.
Some tips I came across. Totally works too.

You sound like you should be writing for VGCW
I'd always give Muhammad Hassan the championship push he deserved
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>that everything except Christian

Get out.
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>haitch as the whc
>royal rumble
>simulate it
>haitch wins
>svr11 universe mode
>Extreme Rules ppv
>main event is Triple H vs R-Truth and they didn't even have a feud started before
We are you. Fuck bookings I had my OWN wrestling company on a notebook. Called the IWF (international wrestling federation) with the main face as a fantasy character named MAD MIKE MONTANA , who would look something like Eric Young and Macho Man fused together . there was no telling what mad mike would do on each show , and the major heel was THE ANTICHRIST, an android like character , 7 foot tall etc.

I would write name vs name and use various methods to determine the winner, like
>Coin toss
>variations of hinky pinky ponky

But mostly it was coin toss(5/6 tosses etc) which decided the winner.

Never forgave myself for losing that notebook and the company itself .

Now that there are android apps for better outcome determination , I should probably re start that. At a time when I had no Internet , no PC games, no console and my ONLY entertainment was the notebook , 2005-2007 WWE and watching Iraq civil war on the news.

Thanks for reading my blog and you may reply for a free subscription.

Good times.
so which had the best GM mode?
Rate my SvR2006 title holders

>WHC: Sting
>WWE: Cena
>WWE Tag: Legion of Doom
>World Tag: 80's Hogan & Macho Man
>IC: Vader
>US Title: DDP
Real or fake was never something I really cared about as a kid. I guess on some level I always knew it was carny bullshit, just didn't matter to me. Too many things just didn't make sense. I never really believed in Santa either.

Yuck. Thats about as bad Taker on Raw.
You couldn't be fired for losing in the ratings, so I would always just start out spending as little as possible and just building up money for ages, then destroy my competition with money, just like based Vince.

As a kid when I was told that the storylines were fake, my child brain's defense mechanism shifted to putting all the reality on the matches themselves. I literally made myself believe the bookings were scripted, but the outcomes were determined for real.

But then I saw a few botch videos and my inner child screamed.
Would you play a Monday Night Wars GM Mode?

As edgy as that is, I have to admit I made a wrestler named Black that was some strange mix of Lesnar and Taker. Never talked, had Heyman as a manager, and had a brutal move set. Never had him win a title though.
>the antichrist
Story time
Where were you when Mad Mike Montana lost the main event to the Antichrist?

Fuck, now i want a bi weekly stream of two /asp/ brands clashing with eachother

>its a Triphammer episode
Oh yeah
Tommy bucks debuted and intervined, man the time traveling angle was the best

Id love to see a stream of this. Would have to include sone relevant superstars for memes like Ramen and Paige
2007 by far.

Noice and thanks for reading my autism

>The Antichrist

Story behind him is that the IWF once ran a small Indie company out of business.... A Japanese company. The owner, only known as Mr.Tendo wanted to exact revenge on the IWF so he uses all of his family wealth to build a BIONIC WRESTLER.

he's part human part robot and completely evil, one side of his face is white robot mask and the other side is burnt flesh. Tendo sets him on the IWF to injure all of their wrestlers and put them out of business and is out to kill the Owner

>Mad Mike Montana

A deranged heel madman who fucks other people's wives and all his feuds are written around something Autistic he does to other wrestlers .... but makes a face turn when the antichrist tried to kill him because mike was an Ex wrestler of Tendo's buried promotion and Tendo has now programmed the Evil Android to kill Mad mike Montana , and the only the way to defeat the Machine is to remove a Chip planted deep in his head by removing the mask. I forgot after that

Other fantasy wrestlers
>Chef Kenhi

Part time cook, part time wrestler.
Finisher : "Fried Noodles" , a brain buster
Signature move : random flippy shit move calley the "FIRE SAUCE"

fuck I meant

>Chef Kenji
>fucks other people's wives and gets into feuds over autistic things he did
I was hoping that antichrist was literally satans son so that you can pull shit like "WHAT IS BEELZEBUL DOING IN THE IWF
>be guy
>fuck everyone's wives
>insane Cyborg straight out a fucking Hellraiser movie comes to kill everyone
>kill Cyborg
>everyone should like you now

Lol tell that to Kenji in marriage counselling. The way you think is Vince levels of hilariously evil. Please stream this brand, whichever game you want
>Triphammer match
>Bretcuck run-in every time

And just think of the crowd chants you could play during the stream. Im a sound designer so I know how to manipulate voices to sound like theyre in a certain room. Id be more happy to create some chant audio. Check me out, https://youtu.be/JBx-vydxfKU
Kek. ... since his brain is purely AI programmed by tendo, his robotic mind is the second coming of Satan

Thanks man keK

Also , just like Wrestlemania, the flagship show of shows of the IWF will be "SLAMINEM" , it's literally a tournament where the winner gets a huge golden trophy at the end. Mad mike wins the 2nd slaminem dirty and goes on to his victory speech ....


commentators : Oh my God what an absolute madman!

Next show, audience hold signs like : "Mad mike just fucked your wife!"
And the Weekly show like raw would be called IWF:
With that silly Bush song as the title theme.

Get me footage. I want to make the montage.
Kek. ... that song is where I copied the name from
kek based
Subscribed, and rung the bell.
07, but none of the GM Modes were really complete or at the peak of their potential. After a tiny bit of changes to 07 they sort of gave up and 2 games later it was gone.

06 was missing a ton of stuff and the "1-on-1 matches started feuds" gimmick was awful, 07 was the best and it did seem like the next installment was gonna be the mode's shining moment. Then 08, which sucked as a game anyway, just grouped GM Mode and Season Mode into the same thing and it became too easy without dwelling more into GM Mode on its own. Its a shame really, and theyre doing the exact same thing with Universe Mode
>doing any promos besides PPV hype and Merchandising
IWF would have the best chants

>Mike fucked your wife (clap clap clapclapclap)
caws.ws for me.

Just used it now to get Samoa Joe on 08. Thank God my PS2 still works.
>ECW Champion William Regal
>started in low 50's.
>Easily 100 and fucking up Taker like no one's business.

The ratings system made me so mad for a few superstars. Mark Henry absolutely destroyed Batista and a few others yet he was 84.

Were those shits based on popularity?
Have Big Dave vs Angle in a rivalry for the entire year over the big gold. This was literally the only feature that made the games worth playing :////
>Pick Smackdown because I liked the WHC better than the shitty spinner belt
>Hire 80's Hogan and Hollywood Hogan
>Immediately put them in a rivalry, and book them in the main event every single week for the WHC
>Every main event would be a five star match, and Smackdown would slap RAW's shit in the ratings war every week

Move over new stars.
>not playing realistically

My enemy brand won every damn time but I always had fun
I used to use a CAW that looked like me and gave him a match every show

His gimmick was that he was the GMs spoiled son and everytime he lost the wrestler that beat him got fired
I would raffle his opponent every match
One time i drew the biggest draw on my show
Obviously the CAW got squashed and i fired the draw
My ratings plummeted
kek this sounds like the worst possible booking you could do
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If GM mode was so based then explain this
ECW regularly had men beat up women anon. Tommy Dreamer gave Beulah the piledriver and Rhyno damn near killed Sandman's wife with a piledriver through a table.

Honestly, feminism would be proud. Men and women being treated equally.
You'd watch it
You'd like it. It's all in the booking.
I'd watch the fuck out of that match senpai
Y'know. People say 2007 is the best SvR game but I have to disagree. Here's why 2006 is better
>That roster
>Those stages
>That Storymode
>Fun little Poker mode
>GM mode gave you more freedom in terms of storylines and didn't force you to have pre-written storylines like: "Number One Contender" or "Hungry Challenger" like in 07
>Soundtrack is god-tier
>The ring announcers aren't glitch-y in GM mode, they actually say what the match is gonna be for and who is the champion.
Don't get me wrong, I like 2007, but 2006 just has more going for it in terms of replayability and enjoyment.
The problem is this PPV got 5 meltzstars without a single 5 star match and a 2 1/2 match to open
>Not building up a feud for weeks only to culminate at a PPV in a Last Man Standing match.
For what purpose?
Raw just had a 5 star PPV with 1 star singles match Sandman over Snitsky and closed with a 4 and 1/2 star steel cage match JTG over BRET FUCKING HART
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Playing 2007 right now. WWE Champ Eddie Guerrero loses to Lita.

>Three Stars.

Fucking Raw.
GM mode in 08 was busted as fuck because you could just whore out wrestlers for easy POP and only raw could participate in the post-wm draft cuz glitches
Still in, it have some minor improvements for better or worse.
Vince and Roman

>having the brand with the least PPVs

Are you trying to lose?
SlipDown! vs. Monday Night JOHNNY
>tfw still play 2k17 and make up my own storylines
>tfw trying to figure out how to work based RuRu (MOTB holder) into the current Reigns/Styles feud

I cant remember, but did the compensate by making ECW the most watched show at least?
Can you do run-ins in Universe Mode? The only thing I've been able to do is attack my opponent after the match but that was with my CAW
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They give you a few extra PPVs during the year.

Not like it means much when everyone starts bitching about a title shot. I can't tell to how many storylines got fucked over because the champ lost the belt to someone like Chavo.

Based BMJ
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