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What is really going to happen to the WWE and wrestling in general

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What is really going to happen to the WWE and wrestling in general once Vince dies?
Becomes more niche. He is the only good business man if you look aside his booking issues.
It's all downhill pretty much. Steph and Haitch really don't know (or don't care) about their audience. Sometimes it looks like they cater to smarks, then to kids, then to casuals, etc. At no point since the end of the RA era has there been a clear direction in where this company is going. If this shitshow is still around by 2025 and not facing financial troubles, I would be shocked.
Hopefully Shane takes over instead of Haitch or Steph.
I feel like it would be more stable, because every report is that steph and haitch want to run it like a corporation while vince is still running it like a territory
Shane ruined his own company. Give it to actual business men with triple h as booker.

No women please, they cant run shit.
Yet nxt and 205 and uk brand arent terroroties? Triple H loves Nwa, while vince made corporate pro wrestling.
>Cisgender Man champion
>Cisgender Woman champion
>Gay champion
>Transgender male champion
>Transgender female champion
>Non-binary champion
>Pangender champion

This is how stephanie and haitch will ruin the company listening to reddit and twitter smarks.
WWE dramatically shrinks in size and slowly dies over the course of a few decades
Everything goes through Vince, even NXT and a few network shows go through Vince. Even if it is from time to time, Vince still has a say in everything related to the product.

If anyone is to blame, blame Vince. SmackDown is better? Yes, but they have a better lead writer.

RAW is pure trash because Vince takes the ideas for RAW, and then he turns it into what he thinks is good.

Blaming or praising Triple H for the booking would be pretty stupid. Praise Vince for not going to SD and throwing his "humor" all over it.
This, like him or not vince picks guys who have mainstream appeal, hhh and steph are already running it into the ground by catering to fans, signing to many indy guys who dont have crossover appeal, and giving it a pep rally feel as opposed to a professionally run show
WWE actually improves for the first time since the late 90s.

>lose over a third of your audience less than a year after gaining a total monopoly

Such business acumen.

>vince picks guys who have mainstream appeal,

Warrior, Luger, Diesel, Orton, Sheamus, Reigns...

All of them are Vince picks and all of them couldn't draw flies to shit.
Gaytch will kill the company.
It'll fall into irrelevancy like the NWA.
I'm not saying he strictly picks guys with mainstream appeal, but guys like cena, batista, austin, rock.....other people would've never been able to do what he did with them
Sheamus and Reigns are Haitch guys
Austin and Rock made themselves. Vince had no hand in it besides allowing them the freedom to do it because he was desperate
Ratings goes down post boom periods. Those are fad periods.

Attitude already had shit angles and crapoy win loss records.

Name some other successful businnes man in wrestling? None. All the indys are perma indys and tha is a joke since day one.

Njpw had shit businness practises until kidani who's going to kamikaze the fed soon.

Orton and Warrior had some appeal the rest didn't. Nobody was drawing in the new generation era anyway.

Nice try kid.
Austin was never a Vince pick, much like The Attitude Era in general Vince had to be dragged kicking-and-screaming into it by people in touch with the world post-1986.

>other people would've never been able to do what he did with them

Heyman literally was doing it with Austin in 1995.

And they got pushed just like Vince guys of the mid-90s.

There are more barometers for success than ratings.

>Attitude already had shit angles and crapoy win loss records.




>nothin personnel kid

It's almost as if neither Vince or HHH have the gift of foresight and know if someone's going to be a draw without being given the chance to prove themselves first

Taking a chance on a new wrestler is a gamble regardless (hence Vince's reluctance to do so once Hogan/Cena were underway)
There's a consistent pattern of failure amongst Vince's picks. And that's just amongst the ones he actually pushed.

Ever heard of Tom Magee?
Kevin owens and d bry aren't draws. Warrior actually gets remembered.

Nobody post 2005 except cena has notable merch sales. Nobody is a ppv draw or attendence increaser.

Go back to watching your shitty indys with workrate that will never draw dimes with 100 fans.
>Praise Vince for not going to SD and throwing his "humor" all over it.
Vince runs both shows
>Everything goes through Vince, even NXT
Vince doesn't even watch NXT, it's Hunter's pet project
Posting just 1 of these lines would be embarrassing but you went for the hat trick. Bravo.

>Nobody post 2005 except cena has notable merch sales.

>Nobody post 2005 except cena has notable merch sales.

>Implying Vince won't upload his mind to a computer and run the company until the heat death of the universe.
>Warrior, Luger, Diesel, Orton, Sheamus, Reigns...

Warrior was a Vince guy, drew right up until he became top guy, bit I'd say overall he was a success.
Luger was a Vince guy, he was a draw.
Diesel was a Vince guy, total failure, yes.
Orton is a Vince guy, he certainly draws merch, and he's a pretty big name, so I'd say he's successful, as he brings in the money to validate his beefy contract.
Can't really say, but he does draw international dimes, huge overseas, so, again, certainly no failure
Haitch, unabashed, huge failure.

So, yeah, I'd certainly give Vince the edge, being objective and putting our anal-pains aside.
Austin wasn't a vince pick, it took vince two years to give him the belt after Austin 3:16. Vince was wasting his time with HBK, Bret and Undercarder.

Rock only got over because he told Vince to turn him heel, Vince's Rocky Maivia was terrible.

Cena and Batista were both after Orton on the Vince list and Batista was ahead of Cena despite Cena having way more potential.
Modern WWE is a good window into what the future will hold, only it'll be even more pervasive.

What I mean is, you can expect HHH to keep bleeding the indies dry and bringing in smark darlings, while Stephanie pushes the Woymns revolution to unseen lengths. I'd also imagine the product will become even more scripted and corporate than ever once Vince bites the dust.

Shane O Mac will be cucked out of a position of power, or left in a soft cushy role that in reality means nothing.

That's my few predictions anyway.
>Cena and Batista were both after Orton on the Vince list and Batista was ahead of Cena despite Cena having way more potential.

You say this like ordering means anything, when all three have certainly proved their worth overall.
>Warrior was a draw except for when he actually was supposed to draw
>Luger was a draw
>Orton is a "big name"

0 D I M E S

I love this myth that Stephanie gives a shit about feminism beyond transparent lip service.

>I'd also imagine the product will become even more scripted and corporate than ever once Vince bites the dust.

But HHH's child promotion does literally the opposite.
Considering the ordering in terms of WWE is Cena >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Orton >>>>>>>> Batista when Vince thought it was Orton >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Batista >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cena (who he was going to fire before Cena got the rapper gimmick).

Vince only pushes guys who obviously have potential when they're lying in plain sight and Orton didn't draw a dime until like five years after Vince picked him as the guy, Batista dropped off about 5 months after Vince picked him as the guy, the only one who was ready to lead the company was Vince's third choices.
Shane won't have shit to do with them whatsoever, I think.
Maybe literally just an occasional on-screen babyface, but that's it.

>explicitly say "put your butthurt aside"
>he spews boring /asp/ memes

Just say that you can't handle this beforehand.
Actually The Rock was always planned for a push, always. It's just that his initial Babyface character was a fucking disaster. It was after that they turned him heel and let him cut lose on the promo's.

But Vince was always hot on The Rock, since day 1. Vinnie loves the Somoans.
There is no way Reigns is one of Haitch's, we've seen what Haitch will do when he truly wants to put someone over. he did no such thing for Roman and made him look worse...and it's not like he didn't have the option
>Luger was a draw

Learn what the meaning of the word draw is faggot he was awful.
This is true, but you can also look at like it: they were all good picks, he picked three good guys.
Using that Vince made three solid choices, regardless of their ordering, isn't the soundest argument in my eyes.
>/asp/ meme

You mean Enzo.
well that was my third argument and only really serves as an addition to the fact that Vince wasted two years pushing the No draw generation of HBK, Bret and Undercarder over Austin.
Luger was the definition of a squandered draw.
He could have brought in some dimes as a short-lived Hogan 2.0 but he wasn't given the push, and just like that, the era of Hogan was brought to a definitive end, and the chance was missed.
The Lex Express was over as fuck, brother.

Who? Sorry, I don't watch OutRAW wrestling
>The Lex Express was over as fuck

Not even as over as a Canadian.


Try "so far back in his NXT run it was around the time of his face turn".

Now are you done being triggered?

Warrior flopped as THE guy.
Luger flopped so hard that he never even got that far.
Orton has consistently killed audience interest during all of his top pushes.
Sheamus flopped miserably as a top babyface.

>Reigns is a Haitch Guy

Explains why he was pushed just like the Vince Guys of the mid-90s.
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If you want an idea of how bad Vince is at picking guys, let's have a look at Vince's greatest triumph, the only guy he created who managed to stand the test of time.

25 years, a """legend""" to marks and smarks alike but look a bit deeper.

Zero dimes drawn. 25 years and only three main events at Wrestlemania, two of which tanked the buyrate embarrassingly.
You can't really blame Undertaker for 13 having a low buyrate.
hey mark
Funny, after that QUALITY post I would call you the same thing.
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>Not even as over as a Canadian.

Yeah but Bret's a GOAT, so that's not a big metric.
He certainly had potential.

>Try "so far back in his NXT run it was around the time of his face turn".

I just don't like Enzo, he's boring.

>Now are you done being triggered?

>everyone who disagrees with me is triggered

>Warrior flopped as THE guy.
Being THE guy isn't the only barometer for success. Plenty of guys have been successful midcarders, and despite his flopped "guy run", he certainly paid back his worth before that.
>Luger flopped so hard that he never even got that far.
>Orton has consistently killed audience interest during all of his top pushes.
Pretty much same as Warrior. You may not like him, but he's one of the cemented top guys, and he certainly moves the shirts and has the celebrity-presence, albeit in a very restricted sense, to pay back his worth.
>Sheamus flopped miserably as a top babyface.
Actually, he was red-hot during his initial babyface push.
He petered out quite sharply, as he embarked upon a 100-PPV odyssey against Berty, but considering the international presence and value he has, I find it difficult considering him a flop.
It's not just about in America, they aim these guys worldwide, and Sheamus is one of those guys tailored to overseas audiences who certainly has his merit to them, and warrants his place on that.
>Reigns is a Haitch Guy
By all reports, yeah.

Taker is Vince's greatest success, but he in himself is not a success.
I would use him as both an example of Vince's genius, and prodigal stubbornness.
Truly, he is an all-time great, and a tremendous shitter.
m8 I'm a WCW kid and Luger was always better heel.

>Being THE guy isn't the only barometer for success. Plenty of guys have been successful midcarders, and despite his flopped "guy run", he certainly paid back his worth before that.

Too bad this is a discussion about how successful Vince's picks for THE Guy are.

>You may not like him, but he's one of the cemented top guys,

Sorry bud. Not arguing opinions. I'm just stating facts.

Every time Orton has entered a main event picture there's been an immediate, observable downturn in fan interest.

The numbers don't lie.



>he was red-hot during his initial babyface push.

I know. I was there.

Sheamus flopped as a top face. Even the Euro crowds, for the most part, don't cheer him.

>By all reports, yeah.

So you conveniently ignored the line below because...?
Oh, well, I'm not talking about who succeeds purely as "the guy", as there's more to a talent's longevity and worth than that.
So, whatever.
So why'd you enter a conversation about just that?
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