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Thread replies: 372
Thread images: 64

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gimme some (you)s if youre just waiting for comfy smackdown tomorrow
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First for this faggot
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here you have
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>Heel Y2AJ tag team will never EVER happen
Heel AJ and Heel Jericho.
Imagine it.
Seth is the worst of all time

for (You)
enzo should be getting carried by kendrick

what a mega manlet
Who waiting for based ass eating bmj tomorrow??
Here's you (you)
Can't wait for the champ that runs the camp vs no chin music
delet dis
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I saw ROH was on tv last week, and saw "Bullet club". I figure hey I'll check it out.
It was 4 guys who look like they hang out at a mall food court. I'd imagine they were better with AJ styles and actual talent..
>Hello, fellow gamers
They really have to stop killing the club like this.
The Job Club lost
>Faces cheating blatantly and giving the heels (zero heat)

that was a pretty high kick tho desu senpai
Gallows and anderson have lost 4 matches in recent memory due to cheating faces

Great way to get your heel tag team over

I'm turning this garbage off.
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MFW turned that terrible bullshit off
are these twats suppoused to be faces
An ad just played for a Smackdown taping in my state that says Ambrose is facing Styles for the title on Nov 1st. Thanks for spoiling tomorrow.
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>Your so mad at the size of another man.
Xth for Anderson and Gallows deserve better.
I think there just building cass up when they inevitably split at this point
He implied nikki's ass was his favorite meal in some total bellas press conference
Monday and Tuesdays are my /cumfy/ as fuck days. The rest of my week I sit in lonely silence.
You fags are alright. Lots of (you)'s being passed, I dig it.
Kek, this will never be not funny
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right here
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>hey kids remember video games?
Eddie literally did that in his face matches but got praised for it
So if you were the Bullet Club, do you...
>Regret ever leaving Japan
>Not mind, because you're getting paid more to job in short matches

Dark Matches how do they work
*card is subject to change.
Same here man
memba zelda
why do you save picks of faggots faggot?
Holy shit HEEL Y2AJ would legit be the best tag team on the last 10 years.

Please Vince make this happen.
Question: Anyone wants to fuck Rusev's mom?
oh boy i hope annalingus goes mainstream, it's my favorite pastime.
here you go bud
Are face and heels, dare I say it, dead?

>first gimmicks
>now alignments
AJ is having a shit ton of fun on smack
Seth may have killed Finns career
Jobber club is a bunch of jobbers
>no injury risk outside of having to wrestle enzo
>can spend all night at catering doing redneck voices
>more time with wives
They wish they were with AJ.
It could have been her puss.
Have you been living under a rock? Eating ass has been mainstream for a long ass time now
Only babushka gma

But Eddie was legit entertaining. It was his thing, he made it endearing, he knew how to invest the crowd in cheeky shit. Enzo and Cass can't tell an in-ring story like Eddie did, and that's the reason so many people call him GOAT.
Enzo and Cass won't split until they have at least 2 Tag Team title reigns, so around a year and a half until they split
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People actually still watch Monday Nyquil.
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who /Twin Cities and no gf/ here?
Yeah this. Why was ass his first guess? Pretty sure bmj implied her puss
smackdown really has the best girls
>nattie for innocent crazy cat ladies
>bliss for the all american blondes
>naomi for the thickness
>carmella for those into dirty northeast sluts
>eva for the bimbo lovers
>becky for the mentally impaired

and nikki too i guess
Rusev has done literally nothing wrong ever
>Rusev not promoing in the ring

if joe goes to raw I quit wwe
Only Mexicans call Eddie GOAT
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>WAM Lana
because he isn't a fucking virgin like you
People go to Raw threads and are not even watching?
>Roman Reigns has done despicable things to my wife
What did Rusev mean by this?
>Rusev with Cuck Man phil beard style.

WTF I hate Rusev now!!!
>tfw roman is going to go over clean
Should rewatch OTGW desu
Halloween soon
not mexican and he's the GOAT
Will the draft happen once a year or every 6 months or what?

You know who else likes Eddie?

Eddie has literally made it on many white bois greatest wrestlers list.
Ruining there live wedding for no reason
Roman fucked Lana 3 ways to sunday, Rusev confirmed it himself

I feel like they've already used their entire roster
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So what do you all think of the Nintendo Switch?

I think it's quite a gimmick myself honestly, not sure where the excitement comes from
>LANA made her wrectling DEBUT at Wrestlemania
>Hasn't wrestled since
So... did she not like it? Or trying to get pregnant?
What happened?
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im watching and trying to NOT kill myself
He's a mid carder that couldn't draw a dime and literally demanded Vince to take the WWE Title off him bc he was so shitty
isnt medically cleared to take a bump
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I have held on for months, but the start to this show is my breaking point. I'm done with RAM
Reminder that wrestlers don't get over anymore

Meme chants and arm movements get over
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wtf I hate Eddie now
I've forgot more ass than you've gotten, pal. Have a sympathy (you). I'm out here spreading luv, bitch
I'm just trying to find out why. It is the shittiest "wrestling" show on TV and yet you people still watch it.
Cautiously optimistic. If it works, it will be hella great. Still need more details (launch titles, price) but I'm a Nintendo slut so I'll get it regardless.
Just give cesaro and sheamus the belts
No more of the new day burying people
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>Enzo down with the Wu-Tang
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>tfw you like Big E, but hate Kofi and Woods
>Cuck day vs Shaemus and Cesaro for the tag titles

Probably what they really wanted to do with the WiiU. Still gonna get it though.
Really? I don't think I have ever heard her say it.
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LITERALLY ripping off Austin to get over
Thanks for ruining a perfectly good moment.
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I don't think I'm gonna make it this week
This segment will be over soon. pls stay w us.
What about Shane?
Shame on us for watching Raw every Monday
new day has somehow made me hate kofi now

fucking hell i loved that nigga
Ripped off from GAME OF THRONES?
>poo day trying to start the game of thrones shame chant in late October

fuck off desu, when are they going to stop getting pops. Tired gimmick as niggas.
>three black guys shame the whitest guy on the roster for daring to be in the ring with them

nice activism, RASJW
>these niggers STILL have the title

fucking WHY. does the company have no faith in the opposition?
He's the only member that you can argue isn't a Janetty
Get laid
Rather watch 3 hours of AJ selling James Elsworth offense than Raw
Bc we out here /cumfy/. You either get it or you don't. Shoo shoo
Off course. All these fags do is reference pop culture.
New policy in WWE that makes it so a person of color or other nationality must be a champion or on the same level to help with PR
>AJ hits Dean with Styles Clash
>Ellsworth's music hits
>Distraction into Dirty Deeds

Screencap this
Teddy Long been calling white ppl "whitey" and "honkies" and no said anything.
Probably merch sales or affirmative action
Gotta break Demolition's record. Gotta teach them not to sue somehow
Smackdown promo has been better than all of RAW so far.
Why cant they make sheamus a dominate bad ass again? They are making pure mockery of him now.
Name literally 1 (ONE) tag team that can even get a reaction from the crowd.

Hard mode: No Enzo and Big Ass
You know
There was a point were I actually liked new days gimmick
But they've been champs for too long and there gimmick has gone stale
The good ones are on smackdown.
You now remember Axe, Smash, and Crush (pre-Hawaiian, pre-martial arts master)
>Homos getting triggered by pussy eating.
Not gna kill my monday buzz
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dudleyz should have won it
I'm slowly losing hair, lads. I've conceded that I'll be bald eventually. I need a (You) to cheer me up.
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He's based as fuck
Were they shucking and jiving for the entire commercial break?
What happened to these guys' cool entrance from last week
No pop
Sheamus has a GOAT entrance
all the great wrestlers were bald or balding

chin up my dude
His hair is beautiful
Dude I'm 21 and my hair is thinning bad already I feel ya man

cause he is the best wrestler WWE has had in ages.
>you now remember the "Five Minute White Boy Challenge"
Save up for a hair trasplant
They were over for literally 2 weeks due to nostalgic marks. They didn't hold a candle to Enzo & Big Cass.
He's phenomenal
the community
I saw him here and there in TNA. But the guy is pretty based, man. And I could give a fuck about "excellent 5 star match" shit
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>ywn bully Ziggler with AJ and Rhyno
Has this tag-team grown on anyone else?
How does sheamus shine so much
Cesaro is the best looking bloke on RAW
I can't believe this is all just for Cesaro and Sheamus to feud some more
He's a manlet so he reminds people of themselves
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>Miss me yet Rawtists?
I agree.
He isn't working as a heel. He might need a face turn.

Shave your head. It's so fucking freeing mate. Some of my hair even grew back after I stopped being a faggot about it, looks better than it did before by leagues

Unless you got an uneven head. Then you're just shit outta luck
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>watching TV with dad
>raw comes back on
>big e is humping the air while on the floor
>changes the channel to the broncos game
It has for me. The moment they were put together, I immediately thought that this was the kind of pairing that I can see myself eventually liking.
>Roman Reigns
>Sasha Banks
>TJ Perkins
>New Day
>Kevin Owens
>1 coconut nigger, 4 literal niggers, a flip and a cucknadian are Raw's champions
Really makes you think
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>mfw Cesaro comes on my TV
goodness gracious, I wonder if the world will somehow carry on w/out some junior jerkoff pretending to never watch wrasslin' again
I love it
Cesaro&Sheamus? Honestly in the ring I think they should be pretty good

Don't think we've actually seen them wrestle as a team properly though

Wait actually, what the hell is going on? I thought this was a singles match. Why are they facing New Day tonight and again at HIAC?
Who's the homo?
What are the chances of NEW DAY losing on Sunday?
I feel like it's slim.
Sheamus and Ceasaro feel like a filler feud.
why are they having this match?
not really. Sorry lad. Has a good look, but shit on the mic. Kinda silly "dress up time" gimmick. Idk.
Because RAM is 3 hours
doesn't he play 3B for the Cubs?
I forget that this is prime time television in the US.

Its very niche here in the UK

>inb4 staying up to watch this

I have the day off tomorrow fuck you
>Haven't watched Raw OR Smackdown in 2 weeks
>come back
>this is what I'm greeted with

I guess it's time for an extended break
To entertain the crowd with an athletic competition
Sheamus and Ceasaro will win tonight, so they can lose on Sunday.
They lost their steam and got buried by Enzo and Cass so bad they left the company and "retired".

They were only over for a while due to muh Attitude Era marks.
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>It's a matches we'll be seeing again on Sunday episode
>Raw OR Smackdown
You came in in a very wrong time. check back tomorrow. it's much better.
Like clockwork. Its so predictable.
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>first hour and only 2 matches
>same opponents every week with only a small variation in the match type
>rawtists still think its the A show

please tell me no one really likes raw
just watch smackdown
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>*Guitar Riff*
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>this fat fucking faggot mark in the front with the Hulk merch on
no one really likes raw
I don't even like wrestling anymore, there's just nothing else on besides a shitty MNF.
Or lose tonight to make it look like they will 'win' Sunday.

The best case result would be them winning tonight AND Sunday.

I legit wonder if there is a NWO and they are trying to feminize males and reduce masculinity when I see New Day on this show...

Those gay easter egg color outfits
The Unicorn
That closet bear wearing a leotard that rides his ass and a odd cape

Why do they grind their crouches in a homosexual twink manner?

Why do they all come off very feminism?

How do people tolerate this?

How many kids will be bisexual or queer cuz of this shit
0. New Day isn't losing until they beat Demolitions record.
Ay up fellow Bong
What are we doing
wtf this match is still going
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>tfw fapped 3 times today
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Whats the explanation for giving this match away for free?

How the hell am i gonna care about the match on sunday now?
>YFW the team breaks up a week before them breaking their record
Im pretty sure Demolition tried to sue Vince or something. He wont want them to be the record holders if that is true.
good shit senpai
why would you need the NWO to feminize males when you have Jews and white women?
Wait what the fuck, isn't this match happening Sunday?
not even kids watch wwe anymore
Maybe Xavier will wrestle on Sunday

I dont know its either this shit or chivalry so i elected to watch this
do a fucking ufo cesaro
>AE mark
>thinks this is gay
>forgets literal gimp gimmick Goldust and Val Venis

>closet bear
>forgets Diesel was even more closet bear mode even before the AE as well as many many other New Age and Attitude Era wrestlers

I could go on but it's quite obvious you yourself are a closet homosexual since that's the only thing that's on your mind. Faggot.
Guess they're losing Sunday
That was a pretty good end desu

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>sheamus and cesaro win
looks like new day will beat the demolitions record
If there was any doubt who was winning a HiaC.
>Having them win tonight so they lose on the weekend

oh well.
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Shit like this is on my mind all day, anon.
I've been supplementing my own testosterone for years, but there is high estrogen in plastics causing men to be more feminine. Look it up.
We grew up wanting to be Rambo and Arnold, now kids are told "you can be a girl if you want to!". And wrestling was once the safe haven for masculinity and counter culture. I get bummed out thinking too much about it.
Gotta admit that ending was badass. They could be a good tag team.
not bad of a match
LotR: The Two Tower on TNT

South Park reruns on Comedy

Simpsons reruns on FXX ... they're doing all the "Treehouse of Horrors" episodes, currently on #8


>Ay Up

new gay will turn heel and cheat at HiAC

sheamus has one of the better themes
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>Big E eating the pin and not that chocolate midget Kofi

man stop saying A TRIPLE MAIN EVENT
>only 3
I'm at about 6 or 7 so far. Probably gonna shoot off a couple of more before going to sleep.
So what was the point of Sheamus and Ceasro fighting again? We already know they are getting jobbed out
They've been cheating for a while now. Still faces.
I worked, gym, grocery shop, errands and am just sitting down while I get my 2nd meal in. I envy you.
I'll fap once I'm done handing out (you)'s at 11
>triple main event


>Triple Main Event
Its like they have misunderstood the point
>LotR: The Two Tower on TNT
Have it on Blu-Ray, don't need some 5 hour long edited basic cable showing filled with commercials
>South Park reruns on Comedy
South Park is fucking hit or miss, not worth investing in anymore
>Simpsons reruns on FXX ... they're doing all the "Treehouse of Horrors" episodes, currently on #8
See above
Have the entire series on one of my HDs
literally how
this feud is literally just to promote their shitty game
this promo from goldberg was good desu
Just passing by, have a (you) in exchange to what is happening right now on RAM.
lmao why are they using 2k17 footage?
Cesaro was shooting on why Raw has been shit

The best of 7 and this is his punishment
>it made me think
Any chance Goldberg does both Survivor Series and WM?
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unless Goldberg was in his prime. it draws less hype for me
>Jinder Mahal still hasn't been future endeavored
Why did they bring this guy back? The one on about inner peace I forgot his name
This is racist
Currently unemployed.
Because their last match was shit m8
Jinder looked pretty explosive there
Jinder "We were desperate" Mahal, the stoooooopid IDIOT
He was once, give it time
He literally was and they brought him back
Oh Shit. Jinder bout to bomb the place.
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Who /woo/ here?
I know, I was stating for this run. Should've never been brought back in the first place.
You might have a problem, guy
3mb ;_;
What was it?
Can't hinder the jiner
Can't _____ the slater
Can't Screw the Drew?
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Can I get a (you) lads, feeling down. Me mum and dad just kicked me out of the house for being a NEET and finding out I smoke weed.

Currently living at me grandmama and grandpapa's house.
Can't hate the slate
Stop doing drugs you fucking degenerate
Sasha is getting a special live music entrance at hell in a cell btw
Here's your (you) lad
Good luck out there
Seek employment or enroll in your community college.
>You're LAST

It's a one time thing senpai
Get a job ya fucking bum

How old are you? are your parents living in the 60's???
excluding the wiminz title is SEXIST
they needed to fill the rosters after the brand split somehow

>@ ing

Back to Twitter fag
That fake tan is giving me cancer
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dont fucking @ him
Fuck this show I'm bored
Get worked fags
idk. I will not be surprised if he's at mania.
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>another fucking rematch
This match has too much thick.
>Dana gett a jobber entrance

Where can I watch this when it's over I don't have time to watch right now

muh dick
Can't Slay The Bray
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>Dana's tits
Shit, Dana's tits just get bigger each week, eh?
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Quints and I'll post my dick
Don't work ya selves onto a shoot now ya lil vertically challenged dwarfs
Women are shit
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If >>1899999 Big Poppa Pump returns.
Dana's titties = best titties
>face doesn't wear the cancer scam shirt

WTF, I hate Bayley now
Great, more 50/50 booking
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all 9's
what a waste of a get
BAYLEY should turn into Sister Abigal.
Goodluck and have a (you). But time to grow up young lad. <3 unless you are legit young, then maybe learn to do fun shit and not get caught / be gud boi
>bayley with tape
She should have made a tag team with cesaro.
What a waste
god dana has packed on a lot of meat
"Last" could easily mean that Lesnar is his last opponent. So a rematch would still make him his last opponent.
My God Dana looks like absolute shit
nice get
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>nuff said
>gg scrub

what did dana brooke mean by this?
Dana getting a gut?
WTF is this shit.
Digits confirm Dana's tits are fucking fantastic.
Who's shorter Dana Brook or Alexa Bliss? Midgets are my fetish.
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Just kill me now
Dana sounds like a tranny

thanks friend

have sex

you first

I'm 21, but they were born in the 60's
>Arm wrestling match

>Wimminz Wrestling
Dana is fat slob

I wasted this get


good post
Fuck you I like arm wrestling spots

dana isn't that short for a women she's around 5'3 which is like an inch off average
>WOMEN'S """"""""""""""""""""arm wrestling""""""""""""""""""""
can't wait to see how dana botches arm wrestling.
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dana too short.webm
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do you wanna see dana wrestle instead??
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why do I watch this
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>arm wrestling
>crowd: we want wrestling

What did they mean by this?
Best womens match ive seen all year
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This is stupid chants
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>We want wrestling
>This is stupid

Holy shit, crowd actually based tonight.
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Dana really is the female Steiner
Kill yourself my man

feels fucking great to be a smacklad right now
only fags give a shit about bringing in a chick into the wyatts
She looks like a pudgy troll
I do have a job ya fucking degenerate dwarf. Albert says im getting called up to NXT mid November.
>tfw dana will never dominate you in an arm wrestling contest before letting you eat her out and cream deep inside her tight pussy while she moans

why bother even living family
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smh fam im dying over here bruh.jpg
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Women's revolution on suicide watch
she's way better looking than horseface Sasha
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>ywn get humiliated in an armwrestling match vs. dana, staring at her tits and starting to sweat pathetically
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Guys why are we watching this shit?
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>the numbers don't lie!

And people wonder why everyone is becoming a Smackbro these days.
Glad I'm a smacktard I would be so ashamed of this.
same desu. Both are hot af. dana is alpha, but bliss is cute. tough decision tbqhfam
What a bunch of fags in the crowd tonight

That was way better than
>Let's have the same match every week for four weeks and then do it again on a Sunday

Weightlifting contest next week please
Seth has the list, this shit is so predictable
Is Steph preggo again?

She's looking THICCC
plz tell me Glen lives
ooooooooo she was going for a hell pin.
now i get it. ha
Bump limit well past.





>Let's have the same match every week for four weeks and then do it again on a Sunday

Or they could book some unique matches instead of the same ol shit.
File: Smug_Haitch.png (134KB, 472x456px)
134KB, 472x456px
Sounds like a gay NXMeme crowd....

I enjoyed the arm wrestling, wasn't as good as the Trish vs Torrie or Kat vs Terri arm wrestling match tho

he'll be fine
>Dana will never poop on your chest
>reportedly he died of boredom while watching a segment of WWE's Monday Night RAW
have sex
>Jericho cant find list, does not fight, get fired and joins smackdown
Wow, I want this so much
Nigga they had to pick the brains of him and Abraham out of the gravel
Why would you go on the internet and tell lies?
naw he gud cuz
yeah but he's retarded now and wears a roman empire shirt
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