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Why do anons choose to watch fake wrestling when they could just

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Why do anons choose to watch fake wrestling when they could just watch real mixed martial arts??

Serious question
how is this related to WWE and the WWE universe?
Lets make hijack this troll thread
Tell us what you really think of RVD?
Whether a show is scripted or not is unimportant. MMA is boring. Pro wrestling is entertaining. That's all there is to it.
How is a bunch of oiled up men in tights yelling at each other and doing scripted acrobatics entertaining?
in wrestling they wear tight little panties
I think you just answered your own question.
but not as entertaining as 4CHAN
i spend more time posting on here then i do watching anything else
there is a storyline that happens within the match? also most wrestling fans i know enjoy mma as well, me included.
My question is, /wweg/ when?
It'd clear up so much fucking space on the board, and it's how basically every other blue board keeps shit in check. I'm honestly amazed the mods here haven't done this shit yet
Why do people eat cake when they can eat chocolate?

Personal tastes anon
Well let's take a look at this anon, your analogy is pretty accurate

>cake is for fatasses who have no self control and often some kind of mental disorder, and is vastly less healthy than chocolate
>chocolate has been around for at least a century, is far more healthy than cake, it can actually be beneficial unlike cake, and they overwhelming likelihood is that the chocolate bar you're eating is made of real ingredients, unlike your Betty Crocker preservative-ridden niggerbread
Literally autistic
Continue to not have sex
What kind of psychopath wants to see two people actually hurt each other?
>memeword memeword
>salty WWE fag, ironically enough, calls someone else a virgin

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 4 years: 4 YEARS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Gardevoir or whatever furbait you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're
"epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use 4chan). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.
it's really not entertaining when the effort is that obvious
How being scripted takes away from stuff like a fat dude doing a moonsault or Neville Red Arrow?

It doesnt.

I dont see the diference between Jiu-jitsu and karate so to me its boring because they are just punching and hugging most of the time.
Why do you care OP?

MMA has been shit since Pride folded
Why do you watch television when you could just go outside?
Because then I wouldn't be with my true friends here on 4chan.
>only 4 years
I like 'em both for the same reason I like basketball *and* Star Wars: one's a sport and the other is a show that tells a story that's not exactly 100% realistic.

Watching serious athletes compete in serious athletic competition is fun. Watching a whole bunch of people put on a fight-scene heavy stage show is also fun (when the story is engaging and the action is interesting.) People are free to partake of as much of one or the other as suits them.
>Watching a whole bunch of people put on a fight-scene heavy stage show
""""fight scene""""
Pro wrestling has nothing even remotely close to realism. You might as well watch a kung fu movie, because that doesn't insult your intelligence by pretending to be a real sport with #1 contenders and title belts.
>watching two guys beat up each other for real
This is just silly

Kung fu, lightsabers, Braveheart, 300, X-Men, El Mariachi. Just because something isn't "realistic" doesn't mean it insults my intelligence.
I don't see how you can get offended when someone dismisses your opinion in that fucking shit rally

>chocolate has been around for millennia
fixed that for you
I don't have to pay $50+ to watch a 10 second match
Why don't you make real friends instead of fake internet ones?
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Because I don't like violence, I don't want to watch two people fighting for real, I'm not a brute.
Pro wrestling might be fake but it entertains me and is fun.
Mangio il pasta
It does when it's a fake sport but real ones exist.
Are you aware that ten second fights are a complete anomaly, especially at the championship level?
MMA is boring

Nah. "Field of Dreams" wasn't an insult to baseball fans. Fiction is an opportunity to examine the real world through what-if lenses and as such it always begins in some aspect of reality. Shows about fictional sporting leagues are no more exotic than shows about fictional hospitals or fictional police forces. It's just a thing from real life that's been fictionalized so that a deliberately prepared story can be told
Field of Dreams is a movie about baseball, not a weekly television show aping baseball except the teams have characters and get into matches because of stupid storylines.
Sorry but your ridiculous mental gymnastics to try and justify pro wrestling as anything other than a silly little show for kids isn't working.
desu the personalities and the build up for the UFC 200 fights are far better and interesting anything the WWE has done in years

"The League" is a weekly television show about fantasy football. "The Hoop Life" was a weekly television show about a fictional version of the NBA. "Sports Night" was a weekly television show about a fictional version of ESPN. "Coach" was a weekly television show about a fictional version of a college athletic team. "Arli$$" was a weekly television show about a fictional version of sports agency. "Friday Night Lights" was a weekly television show about a fictional version of high school athletics that actually *was* insulting to high school athletics.

People like weekly television. People like fiction. People like sports. It's absolutely no surprise that people would like weekly television about fictional sports. Or movies. Or books. Or graphic novels. You can buy a manga about a fictional tennis league if you want.

The privilege of fiction is to amp things up. If the story needs a perfect comeback just script one. If the story needs us to have information just show it to us. If you need to fudge the rules or the way reality works you get to fudge a bit. And if you're doing something super-stylized you get to fudge *a lot.* If it's good people will be drawn to it and you'll make money. If it's not...well most of you are still trying to remember "The Hoop Life."

All TV isn't reality TV for a reason. All TV isn't scripted TV for a reason. All movies are not documentaries.
>Arguing with somebody being obtuse as fuck.
No point anon.
Sorry but I didn't make it very far into that novel you've written, but pro wrestling is still stupid.
It's fake man. Seriously, it's a fake combat sport. Why not watch a real combat sport?
Because you can do both? The only world they're segregated in is in your autistic us vs them mind. Nobody else cares this much, Hell even Dana White and Vince have a working relationship.

The only one pumping this fallacy is you. Guess there's nothing better to do on Wednesday huh anon?
You can do both, but that would be retarded, because MMA is basically pro wrestling but real, sans the retarded elements like combatants coming out to fire sirens as the Frank 'The Fighting Firefighter' Falcon with suspenders on.
I'm starting to think you might have serious intelligence issues. Did you know that studies have shown that the average pro wrestling fan is literally less smart and poorer than other televison viewers?
Your trolling is piss poor and you should feel bad that this is the best you can offer.

Fictional things are a staple, fictionalized things of real things have been around long before you decided to be retarded on purpose on 4chan. People have enjoyed entertainment for years and will continue to, some people like a huge big budget spectacle and seeing people do dangerous stunt that real fighters would never do because it would but their livelyhood in danger. Some people like being obtuse on purpose on a chinese imageboard.

C'est La Vie. Not gonna ask for source because I know you won't have it.
Mma fans are just as stupid and poor as wwe fans
It already existed on /sp/, blame Hiro for the move and name change. Mods going off on the general (either being made "too often" and/or completely nuking them despite one thread being the only one on the board at the current time) also hurt that.

As for current /asp/, shithead Ambro/Carter/whatever alt & proxy he's using shits all over the /wwe/ general when it gets made. Everything that would've sat in there got spread out to be made into other topics. Gamethreads are gamethreads; they were always separate even on /sp/ (/wwe/ general came a long time after gamethreads).

Don't have an answer for the "Is he autistic?", "What did he mean by this?", belitting of other /asp/ bullshit, or mod callout spam by other retards. However those "get fake wrestling off /asp/" threads certainly don't help much either at this point. Just make the posts for the other /asp/ stuff you like and use the catalog if you don't do this already.
You get to see your favorite guy wrestle pretty much every week

There is a storyline behind every match

You get to see personalities develop and change

It's just a live action comic book is how I heard a few guys explain it.
Professional wrestling belongs on /sp/.
I watch both
I watch both.
I watch wrestling as just a TV show, and I watch MMA as something to quench my thirst for blood.
>because MMA is basically pro wrestling but real

I dont see any flips in MMA nor any interesting moves like hurracaranas, powerbombs or anything interesting.

Just guys trowing kicks, punches and hugs.

Also your ass its not a credible source.
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Pro Wrestling didn't have that at one point either

UFC uses heels and faces, pushes charasmatic and good looking stars over good fighters, manufactures feuds with "trash talking" and so on and so forth

It is real pro wrestling. It's also a fact UFC didn't get big until Ultimate Fighter followed Raw on Spike TV

Good but Fatass moonsault and Neville red arrow can only be achieved in wrestling. Also not as good as Zami BTB or Last Ride from Taker
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>UFC uses heels and faces
No they don't
>manufactures feuds with "trash talking"
Are you aware that it's the FIGHTERS who trash talk, you retard?

Pro wrestling fans need to stop watching MMA and thinking it's the same thing as the shit that they watch.
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I enjoy more of a story.

MMA is alright to watch, but if I want to see people truly fun to watch fight, straight martial arts tournaments are more entertaining. MMA is too much cuddle puddle for me.
Thats a spinebuster desu
Spinebuster actually.
That one is nasty powerbomb. Looks like he hit his head.
this nigga really just do a burning hammer?

>hurr durr mma is real, no such thing as kayfabe
There is a reason why that move is banned in all of professional wrestling. MMA should follow that ban.
Spiking your opponent's head directly into the ground is illegal in MMA, don't comment on things you don't know about.
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His head hit the ground, and then it came up and hit his opponent. It's what causes the nasty gash at the end of this webm.
Sorry, but at least it's banned in MMA as well then.
Because wrestling is entertaiment, funny, enjoyable, pure passion. Is more than a simply "guys who dont real fight". MMA is boring, violence, slow.... years ago i try to watch UFC i cant.. simply i cant.

When entry in the real world of wrestling you discover a lot of magic and good vibs but if you re skeptical and cant see how hard is this sport go watch other but stop touching balls talking about something that you cant understand.

Try to do Vertebreaker and if you live come to tell me.
>MMA is boring, violence, slow....
Just like a chess game with realistic pieces, right?
Watch the fucking product before commenting about it, retard.
>people watching MMA and not thinking it's the same as wrestling
It's for kids and autists
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>you're dead kiddo
That dude died you dumbass. I highly doubt they planned something that would fucking kill him. Please get double legged before you post.
what was that dude complaining about to the ref?
His mouthpiece had fallen out moments earlier.
However, it's regularly drilled into your head that you go until the ref tells you to stop, he made a terrible error that cost him dearly. He went on to win that fight by decision (if a controversial one) though.
thanks for the answer!

Did that dude actually die, because... he should be dead after that

same for this. I mean.. that guys neck turned into silly putty
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