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ITT: Locker room stories and bullies I've heard JBL and

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ITT: Locker room stories and bullies

I've heard JBL and Hardcore Holly were huge assholes in the back.
Best locker room story is when JBL was being a cunt so Joey Styles knocked him the fuck out.
>JOEY STYLES knocked out Bradshaw

I wish to god we could have seen that.
Someone watched what culture
how did umaga die post-wellness, yikes, what a loser
WWE wrestlers today aren't as close as they used to be.

Vinny Mac plus his family, Bork, Undertaker, Dwayne, Cena and whoever is the current WWE champion all use separate locker room areas while jobbers and female talent have separate areas.

Imagine being Baron Corbin and having to sit next to indy darlings.
Matt Cappoteli deserved it
I don't agree at all. I imagine those you mentioned are kind of 'above' hanging out with anyone else on the roster and prefer to keep to themselves, but the rest of the guys hang out a shitload.
No he didn't. Bob Holly is just a fucking prick. I don't know why faggots like him are so sensitive about WWE. Its entertainment, not real life.
Because they couldn't handle themselves in real life so they need to let someone else allow themselves to be thrown about, that's why Bob Holly and all other uppity cunt wrestlers look so fucking weak and pathetic.
I feel like the only genuinely nice wrestler to hang out with in the back would have been Sting
know a girl who was a valet in the English indies real small time and her boyfriend was a wrestler and bob holly did a tour with them because one of them wrote his biography for him anyway he is in the ring with a wrestler who works in finance and just wrestles on the weekend and he beat shit out of him for no reason the guy almost go fired for showing up to work with his jaw hanging off and two black eyes

Holy fuck
Use full stops you utter cunt
What are you gonna do? Stiff him for disrespecting the English language, Bob?
He came across as an awesome dude during his HoF speech. I've only ever heard other wrestlers talk about him in the highest regard too.
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Good guy John.
I heard that RVD had enough of Taz's shit and he walked up to him and said pick a hand, and then he slapped him in front of the entire ECW locker room and Taz did nothing and cried in the corner. The entire locker room lost respect for Taz and then was bullied for being a little bitch until he signed with the WWE
This. He's a borderline psychopath that just likes to hurt people.
Based RVD
Vince is such a cunt. The entire company will be better off when he dies. What an awful place to work.
Seth was part of the uudd crew though. I think the locker room is tighter than we think. Cena is kind of off on his own for good reason. I don't see how the others could relate to him.
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jbl will be inducted into the hall of fame one day.

hardcore holly will be roaming the soup kitchen halls bragging about his fame one day
This. My JBL is a PG legend.
>WWE wrestlers today aren't as close as they used to be
despite all the stories about how the roster sees the show as a team effort and don't try and steal spots from each other?
Yeah dude but why do you have to be mean about it.

Hardcore Holly was great. He chopped Eddie Guerrero on the nipple so hard he almost cried. He should've won the world title desu.
Why bother going out of your way that hard to do this to someone?
Vince has a super weird inferiority complex about him self and wrestling. Its weird and complicated as all fuck to put into words just how weird it is.

Like it seems at times that vince want to out grow pro wrestling in some way or prove that he can do more than somethinf considered probably by.him.and many to be trailer trash entertainment. Hence why he has invested in so many failed or barely profitable ventures. Like that restaurant thing and all those movies and even that fucking football shit.

Vince is really weird like that. He has been tryinf to prove something like that for fuckinf decades and maybe his time he will be successful witulh the whole network shit. But who knows since without personally knowing the man we can only.make generalizations into the what amd why but never fully knowing the exact extent of things
I once heard a story so absurd I kinda doubt it's true, but here you go:

Duke "The Dumpster" Droese apparently had the habit of spiking girls drinks to have their way with them, sometimes he even did this to female fans. When Bradshaw heard about this, he managed to be one of the last people in the arena with Droese, beat him badly, tied him up and stuffed him into a bathroom. Bradshaw told him to wait there and soon he would come back and show Droese "exactly what it feels to be on the other side"

Then Bradshaw just went home and never came back for Droese, who spent the whole night tied up waiting to get raped.
What are you talking about they spend the whole fucking time playing videogames with Woods for his youtube channel. Sometimes in his vids you can hear the show going in the back while they hang out playing vidya.
It that and Dunn honestly, Dunn reportedly HATES the fact that he makes a living out of wrestling. He really does hate wrestling, he's a TV producer first and foremost, he coined the whole Sports Entertainement thing to prove to himself that he was more than just a "wrestling guy".
Good guy JBL
If the boss man got in the hall of fame i'm sure hardcore holly will to
Jaybels and Krispin bullied Justin Roberts because he couldn't throw for shit.
You'd think John would be a bit of an asshole considering how successful he's been and everything.
desu Zack shouldn't be talking shit about the company he works for on the internet, people have got fired for less
Yeah, only Roman can talk shit about WWE higher ups on live TV, because it makes him look good.
Blackjack Mulligan punched out Harley Race and he landed between two beds in a hotel room. The room was demolished. Blackjack also punched out Andre.
Love him or hate him BMJ seems like a genuinely nice guy. He's pretty autistic though.
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I feel as though this is a good move to pull on a girl you are banging.
Tell that to The Nexus
Did JBL bully manlets?
>that time Edge and Christian bribed refs with action figures and taker had to tell them to stop
Why hasn't this old cunt died yet?
>Source isn't even Meltzer, it's someone allegedly quoting Meltzer
Jesus christ /asp/ies don't just swallow any shit people feed you
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Sting and probably Edge imo

Kurt Angle trying to take the Tough Enough rookies down a peg in shoot wrestling and getting kimura'd. Ref needed to screwjob it to save face for Angle lmao.
Then the fag squad all beat the shit out of Puder in the rumble. Gotta show those kids who's boss right?
Wrestling really sounds like the worst job in the world sometimes.
The arguement I've heard against this one is that Pudder played dirty because he used MMA in a Wrestling match.
Yeah, what I heard is that the rookie shooted on Kurt, who was just trying to do the scheduled work, and tried to make him tap for real.

Fuck me, I wish I knew what Kurt was saying to Puder.
"I'm putting you over, alright? Vince might try to screw you over though but the world needs to see more of you!"
This is why you never ever organise shoot fighting in pro wrestling. It's fucking dumb as shit, and ALWAYS goes against what the actual script is. You can't script a real fight.
UFC does that tho
fter Angle defeated Nawrocki, Angle challenged the other finalists.[15] Puder accepted Angle's challenge.[15] Angle and Puder wrestled for position, with Angle taking Puder down, however, in the process, Puder locked Angle in a kimura lock.[14][15][16] With Puder on his back and Angle's arm locked in the kimura, Angle attempted a pin, one of two referees in the ring, Jim Korderas, quickly counted three to end the bout, despite the fact that Puder's shoulders were not fully down on the mat, bridging up at two.[14][15][16] Puder later claimed he would have snapped Angle's arm on national television, if Korderas had not ended the match.[15] Dave Meltzer and Dave Scherer gave these following comments:

“ It was real. If you don't follow fighting, Puder had Angle locked in the Kimura, or keylock as Tazz called it, although Tazz didn't let on the move was fully executed. Not only was Angle not getting out of the move, but most MMA fighters would have tapped already. Angle couldn't tap for obvious reasons. The ref counted a three even though Puder's shoulders weren't fully down, trying to end the thing, because the reality was Angle would have been in surgery had it gone a few seconds longer or had Puder not given up the hold. ― Dave Meltzer[14][16] ”
“ As you would expect, Kurt Angle was less than happy backstage at Smackdown after almost being forced to tap out to Tough Enough contestant Daniel Puder. Downright ticked off would probably be the best way to describe his mood. The unscripted nature of the contest was the main reason that Angle was made to look so bad since Puder just reacted to the situation and could have forced Angle to submit had the referees not thought quickly and counted a pin that wasn't there on Puder. ― Dave Scherer[14]
His excuse for beating the shit out of him was because they were laughing and not taking it seriously, which was disrespectful to the business
I can get some of it

"Don't you know any better?"
"Are you fucking stupid?"
"I never tapped out (or something like that), now get out of my face"
It was basically jbl's job to toughen up the young guys. If they couldn't handle jbl's ribbing then they didn't have a chance working the wwe's harsh road schedule.
Thats retarded. You don't see this type of bullying when people are filming for movies or shows. JBL is just an asshole
It must be jarring and/or annoying for younger indie talent to get into WWE and see all these dusty fucking relics with their carnie bullshit.

I love 'Taker but things like Wrestler's Court is the dumbest fucking shit.
The Young Bucks are blacklisted forever from the WWE because they didn't shake Booker T's hand when they had a try-out.
Honestly, Taker is at least fair about it. He doesn't bully and actually tries to help the new talent. He is more of a drill seargent than an asshole.

How is working on a movie or tv show in any way comparable to being on the road year round and physically punishing your body multiple times a week for years on end?
Im pretty sure they said they were cool with Booker on Chris Jericho's podcast
They're both scripted and include no reason to bully each other in the back
I heard Brock Lesnar lost to Kane in arm wrestling
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I think the ultimate act of locker room bullying was this faggot stabbing Bruiser Brody to death after luring him into a trap saying he wanted to "discuss business" and then get away with it in a self-defense plea just because Brody was huge.
When you get yourself over and sell out your own merch with practically any airtime, you earned the right to crack a few jokes about your company.
Lets not forget him being a pussy and not facing Manny Fernandez anytime after
Except Sting won't cuck-fuck your girlfriend
Undertaker taping his fists at WM 14
Plane ride from hell. I wish there was a video tape.
I stand corrected

Nevermind Sting only
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That is just an excuse. He did it several times. It's jealousy pure and simple.
Hardy never seemed to take that too hard, wrestlers really are a bunch of carnies, aren't they?
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Blue Meanie got it the worst.
Sting and Foley seems like a nice person
God forbid you try to have fun when getting into something
can't wait until vince dies
didn't some guy smash jbl with a chair in revenge?
They all used to have their own cliques, just like people do in real life.
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Respect our super serious travelling carnival sideshow, says Spark Plug, the wrestling race car driver.
Stevie Richards, Meanie's J.O.B. Squad mate, took a swing at him with the side of a chair, like, that could've EASILY killed him.
Kek what a faggot. He tried fucking around with Lesnar and he destroyed him top kek.
nah he tried to knock andre out with a sucker punch then andre dragged him into the ocean and damn near drowned him
i would have liked to hang out with sting and luger and the road warriors and done cocaine


>I-It was just a botch guys
Terri Runnels was a nasty bitch. Loved giving rimjobs to dudes in the back
Kek, karma for years of him being a dick.

There's a few stories like that about Brock though. People trying to fuck with him, and him just totally destroying them in return, like the very famous "plane ride from hell" incident.

>the late Curt Hennig goading Brock Lesnar into a mid-flight wrestling match after ribbing him about who was a better amateur wrestler. Hennig and Lesnar scuffled in the aisle of the plane with Lesnar taking down Hennig and Hennig being unable to return the favor. Eventually, several others on the flight, including Dave Finley, Triple H, and Paul Heyman had to separate the pair.

Apparently everyone was shitting themselves too because they were scuffling right up against the emergency exit of the plane.
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Found the millenials
Brock and Curt were on friendly terms though? I thought he was one of his few friends.
Found Vince. Hey, Vince.
>Curt Henning died at age 44
"There you go. That's your integrity, that's your piece of shit right there"

They were tho. They had a friendly wrestling match
Maybe, but whatever the case, it appears that Brock REALLY doesn't take any shit, and given that he is legit as tough as nails, he has the ability to pretty much beat anyone down.

I think the only time he ever lost a shoot fight in WWE is when he and Kurt got pissed at each other.
>im 130 lbs
And this was a wrestler people respected and a guy that was able to bully people AHAHAHAH
Confirmed for being raycist

Angle was retarded for trying to do that shit but Puder was even more retarded for trying to break his arm like that. I can't say I feel bad for him getting his ass beat like that at the rumble
Puder wasn't trying to break his arm though, Kurt just had to tap. I don't get why people defend Kurt, I like him, but a challenge is a challenge.
They were both in the wrong really. Puder went way too far. Wanting to win? Sure. But at the expense of intentionally injuring a worker?

At the other end Kurt was cocky as fuck and thought the whole thing would be a cake walk.

The only lesson to be learnt is that putting on a legit fight in SCRIPTED wrestling is down right retarded.

I'm not defending Kurt I'm just saying Puder went full retard.
Does BMJ able to command as much respect as Taker? I mean, not just "hey champ, whatcha doin champ" kind of respect but the "sir yes sir" kind
BMJ doesn't seem like the type to want to be called "sir"
Or "husband" or "dad"
There's a decent chance HH will be inducted.
They induct anyone that didn't kill their wife and child just to kill time and jerk themselves off during Wrestlemania weekend.
I mean, can he be the backroom enforcer, or something like that
Probably. WWE paints Taker as the ultimate legend and whatnot, but a lot of that is just marketing because he's stayed around for a while. They over blow him way too much.
He was like, tertiary top guy at best throughout his career.
Because they didn't put in the work. It'd be like you working your ass off in a company to be in some management position and then the bosses son comes in and goes right to the top. It's dumb and insulting to actual wrestlers. You can say it's fake all you want, but it's their job, and some people do still take pride in their work.
>They induct anyone that didn't kill their wife and child

even that's not gonna keep you out, don't forget jimmy
>Because they didn't put in the work.

>Matt Cappotelli deserved to get an ass-beating because he "didn't put in the work"

It's not like the fucker was getting a Cena-push. He was just some random geek trainee.
But none of them were "the boss's son". They were literal nobodies, that is why they did the stupid show, unlike everyone related to The Rock.
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>people working at a job trying to feed their kids and family
>some asshole is slacking off and fucking around
Kill yourself retard
>Tyler Breeze gets paid 500k to job

I don't think they are really struggling to put money on the table.
>but a challenge is a challenge
He broke the challenge rules though. Its like a boxer using kicks.
Really doubt he gets 500k.
There's a lot of talk that when he's displeased by something he takes it up to Vince, but I've never heard of him resolving things among other wrestlers, he's more of a regular McDonald's manager and less of Undertaker threatening to beat people up if they don't wield.
He does, but anyway its a reality show. If Holly didn't like what he was doing simply eliminating him would have been sufficient. Its not like he is working for the company yet.
Does he tho?
Source on this?
I could only find unreliable sources that said 300k a year.
I did a quick Google and found this.
Judging by that I doubt he even makes that, but like you said, the validity of these sources is highly questionable.
At the least I don't buy he makes even close to 500 tbqh.

Forgot the link, kek.
The fuck. I'm not sure about the Dean salary. Just don't believe they pay him a fraction to Seth/Reigns and the same as Eric Rowan.

It must have changed.
It's moderately believable if factor in that he's still fairly new, and account that he may still be on his Shield-salary due to not getting the top guy/champ pay-bump.
That could be the case but then its definitely old because hes been in the "main event" for a while now.
Wouldn't call beating Tyler Breeze on Smackdown the main event, honestly.
He had one of Mania's marquee matches and a title match against Haitch.
He's "we're afraid to push you because we've already chosen our guy" Main Event-tier.
Zack gets paid 500k a year despite being low card

There was no heat between Brock and Kurt. Brock and Kurt had a shoot wrestling match, but it was just to test each other's skills against each other. I've never heard Brock's side, but Kurt shows an immense respect for Brock's skill and physical conditioning when he tells the story.
Puder did not intend to injure anyone. If he wanted to he could have dislocated Kurt's shoulder, but he didn't. All Kurt would need to do in order to make the pain go away is tap, but pro wrestler's too tough.
Might be a good point if Kurt hadn't won his previous challenge match via sub by neck crank.

Or the IBBF.

I can't tell if Vince is a malignant narcissist who thinks that everyone who disagrees with him on anything ever is stupid because Vince himself can't possibly be wrong, or if he's a desperately insecure basket case that has to push thing that remind him of himself (bodybuilders, for example) in order to feel better about himself.

I mean, Rusev should be your goddamn World Champ by now. But he's not all shredded (because he's actually strong and athletic) like Vince, so that means his a bad person (according to Vince's logic), so he buries him and tries to break Rusev and Lana up.

It's some form of utter goddamn madness, I just can't tell WHICH form

I thought it was the Hardyz who did that.

Believable. Kane was fucking STRONK in his prime.
The amount of projecting in this post is insane. Vince thinks Rusev is a 'bad person'? Jog on, you idiot.
I know Meltzer followed MMA back in the day as well but his analysis of the kimura is so wrong. its a shoulder submission, its not going to snap anybodies arm and the insinuation that kurt angle is made of sterner stuff because he didn't tap to it and was toughing it out because live television is ridiculous. while kimura from guard is technically possible to tap someone with, it never happens in mma and is used more as a transitional move to sweep someone from guard. "most mma fighters" would most certainly not tap to that.

that being said, puder was an idiot to go into business for himself like that especially if he wanted ot keep working there. its like being called up to spar with a champion boxer and start shooting takedowns.
brock admit this
Fuckface, subs were allowed. Holy shit. You people keep spewing this fucking bullshit.

I don't think you know what projecting means in this context.
the whole Curtis axle heyman guy thing was brock trying to help out curt's son. him and curt were friends, two Minnesota wrestlers.
Bitch used to fuck New Jack
>league of jobber

>The Rock
Any idea what the "starting package" amounts to? Really, unless you're a top guy the pay scale doesn't seem worth it. All that travel, the ridiculous number of house shows, high probability of injuries due to this schedule, and being an independent contractor which basically gives you dick as far as rights go, seems like it'd be difficult. Unless you're Zack Ryder sitting at home for the majority of the year and pulling down 500k.
No the Hardyz let Michael Hayes steal Kane's seat on a plane, those bastards
Big Boss man was way bigger in the industry than holly ever was.
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> Hardyz
Don't remember where I heard this or who said it but one time someone was eating with Cena and asked him how his day was going.

John apparently answered "You know, nobody ever asks me that."
fuck jbl maggle
....Goddamn that's sad.
I wonder how it must feel going from mid card awkward rapper to what he is now
That was fucking hilarious and fully deserved
No, but it's understandable that guys would be angry, and in wrestling that stuff happens all the time. Holly worked dark matches, jobbed all over, and ate a lot of shit to get where he was. These kids were thrust into the spotlight without any of that shit. In all honesty, he could've hurt the kid a lot worse. A black eye and a bloody lip isnt anything.
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It's your first night in the WWE and this guy slaps your ass and says he'll meet you in the showers later.

What do you do? Keep in mind that he's 6 foot 6 inches tall, three hundred pounds and one of Vince McMahon's drinking buddies
Tell him to fuck off.
Poop on his dick when he pulls out.
Suck his dick and call him a fag

In Table for 3 as well whichever wrestlers they have on seemed to get on with each other and talk positively about the roster.
Run to the wall, run up it then jump off horizontally and flip in the air and dropkick him into a naked Ron Simmons. As Bradshaw tries to untangle himself from Farooq's dick I'd chuckle to myself and calmly strut out of the room.
I think Seth is one of the coolest guys to hang up, he seems like a really nice person too.

Am I wrong?
yes. he's a liar and a cheat
We don't want to fuck him zahrah

I'd tell him to use a little extra when he butters up his cornhole.
kys vince
Matt Striker on a Reddit AMA
Chris Benoit killed his wife backstage
Eddie Guerrero trying to fight Kurt Angle and getting his ass kicked. JBL asked him later why he tried to fight an olympic gold medal in wrestling and Eddie said "BECAUSE I'M STUPID"
>not shaking one of the goat's hand

Fuck the bucks
Didn't Angle get choked out by Taker?
>In 2011, Stevie Richards pitched a perfect game in the MLB 2K11 video game. A promotional contest offered a million dollars to the first person to accomplish this, but because Richards did so before the contest officially started, he did not win the money.
classic Eddie
Cena is a bit of a lonely soul
Kinda deep
Appease him by subscribing to the dubya dubya ee network for only nein neindee nein
I heard the JBL is a nice guy lel
What a stupid spic. No wonder he is dead
Yeah. Angle and Vince McMahon were having a play fight on a plane ride.

The commotion woke Taker up, and all he saw was Angle on top of Vince. He thought it was a legit fight, so he walked behind Angle and choked him out.
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How has there not been any mention of this fucking legend yet?
Found the 50 year old virgin.
Yeah, according to Angle, Vince liked to jump at him for impromptu wrestling matches at all times, because Vince is a weirdo like that. Once that happened in a plane while Taker was asleep, he woke up confused, thinking Angle was assaulting Vince, and choked out Angle.
Steiner almost blinding ddp and getting "suspended" with pay for telling the truth about Flair being the biggest bitch in the history of the business is some of the best backstage heat ever.
How do you think a legit fight between the two of them would go?
Angle would destroy Taker. You're talking about a guy that beat Brock in a shoot fight
He pretty much brought it on himself. Working with him is tantamount to career suicide.
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Yeah he said Brock was stronger and faster but hadn't as much technical skill or experience as him.

Back in the day, the British Bulldogs were notorious for ribbing everyone, so when they left their dog in the hotel room while down at dinner, Jake Roberts snuck in and starting taunting the dog with Jimmy Harts megaphone, getting it all riled up.

When it came to match time, hart was outside the curtain with the megaphone making a racket, soon as the bulldogs brought the dog through the curtain it went straight for Hart.

Jake Roberts ,master of psychology.
In their prime Taker wouldn't stand a chance, right now Angle silly putty neck might be a liability, but Taker is an old leathery sack of bones too, so who knows.

He also said that for-fun match with Brock was the most difficult match he ever wrestled.
That's fucking brilliant.
What about the olympic final that he should have lost?
>You're talking about a guy that beat Brock in a shoot fight
Get a load of this retarded faggot
Punctuate you total fucking spanner.
>Punctuate, you total fucking spanner.
Yeah Bork said that Kane is still the only WWE guy to beat him at arm wrestling
Plus the previous guy Kurt shot on broke a rib or something.
>found bob holly's victims
RVD had the greatest story about that on a YouShoot vid
I believe that was New Jack. New Jack knew that Tazz was a pussy.
Didn't tell them to stop exactly.... He held Kangaroo Court and they pretty much had to bribe him with bottles of Jack and they also gave him a video of old boxing fights. That was enough.
Steiner brothers taping a jobber to a urinal and pissing on him after the jobber disrespected a veteran.
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no it was Rvd. New Jack did witness it and lost all respect for Tazz. Taz is such a retard. He must have really pissed RVD off because RVD is so easy going

I'm just repeating what Angle said. He said Lesnar was a tougher opponent than anyone in his amateur career.
There is a story in Shinya Hashimoto's book that about when Buff Bagwell wrestled for New Japan in the mid 90s Jushin Liger had met Bagwell during an excursion with WCW. He offered to wrestle some practice matches with Bagwell to help him adjust to the style. Liger warned him that the Japanese style was stiffer, but Bagwell didn't care and said 'hit me as hard as you like. I can handle it'. When they started wrestling Liger knocked him out cold.
Based Liger

> tfw he's probably retiring this year

Sup Cornette
That's an A-grade cunt move.
Puro fans are the absolute worst, wrestling's fake but they just don't get it.
> do exactly what your opponent says
> A-grade cunt move

You're SAWFT.
Nah, you and I both know gookboy just wanted to prove a point. It's a performance based around co-operation and then he went and KOd him, just because he could.
>we r so tougheru than pansy gaijins
-Japanese pro wrestlers, because they get utterly destroyed in every real sport.
> gookboy

The asspain is real.
HBK and Diesel doing drugs before their match. When they started to kick in, that's when they'd know to finish the match
The Kliq took a shit in Sunny's sandwich on a European tour.
What, like all at once? Or did they take turns?
Theres another story about The Ultimate Warrior having to do a spot where he'd come out from under the ring at the end of the show to interfere in a match. When Mr Perfect heard this was gonna happen he went under the ring and took a huge dump just before the show started, so warrior had to stay cooped up with a stinky turd for 2 hours waiting for his moment.
I've heard about the Curt Hennig shitting under the ring story. Thought it was a little different to how you described it but it's still fried gold comedy.
I always liked the stories about Meng being the toughest man in wrestling by some distance.
Also Juventud Guerreras major drug freakout in Sydney that got him fired from WCW was funny
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I think everyone already knows this one, and it's not even a literal backstage story, but fuck it
>Saw girl about to get rapes by two guys in 2004
>Beats both of them up
>Gets shot in the neck and shoulder in the process
>Only notices this much later because he tought the bullets had been punches
>Becomes an alcoholic and a meth head in the recovery process
>His habits make him homeless
>Drops off the face of the planet and not even his family knows where he is
>Shows back up clean in 2009
Baron corbin is an ugly skinny-fat untalented faggot. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Also his tats are retarded.
Imagine being a dumb-as-fuck mark like >>(You)
I hope you rock bottom him faggot
Reminds me of one of the best shot quotes. I can't remember which wrestler said it (Raven maybe).

"Perry Saturn is so tough he no sold two bullets"
Where is p saturn in 2016?

Dude seems like a great guy in his shoot video
>bellas used to piss and shit on people
He had a run in the indies for about a year back in 2012, had his last match in May 2013 and disappeared again.
He's still just Moppy's bf to me.
legends said that nexus allegedly hurt steambot (correct me if i'm wrong), so nexus burial is their punishment
So instead of just taking the loss to angle, the kid throws in an illegal hold and ruins his entire chance at a wwe career. What an idiot.
Cena was adamant on the finish of him no-selling a move that can legit kill you and beating the top 2 Nexus members inside of 3 minutes according to Edge & CoolDad.
Yeah, didn't they say the second after Cena did that he regretted it?
"Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission..."
How nice of him.
This mentality is absolutely retarded. The guy is in training on side show. He didn't go there to be assaulted he went there to be trained by Holly, who frankly is nothing special himself. Even if Matt got in the main event of wrestlemania overnight, only a psychopath would think that assaulting him would be the right thing to do.
Holly did train him. Some wrestlers are assholes and are stiff as hell. Lesson learned. The kid couldn't handle the business.
>The kid couldn't handle the business of fake fighting that relies more on grapples than strikes because he couldn't handle being actually assaulted by Holly without warning
>I have no clue about the business of actually being a wrestler
There's a ton of pride behind it. If the dude would have taken the beating without complaint or anything he would have easily earned some respect from traditional guys like holly, but he literally cried about it.
>he should be okay with getting assaulted when expecting to be part of a business revolving around entertainment
Old school wrestlers are the biggest faggots desu. They are their own marks and take their job so seriously that they confuse it with reality.
I know it's made fun of a lot, but Trips "take a bump" speech imprints a lot more of respect for the business than a roid raging faggot beating people up ever could.
>feed my family meme
how about becoming a cpa if that matters so much, piece of shit carny
>being this beta
Most of the locker room wanted to wreck these kids. If you seriously can't take a black eye or busted lip in wrestling gtfo. Stiff shots happen all the damn time. Watch any NJPW match.
could be 300k total, but after you factor in travel expenses and taxes he probably gets less than a third of that
sheamus is actually the third biggest draw internationally. no joke
I think there is a difference between getting stiffed once or on accident as opposed to getting assaulted repeatedly
This is one of the perks of WWE now. Its more of a team effort than a bunch of faggots with huge egos.
>if you can't handle getting assaulted mercilessly in an enterntainment business involving fake fighting you should leave

We are going in circles man
I agree that no wrestler should mind accidental ones but cunts who do it on purpose need to get their asses beat.
and how would bob holly react if someone higher up the card decided to start stiffing him with no warning?

oh wait, that would never happen because bob holly sucked and only got to wrestle with the other jobbers
He did, remember Brock Lesnar :3

Based Brock
And I don't recall him crying about it.
probably just did his crying in his bed at night because he could say fuck all to brock
true or not I can hear Eddie saying this and makes me miss him that much more.
What... how dare he have the gall to have fun doing something he loves. Imma show this motherfucker what's up.
Top mother fucking kek
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What's going on in this thread?
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>“Meng was never fired from WCW because no one was brave enough to do it. On one particular day, Greg Gagne and I walked into the locker room and interrupted a conversation between Meng and Chris Candido, Chris Jericho, and Tammy Sytch. Meng immediately looked at the pair of us and said, “Hey! Apologize to my friends. I’m talking to them.” The entire room went silent and everyone just froze. It was then that I realized the stories about Meng weren’t just legends. Gagne and I apologized to them and waited for the conversation to finish before speaking with Meng.”
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reminder that he ruined his entire career because he basically told Trish Stratus to fuck off live on air
it was also because he listened to melina too.

it was some male/female mixed tag thing and Trish was on his team and after they one she went to hug him and he gave her an obvious cold shoulder twice and ignored her and basically basked in victory by himself as if she wasnt even there and made her look like an asshole

and this is when she came back and was pretty much acknowledged as THE diva
>telling the truth about Flair being the biggest bitch in the history of the business

was he really a bully though? I thought he just got drunk and kicked mark's asses when they called wrestling fake

Locker room stories
Xpac snuck in and did the deed, I don't remember if it was on stone cold or Jr's podcast that he told the story but listen to either long enough and you'll find it
That reply was meant for you, my bad
cocaine looks like fun
The only match featuring Divas in the Wrestlemania 27 card was John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki from Jersey Shore vs. Dolph Ziggler, Michelle McCool and Layla, after his team won, Morrison gave Trish the cold shoulder, refusing to hug her and looking somewhat upset through the whole ordeal.

Later it was found out he was mad about the only two women going over at Mania were a one night only returning veteran and a reality show "celebrity" guest, and not one of the Divas who busted their ass year-round, his then girlfriend Melina included.

For this perceived disrespect of a veteran, he got absolutely shit on the locker room, booked in a losing streak and overworked to the bone, which many speculate is the reason he refused to resign with WWE, preferring to take time off to heal that they refused to give him.

He probably shouldn't have done what he did considering how steeped in "respect for veterans" this industry is, but he wasn't exactly wrong for being upset by the booking.
John used to let his girlfriend get fucked by Batista.
>That's bullshit, but I believe it.jpg

He wasn't even working an angle with Flair at the time. Just up and decided to up and shit all over him--as flair so richly deserved--on live tv because fuck flair.
More like he ruined his career in WWE because he was pussy whipped
Well he didn't let her fuck batista, he was just too much of a bitch to do anything about it.
Sheamus has a massive fucking international following, don't ask me why
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Hornswoggle is a mean little prick
If a guy like this with his intensity back in they day was ever mad at me, I'd probably book it.

Fuck stories alone made the guy sound terrifying, especially that one quote from Jake the Snake about how if he had a gun or something, he'd just kill himself rather than try to shoot Tonga
When the locker room found out that Sunny was going to get slopped. Henry Godwin put the slop bucket in the middle of the room and everyone jerked off into it
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clearly bullshit, he and crash were both well over 400 lbs, they even carried the scale around to prove it
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I hire a little protection
Nice to know Hawk was an Alice Cooper fan.
appearantly Ambrose's net worth is higher than Roman and Seth.
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I don't get why Morrison is so attached to Melina. She literally cucks him and embarasses him. He could do a lot better if he wasn't so fucking attached to her.
Are they still together? Shit, I feel bad for him
He dumped her before she posted this.
>Haku bit a man's nose off

>She said people want to say that she cheated and it never really happened like people say and he was the love of her life and she did everything she could to make it work. The rumor that was always floated around online was that she was seeing Batista while she was still with Morrison. She said that there were people that picked on her and were really mean to her and Dave (Batista) stood up for her and people assumed there was more to their friendship. She said people sometimes assume that just because a man and woman are friends that they are dating. She said that the rumors that were spread about her and Batista caused her break up with John Morrison. She said that Batista plays heroes in movies and he’s the same way in real life and he was always a great friend to her and he was bullied when he was coming up through the ranks.


>Dunn’s early successes were not confined strictly to the wrestling arena. His talents received mainstream media exposure working on projects like “The Slammy Awards,” a product of the then fledgling MTV Network in 1986. Soon after, he began working on an immensely popular late night show airing on NBC called “Saturday Night’s Main Event.”
The rumors spread by other people made her break up with him and reveal the cialis bottles?

>B-Batista is a cool guy!

He is an asshole and I'm glad Booker T fucked him up
Based Bookah.
My mom had sex with the Sandman

hahaha holy shit that ego stroking
Your mom had sex with everyone.
Except me :/
It's rooted back in the days when wrestling was still a carny thing. Sometimes the champ of a promotion passing through would take on local wrestlers, who would sometimes decide to shoot on them in the ring. The champ had to be tough enough to handle himself in a fight while making it look good as well, so new wrestlers would often get hazed to make sure they could work in the business and as a show of respect to their seniors.
Pics of mom?
Kill my wife son and then myself
>"As you can see my sucess is NOT due to wrestling, as shown by these other two shows that I made."
>"but sir those shows are also wre-"
I imagine Ambrose will get bullied for RECORD LOW ratings
>You don't see this type of bullying when people are filming for movies or shows
except yes you do you idiot
shannen dougherty bullied every girl she ever came into contact with
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you know wrestlings fake right
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This is a great interview with Raymond Rougeau of the Rougeau bros. regarding he and (mostly) his brothers' intense backstage feud with the Bulldogs.
Sorry if it's a repost...it`s a long thread.
Raymond seems like a genuinely good guy who loved the business, and he really tells a compelling story.
It's a 1/2hr vid but well worth it.
2 soon

It's never too soon.
Would bury my dick in
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