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Am I the only one here who loved Batista's career? The guy

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Am I the only one here who loved Batista's career? The guy was a great strong-man. He was what ryback and Goldberg wanted to be. He's the only one who could currently level Lesnar in a balanced match other than trips or taker. Why do you guys hate him?
>He's the only one who could currently level Lesnar in a balanced match

lel this is hysterically wrong on multiple levels
You're trying to tell me that Batista couldn't have a balanced match with 2 moves Lesnar? What points do you have as to why he couldn't?

Also "lel" >>>>reddit
Batista at his peak was never booked as strong as current Lesnar.

Present-day Batista? 2 years removed from his mid-life crisis flopped return? Come the fuck on, Hajeed.
Batista in his prime was far more entertaining than Lesnar has ever been. Batista could cut promos, and when he had to improvise it wasn't just "lol time to do another suplex" Batista has had better rivalries than Lesnar except for Lesnar v Angle.

Batista is as strong as Lesnar and had a lot more in ring variety. The only thing that let him down was his stamina. But he could easily put on a few great matches with Lesnar.
OP is gay 4 Dave

>Batista is as strong as Lesnar

Again: not even true at his peak, let alone today.
Anyway moving last that. The main thing of the post was if I was the only one who liked him. Like does seriously no one else appreciate him?

Please turn 18 before posting again
I'll Batista bomb you bitch.

OK I'll make sure not to reply to you or your girlfriend's son again
>Am I only one
Nah, Batista was my favorite wrestler.

He really should've won the belt instead of daniel bryan because we didn't even get a title reign from daniel
Batista left around the same time as Bryan went out from injury

And that's hindsight anyway. You'd give up one of the best WrestleMania endings of all-time because the guy happened to get injured later?
I agree, Batista deserved another run. The episode where he was fucking booed off air and didn't return made me so sad man
> deserved

Why? He came back an embarrassing shell of his former self.
He put years into the company and was never truly appreciated for it.

Always confused me that whiny ass Orton is worshipped yet Batista was "bootista"
I think he came back at a bad time. A year earlier and he would have probably been welcomed
He shouldn't have come back. He had the perfect story arc til he came back.

>Comes is as basically hired muscle for D-Von
>Becomes the muscle of Evolution
>Becomes the 2nd most over babyface in the company when he gives HHH the thumbs down
>Has a good year as the #1 guy on SmackDown
>Stays in the main event scene for another couple years
>Turns heel
>Feuds with Cena, last few years were building to this
>Goes out with one last great heel promo and disappears

Seriously, WM 21 to WM 26 make a perfect long term arc, as far as the main event scene goes.
> 6x world champion
> Royal Rumble winner
> WrestleMania main eventer

So unappreciated.

> Orton
> worshipped

top kek
They shouldn't have hyped his returned. Would've gotten a massive pop if he was a surprise entrant in the rumble. Would've distracted big time from all the D-Bry butthurt if Batista's music hit at #30 without any build up beforehand.
I didn't mind the little shield v evolution arc. Good case of a legend putting new talent over. But he shouldn't have gone near the WHC
lol it absolutely would not have
I don't think so. People weren't really anti Batista it was more pro DBry to the point anyone in his way got shit on
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