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/Plant/, the plant general: Welwitschia edition
Welwitschia? Damn try saying that fast five times.

Welcome to /plant/, the resident plant general thread. This magical thread is where an off-colored S. Purpurea becomes christened as a new species, anons are turned on by hikers fucking nepenthes pitchers, and hail continues to wreck another anon's garden. RIP.

/Plant/ is for the discussion of the plants (obviously). Horticulturists, hobbyists and botanists welcome! Questions about plants? Want to show off your two inch dick-I mean plant? Maybe you want to start growing? Well come on over to /plant/!

Introducing a new caresheet with every thread
This thread: Grass
>throw seeds everywhere
>feel bad for wasting water on a shit tier plant
Old thread since I'm shit and I forgot to link in OP
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This is now a bonsai thread and there's nothing you can do about it
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i don't think so
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I got seeds of Welwitschia last year, but I can't fucking find them anymore
growing grass isn's as easy as you think.

most people use the wrong species for their lawn so it ends up looking like shit.
I think 9 hours are enough sunlight...
Whatever, it must be hybridized with rubra or something.
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Posted on last thread, noone cared.
How easy/clean is to keep moss indoors?
Have you ever done it? Do you like it?
I keep a few random mosses from outside in an empty takeaway container alongside my Nepenthes, and quite a lot of Sphagnum for potting purposes. As long as humidity's constantly high and I don't forget to water, then shit's easy. High light levels also seem to help, probably a necessity for Sphagnum. Not sure what you mean by clean, but I've never had any negative issues with bugs (plenty of springtails appeared though) and algae never takes over if there's enough light. It's all just a pleasant and purposeful addition to what I consider my proper plant collection.
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My state had its annual tree give way last weekend, so I took advantage.
I planted 2 flowering dogwoods and 2 tuliptrees.
>pic related, tuliptree from last year
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And a close up of my peaches
>trees are plants too
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Cherry, two apple, and a peach
well if you have a seed grown one, you might just have an anthocyanin poor plant. Just makes yours a little bit more unique
Stick your starting population, in a plastic container with media, poke some large holes in the lid and leave next to a bright window, but not outdoors. It'll be as clean as any other plant. Water constantly as moss needs to be kept damp.
it's not easy or clean to keep moss indoors.

people confuse their habitat in the wild with their requirements indoors, even shade loving mosses need a fuckton of sunlight indoors for some reason.
Novice with the venus flytrap here again. How much dehydrated bloodworm is too much? I know you can overfeed them, but I don't know exactly how much is overfeeding. I've given about six freeze-dried worms, since they're so tiny and all the "mouths" were open. Is that good for the week?
People don't realize how dark it is inside. The light you get inside is just a fraction of what you would get outside, even in the shade on an overcast day.
the humidity is also an issue.

if the humidity in your house is high enough to support moss without some sort of enclosure you should probably move for health reasons.
I don't grow moss so I'm clueless on this subject, but can't one just use a humidity tray to keep the humidity up?
won't be enough, the tips will still dry out unless you mist it like every two hours.
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Guys, you might be able to help me.

One of my Sarracenias roduced very long "winter leafs" this year (longer than the other ones)

I usually let them be, but these long-ass motherfuckers bother me visually.

It is already starting to grow it's pitchers and flower stalks
Now, can i cut the winterleafs off or is it better to let them on the plant like I do with my other Sarracenias?

pic is plant in question
I would let them on until it has formed 2 o 3 pitchers.
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O. regalis.
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I seeded the lawn next to my house with native butterfly and bird seeds.

it's suprisingly diverse even though the ground is so shitty I can't even support grass, hence the bald patches.
I have a plant question:

Bugguy, if we lived together would you let me keep my kitties and catsnakes?
Thank you, than I will cut them off after it fully formed a few pitchers
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I'm ok with ferrets, not with cats as long as they're alive though, stuffed cats are fine.
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What can I do make my desert garden look better?
fix the ground quality.
How can I do that? I am in the desert so most of the dirt is clay but gotta admit it looks okay when wet.
You should make it so that your garden is not sideways.
I want to make a flowerbed in front of my house. The brick has been there since I moved in but the soil has never had anything in it but bushes. I don't know the first thing about gardening.

I'm in zone 7a. What should I definitely know as a first timer and what plants should I have a look at for this flowerbed? It is shaded most of the day and soil seems somewhat moist. Thanks.
scrape it off and mix it with proper gardening soil or build some raised beds.
planning to eat em?
the fiddleheads are too old for that, and I don't need to defeat demons, fulfill wishes, unlock secrets, and understand the language of trees and I'm not a Korean royal so I think I'll pass.
>Not wanting to talk to trees
Your loss.
I imagine it's like talking to a senile genius.
"How are you Mr. Tree?"
>"You fuckers burned my family to death"
I talk to the trees, but they don't listen to me.
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My S. psittacina has decided that now was the best moment to lose all of its old pitchers at once and I've been about an hour cutting them. And it looks worse than in the last thread.
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I've had Nasturtium in my garden for a few years and it's been seeding like a weed, but I found a seedling with seemingly black leaves today.

I'll take a picture of it tomorrow, it's too dark outside right now.
Cute grandma.
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sure, w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶l̶e̶e̶p̶i̶n̶g̶.
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Your place is so green. Dude it's like opposite of my place in Russia. It literally looks surreal to me, so beautiful. I Want to roll around with you cuddling on your grass someday.
Since when did you have a crush on bugguy? Did I miss some epic tripfag turnaround drama while I was away?
I removed those hedges so it's less green now, atleast until my climbing plants finally start covering the fences.

russia has plenty of nice green places, my tortoises come from russia.
A pontential prey on my N. x ventrata, some fruit fly
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you've been away for 1,5 years?
Yeah, I barely post here, sorry. I have a hard time sticking around on the slow boards.
It was time to purge some drosera capensis
there was no turnaround, he never disliked me to begin with.
D. capensis is such a shitty weed. I'm completely baffled whenever I occasionally drop in on r/savagegarden and see some moron trying to brag about his half-dead capensis, I just can't understand how any non-child can struggle with one. Guess I shouldn't expect much expertise on plebbit...
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reddit is almost entirely beginners.

every sub is a hugbox of idiots making the same mistakes over and over again.
I kinda like it when I have a pot full of slimy tentacles.
The problem is how much they reproduce, I have to kill like 80% of them every year so they don't kill themselves running out of soil and to prevent them from stealing sunlight from young Sarracenia and Dionaea.
BTW how can you struggle with this thing? Lots of water and sunlight, there, very difficult, experts only.
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First time for me planting Vitelotte Potatoes, I always bought them just for eating, but now I thought I'd bury some, instead of the "normal" potatoes I usually have.

they are looking good so far
Is the peristome ripped?
This. I remember receiving a Nep Truncata from a seller, and then after a few months, a fucking D. Capensis just started growing in the media. I had never owned a sundew up until that time.
Well I can see why its so easy to kill. Firstly, they tolerate almost any sort of light level. Second, they growing fuCKING EVERYWHERE. Third, they don't need a ton of water or space. Lastly, they don't need a ton of humidity. So I'd say with those 4 requirements, they're probably among the hardest of carnivorous plants to grow, along with N. Rajah and N. Villosa.
Which way will your garden face? How big is it?
Soil is most important. Till some manure and good rich, black dirt together in the fall. Once you have a good soil bed to work with, put in your plants leaving plenty of room to spread, and cover with mulch for weed and moisture control.
Three very hardy and easy to grow plants are hostas, iris, and stoneground. In the spring you can usually get free cuttings from people who have established gardens, that need to cut back some plants. Also talk to your local nursery, they should know better than anyone what grows best in your area.
Keep in mind this is work, you will be spending time watering, weeding, and other maintenance so don't overwhelm yourself.
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>get free cuttings from people who have established gardens
watch out for Aegopodium podagraria if you're getting cuttings.
>cover with mulch for weed and moisture control.
mulch doesn't help with weeds.

if anything it only makes it worse.
Is there a humane way to off a plant?
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toss it on the compost heap.

look at this fat-ass Potentilla.
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Hieracium maculatum.
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a few months ago.
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now all I need is a new barbecue.
Nice man
How tacky would it be to keep black mondo grass and hosta white feather together?
holy hell, that would look so damn sweet!
Well, depending on how you´d arrange them..
it would look chaotic.
That's a look.
Would it even work?
no, the mondo grass is going to choke the hostas out within a few months.

variegated plants aren't hardy, and most of the green on 'white feather' is in the stem, and the stem wouldn't get any sunlight due to the grass.
What's wrong with my succulent? I don't think it's supposed to be black like this.

Why don't you try it and find out?
Could you separate the grass with rocks?

I don't really want to spend $40 on killing plants.
mondo grass tends to creep.

'white feather' is a really weak plant, it can't stand competition.

If they don't grow well, just move them? Neither hosta 'white feather' or ophiopogon are difficult plants. Besides the Ophiopogon doesn't grow as much as bugguy makes out. You'll be able to see how it works out and change it up if required.
'white feather' is a pretty difficult plant.

hence why it's not commonly available, they're eaten by slugs, can't compete or just rot away because god hates fags.

Well I don't know about other places but in the UK it's very commonly available from larger nurseries. 3 of the local nurseries near me stock it and we have some at the gardens where I work. It is weak compared to non-variegated varieties but it's not hard to keep alive.
but does it grow solidary in those gardens?

It's been planted as foreground in herbaceous borders with cordydalis flexuosa, x chionodoxa and asarums, Full sun, though, I don't know about how it copes in shade. Been in there for a year and a bit and seems to be doing just fine.
Someone just stole 8 of my fucking potted vegetables.
God I hate people.
only the green parts of the plant can photosynthesize, so it probably can't cope with shade very well.

also that seems like a horrible combination.

To be honest, I don't think it would even care if I moved it into the shade. I might keep it in a pot with some copper wire round it if I was going to do that though.

As for the border I didn't do the planting plan, I don't think anyone did actually. It's just very old, having whatever put into it over the years. it's effectively just being used as a nursery bed at the moment. It'll probably get re-worked and the plants divided and moved soon.
the bad thing about these plants is that they need plenty of light to survive because they lack most chlorophyll, which doesn't work very well with hostas because the soil needs to stay moist or they'll shrivel up.

I like those large greyish hostas.
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Does this count?

The biggest one is like 4 inches
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it's attractive for men to know how to forage.

'Empress Wu' would probably be for you then.
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I'm thinking of taking a local class to learn about mushroom foraging

If that pleases you.

I love you
I got similar hostas, they just aren't as big.

I don't have the space for that kind of shit, sadly.
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take pictures of native ferns for me.

>tfw aconitums are budding.
Can anyone weigh in on whether or not it's healthy? Or ID it so I can read into it? It didn't have a tag when I bought it.

I don't know much about Xanthorrhoeaceae, but many succulents tend to look like that when they're about to produce a flower spike.
Are they drying up?
Your plant looks fine. I wouldn't worry about it for now. Perhaps it's just its natural coloration
I bet they were a bunch of kids that were like "dude weed lmao"
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The leaves seem very slightly harder and more compact than they were when I first put it outside in February, but they aren't shriveled up or anything.

I'm pretty sure it's a Haworthia sp., if that helps.
Okay, thanks for weighing in. I'll just leave it alone.
I don't know how to spot ferns
It was actually chinks who stole them for their own garden.
How did you find out? And jesus man what kind of a fucked up neighborhood do you live in where even the fucking asians are stealing shit
Chinks run down the alley every day stealing pop bottles to get the deposits.
These same chinks actually own homes and commonly have vegetable gardens, regular human waste wouldn't bother trying to steal and resell vegetables.
It's almost the core of the city, near commercial districts.
God bless third world immigrants.
What the fuck. Those are some dumb fucking people. My mom would have beaten my ass if she saw that I had taken a pencil that wasn't mine
You must not have many Asians encounters

They are either stealing or trying to scam, except for Japanese who obsessed with taking pics of everything
Every race has it's own version of low class scum.

Sunburn perhaps? Haworthia's don't always like a lot of harsh direct sun.
What are the plants in that pic? I've been growing them around my pond for years but never knew what they were.
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Well I've not had many low-class asian encounters, or really any extended encounters with poor people. Jesus why are we even talk about this.

Have some newly repotted Neps. Waiting for summer so I can drop these off with parents and the rest of my babies
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Remember to stop by your Lowe's about once a week and rummage through their clearance rack.

I got these two trays of Thyme for $1 each the other day. You can't really tell but each one is divided into 6 separate plants. Discounted because each had a single plant that was dead-ish.
Nice. I salvaged a seemingly dying typical VFT from their clearance rack in late December once. Guess they were going to throw it out since it looked dead but it was just dormancy.
Yeah, it's all about presentation I think. As soon as the flowers on their flowering plants die, even if the plant itself is perfectly healthy, they throw them out/sell them at discount.

They have some insane discounts at the end of the year. I got 3 Orchids (normally like $15 each?) for $0.75 each. The plants were healthy but their flowers had died.
Never change, hardware stores :')
It's northeast facing. Could be up to 20x6 foot space but gonna keep it isolated to a smaller 5x6 or so space to test the waters
>Is the peristome ripped?
Yes and I don't know why. It has opened it like this... well, it will form bigger and stronger pitchers in winter
hydrocotyle, they're invasive as fuck.

they're actually related to Hedera.
is that Thymus praecox?
>northeast facing
Hey this is good, the more eastern sun the better. A 5x6 area is not that big, the three easy plants I suggested would fill that in no time.
For more compact, easy to grow plants I would suggest columbine and various lillies. There are minature versions of hostas and irises, and they are just as easy to grow. Or you could just keep cutting them back every year.
Regardless, the first thing you want to do is get your soil base as healthy as possible now, before you put anything in it. This could be as easy as tilling in some nice rich garden dirt now, or adding sand or other things to make your dirt as healthy as possible.
Once your base is established talk to local nurseries about what grows well in your area, they would know better than anybody. Speaking of which, both tripfags know more about this shit than I do, I can only give advice on what I found works best for me. I know plont>>2122073 disagreed with me here about the mulch, and he is probably right, but again I was making a suggestion based on personal experience. Now that I think about it, where you live probably uses pine needle mulch, which is different from what I use anyway.
Another thing to consider is watering. On a hot, dry summer you will be watering morning and night.
Good luck man, ask questions, don't put out so much that you get overwhelmed, get your hands dirty and have fun.
any type of mulch is full of unwelcome seeds, unless you're using the bagged sterilized mulch from home depo, in which case you're beating around the bush.

weeds are fine if you don't mind removing them though.
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>cooking with home-grown vegetables.
Tomatoes already?
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yeah, I've got some in the company greenhouse.

re-upload, realized the quality fucked up for some reason
looks absolutely delicious
u fucking disgust me preying on those harmless hrlpless plants that gives u free oxygen. i hope u know that ur going to fry in hell with hitler u fucking scum
plant lives matter
next level of veganism

I can't wait until this happens in reality
i started reading up on baonzai yestyerday. what's the best breed for indoor?
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we'll all be breatharians soon.

collected me sum Pteridium aquilinum today.
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My young gorse plant is dead. I noticed it was starting to droop, but it still looked healthy and green. Then I noticed something writhing on the stem. Some kind of worm or nematode! I could see at least a few of them in the pot. This kind of shocked me since I bought that potting soil about a year ago, and I don't think they could have come from anywhere else.

Should I try again with some of my remaining seeds after boiling some potting soil?
>boiling some potting soil

if you want to sterilize soil just toss it in the microwave or oven.
or dump some highly concentrated HCl into it :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdDDDD
I could make it anything between 5x6 and 5x20. I want to fill the area beside the porch eventually but thought I'd try it smaller at first. Thanks for the advice and plant suggestions!
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Bumpin with pics of my nasty peach tree. It's loaded this year.
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Blooming Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum. Sorry for the shitty photo quality.
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r8 my hosta.
It's a qt, but that one leaf on the bottom left is bugging me.
the slugs got to that one before I sprinkled it with sweet poison.

Will you or someone recommend a nice looking plant that doesn't need light, and a retarded Russian could keeping it alive?

Requirements: no sunlight, must be ok indoors, is not poisonous to cats

I fucking mean it, bugguy
Lucky bamboo.
Try Drosera Capensis lol
Nice. Do you think that those would qualify as a beginner orchid?
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Blog update.
In addition to the theft, animals have been attacking my lettuce plants since they went in the ground, and just did again today, completely ripping one plant out of the ground, and eating all the leaves of another.
Am I supposed to poison them now?
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Have you never fucking heard of snail bait?

Did you even read his post? Animals tearing the plants out of the ground, dingus, not snail damage.

It's probably squirrels >>2123831
Get critter ridder or something similar
>snails aren't animals
there aren't any easy plants that can grow without light, there's plenty that can grow in low light though.
Cypripediums are sold as beginner plants here and I've never seen them survive more than a year so probably not.
>snails are the only animal
But that's correct. Snails are the only animal.

Every other species on the planet has been derived from a snail ancestor.
Probably chinks again. Go ahead with poison, or put down rat traps with chicken offal and MSG as bait.
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I have a question about grow lights- The renters that lived here before us left a bunch of grow lights in the shed. I have a porch garden (mostly cacti/succulents/bromeliads) and it's doing well, but it's pretty shady in there.

Would putting one of those grow lights on the porch, in a corner, and just kind of pointing it generally outward to cover as much of the porch as possible during the day be an effective light supplement? Or just a waste of electricity?

They're compact fluorescents, 1300lumens/26watts, white light. I also have a red one of some sort.
PAR from a regular white CFL isn't going to reach very far.
Butts. Are there any bulbs on the market strong enough? Maybe i'll just set it up over one of my plant stands and rotate which plants sit under it.
Not that would fit in a regular lamp. If your plants are doing okay without it I wouldn't worry about it. It's just one more thing that can go wrong.
>eaten to the ground
>in his garden
Maybe they were really hungry.
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They are a greedy set of cunts to be fair. All I can say is, never invite one to a sushi place and offer to pay... you'll practically have to take out another student loan.

To keep things barely on-topic, here's a nice Chinese Paphiopedilum malipoense - allegedly the flowers smell of raspberries. Not mine unfortunately, my Paph is a little bitch and won't flower.
the kids are ok, the fob ones arent
They wouldn't qualify as either a beginner orchid or a beginner temperate orchid. They need a shit ton of care and they're also quite annoying as they sometimes disappear underground or rot. I would recommend Spiranthes cernua or Calopogon tuberosus as starting temperate orchid plants.
>is that Thymus praecox?

Thymus serpyllum. I'm hoping it fills in the garden I planted them in.
I don't do temperate plants. Currently only have nepenthes and a phal that won't flower
Anybody have any experience with haworthia seeds? I've just collected the seeds from the opened pod however I'm not sure whether I should be waiting for spring since winter is about to start.
I can tell you that's not T. serpyllum.
It says right on the label that it's called elfin thyme.
I can take a picture of mine if you'd like.

T. serphyllum is pretty massive for a Thyme.
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here, look at how massive they got after I trimmed them back.

but maybe yours is some kind of domesticated varietion.
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this picture is better.
I think I've got some of that shit growing wild in my yard. The guys who lived here before me used to have a garden and everything, but it's been like 20 years and no one maintained it, so everything kinda went to shit. We still have the maple tree, though, it's pretty.
it might've just seeded itself.

they grow on poor soil between grass.

I took cuttings off it a while ago, seems like it's easy to propagate them by any means whether it's seeds, cuttings or just ripping the adult plant apart so I don't understand why it's endangered here.
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What is this mystery plant?
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What to do wit thrips?
I think I killed almost all of them by hand and cleaned up the pot and dead leaves.
Pulverize with Cheap vodka + dishwasher.
put it in a container with dry ice.
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My monthly flytrap pic
what the hell is this thing?
it started growing in one of my sarracenia pots and I decided to keep it
same here, but mine is smaller

I guess it's some kind of Erica
rosemary flowers
well at least it isn't a fuCKING DROSERA CAPENSIS
Put the thing on dry ice and then put dry ice in the potting media.
Sleep tight planter
fantastic horde
Sorry couldn't respond earlier.
That's way way too much. For a small plant, feed like two or three leaves one worm every other week. Plants in the wild only capture around 1% of the bugs they encounter so that amount of food may cause the plant's traps to rot away
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General question, what's the rarest/coolest plant you own? Mine might have to be my N. edwardsiana, it's only 5cm diameter but it's quadrupled in size since I got it. Hopefully in a few years it'll look like pic related, I drooled over that plant for well over an hour after accidentally getting off a bus at Kyoto Botanical Gardens last summer.
really, they shouldn't be fed more?
I'm asking, because my Dionaea are allways full, meaning in nearly every trap is a prey item at all times (in mid-summer, that is)
And they are still doing fine and are growing and multiplying really good

I almost never see open traps. I keep mine outdoors tho

also, here is a pic of my Cephalotus
bobcantleyi :'D
Easier grower than my Ampullaria for some reason
How big is yoir plant? Because a small plant to me is less than an inch or two across.
That's a cool as fuck set up. Love how it lets the leaves go under water like ti does in nature
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it's probably just a wild Calluna vulgaris.
As long as you get a full spectrum light it can't hurt
looks like a virginia creeper kinda
>Calluna vulgaris
That's it, thanks!

Thanks, I try my best for them

Probably S. Psittacina, not really rare but everybody seems to struggle with this one. I just keep it like a semiaquatic plant and it seems to do very well.

I had two cephalotus before and they died of sudden death syndrome when it rained. Ok.
Feeding is the least of your concerns with Carnivores, they can actually do quite well without feeding though they will be smaller.
I like this Hybrid's weird shape, I will hybridice it with wrigleyana next year
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And here is the wrigleyana. Scarlett belle variety.
Interesting. I hope it is because from what I'm seeing, they look pretty when they turn red.
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this thing was chilling in the middle of some grass at my uni it looks like it's from another planet wtf is it
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Dunno, I'm new to this shit and can't even tell you the scientific names of what I'm growing. For example, these are various lillies, should start to flower in a week or so, and that's all I got.
And these are evening primrose. A hybrid named "fireworks" I believe. At least that was what an anon suggested when I asked WTF are these?
And the rest of the garden. The hostas took some damage earlier, but they aren't too bad.
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Does anyone know what kind of flower this is?
So I was going to buy a couple of these cute tiny succulents while I was picking up some potting soil for my animal enclosures, but then I realized that I didn't know how to care for them and decided I'd do my research first. They seem pretty easy to care for if I had to guess, I just was curious on what type of soil I should use, what kind of lighting they need, etc. Of course I'll do some Googling, but I feel like you guys could help out as well.

They were labeled "mimic plants" or something to that effect, but were placed with the other tiny succulents and as far as I could tell they were still succulents. There were many varieties, my favorite being a small, meaty little plant that kind of looked like pacman
Rule of thumb for succulents is a well draining medium. Try to mix some sand into the medium to help with drainage. Most succulents also take high light levels, but there are exceptions
what kind of soil should I use besides sand? and what do you think the plant I described was, if you will?
>pacman shaped
Maybe? All the pictures Google is giving me have it looking all smooshed. The one I saw looked literally like a 3-dimensional pacman, round with a slice for the mouth. But then again they were very small so it may have looked different because it was a baby plant
Can I see it?
If it is Lithops, you need to be very careful watering it and keeping it cool since 1, they can't respire water out of their leaves and 2. They will, no kidding, explode if over-watered
Sounds like either a Pleiospilos nelii or an Argyoderma species. They're mesembs, and therefore relatives of Lithops.
To be honest it's just the plant tied to its pot while staying in a bigger full of water pot.
Anyway, being kept like this seems to work well for this species.
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for god sakes clean you damn desktop I know...
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new rafflesiana
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sorry for potato quality. what do you think ventrata/raff mix? I didn't think it would put out pitchers
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current state of things...they also get a lot of light from a south window
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protip: don't order orchids from thailand if you don't live in thailand no matter how cheap they are getting around phyto certification. had this one for a week. shoenorchis fragrans
The Dionaea?
I have a few plants, between 3 and about 11cm in diameter

But they spread, so I don't really know what you exactly mean by "size" The diameter of a single rosette or the diameter of the whole plant with its runners?

here's one of my VFTs
It was this one. I really liked it a lot because it looked so strange. I'll take pics of the others once I go back. Would these plants need similar care to succulents? Are they succulents?
Looks like a standard N. "Miranda" mate
ah. The larger plants should be fine getting a lot of food then
Pleiospilos bears the same caution signs. Cute little plants thoug. I have a mound of them growing on a windowsill
I see dandelions.
I was wondering if someone would catch that big bastard sticking up.
if you want to remove it just bash a spade into the ground next to it, loosen up the soil and pull the entire root out.

people act as if dandelion is some kind of hardy weed but it's really easy to remove them.
eat it bro
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Wild rose, Rosa micrantha
It had some seeds and I was tempted to pick one or two and grow them but then I remembered I suck at growing roses
Rose germination is a bitch. There's a reason why nurseries don't sell rose seedlings. Damp disease is a cunt
>eat it
I've had them on salads, and I've tried the wine, I thought the wine sucked. I may start pulling some of my hosta leaves and eat them, I heard they taste fine.
I usually weed that garden once every two weeks or so. The main reason everything is so full and packed tight is yo cut down on the amount of weeds.
When I was a kid my mom would mmake.me pull dandelions with a dandelion fork, just a metal rod with a small v shaped fork on the end. The rod had a slight bend in it. You push it in next to the weed, use the bend as leverage and it pulls the root straight up. I'd like to find another but whenever I remember to look for one, I can't find one. Either way, I'll get that shit out sometime.
grow Nasturtium if you want something disposable to eat.

they die during the winter but their seeds usually survive, so you don't have to worry about the plants looking like shit from eating their leaves since they're not going to make it anyway.
uproot it
I've tried dandilions and they taste like shit
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Help guys, I just got some seeds from China - chilli peppers, bamboo and carnivore plants and I would like to know if its too late to plant them this year?
no, but don't expect peppers this year.

>bamboo seeds
all of my why
Why not? Is it too late or are peppers one of those plants that take 2 years to bear fruits? (dunno the name in english)

I want to plant the bamboo on my garden, why do you think its weird?
Not that anon, but;
too late
I plant my pepper seeds in april
What do you men by "warning signs"?

Can I grow a bunch of succulents together or do they need to be separate? Also, is it good to put gravel under the substrate? I heard from one source that it helped, but another said it was an old wives tale.
>Growing bamboo
You are in for a ton of regret. I don't know which bastard did it, but some guy who lived near my place long before I did planted bamboo and that shit invades my backyard every spring. It has spread all up and down everyone's backyard who lives on the next street over, too. It's considered an invasive species and a weed.
Fugg, thats bad, I might think about it and only grow it inside.
How is it with the memetic grow speed? How much does it grow in a week lets say?
Depends on the variety, but yes, bamboo does grow very fast. Took like two weeks for a new shoot to get taller than I am. We've also been getting tons of rain lately, so that can't be helping.
Thanks for info m80
Apparently a lot of people use it to border their gardens, but since it grows like crazy, you'll have to work to keep it in check. Also, dew on bamboo in the early morning can be very pretty. I still hate it, though.
Don't know shit about chili and bamboo, but most carnivores can be planted just about any time (Sarracenia will need a cold stratification period).

On a more negative note though, and to firmly resume the chink-hating, you can't really trust any seeds that come out of China - they might be cheap and in bulk, but often they're purposefully mislabelled, or old and dead. If the carnivore seeds are Nepenthes, you can guarantee they're a scam.
They are supposedly venus flytraps. I googled for images of the seeds and they look like the stuff they sent me. And if they scammed me - well, it was just 2 dollars for all the seeds.
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>from China

Did you get any rainbow rose seeds?
I thought these are made by putting the cut roses into colored water?
But they did send me some rose seeds as a gift.
>what's the rarest/coolest plant you own?

Not sure, but I think it would be awesome to own a plant that is an endangered species.

Anyone else?
I know what you mean, I have 4 critically endangered Nepenthes (dubia, inermis, aristolochioides, rigidifolia) and robcantleyi has only just been rediscovered in the wild, so it generally feels quite cool. However, plant (and animal) collecting will always be a morally difficult balance between personal greed and conservation, and although all my rare shit is from tissue culture I think I still have to hold some personal accountability if these species get fucked by poaching and hobbyist demand.
Good luck if you got nepenthes seeds. The one time I got mine to germinate, the seedlings died of mold a few weeks later :')
Dont over water, don't keep too hot.
Coarse gravel would be good I suppose since it'd help with drainage and your Pleiospilos can be grown in clumps.
why the hate m8 I dindu nuffin
I think that if you have and keep TC plants that are critically endangered alive, you're helping to preserve the genetic material of these plants and should feel good. Yes you have some guilt in feeling that hobbyist demand led to the endangerment of some species, but you directly weren't a part of that; big commercial growers looking for new variety are much more to blame. But by being able to help and grow these rare plants, you are directly helping to preserve.
Is everyone dead?
What are some nice carnivorous plants for beginners?

I have some Sarracenia that don't require much attention, and they've been around for years. I just leave them outside year round to do their thing. I'm not very experienced with the many varieties of carnivorous plants, though.
you can overwinter peppers so it doesn't matter that they're not going to give you fruit this year.

bamboo is the most invasive plant there is for gardens, it's near impossible to kill once it's established.
I've seen bamboo escape weaponized concrete trenches that were supposed to keep them from being invasive.

their roots are so strong and hard they break through concrete.
if endangered plants are cool my extinct dandelions must be awesome.
Yeah what plont said about bamboo. Listen >>2126355 bro, bamboo and especially giant bamboo can seriously harm your garden and choke out your other plants. They grow fast, tall and are extremely unwielding to competition
I can't provide any cold temps for dormancy ;-;
If you're in a non-temperate country then a decent starter plant could be an easy Drosera like D. capensis, maybe Mexican Pinguicula or a cheap common Nepenthes
>can seriously harm
more like 'will' seriously harm.

I tried to kill a bamboo at some industrial parking lot I maintain a few years ago, 10 litres of roundup and salt and it's still alive today.
Real bamboo or knotweed? I've never actually seen bamboo outside of landscapes.
I've got the real deal in my backyard. It's shit. No wonder pandas are almost extinct.
real bamboo.

knotweed isn't as hard to kill.
>TFW I've never seen wild growing carnivorous plants
>TFW I live in NC
I just want a qt venus flytrap or something.
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the only carnivorous plants here are Droseras.

and they're boring as fuck.
Don't fucking poach plants. Buy them from reputable dealers. If you really want one, I recommend petflytrap or predatoryplants
Screw you, I'll poach what I want. It's my backyard.
Why would you avoid all the dirt cheap VFTs you can buy literally anywhere, and instead go to the effort of illegally poaching a wild one
poaching plants is fine as long as you take cuttings or seeds and not an entire plant.

99% of their seeds are going to be lost anyway.
By poaching I mean taking the whole plant haha. Taking cuttings and seeds is fine, since doing those two things ends up benefiting the whole species, especially an endangered one like Dionea
It's illegal, and a noob like you would probably end up killing a wild plant.
Wow, rude. I had no intention of digging up an entire plant, and there's just something way more magical about growing something from a cutting or a seed in the wild than just walking to the store and buying it. VFTs aren't native to my area, though, most carnivorous plants in my state are on the coast.
it's not that hard to take care of them, especially when you're in their temperature zone anyway.

I have a bunch outside that I haven't taken care off in years, they're still alive for some reason.
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store bought plants are generally weaker than wild plants and they're often infertile.

I use wild plants for my garden because I like seeing them seed themselves randomly.
There is a difference between a wild plant and the typical TC ones you find at a lowes or online. Wild ones have incredible genetic variation and they are not acclimated to growing in 'captivity' so to speak. If you grow them outside in a temperate zone, they'll be fine I suppose since even in CA, I managed to keep a mound of them alive outdoors. But if someone grew them indoors, I guarantee the plant will die.
Then if you don't intend to dig a plant up, collect wild seeds in late summer, and look for particularly vigorous seedlings. Seed grown carnivorous plants in general are sought after since they can be much more variable than the drab TC and cuttings that are available to most consumers nowadays. If you're a newbie carnivorous plant grower, germinating dionea is much simpler than sarracenia or the god-forsaken Nepenthes genera. Keep them moist, in a moss/perlite media and keep them warm! Also, collect a lot since you are bound to lose more than just a few your first time around. Best of luck if you collect seeds. For cuttings, get some rooting hormone, find smaller, healthy leaves and keep the leaves in the same media, but also keep the leaves in a very humid enclosure
> they are not acclimated to growing in 'captivity'
they're better at dealing with that than domestic plants are due to genetic variation.

they're pretty adaptive.

then again, they'll die without winter rest regardless of that.
True but the variation can also make plants vulnerable. Most TC plants are bred for their vigor and not all wild plants will have that vigor. And wild plants grown outdoors their entire lives, from the time they were little seedlings to becoming a mature plant means they probably won't be as forgiving when it comes to big changes in light levels. But like you said, all plants (except for Nepenthes Rajah hahaha) are pretty adaptive
you should be fine outside of the growing season for most plants.
If I plant a store bought peach pit, will it grow into a tree?
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Since we're on the subject of wild carnivorous plants i guess i'll dump some pictures I took a couple weeks ago
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This is the last one for the day. I'll finish dumping in the morning. Sorry this pictures are so large, too tired to shrink them right now.
Hello /plant/, I just have a quick question. I was re-potting my African violet and the main crown broke off of the roots. Is there a good chance of the stem putting down roots and continuing to grow?
Put the stem into water and see!
just bury a rhizome barrier (is that the english name for it?)

It's a barrier, that goes about 1.5m under the ground, so the bamboo only spreads within it's "underground enclosure"

It's great!
well, at least it works perfectly for my Phyllostachys nigra
I was operating under the impression that they didn't like standing water around their roots.
>dwarf pomegranate tree
>put outside a month ago
>stayed outside for some cold days (30s/40s)
>leaves feel off and now its naked
>repot and watered 3 weeks ago
>still no leaves
is it dead?
can plants actually just die? is there no way to revive them?
I would scrape off a little bit of the bark at an extremity to see if it is still green inside. I'm no plant expert though, sorry.

They are living things, and all living things die eventually.
>that perfect red Sphagnum
I had that (well, the european red Sphagnum) in my Bog-tubs and with all my "outside carnivores" and it looked awesome!

But then some fucking birds stole all of it, and now the tubs look like Buckets of peat with a plant sticking out here and there and a bit of other moss..

also, this is just amazing

thanks for the great pics, bro
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I love this VFT: big, strong, vigorous, divides a lot, deep red traps, pink and long teeth and has this cool red line. The best part is that I didn't even buy it, it was a present from the store for buying two red dragons. Which in retrospective, are worse and suck.
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>Birds stole it
I know that feel...

Wonderful pics anon, I will try to get some autochthonous carnivores pics when I can (Drosophylum mostly)
rhizome barriers only last for about 2-3 years before larger bamboos get through it.
Did it die very quickly? Schoenorchis fragrans are known to be easy to care for as long as you give it high humidity and keep it intermediate to warm. The Schoenorchis can be easily found online in the US for like 25 bucks. I feel like the price you paid including shipping for this plant is similar to the amount of money if you just bought one in the states. Pretty plant, though.

I have good luck with tubers and rhizomes from them. The ones who bother to get a phyto cert seem to do it pretty inexpensively.
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Im back and ready to dump some more.
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Previous picture is of some Rose Pognia a native orchid
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Last one. Thought the twisted flower stems were interesting.
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my Iris is finally blooming.
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forgot what these things are
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I lied. This is the last one. VFT flower.
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oh right it's Veronica gentianoides.
No those arent fertile
>is it dead
Take a branch like and break it off. If it's still pliable and wet, it's 100% alive, just shocked. If it's dry or drying up, your tree is dead.
>that cage
Jesus you must hate birds
damn, that cage is a good idea

Thinking of building something similar now.

Are the birds also demolishing your plants?
Because they surely destroy mine
They often pick off the Traps of my Dionaeas and make holes into the Sarracenias to get to the Insects the plants caught

you would too, if you had the same "problem"
Blackbirds destroy dionaea for some reason, my theory is that they come to dig for worms, see they moving and think they are insects; and sparrows steal my moss for nests. I haven't had any problems with sarracenia beside parasites and fucking fungi.

As a matter of fact, my pets are birds
Well birds will steal from your plants
What cultivar of iris is that? Really digging those flowers
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all I know is that it's a I. germanica.

I stole the bulbs, so they didn't come with a nametag.
Darn. well congrats of getting a hold of those beauties
fucked up the OP. Actual new bread:
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