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Do ugly guys get ignored as much by girls as ugly girls get ignored

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Do ugly guys get ignored as much by girls as ugly girls get ignored by guys? Ugly guys of /adv/, does this happen to you? I don't mean guys who are just short, I also mean ugly guys who are tall.
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depends on ugliness, go for uglier than you
if you think you are ugly and ignored, then you are what you think
Ugly people Rare pretty much all the same. The big disparity is in the "average" looking category. I'm okay looking,and that means chicks like my attention for validation,but are willing to hold out for something better. An average chick still gets plenty of attention. Her only issue is if she cares whether or not the guy wants to stick around.
in my country ugly guys get pretty good chicks
because even though girls look for looks in a guy, after a certain age they start looking for a responsible , nice guy,(that might have alot of money), they can spend the rest of their lives with , including ugly guys
Truly ugly people don't leave the house. Comparatively ugly men get abused while ugly women get excluded.
I really can't tell
I don't know what "ignored" means
In my experience, ugly people tend to be shy or awkward, so it may be more an issue with confidence than just being ignored. Growing up as an ugly girl and getting bullied constantly definitely made it hard for me to talk to and get to know people later on in life, but I find the older you get the less people actually care about looks.
this triggers the /r9k/
translates too "after riding the cock carousel for many years she's finally ready to settle down"
personally, im an average male and i tend to ignore really ugly chicks a lot (by that i mean they need to be acne devoured landwhales that also stinks and are attention whores) because - who knows why - if they see you even notice their existence they will stick to you and annoy the shit out of you
im not rude enough to tell them to fuck off, so i ignore them to begin with
i get the same treatment from beautiful girls tho, so yeah it's probably the same for everyone
No, ugly girls have it the worst because men judge women primarily on looks. Women appreciate a good looking men but they also care about how he behaves which in turn can make him attractive.
To my experience, even the ugliest girls get some attention. The same can't be said for guys
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Everybody who say he/she is ugly without posting their pic is a coward who isnt looking for solution, but for hugbox.
Depends on age. Teenagers of both sexes tend to judge by looks, though girls are a little more open to judging the guy inside the package.

Over 20, both sexes have matured enough or made enough mistakes to realize that personality, character, warmth, reliability, shared values and the like are what's important.

What happens then is that because they are attracted to the person behind the face, they begin to find the face attractive.
I never understood why this analogy gets you guys so mad.

You don't want to settle down with the village bicycle, that's fine, but save the righteous indignation. Nobody asked you to marry them. If you don't want to, just don't. Feeling anger on the behalf of people who are for all intents and purposes fictional isn't being 'woke', it's masturbation.
lmao there's a solution to being ugly?
Absolutely, holy fuck. I have seen so many 5/10 and 4/10 girls get with 6 and 7/10 guys just because females are biologically wired to be much more picky while males are wired to have relatively low standards. Even if you take the whole feminism debate out of the equation, anyone who denies that it's harder for men to get a parter is seriously misguided, and this is coming from a moderately attractive guy who has dated attractive women in the past.
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Negative attention is still attention, right?

Yeah, spend huge amounts of money on plastic surgery.
Get rid of that glasses, get shorter haircut, learn how to smile, take selfie in dayligh and you will look like average teen. Tldr u not uggo.
try contacts
Just came here to say that i really like Junji Ito.
Continue with your thread.
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>tfw ugly as SHIT

Personality is amazing though, and have decent body. Managed to get with a 9/10 and she fell deep in love with me. I don't think looks have much to do unless you're FUCKED
You look like qtie justin bieber tier. You arent ugly, you just have for some reason 0 self confidence.

Throw there smile and girls will want to cuddle you.
it's you again
Eh. I dunno where you see that but sure. I have low confidence for a reason.
From where ? Never posted on 4Chan myself
I been called ugly several times, but also handsome. So let's just say I am 4/10. Since I improved my social skills girls approach me all the time to talk. I always say what is on my mind, and never care how they react. But also I am pretty socially aware are charismatic. I know multiple girls that are 4/10 who I enjoy talking to. It's not all about looks, if you have a nice personality people are going to want to be around you.
What kinda retarded question that is? Guys will always have it harder since despite feminism, women are still too cowardly to approach men, ya dig? And this is coming from a guy who's had girls approach him before.
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>Do ugly guys get ignored as much by girls as ugly girls get ignored by guys?

Life doesn't work in such simple metrics. Some do, some don't. I know my fair share of less than attractive guys who are very charismatic and have no problem at least getting the attention of females. I also know some females who behave the same way. There is no correct answer because people and interpersonal relationships aren't math equations; they're complicated and all dependant on the millions of unique factors and contexts that the people involved bring to the table.

Anyone who thinks they can correctly answer this question are using their personal bias to fill in the cracks of logic that actual objective data and reality could not.


I believe in the truth, no matter how much it hurts.

As a good looking guy I can tell you that unnattractive women bascially don't even exist in my universe. Meaning disregard them entirely. They have no chance even if they offer to suck my cock and do my laundry.

Just the way it is.

If you are dead set on getting noticed and loved by the good looking ones then you might wanna consider plastic surgery.
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