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Has anyone ever dated someone for a while, then literally never

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Has anyone ever dated someone for a while, then literally never seen or heard from them ever again after the split?
OP here. Here is my story: The first girl I was ever in love with was when I was about 17. When you first feel that, it can get pretty intense. But she was actually really cool. We had all the same interests and I thought she was really hot. It last for about a year, from real close friendship to a few months of dating. Then she moved to another country. We kept in touch for a while but inevitably to get over her I had to just cease communication. I don't think she was interested anymore anyway. I am 34 now. She hasn't lived here in about 17 years. She only lived in this country for one or two years so we have zero mutual friends. Sometimes it feels like a weird distant dream that never happened, its been that long since I even seen her. Its a very surreal feeling and it made me think how the situation was unusual and I wonder if anyone else has experienced it. I can only imagine its similar to a loved one dying. Gone without a trace like that. I recently found her on Facebook and its just so weird seeing her again. I'm not going to send her a friends request though.
that's how I always operate, desu
Pretty normal to never speak to an ex after breaking up
Or see, or hear of them ever again? Its actually not that normal. I've had dozens of girlfriends since her and there is at least one mutual friend etc.
Yes, and it's a normal thing.
My story goes like this (but she's not really an ex):
>meet argentinian girl while in Chiang Mai, Thailand. not banging ladyboys
>we hang/bang for next 2 weeks
>i go to Myanmar
>i message her "come to brazil" (actually said Myanmar)
>she does
>SOMEWHAT RELATED SIDESTORY: she got hit by a speeding motorbike and is tiny so got fucked up. had bandages all over her legs and arms and a big black eye. i remember people giving us looks because i'm a 6'4 angry looking dude and she's 5'3 who weighs nothing. it clearly looked like i'd beat the shit out of her myself. good times
>myanmar with her is great. i think i love this woman
>then go to Cambodia
>Sihanoukville (shithole) then to Koh Rong
>i start using drugs and drinking a lot which turns me into an asshole
>she leaves to go to a nearby island, says she's not coming back because she's unhappy with me. i believe she expected me to follow her
>i just say "eh"
>she comes back a few days later
>we meet up, she brings some guy with her. she orders him around and he doesn't say anything the entire time. she also ignores him in favour of me. really felt sorry for that guy
>i was high on something at the time so not capable of listening or logic
>that night i was working at one of the bars, she comes in giving me the "we need to talk" look. aw shit
>she takes the seat but the seat was already taken by one of the regulars who was in the bathroom
>i say "sorry someone was sitting there" like a rude motherfucker
>she shoots daggers at me and storms out, doesn't even grab her drink
>she spends the rest of the night sitting in the bar next door, not really doing anything. i was working so couldn't go and talk with her anyway
>she walks past a few hours later; the last time i ever saw her
>she then deleted me off facebook and removed all contact
moral of the story: latin girls be crazy
real moral of the story: if you love them don't be retarded and make them hate you
Interesting story. How long ago since that all happened though?
I met a woman twice, then never again. I think I might have seen her on the subway, but not sure. She was even uglier than I remembered her.
More or less, yeah, that's what happened to me. About three years ago now I dumped my girlfriend, completely out of the blue. She had no clue it was coming.

She did want to meet for closure and we got coffee two weeks later so I could really drive home that it was over, but that was it. I pretty much never saw her face again. She shut down her Facebook (even though it was reactivated and she posted one thing about a bird sanctuary), and I ran into a guy that said I really broke her heart, but that was it.

I haven't seen her, we don't have mutual friends, we don't text.
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we are WHITE
I've gotten blocked by at least 2 girls i've dated.

Easy come, easy go i guess.
That's the norm for my ex-girlfriends and virtually all of my old fuckbuddies (30+)

So many people just come and go in your life it's crazy when you think about it
OP here. Yea, I've had plenty of one night stands and fuck buddies I've never seen again. I don't think or care about that. The point i am making is that its really weird when you make a deep connection with a girl, and you fall in love, and you are in each others lives intensively for months or years, but then all of a sudden, you never see them ever again, or even hear of them. Thats really weird for me. I think this just all came up because last night I had a really intense and vivid dream about her. Its so strange.
>I ran into a guy that said I really broke her heart, but that was it.
That poor, poor orbiter. Maybe next time he'll get his chance
Ye, my ex bf did. Once I broke up with him it flipped a switch in his brain and he never talked to me again. I even saw him a few times after in person and it was like I didn't exist or was a creepy stranger girl. He was pretty distant during the relationship though
All of my exs. I choose to not speak to them ever again because what's the point? I have dreams about them once in awhile though. It's annoying because it tricks me into thinking I miss them or that I should reconnect. Makes me wish I had fewer relationships while growing up.
I've only had one relationship as an adult (I'm 24) and that's pretty much how it ended.

She broke up with me last July, we were civil at first, she wanted to talk it out a few days after and asked me to contact her whenever I was ready to. Two weeks went by and the sheer gravity of emotions had now hit me, so I got angry at her and she got angry back and told me I was a shitty person and never talk to her again. So we blocked each other on pretty much everything other than WhatsApp.
A month later we then bumped into each other accidentally on the same dating site we met on, agreed it was kinda awkward, blocked each other on the site and that's the last exchange we ever had. I don't think we ever genuinely hated each other but I for one can't be bothered to risk the emotional turmoil of speaking to her again and I'm guessing she feels the same.

Actually he was her best friend's husband, so not an orbiter. I'd only met him about three times, so it's not like I lost a friend or connection in him.
Latin has nothing to do with race you faggot.
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My ex of 3 years

>Turned into long distance.
>She says she wants to be alone for a while and find out who she is but we're still together.
>Unbeknownst to me she was with some other guy
>I see her putting up pictures of her going to a dance party with some schmuck
>I hit her up asking what's the deal
>She tells me she found someone else that treats her way better than I did
>I get agitated and confused at the same time cause I thought we were taking a hiatus on relatively good terms, a hiatus that she had asked for
>Realize she's just trying to find a reason for me to blow up on her
>I blow up on her and call her names cause what she did was unforgivable and a betrayal of trust
>She says some more hurtful things back
>Turns sour real fast
>The schmuck gets involved and tells me to back off and stop harassing "his gf"
>She says if I don't stop talking to her she'll say I threatened to rape/kill her
>Does it anyway
>Back off and stew in anger/sadness for an entire summer
>Later on find out she had been sleeping with ANOTHER guy while we were together
>Not just sleeping with but actually dating
>Google my name one day
>Find that I'm on her blog and she's accusing me of being abusive
>Realize that the reason I wasn't getting call-backs from interviews is cause they saw this stuff
>I contact her and tell her she can be as miserable as she wants but she needs to take down my personal info ASAP cause she knows exactly what she did
>She does it reluctantly after I bring up some of the skeletons in her closet like her weird obsession with gore
>Find out that her parents kicked her out of the house and she's now living with a new schmuck

Honestly why would I ever want to see this person ever again? Good riddance. She's someone's problem now.
Right on man fuck that crazy whore
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