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How do I find females that aren't a part of the infidelity

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How do I find females that aren't a part of the infidelity pyramid scheme, it seems like basically every female I meet is a part of a pyramid scheme based around pretending to be boyfriends of people they are targeting then having sex with other men to enslave them. Now obviously these women aren't high quality to begin with if that is their source of power, so I don't really care. I'm worried that I am going to have to wait until I am like 40 or 50 or something to find a female that isn't a part of and is immune to this business type.
I don't have too much experience with that, but try looking for women who are older and have a good job. I think the women you describe are probably young and party hounds.
What are you even talking about?
Wtf are you on about mate

Easy before you choke on those red pills

It sounds like you need to address your own fucked up delusions about women before you start seeking them out
>fucked up delusions
But it's observable that most (not all) young women are very promiscuous
Maybe from your very limited perspective, but it's not a universal truth
>your very limited perspective
That's always the argument you people throw out but why are you so unwilling to admit that most women are very shallow? See the various experiments that have been done on tinder, okcupid, etc
>tinder, okcupid
>sites that are literally hookup sites

I'm gonna do the same except go to church and ask how many women want to suck me off in the middle of sanctuary.
>Wow I just figured it out, all women abhor sexual contact

Also i know several women and date one that aren't obsessed with sex, some even only doing it if the other partner is absolutely 100% committed
I won't admit such a thing because in my experience it's not true. Like I said, your perspective is not universal

To be fair the experiments on OKcupid are actually interesting, because they have so much data and are able to see patterns in it. However the results of those many experiments don't necessarily support your views.
I'm actually more interested in this pyramid scheme thing you mentioned. What is that all about
The physical attractiveness = attractiveness in general experiment is pretty self-explanatory, though. And it pulls data from a large enough population so you can't say it's anecdotal.
Okay and what about that points to women being especially shallow?
Because profiles with handsome men were rated as more interesting in general than similar profiles with men who were less physically attractive
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Oh fuck my bad it's not actually what I said. It's similar though. Pic related
Still supports my point of view though
If you look at the world through a shit covered lens, you shouldn't expect much. Enjoy being bitter and alone.
No, it doesn't. This graph doesn't separate genders. Nothing about this says that women in particular are real shallow - everyone is. It's a human thing and it doesn't make females especially degenerate, like you seem to insist
Ryan Reynolds was still handsome when he played burnt face deadpool because he still had a winning attitude and carried himself like a Badass.

Interesting people are going to carry themselves better and be perceived as more handsome than lame asses who take mugshot selfies and complain about their athsma in their dating profile.

Learn how to dress, too.
>a hollywood flick is an accurate representation of real life
Please don't
>Learn how to dress
Dressing well and grooming only gets you so far when you're ugly
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>he thinks a fucking comic book hero is a good example of an ugly yet successful guy
>yet somehow I'm the pathetic one
Really activates my almonds
Lower your standards (ugly girls, fat girls, non-White etc.)
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I was more referring to the ugly part. I'm ugly as hell and get an acceptable amount of women, its about confidence. Which apparently you have none and replaced with self loathing which is indeed pic related
what pyramid scheme dude
you can't just say pyramid scheme and don't explain it

share the technology bro
>its about confidence
My own experiences tell me this is not true.
This is more like it. Unless you settle, you're fucked
Well keep saying that I guess. Can't lose if you never try.
>if you never try
>implying I've never tried
But you wouldn't believe me because it doesn't fit your worldview
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And here I am saying the only way for you to improve is to get some self confidence, stop hiding behind your shit looks, and stop spouting bullshit.
A. Fucking love a man that acknowledges what he has, good and bad, and owns it
B. Gauge your looks, but don't make that the sole reason they acknowledge you
C. Pretty obvious but they dont like it when someone says they're disloyal disgusting etc due to their extra x chromosome.
There is my advice. Take it or leave it. You are acting sad and pathetic and it would honestly be laughable if I didn't feel sorry for you.
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Top fucking kek.
And I'm telling you that confidence is not perceived as attractive when your looks don't follow.
I never implied C, stop strawmanning
>it would honestly be laughable if I didn't feel sorry for you
Here comes the self righteous bullshit
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Do you even know what a pyramid scheme is?

>And I'm telling you that confidence is not perceived as attractive when your looks don't follow.

In my experience I haven't found that to be true at all. We can argue about anecdotal evidence all day but, ultimately, its logically disingenuous to pretend that the world you see is the same one that everyone else sees.

Life is going to be inherently disappointing and frustrating when you force every interaction you have with other people through the filter of your own perceptions and preconceived notions.

You say confident people aren't perceived as attractive unless their "looks" follow and I say that not only is the concept of confidence not universal but neither is the concept of attractive and unless you've met a majority of the 7 billion people living on this planet you have absolutely nothing to back up that claim but your own limited observations.
Women are shallow as fuck dude.
Im at least a 7.5-8/10 and have met some of the most uptight cunts on the planet.
>Went to dunkin donuts to get a bagel and coffee.
>Qt sitting alone outside, has that 'someone come talk to me look'
>Shes maybe a 8/10
>Walk up to her and try to initiate a conversation
>She loses her talk to me look and has this bored, meh tier look and gives me cold emotionless responses.
>Said fuck it and left.
>Had to go run an errand and came back because my sister wanted a donut.
>Shes sitting in the same spot flirting up some dude bro who looks like a major fuck boy.
>As I walk out, I could hear her giving this dude her #.

Some are good, some are bad. You just really need to look for red flags or else youll get feelings that they wont return.
>red flags
What are the most important ones?
Move East, go to Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia, anywhere where women are still women, outside the influence of feminism.
This is a meme. Asian women are just as vapid as western women.
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