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ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

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Thread replies: 328
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Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like <insert specific look>?
>What do girls/guys think about <an insecurity including, but not limited to: looks, physical traits, personality traits, virginity or otherwise lack of dating experience>
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, <activity in your city>.

>Brandon, fart guy, platonic cuddling guy
Fuck off
Girls, what's the thing you like the most about your bf?
bfless girls, why don't you have a bf?

What could it mean if a girl give more "motherly" advice, rather than just advice as a friend?
what do you mean by motherly advice?
What did she say to you ?
How much of a turn off is it if someone mildly gushes to a girl about how cool they are while drunk and on facebook

I accidentally did this to a friend and apologized and she seemed like she found it fine and then invited me to something work related

I didn't go out of shame/feeling sick but now I am realizing I cannot stop thinking about her and blew it before even realizing my feelings

Oedipus complex, anyone?
Its probably more of a compliment then a turn off?
Especially if they like you?
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>bfless girls, why don't you have a bf?
Because the types of dudes I'm attracted to just aren't attracted to the types of girls like me I guess.
Or rather, the types of dudes I'm attracted to aren't interested in dating at all.
People wouldn't generally see that as overly disheveled and kind of a red flag?
It's more of being more of a specific idea of what I can try to do in my situation,along with a "Do what makes you happy" thing.

Instead of a friends input, which is more halfassed in my opinion
I'd laugh it off personally, especially if I knew they were drunk.
You're overthinking it, she said it was fine and even invited you out man. If she was creeped out and still trying to be nice, she would have just said it's fine and then ghosted you.

Honestly, you probably blew it by not going to that event. She was asking you out man.

What type of guys?
Not at all. I'm just asking as her advice seemed more heartfelt beyond a normal friends input
>Honestly, you probably blew it by not going to that event. She was asking you out man.

Nah, it was to her house but other coworkers would have been there so it wouldn't have really been an intimate thing

What does it mean when a guy asks you why you broke up with your ex?

I asked this guy out on a date and he said it was going to be a platonic date but came out of no where grilling my ass for an answer. "Did you want kids? Did he want kids? Is it just a break?", etc.
>beyond a normal friends input

And you jump straight to "mom"? Dude, look at yourself for a second...
It might be creepy if they don't like you....
Turn the situation around.
Imagine a girl you really like, gets drunk and tells you how cool she thinks you are on fb?
How would that make you feel?

Also if the next day after that she seemed to be fine with and invited you to something thats a good sign?
Dominant, cocky, I suppose what 4chan calls a "chad" but with less bite/stigma.
Type of dude that is confident in himself and his abilities, knows what he wants and is sure he's gonna get it, but also still wants something serious. Charisma out the ass, handles himself well.
And also on a less important, but still important scale, thin/non muscular.
(in a 100% perfect fantasy world, Asian too kek, but I'd take white dudes and light skinned latinos.)
I don't mean it literally like that, I meant more of how a family member may give advice, as they are more likely to genuinely care for the person
Thats not the point, she was inviting you to get to know you better lol.
Thats what chicks do sometimes when they're on the fence. Invite the dude to a group outing so they can probe for interest, and if they decide "Actually no, I'm not interested" they can just pretend the group outing was strictly platonic.
If she decided she was interested, she would have set something up privately with you.
Checking past stories.
Contrary to what most people believe, the past tells a lot about people and can be used to predict the future to a point.
For instance if you said you cheated on by your ex, I would never date you.
i'm curious, what ethnicity are you?
he is crazy, unless the topic organically came into the conversation a man asking that is nuts.

I have made a mistake...
Is late-ish at night a good or bad or neutral time to text a girl? Or specifically, at 11 PM.
Actually, I'm a total noob to texting ettiquette in general. She probably doesn't need to go to bed early these days, she's on vacation/holiday.
Sorry for the stupid question.
White. Only ever dated white guys too, just how it worked out.
But I find Asian men to be the most physically appealing, specifically the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese in that order.
The others are hit or miss with me.

But in my experience, the Asians I've known rarely date outside their own race for one reason or another. (Probably because Asian women are typically top tier women as well.)
Try message her again and make up some excuse why you couldnt meet her, and ask to meet up again
I didn't know there was a good/bad time to text someone? apart from really early in the morning?

Sure text her !
I don't care when someone texts me
Ps a girl
The only bad/weird time to text someone is after 1AM or before 10AM in my opinion. Go ahead.
>sorry, I didn't mean to tell you you're cool
>I was drunk
For Girls:

This girl I met on OKC who had very cute photos looked about 10-15 pounds heavier than the photos she used on her profile (some photos were snapchat filters which reduce fatness in your face it seems). She also put a lot of makeup on and seemed to have acne resulting in pretty bumpy skin, which normally wouldnt be a huge deal but she mentioned it in conversation how she had to go to a doctor because of acne, which i thought was odd.

The conversation was still enjoyable and she was still definitely pretty cute and into me (we setup a 2nd date). I'm mainly just wondering if this "cat fishing" that occurred is a big red flag.
Cat fishing is when you use somebody else's photos.

If the photos were her, and just snapchat filters then its pretty innocent and harmless.
Obviously people are going to use photos that reduce their flaws on dating sites.

But that being said, if it bothers you that she is 10-15 pounds heavier than you thought she was, or her acne bothers you, don't date her and just end it now to save you both some heart ache.

I don't think its catfishing.
If she had majorly photo shopped her photos where she looked like a completely different person than yes, but it doesn't seem that way.

If your bf or a guy you legitimately like has issues with PE and uses numbing creams before sex.. How much does/would it turn you off? Do you look at him as a "lesser" man? Would you want and be willing to work through the issue with him? Or is there always an ever hanging cloud of dissappointment?

Im good looking and have no problem getting girlfriends... Ive had about 5 serious relationships but they never last. I think its because i dont last for a long time.
Ehhh, a lot of chicks use filters and fat girl angle™ just out of insecurity and not out of real malicious intent.
Cat fishing to me is like, using a whole nother person's photo that isn't you at all.

I'd say you have valid reason to have your guard up, but if you like her, give her another chance. She's just insecure and knows with online dating you have to be at least a 7 to get any attention at all from decent looking dudes.
Eh it wouldn't be the best thing in the world, but if I really liked him and everything else was perfect, it would be something I would be willing to work on with him and try help him.

There's heaps of pills and mints you can take for that kind of stuff now so I wouldn't mind if he would be willing to try and improve the situation.
Say you meet someone, and you jive a little, but you're not really feeling that spark or anything
How long do you give it?

I met this dude a few weeks ago on tinder. When we met up, it was obvious he was using old photos or something because he was much heavier irl.
He was good at keeping conversation though, and god dammit, he actually would put the moves on me instead of waiting for me to come to him, so I gave him a shot anyway.
Few weeks in, despite me not even really being all that attracted to him physically, we've lightly fooled around a couple times, groping and hands only.
But I'm not really feeling any serious connection. Should I give up or give it a little more time? Or should I have just moved on immediately when I didn't feel a spark to begin with? Is it even possible to grow on you?
>Ive had about 5 serious relationships but they never last. I think its because i dont last for a long time.

Maybe that's true. Maybe you are blaming something that is not the real reason. Maybe it makes you so insecure it's not nice to be with you. There can be many many reasons here.

Try to look at your life objectively and find out.

Fuck now you guys got me thinking that these photos might not even be of her.
Also girls...

On average how long would you say your "partners" last while going at it during actual penetration? How long do you at least expect him to last?
Do you mind answering if you are uncut?
I am really curious.
Ehhh, it would be hard for me. Because while I don't care much for the actual PIV sex, I love the foreplay and like to drag it out for a long as possible. I had an ex who I would just jerk off all day long and it was magical.

However, yes, if I was invested enough emotionally of course I would work with him. But it would just be tricky with my type specifically, since I don't really care much about what you're doing to me as I do about what I'm doing to you.
But I'd say most girls are more selfish (for lack of a better word) than me, and would be fine drawing sex out by having you do more to them while you're soft or whatever.
Does it suck?
Is it a red flag?
Why not?
>Most people try to look better than they actually do. Doesn't mean they are trying to fool you, it just means that they're insecure.

Why is it that I feel like girls aren't as interested in having a SO than boys are

Also what is it that you like about men? Do you have a reason to be attracted to them?
He's fat. You don't need to put up with someone who lies about their weight like that. It's a major red flag/character flaw.
meant for >>18163763
posted this in another thread so I'm hoping some girls here can help me out

so I Broke up with my GF last month, was upset for a few weeks. A week ago started talking to this cute girl from my uni. It was pretty obvious from the start there were some feelings involved. She came over Friday night and I fucked her brains out, and we cuddled and just enjoyed each others company for a few hours after, but then today she started ignoring me. I know shes busy on weekends with work and dental school work so maybe I'm tripping because I'm crushing on her big time. Should I cool it cause shes actually too busy to reply to a text today, or what? After she left that night she said she had a great time and couldn't wait to hang out again, and I promised her I'd make her dinner next time. I'm just confused on the shift from texting all day every day, to not a word
I am cut. 6". Why?
Lol I mean, was she really THAT different when you saw her irl?
If it just looked like some flattering angle/make up then it wasn't cat fishing. If she looked like a completely different person down to her eye color, then yeah, probably was not a pic of her.

Also protip for future measure, what I do is as soon as I get a dudes name is try and facebook creep a little.
You go for the tagged photos, not their photos. Because tagged photos weren't hand selected to make that person look at good as possible. So that's a more accurate representation of what they really look like.
How she treats you is how she feels about you.
I dont care how busy she is, if she was busy but also said to you "she couldn't wait to hang out again" she would send you a courtsey text saying, hey im really busy this week so I can't text much but can't wait to see you again.
or something

In this day and age anyone can reply to a text lol
We've had this argument in like every thread. It's not a boy/girl thing.
Women have claimed the exact opposite. That they can never find a dude willing to commit and would rather have 6 hook ups at once going.
The real answer is it's an age thing. If you're under 30, you're more likely to find both men and women not willing to commit. Because at that age your life is so unstable you don't want the hassle of trying to tote someone else around with you as you move away from home, from college to your real job, etc.

Wait till youre older and it'll get better. Everyone will start to settle down.
I think its just the weight, some of her photos must be old ones or something... holy fuck she would look like a 9-10 if she lost a couple pounds.
That's what I was thinking. But we started talking during the week, and she did forewarn me weekends were really busy for her
it depends on a lot of different things
- Have they fapped earlier? How many times
- Are they really turned on
- Are you teasing them a lot more? Dirty talk etc
- Has it been a long time since you last saw each other

I would say on average though 10-20 min
>Why is it that I feel like girls aren't as interested in having a SO than boys are
Because girls don't tend to rely on just their SO for their emotional needs. We have other people in our lives we can turn to for emotional support, while 'being a man' means you have to repress emotions around other men.

>Also what is it that you like about men? Do you have a reason to be attracted to them?
Idk, why do you like women? We are literally biologically programmed to like each other, that's why (no, I don't know why homosexuals aren't interested in the opposite sex either)
Then why is it that there are so many single people in hs/uni

When I graduated probably around 75% of people didn't have a relationship
How would you feel if a girlfriend revealed to you that she used to have date/have a sexual relationship with an extremely famous A+ list celebrity before she met you?
Yeah just wait it out for now
But if she doesn't reply back to you, or doesn't want to see you again, then you will know.

Sometimes people will have a great time together but for whatever reason they get cold feet randomly
How important is it to you that you reach orgasm through penetration? Is it somthing you expect? How common/uncommon is it for your partners to get you there?
How can someone be become a 9-10 with just a 15 pound weight difference? lmao. Someone's facial bone structure doesn't look different by that much with that small weight loss.

Another delusional faggot overrating the girl he's with
All I sent today was a "Good morning" text (we had done this every day since first talking) but nothing after that. Should I leave it at that, or try sending another text during the week, assuming I haven't heard from her by then?
It's pretty important, but it doesn't have to happen every time.
It's understandable if it doesn't happen every time, because it's a bit harder for girls.

It is something most girls expect I guess.

Its common not to get there if you have bad communication with your partner and can't work together to make it happen.

Communication is key, find out what she likes and what will help it happen for her
I road rage too easily. Wat do?
Yeah, I figure, but I'm also rather chubby so I also wonder if beggars can be choosers.
But my tummy doesn't hang over my waist line at least. But I mean idk if I can really say he lied. The pictures were of him, but they were either old or just super flattering. I assumed old because he didn't have a beard in most of them, and he's got a pretty good sized one now so it must have at least been a few months of growth. But idk how long beards really take.
And its also not like I asked before meeting "You're not fat right?" lol.
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Carry a gun, obviously. If anybody pisses you off, just fucking shoot them. That way you'll never run into them again (pun intended) and they cant piss you off anymore
Just leave it at that for now and at the end of the week send her a message like:
"Hey how are you, just want to say again I had a great time last weekend, and I would love see you again this weekend if you are free"
How about you quit obsessing over stupid shit like texts and whether or not you should write them or what it mean if people don't read them?

If you want to write her, then do it. Who gives a fuck. If she can't reply, she won't and that's it.
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....Because they'd rather not commit to one person in favor of fucking 7 people at once than be in a relationship lol.
That's why most are single in hs/uni.
Because they know "awe fuck, my hs sweetheart is most likely not gonna go to the same uni as me, and even if they do I'm gonna meet so many hot college girls and college is about getting laid and spreading your wings.
And the after uni they're like "Fuck my university girlfriend is probably gonna get a job offer here and my job opportunities are gonna be across the country."
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Simple, straight forward, advice that even a retard like me could follow? Thanks man. I hope it works out, since I am crushing pretty hard
this is an advice thread lmfao chill

girls, at what age do you prefer to fuck guys that are younger than you
Im pretty sure he's talking about vaginal orgasms, i.e, not-clit orgasms.
Probably when I'm like, 50.
I know how you feel hope it works out!
yeah thats what i was talking about lmfao
every girl likes a dif angle
Men and women have different weight distribution. If your tummy hanged above your waist line, you'd be several orders of magnitude fatter than a guy with the same tummy.
Pic related is how I'd feel
You'd be surprised how far 15 lbs can go depending on how you lost it and where.
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>Idk, why do you like women?

Do you ever get that feeling where you just kind of want to hold and protect something fragile and precious?
Lol interesting question. Guy here. when i was 22 i fucked two milfs. A 34 year old and a 38 year old. Im guessing somwhere in their 30's.
so where youre in your 30s you wont want to fuck guys in their 20s?
This would never happen to me (100% sure), so...

I wish I could do this. Then I'd be the only one left in this world (I'm that good, yes).
No, why would I?
Not at all, I'd probably think he was Jesus himself if he actually got me to orgasm from penetration.
So that should answer if I expect it. And I have NEVER in my life gotten any pleasure at all out of penetration, let alone orgasm. I however am not in the majority on that one. Most women do feel some degree of pleasure with penetration, though may not orgasm from it.

Statistically most women report either never orgasming through penetration alone, or only with extreme difficulty.
Most women work the clit while their dude's pounding.
Vaginal orgasms are fucking uncommon though, pretty shitty advice then to claim that women are "expecting it".

One in five women can't even orgasm at all
a lot of guys in the 20s are entering respectable careers, are wrinkle free, fit, etc
yo look at mainstream media.
Cosmo, all girly magazines.
Sex and the City.

yes its true, most women cant orgasm through penetration alone, but that does not mean that most women do not EXPECT it.

I certainly grew up with expectations from media etc that vaginal orgasms are part of sex and should happen and feel amazing when they do
Yeah, but they're also comparatively immature. Why would I want to have anything to do with a guy like that?
actually youre probably at the same level of maturity at that point
well yeah, but I'd still say taking the sex/height factor into consideration, he's still fatter than I am objectively.
Fact still remains, dude's fat.

One of my other pet peeves when we do hook up is that he's always wearing these basketball shorts that are so tight under his flub I can't even really access his dick.
Kek not how life works. At best you could expect it idk when you're a virgin. After a couple of down-to-earth fucks you'd realise that fiction is nothing like reality.
What makes you say that?
Yup basically.
But then after that, most girls will go googling "why can't i orgasm during sex"
"tips on helping you orgasm during sex"

but yeah maybe safe to say that more experienced girls will not expect vaginal orgasms, but more naive ones will.

However, those girls that know they can orgasm through penetration and have before, will sorta expect it from partners.
cause women max out at maturity during high school, maybe college. men usually keep progressing until they die (unless they are non whites, then it caps at varying age levels). thus women retain their stunted at maturity levels that capped at ages 18-22 into their 30s so by the time a man is aged 25 he's at a level of maturity at least greater than youre own
I wasn't saying that you should put up with someone's else's weight if you don't like it. I was just saying women can look ok with high BMIs while dudes cannot, so that your comparation was simply flawed.

Bear in mind though that BMIs frequency distribution among population are about the same for both sexes so it's very likely that you'll always find someone with your same habits "fatter" thsn you.
What are you basing these claims on?
So you're telling me not to sell myself short, and that just because I'm a little chubby doesn't mean I have to go for fat dudes? lol Idk if you're like, attacking me or on my side or just sayin. sorry I'm bad a text based communication lol.
Asking all girls: I'm convinced I was injected with a beta male gene when I was a baby. It only affected me physically and not mentally. How do I make myself more desirable towards hot girls?
combination of /r9k/ and /pol/ probably.

I asked earlier but it was kind of skipped over and not answered.

On average how long does sex typically last in your experience? How long is normally expected? Im talking about a single session. Not back to back fucking through out the day.

One time i was having some sweaty steaming heart pounding sex with a girl on my couch... We started out feeling eachother up and dry humping and what not. When it finally escalated to sex... I prolly pounded her for a solid 10 mins before i came all over her chest. Anyways lol right after that she said "you come quick".

I know, it's why he stopped responding and disappeared.

>injected with genes as a baby
That's not how genetics works

Depends, are you talking about foreplay, or just the act for PIV fucking? Because apparently the average time for a guy to last is like, 4-6 minutes.
i did answer here

but anyway, i guess its different for every girl.
Some like it longer, or are used to longer, so 10 min could seem quick for them.

I would say thats average though?

quick google said this:
According to a 2008 survey of sex therapists, sex is “too short” when it lasts one to two minutes. “Adequate” is three to seven minutes, and “desirable” is seven to 13.

Not sure how reliable this info is though.

But every girl will be satisfied with something different coz different preferences.

Some girls like foreplay more, so they wont care if the sex doesn't even last that long.
Ok well explain why women look right through me or think I'm weird yet I'm unwilling to accept a future as a beta?
Then it's pretty ridiculous to say that
>most girls expect it
And tell anon that its okay if it
>doesn't happen EVERY time
And tell him that it's about communication
Dont have an ugly face. Work out often. I do pushups, curls, squats, calf raises, situps and jog almost every day or every other day. I do it at home and the only equipment i have is an old ass treadmil and two 20 lbs dumbells.

But hows your personality?
>apparently the average time for a guy to last is like, 4-6 minutes
Jesus what kind of guys have you been seeing? The average is 15 minutes.
experience, observation and such.
>But hows your personality?
Since he's unironically using phrases like alpha male and beta male then I think we can guess.
fight me
no im still here, see >>18163976
Please, help: >>18163846
>a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found "a median IELT (intravaginal ejaculatory latency time) of 5.4 minutes."
Source: http://www.webmd.com/men/features/sex-fact-fiction#1

That's not a legitimate source
Any other ideas?
I wasn't giving you any advice. I was just stating that your comparison was flawed.

I don't believe you should be with someone you don't like, regardless of the reasons.

I was also saying that men from your same BMI and habits will almost always look fatter and that since BMI frequency is about the same for both men and women, you both get rated the same in the weight department even if you think the guy is fatter. And that maybe you should take that in mind for future reference.
>functional aspergers
>difficulty socializing
>can be raging about something one minute but then be totally calm the next
bc the boys i like are extremely hard to find, simple. some of us are picky unfortunately
we had it already. Celebrities are shit, but I think I could forgive you the bad taste if I considered you cool
Not him but in highschool we were taught something similar, which was essentially what he was saying though I believe true male maturity doesn't happen till about 26 or so but female mature does cap somewhere in their early 20s.

Fuck knows if that's still current information though, I was taught this almost a decade ago.
I was looking for something a bit more solid like a peer-reviewed study, not "I heard this thing 10 years ago," but thanks for playing.
this is nothing but moronic
do you understand that different sexes aren't different species?
So you've got all these personality issues plus an admittedly weak physical appearance, yet somehow you believe you're an alpha "on da inside"? What makes you believe this exactly?
I already won.
I'm a black Knight. I defend insecure young men from internet trolls like you. None can stop me
Hey I was just contributing to the fact that it wasn't pulled out of his ass and that the source did come from a study, it's just that it's from an old study that probably isn't current anymore or 100% accurate.
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is this a fucking joke
>That's not a legitimate source
>implying a study confirming this would ever get published in the current socio-political environement
that they told you about it in school doesn't yet mean it was from a scientific study. maybe it's a big surprise, but schools teach a lot of bullshit. Fuck, in the states they even unironically tell you about how true is creationism.
In the best case it was a study, but you both completely misinterpreted the crucial statements
why does everyone always get so heated and start arguing in these threads?

> ask strangers on ethiopian basket weaving image board for advice
> get angry at advice given

Dude just force yourself to smile and think "no big deal" and calm breathing. They might be in a hurry or are just stupid. Funny story though...

One time i was riding around with my gf and her toddler. Some people in another car were swerving at us and flicking us off and were laughing the whole time. Basically just being dicks for the fuck of it. Me and my gf both give them the finger back and they started to follow us. After following us for about 3 miles we come to a red light. Im in protective mode at this point and get out of my car and confront them (im also adrenilined up and ready for a fight). The dude driving is hiding his face and wont look at me. A girl gets out of the car and starts pushing me and slaping my face saying "lets go" and "fight me". The 2 guys in the car wont even get out. Then it happens... This bitch straight up barefist knuckle punched me in the face. I "instant reaction" punched her right in the jaw and layed her plum fucking out in the middle of the highway. This was during rush hour and plenty of other motorists saw what happened. Police came and no charges were pressed against me. The driver.... Turns out we knew eachother.
Ah I guess. I wasn't really trying to make an exact comparison. Just stating it's not like I'm some pic related skinny girl who really has the right to demand a skinny dude.
But I'm not flabby or saggy like he is. Frankly I don't care about the differences between men and women, or if it's easier for men to be saggy than women, being saggy and flabby is generally not accepted by most.
In this situation, the actual stats and numbers don't really matter as much as how it looks.
Like, I had a friend in hs who was underweight medically, but just had unfortunate distribution and all her fat went to her stomach. People thought she was pregnant. She could tell everyone all day long she wasn't fat, she was underweight even, but socially, she was fat. Because she looked fat.
Same applies here. If your belly sags over your pants, you're fat and thats generally not seen as acceptable. Doesn't matter if it's much easier for you to get into that state, tough titties.
Men also lose weight much faster and easier than women anyway too, since they gain muscle easier and women retain fat for baby making.
Because people either purposely post stuff they know will get a reaction and retards take the bait, or people post things expecting answers that fit their worldview and can't handle it when they get answers they don't like.
so there's a conspiracy to veil from us the fact that half of the population is in fact way less mature than the other half?
Maybe I'm crazy but truth is stranger than fiction, normie. Besides, isn't it all about body language or something?
Thats like quoting conspiracy theorists or bible thumpers man.
"I can't prove it because I can't! But, believe me anyway!"
Why not?
How about you go smoke your peace cigar somewhere else you hippy-loving cunt?
So this girl I like was dumped by her boyfriend because he thought she was cheating.

It's been a little over a week but they're still "in a relationship" on fb. So they're still together right?

I want to ask her out because I'm really into her and she definitely likes me back, but she's already turned me down once because I asked her out before I knew they were dating. It'd be embarrassing if it happened again and I would most likely not try again after that.
Difficulty socializing. This is probably one of the biggest turnoff and "eww" factor for girls.
>males and females can be judged by the same social standards
>she definitely likes me back
Assuming that's legitimate and not in your head, then the boyfriend's fears were founded. And in that case, if she can do it with you, she can do it to you. If it is just in your head, then you're delusional. Either scenario points to pursuing her to be a waste of time.
that's the kekkest
Maybe they got back together?
or maybe she forgot to change her Fb status?

You could ask her, but I would suggest waiting because if she got out of a relationship recently chances are she probably wants to take a break before dating again?
I know that, I'm trying to figure out how to overcome it. I know they say to just put myself in public more often but there has to be more to it than that
Stay far away
That wont happen before I dont want to fuck at all anymore
>half of the population is in fact way less mature than the other half?
learn how to read dingus. my original statement said women cap earlier and men continue maturing later on eventually surpassing women. i never quantified anything

also, considering how much crime statistics are skewed, ignored, deliberately misinterpreted, i wouldnt be surprised if was supressed to a certain degree.

true i was stating opinion to challenge her response to my original question
whoops like 10 minutes later realized I forgot my pic
Older guys > younger guys assuming that said older guy didnt let himself go

Males should be emotionally and physically strong, should be able to provide
Age will help with 2/3 of these things and the third, fitness, can be maintained. They say old muscle > new muscle anyway
>i was stating opinion
Opinion has no place in a discussion where you're making outlandish claims
>One in five women can't even orgasm at all
I'm sure this is true but I do not believe this is normal - naturally there is no way 20% of women can't orgasm, they are just doing something wrong or lying
Look, I'll try to be clear. I'm not saying that you should date fat guys and I'm not judging you for not wanting to date fat guys. What I was saying is that generally speaking, people date people alike, i.e, people in the same social strata with similar values and close sexual market value. Since its easier to 'look fat' as a man, that means thin/fit men are rarer than women on the same spot. Thin/fit guys thus have a higher demand than women on the same category, i.e, higher sexual market value. What I'm saying is that it'll be hard for you to get one of these guys because girls like you are much more common than men like them. And what I was implying is that you shouldn't be thinking about the guys you 'ought' to have and instead focus on what you actually can get.
Definitely true, however if you are aware of these truths then you are aware of why women prefer older men

Do you understand that the sexes behave and are built differently for a biological reason?
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>implying theyd ever do a study that might suggest women have much lower maturity/an earlier maturity cap than men in le current year

Hello there future me
Lots of taboos about sex combined with women being raised to think about cumming as something weird or women masturbating (getting to know their own body) as dirty and probably some genetic predisposition and male factor
1. She does. I'm about 100% certain
2. We haven't done anything
3. She was telling everyone they broke up because he thought she was cheating (why would she tell everyone that if she really did?)

That's what I'm thinking. But if I was to go after her I wouldn't want to jump right into dating. I'm also worried someone's going to snatch her up pretty quick because she is a very nice girl if you know what I mean.

Are you a guy or girl? Just curious.
Conspiracy theorist is a term created by letter agencies to take away the legitimacy of valid research and observations made by regular people that could be harmful to them

What is a conspiracy but an unpopular belief that would "expose" something hidden?

Many conspiracies have been prove true, and many have tons of evidence, but lets ignore that in favor of buzzwords to tear down the opposition

It's so fucking simple and you're just over-complicating it in substitute of an argument

>no one wants to say women are immature or dumb, even if this were true, because it would create immense backlash because theyre half the population and have equal rights now
>so they dont

Wooooow mind fucking blown

Also your
>so half the population has x? Yeah right
argument is utter shit

>wow so half the population just has different genitals
>wow so half the population has totally different biology?

Yes you fucking idiot
>Do you understand that the sexes behave and are built differently for a biological reason?
absolutely. But it has a very marginal effect on maturity
>half of the population has totally different biology?
that's pretty bad statement to make right before calling somebody an idiot, you know...
I'd advice coming back to some biology classes
Tbqh anon isn't completelt wrong.
We men have a whole chromosome that women lack.
The problem is his usage of the word "completely"
if you're worried shes gonna be snatched up, maybe make your feelings for her clear, but also make it clear that you want to be supportive about her break up and that you are willing to wait for her :)

im a girl !
You know that the Y chromosome is just a stunted version of the X chromosome, right? Men are the ones who lack something genetically, not women.
Think this could be the cause of your problem.
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Well I'm outta this thread since it's just morons arguing about which gender is better. See you all in the next ask thread, this one is ruined.
both of you are not correct.
But this guy>>18164163 is slightly less incorrect
Kek no.
Maybe you're the one who needs to go back to biollogy class. Y chromome is very important, for instance, it holds the SRY gene in charge of starting the masculinization cascade.
Women have two sets of the same chromosome (XX) men have one of those and a different one (XY).
no point in arguing, anon. It seems pretty obvious that they all have some extra chromosomes beside the regular number anyway
i just wanna give people advice lol because i genuinely like helping people
My feelings for her are pretty clear, I think. I mean, I've asked her out before.

But as far as being supportive goes, that could be hard because I mostly just tease her a lot. I was really paranoid of winding up in the friendzone while she was in that relationship, so now it could be hard to make that transition and have it be congruent.
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Hmm true, I see your point now. I'm playing in my own league even though I don't really think I am.
But I mean, am I really?
Here, I'll let you decide. This is me. On the right is about how this dude looks. Thats about how much his gut sags at least. Is this really the same league, I am genuinely wondering not trying to be defensive or anything.
I didn't realize I was shooting too high. How thin do I have to be to get an actual skinny dude?

Anyone else feel free to chime in, are these 2 pictures in the same league of one another?
I would honestly have to see your face to decide.
But i think your body looks a lot more attractive and better than the guys

But if you had a super ugly face, then i think you two would be in the same league.

But if you had an average to attracitve face, then different league definately

But i think curvy women are attractive though? So i guess its subjective

im a girl btw
I'm the anon you replied to. Guy on the right obviously has a much higher BMI. "Below your league" if you want in that aspect at least.

Mind you that I still think that even if he was in your "league", that doesn't mean you ought to date these kind of guys. You should date people you like.
What I was saying is that is generally easier to date people in one's league.

Also side note I'd fuck the shit out of you. Nice
Being cut? Yeah ive been thinking the same thing because essentially the foreskin could provide a "barrier" like a condom does to prevent the extreme sensitivity. But i know plenty of friends who are cut and dont have this problem.
Do you find renown attractive? I'm trying to build my renown so I can find a wife and love her and have her bear me lots of blonde hair blue eyes children.
Im sick of reading about the chubby chick and her even chubbier bf. Stfu already shit fuck damn. Should have been addressed 10 fucking posts ago.
Yeah Idk if I wanna post face, but I'd say I'm average. I know my opinion of myself is probably biased and means little, but I'm trying to be as objective as possible.
I've got a squareish jaw which is the most negative feature and I ding myself a lot of points for it. But I have pretty blue eyes, it's my most complimented facial feature. I get it a lot from even random strangers, men women, people I know aren't trying to get in my pants, etc.
I also take care of my hair.
Alright, thats all I was wondering. I feel ya, I don't have to date within my league, no matter what it is, but I have been curious for some time what my league exactly is. Because what you were saying would have made sense. I typically only ever get approached by men about this caliber. I've known for a long time that if I wanted a skinny dude I'd have to be skinny myself, and I've been working on this shit for years, trust me it used to be much worse.
So I already know it'll be much easier to attain the guy I want if I get better myself, but damn I was thinking I was closer to that dream haha. But seems like just for whatever reason I keep swinging larger dudes, just a coincidence I suppose.

And wow thanks. I really do not get that much outside cam threads lol. Which isn't really as special since I'm obviously posing sexily and thats the given response lol.
Though, if I may ask, where do you fall on the spectrum? Would you call yourself skinny, average, fat, whatever? Just curious lol.
dont post face on 4chan lmfao
good thinkin
Women: Should I expect most women to see a shaved asshole as a bad thing? Not really a question that has a straight answer, but I would still like to get an answer from at least a few people.
why would a woman see your asshole?
Are you planning on spreading it out for her?
I mean I have before, but usually on soc rate threads back in the day. Though that was back in my fatter days so whatever.
And lately I've been posting more risque pics here, so the last thing I want is a face pic that some anon can crossreference some small thing in the background to in order to attach my identity to it second hand.
Why are you shaving your asshole?
Why am I looking at your asshole?
rimming is a thing, you know.
And even without it, some partners simply like viewing the body of the other partner, you know
Are most guys be open to getting pegged or other forms of mild anal play performed on them or is it too emasculating?
pegging may a bit too much, but I'm all for anal play
I like it when my girlfriend puts her finger in my asshole while she is licking my cock and balls, but that's just me
Shave your ass crack if you ever want a girl to put her mouth near it. The hairs there are fine body hairs, not the thick wiry pube ones and they aren't pleasant if you get one in your mouth. They're a real bitch to get out too.
Depends on who the celebrity is. If it's someone like say, Lil Wayne, I probably wouldn't want to be with you anymore.

If it's a decent celebrity, insecure at first, but a little proud if the relationship lasts.

Have you dated an A+ list celebrity, or is this just a hypothetical?
Fuuuuuuck no. Not happenin bitch.
Sorry, "ass crack" is what I meant. I do it because it is easier to clean and so there isn't any risk of me finding exotic animals hiding in there as they might not be able to know the difference between an actual hiding place and the damn forest that will otherwise grow in there.
It depends on how much I trust them.
Yes. Mostly I don't like the idea of I do X therefore I deserve Y because I think that gets you nowhere. If you want a thin guy you'll probably have better results approaching them rather than expecting them to approach to you because you deserve it because you lost weight.

I'm average. 6'3, 178. Why?
I'd say 60 no to anal play and 40 yes/maybe.

Pegging is more like 95 for no and 5 for yes.

Then again we men don't talk about this with other men so it's hard to know
How many would be open to getting rimmed tho?
Different guy, but I'm 5'11" at around 195 lbs, and your body looks very attractive to me. Since you said you only get approached by the heavier guys, maybe your /fa/ is a little lacking?
Men: how would you feel and react if you showed up somewhere wearing the same outfit as another guy?

By somewhere I don't mean somewhere you have very few options about what you wear, like a black tie event where you're expected to wear a tux.
I'm very open to both, but I've heard other guys say they'd dump a girl for trying to do that to them, so it's really a love it or hate it kinda thing.
Depends on the person, otherwise yes.
I believe it's as many as is able to feel pleasure from that experience. It's all the matter of the number of (specific) neuronal endings one has there.
I don't think muh pride would prevent anybody from enjoying this
If I don't know the guy? I'd probably ignore it. If he was my friend I might make some comment about how we're wearing the same thing and then get back to whatever social thing we were doing.
"wow, nice!"
then I'd be back to doing whatever I was doing before noticing
Hard to happen since I dress like shit.
But generally speaking, I wouldn't care
im bored can someone ask advice and i can reply to it
im a 21 year old girl btw
I would find it a bit funny, but I wouldn't care too much beyond that.
Ah yeah, but I'm picky haha. I like a dude who's suave enough to approach.
It's not so much that I'm unwilling to do the approach, or that I'm scared to, or expect him to, or that I think I deserve it, it's just that it makes the dude a billion times more attractive. When I'm forced to make the approach, it just kinda kills the mood for me.
That and, I've had a long bad string of dudes who could care less if I were there or not, and therefore I had to do literally EVERYTHING. Set up the dates. Make every single move. Contact them. They would never make even the slightest effort for me, so it just kind of felt like I was always chasing them and they didn't even care if I died the next day, they wouldn't notice. So now I'm touchy about dudes who refuse to talk to me or take any initiative whatsoever. I don't even do second texts anymore. If they can't be assed to respond the first time, or pick up a new topic when conversation lulls, then I just assume I'm not important and leave them be.

I know though, I want my cake and to eat it too. I can play the waiting game I suppose though. But at the same time, still work for this goal by bettering myself enough just to give dudes incentive to want to come to me.

Was just wondering. You thought I was fuckable, so I was wondering what kinds of dudes I might be able to pull, with just my body as a factor lol.
You have a whole thread of questions to answer. Heck, you have a whole board of questions to answer.
Perhaps, but I mean, I think I do pretty well. I always dress in what's flattering ultimately. But I even try to follow trends while also maintaining a unique look. So I never look too wild and out there, but I keep my look just jazzy enough to stick out a little.

>Do you normally tell your sexual partners things like "You're amazing" or "I love the way you make it"?

I had some experiences when girls tell me that, but I'm not sure if it's because of the moment or I'm actually good at something.
I don't say shit like that personally, because I prefer to speak through my body than through my mouth when it comes to sex, but I think it could go either way.
Could just be in the moment, or legit. Suppose best way of asking is like, afterwards when you're not engaged in sex anymore. Because I wouldn't ask in the moment or you might kill the vibe.
Well you know pretty well then that your problem isn't only the weight then, as in, you're already talking about guys who both have initiative and be thin, while fat man with initiative and thin man without initiative are both noes. So every time you put a new condition, you narrow the ammount of men who fell in that category and obviously you'll require more time to find one.

I still think it's always better to be one the one picking but then again, I'm a guy, so it's expected.

Yeah I don't think your body is your problem. Maybe you're focusing badly on the problem in this sense.

Thank you for the reply :~)
your first sexual experience(s)?
>Probably because Asian women are typically top tier women as well.
No, it's because they actually have a sense of pride for their racial, cultural, and national identities. Perhaps you should take their cue and stick to white guys.
Yeah I know.
Honestly though the initiative is the only thing that kept me coming around with this fat dude.
I'm still seeing this dude after all, I was originally just asking how long I should wait and see if it just falls into place. I'd hate to bail too soon just for something like he's too fat for me.
So it's not that the fat guy with initiative is a no, because I do think the initiative part is more important to me.
Like, if this had been a skinny dude with no initiative, I probably would have never even made it out of cyberspace. I would have sent him a message, he would have never responded or given me a one word response, and I would have just cut my losses there.
But I stuck it out with the fat guy with initiative for the past couple weeks.

So I have my priorities, but that doesn't mean I'm still willing to settle for half good just yet. Because I really do want to have that "spark" with someone that I've found just generally comes from a dude I'm super attracted to in all aspects. Personality, and physically.

But as I said, I'm cool playing the waiting game to some degree. I already know the reason I struggle to meet people anyway. It's because I'm in a small ass farm town, so selection is already slim, and I honestly do not get out much between classes and work.
But I did think that maybe my appearance did affect the types of dudes that do come on to me, on the off chances when I am out and about. As I said, I really only get the fat ones coming at me so I guessed it must just be like what you were saying before. I'm within their perceived league.
Kek, nah its because white people age like milk. Asians stay young forever.
Perhaps you should go back to /pol? lol.

To trigger you further, I'm an amerifat and I can't fucking stand this country. Place is a shit hole and I cannot wait to get out of it.
Could you see yourself being with a guy who was into some "bi" stuff and honestly want to be with him? Would you even respect him the same as a straight "manly" type of guy? Or would you secretly have less respect for him and pursue a completly straight guy?
Any girls please answer.
ive answered most of the questions in this thread
and some threads on this board are topics i can't answer because i dont know the answer.

thats not asking for advice lol

Me personally, i wouldn't want to be with a guy who was bi because it would make me more jealous.
So I can't really answer this one
He's trying to determine if you're a person serious enough, and worthy of being the mother of his kids.

He's probably wondering why you spent all that time with the other guy but didn't even start a family. Inquiring into your maturity level.
Nah I can't date bi dudes or into gay shit at all. Nothing personal, I can respect him just fine, just turns me off.
Wouldn't give a fuck.
>thats not asking for advice lol
does it really matter though? And it helps me gather a better view on people's sexual experiences, which is both my personal and scientifical interest, so it serves as advice in a way.
And I guess it wwouldn't be too boring to type it
I fear I may have led a friend on by making it seem like I was going to ask her out, probably because I was, but then I took acid and realized I'm in love with another girl. I have far less of a chance with this one but I am not sure if it would be morally right for me to go through with my plan with the first girl now

I literally arranged for us to get dinner together next week already and said I had to ask her something important so I am not sure if I can get even back track without being an ass
>Kek, nah its because white people age like milk. >Asians stay young forever.
Both of those are fuck'n stereotypes by the way. Furthermore most asians look like shit, and not like K-Pop stars and Japanese idols.
>Place is a shit hole and I cannot wait to get out of it.
Awww, what's a matter? Is it because "Drumpf" won fair and square?
>Perhaps you should go back to /pol? lol.
>"I don't agree with your world view, that must mean you belong on /pol/"
I'll do you one better and give you 2 options
>Go back to tumblr
Or better yet, and I like this one
>Kill yourself
go on, act casual, ask her whether free will exists
if you let me play with your butt too we could talk about it, but if after trying once I didn't like it I wouldn't let you do it anymore.
okay then
first sexual experience, age 18 with my first bf, fooling around and eventually sex

sorry its pretty boring and nothing scandalous
weird, specially if the guy looked a lot like me, but what else can you do?
he directly tells you he's trolling you, yet you swallow it whole
now that's what I call some olympic level of stupidity
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Think I can go for 2?
where do you like your guy to cum?
But why?
you haven't explored anything as a kid? no showing each other genitals? no discovering masturbation before 18?
I find it a bit hard to believe
sure thing
Heh. Somehow I don't think that will fly
Nah, whitey just don't like being told hes ugly lol. You're gonna look like a wrinkled ballsack by 50 and the Asians are gonna stay young looking till 90. They live longer even too.
Nah, america's been garbage for centuries. Since its creation really. We have no culture or value. Only thing that runs this place is greed lol.
>Tells people to kill themselves online
Lol sooo yeah, you are from pol?
Soo you would love him the same and have his kids if the relationship became that serious without the thought of pursuing an "actual" man?
what is not actual about bi men again?
Good question. Girls like to "act" like they are goody two shoes... But really ladies, how do you fantasize about where he cums?
Their fags... They essentially women.
Why is water wet? I don't know, just anything thats gay turns me off. I think the largest factor is my repulsion towards butt stuff. Shit just disgusts me. I would have a hard time getting with a straight dude if he told me about all the anal sex and shit he had with a woman. If I had to imagine him butt fucking another chick, it'd gross me out.

But, I'm also just really turned off by the visual of a dude I'm into kissing or sucking dick, or getting sucked off by another man. Just doesn't do it for me.

Again, nothing about him as a person. I have lots of gay friends, I respect everyone until given reason for me not to. And being into gay shit is not a reason for me not to respect a person. Hell, I don't even think poorly of people who are into anal. I think it's 100% ok to have that kink or to like it yourself, I just am grossed out about it and want nothing to do with it.
Its just a physical turn off for me and would make sex complicated, therefore I'd probably look elsewhere.
What do you think of you doing stuff with another girl? Would you be open to that? With your man around and "directing"?
Surely someone can help me think of a way to not be a total asshole here
Not really. For starters because I don't like sharing.
And secondly, I was molested by a woman when I was a kid, so I would never fool around with another woman because I'm sure it would trigger me.

But I will admit it's odd that I do get off to FFM porn from time to time, however only when it's focused on the dude and the 2 ladies do little to nothing to one another. They're focused 100% on the cock. But I personally do not want to experience that. Watching is one thing, participating is another.
Weirdly, despite having a bad experience with another woman, I'm still far more turned off by gay shit than lesbian shit. Idk why. I think this event is unrelated to the aversion however.
Guys, the age old question: ass or titties?
Both are very nice, but titties are better. Although, it's not always about the size.
I dont like huge tits. I dont like a huge ass. Love petite women. Of course pretty face.

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The best thing about dating a girl with a nice butt is that it's socially acceptable to touch the butt in public.

Also as a personal anecdote I have found that girls with nicer asses wear skimpier underwear and that's pic related.
Men, what do you think of women who don't want children?
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Acid is fucking crazy. I've liked this girl a little bit for awhile but never really considered her as a gf, then I dropped acid and now I've been obsessing over her for months now. She's become literally perfect in my eyes. Don't do drugs kids.
Yeah man I was enjoying my trip a lot and then I started listening to this song the second girl suggested to me and it was all tumbling down from there
Up to them. But they should also be reasonably up front about it and accept that it may be a deal breaker for some guys.
I posted a selfie of myself and a friend with the dog filter on my story with a jokey caption at around 11pm
and the guy i've hooked up with 3 times messaged me like 10 mins later and said "haha you look like a chihuahua"
and I got kinda offended because chihuahuas are ugly
do you think he meant to be mean?
why would you just send that to a girl out of nowhere?
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Maybe you look like a chihuahua
He was probably trying to be cute and just start talking to you
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What are you supposed to do when you catch someone staring at you? Speaking as a guy, about girls. I usually just look away.
this was the correct response to this post to be honest. I hate myself too
I have a complex about it now to be honest
I stare back
Guy here. I am the last man left in carrying on the family name. I want "sons", but then again i dont really want kids. Fuuuuuck.
Why don't your sisters and stuff just keep their names?
Women have their own notion of taking their husband's name. No matter what tumblr wants some women still like the romantic notion of being the wife and taking his name.
I'm not saying they can't do that, just that if they did keep their name the family one would live on. I don't know why it's romantic, it's just a thing some people like to do, some people don't. I'd pick based off of how the names sounded, no higher notions.

I was just posing a solution to your issue. No need to jump down my throat about tumblr bullshit.
seconding this. that man will eventually wear your skin as a mask
she's single because she's huge
Haven't talked to this girl in almost a year, would i seem needy if i hit her up with a text to see if i can get things rolling
guys, how would you react if you found out that your father was biologically female?
my gf has mentioned wanting a threesome with another girl before and we're going through with it.
we're just going to pick up a random girl from a bar and bring her home with us.
is there any etiquette i should know about this? who do i nut on?
Guy here. Recently had a suicide attempt and got diagnosed Bipolar. When should I tell someone that I'm crazy? Talked about this with friends, and I said I'd rather do it on the first date to get it "out of the way" but they are advising me to wait a bit.

Also, am I the only one pissed off by all the "suicide awareness" posts? It's not that I needed someone to talk to; it's that I needed someone to believe me, and even some therapists have a hard time doing that (22 year old male teacher accused of sexually harassing 13 year old students after disciplining them here).
ass no contest

How did you get diagnosed as bipolar? Suspecting I might be.
Went to a psychiatric nurse. She took an extensive history (literally interviewed me for 90 minutes). She requested a follow up appointment with a family member. Interviewed them for about 30 with me in the room the following week, then with a bunch of other things, such as irritable reactions / hostile reactions to multiple SSRIs and SNRIs, she told me I'm bipolar and placed me on Latuda for bipolar depression. It's saved my life, honestly. Probably the only reason I haven't tried to kill myself again.

My advice, get yourself a psych referral and then see a woman. Men either don't or won't care enough to take an extensive enough clinical history in my opinion. And your PCP/GP isn't going to be trained well enough to manage potential bipolar disorder.
Truth be told my family is probably going to die out if I don't do something, everyone forgot to have a kid for a solid generation pretty much. I'm not especially interested in a long term relationship if the topic of a family is closed off.

Laugh, probably. I don't see many men that dress how I do.
In a condom
There's a running joke between my best mate and me where we make sure we aren't going to turn up wearing similar outfits because it has happened so often. We just have a decent overlap in our fashion sense.

Whenever it does happen though I find it funny.

You go on a date with a guy to the movies, you tell him to be the one to pick the movie you see: do you expect him to pick something he will like, or do you expect him to attempt to find something you'll both enjoy?
guys, girls. both. I just need some advice.
My boyfriend is really annoying and he knows it. He costantly hangs around at my place and makes a mess even though i tell him to clean it up. He doesnt really chanage. And also he often talks about how cool and hot other girls are and texts with a lot f these girls. I dont know why he is doing this i feel like he is doing it on purpose to make me feel insecure. I told him this but nothing really changed. It makes him look really immature. How do i handle this? Just accept it and distance myself?
>Just accept it and distance myself?

Exactly right. He is being a jerk, you told him, he is still a jerk, so you move on.
My best friend (who is also my boyfriends friend before mine) is really important to me. He recently started seeing this girl and for some reason I am getting really depressed because of it. I lashed out and her and him recently and feel really bad about it. No one I've ever met is more understanding and empathetic than he is, and has done so much to help me. I guess I'm afraid of losing that. I asked him if our relationship would still be the same and he basically told me it couldn't be because now his focus was one her. It honestly crushed me. I've been so unstable ever since she came along and I am just depressed and angry all the time.

Please help. I want to feel happy for him and I do but he means so much to me and I'm so afraid I'm going to lose him.
Any other ways to fix this? As so often i am actually a person that would fight for a relationship. He would be perfect if he hadnt these flaws..

Do you love him more than your boyfriend? Between the two, who would you rather lose.
>He would be perfect if he hadnt these flaws..

An elephant would be a perfect house pet if it wasn't so fucking big. Too bad it is.

That phrase doesn't make any sense. He is like this, either take him as is or move on.

I love them both and I honestly feel like I can't live without either of them. What he does that my boyfriend doesn't is emotionally understand me and help makes me better... he is honestly my mentor and I look up to him more than anyone I've ever met. I couldn't ever get with him anyway though because he's my boyfriends best friend . I've asked him before if we'd still have the same relationship if we did break up and he stayed silent both times... I honestly cried both times I ask him and he just stayed silent... it hurt me more than anything ever has in some ways
It really doesn't sound like you're all that into your boyfriend. At least, if a woman described our relationship as you did I sure wouldn't be happy.

What's it mean if a girl waits a few seconds before saying "yeah" to me asking if she's willing to go on another date?

Also she did the same thing when I asked for her number at the end of the date but she eventually gave it.

For a bit of context we hanged out and the conversations were all right and it lasted longer than I thought but there weren't really sparks. I still like the girl though she's good long-term material.
as a woman do you like thicker forearms?

I have bony lean forearms and I'm told by buzzfeed huge forearms drive women needing mops to dry up the wetness...

Guy here, how pathetic do girls consider me for not having my P's at 22, living in a city where everyone drives (melb). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make myself actually go for my license, I have minor anxiety while driving, always worried i'm going to do something stupid on the roads. I feel like not being able to drive saps away from my confidence more than anything right now stopping me trying to pick up girls.
correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought trannies are sterile
if he doesn't want to fuck you it usually means he is subconsciously unwilling to invest in your baby, meaning he doesn't (again - subconsciously. He doesn't realise this) really consider you worthy.

Also, I had similar experiences with a girl who claimed it to be because I (or whatever else) started triggering some molestation memories from her childhood

Talking won't change anything. getting rid of your flaws might or might not
fucked up life is fucked up. You aren't able to solve all his problems forever. He will either find a way himself or remain broken
why would she ever delete her posts? I don't get it

What do you think of guys who are social recluses? Any personal experience?

Why do you insist on texting other guys you had a thing with in the past. Like what concievable bennefit is it to you when you're in a serious relationship?

If you never meet this guy in person but catch up over text, whats the point? Is it validation?

My girlfriend does this occasianly and when I ask who she's texting she tells me. When I ask her why she doesnt reply to him when im beside her sometimes, she says she doesnt care . But im almost 100% certain when im not around she will reply to him right away.

What the fuck do I do? Ive brought this up to her before but she says I have to trust her and that nothing is happening.

I havent brought up my insecurities for a while because I said I wouldn't but for fuck sake. Dont blatantly lie and say you don't care when you clearly do since your texting this guy.
I think you know the answer to that.
I've gone on a few dates with this girl, but we're not official or anything close. She started off real caring, even though she has insecurity issues and dislikes physical contact in general.

Now we see each other in college pretty often, but lately her interest has dropped dramatically. I'm talking zero effort-responses if at all, ignoring compliments and flirting and ignoring/moving away from physical contact.

Yet she still wants to meet up. I ask her out and she still wants to see me. She goes so far out of her way to see me, not even counting this date I had planned. I don't get it.

Girls, be my mindreader for a moment. Why would you show the guy you're dating all those signals that you're not interested, yet go out with him again?
One last desperate post before I have to see one of these people today
How do I stop ending up with abusive men? Would you ever date a girl who has been raped and abused my ex's?


Every three years or so I will have a relationship with someone who is emotionally or sexually abusive, I've never been properly beat but mild physical aggression and threats tend to accompany manipulation and mental torment.

I had my most scary experience to date a few days ago with a guy a few years younger than me who I'd been dating.

I cannot begin to describe what has taken place and how disgusting and worthless I feel. Why have I let this happen to me again? I don't feel safe, I feel numb and on edge, out of control.

I am not someone you'd expect this to happen to, but when you scratch the surface I must be broken. I feel like it's probably best that I do not date again, or I go very slowly with a new guy and hide my past entirely.

I am affectionate and relaxed in relationships, very loyal and I hate to hurt anyone and as long as things go slowly there tend to be no problems. If I am forced to rush I panic because abusers tend to be intense and move fast so it triggers me. Logically I know I am not so bad but emotionally I feel that I'm filthy and worthless.

I guess I just needed to get thatoff my chest.
I want some advice. Girls, guys, doesn't matter

Two years ago i met a girl, i was strong/confident/hard working/loving. She made me think all the time that i had no emotions, that i was a machine. I kept hearing this for a year, everyday. I always swallowed it or tried to say in a nice and positive way that i do have emotions and i do have emotions towards her. She kept making me feel like shit. The relation stopped and i didn't care about her anymore. Snowball effect kicked in, all the negativity of how bad i was and am started becoming reality. I felt so bad, i got so deep in depression, depression turned schizo, schizo turned reckless.
Then i saw a girl, she works close to me. Every time i went to the store to buy something to drink, i saw her. I started dreaming about her. Later friends told me that she really likes me. My dream turned reality.
I was getting happy again. But when i started getting happy, i realized how deep i am in my shit. I started doubting myself, what if she can be happier with someone else? What if i am the one that is going to hurt her? She doesn't know she got me out of my deep depression. I have a lot of respect for her. I don't want to hurt her, i dont want to waste her time, i really want the best for her. If her best is being with me, its with me. If its with someone else, i dont mind.
We started talking, actually she sent the first text. I got so nervous, my dream was about to get true. I asked everyone for advice, the advice started to messing with my head. I talk to her, and at that moment i think "FUCK i fucked up fml fml" and get sad. But when reading back it looks all fine. But today she said good morning, i wished her a good morning as well and asked how she slept. On that she said "goood i think?". since im insecure as fuck i dont know how i should treat that. She sends me a heart emoji and i ask others how the fuck i should respond.
She was really enthousiastic at the start, she started to respond kind of enthousiastic but not as much as before, it has only been 2 days talking to her.
But im no player, i never have been going after girls, i have never been fucking sluts etc. I have 9/10 looks, 9/10 future, 9/10 personality. I don't know how to handle all these things, im shy as fuck(which is a good thing when having a relationship, but this shyness will never get me a relationship)
I think i might be in developing phases of love. Since she is in my life, i start picking uni's and work up again. She has had such a positive impact on my life. When i thought i was at the end of the ride, she came in my life.
I don't know how to talk, what to say and what to do. I want to make this happen and make her happy. Can you give me some advice? I have never attention whored, but this time i really need it to get myself together
>Would you ever date a girl who has been raped and abused my ex's?
Lol, of course not.
Even a hooker would probably be more stable than you.
She has nothing better in her life but is super scared of pushing you away with her real insecure self. Borderline Personality Disorder or some sort of cluster b mental issue.
I'm not emotionally unstable though, I get anxiety but that's about it.
Which prostitute do I choose next time?
a. Skinny, blonde, B cups, model looks, intelligent, tight vagina (somehow), free anal. I've been seeing only her since December (maybe it is time for a change?).
b. Almost chubby, blonde, huge tits, young MILF, 10/10 oral, vaginal is just OK, paid anal. I've fucked her many times in the past.
c. Almost chubby, brunette, big natural tits, pretty happy/crazy. Only fucked her once, so I don't know much about her.
i find stress makes me finish quick. just FYI. recently i discovered this.
I want to approach a girl that wears earphones all the time

I know this can mean she doesn't want to be bothered, but i really want to bother her
i wouldn't worry too much unless you have major reasons to suspect her.

I'm pretty sure my gf is into me but every now and then i catch her checking to see if i'm looking at her using her phone. Do I want to know what she's looking at/who she's messaging? Heck no. Just respect her privacy.
I wouldn't mind anytime. If i'm sleeping i'll answer when i wake up. But i don't pay attention to the time
Dude, just get a cock pump and pump that shit. Just gotta be a little aroused, pump does the rest. It also numbs the dick, so you take way longer to cum.
Girls, ever been approached by a guy and he got an anger response because you rejected him?
Why are black women in groups typically annoying as fuck?
What does it mean when a girl ends a message with ~~~
Girls, how do you prefer a guy to let you know he's interested in you romantically?
Can people with stark differences in hobbies have a relationship?

For example, I'm attracted to a girl who is REALLY outdoorsy. She talks about going outside and doing something every weekend. Her passion is one of the reasons why I like her. However, I'm not so much of an outdoor person. I like nature from time to time, maybe at most every other weekend, but I wonder if I would be able to keep up with her.

There's a really cute girl i work with and a while ago(about 2-3 months) I tried asking her out. She told me no because she was already talking to someone. I apologized for if i made her workplace more awkward or weird, but she insisted it wasn't at all.

After about 2 months, we've worked a few more shifts together and lately we seem to be getting along better and better. She pulls me to the side to talk about some customer she had problems with, and when we're on break, we chat almost the whole time. There have also been a few weird incidents where she'll enter a room to talk to someone, see me, and then walk away as if I was going to be the subject. There's a weird atmosphere between us, but i still like her. Should I try to ask her out again, but this time ease into it a lot smoother? Or should I give up all hope and stop caring?

TL;DR: Can you ask out a girl a second time?
Sounds like shes not into you and doesnt want to be mean.
Dude thats the type of girl who will cheat on you in a second. Regain control as a man should have it. Fucking dump her if she if sshe doesnt listen. Shes been lying.
Lol... No dude. Just no. Shes looking to see if your looking because she is up to no good. My girlfriends know i have acess to her phone at anytime and she does mine as well. Better not be deleting shit either. Girls are shady as fuck.
Some girl I half-hooked up with (i.e. didn't get to sex) ignored me after our second date. Now she's liking my instagram photos etc. What is she trying to do? I'm not emotionally attached to her in any way, I'm just curious.
I would because i know you a weak little girl that i can keep in line. I wouldnt mistreat you though.
Dont ask her out just insist that yall hang or chill at your place or hers. Then fuck.
Girl always calls me a "shithead", "retard", "dick", "asshole", so on, so forth. Writes me frequently.

What could be the reasons? She doesn't have feelings or like me, of course.
Because you actually let her say it?
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