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Is it morally wrong to kill a small, scurrying insect just because

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Is it morally wrong to kill a small, scurrying insect just because it crossed your line of sight?

Does this living creature deserve death just for being in your house?

I always feel at least some regret whenever I kill a non-threatening insect (except for the scary ones)
>some regret
In the context of evolution, why should this exist? We care about animals like dogs and cows because they are essential to our survival. Do we care about all species because our desire to protect our cattle for our own fitness is overactive e.g. in times of near starvation we fed our herd because their survival was supplemental to ours? Those who ate their herds in times of drought didn't survive beyond the drought?

If true, would our regret in killing animals not necessary for our survival be useful? Would it be misappropriated?

Ok, so now, can the same be said of people with handicaps? No, because people with handicaps can still be reproductively successful and also contribute to the success of the species. For instance, someone with downs syndrome can still have a genome with very fit genes. I'm not saying fucking downies because the species...srsly, i'm not...I promise.
i'm no moral authority, but it does strike me as weird to go after any insect thats not a swarmer or an indicative on uncleanliness. like ants and roaches.

i dont like insects, but the rest i tend to evict in a red solo cup. except spiders, they clean up after themselves.
The scales of karma are real. Your deeds are weights in either good or bad. Just put the bugs outside. I save flies, moths, ants, and whatever else I can from starving to death inside my house.

>I used to literally smash, crush, burn, dissect, torture, and even eat bugs as a child. I still feel bad about it.
Only you can answer questions regarding your own mortality. As moral is not a force, its an ideology, different to every being.
In saying that what makes killing any being okay/moral answer me this question and you will answer your own
>scales of karma
>scales of karma
>scales of karma
>scales of karma

I mean seriously.

If there's shit loads of them that are going to spread diseases and spoil your food then it's self defense, however if there's no reason to you're probably just a person who feels out of control of their life so wants to exert it over something else.
>As moral is not a force, its an ideology, different to every being.
Wrong. Morals are a form. The are just as real as say the number 1, or the concept of two things being equal. No there are no floating #1's out there, or Equals walking about. But they are concrete forms (objective concepts) that do not vary from person to person.
Please step your game up senpai. I really suggest reading some Plato and Aristotle for a good intro into objectivity of forms and thus morals.
I don't kill insects except for mosquitoes. I even talk to some, warning them to be careful in order to not get killed.

Im not a venganfag, I eat meat occasionally, Im just a turbo autist. I wouldn't consider it inmoral but unnecessary.
Not really. Insects are beings of sheer instinct and so don't have free will. They are just biological machines. This is different tye higher up the chain you go. As soon as you have a clear ability to think intelligently and feel pain, then I would feel bad.
Objective ethics is still just one of many theories. And even among types of objective ethics there are very different theories, such as platonic vs kantian.
>Insects are beings of sheer instinct and so don't have free will
Citation fucking needed. You can look at bees and those things are smart as fuck.
concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour.

By definition it can not exist. Good and bad are view points, view points are opinion.
Moral is different in everyone.
For example, I see it as morally wrong to have one night stands, that doesn't make it morally wrong for you does it. Its not a force it is an ideology. Without humans there is no moral, there is no right and wrong, there is no good and bad.

If you don't believe me tell me what is a good force and what is a bad force, without taking the human race into account.
I don't really care too much about it.

The more things I let live in my home, the greater the probability of them effecting me in a negative way. I'm not going to catch every little insect and take it outside just so it can burrow back into my home. Life isn't a boolean value for me. Just because something has biological processes isn't enough reason for me to care about it's existence. I don't cry over the food I eat, so neither will I care about the insects below my feet. I know they wouldn't show me any more consideration.
It's too late at night to do research, but if your super interested I'll give you some examples you can look into.

In one famous study, every time a wasp brought prey to its nest, it would go in and check the inside of the nest first before bringing in the prey. While this looks like an intelligent set of well thought out actions and planning, they discovered that when they drag the prey away while the wasp is "checking" the nest, he will go back out, redraw the prey to the entrance, then reenter the nest to check it again. This will happen continually since the wasp,never actually understands that the nest is clear and he doesn't have to repeat the procedure.

I forget the reference but you can google it. They teach it in modern epsitomology classes.
You literally made an uneducated leap from the definition.
>He thinks good and bad are opinions
Alright youve clearly never once in your life contemplated or read up of philosophy or youd never say something so ignorant. You are a lost cause. Well maybe not. Youre probably still in HS and havent reached college where you actually learn to think.
different does not mean opposing nor does it refute the fact that it objectively exist.
If theres a car accident and I say the light is green but you said it was red, just because we disagree does not advocate that the light does not exist. Both kant and plato have very solid arguments that have withstood the test of time that they are in fact objective. As plato said, he does not know what good exactly is. He knows it exist and has given a long unrefuted argument for its existence, but he believes he'd recognize it where he sees it.
Space and time can be perceived as very different between species.

For example a dog might have a spatial sense of smell, kind of like that scene in donnie dark of him following the clear path lines. This doesn't imply that there are no rules of space and time. Physics are reflections of rules that are readily reliable and predictable, even though perception of space and time itself is subjective to some degree.

Your argument might be likened to arguing that since we can see different colors, frequencies can't exist. You can only carry the reflection of the subjectivity so far.
What is this retarded example. It doesnt argue for your point at all.
Of course, but objective ethics is not a given, even in modern study, it's just one of many theories.
>like that scene in donnie dark
>objective ethics is not a given
they are
Of course it does. Insects are simple biological machines. They don't show signs of advanced thinking. They don't have language in such a way to pass on developed concepts. If you believe that a self relies on a continuity of being merged with memory sufficient to maintain that continuity, then most signs indicate insects just don't have that copacity. Their brains are far to small to facilitate an actual self or to demonstrate real learning behaviors. The wasp examplease is just another demos raton of that, there is no real understanding. Other animals are different, a crow for example does learn and has some sense of the self.
>Insects are simple biological machines
>They don't show signs of advanced thinking
also false
>They don't have language in such a way to pass on developed concepts
the fuck is this even supposed to mean. No animals have a history book

I knew this was retarded.
I'm just giving you an example that you mellenial faggots such as yourself can relate.

Go get a philosophy degree if you don't believe me. I'm just telling you what they will.

References to science fiction and the like didn't stop Daniel Dennett from making his points. So try not to be an elitist when you're just an uneducated little shit ok?
Post some advanced intelligent things insect do then faggles.
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Unfalse...Are you for real?
>also false
I agree it's a bad statement but brute force isn't the same thing as the PFC.
>No animals have a history book
Oh no? Then what the fuck is in the picture? Oh God, are those not books? Of fuck me...oh oh ohhhhhh.
So is space good or bad?
Without conciseness there is no view of good and bad, there for they are completely subjective. That is to say that good in one point t of view doesn't mean good in all.

Say I killed a man because he violently invaded my home. Good or bad. If you can define it as one they can not be objective. Also say that man had a daughter who was stuffing from a terminal illness and the only way to afford treatment was to turn to a life of crime. Good or bad?
How about the sun producing harmful radiation, moral or immortal?
They are aspects imposed by conciseness, which is merely an illusion of infinite anomaly. There is no meaning to good and bad, other than that you assign to it.

I am well versed in philosophy as well as some real sciences that attempt to explain our universe. So ease do share with me how good and bad exist outside of your own perceptions
>if it doesnt display human level intellect with the capacity to record history it doesnt have free will
Stop with the shit posting
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>Without conciseness there is no view of good and bad
Stop. I can only listen to a child speak idiotic things for so long. You are basically arguing that math doesnt exist. Its so bad I can't even read your entire post because from the start you say something so retarded.
>So is space good or bad?
Is space short or tall? Anyone can ask retarded questions. That doesnt mean space doesnt exist.
Im so fucking triggered by your retardation. I thought I was immune to stupid post on 4chan but fuck was I wrong. My blood is boiling at how simplistic and uneducated you are. And its not just that. You have the audacity to speak to me with things ideas no more complex than something a grade schooler thought of. Die you faggot.
I just try and protect my property. Spiders outside (unless venomous) or up in corners eliminate more troublesome bugs like mosquitos. If a spider is in my reach/comfort zone, he goes.
There is a Chinese thing not to ever kill a cricket in your home. So I catch them and toss them outside. We have a LOT of motherfucking crickets inside. I have no clue why. But it gets me thinking of my sister, who has a bunch of cats me and constantly experiences bad luck. So I assume her cats are killing all her crickets, and that's why her life sucks. That and her shitty life choices, but whatever.

Unless it's a black widow, or something dangerous, outside my house, I try to live and let live. Flies, I slaughter mercilessly in my home, ants and roaches, obviously are an epidemic and cannot be allowed to continue in the home, but the odd moth or whatever, I tend to try and guide them outside.
Show me math that can either prove or deny good and or bad and I will concede and worship you as a god
Its like you are purposefully trying to trigger me with your retardation. Are you getting your kicks pretending to be retarded. At least thats what I like to think. Deep down I know you are genuinely this retarded and it replaces my anger with pity for you.
You probably shouldn't kill things just because they look scary. That's why King Kong destroyed the World Trade Center.
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>it doesnt have free will
>doesnt have free will
>have free will
>free will
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Underrated post.
I only kill insects that annoy or threaten me, though I'm easy to annoy. Spiders are free to stay since they keep away other shits. Morally wrong though? How are we to tell? You make your own morals, unless you're religious or some shit, but then your morals are contradictory and thus meaningless in most cases anyway, so kill away faggot.
You told me I was basically denying the existence of math. I took that as you meaning there is math that proves your point. Nothing I said had anything against math?...
I'm sorry but I really think your the one that's retarded my friend. You keep arguing against my points with nothing more that "you must be retarded" and not even mentioning what it is that heads you to that conclusion.

I'm going to put it this way. I'm a man of science who believes in god(as an iteligent force behind creation, not as some fella in the sky) and I still can not see how anyway morals exist outside of perspectives and you fail time and time again to correct me where you say I am wrong, how am I wrong? How does your moral apply outside of your life?, and why are mine different to yours if good and bad exist as forces? Your driving me nuts and your I know for sure your a troll if you can not give me reasoning
>Nothing I said had anything against math?
You literally denied things that require human consciousness aka forms to observe. Stop trying to trigger me with your retardation with your childish viewpoints. You have not made a single point.
I agree with the abstracts that shows up above this in the link criticizing it as devoid of any contrubutions, sorry.

Like the first critique of it says, they are only making an observation of how a human brain looks like it works and then an argument from analogy that an insect brain might possibly be able to do the same.

The studies I was referring to was actually breaking down seemly intelligent insect behaviors and exposing them as uniltelligent mechanical procedures that don't adapt.

Consider the following.


Even though it can navigate space accurately, it doesn't imply a self or moral obligation towards it.
I kill bugs but leave the spiders
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I feel like spergs and potheads are the only people who have the time to really contemplate this kind of shit.
>The studies I was referring to was actually breaking down seemly intelligent insect behaviors and exposing them as uniltelligent mechanical procedures that don't adapt.
post said study so that I can agree with first link criticizing it as devoid of any contributions
>You literally denied things that require human consciousness aka forms to observe.
That has nothing to do with math

0/10 obvious troll is obvious
>That has nothing to do with math
Yep, retarded
Okay, just because I am bored.
Please do define good and bad for me then. Explain how they are not subjective. And maybe I won't seem so retarded
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I like how this post about whether or not its cool to squish a small bug somehow turned into an autistic pissing contest about whether or not math exists.
Good job, fellas.
You dont even know what math is (a human abstraction of the universe). Your mindset denies its existence. You are a retard and lost cause.
The little retard doesnt believe in objectivity
Some nigga keeps telling me because I said morals don't exist outside of your point of view that I actually mean that math doesn't exist...
I bored so I wanted to know what he ment. Turns out he was a troll
I know exactly what math is. Its a universal language. And I can probably use it far more effectively than you.
Lets fucking test that theory because I majored in math.
What is the mapping from the Special Orthogonal Group for Complex to Quaternion Space.
I couldn't tell you really. Something to do with rotation is about as far as my knowledge goes in that particular Field. You'd go better asking me math related electrical engineering.
Regardless doesn't help your point.
Seriously if your a math major than how can you argue morals exist, if they can't be counted or measured then they don't exist. Unless you have conceived a device for measuring and quantifying morals?
Your arguments only take into account human conciseness, as if it is the be all and end all in Our universe the only force capable of observing and passing judgment. If morals existed as an objective force all would experience them equally right? Or more so relitivly equally to their point of view correct? Then how can people without empathy exist if morals exist as a constant? Are they outside of the equation that forms a constant for a social construct?

You may have superior knowledge in the entire field of mathematics but my friend, my knowledge is not in any specific related fields, I make an effort to learn all I can about everything I can, human psyche included. And as someone who has studied the human psyche I can confidently say morals are a product of the individual psyche and not a universal comstant
>In the context of evolution, why should this exist?
Why should you exist? Why should our species exist and what makes it important?
t. the guy who has time to post on 4chan
>/adv/ - Is it morally wrong to kill a small, scurrying ins - Advice - 4chan

99% chance it gets killed by another small critter before it breeds. That's why breeding ones produce hundreds of offspring each.

If you're letting pincherbugs live in your house then you are also letting black widows live in your house - food chain.
What's your point?
Let it be tier:

Freak out, do not rest or go to sleep until confirmed dead tier:

Irrational hatred and genocide tier:
Brown marmorated stink bug
Centipedes are great, leave them alone
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