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Does no fap help depression? concentration? mood? attraction

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No Fap. Anyone Have Experience?

As I regard myself as a porn addict, I've noticed myself feeling fatigued lately, with 0 drive and 0 motivation to be productive. I've got hardly any drive in me when it comes to women and I strongly belief the fap addiction is to blame. I' going to give it a shot I guess...
Get fully dressed, stay fully dressed all day till you know you're ready to sleep. Get dressed as soon as you get out of the shower. Go outside, walk, drink water.
It's weird, because when I broke the porn addiction my sex drive took a nose dive, like decreased by about 95% and I don't know if this is normal, non degenerate sex drive, or if I'm just fucked now. I remember being hornier than I am now, before porn. But I was horniest during the porno years. It's different for everyone, but that was my experience.
I've been a depressed lonely fuck for a while and would fap twice or three times a day. It was awful and I would feel disgusted with myself afterwards.

Now I've fallen in love. Not in a relationship, just fallen for someone else. Not for their physical appearance but rather just who they are as a person. And I've found that my desire to masturbate has died off. My depression is ebbing away. I have a new passion to fight!

Take that as you will.
There is no hard evidence. All accounts are highly anecdotal. You just have to try it and see if it works for you.
Yes it fucking works.

>Avoid fluoride by short showering with cool water, don't brink US tap water ever
>No dairy, meat, salt only sea salt
>35 mins of direct sunlight exposure on skin per day
>Avoid and minimize artificial light exposure, especially after sun down.
>Only orgasm once per month at most
>Eat strictly organic
> High natural carb diet

That's a start.
>Does no fap help depression?
>attraction to women???

Yes, because you feel super horny due to suppressing your urges. If you hold it long enough, you'll be attracted to even the ugliest of women.

All no fap does is build up your sexual tension, which makes concentrating even more difficult.
i was in love once

it was terrible, but made me do incredible things

ever since i've been in a malaise of dating just for company, to fuck, and to forget the girl i loved who no longer exists
Just a reminder to professional fappers that you fap many times a day or a week, you will end up making your penis an ejaculation machine by producing a physical change, you will be a forever premature ejaculator.
I'm in the same boat. No idea why. Get the feeling back? What helped for you?
All NoFap advice is anecdotal. There is no professional studies done on the subject.

But the obvious answer is imo >>18071355
>no fap builds up your sexual tension
this. and that build up of sexual tension probably makes you do things out of your norm to get that sexual release. Whether that be good or bad
File: 1482992153532.jpg (208KB, 899x650px) Image search: [Google]
208KB, 899x650px
https://www.google.com/#q=covenateyes (I use this)




http://www.taghelpline.org/ (I know many people who use this)

get filters, its the only way. On CE, I have /b/,and the porn boards blocked and also the /r9k/ archive. If I uninstall it it will notify the my friend who moniters my web activity. Its pretty much nofap on normal mode

As a introverted person I lose all drive to talk to random girls, or even go out, if I fap too much.

When I refrain just a bit, keep jerking once a couple of days, I act more alpha and I prefer this.

Although I have sometimes got laid just for being a comfy beta.

Relationships are too complicated, but if you lose your drive to find a real girl, you are an addict.
Couldnt post this last night because of reasons.
Do no fap after you do no porn.
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