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My girlfriend is amazing. Supportive in all the best ways, almost

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My girlfriend is amazing. Supportive in all the best ways, almost everything I can ask for in someone that cares about me.

But the temptation to get nudes or make out with another girl is ever present. I can't say that given the opportunity, I wouldn't do it. Which is dumb because I know how much this girl means to me and how she's truly a catch.

How do I not cheat on her? Any methods or tips to resist the urge?
Will power.

How she's going to react when she finds out because she is going to find out no matter how much and how long you hide it from her.
As said above, sheer will power. You'll do yourself a lot of favors if you actively avoid the kind of situations where you'd be tempted. If you must put yourself in those situations, and you really don't think you can avoid a fuck up, make a buddy babysit you.
by having a girlfriend who you love instead of having a girlfriend as your pet

shes obviously not a catch to you if you want to fuck everything that gives you attetion
Yeah, they always, always find out.

Not a bad idea actually. Thanks bruv.

I don't know guys. I really want to never, ever hurt her like that. She's been cheated on in the past and I know if I do it, it would absolutely and completely ruin her.

Why isn't that enough to solidify in my mind that I'd never do it though? Am I fucked in the head for thinking that I don't know what I'd do in that situation?

It's weird as fuck dude.
That's the thing though. I know her worth and I guess it's part of some fucked up thing where I maybe feel like I don't deserve her? And in some self-deprecating way feel like I'd be the one to fuck it all up by doing something stupid like cheating?
I will say from my perspective, I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for years now, I'm definitely going to marry her after law school and I absolutely love her to death, but I'd be lying if I said the temptation didn't rear its head from time to time. I can't say it is constant, but it happens. I think that anyone who claims to never be tempted is full of shit. The important thing is just that you don't do it. The way I think of it is that nobody can possibly say with certainty that they will go through their entire life and never cheat. But with a good relationship, the fact that you can overcome such obstacles is indicative of the strength of the relationship itself. Life is just hard man. You just do the best you can to get through the mess with your best friend you know?
Don't listen to this retard. It sounds nice and all to get a gf that you're head over heels for until you realize just how much power you lose to her because of how in love you are. Unfortunately, a lot of the time you lose out on a lot of your rational thinking power in order to appease her and the more you like her, the more you try to wrap your tentacles around her, the more she will hate you.

That's the reality of things. Stick with this chick, if she's into you and isn't a total circus freak, then you have it made.
Fuckin right dude. I feel you 100%. I think that's a great approach to take to it moving forward. Appreciate it a lot. I really want this to go as long as it can, and have full intention of marrying this girl. I guess I'm just scared of fucking it up in a way but that's a whole nother level of insecurities.

HAhaha only a freak in the sack buddy.
Glad I could help. And I totally get the being scared to fuck it up thing. Try not to sweat it too much. I knew mine was the one when we realized that neither of us are perfect people and that no matter what we can trust each other to try to work around it. If I cheated, I know I could count on her to try to make it work. If she couldn't get over it, that would be understandable. But I 100% appreciate that she'd try her best as long as I wasn't being an asshoe. And I'd do the same for her. Once you get to that level, the anxiety kinda goes away and the cheating temptation goes away to a significant degree just because you know beyond a doubt you have something special. TLDR, it either works out or it doesn't, but time helps everything.

yes you are a clingy faggot, doesnt mean others have to become clingy faggots too

die in cancer actually, fucking worthless fag
Discuss what she considers cheating. Have her blatantly tell you that making out with other girls or getting nudes is cheating.

If the lines aren't blurred, then it is much harder to justify it to yourself.

I got nudes from a girl and felt super bad about it, when I told my gf she didn't care. Now it's harder for me not to do it. It's all about setting blatant limits.
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