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>Got out of a horrible relationship a year ago >Haven't

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>Got out of a horrible relationship a year ago
>Haven't dated since, fucking traumatized by crazy
>Loaded up tinder a 2 months ago
>Met a few girls
>Finally meet one I like, but she just wants to fug
>That is fine, I'm honestly scared of being in a committed relationship again
>Been fucking for two months now every weekend
>Now she says she is falling for me, and would like to actually date seriously

What do I do? When I say I'm afraid of committing to another relationship, I really mean it. I'm not the greatest at determining how sane the woman I'm seeing is, and I'm afraid of taking the risk again.

Should I just ghost her, tell her I'm not looking for something serious, and that we shouldn't fuck anymore, what?
if you like her, go for it. you can't spend your life being a pussy. doing things that scares you helps you to grow as a person.
Nah, stay around and see how it develops. She might be the one for all you know now.
Lets drop a quiz for you OP.

1. Has she said any insanely dramatic shit about her past?
2. Does she have sjw warning color hair? (bright red, green, purple, etc)
3. Excessive piercings or tattoos?
4. Substance abuse issues?
5. Personality disorders?

If she doesn't fit any of those, she is probably okay. Or at least, she will be okay until you date her for two years and she suddenly goes batshit on you.
1. no
2. no
3. no, has a small tattoo on her upper right shoulder, but that is it
4. no
5. none that I know of
Just say yeah. You can keep your fear to yourself for now. See how it goes, if you're not keen in a couple months more then yeah, ghost her. Too early to say now.

I almost got rid of the girl I'm with now after two months - glad I didn't.
That's a good list. I would add: Is she from a stable family. A disfunctional family can make a person disfunctional in close relationships
If you went through the points the other anon and I wrote about detecting if she's stable are good and if you started to develop feelings yourself you are good to go.
If she's stable and you don't want her you're wasting her time and hurt her unnessecarily. There's no point staying with a good girl when you don't actually want her.
Don't ghost her, that's just hurtful and will most likely more bitter towards men. If you don't want to be with her tell her that. "Anonette, I really enjoyed my time with you. But I didn't develop any feelings for you. It's not your fault, you did nothing wrong, but I just can't feel that way. You said you want a relationship with me, but it won't work if you have a boyfriend who doesn't feel the same way towards you as you do for him. I don't want to do that to you. I don't want to lead you on only to hurt you in the end. So I think it would be best if we stopped meeting for now."
Nah senpai.

If she is even remotely sane, and you're attracted to her, she is waifu material basically. So many fucked in the head people these days.

What if in 6 months you suddenly feel like being in a relationship? You will be pissed you didn't give it a shot with this girl.
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