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So I have a gf of 2 years. We like to try out new things in bed,

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So I have a gf of 2 years. We like to try out new things in bed, and we're also passionate there, allthough she is shy on the outside.

We've talked about a threesome before and she's also interested (like me). Her biggest problem however allways was, that it couldn't be a stranger because she would be uncomfortable then, but if you do it with a friend, it might me hard to just meet again, if it maybe wasnt that good.

I'm studying and this semester i became really good friends with a girl from spain. The really good thing about this option is, that she leaves next week, and allthough we've did much together for the last 5 months, we're not going to see each other again. We've talked about sex and relationships before, but i couldn't predict how she (or anyone) would react, if getting asked about a threesome by a friend.

My gf says she would do it, allthough she's a bit insecure, now that it could be actually possible, so that's not helpful.

Would you go for it, and if so, how would you ask her?

Bonus Question: Did you ever do a threesome, and your partner became jealous of the other person?
>she leaves next week
kek just fucking ask her
>Hey Rodriga, I wanted to talk you about something. Me and my girlfriend now you're leaving next week so we would like to propose you something. Would you like to have a threesome with us?
i'm just a massive pussy. Technically, if i cant ask her, its going to be much more awkward to have the actual threesome, but i'm telling myself, that at that point, i would know that she wants it, so the fear is gone. I feel like 14 and aksing out my first girl.
Stop cucking your gf.

Also kill yourself
we both agreed on doing it, what's your point exactly?
She's obviously hesitant because you're pushing her to do something she doesn't want. Human beings in love are not polygamists. Stop pushing shit on her.
how do you judge that from over there? do you know her?

This. You're forcing your gf to be cucked. How about you let another guy fuck her first if you're so into "exploring".
Seems like you know nothing about her yourself if you need /adv/'s experience with jealousy in threesomes.
I don't know if girls are likely to react like that after a threesome, i've never done one, and also not with her, so of course its new to me and her, and of course I'm not completely sure if there's going to be an issue

How would you react to being forced to watch and participate your gf fucking another dude? Why do you expect or want your gf's reaction to be any different?
you realize that a threesome isnt about one person watching? 2 people can please one person, and so on. She has also said she wants to try how it is to have sex with a girl, and that would happen, too. I've also read that girls more often want to have a threesome with another woman than with another man.

Why are you this angry?

>you realize that a threesome isnt about one person watching?

Where did I ever say it was?

>She has also said she wants to try how it is to have sex with a girl, and that would happen, too.

She also wants to have sex with other men, she might not admit it to you but if she's human she does. Again, why don't you let her?

>I've also read that girls more often want to have a threesome with another woman than with another man.

And where did you read this? Lol no, most women would rather do the cucking than be cucked.

>Why are you this angry?

Why are you angry that we're calling out your bullshit?
I'm not angry at you, I'm confused why to you a threesome is about one person being cucked and not about using the possibilites of simultaneous stimulation.

I can't see myself having a threesome with my gf and another guy, because I'm not attracted to other guys. It would be interesting to fuck her at the same time, but i couldn't pleasure him with her at the same time, so the possibilites are limited. She also has said, that it would be too much for her to handle two guys. So saying

> Again, why dont you let her

without knowing if she wants to is a wierd way to make it look like i'm forcing her to do something.

Additionally it's meant to be a one time thing to try it out. I would have two women doing stuff for me, my gf would get her share of pussy, and I could pleasure my gf together with the other girl.
It doesn't have anything to do with love, but trying out things in the bedroom, and if you cant seperate those things you should not do a threesome.

I asked about jealousy because it's new to us, so I wanted to hear, if other couples hat the same confidence going into it and it turned out that it was a bad idea after.

Also here's an article about what I said:

www (.) psychologytoday (.) com/blog/strictly-casual/201403/would-you-have-threesome-two-opposite-sex-partners

It's about cucking because people like you and your dumb girlfriends always go for ffm and have bullshit excuses for why you'll never reciprocate and do mmf. You want to "try things out", but never the things that put YOU in the position of being hurt. Why can't you be the one that enjoys some dick, or having a guy touch and kiss you as you both fuck your gf? Why is it always your gf that has to "enjoy some pussy" despite being straight? The answer is because it's not about trying things, or everyone equally enjoying something, or having a reciprocal relationship, it's about you wanting to fuck other women and also bully your gf into being okay with it.

Your article also doesn't say anything about woman perfering to having threesomes with another woman- "women were not asked about an FMF scenario, for example, and men were not asked about a MFM scenario." So you're lying to make up false facts to support your desire to cuck your gf, but you're totally not cucking your gf. Sure.
You're a college dude and you're thinking with your cock. I've seen it a million times, even with girls.

It doesn't matter if the threesome is their idea or if it was something kind of pushed onto them by their SO - they always defend it and say all kinds of bullshit like "you're too close minded", "there's no simple definition of love like that", "it's an amazing experience to be able to share your love with more than one person", and "I love him/her just as much as always but now there's just more love to go around".

It always ends up being total and utter shitshow with the drama turned up to the max. There are very few people who are actually capable of being totally comfortable with this situation - almost always there's one person in the whole clusterfuck who basically ends up feeling like an extra wheel/gets jealous/unhappy/whatever.

Get the fuck over yourself, man. You're just super horny for some strange latin pussy but you can't bear to think of yourself as the guy who fucks over his girlfriend so you're trying to twist this all into a situation where you can have your cake and eat it too.

Go ahead with it if you really must. You're just some dumbass in college - it might come back to bite you in the ass one day or it might not matter at all except as metal fap material in 5 years. But 100% your relationship with your gf is going down the toilet, and it's going to be your fault.

Okay, I think it's really clever to just disregard everything i said about the situation as bullshit and that you have seen it a hundred times.
But think about it that way: On adv there are allways these kinds of posts where people ask "is she cheating?" and after some answers one guy says the genius sentence "If you ask that you dont trust her, and if you dont trust her, end it right now". It's that kind of argument that sounds right an, but it disregards the fact that you dont know the circumstances of the question, the people who are involved an thier mindsets, as well as in my case, what kind of persons me and my gf are.

You have some pretty strong arguments about the situation though, that it could turn into a drama afterwards and I'll talk about that with her again. I don't know why you think you know about the state of my relationship just because of the fact that we decided to do a threesome, but i said that allready.


you just twist anythig around so it fits you. We talked about if we want to do it. It wasn't me asking her a hundred times, it was a discussion. And she said she has bisexual tendencies and would be interested in trying out things with a woman. I've actually had sex (blowjobs) with two guys before when i was in highschool (seperately not at the same time) and it was arousing to me at first because it was new, but after two times it wasn't attractive to me anymore. I had never had a gf and no one found out. The only person i told this is my current gf and I told her a long time ago.
So you're basically just trying to fit everything i say into your predefined "I want to fuck other girls without cheating and get awaqy withit" category, but it's just not how it is.

Fantasies aren't reality and it's incredibly stupid to test your sexuality in a threesome. What do you thinks going to happen when your thus far straight girlfriend realized, hey, I don't actually fucking like pussy at all while you're fucking it?

On top of that, wow, so you get to have your bi experience in the safety of not having three people including your signifigant toehr involved, but you also find out from it that you don't even hate cock, just aren't that into it, and you STILL won't doing something fair and equal? You keep digging yourself and your case a deeper and deeper hole.

> wow, so you get to have your bi experience in the safety of not having three people including your signifigant other involved

you make it sound like I had the privilege and now I dont want to give it to my gf, when in reality it was one of the main reasons for her to say she wants to do a threesome. 'oh wait, i forgot, i experienced my first gay sex alone. we shouldnt do the threesome, you should do it alone even though you just said you want to do one because of this' makes much sense doesnt it?

> What do you thinks going to happen when your thus far straight girlfriend realized, hey, I don't actually fucking like pussy at all while you're fucking it

I actually dont understand that sentence. Thats what trying out something is for. If it's uncomfortable for someone, it ends.

I also dont understand, why trying out fantasies is wrong.

First of all, top lol for your gf getting turned on by hearing about you fucking another dude and you both being so dumb as to somehow twist it into her being gay for women? Second, yes, if this whole thing is really about her exploring her sexuality, it should be her alone with another woman with you having absolutely no involvement. Why do you have to be involved in her figuring out if she likes pussy? Especially when the risks of it going wrong and ehr ending up hurt are so incredibly high. Again, the answer is because it isn't about her and her sexuality, it's about you and you getting your dick wet.
I give up, I dont know what to say anymore except for the things I said allready. There's no point in having you assume what the real reason for this idea is and the more i disprove you you just switch lanes or jsut say, what i said proves your point. I'm out of here

Flouncy out because you have no argument and you got called out. I hope your dumbfuck gf wakes up, fucks a bunch of guys in your bed, and then dumps you.
To summarize: Out of the fact, that me and my gf want to do a threesome you conclude, that i force it on her, that i came here to feel good about myself and that I deserve to be left. If I cared so little about it, wouldnt i just move on? Or break up and fuck someone else? Do you think I find joy in making my gf seem unimportant while i bang anither girl in front of her? enlighten me, and tell me why you have such good wishes for me :)

Out of the fact that you feel the need to impose yourself in a situation that doesn't require you at all( Your girlfriend fucking another women to ser if she likes pussy), the fact that you place her in a situation where she is the one who will be hurt( when she realizes that you're cucking her and she's getting nothing out of it) and because you won't do the equal act (mmf threesome) despite being indiffrent to cock yourself.

You probably will break up or cheat if your poor gf doesn't give into your demands, and yes your logically fallicies, excuses, and flat out lying prove you don't give a single shit about your gf.

So basically you're a shit person.

Too add, I thought you flounced off. Add being a weak-willed faggot who doesn't do as he says to the list of shit things about you.

What is the point of you being here? Multiple people have seen through your bullshit and told you not to do it because it IS bullshit. What do you want? A magic fairy to come into this thread, pat your ass, and tell you it'll be okay?
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