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>be me >23 now >my whole life I have never been into

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>be me
>23 now
>my whole life I have never been into parties
>never drank underage
>never did drugs until I was 21 and just pot every now and again
>drinking doesn't interest me
>have tried but going to bars and clubs don't interest me
>tried banging random chicks but couldn't get it up
>victoria secret models aren't attractive to me
>went to hooters and hardly even noticed the waitresses
>went to a college party
>forced myself to get drunk
>ended up sitting outside alone playing with the dog

>inb4 am become special snowflake

I think there is something wrong with me and I can't fucking stand it. Everyone my age is out getting drunk, banging and having fun and I just am not able to have fun doing those things.

What the fuck do I do? How do I change this? I don't enjoy life's pleasures at all and i just feel like such a fucking loser compared to everyone else.

wish i had advice for you.

i like to read and play video games and play guitar.

i get enough enjoyment out of these things i guess.

find something you like doing?

people go out drinking because they like it, after all; not because it's what they're supposed to do.
You might literally be gay. You might be more attracted to people with similar interests? Focus on things you're good at and get to the point where you cant suck...
this is a non-issue. not being able to derive pleasure from vices and promiscuity is not an issue. Pretty sure you're aware of this as well.

Now be honest with yourself and define the real issue.
I want to enjoy the things everyone else is enjoying. I want to be happy. I want to feel happy.

I've had sex with girls I was in a relationship with. I enjoyed it. They were cute girls tho that were quirky I guess. I already log a shit ton of hours in OW. I am climbing from diamond rn. Should I try something other than videogames?

I don't enjoy the things I do anymore. Going to the gym, vidya, they're habitual.
Don't be fooled by the common misconception that all adults are missing out on life if they aren't going out every weekend slurping down liqour and dancing like a fool to excessively loud music w/ drugs. I love my mother but this is the one thing I hate about her is that she has this mind set and it pisses me off about her.

Just go do things that you like. If you like to build little model ships in a glass bottle, play video games, be a travelling gypsy, etc, and you're enjoying it, just keep doing it.
You are a loser, with or without drugs and alcohol. Learn to socialize or die alone.
This was obvious advice but believe it or not, it helped. I think I'll try looking into clubs at my college.

Why do you think I'm posting here?
Just to piggyback on this post - only a little over 50% of 21-29 year olds say they've consumed alcohol in the last month. So constant drinking in nowhere near as prevalent as you think it is.
You don't need to learn how to be like other people, you need to learn how to accept yourself and all your feelings, without fighting them. I tried one night stands and countless dates too, all they ever made me feel was more lonely than ever.

I figured out that I was made to love,and not to lust or fuck around. The only thing that really arrouses me is passionate love making, I wasn't horny at all on my one night stands either.

Maybe you should just accept that this person you are trying to be, is not the person you really am or want to be. If you succeed in accepting yourself and your feelings, you will feel a hige weight on your shoulders being lifted. Do it now before you run out of energy to lift this extra weight. I've been there.
Plus, in my eyes you seem a lot more interesting than those people you want to be like, OP.
That was oddly inspiring. Didn't think I'd get that from 4Chan. Thanks anon

It's a generational thing, you kids have invented social anxiety and now you're annoying the fuck out of the rest of us oldies who just want to party.

Seriously go back to Tumblr with this shit
Realize that the life has its highs and lows. Most of the time everyone feels neutral and low. Just the way life is.
>be me

Stopped reading right there.
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>be this guy
>see thread
>read first line
>open thread
>scroll to bottom
>type "be me"
>type "Stopped reading right there."
>enter captcha
>get off computer
>get moldy mayo jar you've been saving for a special occasion
>rub it on nipples while sticking as many sponges as you can in your ass
>yfw relish in the satisfaction that you posted in a thread just to let everyone in the thread know you won't be partaking in thread

Life is good for anon

Aside from your meme arrows, any free text that starts with be me is retarded. It's a useless tautology that provides nothing. Better to say your age or another descriptor other than "me"

He literally could have saved one line by saying >be 23 yrs old

Fu King retards.
> meme arrows
> meme
> arrows

this aint reddit, fuccboi
I guarantee your a newfag
I've been here since 2001
I'm pretty sure its the opposite,
everybody who doesn't want to "just party" gets estranged.
Throw away all technology now and disconnect from the internet even if you have to live in a tent and be somewhere you can be social
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