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ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

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Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like <insert specific look>?
>Is my body part big/small enough?
>Am I short/tall enough?
>Would you date a virgin?
><random insecurity>
Some do, some don't. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, <activity in your city>.

>Brandon, that guy who keeps asking about cuddling in platonic friendships and fart guy
Fuck off
Where's your penor???
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Do girls like male butts the way guys like female butts?
How long would you wait for someone to return interest in you? I'm super shy, even more around this guy I like and I don't want him to run away while I gather the courage to overcome my issues
Bout a week, maybe two at most
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Not as much, but a man with a great ass is a treasure.
I dunno, maybe no more than a week if I just met you? Maybe add a couple more days if we're acquainted through friends.
well i hope i was misreading things then
Poster above you here.
You could try to take the initiative if you can overcome the fear of sounding too desperate or something.
If he's not interested, then you know, plenty of other hooks to bite onto.
General female consensus on male height?
Depends on the signs and the direct knowledge.

If you dont hang out and dont talk to the guy, it makes him feel like your not interested. Would wait around a month

If you hang out with him but havent told him, as long as your friendship, which may be up to 1 or more years.

If you hang out and you told him, or he told you. For me I Would wait about 2 years, but i would be trying to help out.

If you told him or he told you but you dont hang out. About 3 months
>plenty of other hooks to bite onto.
not really. i'm short and mousey and have a double chin. i can't even treat him like i treat everyone else, i just freeze up around him

i'm 5'1" so everyone is tall but i've mostly been attracted to men only a few inches taller than me
Im 90 percent sure im going to be friendzoned by this girl i like. But im fed up with having anxiety over it

So i'd like to ask

Girls what is an ideal confession to you? What should I not do when confessing?
don't 'confess'
life isn't an anime
just talk to her for a bit then ask her out and don't get buttmad when she turns you down

or just don't bother
>i'm short and mousey
That's cute though, guys like that.
i hope so
i'm all twisty thinking about seeing him tomorrow even though i know i'll just avoid him all day and refuse to look at him
I can't break you out of your shell mouse anon, but I'll be cheering for you if you sit next to him during lunch and exchange a few words if you go for it.
i'll do my best
what do i do to get girls to stop looking at me. i know it's because i'm fucking ugly but i really don't want that to happen anymore. what can i do besides stay in my house all day every day.
Ask them out while liberally peppering your request with 'M'Lady'
no i don't want to get hurt anymore i just don't want any girls to ever look at me ever again.
I'm not picky when it comes to height. If you a decent looking guy everything will turn out fine.The only thing that changes for me is when I think about taller men, my fantasies stay on the submissive side. But it's the opposite when the guy is equal or shorter than me.
Girlfriend wants to know why I have a bad relationship with my parents. What do?

Sounds easy to answer but its not. Long story short, my parents ruined my last relationship with a girl who I honestly loved a lot. She meant a lot to me and I feel fucking pissed at them and try to avoid contact with them as much as possible and keep it short if I have to.

Anyway, since that ship sailed, I tried finding someone else. I don't know what I should exactly say. "Oh its because of my ex" or if I should tell her to drop it?
If she's your girlfriend, you explain it to her. If she's your girlfriend, she deserves to know.
If I was going out with a tall girl I'd fantasize of being an imp and hump your leg.
Explain it tactfully and without going into overmuch detail until you two are closer. How did they ruin it Anon?
They just didn't like her. Wouldn't let me bring her to meet them, and they just decided they didn't like her. I tried really hard trying to make my ex and my parents happy by comprimising so much but she ended it. It wasn't a horrible break up either, it was mature and well handled. Still hurts like shit though.
Am I weird not feeling comfortable dating a normie?

My previous two relationships were with girls who were pretty introverted I suppose. They weren't all that active in social media, not super close with their parents and siblings, and had a more quiet life I suppose. I felt comfortable with that because that was basically how I am.

This new chick I'm dating has a shit ton of vacation pics, shit ton of likes on pics, talks to her parents and sibling everyday, and more normie stuff. It makes me feel weird. It feels like the family is going to pry into my relationship with her and I'm gonna be forced to hang out with them. As for the other things, I feel intimidated because I have probably went on 2 vacations my entire life.

How much of an issue is it for you if a guy has a poor relationship with his family and doesn't want them to ever meet you because they are awful people?
Yes, you are.
But if you feel so uncomfortable date someone else, no one forced you to date this girl.

srs guys i need help
I know it'd make me sad in the long run. But as long as he's honest about it, I could live with it.

what makes oral sex good? as in how to make your vagina enjoy it.
I know everyone is different and no two are ever the same but, a consensus would help,
i've never had good oral sex
it's too slimy and rough
Thank you for your input,
I know not every girl likes it.
anyone else?
First, don't rush.
Before you go and eat me out we should spend some time kissing and making out, we should have undressed each other, maybe I should have given you head for a while. Don't just go and take off my pants and eat me out when I'm dry as the Sahara desert.
Tease me a bit, kiss my thighs, finger me while you are sitting between my legs. Make me want it.
Second, don't rush.
It takes time for me to get off and 45 seconds of oral won't change much.

What a girl like in terms of actual movements greatly depends on the girl.
I can tell you I greatly hate when guys suck on my clit. And I love when they lap up and down, focusing on the lower part of my clit. But, duh, it depends on the girl.
Don't be too rough.
>have this instructor/teacher (as in, his job is to teach me) who is close to me in age
>have had some feelings for him for a while but never initiated anything because I know that'd be wrong
>plus he doesn't seem interested
>though there was a time he was particularly playful and would stand pretty close to me for a bit while talking and quickly put some distance
>also sometimes feels as if he's going to touch me but stops himself
>we've hung out at work-related events so we're friendly enough but not really friends
>he goes from criticising me a lot which is expected, to giving me extra training hours and more material do work with

The other day he asked me if i could fetch something of his and bring it to him, which involved going down 3 floors. There was an elevator but still, it wasn't exactly a quick trip, doesn't feel casual. Not the first time this happened either.

Just what the hell is going on here?
I find people are relatively easy to read but everything thing he does seems to point into different directions and I can't make out how he feels about me
I don't like oral sex. It's too slimy and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere
so i want to hear why females are rushing to suck D in 2010s

+ do women want to maarrrry a NEET guy?
Girls (and gay guys, i guess):
How do you kiss a guy with facial hair?
A bit non-sequitur, but I think the reason we have this problem with confessions is actually due to anime.

In Japanese culture you confess to someone and ask them to be your bf/gf before going on a date, which is the total opposite of Western culture. That's obviously made it's way into anime which in turn makes a lot of the 4chan population think that confessing to start a relationship is a normal kind of thing.
Girls watching porn, what was the kind of videos you gone through first?
My gf want me to select some porno she could watch. I barely only watch anal and I don't want to tell her it's my fetish (I'm too ashamed even if penetrate this sweet ass is my ultimate goal).
Do I begin with amateur? Should I search for good-looking girls? I dunno what to show her without appear like a weirdo
Lovingly brush his moustache back then go to town
Headpats only. Bestiality is illegal here.
Guys, how often do you pretend to be friends with a girl for the sole purpose of getting laid? I mean in the sense that you generally don't like them but stick around for potential poon.
How do I express affection towards a woman? Right now I'm barely able to hold a conversation with her due to anxiety and being boring, but she seems interested for some unfathomable reason. I want to let her know I'm interested too.

also i never had sex

also i never had a girl friend

I don't really. I mean I used to but more towards dating (I tried to rationalize it a bit further at the time ) but then I matured a bit and realized its both a bit shady and a pretty stupid way to go about things.

I still have friends that I find attractive, but I'm friends with them because I like their company. If sex occurs, its just a bonus. However I'm beyond garbage at flirting so its all a wash.
Why are chicks attracted to people in prison?
Guys was he trying to hook up with me?

i met him recently and was sure he wasnt into me. Also i thought he might have been gay. But we were friends i guess. he randomly texted me at 1am to come chill with him and his friends who i know. I hadn't seen him for a week and we had never hung out before. Then everyone eventually leaves and he texts me asking if i wanted to stay longer. I say ok and we make tea and he asks if i want to watch netflix. Then he asked me if i want to cuddle. I said no but maybe in a while. I just left and I'm so confused because we weren't very close.so why was I the girl he wanted to text at 1am and who hadn't been flirting with him or anything?
today when I went out to buy food I saw this 10/10 qt sitting on the grass at the sidewalk very suggestively, barefoot, most of her legs and thigh are exposed, I can see her shoes lying around, she's checking her phone and she knows other people are looking at her too. I took a glance and she glanced back, so I just started talking to her. How creepy was I? apparently she was taking a break after running a long way here, there's a bus stop nearby but it seems people took all the seats, also turns out she's 14 and is going to the middle school right next to my dorm lol fml the most attractive female I've talked to in a long while is 14.
I mean, she gave me her phone number. This is before I asked about the logo on her shirt and realized she's 14 btw. Is she really naive? Does she really not know that a stranger wanted to fuck her was the only reason he asked for her number? I'd be pretty worried if I were her dad.
you're retarded. don't be a pedophile
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After i "confessed" my wanting to be together with a close friend of almost a year now, she said "i can't picture us together like that, your one of my closest friends". Didn't talk for 2 days after that, but now we are good again but she keeps talking to me about how cute so and so is and how her ex treated her so badly, even though she's always wanted a guy who treated girls i do. It doesn't make sense. I'm not very attractive, but hoping to change myself up physically and maybe try again later down the road. What do?
fuck off retard there's no way anyone could've known before asking about her age. Of course I'm not gonna do anything with this number.
Yes, but I was young and clueless. I'm genuinely sympathetic towards everyone now, regardless of sex or attractiveness.
She's just not into you romantically but she obviously still cares about you enough to want to be friends.
>She's just not into you romantically
how about sexually? I don't really want romance with this girl at this point tbqh
I've heard from plenty of my peers that sideburns are unattractive as hell and looks kinda rapey towards girls, is this generally true?

Also, how much facial hair is too much for a girl to find attractive, generally?
Damn. Ight. I love her to the point where i'm fine with this but idk i'll always be into her because she knows me better than myself and isn't some dirty hoe.
Why are you responding to his response to me?
Maybe my request is pathetic but whatever.

I've been really disappointed by women for most of my life:
>First gf cheated on me
>Second gf got knocked up by my best friend and tried passing the baby as mine
>Broke up with my gf of 2.5 years 3 months ago because not in love amymore and too alcoholic to actually do shit (I know I was the problem, no hard feelings toward her)
>No problem to talk to women, getting their number etc
>Can have a date from time to time
>Two of them told me they had a boyfriend after the second date
>One even told me she has the hots for me but don't want to break up even if her relationship sucks
>Not that I want her to break up with him, if we were together she'd do the same shit with me
>And I''ve been on a dry spell for a month
I'm seriously disappointed. I don't want to become a woman-hating loser and it's getting harder and harder not to become an asshole.

Ladies, if you're in a happy, fulfilling relationship, could you tell me (or even greentext) how you got together with your boyfriend ? Guys with a qt gfcan do it too. I need some positivity to remember that not all girls are whores and that good relationships actually exist. Thanks.
He likes you
My bf had been depressed as fuck for almost 2 years now. He would rather chop his leg of than to get mental help. What can I do to help him? I feel like a lot of his issues are way too complex and beyond my capability. I've tried to be supportive, but my social skills are pretty shit so I might not do a very good job. I don't want to dump him, he's a great guy otherwise.
That's it. I'm shaving.
Sensual things. Lesbian or straight, both worked well as long as it wasn't super rough or super fake.
The first video I've ever watched was called lesbian homework session, still one of the ones I watch more. There are those videos of massages that I like a lot... hagre art or something like that? I probably spelled it poorly.
Look for natural girls and not super bimbos. Show her different stuff.
I don't like amateur.
I've developed feelings for female friends though, but never pursued them
Frankly I know my own worth, there's no reason to try underhanded stuff
I don't have the cutest story, but heh.
I met him online, 4 years ago. We started talking because we're both terribly insomniac and we were both awake at 3 AM. He was the only person online in my area.
He was really funny and sweet. You could tell he was painfully intelligent by the way he wrote. We had a lot of common interests and the same sense of humour. At 9 AM I asked him to go grab a coffee. I didn't even know how he looked like - I wasn't disappointed. We went out and spent the whole day together, walking around, laughing. We had a sandwich in my favourite cafè, went to an art exhibition in our town and then at 6 PM he came over to my place, I cooked him dinner and we kissed till we fell asleep.
We've been dating since. He pretty much slept over every night since.
Girls, if a guy walks up and talks to you occasionally at school, is it a dead giveaway that he likes you?
Why is he so averse to getting mental help? Until he accepts mental help, he's very likely not going to get any better.
Kind of. But it's not something you have to hide.
I don't know. I've tried to push the subject a little harder a few times, and he can't give me an answer.
What do you mean? I don't want to appear creepy or obsessive. I still don't really know her so I don't dare to ask her out.
It is not creepy at all. Why do you think it is? If we were in class or in school together, and you walked up randomly to talk to me, I'd assume you were interested, yes.
But I don't mind if a guy likes me, tho - why would I?

I prefer if a guy talks to me a few time before asking me out, but he actually has to talk to me.
she knows. At 14 girls are pretty much physically mature, though not mentally, but she knows.
>talks to me a few time before asking me out, but he actually has to talk to me
Is there anyway around this, how about just looking at you in some way? talking requires certain familiarity.
>It is not creepy at all. Why do you think it is?

I don't know, it just feels embarrassing to suddenly develop feelings for a stranger.

>But I don't mind if a guy likes me, tho - why would I?

A lot of people here seem to percieve it as a burden to be admired by someone they don't admire back. I guess I'm just afraid she won't feel the same back.
Kek. No.

Well, how will you know if she likes you unless you talk to her and find out?
Do not put too much pressure on yourself by thinking of this girl like she is the one and this is your only chance to interact with the girl of your dreams.
She's a girl like many others, get to know her and see how it goes. Worst thing that can happen is that she rejects you, and you'll eventually find someone else you like just as much. Everyone has been rejected.
Do not worry too much.
Alright, thanks for the help.

why don't you take better care of those tiny hairs around your lips? we do notice and it's not all that pleasant
Are girls maturing faster than before because of all the hormone chemicals they are putting into everyday food and appliances?
That's cute and unusual. You took the initiative and told him to come at your house while you only knew each other for a few hours. Weren't you at least a bit apprehensive ?
>why don't you take better care of those tiny hairs around your lips?
Because sometimes we don't have time to take care of the tiny hair around our lips.
Because you need them to be of a certain length to wax them.
Because not everyone can pour chemical products on their face without getting a rash.
Or maybe we don't give a shit about what you think of our facial hair.
Why do people ghost, it hurts so much :(
I see thx m8
I wasn't at all.
Right now I get apprehensive when I think back of that day - I mean, I definitely acted impulsively and did some stupid shit. But I never felt so strongly for someone, it just felt right. I felt really comfortable.
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bad gf tbqh
time to get a younger upgrade
>painfully intelligent
I don't have hair anywhere under my eyes. I did laser hair removal. Older boyfriend paid for it ;)
>Or maybe we don't give a shit about what you think of our facial hair.
Girls, why do you lie so much?
Girls, what are the things you find exciting to talk about with guys?
>Ladies, if you're in a happy, fulfilling relationship, could you tell me (or even greentext) how you got together with your boyfriend ?
This is a cute question.

>Met my boyfriend through a mutual friend roping us in for an art project.
>Project took a couple days so I got to see a lot of him.
>The more we talked, the more I realized how compatible we are.
>I asked him to hang out, using my lack of familiarity of the town as an excuse.
>We had a wonderful time and it confirmed my thoughts on compatibility.

One issue though: we live a couple cities away from each other.

>That night
>I sat him down and told him how much I liked him.
>I told him that he was too good to pass up. I couldn't let him get away.
>If he's willing, I'd like to give something a chance, despite the distance.

To my glee, he agreed.
We've been going strong and see each other nearly every weekend. I love him so much.

For Thanksgiving, my mom and I are going to his parents' house. I'm so excited.
Same things I like talking about with girls. Common interests, our day, anecdotes, banter.
Why don't you take care of yours?
Yeah, it was kinda impulsive and maybe dangerous, but in the end you're together and you're happy. That's all that counts.

Bretty gud. It's really strange, you took the initiative too. Never had a girl doing this with me, I usually make all the steps. Maybe my game is just bad or I don't understand subtle hints of interest from girls. Also,
>For Thanksgiving, my mom and I are going to his parents' house. I'm so excited.
That's fucking great ! Shows he really loves you and is committed to your relationship.
Hi anon. I've dated my fiance for 6.5 years and we're getting married 10 months from now. I'm 25 and he's 27. We met in college through mutual friends. We all were hanging out and he asked for my number, so we started hanging out on campus just 1 on 1. I was in shock that he was interested in me because I was a 19 y/o virgin and never had a serious boyfriend. I was painfully awkward but he helped me open up. He was patient and sweet even though I was an insecure mess. I tried breaking up with him 4 days after he asked me to be his girlfriend because I found out his ex had a class with him, but he begged me to give him a chance. He graduated and I transferred schools a year later so we were long distance for a bit, but we talked every day. I couldn't sleep if I didn't talk to him first. I went through a difficult program and lost all my friends during clinical rotations because I had no time for a social life, but he was always there for me. I still lived at home for a year after graduating to get my career started, and then we bought a house and moved in together. We are happier than ever and life is great.
>Never had a girl doing this with me
tbqh It's only nice when the right girl does it, which is once in a blue moon. No one wants to be that only single guy who turned down advance from a girl, people'd start calling you homosexual and stuffs, it affects friendship too. I'd much prefer to be the one to do the courting.
in your butt

not long. At the very least you should be responding when he messages you etc and be willing to hang out. And get the fuck over your shyness, plenty of men are shy too but we don't have the luxury of sitting on our ass waiting for the other sex to take initiative
Yeah I really enjoy how both of us are similar levels of obsessed. This will be the first time our parents meet. Fingers crossed!

Honestly it's nice to be able to talk about it. I have friends who don't really want to hear about the gushy details of how much I love him. They're single or in bad relationships, and they just feel bad listening to me.
Thanks for asking. I'm glad you like hearing it.

I wonder if our forwardness, me and other femanon, are due to us being 4chan girls. It requires a certain personal strength to be a girl here. Most 4chan girls I know also have a draw to masculinity and male dominated hobbies.

I grew up with a lot of brothers and male friends, so I didn't really learn feminine meekness.
>>17789767 >>17789658 Do you have a similar perspective, anon?
>No one wants to be that only single guy who turned down advance from a girl, people'd start calling you homosexual
Wow, your friends are assholes
Congratulations, anon! I'm happy for you. What's your wedding going to be like? You're adorable.

>I tried breaking up with him 4 days after he asked me to be his girlfriend because I found out his ex had a class with him
I'm a little confused, why?
Friends from the anime club though we were equally nerdy and asked me if I wanted to go on a date with their friend. I'm socially retarded and guys were never interested in me in school, so I jumped the opportunity even though I was scared as hell. We've been together 10 years now. We have pretty similar temperament and values, so it's been smooth sailing 99% of the time.

The fact that you seem to attract broken women, and that you have alcohol problems, indicates that you surround yourself with low quality people. Fix yourself and hang out with better people, and you'll encounter better women. A high quality woman will never be interested in an alcoholic, in fact it's a red flag if a girl is interested in you in your current situation (if you still have problems with addiction that is). If you get dates, but rarely second or third dates, then you should probably examine how you act and what you say. Are you depressed and/or very negative maybe? It's pretty common that girls sugar coat their rejections by saying they have a bf or that you're totally a hot and great guy, but they can't date you because of vague reasons. I'm not trying to attack you, it's pretty common that people unknowingly surround themselves with shit people and think it's completely normal.
I have a very similar experience, yes. I am pretty forward, I am horrible at mind games and I am in general horrible at giving and getting clues.
Had the first female friend when I was 13 (and she's a bit of a tomboy herself), before that I just hanged out with guys and all my interests are mostly male-dominated. Same with sense of humour and in general the way I bond with people.

I think I ended up on 4chan because of the kind of personality I have. And probably coming here made me even less feminine.
Thanks anon! :)

I was very insecure and I liked him and was afraid he would break my heart if he decided to go back to her. I didn't think I measured up to the appeal that other girls had. She was pretty and it freaked me out that he had to see her a couple times a week. I'm so glad he changed my mind, that was silly of me.

We are getting married outside our venue, on a cliff that overlooks a river. It's beautiful. We are having an evening ceremony and anticipating about 125 guests. We are leaving for our honeymoon to Jamaica the next morning. I'm really excited.
Are you also going to sign the prenup?
Shit I'm late, two questions for both genders:

>1. How often do you physically see your significant other?

>2. How often do you text your significant other?

Basically, I'm completely confused about what I am and where I'm going with this girl, and I don't want to ask right at this moment. It's just super confusing because we met on the internet so I have no reference point with her.
gf told me my semen tastes sweet, I said aww that's nice of her, then she asked me to smell the dried cum on her chest
>mfw it actually smells like fruit juice, as if you spilled it on your skin and left to dry

Whoa that's neat bro! How did you get sweet semen?
I'm not sure. We haven't even thought about that to be honest. I make more than him even though I only work about 28 hours a week and he works 40. I also have no student loan debt and he still does, despite working for longer. But we both work hard and have careers we enjoy and work together as a team. I'll have to talk to him about it... I don't ever see our relationship failing but maybe we should. It makes me sad just thinking about that.

1. About 3-4- times a week

2. About 3-4 times a week to set up when and where to meet. Plus a few random occasions if there's actually something to say that can't wait to the next time we meet.
Do any other guys hate this? Like when someone is looking at me or trying to interact casually or make small talk, I can't tell if it's because I'm a total fucking weirdo or not. Most times I just want to be left alone.
>How often do you physically see your significant other?
Before we moved in together, 3 or 4 times a week.

>How often do you text your significant other?
Daily. We text good morning and good night, and usually send each other a few text during the day.
When he was studying abroad we used to videocall in the morning and talk on the phone for 15-20 minutes.
We're not even halfway through, don't worry. The thread dies around mid 300's.

>>1. How often do you physically see your significant other?
We're semi long distance. We visit each other most every weekend, and stay for 2-4 days.
>>2. How often do you text your significant other?
The longest I can go is 6-9 hours during waking hours. Though we try to keep extended conversations to phone and Skype calls. BTW phone calls we do usually once a day, maybe every other day, and Skype is once or twice a week.
>Alcohol problems
I've had drinking problems on and off since I was 16 (21 now) and they came again last year, was still with gf of 2.5 years. It became really horrible in August. I came home smashed evey night for a whole month, I became a mess and we broke up. 3 days later I started working out thrice a week to stop drinking. I still get drunk but only one night on weekend with friends. I don't surround myself with low quality people, I actually have a great circle of friends, it's just that I haven't been, for the most part, too wise in choosing women, looking back at it. I only went with women who gave me the most attention and were the most clingy. Terrible choice. Concerning dates, I always have great discussions, I'm don't act needy, I let them talk, but I still think I drink too much. The problem is I drink fast and have a huge resistance to alcohol, so personality-wise I'm the same but a bit too talkative I think, especially about problems I had but are relevant in the conversation. Shit I'm cringing just about that. I should fix that drinking shit because no girl would want a dude who downs 4 pints on a date even if he's crystal clear after that.
I'm not depressed, in fact I've never been depressed, just sad. Depression is way harder than simply being sad, and I don't have anything in my life which could justify a depression.
>Girls sugarcoating
I know. That's what I always tell myself about every excuse a girl.
And it's clearly not my surroundings. I come from family which has no money problems, I'm doing good studies and have good friends, so my surroundings are not the problem here, I am the problem.
/wall of text
Girls: Does a guy having a partner make him more attractive to you?

E.g. You have found yourself become more attracted to someone after they get taken by someone else

Eating lots of fruit does that apparently. Pineapple
When I was younger (like, 10 years ago, when I was 15) I got jealous and territorial when the guys who liked me moved on and got a girlfriend. I liked their attentions and took them for given, so I felt hurt and wanted them back when they moved on. When I had a chance to be with them I didn't even want them.
So, not really attraction, more insecurity.

Have you tried AA? My boyfriend used to struggle with his alcoholism. He said that it sucked to start, but he ended up really liking it. He still has contact with his sponsor.

>I don't have anything in my life which could justify a depression.
That's not what depression is. Maybe you're thinking of PTSD? Depression doesn't care what going on in your life.
Depends. If there's progress in getting closer, even if it's terribly slow, i can be patient as hell if we're noticably getting closer.
wouldn't it be funny if an other guy came in and she fell head over heels for him.

Attraction is the wrong word, more "desirable"
Guy, here

I once confessed to this girl.
I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere.
I knew that our friendship would be awkward as hell afterwards.
I knew there was 1 in 100000 chance that she would reciprocate.
And i was right on all three counts.

...but it was a load off my mind, and i never regretted it. Maybe she wished i never did because of the awkwardness, but i'd rather her be uncomfortable than tearing myself internally.

Now, 17 years later, it's the kind of hischool stuff you actually laugh at. And at the reunion this summer we got to laugh about it together. It's all good now. We still bump into each other now and then, and it's all good.

Lessons learned:
> Might make her uncomfortable a sort term, ruining your friendship
> Definitely makes easier for you
> Long term there's no problem.

As for how: any way you see fit, i guess. I used e-mail (yeah, i know that's lame... but this was in 1999 and i was a socially awkward 16 year old)
.can I get a second opinion on this?

Shit i don't know what to do, I think I led him on
just fuck him jesus christ
I don't want to, i like his friend

We also smoked a ton of weed so i didnt know what was going on
Do you want to fuck him or not?
If you can't change him or his mood or actions, change the surroundings. I got out of a depression by me and my gf moving "to a new life"
No i don't. I like a friend of his. Who might like me too. I would if i didn't already like his friend but...
Loosen your tinfoil hat, bro. It's restricting your blood flow at the moment.
No, I don't think I need it. Since I started lifting, I don't have the urge to drink, except on friday nights, which is why I party. And I'm not depressed, I've been tring to things positively since I stopped drinking, and for the most part it's working. Good for your boyfriend by the way.
1. Every day. We live together
2. Sometimes while i'm at work. More often when i'm away.
There's nothing i want to ask because girls only date abusive/manipulative guys who are semi-attractive. Other males are trash below them or objects to be taken advantage off. They have no morality.
*trying to think

That's nice, dear.

>You know when you grab a woman's breast and it feels like...like a bag of sand
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Urgent: studying with girl I'm interested in today. We've been doing this for a few weeks, studying together and one time we had dinner together on campus.

HOW SHOULD I GO ABOUT ASKING HER OUT??? I intend to do it when we are done and I'm walking out with her
not very long, like a week if I really like you. I've had way too many soft rejections in my past, and I really don't want to put my life on hold while someone turns a 2 minute rejection into a month-long ordeal. it's healthier for both of you to either shit or get off the pot
i try to make my intentions known quickly, if I wanted to just be friends I probably would stick to group activities
that was a booty call
preference varies by the individual, read the OP
people are shitty: embrace the void
Anyone with some experience in this stuff:

Recently a girl messaged me asking if I could send her some notes from a maths lesson she missed. Obviously I sent her the notes, but didn't really say anything else since I have no interest in her. Some time later she asked me what kinda music I like, so I told her and from there she started messaging me all the shit she likes and whatnot, didn't want to be rude so I told her I dont have time to talk.
She's been messaging me every day for like a week now, spilling all her thoughts and opinions on classmates and telling me her "secrets".
Every christmas we do a little thing in class where we randomly pick a person to gift something. Needless to say, people tend to get jealous. Mostly girls though, guys are cool about it. Yesterday she asked me who I got, but I told her I am keeping my mouth shut, to which she responded: "But I'm your best friend! Aren't you gonna tell me?"

So, is she just spilling her spaghetti or just trying to get some info of off me?

lol that's not how weed works. It's not alcohol.

Yeah he wanted to hook up with you. You didn't want to so that's that. Idk what's so hard to understand.
Really depends on person. If I'd see that she tries to do stuff but fails I'd be more willing to wait than a girl who does absolutely nothing and waits for me to read her mind.
never, if I'm not interested in her, I'll her know either from my words or actions. I decide that on seconds depending on her appearance.

so my girlfriend is getting mad at me that i have pictures of my ex on my computer. i thought that was a completly normal thing to have somewhere on your harddrive. she was getting mad when i diidnt want her to go through them. how fucked up is that? @ girls who had boyfriends before.
>i thought that was a completly normal thing to have somewhere on your harddrive
Imagine yourself finding that your gf keeps her ex bf dick pics?
She wants to get in your pants
If you are a kissless virgin at 21 are you screwed? I'm probably about a 4/10...

Since you obviously have crippling self-esteem issues, yes, you're probably screwed.

i never received nudes. im talking about completely normal pictures of her in clothes of me and her together.
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Pls I have 30 minutes

>"Hey, are you free on [Instert day]? I was wondering if you'd want to go to X with me."

If you've never clearly expressed your interest, i.e. flirted with her, use the word date somehere in there just to be sure she gets it.
If there's a chance she will say no then definitely wait until the end. You don't want to make it awkward
Shit. I guess I often blame my single mom for that. She also has self esteem issues and often reminds me that I'm literally retarded.
>I would if i didn't already like his friend
then fuck his friend, that'd send the message
I guess my best chance is to try and get rich. School has been good so far. I'm working a part time job until college. I will probably be majoring in STEM.
Dunno, it really depends on your personality.
t. 24 khv
My brother makes me feel inferior as well. He has more friends, he's obviously attractive, and he enjoys making me feel like shit.
It's gonna get better if you maintain your devotion to something!
t. khv 26 yo with phD in math, probably a 8.5/10
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You're girlfriend was in the wrong looking through your computer, but yeah man that's weird. It makes your girlfriend feel like she's second banana. Havig pictures of your ex while dating someone else raises some flags.

Regardless if you really care about this girl more than your ex, if you do care just drop the photoes.
>You're girlfriend

yeah yeah I fucked up the grammar. You got the message though which is what's important.
You get what I'm trying to say. If you're going to keep ex-gf pics ofcourse she will feel bad because it implies you're still thinking about her and might get with her at any given moment.
I don't know man, it doesn't sit well with me that you still get smashed every weekend.
True, but I don't know if I can last any longer as a social outcast. I have numerous mental and physical issues and everyone I meet treats me like I have the plague. I have nobody to support me except for anons on 4chan.
I think it's normal to keep pictures from your past. It's a memory.
What? Who is so insecure that they'd think this? Just having photos doesn't mean you spend all day looking dreamily at them.

I mean sure, if he had a framed photo of his ex on his nightstand, I'd expect that to go away. But not even have to be tossed. Put it in a memory box or something. It's fine to look back fondly on good times. Doesn't mean you prefer the other girl.
I'd never ask my boyfriend to throw away his memories.
You sound like a very reasonable woman. Jealous girlfriends are the worst.
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I go to school with a girl I find pretty cute but we only talked a few times. The conversations we had were pretty great though. I cant really tell if she likes me or not, she is kind of tomboyish and probably quite reserved. She smiles at me sometimes though. This friday we have a party where she will be as well and I dont know how to approach her.

Why do girls buy dildos when most of them don't even cum from penetration when it is clit stimulation that makes girl cum?
>I'd never ask my boyfriend to throw away his memories.
That means you don't care enough. Sure he could have some storage in secret but if he's looking to the past while with you - something is wrong.
I'm a guy but ask if she wanna hang around your or her place before going to the party if she wants to.

Girls who can cum from penetration buy them, obviously. Plus, it still feels good and helps getting there, even if it doesn't result in orgam. But vibrators are much more popular sex toys than dildos anyway.

Male. Kissless virgin 'til 24. No one gave a shit. t even my firsts. Read the OP.

>>1. How often do you physically see your significant other?
Every weekend
>>2. How often do you text your significant other?
At they very least, once a day to say goodnight
On average probably like a dozen or so texts throughout the night after work. Occasionally more like 100 texts. Occasionally an hour long call.

Been together nearly 2 years. It's always been pretty much exactly the same.

Everyone is different though. Follow the flow of what feels right

>My bf had been depressed as fuck for almost 2 years now. He would rather chop his leg of than to get mental help. What can I do to help him?

As someone who was depressed for nearly a decade, and got out of it.
As someone who's had a friend commit suicide because he thought he was losing his mind and that professional's couldn't help (he thought he was too smart for it to work--though to be fair he was a legitimate, literal genius)
As someone who's watched a friend make every single wrong choice in his life to self destruct (born to an upper middle class family. Went to college. Dropped out. Became a drug dealer. Currently homless)
As someone who's has a female friend, who was (maybe still is? I don't know anymore...) in a relationship with a former child soldier who refuses to get help,

Absolutely nothing you can do.

If he doesn't want to get help, he won't. And you cannot change that.

You can be there to try and be there, but ultimately the motivation to get better has to come from him
Thanks! I think it's going down a dangerous road to start saying things like, "If you don't follow through with every thing I ask you to, it means you don't love me."

I'd say it's normal to look towards the past. I spend a lot of time mulling over my history, to see if I can remember it all.

But yeah, if he's spending a lot of time pining over his ex, that's not good. But if he's doing that, he's gonna do that regardless if he has pictures or not. I'm not going to be so controlling that I'd ask him to throw out pictures just from the fear of what he might do.

I am happy and confident in my relationship. I truly believe he wants to be with me, and not with his ex.

And if he didn't want to be with me, then I'm not going to be able to force him to. Being controlling doesn't prevent people from falling out of love. In fact, it only makes things more strained.

It's not the pictures that people are scared of. It's what they represent. I am not threatened by a piece of paper. If he goes back to his ex, he's going to go back to his ex. I can't stop him.

But I do trust him. I trust that he loves me and wants to be with me. And I wouldn't want to hold him against his will if he didn't love me and didn't want to be with me.

Because I want him to be happy. Being in a relationship where he doesn't want to be will make him unhappy.

It would suck, but it would be for the best.

Forcing him to burn his past won't change anything.
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I dont have her number or any of her social media though, I think she doesnt even use it. I could ask her best friend though if both of them want to hang out with me and a few friends (male). I should also add that she knows that Im suffering depression. Is that a deal breaker for most people?
>That means you don't care enough. Sure he could have some storage in secret but if he's looking to the past while with you - something is wrong.

Personally... I'd be WAAAAY more weirded out and worried if I found out my s/o had some secret storage compartment where they hid pictures of an ex because it suggests they have something to hide/aren't over yet.

People have pasts. You can't expect them to erase that every time they get in to a new relationship--It's a part of what makes them who they are. If you do, you're either fucking psychotic, or incredibly naive/delusional.

(completely different maleanon btw)
Sooo I'm a grill and I never gave a head even though I had sex before. I don't know, I just feel like it's more personal than sex and I should want to do it. So there's the guy who is perfect and he does oral for me and also he's very attentive and gentle during sex. And we have a great emotional connection, that's a rare thing for me. He never insisted but I feel like I want to try it on him because I want him to feel good but too scared. Soo yeah maybe you could give some advises and what should I do and how to do it and stuff.
Watch your teeth and have eye contact because its hot
Not very often, once a month at most, once every few months at worst
Every day

Not that hard really. Just ask him to sit down. Unzip his pants. Pull it out. Put your lips around it and move your head back and forwards. Treat it kind of like french kissing, except with a penis. Go ahead and watch some videos to get an idea of what to do if you want.
>People have pasts
Sure they do but bringing up anything related with ex is a major red flag. Ex is ex for a reason.
B-but what to do if he's about to finish?
Because I don't mind them
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>find girl I like at my Uni
>talk to her for about 15 minutes and forget to say goodbye
>don't see her for three weeks
>saw her again yesterday
>the first thing she asked was where I went
>sit next to each other for ~3 hours
>have a conversation about erotic bakeries and the female anatomy
>more general chitchat
>remember to say goodbye this time
These are good things, right?
Be a good girl.
You're a beta orbiter or what
from a femanon's experience, any maleanons tell me if I'm an idiot please
>No teeth to skin, ever
>Tease him before you start, kissing side of the shaft, slow licks- make him excited with anticipation
>Keep a steady rhythm, slowing down or speeding up gradually
At a certain depth I can't breathe through my nose for some reason.
>Time breaths on up strokes. Down, up-nose inhale, down, up-nose exhale, down.
Sometimes I have to spread out an inhale or an exhale over multiple upswings
>If you pull back cause you need to swallow all the spit you're drowning on or to catch your breath, continue the rhythm by stroking him with your hand
>During the blowjob, using your hand on the bottom half of the shaft is great if you can't get far enough down your throat
>Occasionally I like to bring him in as deep as I can, and hold as long as I can, sliding my tongue up/down and flexing my throat muscles
>Use your tongue! Twirl around the head, up and down the vein, flick the head on upstrokes
>When he comes, I like to take him in as far as I can and have him cum straight down my throat
No clean up, no feeling the texture, minimal taste. I like the taste anyway, but if you're worried.

Let me know if you have questions.

Dammit, I turned myself on.
Hell if I know, I've not had any interest in women until now.
another really nice thing to do is to start kissing him in the mouth and then slowly going down kissing his chest, nipples and stomach and then dick.
this before the actual blowjob of course, just to make him hard, once in the dick stay there.
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wow that sounds hot but complicated. What is 'sloppy' and how to avoid it?
Girls, how much do you care in guys past (not sexual one) in general? Could you be with him but know nothing about him prior meeting him?
Guy here, that's perfectly accurate. Personally, another thing that I love is when she takes care of my balls, like livking or sucking them. Also, eye contact from time to time.
what are you talking about? sloppier the better.
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>online dating as an average looking male in your 20's
>Girls, how much do you care in guys past (not sexual one) in general?
>Could you be with him but know nothing about him prior meeting him?
Nope, and I would expect to learn something about his past in the 'getting to know each other' stage. Any evasiveness about it would be suspect.
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Anyone wanna help me process a shitty experience I just went through?

>get a message from a girl after posting some info about myself in a thread
>definitely click, we're into the same stuff, is fun to talk to and she lives in the same town
>exchange pics, we both find each other attractive, things get flirty, etc
>it's 4am before we go to sleep, literally talked for ~6 hours, and it felt like 40 minutes at most
>next day, talk pretty much the whole day, keep finding more and more similar interests, keep flirting, eventually she starts saying things like, and I quote "you're literally perfect!/you're the cutest guy I know!/I could talk to you forever <3 <3/I can't believe how lucky I got! (to be in the same town)/I love you (seriously)"
>repeat another day or two, then plan to meet up the next day before going to bed
>Next day, ask her how she slept, she responds "Great!! How'd you sleep ?? <3", respond and ask what the plan was for today, no response

That was the last I heard from her. I know she's still around since she made a brand new post in the thread under a different kik name, but is definitely ignoring me. So what the everloving fuck went wrong? The way my brain works, I can't see any reason for that chain of events, except for 1. It was all just to fuck with me, or 2. some kind of bi-polar disorder. Admittedly, I'm not a psychologist, but everything I know tells me that it shouldn't have played out the way it did. Help?
What if I start choking? That's not sexual at all and he's very easy to lose the mood. And also I think my face would look stupid wat do about it?
you got the oneitis, ignore and move along. Get more prospects (not online, go meet girls irl you fuck)
Is your bf a homosexual? If not, he won't think about how your face look like when you're blowing him.
And I have long hair do I have to fix them up?
What does it say if I'm 23, male, and have had numerous flings/casual sex partners, but not a single relationship, even though I want a relationship far, far more than I want casual sex?
If it bothers you, make yourself comfortable.
It says you're not relationship material and/or you've got commitment issues. Wanting something and being capable of it are two different things.
No commitment issues. I should clarify that the girls I hang out casually with are 100% not the kinds of girls I'd ever date. Problem seems to be I have trouble finding the kind of people I would date. Maybe I'm just being too niche in what I'm looking for, but whatever.
That's tricky because it heavily implies that you're a player and any LTR is unlikely to work.
It would be completely different if you've had couple of short-term relationships as oppose to casual sex partners/numerous flings.
means you got no game bra, means you're not good with the ladies. Git gud, enjoy relationships.
pretty sure you need to have game/be good with the ladies to have a bunch of casual sex
not even close, getting hookups is easy and anyone can do it. Getting a girl to want to spend her time with you is a different story.
I'm really really awkward and can barely hold a conversation without looking like a retard, but for some reason this girl seems to like me. Given that my chance of successfully flirting or expressing any sort of interest is zero, would it be alright to be direct? I just want to ask her why she's interested in me and to tell her that I although I'm unsure how to express it I really like her too.
Right, but that's not game. That's just being a relationship prospect.
>I'm really really awkward and can barely hold a conversation without looking like a retard,
>Given that my chance of successfully flirting or expressing any sort of interest is zero
>Girl seems to like me
Enjoy you're attractive anon. Honestly who knows? It might be that you remind her father, childhood friend or middle school crush, maybe she sees you like a broken guy who needs to be fixed, etc. My advise is that you would ask her about her liking you because she might be offended by it.
I choke and gag all the time. I don't think it's a problem. Just keep going and don't give it too much time.
I've never vomited on his dick, but I have thrown up a little in my mouth, usually during the part where I hold myself down in deep throat as long as I can. That part usually ends in me either pulling back because I can't hold my breath any longer or cause I have to pull back to swallow vomit haha

Thanks! Sometimes I worry that my boyfriend doesn't give proper critique. He's all, y'know, you're the best at blowjobs ever, etc etc.

I try to make eye contact, but I can't get as deep at an angle where I can look up comfortably. Otherwise it feels like my eyes rolling back into my head. It hurts :'(

Nice! I love building him up for it.

Sloppy usually refers to the amount of saliva and how much slurping sounds you make, I think. It's not really anything to avoid.
I do try to suck up some spit when I feel it start to drip down to his asshole or into his pants. I'd imagine that feels funny and makes a mess if he isn't fully naked.
It's strange man, I have almost no chin which pretty much excludes me from being attractive. I've known her for well over a decade now and I think she regularly goes through periods of liking me, she's literally tried to sleep with me several times but I sperged out. Every time I think "oh god I fucked it up again and she'll never speak to me" but she always contacts me again. Would she really try to sleep with me just because she wants to fix me?

>My advise is that you would ask her about her liking you because she might be offended by it.
I assume you mean don't tell her right? What about admitting that I like her?
>I have almost no chin
oh please, either you're talking of your ass or you're exaggerating it. I have somewhat receded chin like Adam Driver (pic related).
>I assume you mean don't tell her right?
Yeah but if you want to get over with, just ask bluntly. Maybe not "do you like me?" but "what kind of feelings do you have towards me"?
I had this kind of situation going for about 6 years and one day she found bf and it ended. If you like her - you have to move.
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>(pic related).
Forgot it.
To girls: I have a gf and would like chick friends, but all chicks, so far, have been wanting more than just a friendship and I'm not a cheater. How do I make chick friends while having a gf?
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So, last semester I had two classes with this girl. One day, she comes up from behind and shoulder taps me, asks for help with one of our assignments since I tend to be the guy answering all the professor's questions. Spend ~20 minutes helping her out, she says something to the effect of "Thanks so much!" and I respond "if you need any more help, you can talk to me on facebook or whatever." She responds "Oh, I don't have facebook, but you can have my number."

Fast forward a bit, we're texting, going on walks, going out to dinner, things couples do. Nowadays I've even had her over to hang out and watch a movie at my place. Here's the issue: despite all this stuff that is ostensibly "things people do when they like each other", I have never gotten any kind of flirty/romantic vibe from her. So I'm left in a situation where we can be sitting on the same couch right next to each other, watching a movie together, but I don't feel comfortable enough to put an arm around her or whatever else.

How do I confirm? I don't think I can just flat out ask her "do you like me?" My best idea so far is to ask why she shoulder tapped me the first time we talked, rather than asking the teacher or something.

Not sure if this makes a difference, but she's first generation chinese, maybe there's a cultural tendency towards this kind of frigidity I'm not picking up on, no idea.
What a weird problem to have
Just make it clear that you have a girlfriend early on- bring her up in conversation or something.
How are you meeting the thirsty girls that you do see?
When you're in a relationship, girls get thirsty, for god knows what reason.
Why do you want "chick friends" to begin with?
>Not sure if this makes a difference, but she's first generation chinese
There's probably cultural stuff about how this is supposed to go, then.
I'd say that you're in the phase where you can have the "what are we" talk. Tell her that you really like her and that you'd like her to be your girlfriend.
Well I can't find a good picture but mine's slightly receded like yours and also smaller.
Anyway if I do ask I'll try to phrase it like you suggested, it sounds much softer. It would have taken me ages to think that up myself so thanks. She's had boyfriends before, but she always ends up trying to hookup with me when she's single. I'm fairly sure I'm not some beta orbiter type either, I never initiated anything with her and she doesn't use me as an emotional sponge.
Good luck anon, make it clear with her.
Girls, does it mean anything if you send pictures of other girls to a guy? She's done it a couple of times, the girls in the pics have the same style and are the same "type" as the girl i'm talking to. Does it mean anything? It just came out of nowhere
IN what context
I was hoping to ask her out, but I couldn't bump onto her this week, and I can't wait to see her until next week. Should I just text her and ask her out via a text? Would it be stupid? We don't talk much overall, plus she's shy/introverted.
thanks man.
Chick friends are lovely to have, especially when you want a break from guys friends always trying to one up eachother and not talk about philosophy, art and things that chicks think themselves good at...Until we start talking about them.

Just meeting them normally. I guess meeting someone who barely acknowleges them and honestly could not care less for them is a turn on.
>someone who barely acknowleges them and honestly could not care less for them is a turn on.
Forgot to add that we only have hanged out twice with some common friends and that's pretty much it. I have no clue whether she likes me or not.
I know this sounds pretty cringe at first but it goes better then you'd expect, but I would like a different perspective maybe in how my chances with this girl look
> see girl post on college class facebook thing asking for roommate and listing hobbies
> seems pretty cute and have similar intrests , I think fuck it if she ignores me or blocks me it's not a big deal it's a huge campus and message her saying she sounds really cool
> talk breifly and extend and invitation to play Overwatch and she says yes and friends me on facebook
> Saturday we play overwatch for like 3 and a half hours. Laughed at a lot of my jokes and in some instances seemed to want to impress me (like some guy would give a random piece of advice, I'd make a comment during the skype call asking why anyone would care and she'd type my comment into the game chat for the guy to see)
> find out she lives close to me, especially close to the dining hall I frequent but she doesn't go their often cause dining hall food blows
> get her number at the end of the call, make a comment about going to the dining hall together. She says she really doesn't go that often so it was kinda a downer to leave on, but all in all I think it was alright

I think I'm still gonna shoot her a message about eating together. Just would like some insight I guess into what the anons here think
how do I ask a girl out to lunch? I want to talk to someone this coming weekend but I'm not sure how I initiate this sort of conversation. Do I just text her out of the blue with
>hey, wanna go get lunch together this weekend?
or do I have to be less blunt and lead up to it?
What does sexual intercourse feel like? Ive tried masturbation and that's okay. How much better is penetrating?
My boyfriend (29yo) has a job and a normal life and just has his shit together overall. Meanwhile I (24yo) struggle with life management a lot, I'm studying a major that doesn't motivate me, never had a job, have trouble keeping up with household chores etc. He's helped me with things a lot, like going with me to buy more furniture.

Now, however, I have a real problem with my sleep schedule. Today I woke up before midnight, and he knows this because I didn't respond to his message. It's so hard to fix this and my current videogame addiction isn't helping. I'm scared that he'll leave me because of this. I don't know, would he?
Yes probably. Fix your sleep schedule. It's really not that hard, just set a time to go to bed and an alarm to wake you up. You can play video games during the day, you don't have to play them at 4am.
bags of sand
its course, rough, irritating... and it gets everywhere
Do it dude! Don't read so much into little shit, it'll drive you crazy.

Obviously invite her somewhere other than the dining hall lol

I like to ask in person. Its easier for her to tell that your asking her on a date.
But yeah, if you're gonna text that's fine. Use their name in the greeting if you're not good friends yet.
Start with a greeting.
>Hey! How are you doing. Are you looking forward to Turkey day? Maybe after we're done gorging ourselves on mashpotatoes, would you want to grab lunch on Sunday?
Way the dining hall is shit, but she says she doesn't go out much and we still haven't met in person. The dining hall would be easiest though cause I can just casually say I'm there and that she should come over, but I'd rather go somewhere else. Any suggestions on how I should go about this?
Ask her out to something other than the dining hall. If you haven't met in person before, your best bet is probably coffee or lunch. Dinner isn't a good first step if you've never met.
Huh. I think I figured it out. Apparently (not 100% on this but I have decent evidence) she's married. What the fuck.
If I'm asking a girl what her feelings are for me, is it better to just say it (IE "So do you think of me as a friend, or as something more than that?") or to say as much followed by some sort of explanation as to why I'm asking/what made me want to ask.
Just say that and see her response/where the conversation goes. If she asks why you think that you can explain, otherwise she's probably already aware of why you think that.
Thanks for the advice bro!
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wew, she said yes to meeting up. Thanks guys.
Met an old ex at a party over the weekend. She's been with a guy for over a year now and seems generally happy. Anyway she offered to set me up with one of her coworkers. Should I be suspicious?
Is your ex a crazy bitch?
Hmm... I don't think so.
How do I eliminate the beta programming into me? I wasn't always this way, a traumatic experience in my life made me depressed and lose confidence.
Literally no set up, she's bi and sent me a pic of a girl that looks like her and said "I want one"

I said me too, she's really pretty, looks kind of like you blah blah blah
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I'm close with this girl. It's mutual, but we're not dating. She's introverted and sickly, so she doesn't get out much and we don't meet often. Still, we talk daily, are very close physically and her family's pretty much accepted me and continuously checking whether we're dating yet.
She denies it, and while I'd love to I haven't found the time to bring it up with her being sick all the time.

Lately she's getting worse. Nothing serious, but she says she's tired all the time, and it's not improving over the past few weeks. Her text responses went to near-zero, and daily-ish she shoots me a message apologizing for and making fun of her fatigue. She's not lying and I try to respect that, but it gets lonely.

Now I ran into this other girl. If we're alone together she burns up completely. She won't leave me alone, can't stop laughing, keeps trying to set a date and honestly I'm really enjoying my time with her.
But there's the first girl. We're not dating, but given the circumstances I feel like I'm cheating on her if I go too far. Is it reasonable to just go for it? If she did feel that way about me, I figure she'd get even worse if she finds out about it, and I do still care about her even if it's ambiguous whether she still does.
How do I pleasure my transgender girlfriend (mtf)?
suck his dick
Please refrain from posting your perverted sexual fantasies within this thread. T.hanks.

Just ask. It'll be awkward the first time, but then the next time you won't have to be as explicit. .
Ask her. How did you meet her btw? I'm mtf asking because I want a guy too.
find the prostate. Lock onto it like a fucking pitbull.
Please refrain from posting your self-important identity within this thread. Tom Hanks.
It appears I riled you up a bit.
depends really, I think most of them just want to be treated as a woman, be dominated, and so on.
Actually, this video, as seen here >>17791111, was pretty informative and also says what you were being told in this thread as well.

I never really would have had the creativity to utilize mind tricks for the sensation of having a transman's penis stroked. I saw that shit done on Brain Games using a fake hand and a feather.
lol Dr. Lindsey Doe.
Did you know she worked with a very sexually active 12 year old?
Femanons, when a girl says "You seem nice but I just don't date." is this a straight up "no" or a "maybe some other time" I feel like if she wanted to just say no, she would have just said "lets stay friends"
Why is she kind of hot to me?
She is objectively hot, lad, you're not special.
For girls:
I met this girl a week or two ago, we talked a little in person and she seemed at least interested in talking to me, and the next day we had a really uninteresting text conversation, so I just decided to not talk to her again because it was pretty clear I was boring her and I don't like to be annoying.
Anyway, now she invited me to her birthday next month, if she being polite? Is she interested in having a friendship at least? I am bad at reading people.
She's being a coward and doesnt want to give you a straight no.
One boring conversation doesn't mean you're screwed forever. Sounds like she likes you good enough.
I hope. Anyway, thanks.
Then why wouldn't she just say she'd rather just stay friends? Why give me the chance to even think there's still a possiblity?
Why do girls say call people honey? It's fucking weird
As said before, she's coward. Just move on and forget that stupid bitch.
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So, this girl comes where I work(university campus) and just talks to me out of nowhere. Like, half an hour of just bullshit (she comes and says "im bored, sup" or comes asking stupid questions (some not ever related to the area I work in). She touches her hair, laughs a lot, touches my tattoos, tells me about her life, plays with shit she has on her hands at the moment, all those "by the book" classic signs of interest. She comes around at least once a week (she's an student, so am I but I also work there). This has been happening for like 2 months. Today I completely pussed out and didn't asked her out. Thing is, I feel like an idiot for being such a beta, so my mind is trying to convince me that sending her a text (I can find it in the system) saying some bullshit like "so, I missed the bus talking to you, I had to get your phone to tell you I hate you" or some crap like that. Basically, tell me how shitty that idea is so I let it go.
It's because you've got a gf dude. They want want the can't have and also assume that because you have one you must be boyfriend material.
I wish I had this problem, but my problems is that I literally told off my bitch of an ex-girlfriend that she expects something of me which I am not and now she's been stalking me hoping to swallow my cum. I am thinking maybe she liked being put in her place and sees me as some kind of assertive asshole instead of that pansy pushover he once thought. How the fuck do I get her off of my nuts? I threaten to call the police and did once, but at the end of the day, she always comes back somehow.

Not my case but a lot of my friends do.
Girl here, I have no clue honey
Gf doesn't want me to spend any time with other girls. She says she wouldn't do this to me so I shouldn't too. Should I leave now?
Girl co-worker was showing interest in me out of nowhere. Not sure if I want to pursue though. We like the same kind of music, but she likes to go out and drink a lot. That's not my style. I mean, I go out once in a blue, but she goes out like every week. Seems like when any opportunity arises and it involves drinking she's going. She's cool and knows how to hold a conversation, but it's just that one thing that I'm not really into. What do you guys think?
Well turns out she's lesbian and innitally told me that she doesn't date because she's not out of the closet.
Girl I really like is making out and cuddling with me. During this she lays her arm on the upper part of my lap, and of course I happen to have a boner... It feels like she kind of applied pressure with her arm at some points.

It was quite dark in the room, so I don't know if she actually noticed. Is it likely she noticed? It's like she would keep innocently putting her arm or elbow in that position. Did she do this on purpose? This is someone that I really like, so is the fact that I got a boner mean any future chances with her are gone?
>i know it's because i'm fucking ugly
I actually used to believe that before, but after girls literally telling me in my face they wish they had some alone time with me and getting cat called as a guy, then I started realizing I was actually really good looking and that I was just so jaded that I convinced myself I was ugly.

Years of self hate and people shitting on your plate does that, if you were ugly people wouldn't be looking at you unless you had like a huge fucking deformity or something.

Don't be so quick to jump on the self hate due to past experiences.
She 100% noticed
>so is the fact that I got a boner mean any future chances with her are gone?

What are you 14?
If she likes you and you're making out it's quite possible you get a boner of course, she's probably even happy she gets that reaction off you, that you like her that much.
Unless you have a micropenis, do you really think she wouldn't have noticed?
How do I meet a woman who has slept with less than 5 men. Its really hard to profile because its a personal piece of info that only the person you are dating has the right to know, but Im tired of being surrounded by sluts.
Question for grills, going to a music festival soon, should I shave my beard fully or leave it as neat stubble?
Can't stress this enough as a person who's made this mistake before.

No-strings-attached date, then ask out. Not the other way around.

Everyone should see this video, worked well for me&gf
4" taller minimum. Heels.
"Confessions" are awful
Just fuck her. >>17789424
Shit I just turned Les.

Long answer: maybe in the interim. But you will loser. I mean lose her. Get a job. Be proud of yourself. Give back to your community.
You don't need to capitalize "les".
Anything with "romantic" in it. Generally lots of kissing and less balls slapping everywhere.

Thats assuming she doesn't have her own stash. Why don't you just ask her?

IMHO, sounds like she's insecure and trying to figure out how to make you happy by making herself into the porno of your choice. This girl is crazy, but be nice to her and she will be worth it.
They're fucking insane. This is NOT normal.
Whatever is soft. The only way rough stouble is touching my skin is if it's not my face.

1/4" = perfection. Unless you are literally shaving twice a day and your girl is a lesbian.
maybe she wants to know ur fetishes so she can tell you her own

ask what her fetishes are, just straight-out ask, went well for me when I found out she liked spanking and other kinky shit, and both of us were pretty happy with that

proceed with caution though on telling her yours
Actually that's a proven thing dipshit. Milk and high fat meats.
Ask her if she wants to get food after
>most of them don't even cum from penetration
Lawl. Maybe that's what they tell YOU
Rapey rapey rapey rapey
Stop having back ups. You know what you are doing.
It's girl politics. You are to be conquered to strengthen their witchcraft. That's why all my friends are doods and better friends with my current dick that they are with me.
I don't think you're doing it right.

But yeah, towels.
Such a turn on. Nothing hotter than someone finding you hot.
Ladies: What are your immediate turn-offs when it comes to men? Either romantically/sexually or professionally?
Lack of confidence.

And arrogance.

No I don't fucking understand either.
This was my virgin way of being like, "I don't know how to tell you I don't know what a penis looks like."
Because there is a possibility. Build frame. Try again.
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Do I kiss on the first date?

If I don't did I ruin my chances?
Make her wait. Seriously. Kiss her when you're confident that you could fuck her in the open and she wouldn't mind. Then obvs don't fuck her in the open, just act like you could.

That's a first kiss ;)
>women not understanding star wars references
ffs pleb update your memelingo or get out
Question for grills, going to a music festival soon, should I shave my beard fully or leave it as neat stubble?
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What exactly makes a bag into a "murse"? I'm looking for a bag to carry my things, and I have a vague idea of what separates a murse from a plain 'ol bag, but I can't quite pin it down.
I think one thing would be having a large strap as opposed to a small strap.

Generally, the less fashionable and more utilitarian the bag looks, the less "murse"y it would be, IMO

Also consider just getting a backpack anon
>the next day we had a really uninteresting text conversation
what was uninteresting about it?
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Something like this would be good I'm assuming?

People also tell me that backpacks make me look like a college student, and I wouldn't disagree.
Dude it's like 4am stfu
Long story short there's a girl I met have been talking to and met recently, on the first we just got some drinks and talked for 7 hours and clicked really well
2nd Date we went for a Halloween event thingy where she iniated holding hands, head on shoulder etc. Where I kissed her on the cheek
4th time we went to the beach for hours at midnight, cuddled and made out a little
Honestly it was one of the best times of my life spending time with her but she seemed a little cold on the 5th date and is boring in texting in general
I expressed that I clearly liked her more than once etc.
Side note after the second date she said she's not looking for a relationship right now but 4th date she initiated some really intimate stuff physically and emotionally not just in a 'fling' sense
But now she's kinda colder and open to meeting up still, but probably only once a week or so
What's going on peeps I'm confused side note: we're young so I'm kinda attributing that to teenage emotions (18,17)
Strap looks too thin, get a thicker strapped bag. Otherwise it looks fine, kind of like a doctors bag or something
Anon I can't read her mind, but I can tell you what I did in a similar situation. I straight up asked her to go out, more than once, on Valentine's day. Initially she was reluctant to say yes, but then agreed after the third time I asked. And so we went out, and it was great.

However, our relationship didn't last more than a year. She gave me various reasons like she was bored and stuff, and she kept asking me over for sex, but I think now maybe she really legit wasn't looking for a relationship from the start.

When we were fuckbuddies, she would do stuff like ask me to stay the night with her when I had plans and she knew it, and I said no, if you want to treat me like your boyfriend, you have to make me your boyfriend. I'm still not sure whether that was the correct course of action because it never happened, but we kept seeing each other for years.

Maybe do something nice like give her a flower or take her out somewhere or something. Chase her a little bit, in case it's some kind of test to see if you actually care. But I think the most likely thing is that she means what she's saying. It's the simplest and most obvious solution.

If you're cool with being a fuckbuddy, you two can stay that way. If you don't want to be her fucktoy only and want a legit relationship, you're gonna have to eventually make the ultimatum to find out whether or not you're wasting your time.
Thanks bro,
Felt what you were saying but having the 3rd opinion helps appreciate it
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