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ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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Before you post a question, check here to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like <insert specific look>?
>Is my body part big/small enough?
>Am I short/tall enough?
>Would you date a virgin?
><random insecurity>
Some do, some don't. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever. It takes hard work, time, and effort.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't fucking know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, <activity in your city>.

>Brandon, that guy who keeps asking about cuddling in platonic friendships and fart guy
Fuck off.
If you're a girl and you and a boy were attracted to each other would you wait indefinitely for him to make the first move? Or would you do it after a while? What if you're like super shy?
Ladies (and or gentlemen), I need a risk assessment before proceeding.

If we make eye contact a few times over about a month on public transport, would I be safe to strike up a conversation if the opportunity came up? Normally not on the prowl on a train of all places but feeling brave.
It depends on how much I liked him

What do you have to lose?
Proceed slowly.
Make eye contact and smile. Then make eye contact, smile and say "goodbye" when leaving. Then say hi when you arrive, and bye when you leave. If she doesn't react weirdly, talk.
Next time you make eye contact smile at her (or him?). If she smiles back it would be pretty safe to go up and say hi.

Either way you might as well since you don't have much to lose. You're just chatting, it's not like you're asking for a date.
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Should I get her a gift on our first date? I've known her since December as friend and only have started to be interested in her romantically as of this month. It's something small (underwater light show thing that I saw she wanted bc she tweeted about it)

I already told her that I have a surprise for her once she gets back, but I'm thinking it's too soon and she's pretty forgetful too). We've only made out before.
So you wouldn't do it if you sort of liked him even if you know he likes you? (aka guaranteed date, etc.)
I would show I am attracted, but I usually wait for him to make a move.
I'd make a move if I liked him enough. There's also a state of "eh, I'd date him if he asked me out, but I don't like him enough to ask him out" though
get it.
I'm supposed to go out with a girl this weekend, but I don't know her that well and am afraid she's gonna flake. How far ahead should I contact her about logistics? I'm going regardless, so it doesn't really matter if she bails last minute, but I'd still like a chance to get one of my friends to come.
Are you sure? I'm thinking it's too soon but i don't know.
Why do guys make promises like "forever" and that they wont leave you then to just end up doing that and breaking that promise?
Because saying that stuff is easy, and doing those things is hard.
It happens.
Truth is that you can't make promises about feeling and you shouldn't believe that kind of promises.
Because women cheat
It's easy to promise something, much more difficult to go through with it. Which is why I avoid making significant promises for the most part.
Forever seems like a good idea in the beginning. I told my girlfriend forever, and i meant it from the bottom of my heart, but it's not going to happen.
why do women have such pleb taste in vidya/music/movies?
I don't understand. Maybe for video games, but music and movies? Plenty of girls into that.

Maybe you just don't notice them because
- They're unattractive and shut in just like their male counterparts
- You rarely talk to women
- You make generalizations about a whole gender based on the few you know
I enjoy what I enjoy. I consume these things for myself, not to please anyone else. If you don't 'approve' of my taste in these things, I really couldn't care less.
I know a lot of who guys have a super pleb taste for movies and music.
It's not really a gendered thing.
This is what me and my bf were like for ages. Kinda vaguely interested in each other but neither of us taking it any further.

I actually ended up dating a girl who asked me out, and we were together for a year. After she and I broke up he did not make the same mistake again and asked me out real quick.

To be honest, even if I didn't get with a girl I wouldn't have made a move myself. I'm a fairly traditionally feminine person and I like being the girl in relationships.
Non-sexual question here, but will a guy who likes metal think of a girl who likes metal as "interesting" and be more willing to chat with her as girls who like metal are not so common?
This is in a non-sexual question - more like a question related to the demographics of metal fans
If someone had a similar interest/passion as I do I'd be more willing to talk to them. Girl or not.

If I'm looking for a date and find a girl with a similar interest/passion that would be a plus.
>dating a girl
>traditionally feminine
Whatever you want to believe.
ist not guys its humans in general

what matters one day might not matter the next day

the only way to not fall into this is to not rush into things with people you dont know properly

if you take your time and be patient this wont happen often or at all to you

but dont expect that its legit ifa dude who knows you 1 month says he wants you forever.

he maybe knows <1% of you and couldnt possibly mean this
To girls,

Would you rather date (or have a bf) a guy that is more calm and collected or one that is more playful and childish? Assuming both are mature, nice people, has a job and educated. The only difference between the two is that those personalities given are more expressed.

I feel that Im the latter and do not know if it is a turn off? Otherwise I would have present myself to be more of the first.
I am pretty childish and playful myself, so maybe I'm not the best person to reply.
But I do fucking love people who are able to tease me, make fun of me, or just be silly and spontaneous around me.
I really like that sort of playful tension I can have with someone who loves joking and bantering as much as I do. I think it is sexy as fuck.
Hey girls, my new roommate is a girl. I've never lived with a girl before. I don't know what the do's and don'ts of having a female roommate are.

Anything to help would be, helpful.
Normal good roommate stuff - don't be noisy, clean after yourself, help in the house, actually pay for your share and don't be gross.

The only thing about having a opposite gender roommate is that you have to avoid making things sexual. So always stay decently dressed.
Don't mention periods.

I've had male and female roommates for the last 5 years and it has always been pretty much the same.
The smell of used tampons
Hair all over the shower walls
You'll be surprised how messy a women can be, if she is messy
Hair on the drain
If she has hard cramps, the sight of a suffering person every month
Mind games

Hair on the walls and mind games are the worst
t. guy with 3 sisters
Tampons don't really smell that bad unless you leave them in the trash for days.
But when I'm on my period I throw the trash twice a day so others don't have to smell it.

About the hair - very true. Very gross.
We have a shower drain hair catcher and once every 2 months we throw some Mr Muscle.
The hair on the shower walls is just a matter of politeness, we decided that whenever we shower we clean the whole shower, as a general rule.
I guess it's easier when they are not family; knowing you'll stay on the same house for many years also helps slacking.
Known this girl for 5 years, asked her out over a year ago and was turned down, however I feel like we've become closer since (e.g. she confides in me regarding sexual matters). If she didn't want to date after about 3 and a 1/2 years of knowing me, is there much chance she may have changed her mind?

Normally I wouldn't ask this, but she had never had a bf in the time before I asked her. She's had a short term relationship since then. I'm wondering if this experience might drastically change how she approaches men.

We're in our early 20s.

At least you get to go through her underwear when she's out! I really enjoyed that when living with females.
How do you put yourself "out there"
I've never had any intention to go through my sisters' panties, sorry bro.
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What can I talk about with girl on a second date? We've talked about books, movies, global warming, her studies, mine studies, art and I've ran out of ideas. We are going on a drink tomorrow so it will be easier to talk but I need some topics to warm up the conversation between us
Anecdotes. Trips. Your childhood. I spent a date talking about high school cringey moments (it sucks that the guy moved away, I had the biggest crush on him after that date).

Anything which is not religious, politics or your past partners.
Heh, my hair is actually longer than hers. Midway down my back. So I'm used to all the hair stuff and it'll be at least nice now for there to be two of us the other roommates can't blame me alone.
From a girl: super cute to get her a gift she has been wanting.

It shows you listen, value her wants, and care enough about her to remember what she likes.

What clues or signs do you give off if you want to be kissed while on a first date? How do we tell?
Guys and girls, plz help. My ex and i went out for 7 months. Im not ready to date until i can heathily fill this hole that im feeling in my heart. I miss having gone to muay thai, playing my violin, so itll make me feel better to be improving myself, for my next partner.

I broke up with her because for several reasons. The main two reasons was because her sister hated our relationship and being rude to me sometimes. I never want to be in a relationship where she tells me to shut up when im struggling to explain something. She started dating a neighbor she had sometimes chilled with. Their mothers smoke pot together. I don't miss our relationship nor do i want it back. After the honey moon phase, annoyances started to come up. If she grew up in a better environment, i know we could have perserved our relationship.

Despite that, i honestly value our friendship. We broke up on friday and havnt spoken to her since. When is the right time to hit her up? Do i even hit her back up? She was caught off guard by my decision and really liked me, but our relationship was on a downward trend
Look for 3 indicators of interest.

1. She smiles laughs alot
2. Looks at your lips
3. Twirls/preens her hair.

There's many more examples. If and when the time seems right, just stop her in tracks and her in the eye. If she's staring into your eyes for 3+ seconds, tilt your head in for the kiss
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alright, so what do I do to recover if she rejects the kiss? What if she's just having a really great time with me so she's all smiley and all, but doesn't want a kiss?

Something so simple can be so stressful.
Failure is not an option

sometimes things are out of my control, my lord.
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Kissing is not one of them
Play it cool my friend. Say it looked like she had something on her mind and then smile. At that point, you'll know she only means to be platonic with you, or playing hard to get. Since you had the courage to try and kiss her, it's okay to ask her at that point what she thinks about you two. Depending on her answer, if shes going around in circles, abandon ship and start talking to more people. It's all a numbers game

Help guys and girl
How do I approach women? Every single interaction I've had with women has either ended up with it being a complete disaster or her saying "I'm not interested". How the fuck do you guys do it so easily?
cold approach is a meme

No woman is sexually interested in a stranger unless they're damaged mega whores

Is it ever ok, if we are both smiling and looking at each other if I were to ask "can I kiss you?"
Not that its a notable achievement, but i once was able to kiss close a girl minutes after snot comes flying out of my nose from laughing. Play it cool

Just look at her lips and purposely have silent times where you guys are staring into each others eyes.

What's some good texts/conversation starters do you like to recieve from guys? I haven't seen this girl since the 9th and haven't talked to her in a few days.
In the pickup world, they say its better to say "sorry" then to ever ask for permission. I find SOME truth to it. Kisses and numbers are given out like candy nowadays.

If you want to know if she digs you, put your arm around her shoulder. If she backs away, a kiss might not be possible.

If she doesnt back away, eventually stop on her tracks later on, face her and smile and go in for the kiss while she's looking at you.

The most important thing is to not OVERTHINK. go with the flow my friend. Even If she doesnt put out, you're gaining valuable experience. Seriously. Next girl, you'll feel more comfortable
These aren't women in a bar, these are women I'm really close to, talk to regularly in class and work with. I've tried a lot of advice posted on here but I still can't really reach them. I don't care about sex, I just wish a girl would agree to dating me for once.

How do I know if it's ok for me to make a move?

Context- me and girl used to have interest in each other, but cause of like schedules and things we didn't have time. Anyways, a few months ago we were texting and I asked if she had met any new dudes she said "oh well, I haven't told anyone about this, but I have been seeing a guy for a month, but that's all". She never ever talks about it. So just 2 months ago I asked her how things were and all she said was "I'm not sure, we need to talk about it still". I'm going to be visitng with her in 3 weeks. The thing is I don't even know if she's in a relationship because she doesn't talk about it.

How do I know if it's clear to make a move or not? As I said, we used to definitely be interested in each other. But now I have no clue if she's even avalible. If she's in a relationship, I definitely wouldn't want to disrespect that. But I don't even know!
>How do I know if it's ok for me to make a move?
The whole point is for you to never know that.

Um, ok.. So what am I suppose to do?
It's not done with some sort of intention that you or anybody should have a practical action plan. These grills do this because they have a sap dream about guys "just knowing" or "feeling the energy" or some shit like that and they want it all to be a romantic and perfect wordless meeting of hearts, which in practice means them doing a lot of UGH I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT CREEP HIT ON ME and genuinely not understanding how they keep ending up in this situation.

Basically, you just have to take your shot and hope it's reciprocated. Or you can also get off that choo-choo train and go for a less demented grill who understands the use of communication more than on paper, that's also a solution.

Alright, well I'll just go for it then..

Here's the thing tho, I'm not out just looking for a girl to share time with. I don't care when people say "go find someone else" I'm not interested in that. I just really like THIS girl. And, if things don't work out. Then I'll just stay single for a really long time.
>I'm not interested in that. I just really like THIS girl. And, if things don't work out. Then I'll just stay single for a really long time.
Yeah, that's a common reason why people stay single for a really long time.

Which is fair play if that's how you want it, I guess.

It's because my goal isn't to find a girlfriend. Just, I had developed a connection with this girl. It wasn't anything I had planned. Just, we developed feelings in the past. That's why I want her.
I would make a move myself eventually, and I have in the past. My thing is though I'm heavily attracted to confident/cocky guys so when I have to make the first move it's kind of a turn off to me. Not a deal breaking turn off, but it will make me more likely to lose interest. Basically this means I will usually only make a move myself on top tier dudes that I just reeeeaallly feel I'd regret not even trying.
I would call myself shy though too, it's hard for me to even get the courage to go make my move if it is one of those dudes. I tend to give relatively obvious signs I'm interested. Honestly, I usually just stop at the line of flat out saying directly "I'm interested in you", so if I'm giving off these heavy signs of interest but I'm not getting anything in return I just tend to assume he's not interested.
Yeah, if she's not like, got headphones in or giving off any other signs of "I do not want to be approached or talked to" then I don't see any harm in engaging in some small talk.
idk, I personally feel weird about getting gifts, but as long as it's small and inexpensive it shouldn't be too bad. Since you've known her in general for a while now though, I'd say it's fine.
Metal guy here. Interesting, as it'd be a possible talking point during conversation. The more things in common the better. But similar taste in music isn't that important as long as she doesn't give me shit for what i listen to.

I married to a metal girl, by the way.
Day before, text her and ask if she's still interested/coming. If she doesn't respond to that text before the next day, it's about 99.9% likely she's gonna ghost ya.
When you're about to leave the day of, text her just to say "I'm leaving now, omw"
If she doesn't respond to that text, you're also being ghosted. You can still show up to the meeting place if it's not far, since maybe she was already driving and doesn't answer texts or calls while driving (like decent human beings should).
Eh, to me it's time and place. I hate feeling like I'm in the spotlight, or that people are looking at me, so I tend to stray away from the "childish" types because I'm not looking to draw attention to myself in public. However, I heavily enjoy the playful types in an one on one setting.
Essentially, are you playful and childish when it's appropriate, and are you collected when it's not? The best dude is the combo of both, but if in your hypothetical this combo doesn't exist and I could ONLY choose between one or the other, I'd say the collected type because of my personal anxiety with standing out.
Eh, basically anything you'd do with any other roommate for the most part. Don't be afraid to call her out on some of the more female specific shit if it bothers you though. If you're sharing a bathroom, that will be the biggest area where your biological differences will be apparent. If the period trash bugs you, don't be afraid to ask her to take it out more often. It may be awkward, she may be offended, but the reality is us girls, we all know that shit stinks and sucks deep down and nobody should have to deal with our own shit. Male or female.
Only other thing I got from my experience living with fellow females that bugged me was chicks often have about a thousand different bottles of shit in the shower. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shave cream, lotion, and sometimes multiples of these things for whatever reason. I'm not that type of chick myself so I found it extremely annoying when they left their fucking bullshit in the shower 24/7 and there was only a 2x2 square of standing room in the shower while being surrounded by bottles of product. (Granted, I'll give I had 3 female roommates when this happened, but still, one chick can collect quite a few bottles of junk) Call her out on that too if it bugs you. Ask her to take it out of the shower and keep it in her room when she's done.
>if I'm giving off these heavy signs of interest but I'm not getting anything in return I just tend to assume he's not interested.
Just as a public service announcement in all well meaning from a man: at least like 70% of guys can't even tell you're making these "heavy signs of interest", or think you're just being friendly and nice and if they mistake it for romantic interest you'll lose your shit and go all aggressive on them.
Oh god, this just reminded me of my sophomore year horror show.
I had these 2 roommates who refused to ever take out the bathroom trash. Now, for the record, I use the pill to skip my periods. I only have one once a year, twice if it's a bad year. After about 3 months of taking out their bloody tampons and pads (that they often let fill the trash can so much I had to find some way to push them down just to tie the bag), and after asking them countless times to help me with it or to at least fucking tie the damn bag off and put a new one in and leave the tied bag for me to take to the dumpster, I decided to play chicken with them and just stopped using my own bathroom. I went to the college gym to use the bathroom instead. 3 months later I walked in there, nobody had touched the trash. They just started throwing their bloody shit on the ground. The smell made me want to vomit. Idk how the fuck they lived like that. I moved out immediately, never found out what happened with it after the school year ended. I'd be surprised if the fucking health department didn't have to go in there with hazmat suits.

Women can be absolutely fucking disgusting god damn. I'm so glad I have my own bathroom now.
Ehhh 9 times out of 10, once rejected always rejected. Only thing that typically changes this is desperation, and you don't really want to be that anyways.
But since you're so young, I'm assuming the first time you asked her out you were fucking teenagers or very close to it. So yes, a LOT of shit changes with puberty. It is very likely she sees people, and even you, differently than she did when she was a raging ball of hormones.
You go outside, to highly populated places. You talk to strangers, even if it's just casual small talk you know will go nowhere. You make yourself available with the understanding the other person may never take advantage of it (IE, you give contact info to people you're interested in, regardless of if you think they'll actually contact you or not.)
She gets close to you, presents her face to yours in a way that would make kissing easy, looks you in the eyes.
If she was even remotely comfortable with you/liked you, she'll forgive it pretty easy. Kisses aren't that big a deal t b h, even if a random gross dude grabbed me off the street and forced me to kiss him, I'd be mad (and probably call the cops), but I'd get over it pretty quickly. So if a dude I was obviously into enough to go on a date with kissed me when I wasn't interested in kissing, I'd just end the kiss quickly and laugh it off.
Hell, half the time they won't even vocalize it, they'll just brush it off and adjust their body language with you to ensure it doesn't happen again.
But I gotta say, I've never known a girl to make a kiss even possible if she didn't want one. If she didn't want one, she would never put herself in a position where it'd be easy for you to just lean in and go for the kill. She'd keep from having her face too close to yours.


"Heavy signs" that girls give are not understandable. I could be hanging out with a girl who has her arm hooked through mine. She could be smiling and laughing, looking into my eyes and staying close to me. And that's just a sign that she's comfortable being around me. That doesn't mean that she's interested.

Girls make shit too confusing
This too and the bottles never show what the fuck they are; you have to spend 3 hours searching to find "Shampoo" in italic and font size 4 next to something unrelated in a random location, some don't even have it.
But don't use your roomate's stuff, though.
>If she didn't want one, she would never put herself in a position where it'd be easy for you to just lean in and go for the kill. She'd keep from having her face too close to yours.

Interesting, so if it's clear we are both having a good time, and if she doesn't push back if my face is pretty close to hers, then I should just go for it?
You win some you lose some. I get it's frustrating to have a string of bad times when you're starting out, and it's discouraging, but you just gotta keep it up.
Without watching your interactions go down first hand, and assuming you're not doing anything wrong, that's all it is. Bad luck.
Now, it's probable you are doing something wrong, saying something weird, not reading a cue or the atmosphere right, etc. But none of us would be able to tell you that for sure unless we watched you go.
If she won't tell you flat out she's single, she either isn't or she's hung up on a dude. Think about it, if she were interested in you and single, what motivation would she have NOT to tell you that?

>If she won't tell you flat out she's single, she either isn't or she's hung up on a dude.

that makes me feel really sad to hear.
You see, I just don't get that. What yall are describing is not "heavy signs", they're casual signs. When I'm fucking sitting in your lap, looking straight into your eyes, running my hands through your hair, pressing my tits against your chest while straddling you, I think you'd have to be pretty autistic to not see that I'm into you. Those are heavy signs. But I'll tell you right now if you can't see it, when a chick is engaging in that much physical contact with you, when they're basically fucking you through your clothes, they're interested in you.
Like I take it up to that level if I can, I just refuse to look at a dude and say verbally "Yes, I would like you to insert your penis into my vagina please, then I would like you to pull out and insert it again, preferably in a rapid repeating motion. Are you interested in inserting your penis into my vagina in a way such as I described"
Like is this what it takes to show a dude you're interested these days, take all the fun and build up out and just be that robotic about it? Do we have to be that specific and clear, or will dudes still question if we are interested in them after explaining the process of sex down to the last detail?

also, not all women are raging feminazis. Actually most of those women don't leave their computers anyways, so I'd say it's highly likely that the woman you meet irl is not going to accuse you of rape for asking her out.
It would be much better if you simply asked him out, you look like a bitch on heat doing this.
Ikr. Like I'm a simple chick. I have my shampoo, conditioner, and shaving cream for the most part. Sometimes if I'm feeling like pampering myself I'll add some lotion/bodywash. I'll never understand why having 4 girls to one shower meant having at least 30 bottles of shit in the shower at any given point in time.
Yeah, that's the prime time to do so. I mean I personally don't get within "kissing range" of someone I don't wanna kiss lol. I usually keep myself at least shoulder with apart, and I certainly don't get my face anywhere near theirs.
Sorry m8, but like I said, think of it logically. She's got no reason to hide her relationship status if shes into you. I'd say your best bet now is that she's single but hung up. Because that at least gives you a possible opening one day when she gets over him.
Call me what you want, sometimes I want a date, sometimes I just wanna smash. These moves are obviously used on the latter.
Guys seem to need more and more reassurance these days I wont "freak out" I guess if they make a move, so I try to encourage them as much as possible by being as definitive as possible without having to verbally confirm my intentions to the last detail like an autist. Kills the mood. Not being able to read any body language whatsoever is not a good trait to have m8.

Why not just say "I want you"? That would give any guy a instant boner
I'm neither of those guys but I can tell you that I personally have had a girl sit in my lap, muss my hair, and then absolutely lose her shit when I went in for the kiss. I also know a guy who was asked by a girl if he wanted to come back to her place and then she blew up on him for assuming she wanted to fuck.

At the point you're describing it's not autismal obliviousness, it's that other chicks do that shit deliberately without the intent of it being a sign of shit-all, for some reason.

The only things that are clear communication is saying "hey, would you like to go out with me?" or similar, or kissing him. You don't have to describe the process of sex in detail, you just have to be upfront and unambiguous about what you want because literally every square inch of the ambiguous territory is colonized by crazy bitches who for some reason feel a deep need to do all that shit with totally platonic intentions.
From what i gathered they wanted dates not random sex, most people don't want to date a random girl they fucked last night.
Not my personal style/kink. May give you a boner, but it'd kill mine. I usually only feed those cheesy lines when I've been in a committed relationship for a while
Well then I'll tell you when a chick constantly tells you about her open schedule, and constantly talks to you like "Oh, this cool exhibit opened up at the zoo, that sure looks like a fun thing for 2 people to do" "Oh hey, did you hear about that new restaurant that opened up? I really want to try it some time, but I'd feel weird going alone ha ha." "Wow this christmas light show looks so romantic, I sure wish I had a nice dude to take me lol" she's interested in dating you. Like again, when I'm essentially asking you on a date just without flat out saying "Hi yes, I would like if you would perhaps meet with me at X place at this date in time, with the intention of forming romantic connections, preferably that will last on a long term." I'm interested in you. Those are my heavy dating signs. I basically set the fucking date up for you, you just have to confirm you'd go.

>Yeah, that's the prime time to do so. I mean I personally don't get within "kissing range" of someone I don't wanna kiss lol. I usually keep myself at least shoulder with apart, and I certainly don't get my face anywhere near theirs

One thing that makes it confusing, is like this 1 girl has kissed me on the cheek before. not a air kiss, but like a extended 3 second kiss on my cheek. It was sweet. Well later on we were texting and I said "I wish I would have kissed you" and she said "ahaha wellll that might have been strange since we just met! Haha"

It just makes things so confusing.
Guys and girls, plz help. My ex and i went out for 7 months. Im not ready to date until i can heathily fill this hole that im feeling in my heart. I miss having gone to muay thai, playing my violin, so itll make me feel better to be improving myself, for my next partner.

I broke up with her because for several reasons. The main two reasons was because her sister hated our relationship and being rude to me sometimes. I never want to be in a relationship where she tells me to shut up when im struggling to explain something. She started dating a neighbor she had sometimes chilled with. Their mothers smoke pot together. I don't miss our relationship nor do i want it back. After the honey moon phase, annoyances started to come up. If she grew up in a better environment, i know we could have perserved our relationship.

Despite that, i honestly value our friendship. We broke up on friday and havnt spoken to her since. When is the right time to hit her up? Do i even hit her back up? She was caught off guard by my decision and really liked me, but our relationship was on a downward trend
Eh, cheek kisses are a little different for some people. It's more like testing the water, kissing on the lips is still semicasual to me, but a kiss on the cheek is super casual. I kiss my friends on the cheek all the time.
But I will say, I only kiss my long term friends on the cheek. If I kissed a dude I just met on the cheek, I was probably trying to gauge his reaction or just kinda get a feel for him in a slightly more intimate setting.

But every chick is different. She may have said that because she decided she wasn't interested in you after the fact, she may just be weird and give off weird signals. Some chicks do that. I'd say for the most part though, chicks are pretty easy to read. And even if you're off in that reading a little, most chicks are forgiving of that and won't make it a big deal.
Welp, now they got their answers.
Question about booty calls. Seeing this guy and as with all new relationships, there's a lot of sex in the beginning. If he wants me to spend the night and likes waking up next to me/misses me in the morning, that's not booty call, right?
Asked in the previous thread but it was in the process of dying,

Do guys actually hit on chicks at bars or is that just a movie meme?
Also does anyone (guy or girl) go to the bar by themselves anymore?
I have no friends, so I often go alone in hopes of making a couple even if just for the night, but I find nobody seems to be alone anymore. It's hard to inject yourself, a stranger, into an already established group of friends you know?
What kind of places are socially acceptable to just talk to strangers/put yourself out to be approached? I can honestly only think of bars.

Ok, and one last question for you since you're pretty helpful.

If you were interested/attracted to a guy in the past. You used to sext in the past and flirt a lot over text. But because of distance and just because of life, you all couldn't do anything about it. would you ever lose all interest in him? Or would there always been some interest because nothing bad ever happened between you? if you met him again 8 months later, would you just seem him as a normal friend and try to forget the past, or would you still be semi-interested?
I've met most of my friends through work (they were customers) and the gym. I would suggest volunteering and trying to join interest groups. Where I live there are multiple Normiebook groups for photography, biking, hiking, pokemon go, etc.
>We broke up on friday
>She started dating a neighbor
>Do i even hit her back up?

Absolutely not. Girls who immediately jump into another relationship are fucking nightmares and extremely poor dating material for two simple reasons:

1) She's most likely had multiple or even dozens of partners before you, possible to the 100's depending on her blighted personality. Girls such as these become numb, self-centered and extremely apathetic towards each of their new partners because their 'love' comes extremely cheap.

>she tells me to shut up when im struggling to explain something

Is an indicator of this mindset. No empathy.


2): Their partners are partners of convenience. They simply date because they are extremely co-dependent and cannot function otherwise. You most likely did not mean that much to her.

I'm sorry dude. But it's over, and it's best it stays that way.
>Also does anyone (guy or girl) go to the bar by themselves anymore?
I'd go under special occasions to watch a sports game if I knew the bar hosted it, but otherwise no. If I was there alone it wouldn't really be to meet people.
Is it wrong to seek a relationship with someone of another race just because you feel the opposite sex of your race does it even though you only really are attracted to your own race ?
How much of a dealbreaker is your partner hitting themselves if it's 99.9% in private? Not to the point of leaving bruises but as a distraction thing when bad memories or thoughts come to mind.
It depends. How new is the relationship? What is the unspoken chemistry like? How did you meet? If there is so much as any casual overtones, then it's most likely a booty call. A lot of relationships that immediately dive into sex tend to be this way, since the partners both allowed sex to be the defining first impression of their relations it will tend to gravitate toward just that: sex.

As far as love goes, it takes time to build. I very much doubt anyone who perceives or claims to be in love within the earliest points in any given relationship.

>misses me in the morning

Or misses the sex.
Aint like any booty call I've ever heard of.
Then again I've never heard of a "booty call" in general, it's almost exclusively ONS painted with different names, where you're out of their bed the second they cum and they never want to hear or see from you again.
hmm, well, that is honestly a question that changes person to person. I do have a person like that, he lives in another country and we tried to make it work for a while but we both knew damn well we'd never be together physically and we both wanted that out of a relationship. So it didn't work because of that "no possibility of physical intimacy" thing, and that was honestly the only reason we broke up. That being said, I do still hold a special place for him in my heart, and if he ever found himself in the US while I was single I'd most definitely go to him. But my feelings have faded to the point where I'd never even dream of leaving a happy relationship to be with him. I don't love him enough that I'd always go to him whenever he made himself available to me, regardless of my current circumstances. You know?
However, say he did end up in the US and I'm single. If he was just here on business or vacation, I wouldn't get involved with him romantically or sexually in that time. It would be too hard on me emotionally for something I know would only be short lived. If he moved here permanently and I was single, I'd go all out.
That's just me personally though with this dude in specific. We had a very close, and strong, bond in every way. If I believe in a "soul mate" it'd be him.
No, you're an idiot.
Total deal breaker.
Seek psychological help.
If they refused to stop doing it pretty deal breaking. That's pretty high in the red flag department. Maybe you'll start hitting me, other people, or become suicidal.

Self harm is never a good sign.
>you are pink and like pink
>they are pink and like orange
>should i go for orange?
That's stupid, not wrong. Sure you can try and maybe find you like orange too.
It's stupid but it will depend on the intensity. People have those elastic bands they hit themlselves with for Pavlovian training and there no actual problem with that, except it's stupid.

I did once, the psychologist didn't think it was an issue worth discussing in therapy because I'm aware it is an issue. So that made me think it's not serious.


I've never been violent toward anyone else and have a strong aversion to that.

This is my current relationship issue because I don't understand what the big deal is but everyone else seems to think it's batshit.

Thanks to the both of you for the input.
Hah I work stock, so I'm usually crammed in a back room unpacking boxes by myself. Pays good and frankly I hate customer interaction because for every good customer, there's 40 shit ones that just want to scream and spit on me to feel better about their own shitty lives. So I'm happy with this trade off.
I've considered volunteering before, but the issue I find is the volunteer options around where I live (a verrrryyyyyy small farming town) are kind of dumb with their criteria. Like they want experience and references and for you to work on their time rather than your own. I had to ask once "Wait, am I applying to be an unpaid volunteer or for a job? Because this is a fucking job application."
Other issue I have is I don't have all that many interests, but the ones I do are very stereotypicaly female. Like, I like to sew and crochet, and you can't find a sewing group around here that isn't being held at the local nursing home. I don't usually get along with women anyways, plus I'm looking to meet potential dates anyways. Online dating brings out the autist in me though and Ive given up on it.
But maybe I should just try to attempt to be interested in some male centered hobbies.
hmm damn.

Alright. I ask because this girl is very special to me. Similar to how you feel for that European guy. She's very dear to me and means a lot. I know that even tho, I so wish we could be together, the distance makes it impossible. I'll be in her country again next month, and we will spend 2 days together. I know we can't be in a relationship, but I really would like us to make some lifelong memories. I want to kiss her, and this might sound ambitious, but I want to make love to her. Just, to share a experience with her like that would make my life. She's so special to me. and, I remember from our past talks months ago, that I know she wanted the same. Just, it's been quite a while since we have talked like that. So I don't know if all of that will happen. If we don't have sex, would sharing a kiss be a memorial experience that you'd never forget? that's what I want, I just want a experience shared with her that she'll never forget. Even tho we know we can't be together. I just want us to have great memories..
The start was a whirlwind. Lunch, dinner, sex, was askes to spend the night and then brunch the next morning. All expense on him. He told me after lunch that he'd be gone for a few days (travels a lot for work) and it's been just over two weeks and have only texted a bit in between. A good friend of mine knows him through work and before I went tl dinner, I got my friend's advice on him. (Go and have fun, he's a great guy.) I spend a lot of time on my own, and tend to over think things. -_-

He wanted to have brunch with me the next morning so I'm hoping it's relationship territory. I'm kicking myself for sleeping with him so quickly. It has been over a year since the last time I saw someone though...
Using pain to distract yourself from bad memories isn't healthy. Your psychologist should have helped you find ways to cope that doesn't involve self harm even if it's more minor injuries.

From an observers perspective, there's always a chance you'll up the ante on a bad day and hurt yourself more seriously. If someone cared about you, they'd want you to not hurt yourself.
Like I said, it'd just depend on what she's feeling. I wouldn't want to kiss my dude because it would be more of a painful memory than happy in my eyes. I look on the dark side of life though typically. What I see as a painful memory she might see as a happy one with you. Who knows. You can always make a move and try, since you're close she'll likely let you know what she's feeling.
That's tough. I would say continue to work on yourself and your interests and get yourself out there as much as possible. Who knows, maybe an elderly woman at the nursing home has a cute granddaughter.
I feel ya, I've been out of the game since high school, and am extremely desperate for some love and affection. After 5 years of trying, I've kind of given up on finding that brand of love though, and usually just hop into bed because I know that's all I can get. And it's better than nothing I suppose. Would rather an hour of pretending to be important to someone than a lifetime of nothing.

Best of luck to you though girl, congrats on finding one that will actually stick around longer than an hour. I'm really jealous lol.

Thanks. I know it will hurt when I fly back home. But for me, I feel like I need "closure" with my feelings for her. Even if we just kiss, yes it would hurt for a long time. But I want to have that kind of experience with someone I hold so dear. even if none of that happens, I just hope she never forgets me, and like you said, that she holds me in a special place in her heart. Because I know she has a special place in mine. I just don't want to become just " a normal friend"
Thank you so much for responding. If i can give you some more background info.

We both agreed that we were each others best relationship. She loved me first before i loved her back. I was actually her 3rd relationship, 5th guy(what she told me, gotta take it with a grain of sand). I fucked more girls then she has guys. We had a most wonderful honey moon phase.

When i tried breaking up with her before because her sister harassed the fuck out of me in july, she was very upset and cried that i meant that ill break up with her. She said she needed me as the only break away from her crazy house and family situation.

In the end, i fucked up with being too rewarding, caring too much about her life over mine. Girls naturally get used to and bored with it. Though she may have become bored, she was very loyal. Her folks respect me alot, and her mother even told me to calm down. Her sister just hates seeing anyone happier then her.

Before we met, we were both utterly depressed. She really liked that i talked about ideas instead of petty shit that shes surrounded with. Despite being the 2nd oldest sister, she took care of EVERYTHING her mother and older sister should do. She was the most responsible person in her family, even more so then her deadbeat father.

I know it's over, which im actually relieved in a way, but i cant help but still feel for our friendship. From what i told you, do you still think i should hit her up at all?

Thank you again
Sounds like how i met my wife.

>Started as a ONS
>booty call and spend the night 2nd day
>Brunch 3rd day
>Gone for work a week
>pick things up again when i got home
>fuck like rabbits on viagra two days straight
>went on actual sinnerdate
>gone for work for 5 weeks
>naughty emails and texts during
>get home on 5 week vacation
>she stayed at my place during
>official gf/bf
Thay sucks. I had given up and was content with just myself and my cat. I have pretty fulfilling friendships and work. All the guys in my past just faded away. At least can say I slept with a guy that treated me like an absolute queen. Not sure how old you are, but I'm mid thirties, so it's not quite over. Internet hugs.
Hah well I'm a chick looking for the grandson :P lol
But yeah, I've been working on myself for the past 3 years. Dropped a bunch of weight, started taking care of myself physically, now I'm just trying to take care of myself socially. College is hard though when you're behind socially. Didn't do any of the freshman shit, kept to myself until just recently, everyone's already got an established group of friends by now that's hard to inject yourself into. Doesn't help that my college only has sports inter murals that you have to try out for (ergo you have to have some sort of skill or background in it), and greek life, which I can't afford and frankly the sororities only attract the most insufferable types of women anyways. There aren't really any social or "for fun" clubs.
That's made me so happy to hear. What an awesome story. I like this guy a lot and I'm okay with him being gone because I have my own life and it keeps things fresh. He's also quite dominant which os good because I've not found a man who can take what I give and give back equally. What do you do, if I may ask?
Yeah, idk some would say I'm pathetic to have made this my life's goal, but the only thing I've ever wanted out of life was to someday be someone's adoring waifu lol. I don't care for career goals, or friendship (though I do love the few friends I have left, don't get me wrong) It's just that I could never consider myself successful in life if I spent the entirety of it without love. I just want to love and be loved, then I can die happy.
But I'm still much younger than you, probably by a decade, so I know I've got time. I guess when I said I've "given up" its more that I've just given up actively looking, at least right now when I'm at that age of "I don't want anything serious because idk where I'll be after graduation" excuses.
I still hold out hope it could just happen one day though. Maybe like how it did for you huh? lol.
Haha, sorry ! From my own experience, I kept to myself a lot and worked on my own life, enjoying my own company and developing some random interests (crochet to dirtbiking). I try to be as friendly and open to casual conversation and that's how I've gotten all of my friends. Nice part is thay they don't know each other, so I'm never confined to a single group.
How to stop spilling my spaghetti when flirty guys talk to me?
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>I went to the college gym to use the bathroom instead. 3 months later I walked in there, nobody had touched the trash. They just started throwing their bloody shit on the ground. The smell made me want to vomit. Idk how the fuck they lived like that.
Small time. My parents rented out some properties, and one time they decided to go with some section 8 family. Eventually they kicked them out for destroying the property and never paying rent.

The carpet was crunchy with dried up cat urine and it became this yellow mist when we tried to tear it out. Their "special needs" kid had literal shit smeared on the walls that they never cleaned. You get the idea. They let food rotten indefinitely in the crisper, I still have this video of my mother trying to keep from vomiting while she cleaned it out.

Truly hell is other people. The only upside is now I have an iron stomach relative to my friends.
I would very much like to be someone's wife and possibly mother. The last few years, that's been my goal. I work out and have a nice body, I bought a laser hair remover, effective face creams and the rest of the superficial stuff. I also work on my innner self, read, hobbies, educate myself because I want my husband to have someone he can converse with, do things with. I haven't dated for a year, sporadically years before because I'm particular. If you want to be a waifu, work on yourself becoming the best waifu you can but make sure you're happy with yourself first and foremost, that way you don't get sucked into being with someone who doesn't deserve you.
I don't understand people. Like I would never do that shit in my own home, I never understand what kind of entitled assholes think that's ok to do in someone else's.

I'm spoiled and rich enough that my parents pay for my college and living expenses. After my last (mandatory) year in the dorms I asked my dad if I could just have the money he spent on the dorm cost to use for an apartment, because t b h the fucking dorms were twice what the most expensive apartment in the area were monthly anyways. He did the math and figured out he could buy a whole damn fixer upper house in my college town cheaper than 3 more years in the dorm or 3 years in an apartment. So he bought this house, fixed it up, and I get to live in it for free and he rents out the other 2 rooms to pay for the upkeep of the house. (Real estate projects he should be able to at least get what he paid for it out of it when we go to sell it), which I had 2 of my friends, one I've known since preschool, come live with me so I know and trust them personally.
So he went from spending a fuck ton of money to actually profiting lol. Anyway, his main job has been going down the shitter and I asked why he didn't just buy more houses around my college and rent them, because there's definitely a market for it. My house is the cheapest rent of anything anywhere near the college. But he said he didn't want to deal with renters he didn't already know, and didn't have a personal eye on (through me in this case). I suppose I don't blame him lol.
try to communicate with body language more than words. be direct but not spergy
also keep spaghetti in sealed containers, shit is messy
I like privacy, personal space, and time to myself. Based on my few relationships, it seems like the women I've dated throw those things right out the window a month or two into the relationship. Suddenly there's an expectation that most free time should be spent together unless there's an explanation. Contact should be constnt unless there's a reason otherwise, and work seems to be the only reason that's acceptable.

I'm just wondering if most women are like that, where they want a relationship to mirror what I thought marriage was like. Or maybe if I'm the strange one, where I want a girlfriend that's only looking to see me a few days a week, that has her own friends and social life aside from me and mine.
Because they get carried away.
Everytime you slack the thing you had to do becomes harder; the dust becomes dustier, the dishes dirtier, the bed messier, etc. and humans are fucking great at adapting, so what was disgusting for them last month is bad today and normal next month, this builds up to the point they don't do anything more.
Basically, you make it harder for yourself and at the same time learn to not care.
I think it's an age thing. I want my relationship to be two separate circles with about 50% overlap.
Yeesh lol. I just can't imaging not giving a shit to that degree. Like I'll admit, my parents may have to move soon so they had me come home this summer to clean out my old room in their house. It was a wreck, I'll admit because I don't live there full time anymore and there were just boxes upon boxes of useless bullshit nobody needs that have collected over the years. Like I was finding old school work from my freshman year of college, but I could never just let things like food, or gross shit rot and grow in there. My biggest problem is just clutter lol. If it emits a smell, it's getting out of my room as soon as it starts to smell. But I can let old drawings and papers, nick nacks and toys, stack up until its a fire hazard i guess lol
*freshman year of high school, not college. That wasn't that long ago lol
Some guy bought a bunch of little gas burners for some restaurant idea he had which fell through. His ingenious plan was to start using them as lamps to cut down on the electricity bill which left smoke stains on the dry wall which again, we had to remove and reinstall at our own expense once he moved out. Lots of other tales involving more piss and shit too.

Like, I want to believe in a free society but my parents renting adventures have been a good argument against it.
What happens is those type of people remove themselves from society on their own accord. Now we cater to the lowest common denominator.
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how should i go on about asking this girl out considering that she seems to have trust issues because her ex bf cheated on her with her best friend

also she doesn't seem to talk to much in class, i think she just talks to another girl that she already knows but for everyone else she just keeps the conversation short so i haven't been able to talk with her for a good amount of time
I used to work as a technician in the offshore oil and gas industry. Spent 5 weeks on a ship on the other side of the world (Brazil and Equatorial Guinea mostly), followed by 5 weeks off. I left that job after 4 years, tho. Now that we have kids i have a 0800-1600 mon-fri job instead.
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I need help, tryingtext this girl to make plans for Saturday but she hasnt looked at my text yet. I want to wait till Thursday at the latest to start a conversation and the problaby ask to hang out with her. Keep in mind shes said she was down to hang out multiple times before.

Also should i call her instead on Thursday?
>why would we do
What did she mean by this?
You took that "why" as an 'what' but it seems that "why would we do anything?" is what see said.

I don't exactly know, maybe your right but on her snapchat she got a new car so maybe she was texting and driving or something like that.
Well, at least if she gets wood it might from a tree and not another guy.
That's so awesome to hear. I hope things with this guy go down a similar route. Thank you.
Good luck.
When I'm talking to my boyfriend online, he'll view my messages but won't respond a lot of the time, even if there's a question. Something like how are you, or how's your day going. If he sends a message it's completely unrelated from what I've sent. If I tell him something about my day all I get is a seen, he won't say anything a lot of the time. Yesterday I asked him if I could show him a very short video and he ignored the question and talked about something else.

Am I wrong to be annoyed by this? He just says he's not good at paying attention to detail. But this makes me not want to respond to his texts or whatever because I feel ignored, and then he gets mad at me.
Take him to the ophthalmologist
Just talk to him less over text or messengers and more in person or over the phone.
What's the best way to cancel a date with a girl so I can go with her friend instead? I figure she'll hear about it, but "hey I changed my mind and am I'm going with anon" seems really brutal
I don't think there is any good way to handle that.

I'd focus more on not pissing off the girl you plan to go out with, since you're potentially ruining a friendship.
Nothing about this will end well for you. If you ditch girl A for her friend girl B, A's gonna tell B and if B is a good friend at all she'll think poorly of you in the end.
You don't have to go out with girl A if you don't want to, but specifically ditching her to be with her friend at the same time you were supposed to be hanging with her is going to look shitty on your end. Your best bet will be canceling your plans with her, and then going out with her friend on another day.
Yeah, your probably right, I'd hate to fuck up their friendship over something minor. I'll just have to hope she decides to bail out early otherwise I'll just make the best of it. It would take the pressure off if I just want to find out if she isn't as boring as I think she is. But that would kind of make it harder to choose if she was interesting.

It's a live music show, so I can't exactly reschedule.
Ask girl A for a threesome. Girl A will be disgusted and tell B. Girl B will pretend to be disgusted, but will actually be flattered by the unusual request and have sex with you.
I don't think that will work
Then just go with the original chick, suck it up, and then tell her you aren't interested anymore after.
It's just kinda dickish to ask someone to a concert, and then say "Actuallllyyyy nevermind I'm gonna take your friend instead".
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ok so say im texting a girl and things are alright but i want to make plans and i want to be clear about them so I decide i should call her instead of text her but how should i transition from texting to calling? Should i tell her or should i just jump in without her knowing I would?
>When I'm fucking sitting in your lap, looking straight into your eyes, running my hands through your hair, pressing my tits against your chest while straddling you
There are many women out there who will shit all over you if you try to take it further than that, so many guys don't take the chance. It's not hard to understand.
Why did you ask her in the first place?
What if I invite her friend to come with us. I never explicitly said told the first girl it was a date, and I can't really see her thinking it was anything more than hanging out
Why did you ask her in the first place?
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This isn't a joke or an attempt to be condescending despite it's likelihood of sounding so.
Note: I am a male.

Question: Why do you believe that you can speak for a gender? Are there any experiences in your life that have "enlightened" you on the human condition with regards to being a certain gender?

For example, after reading American Psycho, I felt that I had a better grip on vanity through the eyes of a male. But I feel that, when it comes to speaking for the male sex, I can only answer confidently things about my sexual interests. I am probably bisexual, but when it comes to sexual interests, the femininity of a human, male or female, is what I have been most drawn to.

I would hope that everyone in this thread has the ability to respond to this question (even if with basic thoughts or jokes).
>There are many women out there who will shit all over you if you try to take it further than that, so many guys don't take the chance. It's not hard to understand.

This is what most women don't get;

I'm joking, of course.
They understand it. They just straight up don't give a shit.
Ambiguity is their weapon that allows them to justify treating some people like shit, and other people like shit for a different reason.

Shit, why have open and honest communication when you can just shame the guys you like into making a move - despite the public humiliation deterrents for guys you don't like - and best of all, never be called out on that kind of bullshit right there.
1 2 3 4 5 are male ranges i experienced

Almost none go to 1 and 5
Most go to 2 and 4
Almost all go to 3

I can talk about 2 and 4 using the words: usually, most, normally
3 is so common i don't even need to use those words
We had talked a few times through a shared hobby and I thought she was cute. I asked her ahead of time because it was a fixed day event and I wanted to avoid schedule conflicts.

But she introduced me to her friend afterwards and while I haven't talked to the original gir,l since then, I've gotten drinks and food with her friend and we hit it off really well
not sure what ranges your refering to? Are you talking about estimations on a majority/minority bell curve?
Nothing specific, just something to give you a mental image.
I take that back, misread.
Yeah, bell curves of anything i would be talking about.
Found out the girl I was going out with for over a year has been cheating on me for who knows how long... And yes, it was a serious relationship. At a very early point (maybe 1 or 2 months of real dating) she insisted we had "the talk" and well, at the time I thought I was having a good time with her, and I liked her, so she asked me to take her seriously and be her boyfriend, so I did.

She seemed to want things to move on faster than I was comfortable with in the beginning (she wanted me to meet her mom when we had only been going out for like 2-3 months), and I kinda resisted, but when we got to about the 6 month mark, it seems like things got turned upside down: I was the one pushing for more serious things (I asked her about meeting her mom several times, then I asked her to meet mine), but there'd always be excuses, and she started acting differently... At the time I thought it was because she had gotten a new job, and now she gets off at 10pm every day (I've picked her up several times from work myself), so I thought maybe she was just tired, hence the relative lack of attention (she was just a lot more attentive in the beginning, she'd message me every hour, etc). It also doesn't help that I started school (I work full time and go to school at night), so I'd have less time to see her, sadly...

Anyway, she used to beg me to join facebook and instagram in the beginning, and about 2 months ago I did and I let her know, but she didn't seem to care too much... I'd ask her to add me as a contact and she'd just say "Yeah, I will" but never actually did...

So I looked her up myself and noticed her instagram has lots of slutty pics and weird guys liking them... I also saw her facebook and, not only did she have a different name (yeah, it was pretty hard to find), but she also uploaded pictures I took myself, but tagged some other dudes in them (one of them is not even in her friends list).

cut all ties, forget about the bitch, always bring up social media when you are meeting someone new

So I already suspected something fishy was going on, but instead of backing off, I fought for her harder and harder, and thought she was just trying to make me fight harder for her, but no... the last straw was about 3 weeks ago when I found conclusive evidence she's been cheating on me. Some weirdo stayed overnight at her place on Wednesday, came back the next day but didn't stay (possibly picking something up that he left), I was going to talk to her about it, but then on Sunday some other guy, not the same one, mind you, picked her up at 2am (we were supposed to see each other that night, but I was so pissed about the guy from Wednesday, I blew her off).

That was some insane shit, so I broke it off immediately. She doesn't know that I found out, but the fact is it's insane... I told my best friend, the only person I could ever trust about these things, about it, and he things she might've actually be a hooker/escort/whatever.

It kinda makes sense... We used to work in the same company but she had some differences with her direct supervisor, so she quit... she was jobless for 3 months. she never made that much money, but was still able to afford rent (I even asked her if she needed help, but she told me she was ok), and still go out, buy shoes, clothes, etc for those 3 months, then got another job that doesn't pay that much...

I never gave her money, even though I offered some help... I only brought her dinner whenever we'd meet, and I'd pay when we'd go to the movies, etc...

Anyway, I am still trying to understand what the deal was... why did she tag those strangers as "with John Doe" when she wasn't with John Doe? I took those pictures my self... is she trying to get their attention so they'll pay for her services? What the hell is going on?

I absolutely did cut all ties. Haven't looked at her social media accounts in over a week (I was still curious, but I am not going to look anymore). Last I heard from her, she was pissed off because she didn't know what was wrong... I just told her to look into her conscience because she knew what she did, and she just said she hasn't done anything and that I was a piece of shit, blah blah.

From now on I will check social media accounts first, for sure.
She is a whore, that's for sure; i guess you are correct about the tags.
You do know "John Doe" is a generic name like "Joe Smith", it signals that it's just some random guy. Maybe it was her way of signalling that they're not important/ just a customer/ not a bf/ whatever.
At lease you were lucky enough not to pick up any STDs from this slut.
Her pictures don't literally say "John Doe". I used "John Doe" for illustrative purposes. They contained real names linking to real facebook accounts, including some that aren't even in her friends list.

So you think that's one of the ways she gets "clients"?
>Her pictures don't literally say "John Doe". I used "John Doe" for illustrative purposes. They contained real names linking to real facebook accounts, including some that aren't even in her friends list.
oh I'm retarded.
She needs your financial support now more than ever. Man up and apologize
Probably, it's weird but that's what makes more sense to me.
People like you are reason so many assholes exist. Fucking enablers screwing everything up for the good people.
Yeah, one of them linked to some old guy who seems to be pretty well-off (I do well myself, but I don't own my own company yet, even though it's one of my medium term goals), but he wasn't in her friends list.

I hope you're not serious...
>the world is such a fucked up place that a meme response is taken seriously
There are many people who would seriously suggest that, normal "well-adjusted" people.
M8, there is at least one bitch who will say anything girl wants to hear when they post here.
Enablers have no idea what manipulation means.

I don't even know how to feel, right now. It's a mixture of sadness, disgust, anger, betrayal, disrespect...

Then there there are those moments of craziness when I wonder if I could still "save" her from that life (I genuinely cared for her), but then I realize that I could never trust a person like this... I just couldn't...
Feel anything as long as you keep away from her.
It'll pass sooner or later.

Well, I do have to admit that, although I expected to feel better than I do by now, I do feel a lot better than 1-2 weeks ago... I felt so shitty I couldn't even hide it and people at work would ask me what's wrong... Now I can at least mask it and focus on other things.
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quick question, on Monday i texted her at night and things were good, but yesterday i texted her around 5 and and she only replied 2 times and it was choppy, but her first text was "i work" so i assumed she was at work.

My question is should i text her tomorrow or should i wait for Thursday? Sorry for posting this again but i really need help
Can any females please reply to my thread. What is this "bottom" of the vagina, if not the g spot?
It's clearly not a metaphor
she's not into you dude. Move on. shit's painful to look at
yo why is it whenever I see """"man"""" from 4chan post pics of a texting conversation with a woman it's always a either a) a girl that doesn't give a shit about the guy or b) a woman who's throwing a bitchfit

How do you want to be approached by women that are into you? Since apparently nonverbal signs don't work.
I hate women, I want to hurt them. How do I stop feeling like this?
Just say something to them, anything really. If you can try to get him to talk about himself then he will respond 99/100

What I want to know is how do I find a girlfriend when I'm a very introverted person that has no actual friends
>Since apparently nonverbal signs don't work.
They are either not interested or you aren't giving the signs you think you are. If a girl is being too straightforward, it's a major red flag.
Take control of the conversation you weak faggot. Asking her where to go eliminates the surprise. Just tell her "you'd be surprised" or "Theres one place I'd like to go and you should join me it's going to be fun".

She looks like shes either playing hard to get or just no interested. Be more mysterious.
Me personally? I'm a really friendly and outgoing person, but I'm also completely oblivious to the whole flirting deal. Most women who've been into and successful at getting my attention have been pretty straight forward. I usually prefer a few good getting to know you conversations and then a strong push towards me asking her out (the last one literally had to say "When are you going to ask me out?" before I caught on).
If you want to meme around this is not the place. It's a place people asking for advice. Kindly fuck off to leddit or 9fag where they meme everything up. Thanks in advance.
If you are straightfoward it shows that you won't be playing mind games, even if with rejection i would still respect you.

i heard that copying people is a sign that you subconsciously want to befriend them/etc

so in class today, i was scratching my back and a 10/10 qt was looking at me, and i caught her glance for a few seconds. then she started scratching her back

d-did she likes me? i've caught her looking at me at least 10 times over the last few days in class
So how do I tell if he's uninterested?
>asking advice on 4chan
Does she likes me?*
Not necesseraly, many times i have a scratch and when i see someone scratching it takes the spotlight and itches more.
You should talk to her an gauge it.
Most likely sexual tension going on between the both of you.

>>>r9k is that way
Are you like the elephant man? Maybe she just cant stop looking at the freak show
>How do you want to be approached by women that are into you? Since apparently nonverbal signs don't work.

"Hey <anon>, feel like grabbing a coffee?"

I've had girls park themselves in my lap, I've had girls grab my phone out of my hands to put their number in, I've had girls say their phone is dead and ask to borrow mine and had them leave their number in it, and a slew of other things.

Straight up, if you just ask me for a coffee date or something, there's like a 60% chance I'll say sure, and pretty much no other strategy has ever worked.

But that's just me.
if it seems like he's trying to avoid you, it's probably a good sign. Realistically though, if you don't know a guy, start a conversation with him and if it goes well ask if he wants to do something. Worst case he says no and you eventually stop feeling bad about rejections after a enough of them.
probably a bad sign*
if you catch her looking at you only for a tenth of a second longer than normal most likely she's interested in you in some way. Doesn't even have to be sexual. THat or you've got a giant pimple on your face
oh yeah. i forgot i'm very very ugly

that was a fun delusion while it lasted though
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How would a girl commit suicide? I need variety here.
sleeping pills
slitting her wrists (if a cutter)
>Acquire strong glue and thin, but strong metallic wire.
>Wrap the wire around your neck and something to hang off of.
>Make sure you have glue at hand.
>Glue your hands to your head.
>Kick chair.
Hopefully the razor wire will eventually cut your head off and it will look like you pulled your head off. Even if it doesn't work it should give the people who find you a good chuckle.
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>implying you are not trying to pass a murder as suicide
For god's sake just fucking ask. "Do you want to go out with me?"

This guy: >>17490534 is a troll and probably in league with the devil or other type of satan.
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I'm looking for something more time-machine-y to fucking erase this existence. Shit leaves too much behind for an overbearing and abusive mother to find. Though that last one would be entertaining.

The only murder here happened when a happy child that looked like me stepped on a pebble and fucking carked it and whatever I am now took over.
Well Chirpy, you can take sedative and hang on a bridge when it kicks in you won't be able to keep balance and drown while asleep.
My best mate. One of them at least. Dated a girl.
This summer j met her.
I'm really into her. She's really
Into me. She hates hanging out with our friends(we have our own group) when my mate's around. 2 questions.

Am i an asshole for asking her out? Risking her saying no, and then potentially excluding her from hanging with her friends(my friends as well) as often as she would like to?

Is this a dick move to my m8? He broke up with her.
hail satan
Again, I think you're thinking of a small vocal online minority that never leaves their parents basements anyways.
Tumblr does not reflect real life.
So geeze, the only way to tell a dude you're interested in him these days is to precisely say "Yes good sir I would like your penis inside me please"
Fuck where's the fun in that? Whys everything gotta be so robotic. Why is the art of body language lost on everyone. Wheres the romance and passion in describing to the finest detail everything I want you to do?
This is why I don't get men these days. I just can't get into hand holding to this sever degree where they think tumblr is real life and they're afraid of their own shadows. Guess if I have to explain with each thrust of your dick that I'm interested in you then I don't want to date.
Nice one
thanks m8
[Condescence intensifies]
[Muffled scream echoing in the distance]
Sorry mate it's just incredibly boring and unattractive to me that body language is ignored completely. Maybe one chick in a 100 million is a psycho bitch with crazy signals, but I'm telling you a small vocal minority is not speaking for the rest of us. I got fucked over by a couple dudes in the past who treated me like shit too, but I'm not afraid of every dude I meet.
I just cannot get off on being so direct there's no fun or passion in it. I'm about as upfront and unambiguous as you humanly can be in body language. I just hate the verbal chatter, it's just noise and blah blah blah. Words mean nothing anyways. Actions are what's important. If a dude just walks up to me and says "I like you, you're very pretty" I'm not going to believe it for a second. People lie, people say shit all the time they think the other person wants to hear. If he's puttin his hands on me, putting his arm around me, that tells me the real truth there. I can feel his interest in me, whereas those meaningless words just escape into the air. They have no weight.
[confidence dissipates]
*teleports behind you*
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Ill ask this here. Is it a good idea to date colleagues?
>Whys everything gotta be so robotic. Why is the art of body language lost on everyone.

Because women have abused it enough to be able to send men to jail. Look at fucking California, they're like one legal clause away from needing a contractual agreement for sex.

I'm not risking jail time for one good night from a loony who forgot her barrage of meds and proceeds to scream rape in the morning. Blame it on the "small" vocal minority of crazies.
Welp gg human race. It's been a fun ride. I think it's about time we all die off anyway. We're a bunch of useless sacks of shit I guess that we can't even function as a society.
>he doesn't sign a form of legal sexual consent notarized between both parties along with the presence of a police officer, stenographer, cameraman, and lawyer for all physical engagements
You might as well start stretching that asshole for prison
Only if you get them fired and line up another job for them, works everytime.
Moving to California, that's my fetish.
You can always date criminals.
>Moving to California, that's my fetish.
you can get your asshole fucked in any state
If being able to communicate through and read body language makes you a criminal I guess I will.
But hey, if we're going to apply the actions of a small few to the entire population, then I guess we could argue that the only reason wiminz got this way wuz bc all u menz are such rapists. All men are rapist scum because a small few are right?
It's like you're taking the feminist logic you hate and applying it yourself. You're only letting them win you know.
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Unexpected plot twist.
All men are rapists even though some of them haven't acted on their urges yet.
Not because of a crime i didn't commit.
I've been thinking about something simple to replace the header.
>Don't feel the need to respond to every question. If you aren't getting any replies make a longer post and create it as a new thread.
Thoughts on this?
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kek well it's true. I hate being labeled as a "false rape claim" crazy bitch as much as dudes hate being called rapists. I seriously hate this stupid small cult of feminism that's put so many people into unjustified debilitating fear.
It's better to have 100 innocent men have their lives ruined by false rape claims, than let 1 guilty rapist go free.
I can't speak for other men, but yeah, I need things spelled out pretty clearly. I'm bombarded with images of women doing sexy things as a way of marketing to me. I'm pretty numb to it. Honestly, at this point in life I'm more likely to take non verbal advances or verbal advances without serious discussion involved as the start of a sales pitch. As soon as that happens my response is to be suspicious at the least and downright doubting of motive in general.
That's the exact opposite of what most western laws are build on.
The liberty of an innocent is more important than the isolation of a guilty one.
You believe in guilty until proven innocent, too?
How do I tell if I am attracted to a girl who happens to be asian, or if I am attracted to her because she is asian?
how should you ask a girl for casual sex?
Is your attraction to her based solely on her skin or are there other non racial factors?

Also if you only want to bang her then at least you know you only like her for superficial reasons. That's a start.
ay bb u want sum fuk?
>non racial factors
Does her having a relatively "white" face count? It's basically superficial attraction at this point
>The only murder here happened when a happy child that looked like me stepped on a pebble and fucking carked it and whatever I am now took over.
Did you actually become depressed from treading on a pebble?

Anyway, if you're a grill your superior method of suicide is to become a hooker and take increasingly bigger risks until someone else kills you. That way you'll have the money to live in total debauchery on the way down.
>non racial
>describes face with race
That's not really what I meant, but I guess I get what you mean.
I mean if you only like her for her body anyway why do you care lol? Just pump and dump man.
25 yo beta male. Hot girl way out of my league always touching my arm and shoulder when she laughs (like 6x yesterday). Does she want the d or are some girls just really touchy?
I'm a 24 year old virgin living in russia. Would you offer me your anal to lick if I asked?
guy or girl
Only in jail.
As a guy, on the higher end of average with a confident personality, will women come onto me?

I've been working a job that hasn't really given me the time or opportunity to meet many women over the past few years, but before that in high school I remember that girls typically made it pretty obvious when they were into you.
Believe me, I'd love it if we had 1950s type social mores where if she got in your car alone with you then CLEARLY she wanted to fuck and you're off the hook, not just legally but socially — crucially, that nobody thinks of you as a racist or even a creep, just the perfectly understandable victim, while her own family thinks of her as a crazy bitch. Then what you're talking about would be enough. But at the time we live in we don't have those social mores and every guy who goes out somewhat regularly has had this shit we're talking about happen, or seen it happen, multiple times in different variations. It's not such a small vocal minority as you seem to think, it's not mostly something feminazis do. It seems like most of the girls who do this are "regular" girls except they're bipolar or borderline or somehow otherwise broken in the head so they have to lead you on super hard but then go cold and bitchy once you show interest.Some kind of control freak thing, maybe? I dunno, I'm not a shrink.
Can't wait when you come and sit on my face, and then I'd drill your anus for hours
Everyone always wants the other person to come to them, to do all the work
but I'm a firm believer in "if you want something done you have to do it yourself".
Welp I'm just going to enjoy watching us all go extinct then. We can't even talk to one another anymore, we have to be in constant fear of the opposite sex. Shit's broken and awful. Frankly I'm probably just gonna go kill myself. If this is all that's left of the world. Scared little mole people too afraid to even make eye contact with one another.
This shit is seriously the worst. I really don't want to live in a world where I have to verbally walk through each little step in my life to everyone around me, like if I forget to say something a fucking nukes gonna go off.
I can see the future. "Honey, I'm going to step into the bedroom now. Right foot first, then left. Ok, now I'm going to touch your right arm with my right hand. Ok. Now I'm going to firmly press my lips against yours, I will not open my mouth, this will last 1 second. Now I'm going to sit on the bed. I will turn 40 degrees to the north. Ok, now I'm going to take off my shirt, just my shirt, and I am going to place it on the floor gently."
Fucking Christ, rapist obviously. Bastard whoreson of an autocorrect.
...Don't you think you're sperging out a *little*bit hard over having to say "so, wanna smash?" or to actively kiss a dude in order to get laid?
>We can't even talk to one another anymore,

>I really don't want to live in a world where I have to verbally walk through each little step in my life to everyone around me, like if I forget to say something a fucking nukes gonna go off.


Everytime you kept silent when a bitch said "Men are pigs who just want one thing", you were enabling this shit.

>B-b-b-but not all wimmin.

No, all women do one thing feminazi - and that's keep their own godamn traps shut when they cross lines.
Bitches don't speak up against it.

Know who does?
People ignore them though because 'muh neckbeard virgin'.

You enabled this. You and literally every woman ever has to deal with the consequences of it.

For the record, most men these days, perfectly fine with extinction.
It beats child support.

>Frankly I'm probably just gonna go kill myself. If this is all that's left of the world.

Can't wait.
Tee hee, s*e*c*r*e*t!
>implying girls can tell left and right
>implying the future isn't pathernogenesis
don't you think you're sperging a bit by being to terrified to make a move in the first place?
I mean that's what this comes down to. Nobody wants to make the first move, if the first move means ONLY strict specific verbal confirmation, and at the rate we're going everyone will just sit alone by themselves because nobody's got the courage to do it.
I call out feminazis every time because they piss me the fuck off. I fucking hate irrational and childish women.
And if you wanna play that card, let me flip the script. When's the last time you ever said anything or stood up for a chick who was getting harassed by a dude? I'm willing to bet never.
Do women like being ignored? I've had more success texting a girl for dates once every 2-3 weeks rather than once a week. Honestly, if I didn't feel it necessary I wouldn't contact her at all and rather use my intuition to just appear at dates.
This, so much this.

To a man "heavy signs" doesn't mean shit. As a guy we almost always have to play it safe with any potential "signs" a girl gives off. If we notice these signs (and many men don't) we still need to make sure they mean what we think we mean. As a guy if you misinterpret these signs as showing interest rather than just being friendly we look like a sperg.
>And if you wanna play that card, let me flip the script. When's the last time you ever said anything or stood up for a chick who was getting harassed by a dude? I'm willing to bet never.

Use to, got called sexist, stopped.
If I tried it today, I'd probably be labelled a "nice guy".

These days just walk right on by the local polish neighbourhood guy beating his wife.
Equal lefts and equal rights, besides, she chose to be in a relationship with him and if she really wants out she can call the cops and press charges. She needs a goddamn shrink, not a knight in shining armour. Not my problem, not worth the risk, fuck her.

As I've said, I really don't give a shit anymore. Perfectly fine with extinction.

Shit's gone too far, lost cause. Why even bother to try fixing things now? Can't get much worse for men anyway.
Men act much more cautiously about sexual instigation these days. As a man if you misinterpret something and try to progress it, or make one sexual blunder there's the distinct possibility that you'll be accused of sexual assault. With this in mind men will act extremely cautiously towards possible sexual encounters.
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>Did you actually become depressed from treading on a pebble?
If I'm fucking you through your clothes that's not a good enough sign I'm interested?
Doubt it. You're just making excuses and enabling the feminist rhetoric. Because you don't step up for women they get to play this card of "well we have to assume everyone's a rapist bad guy and nobody will help us."

So by your logic, then when I hear a girl falsely accuse a guy of rape that's not my problem anyways. I'll just get labeled a traitor. He should just go to court and prove his innocence himself. He chose to get close to her, he just needs a shrink. Not worth the risk, fuck him.
Well again, if its gotten to the point where you have to spell out every single move you make, then fuck we're all screwed.
And again, I'm certain that with as much sex that happens daily in the world, 99.99999999% do not end in rape charges. You're probably taking more risk in having sex knocking her up through 3 forms of BC than you are in risk of getting a rape accusation from her.
what is your opinion on guy/girl u only chat with on fb or any chatting platform? can you love that person just be chatting(texting) ? and if yes or no explain,also what are the words/things that might hint that that person is into u? (ofc all of this considering u are chating with someone from the other gender)
forgot to type this question is for males/females
Every-time I see you use "u" instead of "you" my opinion of you drops
Ur just jelly ;)
>You're just making excuses and enabling the feminist rhetoric.

The difference between me and a woman, is that if a woman speaks up, she isn't going to simply be discredited as a "virgin neckbeard".

She'll be taken a little bit more seriously, by both sides.
To me, it's completely pointless and a waste of my time.

>Because you don't step up for women they get to play this card of "well we have to assume everyone's a rapist bad guy and nobody will help us."

Well, if they weren't looking for any excuse to shit on men, then maybe some men would help them. In Sweden they even had #notyourwoman trending for when a man tried to help a woman.

It's a lost damn cause, and they'll have to deal with the consequences of it.

>then when I hear a girl falsely accuse a guy of rape that's not my problem anyways.
It's not.

Until you deal with the long term effects of your genders reputation being ruined.
Then it's you problem.

>I'll just get labeled a traitor.

It's more likely that they'll say you have repressed sexism from patriarchal brainwashing.
Again, even as a "traitor", you'll still be alot more convincing more so than any man would.

Generation "any excuse to bash men" aint gonna listen to a man.

>He should just go to court and prove his innocence himself. He chose to get close to her, he just needs a shrink. Not worth the risk, fuck him.
Though, to be honest, I agree with this too.
Fuck any man dumb enough to bother with women these days.
If we all just stopped doing what we're doing we would either go extinct, or women would have to play fair.

>then fuck we're all screwed.
Some more than others.
I mean, equally, we're doomed to extinction if people don't reproduce, but some care more than others. They've got that to lose.

And you seem to care alot.
Same thing with kids. If you even talk to a kid that's not yours, you're practically a pedophile.
what do people do when they take forever to reply to your text? it doesn't matter if it's my fuckbuddy or my bro, sometimes it just takes forever. I'm not that cool, so can someone enlighten me? I'd give an excuse if I was in the middle of a text conversation and took forever to reply back
Your illiterate ass will score more pussy than I will in my lifetime but my ancestors are smiling at me

Can you say the same?
being lazy is fun hehe
They talk to other people and use social medias. Those fuckers have 'entertainment' poping up faster than they can keep up with it.
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She's just going to be discredited as a woman hating traitor by these types. She will be brushed off by feminazis far more than men stepping up for women will.
>Short lived hashtag campeign from a vocal minority.
Ok. Your point is that there are a small group of people who are retarded. There are a small group of men who are retarded. I don't lump you all together.
Again "Maybe if men didn't rape in the first place this wouldn't be an issue", that's what you sound like. You're literally using the same argument as the feminazis, just flipped.
>Until you deal with the long term effects of your genders reputation being ruined.
Thats why I DO FUCKING CALL IT OUT. Like you should fucking call out dudes. Because otherwise you're adding fuel to their fire. It's YOUR fault that they're able to say men don't care about women, because you are the poster child of what they're talking about.
>Generation "any excuse to bash men" aint gonna listen to a man.
Small minority. The small minorty of r9k will tell you women shou;d shut up, fuck their men, and get back in the kitchen. Shall I lump you all with r9k? Generation of R9K aint gonna listen to no whore.
I don't give a shit about reproducing. I don't want kids anyways. I do want the current population of human beings to stop being so autistically, unjustifiably afraid of their own kind though.
ok I wouldn't know I don't have any social media
>small group

I keep hearing this phrase.

Do me a favour, go pick up a magazine or newspaper. Tell me how many articles you can find that compliment men rather than bash them.

Go to your local university and find a woman who doesn't see men as sex pests or isn't being brainwashed the the 'education' system into hating men.

I could give you a scavenger hunt for finding good women, maybe like yourself.
But you'll fine, you're the small group. Not them.

Everyone pursuing higher education becomes one, every child belonging to a single or divorced mother, every little girl who watches shows and reads magazines like some old harpy they idolize - they mimic to seem mature.

Non hateful women, are the minority.
And that's why they aren't worth the risk.
They're outweighed by the bad.
Yeah, me neither but the people who enjoy them have enough information for 100 lives.
ayy we got dubs
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no one answered before so i'll rephrase my question

i want to ask this girl out but she seems to have some trust issues because in a class exercise we had to write about ourselves and most of her text was bout how the first and only boyfriend she had years ago cheated on her with her best friend

she also doesn't talk with anyone in class except to another girl that she already knows from somewhere

so what can i do to break the ice i tried talking to her a few times but she keeps the conversation really short and that doesn't let me get to the right mood to ask her out
This just in, all teachers and child care workers jailed for pedophilia.
According to one 4chan user, talking to a child that you didn't birth means youre a pedophile, so now it is law. Parents everywhere scramble to stay home and homeschool their children, since they cannot talk to anyone other than them.
This new wave of pedophilia is spreading beyond schools. One fire fighter pulled a child out of a burning house and asked if he was ok. Realizing his grave mistake as the parents looked on in horror, the fire fighter begged for forgiveness. The fire fighter was immediately arrested for his disgusting actions and is awaiting the death penalty.
Ok, I'll pick up literally ANY fucking magazine that isn't owned by jizzabel or is a fucking celeb gossip mag.
Ok, I'll walk out to my university, where women are out begging for sex just as much as the dudes are. That are straight women, looking for a boyfriend or have a boyfriend.
Face it dude, you're using this minority as an excuse to absolve yourself from ever having to lift a finger. Thats all I see here. You clinging desperately to a small number of incidents to justify your laziness.
What the fuck.
The effort you have to put to get to know her and the effort you have to put to maintain a relationship with her will be much bigger than whatever attraction you have to her right now.
bumb this quesiton pleeese ;(
If you're fucking a girl and she says something like "cum for me" but she hasn't yet, is that code for "I'm bored hurry up"?
what if you just ask her what she thinks instead of looking for code traduction
Because I don't have a gf?
>The effort you have to put to get to know her and the effort you have to put to maintain a relationship with her will be much bigger than whatever attraction you have to her right now.

well yeah, i want to know her to see if i still like her after that but first i need a way to make her open up a bit more

i don't know, i guess i like her because i used to have similar issues at that at that age(im 19 she is 17) but since i moved to this new city i've been able to talk with people more easily, and fixing some stuff about myself gave me a boost in confidence, so i guess now im on the other side and i don't know whast to do
What does it mean when a girl tells other people that she has a boyfriend, but not you (another guy)? She kind of swept it under the rug, barely mentioned it whenever I was around. I only heard she had a boyfriend because some other guy brought it up and she agreed. I'm a guy.
Then don't worry about it.

But yes, she might be bored.
Maybe you never asked? Maybe she didn't have a reason to bring it up with you? Maybe people don't feel the need to constantly remind everyone they talk to they are dating someone?
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Girls mostly, but guys too if you've met/been with someone like this.

Alright, senior year in HS started.
>18 and legal ready to mingle
>taking an AP class see hottie
>sit next to cause no seats available
>we talk and see exclaims how she is so smart and is all over the country all the time.
> still talking, laugh, good friends
>lunch comes around and we eat
>cool hobbies, she generally enjoys me being there with her.
>exchange numbers, give ride home
Now here is where y'all come in
This girl is fucking gorgeous like 10/10 white blue and blonde
She sucks when it comes to casual talking. She is literally like a 14 yo. She talks about her Ex's and how many guys she's dated. How she went all over the country. How boys ask her out and get her number, and I hear all this shit coming from her mouth.
Everyone, should I even bother trying anything with her? She knows I'm super smart and that she can rely on me yet this women hangs out with all walks of life (so she tells me) Jocks, skaters, you name it! I don't know if it is worth pursuing and I wouldn't want to end up chasing something not worth it.
Comments, please?
To sum things up guys, everything she says basically is calling out "hey look at me I did this, you didn't." Yet she's so damn easy to get along with, I dunno.
Lol do you actually think that just because she's talking to you that she's interested in you? You're just another orbiter to her
>She talks about her Ex's and how many guys she's dated
this girl is an 18 years old? She sounds like damaged goods. Don't take any shit from her, you aren't getting laid. And if by some miracle you actually get sex out of it, pump n dump.
>pump n dump
You say that as if she won't do it to Anon first
>Private Wilson, will the comet hit Earth?
>no sir, it's just orbiting
Although it may be only a minority of women that actually attack men in this way there are many more who agree with and support this sentiment, and even more than that there are many, many times more that simply ignore it. There are very few that actually speak out about these issues and those people are often shouted down and disgraced by said minority. Rightly or wrongly this has created a sense we men are alone, and there is no one to turn to. This is compounded by the fact that many men are often alone in a much more literal sense. Young men's attraction to women is too often met with disdain or contempt. An anecdotal example just from today to help my point:

>I was walking around my university campus and I saw a group of three girls walking towards me.
>I look one of them in the eye, smile and say "hi"
>As I'm walking away I hear her say "ew, what a creep"

Although anecdotal discussions with other men have indicated that this is not uncommon. It's as though the mere idea of someone who they don't find attractive finding them attractive is insulting. Many times young boys clumsiness when it comes to girls is ridiculed, they are many times mocked and derided for this, not allowed to learn from their mistakes. This is especially prevalent in younger years where the reciprocation of feelings from the opposite sex is much more important. The effect of this on boys in their formative years succeeds in thoroughly breaking their confidence socially. Also, although feminazis may be a vocal minority they have succeeded in pushing their agenda, and many places, especially schools, are taught to uphold their twisted sense of equality.

btw I'm not the same guy you've been arguing with.
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you're fucking right dude. I should not even hang with her anymore.
fucking kek I love these replies, thanks for the adv

but yeah guys, honestly the way I see it is that she is "trying" to prove something to me like it actually means something. But to be honest I don't give 2 shits about anything she says when it comes to her "self-worth."

As for the orbiting part, she was new to school, no friends to sit with at lunch and shit so I played it cool and sat with her but DESU should I just eat with my friends and leave her there?
>I-I don't even like her! Really!
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Dubs of truth have spoken.

what is something that makes you insanely jealous? My now ex-gf cheated on me with three different people (probably more) and then broke it off with me about two weeks ago because, in a nutshell, she found someone better. Now I'm looking for a little bit of passive revenge, and I come to you for your help.
If she's as secure in herself as I am, there probably won't be anything you can do to make her jealous
You should just go to her house every night after she goes to bed and shit on her front porch. That way you know you got back at her.
See, that's the thing, I can tell that deep down she's really not that secure. When things were good in our relationship, she would constantly ask me to reaffirm her good looks. She would ask questions like "Don't you have the sexiest girlfriend" and "Do you think I'm pretty". It was okay at first, but after a while you start to get the impression that there is something hidden beneath the surface.
See, I've done that for the last few relationships that I've had, but after a while it just loses steam/gets too routine. :\
Here's one for women
If a guy took you back to his place and you found out it was a small camper, what would you do?
>See, that's the thing, I can tell that deep down she's really not that secure. When things were good in our relationship, she would constantly ask me to reaffirm her good looks. She would ask questions like "Don't you have the sexiest girlfriend" and "Do you think I'm pretty". It was okay at first, but after a while you start to get the impression that there is something hidden beneath the surface.
I'm assuming you got the two posts around the wrong way. Even if this is the case, she's clearly got other guys giving her the validation she wants. You're just going to look stupid if you try to make her jealous using this.

Oh shit well played.

And you're probably right. In the end, I'm just moving on, but if I can cause some damage on the way out I'll be happy.. perhaps the shit is a good idea. Can't go wrong with the basics.
Because normal, sane people don't live in campers?
>she was new to school, no friends to sit with at lunch and shit so I played it cool and sat with her but DESU should I just eat with my friends and leave her there?

Granted. I'm a dude, and have about a decade on you guys but...

>New kid is trying to talk herself up and share what little she knows (because she's an 18 year old baby) because she's feeling kind lonely and inadequate because she's just moved to a new place where she knows absolutely no one, and is now in a new environment where people have literally known each other for 7+ years and all have their own unique cliques that reject anyone not in them.

Jeez. What a bitch.

For real though, being the new kid in town sucks. Maybe she's just trying to be really basic because she THINKS that's all anyone else around her knows to talk about, maybe she's just desperate trying to come off as worthwhile and impressive so she can get some friends and not get stuck all alone for the rest of her final year of highschool, maybe she just a really basic bitch and really is looking for orbiters.

It's impossible for us to say based off reading some text on a cambodian moving charicature board, but i'd probably be inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt until i'd gotten more info...

But then again you're talking about 10/10 shit so you're probably thinking with your dick anyway, so whatever.
Guys (or girls, or anyone really) how do I make my boyfriend less squeamish when it comes to touching me? We are both virgins, known each other for a year but have been dating for about a month and a bit now.

We have basically been sleeping over every night, but whilst I'm pretty confident with blowing him off and that, he has only touched me down there twice (only for a minute or so) and when I stated that he could go down on me he said it was weird.

Anyway I can ease him into it? I feel a bit odd that its me doing all the touching all the time...
have you, you know, asked him to?

desu he should be all over you
>we talk and she exclaims how she is so smart
No, you IDIOT.
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