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Hey /adv/ this post is meant for me to vent and get some advice

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Hey /adv/ this post is meant for me to vent and get some advice at the same time (I guess)

Part 1: So basically I was/have been in a FWB relationship with a girl over the last year and a half now. About 2 years ago she wanted to date me, but sent really weird signals (talking about a guy she was in love with, etc) so I backed out. Months later we started talking again and eventually started to hook up here and there.

I have always been into this girl and would date her given the chance. At the start of this year her and I talked about giving dating a shot. Her and I went on a date together. A few days later she texted me that she felt weird about the whole thing and said that she just wanted to keep things the way they were (aka you're not attractive enough for me to date).

Over the next few months her and I hooked up a few times, even acting really "couple-like" at a concert (holding hands, her all over me) that one of my coworkers the next day asked me "Is that girl your girlfriend?"
Part 2:

About 3 months ago her and I were hanging out (drinking). I was pretty hammered and straight up told her that I would date her and still have feelings for her. She "explained" that she thinks I'm very attractive (otherwise she wouldn't be hooking up with me) but just feels weird about us starting to date after knowing each other this long (probably a bullshit excuse but whatever).

And now after this embarassing moment I've been trying to avoid her like the plague. Everytime our group of friends would hang out she always brings up how she wants a boyfriend and how hot guys are and it makes me wanna punch my face in with a sledgehammer. I know that cutting off contact from her is probably the best for me in the long run.
Part 3:

It's weird too, because she isn't even really a really good looking/attractive girl by anymeans I don't understand why I'm so attached to her. I have been with/dated girls that were waaayy better looking than her.

And she always acts really salty/jealous when I would go on dates with other girls. When I went on dates with this one girl she told me she was ugly and that I could do a lot better. Then a few months after it didn't work out between her and I she said "Wow she was really pretty you should have dated her" etc. Almost seems a little sociopathic in a way.
Part 4:

So /adv/ I guess what I'm getting at is how can I get over this girl? I know that I have a lot going for me (attractive, going to grad school, talent in various hobbies, etc) but I still beat myself up over this girl. Help?
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Both of you are being stupid. Cut off all contact and stop fucking around with dysfunctional people. Fuck your feelings, you're raking yourself over the coals with this girl and you know it.

If you've been here at /adv/ for longer than 20 minutes you'd see that this board is littered with "how do I get over a girl" threads and they are, for the most part, completely redundant.

You want to know how you get over a girl? You live your life. It'll suck, then the next day it'll suck less. The day after it'll suck a little less and so on and so fourth. After enough days it won't suck at all and vuala, you'll be over her.

This only works if you STOP TALKING to her. No staying Facebook friends or Snapchat buddies or hanging out in the same friend group or catching up every once and awhile to see how she's doing. No contact. Period.

That's it. Thread over. Goodbye.
Thank you man
Final bump before I let this die

I just checked her snapchat story (bad move I know) and she posted some picture of herself with all these Chad Thundercocks. Feel like shit now.
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