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I'm fucking convinced that at the age of 5 my mom forced

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I'm fucking convinced that at the age of 5 my mom forced me to get glasses to deliberately fuck my social life up? How the fuck do I even deal with this shot? I have tons of evidence that she's been working against me my entire fucking life under the guise of 'strong mother'. I'm serious doing physical damge to her to this point. I'm 28.
seriously considering*
Give us your evidence because you sound paranoid af right now
>complete failure

wew lad. the denial phase and anger phase should have been years ago.
I'll try but I'm on a mobile.

>mom,is a literal Fucking loser need mormon. Will literally GASP if she even heARD someone talking about sex
>first day of first grade
>walk into,class
>every girl already wants my dick
>mom notices
>oh hey you need glasses btw lol
>but mom,everyone will make fun of me
>lol no,they won't
>be considered a need until high school,and,a I,get my shot together
and I'm continuing on a laptop because this is going to be long
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>first day of first grade
>every girl already wants my dick
no ill admit to my faults but the recession did do a number on my age group, that undeniable

anyways continuing in next post
heh, nothing personal son
i was literally invited by multiple bitches to sit next to them

anyways, where to start, ill throw some basic contexts out and work from there

>mom is stupid by the book mormon (even more)
>dad died at 4 (mom is loaded from insurance money)
>2 little brothers

so starting with that, mormons have this strategy you see. if there are siblings, its assumed the younger siblings with follow the lead of the oldest and if you can make the oldest sibling as mormon as possible all the rest will follow closely and you'll have x amount of trained mormons with x=# of siblings. so lucky me, i get to be the oldest, with an absolutely brainwashed fucktard of a mom, and at that ripe tender age where its just so easy to plant ideas. gathering thoughts then ill continue
No she didn't, at least not in that way. But some parents tend to try to keep their son WHEN THEY GET OLDER, not when they're all small. You are just putting up the blame for your life as a failure, that doesn't mean that didnt du nuffin but be less emotive and more rational and you'll introspect about your life in a fair way. Hopefully you win learn from these mistakes and not be a shitty father, and less of a shitty son.

> welcome to the family, son
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Forced to get glasses? Is that a thing? If you didn't need them, how did she know what strength to get you?
thats just it though, its not parentS, its parenT. dads can keep their sons in line when theyre older, moms cant. dad was there. thus the need to subvert at an early age. its not just the glasses. its the fact that she dress me up like a fucking goober for as long as i can remember (for context she unironically watches fucking lifetime shit and thinks it legit represents some realistic standard)

if you dont need glasses, but you wear somes elses glasses it will actually fuck up your eyes and you will need them. its just a matter of getting the glasses and fucking the eyes up. but i honestly started the thread wrong. the glasses could be just pure paranoia but if not thats definitely the starting point to everything else
No just stop. She didn't force you to get glasses. I'm sure what really happen was your teacher noticed you were struggling with reading or squinting a lot and suggested to your mother to get you glasses. If this wasn't the case and you were wearing prescription glasses you would've noticed you could see clearer without them, and you would've been having tension headaches a lot due to you having to refocus your eyes a lot while wearing glasses that were fucking up your vision.

I'm sure the Mormon religion fucked you up, but your mother didn't do it just to be some evil bastard that knew it was going to fuck you up for life. I'm sure she did it because she thought it was what was best for you at the time.

Also, you are 28 years old. There comes a time you have to stop blaming your mother for your life, and that time for you has come and gone a long time ago. Grow up.
Do you think he is a shitty son?

so for as long as i can remember i REGULARLY and im talking WEEKLY, would get 'visits' from church people that my mom would have come over and lecture me about fucking church and shit. talking to my friends growing up im pretty clear im the only one that had this treatment. oh and did i mention my younger brothers were sparred this altogether? but anyways, here's what im getting at, you see you could easily argue she's just doing what she thinks is best for me. but here's the thing, there's a certain point where the TECHNIQUE (this case religion) isn't giving you the RESULT (this case a good moral upstanding young man) and you need to give up and try different tactics because what youre doing is clearly not working. oh but that never happened. ill tie this to something else so im going to run up other example but ill end by saying that my straight to make a straight laced mormon well until she lost the ability to physically control (14-15 y/o ish). its quite clear theres ulterior motives at this point
From everything you say about her and her character it sounds like she was doing what she thought was right. Stop being such an ungrateful twat and grow up.

Listen, I am student in psychology. I will not use this as a legitimate reason to prove you wrong. Actually I am not even being professional, that's my opinion based on my knowledge, you're free to not agree with me. But what I can say is that :
> Your mom did you wrong, You remember old days when her decision were wrongly done, and make your life worse
> You are now thinking of these moments and putting back a sort of scheme where all she did was intended to hurt you, as a way to justify hating her and avoiding putting the blame to yourself

Grow up, re-think your own position. I am not saying she's not to blame, without any rudeness from what I've seen she seems very goofy as a mother but that's not a reason to justify your life with it, you are now 28 old, and it's true that these thoughts will not go away but you are bound to deal with it anyway. Don't be biased is my point.
I must know, I've had the same mother, Lived without a father from 10yo and oh boi she was a shitty mother.

I was thinking "in the present", like if his mother is still alive, with these thoughts in mind, he must be a real pain for that old mother who probably doesn't understand what she did wrong.
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Man /adv/ sure is easy to bait.
Yeah, god forbid people try and help anyone with a dumb problem just because "IT MIGHT BE BAIT GUYZ".
now lets talk money. particular money with mom. because at some point parents teach there kids about money right? yours did yes? well mine didnt, you NEVER talked about money with my mom EVER. you know how much your parents make a year right? well if you dont, you know their jobs and could get some sort of idea right? well you better not dare try to get to nosey because shell go absolutely batshit fucking insane if you try to pry into her business to hard. but what does this have to do with me? well lets see, since i didnt exactly fit in at this point im obviously taking refuge in this place called the computer. my little brothers are off riding atvs because they were spared the mormon nonsense and the trama have their dad dead and got whisked off by a father figure close to the family. so what does my mom decide i need? a god damn full sized basketball court of course. so now i get to be considered SPOILED and treated like im SPOILED by ALL my peers. i also get to be nudged one step closer to my true family, oh whos that? well its obviously the wagners (dentist mormon leader guy who wow has a pool and full sized basket ball court) and the nelsons (business owner who has the same) wow we made it! surely ill fit right in! yep, so the deliberate puts me in a position of envy from normal regular plebs and somehow thinks shes in league with lawyers, doctors, small business owners, simply because she landed some insurance money and used it okay (did i mention she had the cash money dolla bills to pay her brand new 3k sq ft house off IN FULL IN. THE. BANK. but decided she couldnt be fucked to tell inquire her children of absolute piss simple financial decision?) yet she hasnt worked a single day in over 20 years yet does nothing but watch tv all. fucking. day. (besides church stuff, which ill be fair is almost a part time job, almost. oh and 3 full on 7 day vacations a year)
You sound like a supreme narcissist.
Oh my god you whiny piece of shit, shut the fuck up.
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I'm not saying it might be bait, I'm saying it is bait.
so anyways. i hope at this point its clear that she's either completely fucking retarded or the way she's behaving is definitely NOT in my interests despite every attempt at trying to make it appear that it is.

let me go on with some smaller examples

when i was in 8th grade. out nowhere, with literally no incident or behavior to prompt this it turns out, wow i need 'counseling!' just so like i have someone to talk to and stuff. but here's the kicker, this counselor sure e fucking nough. is a fucking mormon. who goes to my aunts church. wow what are the odds. the guy whos supposed to fix my brain is also conveniently ideological in sync with my moms whos consistently failed to brainwash me. this went on and off for about 2 years. sometime i literally just played doom the whole time. my mom has a thing for giving mormons money for stupid/useless shit

is that way if you dont like the thread>> try finding a board that matches your interests or get crazy and try something new! i hear theres a board for cartoon porn or something maybe you should try it out!

im sorry but my upbring was NOT normal
Okay now you're just blowing off steam
sure am but surely im justified in putting her in fucking place. NO ONE has ever dared to confront her. its bullshit that she gets away with stuff like this
Go see a good psychologist. You're not here for /adv/ you're here to release the mental tension going on with your life
Very few people have perfect "normal" upbringings. Yours does not sound awful by any stretch of the imagination. You sound paranoid, spiteful, and eager to blame. Your criticisms of your mother are completely illogical, you expect nothing but perfection from her. She wasn't perfect, no one is. Every parent has something they should've done or shouldn't have done, most kids don't whine about it on 4chan at 30 and blame their failures on minisculine possibly imagined slights.
As someone who has glasses, they're necessary to see. If you didn't need them then you wouldn't be able to see shit with them on.

That plus your other comments in the thread make me think you're just a troll.
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>make me think you're just a troll
ding ding ding
its not even just the 'what happened' on its own. its the context of then vs now. when i was growing up mormon was poised 'to be a major world religion! (translated to them as 'taking over the world)' and the ones i was around very fucking much acted like it. look at them now. but unfortantley theyre allowed to attempt

when i was a preteen i was lectured by a random middle aged man that i didnt know very well that you dont use the words dick, cock, penis, your 'thing' etc. you ONLY call your stuff "your private" parts.

i dont remember ever showing symtoms of need glasses, no headaches, hard time seeing etc. troll? how so? if theres something hard to believe about my descriptions then that just shows how fucking abnormal she is.
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