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How do you know if a guy is interested in you or if he's

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How do you know if a guy is interested in you or if he's just nice to everyone?
we need info, tard
Dude from work looks like he strangles kittens for a living, and keeps going out of his way to help me.

Today we happened to be at a coffee break at the same time and I get a call to go work the upstairs storage. He asks me if I've ever worked there before, and when I say no, he drops whatever he had been doing before his break and leads me upstairs and takes a full hour to instruct me how to do the things.

It's not the first time he's randomly gone out of his way to help or advise me with something, and I can't tell whether he's particularly invested in making sure I'm ok, or if absolutely everyone else just knows their shit up to his standards.

A higher-up later on came to apologise to me about being assigned to do something I had not been properly taught. I never complained about it, so if anyone did, it was him.
There's really no way to tell unless you ask someone who knows him really well. Girls were very hesitant to date/talk to me in high school because everybody always said I flirted with everyone. The only way you could have figured out if I was probably if you asked an ex of mine.

Are there any ways to do that save for stalking the SHIT out of him?

He doesn't seem like the type to have many close friends.
Why not just ask him out? He would almost certainly say yes if he finds to attractive. He would also be so happy you asked him it would make his week.
He dreams about his dick in your throat. 100%
How do you make that not-awkward?
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>Dude from work
>strangles kittens for a living

by not being such an autist?

"Hey kitten-strangler, do you want to get coffee sometime?"

if he's interested he'll probably trip over himself to say yes
Just tell him thanks for the help, he seems like a cool dude, and ask him. Keep it simple and don't say any jokes unless you guys have an inside joke between the two of you going.
You do not understand how much he looks like he has killed a man.

I AM an autist.

I've tried fishing up things he likes to have some excuse/leverage to ask him but it's really starting to look like he doesn't like anything.
>You do not understand how much he looks like he has killed a man.
Then why do you want to date him?
Do you want to end up chopped up to pieces and fed to the pigs?
He looks rough. But not like on purpose with silver teeth and knuckle tattoos or anything, not on purpose. Slavic features, nicks and scars, pockmarked face and exactly one facial expression, which varies somewhere between "4 am at monday morning" and "just home from a funeral". I've seen him on every shift, morning, evening and small hours of the night, and he always has that one same facial expression.

It's the sheer contrast to just how fucking nice and considerate he is.
Ask him out, that's how you find out
How do you ask someone out casually?!
Literally that.

"hey, wanna go out for a drink or something sometime?"
But what if he says no and we have to avoid each other in the coffee room forever?

I'll have to quit my job.
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Autism maximo.
If he says no, nothing happens. Are you having a crush on him? If no, things won't be awkward.
I guess I have to resort for the lowest common denominator and ask if we should get drunk together.
That's too slutty. Ask him for a coffee.
Why would he be interested in that?
To talk with you, get to know you more. Why would he be interested in getting drunk?
To talk with me. Men don't talk sober.

"Let's go for a coffee" means "let's awkwardly sit opposite of each other for half an hour drinking some overprised saccharine slurge before giving in to the deafening silence".

"Let's go for a beer" means "let's split a bottle of the cheapest vodka and have a half-joking pissing contest of who has had a shittier life" and I don't know if you were raised better than me but I think he'd be more down for that.
I'm a guy and I talk sober. Drinking a beer with friends works, but if girl told me this, I'd think she wants to fug.
Where are you from?

It's never occurred to me that getting shitfaced together would be inherently sexual. I've gotten drunk with a male friend platonically before.

What else would you suggest to get close to a guy who doesn't like having people close to him?
It's pretty pathetic if you can't talk to him sober, have you ever even gotten drunk before? Or evem gone in a date? Because it seems like you're mostly using your imagination to decide how it'll be. That's not how life works.

You mentioned you are actually autistic, he really might just be being nice because that's the type of person he is. Go ahead and ask him out but don't start planning your wedding.
You're type casting him, no matter what he looks like I can assure you it won't be like it is in your imagination.
I can talk to him sober, the matter is whether he would. Getting drunk recreationally is fairly common around here.

Depends on what you'd call a "date" though. Save for the guy I met online (long story short I was his online crush and it ended horribly), I've only ever met men in alcohol-related situations.

Judging people by appearances alone is childish, and I'm not going to sound very credible here but that's really not it. Just because someone looks harsh doesn't necessarily mean they've had bad things happen to them. He does casually blurt out some pretty dark stuff.

At one point on a break we were talking about educations, and I mentioned only finishing this useless art school I got into for the sake of getting an orphan's pension until I'm 21 (dad died) and he nodded and said he didn't get his fully since he didn't go to school. If I didn't mishear or misunderstand anything, apparently both his parents died while he was still a minor.
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