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So I got a tattoo. Honestly I like it but my parents don't.

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So I got a tattoo. Honestly I like it but my parents don't. The text had meaning in that I've attempted suicide 3 times, one of which was nearly fatal. Of course they don't know that because no one knows that.

What do? Got it last night.
laser the fuck out of it.
>cover up
>Lazer off
>leave it
How old are you? Who cares what your parents say if you're a legal adult.
Lol you fucking retard you could have at least picked a non faggot script

Your tattoo SCREAMS "please think I'm deep"
Who cares what other people think. If it makes sense to you, it's all that matters. Fuck them for thinking their opinion matters
I'm 20. I live with them so it kinda does matter.
Ur gonna want to laser that m8
At the end of the day man it's your body and you decided to get the tat - not them. What they'll have to understand is that you're your own person, not tied to them. They'll get over it in the end so don't worry.
Tell them to go fuck themselves, do you live with them or something? Them thinking anything about it shouldn't have any affect on your life
How can no one know if one was nearly fatal?
>What do? Got it last night.
What is there to do? It's tacky, generic text that sounds like you got it from a fucking fortune cookie.

>muh meaning

No, it has no meaning, you just want to pretend it does.
I'm 19 and live with my parents, but I pay rent so their opinions on my body and choices aren't their business.
Ur gonna need a laser to remove that but don't worry its all black ink and probably shallow depth so it should come off.
These sound like the sort of things you should have considered before getting a tattoo.
in their defense, it looks really gay
I got a long lecture about how I represent them, and that I made them look bad by getting it.

I pay rent too.
>I got a long lecture about how I represent them, and that I made them look bad by getting it.
Your parents are right, but it doesn't end there. With that tattoo you'll give anything you're associated with a bad reputation. Get a job and your employer will looked down on. Get into a relationship and your girlfriend will look trashier.
says "live fast die young". what about when your older? Wont that make you a hypocrite?
>I got a long lecture about how I represent them, and that I made them look bad by getting it.
kek, fuck them, if they raised a kid who'll get an embarrassing tattoo then they have to deal with it. If they'd done their job right you wouldn't have gotten it.

Then he can get another one saying "do as I say, not as I do" and speak from aged wisdom.
>don't clean room
>room gets messy
>get mad at room for not being clean and making you look like a messy person

This is basically what your parents are doing. Apparently they raised a kid who gets tattoos, they made their bed and they can lie in it. And I can certainly see how they did that, because reading this makes me want to advise you to get an even bigger, dumber tattoo on your face just to piss them off.

It's all well and good for them to be worried about it impacting your employability or just thinking it's stupid, but it's just retarded for them to be buttmad that your existence as an individual with independent thought is embarrassing to them. Like you're not a person, just an extension of themselves.

Do your girlfriends need their seal of approval? Do they need to proofread your facebook statuses? Will you need to check in with them before you decide what colour to paint your future house?

Fuck them, make your own decisions, even the stupid ones like spur of the moment tattoos if that's the person you've grown into.
If you like it, then you like it. Fuck 'em.
That's a silly argument. As a parent your goal shouldn't be to raise someone who is going to make you "Look good", it should be to raise a happy human being who you can be proud of, and if your tattoo makes you happy, you shouldn't be sorry for getting it.

It's kind of like how in most cities there are ordinances saying you have to keep your lawn trimmed because if you let your lawn get overgrown it looks bad on the neighborhood. Those laws are bullshit, it's your property, you should be able to do whatever you want with it.
Fuck this guy.
Definitely fuck this guy.

Keep doing you OP. Don't let anyone stop you from loving yourself.
Kek they have made me remove Facebook statuses before.

I'm not super worried about employment. I have good connections, I'm in the IT field, I have a Top Secret Clearance. national Guard and I should have my Security + cert in a month.
Why would you get a big hugely visible tattoo on your forearm if you give a shit what your parents think? You are a moron with no foresight whatsoever.
>Kek they have made me remove Facebook statuses before.

Jesus H Christ, fuck these egotistic control freaks. Draw a bunch of stars on your face and tell them it's a new tattoo just to fuck with them.
Ugh that's terrible.

I would say get it covered with a half sleeve but I don't trust you.
>I have a Top Secret Clearance
They aren't wrong. Your child reflects yourself and your family. Its simple honor.

If you've raised you child well and have good values yourself, you won't have to worry about that.
It's stupid, and you're stupid for trying to kill yourself not once but three times, and stupid for getting a tattoo about it
>Shitty cursive text
>Huge font
>Write down the forearm
Jesus christ OP laser that off and get a proper tattoo
Never ever get lettering or quotes unless its insanely basic
You didn't get the tattoo because you thought other people who like it, did you? You got it because it has meaning to you. So, you shouldn't expect others to sympathize with it, and you shouldn't feel bad if others don't like it.
>You didn't get the tattoo because you thought other people who like it, did you? You got it because it has meaning to you.
But if the tattoo was solely for him, he could have gotten it anywhere He could have employed a bit of foresight and placed it on his chest or shoulder - someplace easily hidden. Instead, he got it on his forearm for the sake of public viewing and the attention that it brings.
I love it when people justify shitty tattoos to people they don't know. If you are actually proud of your tattoo, you never feel the need to prove the meaning of it.
It's your tattoo and yours alone. Honestly if you really valued "meaning" you would have gotten something better than just Microsoft word script covering the entirety of your forearm.
Lol @ ur life
Your parents have bad reasons to tell you to erase it, but they're right about erasing it. It's not about yourself it's about what you want others to see (otherwise you would not have done this shit, I don't need to write shit on my arm for myself to remember) I will not force you to do something, but I'm sure that if you think about it, (and don't let the opposition against your parents cloud your jugement) you will understand how this was stupid to do it.
Im chinese and it doesnt say you tried to kill youreself 3 times. Its an eggroll recipe. Dumbass
Honestly, you could have find another deeper, better, meaningful and less-generic phrase.

But hey, it's your arm anyways.

Your limbs are the most visible points on your body from your own perspective. Your forearm is the most comforable point to look at, it's the classic spot to write test answers for easy covert viewing.
If the tattoo is for your viewing only, you'll never fucking see it on your chest or shoulder.
>Live fast, do young

>Live fast, die young

It makes you sound like a druggie. And now all I can think about is that Kesha song.
It's written in English

If you like it then you like it, fuck everyone else. Throw them an olive branch if you must and be like "yeah, it can be seen as kinda corny, and it's big", but in the end tell em you wanted it, it means something to you, and fuck off. Even if tattoos look like shit, live and let live man.

Also after a month you'll forget you even have one. Tattoos become such a part of you
Yeah opie this is scary. It's either "do" or "de" but because of the font you can pretend it says "die". The tattooist fucked it up and if demand something be done about that
no ragrets
>live fast
>re young
>What do? Got it last night.

Kill yourself, obviously
If you got a tattoo that holds a deep meaning to you, why the fuck would you care if anyone else likes it?
>holds a deep meaning to you
>Something he got off a skateboard sticker
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