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ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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Before you post a question, check here to see if it's already been answered
Keep your questions short for more answers.
And please no derailing arguments.


>Do girls/guys like <insert specific look>?
>Is my body part big/small enough?
>Am I short/tall enough?
>Would you date a virgin?
><random insecurity>
Some do, some don't. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever. It takes hard work, time, and effort.

>I like someone. What do I do?
Ask them out.

>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. This is something that cannot be explained. You either have learned to intuit this or you have not. If you have not, the only way to learn is experience--there are no shortcuts. So it comes back to: Just ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Don't complain that this isn't helpful; stupid questions deserve answers like this.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. Stop overthinking it.
Alternative answer: we don't fucking know.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't fucking know. No amount of your walls of text will fix that.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing

>Someone has made it abundantly clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, <activity in your city>

>Brandon, that one guy who keeps asking about cuddling in platonic friendships and fart guy
Fuck off
How inappropriate would it be for me to ask a girl with big breasts to feel them? I just really love big breasts -- I could care less about sex -- and I would imagine a girl would enjoy being appreciated for being genetically selected FOR instead of AGAINST.
*couldn't care less
That's what I needed to hear. I used to ask black girls all the time, but now I want to ask white girls without being accused of rape.
Am I being silly? I work out a lot doing sports and I don't think I could respect my future SO if they didn't work out or were active as well. I'm already seeing this with a guy I'm dating currently, who's skinny with no muscle..i can't help but think like he is secretly a bit weak and i judge him for that a little. i wouldn't feel safe walking around the city at night with him. I don't want to punch him but if I did I could probably knock him over
No I'd want my girlfriend to be active too, it's a normal desire.
Let him know, or else you'll be stuck in a relationship with someone you don't respect
That's not silly, that's biological gender roles. Your brain is hard-wired to be naturally attracted towards a mate that is stronger than you. You will continue to feel this way unless you take a psychological branding iron to the brain, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. If your husband isn't strong in his personal habits, then he can't instill fitness into your potential children, which means they in turn will also be weak.
Girls: how weirded out would you be if a guy asked you out who you know has previously asked your fiend out over a year ago? Would that make him look desperate to you?

You're right. Yes. I want my bf to be stronger than me. I've only been on a few dates with him, but he did invite me to go hiking, so there may be a chance. I already told him sorta jokingly he should check out the gym and get some biceps, which he seemed open to, so we'll see if anything happens.
If he's willing to put in the effort to improve to make you happy, then give him a chance
What's the best way to ask if you're interested without making it like an ultimatum? Girl I like is giving me mixed messages. I've asked her out but it went hot and cold and I walked away from her but she strung me back in.
Be cool and charismatic to the point where she offers herself to you rather than you having to make some awkward proposal to her for her affections.
I'm a pretty chill guy to the point were other girls (even ones I'm not dating or pursuing) tell me how much they like that about me. I feel like I'm charismatic because I make friends pretty easily and when I am interested in a girl they usually do end up making the first move. But this girl seems really shy or reserved at times. Maybe it's just an incompatibility.
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My gf's ex-bf has a significantly bigger dick in terms of length and girth, does sex with me feel worse? I don't know how vaginas work.
Question for girls

Have you heard/do you enjoy of any of the following?
>crash bandicoot
>banjo kazooie
>cave story

If you answered yes to any of these where the hell are you and why can't I find you?
>Liking good games
Pretend you enjoy garbage like The Sims or touhou and you'll be rolling in pussy.
Yes, should have found a virgin bro
Girls: do you want a male best friend?
My boyfriend is my male best friend.
I haven't been talking to this girl for very long but I can't shake this feeling that I'll never be able to connect to someone like I have to her. We're just so similar it's amazing
This and only this, always. A male best friend is only acceptable if you're single. He slides into a lower spot once in a relationship.
Me and this girl have been on two dates, made out etc. I really like her, more than Ive liked any other girl and I cant wait to see her again when im not with her. How do I tone it down as to not scare her?
>We're just so similar it's amazing

See.... that's not always a good thing. In fact, if you got involved, that's likely to become the exact source of conflict...

My best friend is female, and I know if we were in a relationship, one of us would end up wanting to kill the other after a week.

The reason I love my girlfriend is she's similar enough in all the ways that we get along well, but also completely different in ways that keep me engaged, keep me challenged, keeping me feeling like I'm with someone who has their own life, their own identity and is someone who can help me grow as much as I help them.
I've seen very few people interested in Touhou in the real world, feels like mostly a chan thing. Rather I see women obsess over MMOs like WoW and XIV.
Not particularly? I mean my best friend doesn't get chosen on a gender basis.
Guys, what do you think of a girl who has small boobs and doesn't wear a bra? I'm hoping to hook up with a guy I like, but I hate wearing bras and won't do it unless the shirt is form fitting. Does it make me seem slutty? He knows I'm a shy person who doesn't sleep around.

In my opinion nah, but that's just me, and while I'm the kind of guy that's buttons up and wears more layers than not, I'm also not uncomfortable/squeamish/instantly turned on by exposed body parts/undergarments/whatever in general so *shrug*

Not sure what the skew on this is going to be on the board desu... Too many people will zero/limited contact with women
Guys: tell me your style. What do you wear on a day to day basis, what are your favourite colours to wear, how would you dress for a date, what do you wear around the house etc.
Doesn't seem slutty to me desu
This. It's the best.
Someone just asked me out on a date and I have never been on one. What the fuck happens during a date? What do I talk about? What the fuck?

Additionally, are text conversations supposed to be slightly stilted when you first start texting? I'm starting to think maybe I'm shit at this (most likely) or boring (second likely option).
>Guys: tell me your style. What do you wear on a day to day basis,
Collared shirt, sleeves rolled up. Blue is my favorite, sometimes pink. Some styles tucked in, some out
Fitted Jeans
Black Wingtip dress shoes (unless I know I'm working out in the field that day, in which case I have a pair of black rockport boots)
Dress belt
Stainless steel watch (the exact one in pic)

>what are your favourite colours to wear,
Lots of blues, whites, occasionally pink. My gf has been trying to get me to wear black all black, but unless it's on a suit, I just think it looks weird.

>how would you dress for a date,
Exactly the same.

>what do you wear around the house etc.
Pretty much exactly the same, or else PJ's/just an under shirt.
Suit all day basically, since it's expected for my line of work, though I do like it. Preferably light beige, or mud colours in summer. Maybe blue or a sort of light anthracite. In winter rather darker colours, grey and dark blue, violet ties oftentimes. Bespoke shirts, not too crazy, usually monochrome and fitting the suit (duh) but occasionally striped.
Around the house I usually just wear jeans and a shirt, or some comfortable pants with a dressing gown.
Never wear black on black unless you're at a funeral or, worse, an accountant.
Sweatpants and t-shirts, sometimes button ups and sweatpants or basketball shorts

at home I'm NUDE at ALL TIMES bb gurl ;)
I don't care. It would probably help out with nothing to unhook.
>What do you wear on a day to day basis
T-shirt, fitted jeans, and sneakers
>What are your favorite colors to wear
Black and/or grey
>How would you dress for a date
It depends on where the date is. I dress appropriately for the place I'm going to.
>What do you wear around the house
The T-shirt and jeans, minus shoes and socks.
I don't really care one way or the other. Meat jiggles, if you're dressing appropriately its nothing to be concerned about imo.
No, vaginas don't get stretched permanently after they are fucked by a large penis. They are pretty elastic - a baby passes there and they get back to normale size.
My guilty pleasure is Hawaiian shirts. Day to day I tend to keep it simple with jeans and tshirts. I rarely dress more formally than that if its not required.

I feel like /fa/ would have a field day with me.

You do something, you talk, you get to know each other. That's why I prefer to invite them to activities, to compensate for gaps in conversation.The more you over think it the worse it will be.
What do if you only find a specific genetic illness visually attractive?
Sorry, Darwin, I failed you.
are you into wheelchair girls?
Which one?
I have a really close male friend, we were friends while we were single and we are still as close as we were before. My relationship with him never changed during the years.
The title of "best friend" is a bit childish.
/ksg/ plz go
Which results in abnormally tall dudes, there are several.
Would you be more touched if a guy was nice to a girl simply because he was platonic friends with her or a guy was nice to a girl as he has romantic feelings for her?
They just corrected you. No, most girls are not going to be okay with you asking them to feel up their tits. Girls with big tits are already used to them garnering a lot of attention, they are not going to be pleasantly surprised and flattered that someone wants to grope them.

Some girls will not give a shit or just think you're odd and leave it at that, but know that it IS an inappropriate question and some people will respond in kind. Rape accusations are a bit far though, tumblr isn't the world.
If it makes you feel better, by virtue of being a woman, you're almost certainly weaker than he is.
you're not even attracted to women apparently so your opinion sort of doesn't matter
>over a year ago
No, you're fine.

Not necessarily. First there is the aspect of penetration. All girls like feeling full, but like dicks vaginas differ in size so what is pleasantly full without hurting/being uncomfortable depends from woman to woman. This is regardless of vaginas increasing in depth when aroused, some women just have a shorter one than others. Same for narrowness. So whether purely looking at this your ex was better for your girlfriend or not, depends on how she herself is wired.

Secondly, there is A LOT more to how sex feel than the physical part of penetration. If her ex never bothered to get her properly worked up, sex wouldn't feel that amazing even if they were an exceptional fit physically. The whole thing about the brain being the most important erogenous zone.
There's compatibility in "fuck styles" - whether you like a lot of noise or not, your natural rhythm and pace you prefer to do it in, dirty talk yes/no, is goofing around during okay or a turn off, lights on or off, some element of powerplay yes/no, who takes the active role and so on. It feels more "organic" and fulfilling to have sex with someone you are an easy fit with as opposed to constantly adjusting to a partner's differing preferences.
Then there is technique. Stamina or lack thereof, fluid or hampered thrusting, knowing when to do little things (like pull her hair or lick her neck or suddenly flip her around) that catch her by surprise or turn her on more. Attentiveness towards what she enjoys and remembering what she responds to.

And now we're still just talking thrusting. Not seducing and flirting, not any of the many other ways you can be sexually intimate without penis in vagina, not how well and maturely you can communicate about sex, not how much your looks and physique turn her on. Let alone the love itself.

So it is a lot more complicated than the idea that because someone has x size sex with them will be y experience.
>Has probably never seen too much more than his mother naked irl or been to anything like a nude beach.

If it's not doing anything intentionally provocative, flesh is flesh bro. The taboo and sexuality of it is all in your head.
>What do you wear on a day to day basis,
Jeans and Tshirt
>what are your favourite colours to wear,
Black, grey, blue, red, purple
>how would you dress for a date,
It depends on the date
>what do you wear around the house
I drop the shirt and the underwear, keep the jeans
I sleep naked or in underwear
H-how can you stay with jeans without underwear? Isn't there too much friction? Because when I do, it hurts like hell.
Also, why would you stay in jeans, they are uncomfortable af.
>H-how can you stay with jeans without underwear?
I like having my dick free
>Isn't there too much friction? Because when I do, it hurts like hell.
I know it hurts most guys but not me. Is it because I have a small dick ? Is it because I'm cut ? I don't know and don't care.
>Also, why would you stay in jeans, they are uncomfortable af.
Because I can't walk around the building fully naked.
Update on this.

She sent a message last night saying this
>can we consider that i was panicking, and when i panic I make bad decisions?
>let's give us a month and if we haven't done it we stop
>I figured be it now or in three months I'll be sad, so might as well spend the summer with someone I'm happy with

I accepted. Don't if it was a good idea, and what to do now.
I don't want to put pressure on her, so I'd like to find a way to make her know I'm not just doing this to fuck her, even though I have my needs too.
Any opinion?
>Because I can't walk around the building fully naked.
What about shorts, sweatpants?
Also, it's not the same jeans that you wear during the day, right?
I wear shorts sometimes, when it's not enough
No, I use old used jeans to wear at home
Hot* enough
The weather is often cold around here
Girls: Why aren't you asking guys out more often?

There is literally 200% nothing wrong with it and we literally do not ever mind it ever at all.

>Inb4 it's a man's job to ask out at all times

This is fucking bullshit you're not a princess for fucks sake!
Because I've never needed to
Should I call this male "friend" of mine a cunt?
Shold I call this male "friend" of mine a cunt?
Basically, this: >>17233409
Whenever I wanted a guy, I either made a move if we were acquaintances or he asked me out.
Shoold I call this female "friend" of mine a dick?
jeans and t-shirt of any color or dockers with polo shirts, sneakers or leather shoes

for a date rather dockers with polo shirt but not necessarily

at home absolutely the same except some things that are more worn out but are too comfy to not wear
about the boobs: last GF had a/b cups, new GF has D-DD, definitely liked the smaller ones more.

Wouldnt mind you not wearing a bra, would probably rather be a turn on.

As one of the dudes who responded yesterday, if you can't be with her without feeling you MUST stick your dick in her before she's gone, you're better off just leaving alone while you have the chance.

If that's your mentality all you're going to do create massive frustration on your part, and no matter how hard you try not to, probably end up pressuring her to the point she doesn't want to/doesn't enjoy it at all.

If you want to continue on, do it being prepared to never sleep with her. Or else you'll both probably regret it.

>There is literally 200% nothing wrong with it and we literally do not ever mind it ever at all.

Pretty sure there was a girl a few days ago posting about how she kept asking guys out and it kept instantly putting them off.

Not that that'd be true for me--far from it, my girlfriend asked me out first--but it'd be disingenuous to say every single guy thinks the same. Just like with anything else, there are always people who think different
Virgin dude here, question for both.

Is Tinder for virgins?

Should I put in my bio/description that I'm a virgin?
>Is Tinder for virgins?
Tinder is mostly for hookup
Do you want to lose your virginity to a FWB or a One night stand ?
You can find a longer relationship on Tinder but its more difficult
My girlfriend sees regularly one of her best friends. This guy made her lose her virginity. What is the problem? Despite he knows we are in a relationship, every time he sees her he bets with her while playing cards. What are the bets? If she loses, she has to suck his dick, show her tits etc. She has shown her tits for now.

I tell her it is not normal that a close friend does this and I asked her to please tell this idiot to stop flirting with her... She ended up recording this idiot's voice messages on Whatsapp. This motherfucker insinuates I am gay and nicknamed me "grandma's child". Also she says I cannot take pranks well and, as if nothing were, she asks me to say sweet words right after this happened.

Girls, is it normal that your closest friends constantly try to flirt with you, even though you are in a relationship?
>show her tits
>in a relationship
Just leave her, since she doesn't want to respect you.
Do girls pee in showers too? If you do do you do it legs wide stanced to keep it from dribbling down your legs or would it even dribble down your leg.
>Be me
>19 years old, too awkward to talk to girls, despite them crushing hard
>Download tinder
>Somehow match with a model from another country who wants to make friend
>Save model from being mugged by getting my head kicked in so badly that the muggers think they've killed me
>I'm not actually RIP, just too drunk to do anything
>She takes me back to her's to look after me
>Lose virginity
>Find out she has a boyfriend and is a bad person over the course of the next few months
>Stop talking to her for a year
>She hits me up on Facebook today
>What do?
Didn't you make a thread here like a month or two ago?

Not me
Looks exactly like your story tho.
>found out she is a bad person
Well, isn't it a good reason to just ignore her?
No. I'd have to squat down which seems retarded and it's kinda disgusting anyway, my toilet is right there.
No, this isn't normal, abandon her.

No idea, man. World's big, ey?

Yeahhh, I should ignore her, but she's good in bed =/. Is there a way to fuck her without her getting close?
>Is there a way to fuck her without her getting close?
Fucking someone is the closest you can get

How long should your man last in bed for you to be satisfied?
Should I call this male "friend" of mine a cunt?
Actual pounding penetration? 10-15 minutes.

As long as I get to come I'm pretty satisfied with anything. It doesn't matter how long he lasts, if he's willing to go down or use his fingers to get it done if he comes first. That said, I can come multiple times in a short period of time, so the more the better, obviously. Basically, it depends on the girl you're with, so experiment.
Can someone please reply to my post?
Girls, I want to touch a vagina!

Please present your vaginas!
Would you girls run if your best friend asked you whether you wanted to be together?
>how would you react?
The PiV sex is not THAT exciting. I'm more interested in doing other stuff. That's basically just for him to get off, so i don't care how long it takes. But if he takes too long, my horny-curve might drop down and make it hard for me to cum later. I actually love it when he cums pretty fast, but i got a slight premature ejaculation fetish, so take that with a grain of salt
I don't have close male friends, because that's exactly what happens every time

I'd freak out, unless there had been flirting or something of the sort beforehand. It's always a bad idea to just ask this out of the blue, but even worse if it comes from your best friend who genuinely love, but only as a friend.

This happened to me once when I was 17 and I just stammered something vague like "we'll talk later" and then we pretended it never happened, but it was awkward as hell. Flirt, joke, make her first see you romantically before you make the move, that's my advice.
Preferably for the ladies:
I met this chick about 6 months ago. We text every day, she starts a lot of those conversations, she’s comfortable around me, SUPER flirty. She also regularly asks for my advice and calls me to vent about problems, and genuinely trusts and appreciates our friendship. We hang out quite a bit now.
When we met, we both were interested in each other, but school in different states and work schedules got in the way. So we just never got together. So recently she tells me that at her job, she met her boyfriend (who she’s known for about 3 months). Which makes me feel like I kind of got sidelined, but I’m figuring: “We just never had good physical proximity. Shit happens, I’m okay with being friends, move on.” So we still talk, we’re still good friends, and she definitely knows I’m still interested; albeit her friend.
She’s had a few bad relationships before her current one, and she tells me about how her boyfriend worries her. He just went on a solo vacation with his female friend of 10 years to Disney world, which makes her really uncomfortable. From what she tells me he seems too close-minded and not nearly devoted enough. She’s worried he’ll cheat. She always talks down about him and has a fight almost weekly, but for some reason still holds on, probably a dependence thing?
She’s looking to change jobs, which will get her away from her boyfriend and I’m not sure how to gauge our friendship. I can’t tell if she’d still be interested in me, considering the nature of our friendship now, or even if she’d leave her boyfriend.
tl;dr: I think she might leave her boyfriend, she used to like me, am I friendzoned?
Are you me?
>mfw this guy gets technique
>mfw just exited relationship with selfish guy who claimed men just think about cumming and i'd never find a guy who cared about technique or compatability.
I'm not sure what this post is trying to convey.
There's not another x or y out in your area that has technique?
Thoughts on asking someone out I haven't seen in 6 months? They've messaged me a few times since then, most recently a few weeks ago.
That is so abnormal. You don't want to hear it, probably, but he's not doing anything wrong. Your girlfriend gave him the green light to act this way.

I've never had a male best friend, but I had male friends at the beginning of my relationship. Really short lived... The moment I get a boyfriend, they start flirting with me and saying douche things about my boyfriend. I told them to fuck off right then and there. And I started ignoring them. We weren't close enough to "talk through it" or whatever. Even if we were, I'd probably still tell them to fuck off and stop hanging out with them. Because no one says shitty things about my boyfriend. Those are fighting words. Even if I'm a girl and they're a guy. Even if another girl said something shitty about my boyfriend, oh hell no..

Your girlfriend has failed to protect you. She allows this guy to assert dominance over you. Once you are in a relationship, you should be number one on the social ranking of her life. Of course she could have friends, but if friend's being a fuccboi, then she should put a stop to that. She has not, so you have a clear indication of where you are on the list now.
How bad of a gf am i if i take hours to respond to my bf's texts?
Girls or dudes who have dealt with this in a relationship.

In the beginning of our relationship my girlfriend would tell me when she got cat called or hit on or whatever, I assume to get a reaction out of me so I brushed it off. It's annoying to me, though, because it screams insecurity. She just did it again, seemingly out of nowhere. She's not a knockout , so I'd honestly be surprised if it was an actual occurrence. What does it mean and what do I do?

Tell him why. I assume you feel overwhelmed? Not everyone should text immediately, and people also lead busy lives. I swear people just don't communicate with their partner/friend/family member anymore.
I don't have a reason other than "i need time for myself and don't feel like it", which is a pretty shitty excuse and he might assume i don't care about him, which is not true.
I tell my boyfriend this to vent usually. Like I was having a really crappy day and to top it off some fuck is fucking with me. I guess I just want him to acknowledge my frustration.

There was one incident though, a few years ago, where I was stalked on the bus by some same dude who kept cat calling me, he'd aggressively try to sit right next to me on the bus, approach me constantly, and when I'd get angry, he wouldn't stop. I'd go full bitch mode to this guy and he wouldn't stop, I pushed him away from me once because he got to close and yelled, attempted to make a scene on the bus but everyone ignored. I'd call my bf and talk to him on the phone while this happened, I guess for safety feelings.

My boyfriend's friend coincidentally saw this guy bugging me. I told bf's friend that this guy has been stalking me despite my attempts to tell him to fuck off. Bf's friend told bf to just come with me on the bus to tell this dude to fuck off. And my bf didn't. That hurt my feelings and my bf's friend thought that was fucked up. For a whole semester, this dude bugged me. And my bf, reacted similar to you, annoyed, unsure of how to respond. I just wanted him to come with me one time, and if this guy tried to bother me again, I just wanted bf to stand up for me when everything I did failed...

It's hard feeling so vulnerable, feeling that any guy being a creep can just catch me alone, overpower me, rape me, grope me, etc. We want to feel like our boyfriend's would protect us in this situation. That is what we want you to reassure us with.
We're not in college though, there's no reasonable way for me to do that. She's not telling me about some creep, she's just saying like "I got cat called today and gave him the finger!" Like, cool, where do I go from there?
Girls, can goofy guys be attractive, both behavior and appearance wise?
I am very goofy, I even have a goofy ass face.
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Do you have a legitimate reason? I don't expect prompt responses if she's working or something. But if you're just ignoring him for good no reason I'd be pretty pissed in his shoes.

This reminds me of that greentext about how a girl blew a guy in front of her bf when she lost a game of beer pong or whatever. Abort m8

>It's hard feeling so vulnerable, feeling that any guy being a creep can just catch me alone, overpower me, rape me, grope me, etc
My boyfriend's goofy. I guess in a fashionable way though. He dresses strange, but it looks good on him. He's got a full beard and hair longer than mine. Overall, he looks very different than the norm of how people dress here, and I like that about his appearance.

He's got a strange and morbid personality. A humor that most people find offensive. Not like, racist or anything though. I love these things about him. A strange person that can make me laugh is literally 30 times hotter than any other person.
its quite demeaning to get cat called by others, maybe its the way she dresses?
if anything dont deny her when she vents about these things, ask more if she recognises them and if she knows how to defend herself. worst case would be that they see her as a target and goes after her. dont you want her to be safe?
>C O N C E A L C A R R Y
I can't own a gun for three more years because I have a 51-50 record from going to a mental institution in my late teens.
Then fuckin' tell him that! I don't like to text often either, I don't have a gf right moe, but I still don't text often with friends.

Tell him you are sorry about not texting and any stress you may have caused by just ghosting him. Then explain that you like to be alone and love him, blah, blah, blah. It's normal for people to be alone in a relationship, people also have their individual identity outside of the relationship. If you're worried that he's worried, then let him know. Obviously you're not cheating, just be honest.
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>I can't own a gun for three more years because I have a 51-50 record from going to a mental institution in my late teens
There are alternatives
She was walking in one of the safest, richest towns in our state. It's not about safety, she's completely safe. It's why do I need to hear this information? I view it as a validating interest for attraction, if she was worried for safety she would message me differently as I've gotten frantic messages from her before regarding other issues or instances. I think you're really hard-applying your instance of a true creep to this being a more frequent occurance in different areas, none being safety concerns.

Me and this girl have been casually dating for months, we are both interested in a serious long-term relationship and somewhere down the road we both want to get married and have kids.

She phrased it differently than I will, but basically before she commits to me in a long-term relationship, she wants to "take a break" A.K.A. sleep around to get it out of her system before settling down.

I really like her so it's not a deal-breaker, but I would much rather not have her get gangbanged by a bunch of random frat guys right before we start seriously exclusively dating. Is there anything I can do here to stop this bullshit?
Possibilities include venting, trying to make you jealous or "purging" if she feels shameful about liking the attention, so she tells you to not feel guilty. However, at least to me the most likely thing seems (if she does it in a cheery way, not "this guy hit on me and he was pushy and I felt so awkward") that she kind of enjoys the attention and she kind of expects you to share in her glee because you have a girlfriend who gets hit on. I think in general women underestimate how much most guys don't like to hear that shit, but make no mistake, there are definitely men who are proud and/or aroused by being with a woman who garners attention from other men.

Other than jealousy, the most negative (and to me somewhat less likely) explanation is that she's doing it to artificially boost her "worth" and make you realize she has other suitors interested. Maybe she feels like you take her for granted or don't show enough attraction/affection... although if this is the reason, there's no excuse regardless of motive.
>I don't have a reason other than "i need time for myself and don't feel like it"
This is a strange reason. I am straight-up schizoid (ie I dont have friends and i often get the urge to drop my phone in a storm drain so nobody would pester me with any stupid shit), yet I still respond immediately whenever possible.
I suppose I consider it a courtesy, a matter of respect for the other person. Can at least take 30 seconds to answer their text if I'm not busy.
>he might assume i don't care about him, which is not true
Why isn't it true, though? If you cared, wouldn't you respond promptly, because it'd be high on your mental list of things to do?
>its quite demeaning to get cat called by others
Curious about this. What makes it demeaning? The vulgarity? Disregard for relationship status?
And is it always demeaning?
People, is being afraid of talking to people justifiable?
I have had this shit all my life when i try to say something nice i say it then 5 min later realise that it had ironic mocking second meaning.
Wtf is this.
Is it something subconscious?
I think it should be a dealbreaker. Even if you don't care too much about her having sex with others, you have only been dating for months. The situation where you are wanting to date her so much that you'll wait for her to be done with other guys, while she apparently doesn't want to date you enough to not have to throw in a BIG disclaimer clause, gives me the impression that she does not like you as much as you like her.
I also very much hope that you meant that a family is in both of your future plans, not that you want to marry each other after casually dating for some months.

Another thing to consider is how she will view you after the casual sex. I believe that people in some essence remain kids in that they'll push other people's boundaries and whine for them to act like a doormat, but once you go along with this, they no longer respect you and will lose interest down the line. I think you should value yourself enough here to tell her that this is the situation: you're all in emotionally, and if she's not, you're not going to wait around for her and put your life on hold until she's done prioritizing other things.
You're overanalyzing because you're anxious and don't have enough experience to put things into perspective. I have run into the same thing very often. The thing is that even if people take it the wrong way, you can usually tell and they will see that you are sincere and unpleasantly surprised.

For most people (and definitely those worthy of your time and attention) what matters is the intention. If they like you and can tell that you're a good person, you respect them, you enjoy their company, you can get away with a lot of awkward miscommunication or tense or boring moments.

But the only way to really internalize this is to get more experience, including experiences with fucking up and the world not ending.
It isn't justifiable with everyone Some, like me, don't get offended or insulted and don't attempt to 'read between the lines', so it's pointless being afraid of talking to such people or "filtering out" things you might want to say, because there's no way to actually screw up. It's like sparring with a guy wearing a suit of armor: go nuts, you won't hurt them.

However, people like me are afraid of talking to normal people because the flip side is that we have no way of instinctively knowing what offends, angers, insults, or hurts you. We know words can hurt, but we can't tell when or how, so we are very careful with them, for the same reason blind people are very careful with knives.

Is that justifiable? I'd say 'somewhat'.
On one hand, emotionally wounding people is bad and I prefer to avoid it. I know I won't be able to guess what will wound them before I say it without analyzing everything in detail (which impairs conversation flow), and that i also won't be able to tell by their reaction, so the best way is to avoid honesty/bluntness with people who aren't solid friends (who will know i'm not mocking or insulting them).

On the other hand, I also feel guilty for worrying about other people's feelings as if they're fragile crystal sculptures or delicate manuscripts that must be carefully protected: this feels patronizing and insulting in itself, especially to girls.

So my advice is, first of all, to actually think about you're saying before you say it: most people can tell if something sounds insulting/mocking/etc.
And second, think harder around people who are easily offended, and less hard around the opposite.
I pee in the shower occasionally. Nah, the hole is naturally positioned inbetween both legs, so the stream won't touch you unless you're purposefully standing with your legs together. Even of it does, you're already under the shower anyways.
This >>17233409
What do you do when your gf is mad at you for a stupid thing

It's not just about safety and a man needing to be stronger than a woman, it's about finding someone whose lifestyle and passions are compatible to yours. It's fine to want someone who's as active as you.
Anon, yes, i agree with what you wrote, with people who don't get offended easily it goes normal.

Among many people though, especially girls, it is common to never reveal how they feel about you when you aren't close to them. So I never know what's happening, until my social friend tells me how they hate me behing my back and so on. It's always been like that.
There are tons of possible ways to be a jerk without actively offending people, so the problem is in me, thanks anon
>>crash bandicoot
>>banjo kazooie

I never fucking owned either of them though so they're always like the holy grail in my eyes. I was that annoying fuck that went to the houses of friends that owned these games and every time I saw them I was just "hey how are you yeah I don't really care DO YOU WANNA PLAY CRASH BANDICOOT?!"

Never heard of Cave Story though.
>There is literally 200% nothing wrong with it and we literally do not ever mind it ever at all.
Speak for yourself.

Girls aren't taught to ask guys out, and generally don't need to. Doing so makes them look like sluts in many people's eyes. Guys too aren't taught how to take being asked out by a girl, and many of them react badly.
Then what do I even say? I brought it up a long time ago and am surprised it has resurfaced.
I have a variety of kinks/fetishes. How do I gauge which ones are repulsive to women?
"Why are you telling me this?" in the most neutral tone you can muster. If she gets defensive and questions you in return, be prepared to have a reason for not wanting to hear it. Try to initiate a conversation with the aim to understand where each of you is coming from and not getting across to her that she's out of line or whatever. If she's a decent girlfriend and you can put into words why you feel odd about this information, she'll stop anyway.
Ask yourself which you can talk about with girls.
Once you start talking about sexual turn ons, start with the milder ones and work your way up to more deviant stuff. Frame everything as personal turns ons and interests, don't insinuate that she should be up for everything you mention.
Usually just getting to know the girl you date will already give you major clues about whether she's open minded sexually and kinky herself.

If all else fails, try mojo upgrade, it's a website where you both fill out lists of sex acts you'd be interested in doing, and it only shows the answers that you are both up for so no awkward revelations.
For both genders, has anyone ever experienced anxiety (the whole nine yards up to a mild anxiety attack) when it comes to dating?

How does someone get pass this? Has anyone taken medication for anxiety? Does it work?
>especially girls, it is common to never reveal how they feel about you when you aren't close to them
>So I never know what's happening
Yes, this is fucking aggravating. Since nobody can "read" me any more than I can "read" them, I make sure to frequently indicate how i'm feeling about something, how i'm interpreting things people say, etc, and I try to explain my thought process in many situations so the other person knows what exactly is going on.
But they never fucking reciprocate this, so I'm constantly left in the dark wondering what the hell they're thinking or feeling, or what impact my words or actions had on them.
It would be easy if I was just an asshole and didn't give a fuck, but I do. I don't want to make people uncomfortable or make them feel bad about themselves or anything, so it helps a lot when they actually tell me what they're thinking or feeling directly.

>Doing so makes them look like sluts in many people's eyes.
Many people? From my experience, it isn't broadly stigmatized anymore. Offline, I've never heard or seen anything to the contrary (and I've lived in the south (US) most of my life).
In this thread, i've heard a couple anecdotal reports of a guy taking it as an intrusion upon his traditionally masculine role, but I believe the guy's reaction is actually what's considered abnormal and stigmatized in such a situation: it would be seen as outdated and chauvinistic.

But naturally this might be different in some places (Japan, rural Poland, etc).

>has anyone ever experienced anxiety (the whole nine yards up to a mild anxiety attack) when it comes to dating?
Of course. This is extremely common, in both genders.
Therapy is a better idea if it's only around dating: benzodiazepines are a more aggressive option if therapy doesn't help.
Beta blockers can be used if the anxiety is centered around something physical, eg palms sweating or blushing.
how should i ask out a friends roomate without making things weird when they say no

everyone but me is a woman
Alright thanks. I probably missed the window to respond because I haven't for a few hours (at work) so it might come off poorly through text. I'll probably mention it when we talk later
Guys, how do you feel about having sex with a girl on her period? I'm not talking about fetishes, just in general?
It's weird and you get a bloody sword. Really warm and unusually wet (entered smooth like butter). BUT I still liked to do it because I know it can help get period out faster, or flush out/whatever the best way to describe it.
Girls: This is a serious question, I just got out of a semi serious relationship with a married women who is "polyamorous". We dated like a normal couple and her husband was aware and we were very nice with each other and the only reason things ended was because of something unrelated to her being married all ready.

My question is, should I hide this part of my past because its off putting to women who i might want to date in the future or should I embrace this part of my dating history?
Depends, whats the stupid thing?
Like, honestly, if I see you checking me out, ifs kinda cute, but when you assume I will like you talking about my ass publicly, because of how my outfit is.
Its like, sure, I get road rage, but it takes it one step farther to yell out of your car, and if you yell out your car, it always means you may go one step further and crash into me, or follow me home because someone cut you off in traffic.

Depends on the women you'll end up dating. Polyamory is not that rare or taboo anymore, so most women will be alright with the fact that you dated someone like that. However, if you end up dating a particularly conservative chick who has traditional values, she will probably question your morals. Basically, don't bother hiding it, but no need to brag about it either.

Unless you count cybersex
>smooth like butter
It's becoming a thing

If you send a guy nudes over snapchat is it basically expected he'll screenshot them?
I wouldn't care and I polyamory is not my thing at all. All I would care about is whether there's indications that you're not going to be satisfied with monogamy.
Socially, no. The only reason to send them over snapchat specifically is so he won't "be able" to store them. That's what the app's for.

Having said that most girls who are over eighteen (and some below) and have a good head on their shoulders will realize it's very possible and going to happen anyway.

I'm not being taught to ask girls out, and yet here I am being expected to do it.
Can't say it turned me off from monogamy but it upped my jealousy resistance.
I'd rather not do it.

*shrug* it's extra mess but I don't really mind too much, I think my girlfriend gets more grossed out than I do really. But then again, my girlfriend ends up squirting often enough I'm used to having to clean up/shower afterwards anyway.

>What do you do when your gf is mad at you for a stupid thing

Talk to her. Getting too old to deal with stupid drama about nothing.
Rather have a red dick then blue balls.
That would work fine for me. Can't speak for everyone else and I attend a very liberal arts type college (~85-90% female) where polyamorous relationships are very hot and relatively accepted. It's not that there's no stigma at all, but a lot of people voice dioubts about whether monogamy is realistic. Although I should add that some of the guys are most vocal about it, you'd wonder why right... Anyway, there are some popular young(ish) thinkers who have written about the supposed benefits of polyamorous relationships so tthat helps I guess. But this is mainland Western Europe I should add, I'd rather not specify the country given my detailed description of the (small) university.
Is there anything in particular that I should do for a date?

I'm just afraid I'm going to blurt out that I've never been on a date much less alone with a male I'm not related to for more than ten minutes.

Thanks guys. I don't think I could be around my boyfriend and not fuck him because I sit there in a total state of arousal, but I'm about to come on my period. I wanted to maybe drop the hint and see how he reacts. If he's all "eww", I'll just have to give him a good blowjob and then sort myself out in the bathroom later.
fair enough, I would prefer to avoid Poly minds in the future for dating. Honestly I don't find the idea of polyamory that appealing since I find it hard to be preformed with out collateral damage. I went into the relationship because she and me were both attracted to each other and it was an option.

It was nice to test my mother's creed of, no matter who you are with, as long as you are happy and healthy.
musician girls, would you like performing and writing with your musician boyfriend? Or do you feel that "band members" and romantics should be separate.
My gf is needy as fuck, shit with money, and generally expects me to make all the decisions in her life. We had a ten minute argument today because I told her "whatever" when she asked what I wanted to eat. This is a fairly recent thing, maybe a year, but we've been together for ten.

What triggers this kind of shit in women? Do you, as a women, know?
I feel you. Seems fair. As long as she's reasonably open minded, I think it should be a non-issue. Some people have a don't ask don't tell kind of policy about the past, but I can't really imagine that, consciously choosing not to get to know all of someone you love a lot. But to each their own, I know people it seems to make quite happy indeed. And the amount of history that you share is something that's going to come up anyway in one form or another.
dude maybe something is going on with her...

just fucking point this out to her in a nice way and ask her if she's been feeling okay and quit being a dick
Why do men complain about their girlfriends and being unhappy in their relationship when they themselves have chosen to stay in the relationship?
Taken on board, I'll have a chat with her tomorrow

I'm from a pretty closed off part of the world, this is just how shit is. You don't discuss things with friends or family, you tumble through and hope to get to the end
where do people typically meet their partners that they become serious with?
I've heard highschool is the main one. And none of the girls from my old highschool are an option. College is another one, but unfortunately i'll be in computer science and there's definitely not alot of girls in comp sci classes. I ifeel like i'm running out of time. 22 and no prospects, aside from the fact im moving to the city in a month.
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To women: How do I attract straight men in the same way you do?
sorry to be so harsh dude

if she insists that she is ok, and you believe her, then i actually don't know what is up with her because that's REALLY weird. especially since you've been together for ten years.
Not me, but my sister met her partner of 3 years on Tinder of all things.

If you can find someone on fucking tinder you can find them anywhere
Q for 4th girls

When you guys fart when you're sitting down does the fart get pushed forwars and through to your labia?
Girls: Can you give a checklist of universal things to work on that ANY man can do to become more desirable?

I know theres such thing as taste, and some guys can't grow beards/get taller. But there has to be some universal things that any man can work on, physical, personal anything.
>learn how to converse
>learn self confidence
>get swole
>never be boring
is being a musician of 12 years, and a computer programmer interesting?

Sounds pretty much the opposite of james bond.
This, plus also take care of yourself. Yes, you can't get taller etc., but work on what you can change. Wear nice clothes, take care of your personal hygiene, don't be fat (you don't need to be muscular, but fat is a no-no).
How you look matters, those who say it doesn't are liars. You don't have to be a model, but show some effort.
having a sense of humor that does not only include shitting on other people is good

hygiene, exercise, eating well, optimism (but not blind optimism)
Failed musician?

Being eloquent, confident and in control are attractive traits in any man and those can be learned. Also, education, being interested in a variety of topics, being passionate about a few things (therefore more interesting) and being kind and friendly to fellow human beings. Dressing well and taking otherwise care of appearance is good. Also, having a few life skills is a must. He has to be able to take care of himself. Knowledge on contemporary issues and some interest in politics is attractive, as it makes a guy seem move involved with the world.

But keep in mind that these are just things that I personally pay attention to in a guy, not every girl would necessarily agree.
Other anon is completely right. If this is so recent that is quite alarming. I know this behavior but only from (insecure, uncertain in their identity) girls who have always been like that.
Nothing professional, but it's my hobby, i'm quite good, and its the one thing I enjoy most in life.

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Is my long-term (3 years) GF trying to get pregnant?

> GF has always said she never wants kids, that her genetics are fucked and she thinks she'd be a terrible mother, sometimes says she hates kids
> Yet, when she's near a baby, she can't help but play with it and squeal, and is actually really good around kids and seems to enjoy them
> One day she says she wants her tubes tied because she never wants kids
> I say that maybe she should wait, there are other methods of B/C and I doubt either of us know what we'll want in 10, 15 years
> She seems upset but maybe agrees a bit
> A few days later, decides she's going off birth control because she says the hormones are taking away her energy (she's right, she's been constantly sluggish since she started)
> Her period starts, fuck without a condom
> Period near end, says I have to wear a condom
> We have sex once with a condom
> Next time she basically jumps me, no condom, I pull out once I remember
> See she's on a fertility tracking website designed to get pregnant, there's hearts for days she's had unprotected sex
> Says she's using it to know when we need to wear a condom
> Uses it every day and seems upset when there's not a 'heart' for every day
> Yesterday, says she's fertile
> I eat her out, and get up to take my pants off
> As I lean over her, she mentions the condom, but in a "we should probably use one I guess" sort of way, and seems kind of annoyed

Am I reading too much into this?
As a grill. Hell no. Please do not ask any girl this. Ever.
Heard of them. Am too young to have played them though/ my family doesnt like any Playstation consoles.
Do chicks seriously agree so much on this shit?
I'm pretty sure if the guys here tried to make such a list for girls, we wouldn't agree on a single goddamn thing
Well, other than "not fat", that one's genuinely universal
Literally had 2 girls tell me I was attractive for being "so in control"

I wear mostly black and muted or faded colors, mostly blues and greys, occasionally white. I tend to avoid patterns unless they're subtle, though I'm not opposed to floral notes if they're subtle. Boots are Doc Martens. My hair is shoulder-length, dark-brown, and curly, I take pretty good care of it (daily argan conditioning + leave-in anti-frizz/curl-defining conditioner). Eyes are sky blue. I look a little like Bob Dylan I guess. Right now I'm wearing some 32x34 black straight-fit levis, my rather beaten dark leather docs, a medium slim-fit striped shirt with pale/muted blue and soft white stripes, with subtle floral touches on the inside of the sleeves, and a black denim vest that's buttoned about halfway up. I'm 6' and 170lb~, not really skinny but not fat either.

Most of my style is like that, lots of dark, fitted, relatively low-waisted jeans, plain grey or muted-color buttonups, a couple vests and coats that are either dark denim or a dark fabric.
I'm a fourth girl who agrees with those things. It's not like universally attractive traits really vary too much, and I guarantee it's the same for males. Among the general population, I mean, not among 4chan. I feel like girls here are more 'normies' than guys, which is why there's a lot of consensus among us compared to the guys.
Well, a few seem to be in common.
Hygiene, aka take showers and brush your damn teeth. Keep your weight under control.
Confidence. I'm a guy, and that's a big turn on for me as well.

Am I right ladies? I'm pretty sure hygiene is for everyone, but is confidence fairly universal?
Confidence is obviously universal, in both men and women. I mean, you see "my girlfriend lacks confidence, what do?" threads here all the time. Lacking confidence is not good.
You're not a musician you're a guitar player
>we should probably use one I guess
Probably got used to get it raw.
You sound like a tool
put down a towel and no oral

it feels different but usually pretty damn great
I play drums, piano, banjo and mandolin as well.
Do women like small penis?

Hey, it's worked pretty well for me so far.
bump for this

roomate is super qt
Try and get her to come out with you and your friend, then flirt.
Overall advice: play into your personal appeal. You are one step ahead if you chase after the image that suits your own interests, abilities and looks instead of thinking of the kind of person you'd like to be instead. People who are attracted to you are supposed to like you, so you don't want to throw out false bait. Don't wear clothes that are loose and hide your body when you feel it's imperfect, find out what flatters you most. Don't desperately try to talk about things you know nothing about, learn how to charmingly tell her she's barking up the wrong tree and talk about what you are enthusiastic about (which could be what's happening at that very moment). Don't take on some sort of persona that you feel works better than who you are, basically, because it's less effort than strengthening your potential. This is btw also what people mean, but find hard to accurately describe I guess. when they say that you should be yourself. Also showing and acknowledging yourself for who you are =/= 100% passively accepting yourself and not trying to grow as a person and overcome things.

Work on your posture. Invest in finding out a good scent/cologne that works for you - and I don't just mean in terms of the image you're chasing, scents interact with your skin in a way that can enhance or ruin them. If you have a serious wardrobe (as in, you're out of the bandshirts etc thing) and some extra money to spend, tailor your clothes. Especially if you have unusual/extreme proportions. Pick a haircut based on what flatters your face shape, lots of info around, not on what you think looks cool on others. Invest in good dental care and smile either regularly or very strategically and charmingly.
Learn/practice dancing enough that you dare to do it out in public, even if it's just goofing around for a minute in a place with music. Learn to cook at least a few dishes (great date down the line to cook together). Be able to both be a good speaker and a good listener. Go to events (semi-)regularly so you can tell people about things you saw/people you met and help your social skills, it will also (if you don't have that already, sorry for the assumption but it could be relevant for someone who reads this) render you a life if you invest in these things and sort of socially "networking" from time to time. That is the ultimate thing to work on because it will give you more independence, pride, self respect, which all makes it easier to stand your ground when meeting new people. Hold a girl to standards, not put all your hopes on one single person immediately.

Keep your place clean, good for impulse invites and it makes you feel better about your life and yourself. Get a pet if you have the option and like animals, they're a quick conversation starter, allow you to show off your nurturing and tender side, give you an excuse to send girls pictures and so on.

Also a big one: learn how to tell stories about your life. Of course you shouldn't practice literal speeches or anything, but I mean reflecting on your childhood, recurring patterns, things that made a big impression on you or turning points, kind of like the way that you lived it opposed to the way that it would be objectively described in all its mundane detail. That is an important part of what you eventually want to share with someone, and let them glimpse when getting to know each other.

* * *

And of course I meant, *get your clothes tailored, learning to sew is no priority.
nevermind then

i'm super bad at flirting
Sex without a condom might feel better for her. Sounds like her original plan was to get her tubes tied so she could get off birth control and not worry about condoms. You said to wait, she agrees even though she still wants her tubes tied. She tracks her period because she worries. She still doesn't prefer sex with condoms and is bad at hiding that preference.

So, that still makes sense to me. Unless you think she was lying about wanting to get her tubes tied. I'm also great with kids and enjoy them. Doesn't mean I think I'm ready to care for one, and not sure if I'll ever be.
I don't learn other songs for the most part. I write my own stuff.
>Is there anything in particular that I should do for a date?
Have fun. No, really.

The more you build it up mentally the more awkward you'll be. It's ok if you don't click with him, it's ok if you really do and want to see him again.
>because it's less effort than strengthening your potential.
should obviously be *more effort.

Two more things I forgot: when girls start to like someone, they too are internally gushing over that person. Casually dropping good info (a cute embarrassing childhood memory, raving about a guilty pleasure like a specific kind of chocolate, a habit you have with a younger sibling) to do this over is a tip for if you feel like she's starting to like you. (Signs include but not limited to: lots of looking at you (bonus points if she looks away when you catch her), she sometimes seems easily frustrated/offended by you but never makes a real issue out of it beyond being huffy, she has a damn good memory for trivial stuff you told her, she plays into things you like (wearing her hair a certain way, a specific color on her), she blushes, fumbles or stutters around you, she often seems high strung and restless around you, she is more quiet around you than she seems to be with others (bonus points if it's striking to outsiders), she teases you a lot and finds excuses to touch you, gives you nicknames, she seems to talk about women or sex a lot (bonus points if she includes herself, like talking about a sexual dream she had), she talks about not knowing many people, study her friends to see if they get more openly giddy when you're around, not looking at you at all, sitting next to you a lot, asking your opinions on things concerning her life (or, better, her appearance), baking you stuff, casually dropping personal information, laughing more easily at things you say.)

And I forgot sexually: learn how to masturbate without porn (not necessarily quitting it) and if you find that hard, buy a fleshlight and practice with that instead of your hand for possible deathgrip. Get tested if you're not a virgin. Read up on cunnilingus. If you live a completely sedentary life, build some condition so you can lost longer without discomfort.
>Girls aren't taught to ask guys out
Guys aren't taught to ask girls out either, they just have to figure it out.
I disagree with confidence, but that's probably because intelligence is my #1, and it correlates negatively with confidence pretty much all the way across the board.
Sociopaths are the exception, of course, but i'm not fond of them (i often wonder why most people are).
They don't literally mean taught how to, you retard. They mean that they're not taught that their gender role involves asking guys out.
>I disagree with confidence, but that's probably because intelligence is my #1, and it correlates negatively with confidence pretty much all the way across the board.
I swear to god it's the same person who keeps posting this nonsense. The people who fundamentally changed our world are often extremely arrogant if just because of what they accomplished.

It's meek people who have accomplished little that have no confidence.
Why can't women learn to use their heads? Why do they do everything their mothers do?
Why can't they take after their father instead?
If i would do everything like my mom i would be a narcistic, fat gold digger.
If i would do everything like my dad i would be a drugged up hobo.
The real question is why you only associate with girls who seem to lack the ability to think for themselfe, and why you came to the conclusion that generalized assumtions are EVER accurate? The only reasonable answer might be that you must be very young.
Because men are so friendly, good natured and kind. A better companion you never will find.
Why can't a woman be like us?
>men are so friendly, good natured and kind
I'm a man and you made me chuckle. Nice one anon.
And the generalized idiocity continues. I know plenty of men who don't fit that describtion in the slightest. But i also know a lot who do. It's not a question of gender but of personality and personal developement. There are enough girls that fit those criterias just as good as men can.
You should try to start associating with more selfaware people instead
You sound like a cuck to be quite honest
>friendly, good natured, and kind
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For the women:

Should I just have called her instead of saying "Will you pick up the phone if I call you? I'm one of the few oldskool guys out there." beforehand?

Fuck I fucked up fuck I was hoping for her to say "try me" or something in that fashion
Honestly compared to women it's true.

Women don't even like women. They just leap without thinking and throw fits at anything that gets in their way or that they disagree with. They can't explain it but they'll do it none the less

Why can't women learn to use their heads?

Let's face it
Would you be slighted if I didn't speak for hours?
Would you be livid if I had a drink or two?
Would you be wounded if I never sent you flowers?
Why can't a woman be like you?
For women:
Is confidence really the most important thing to attract you?
>thinking all women are like this

High school will pass soon child. Strip away gender and we are all just people and people all have different personalities.
>every man is good natured and kind.
>calls a complete stranger a cuck
Therefore, you are a woman.

Your post reeks /r9k/, and after being my main board for like a year, ditching it was the best thing I did.
But let me tell you something, I agree that most women are complete airheads, shallow bitches, but majority != all.
Also, I know a lot of stupid men too, only thinking about themselves, a guy at our dorm erased his best friend from his life just because of a diner ticket which cost exacly 0.012$.
You need to learn that everyone is different, and that each society is different too. You need to higher yourself, you are in a toxic environment.
>one of those old school guys

What the fuck does this even mean? Should have just asked if you could call.
>I can't argue against this and have majority of similar experiences but I don't like it.jpg

>because the minority exists we should not judge the majority
One man in a million may shout a bit.
Now and then there's one with slight defects;
One, perhaps, whose truthfulness you doubt a bit.
But by and large we are a marvelous sex!
I never made the claim that men are all good natured and kind and I don't believe it either. I was referring to the fact that some woman makes a mediocre joke and this guy >>17235572
immediately chimes in with
>I'm a man and you made me chuckle. Nice one anon.
It reeks of beta desperation.
>woaaah a girl made a joke I better acknowledge it while pointing out that I'm a man!
I actually said "as you know, I'm an old man (grandpa emoji)"

because we had a conversation about our ages/looks when we met
>Because men are so friendly, good natured and kind. A better companion you never will find.
>Why can't a woman be like us?
Is anyone else getting a disney villain singalong vibe from this
i grew up in the PNW and was taught (and punished when i didn't) to wait for a girl or woman to approach you
I was taught that to get a girl, you should be her friend and she'd grow into those romantic feelings over time. I'm pretty sure most people here understand how garbage that advice was.

I ended up throwing away 90% of what I grew up with as far as dating knowledge goes and had to reestablish myself. People just use "its what I was raised with" as an excuse to stay in their comfort zone.
I can't argue against someone who I know for a fact won't consider the possibility that he is objecctively wrong.

Not all women are like that and not all mem are saints.
Oh, so it wasn't >>17235539 who wrote it? My bad, I didn't get the sarcasm from his post.
>I don't think I can argue so I won't try
That's the modern man for you no self confidence and projects it onto others.

Not all women are cunts and not all men are dicks, however the fact that a variance exists does not mean that the average should be ignored. In fact you cannot fix the average that you know is wrong with that kind of mentality at all, you are simply putting your head down and saying " I deserve this "

It is absolutely dreadful and common.
lel fuck it, she isn't interested anyway, even though she keeps messaging and asking stuff herself

I've been there too many times, tomorrow I will probably delete her #, wasted time, again. Tired of women. Will become gay if I must



That good enough?
Of course this, but the rapist is not your average man and no one condones rape. Rapist don't even condone rape on average.

You are telling me that men and women are different but I'm not talking about the 10% I'm saying why can't a woman be like me?
>she isn't interested anyway,
that's one of the harder things in life to come to grips with- projecting your own desires onto people
They can and there are women like you (probably). But labeling everyone as a majority and absolute is ignorant. How about recognizing these personality patterns first and avoiding them.
I think the underlying quality is confidence. Not just confidence in conversations and situations, but in oneself.

Personally, I don't care if the guy's a gymrat or a greasy gamer or a hypebeast. As long as you're comfortable with who you are I'm attracted to that. There's nothing worse than palpable insecurity.

I'm a sucker for a good smile too. (This is PSA for all guys to stop doing that scrunched up mouth tilt).
don't lie
I have recognized them and they are the average.

I've met about 5 women that think one is the best developer I've ever met. All the other women are airheads that don't think past 5 minutes.

Women with a plan that isn't 1. get laid, 2. something.... they are the 8th wonder of the world.

Why can't a woman be like us?
>scrunched up mouth tilt
got a picture? I suspect I do this but it's because of my shitty teeth.
I'm not lying, fuck that mouth-tilt. Please stop doing it. It makes you look like you have four chins too. It's even worse when you raise your brows.
Be thin and hot. That's literally it.


Nothing else matters.
Improve yourself. Always wanted to learn a language or to plan an instrument? Go take classes. Is there any interesting place near where you live that you haven't visited? Go check it out and learn about it. Are you shit at some common task like cooking? Learn.

Find a look you're comfortable with. Like if you wear glases and don't like them, try to find some that suit you better, or give contacts a go. If you have a skin condition like acne go see a dermatologist to treat it. It's unbelievable the amount of people (including myself at times) that feel bad about some aspect of themselves but do nothing to improve it.

I think I would tell these things, I usually talk with my boyfriend through the day and we share what we're up to so if something like that happened I would mention it, just like I would mention running into an old friend, or tripping and falling, or any other event or occurrence.

No it's not normal.
>thinking i'm talking about whatever mouth tilt shit you're talking about

I know you can't help but lie about what you find attractive, but don't spread it around like gospel truth. Great way to set a LOT of people up for failure.
No picture on hand, but it's when you're closed mouth and you raise one side of your mouth into a lopsided smile. Sometimes guys purse their mouths too.

Get some teeth whitening strips and do an open mouth smile like you're in the middle of laughing at a joke. That's my favorite, but any smile is better than none
File: DSC_0093.jpg (125KB, 1600x1600px) Image search: [Google]
125KB, 1600x1600px
I found this while searching for it in google. I don't know what to think of this.
>coming at me with your droves of insecurity

Haha, ok. Confidence is confidence, even if it means different things to different people.
Oh, I know what that is. That's my 'Whatever just happened is stupid as fuck but I am legally required to smile' smile
That's pretty much my only smile unfortunately. Teeth aside I don't feel the urge to genuinely smile so it's all faked.
For girls:

>girl starts talking to me
>gives me her number and says we should hang out sometime
>we text for a day or two talking about making plans
>they say they'll let me know a good day soon
>then proceed to never text or call me again

This has happened to me several times and I don't understand why. This generally happened at work (I used to be a cashier), and they'd always be the ones to initiate everything. What was going on?
nah. i''m pretty confident in myself- regardless it has nothing to do with your bs about 'jest b confident who cares if ur <ugly thing>'

hey man, sometimes women are just flaky, but it sounds like you aren't making any plans, which tells them they aren't interested.

you make your own plans, and invite them along.

>hey im going shooting saturday morning, wanna go?
Always come up with a plan yourself, not sure what you meant with "talking about plans". Best thing to do is giving her two options. Plan A and B. If she can't text her 2 days later, preferably when you are already have plans but ask her to join. If not, dump.

But yeah... I know what you mean, I have only had 1 girlfriend and I only dated her. I never had a date with another woman. I keep up ending in the same damn situation and it is tiring me. Posted up here somewhere myself.

I could be the most confident alpha direct guy but it still won't fucking work. Meh
anon you just need to be confident and smile
Yeah that's what they say right, kek, bullshit. Damn nigga I'm doing that, I'm in the center of attention when going out, I got people mirin' yet I can't close the deal, I sometimes feel like an object, just that entertaining fun who can dance and is so fun and wow look at him, but I won't ever date him guy
How does eye contact work?
I thought you're supposed to maintain eye contact throughout a conversation?
When I talk to people they'll hold eye contact for a while and then look away, which makes me nervous for some reason and then I'll look away.
I'll let you in on a little secret- it's always been like that
Don't look away yourself bruh, only when you have to think hard about something.
no senpai, just a dab will do yu

make eye contact when talking to them, look at something else, make eye contact with another person when talking to them, then go back to the first person, etc etc

you don't need to eagle eye everyone all he damn time
I know, I will be alone and sexless for a long time probably. Whatever, I tried, I tried
>Whatever, I tried, I tried
try again, fag

literally don't stop trying until you run out of women to fuck

the never stop flirting, ever
>not sure what you meant with "talking about plans"

What I mean is that they'll often talk about inviting me to do something with them (no specific thing being mentioned) and say they'll let me know when they have plans to invite me to/are free. But then they never follow through after that.
You stare at them until they break eye contact then you move in closer until they resume eye contact
>I don't care about looks, it's ok if you're a greasy gamer
>Uses someones looks as an insult

It's ok to not find someone attractive, but don't fib about it anon
>how 2 get a gf: african savannah edtion
I will never stop flirting, don't worry, that's part of me
if a guy is bi is that a turn on to women?
How can you be this clueless? I'm a neckbear and I know the answer to this.
if you are looking for a fling or quick hit HPB + then yes.

If you are looking for a stable relationship then no.
Girls, can a guy with a 5/10 face be attractive if he has redeeming qualities?

What if he's tall, intelligent, has a good body, educated, good/cool job (military pilot), and funny?

I'm really insecure about my face. I think after my braces come off, I fix my acne, and I fix my hair I can maybe pull off a 6/7 face, but that's still a while off.
i think so for sure
If bi, yes. If pan, no. That's just my experience, once I learned a guy friend of mine was pan it was a complete turn off for me, but I think bi guys are mighty fine. I guess it's just that pans having no standards makes you feel shitty about yourself for some reason.
Girls and guys

where is the line from where dating turns into a relationship? I don't know how this works. If someone's been on 5 dates, what does that mean?
The moment you Agree to go out you are in a relationship if you don't see it as such you are either insecure or in denial
5/10 is average. Do you think average people can't get dates or something?
What causes girls to cheat?

I've never been cheated on but I would like to avoid that, and yes I know sometimes there are just shitty people out there but good people can be involved in it as well.
To any girl:

If you get complimented randomly by someone out of nowhere how creepy would you find it? I guess it would mostly depend on how it's said, right?
Depends on what it is
if he guy is hot, it's great

if not, well, let's just say we have sexual harassment laws for a reason
To any white girls here:
Would you date a short latino? This is just for you personally.

what do you mean? so you're saying that as of the very first date, she's my girlfriend? How?
because you are dating her

I'm sorry, but you're retarded. Going on ONE date doesn't make someone boyfriend/girlfriend. if the date goes bad, then you're saying its a "break up" huh?

It depends on the content of the compliment and on how awkward he is. His looks do factor in but that's the smallest of the three. For instance "I love your shirt/smile" is way more dateable than "your boobs are so big and hot and I like how they bounce when you walk" or walking behind someone for a while then running up and mumbling "you're really beautiful" then when they awkwardly say thank you asking if they have a boyfriend and when they say yes you run across the street in the middle of traffic and then run away - four blocks down - in the same direction as you two were originally going, so they get to watch you disappear excruciatingly slowly in the distance. That latter one actually happened to me. Please don't be that guy, I felt bad for him but you need to be able to bow out gracefully and not be awkward.
You just haven't built good repore to advocate this sense of need.

Nah jk, I think I would be offended by an ugly girl approaching me too
>if he guy is hot, it's great
>if not, well, let's just say we have sexual harassment laws for a reason
>sexual harassment laws for a reason
>sexual harassment laws

That's not fair anon, I'm not even trying to pick up women. Just a nice 5/10 guy.

No, it's just dumb. 1 date doesn't automatically start a romantic relationship
so don't compliment women. it's not like they don't get plenty of them
So let's say some HOT ass 6'3" dude came over to you and said, "god damn that ass". Would you be flattered or incoming_lawsuit.jpeg? What if the same thing happened with some balding 5'7" dude?
That's the point of it to start the relationship

if it goes poorly it's just annulled

After a certain point.

Why is it a girl could go on several dates with different guys in the same week and it's ok? It's because she's meeting people. Doesn't mean she's in a relationship with them all
does it hurt to have a period? losing large amounts of blood in any way makes me sick to my stomach

Very true, I guess I'll go back to not speaking.
Thanks anon.
Opinion on men wearing skinny jeans?
This is ludicrous
Really depends on your personality, I'm into short guys. They're cute :3
Some girls get cramps in their stomach area but it does not hurt your vagina. I personally do not get cramps, but losing that much blood does fuck with our hormones so we get moody and break out in pimples.
They look nice, much better then baggy clothes. Some might think you come off as a sissy but fuck them.
Sweet. There's this cute white girl I've been talking to and I want to ask her out. We're the same height, and since I usually see white girls with taller white guys, I've been having second thoughts.
He could just wear nicely fitting blue jeans. Skinny jeans are for sissy cucks
Go for it man, the worst thing is she says no. Even after that, you can still be friends.
The wall just got 10 feet higher paco

See this girl at the gym pretty much every day for the last few months. She smiles at me a lot and when she sees I'm looking at her (not staring like a creep) she smiles and looks away. We talk sometimes but it's hard to have an actual conversation at the gym with the music and both of us working out. Sometimes we show each other photos we've taken on our phones. Should I ask her for drinks? Are there signs I should be looking for that she's not interested? Is she interested?
Shit, might as well haha
Not really concerned about the wall. I'll be able to take my citizenship test next year (after having lived in the U.S. my entire life)
Why don't you guys work out together? You could be her spotter and vice versa.
I'm sorry if I'm being blind and retarded, but I need a male perspective on what just happened.

This guy and I used to flirt a lot (coworkers) but then he left to start a new job, about a month ago. So, I met up with him after work today to catch up since we haven't talked in a while. When I got there, he had my favorite chocolate with him. I said something obvious like "hey, chocolate" thinking it was his, but then he said "I brought this because I knew I was going to see you today".
We hung out and talked for about two hours in the coffee shop and we are going to see each other on Monday morning (I offered to show him how to do something profession-related before work).

I was kinda taken aback and awkward about the chocolate. Sure I've had feelings for him for a while, and yes we used to flirt a lot, but it never turned into anything more than that when we both worked together, so I figured he wasn't interested in going out with me.

So /adv/, I have 2 questions:
What did the chocolate thing mean? He's never given me anything before.
And did I just go on a date and not know it?
I don't like them. Normal slim-fitting jeans are a lot nicer IMO
Sounds like a date to me.
Was the chocolate a romantic gift type thing? It's confusing the hell out of me that he gave me chocolate, mostly because for months I was trying to convince myself to be okay with how he never seemed to want anything more than flirting with me at work. Was the chocolate supposed to show that he changed his mind?
Do you give acquaintances chocolate?
How about when you go to see your friends and you haven't been prompted to?

Very curious.....
I have no idea what this could possibly mean.
Wow.....holy shit. Sorry, I'm genuinely surprised. Thanks for being patient with me, anon.
This is just me, but this is something I do only with girls I'm interested in.

I have female friends that I catch up with all the time, and I never think about getting them anything. If I'm going out with a girl I'm interested though, I think of the little things about her and buy her things she likes or take her places I know she enjoys going to.
I could try, but she's typically doing exercises that don't need spotting. (Deadlifts, some cable exercises, dumbbell stuff, etc.) I commented on her form once to fix something and she thanked me and got shy.
Thanks, that's a good point. When I catch up with guy friends, we've never given each other gift like that unless it's someone's birthday.
how is it ludicrous?
he made a move
he wants to nibble you like you nibble that chocolate bar

call him right now

like, right now- wake him up
and make plans for a hot weekend date
you mean gay?
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