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I need some serious advice guys. I'm in a situation I never

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I need some serious advice guys. I'm in a situation I never thought I'd be in and I don't know what to do.

I think my cousin (19f, 6 months older) wants to marry me (19m).

I've been sleeping with her/secretly dating her for three years. Both sets of parents know that we're close, but they don't know this is going on (my mom suspects I'm seeing someone but she doesn't know it's my cousin) When we aren't in school we don't live that far away from each other, but we saw each other pretty infrequently before we were fifteen. Infrequently enough for GSA to take hold. As soon as she got her license we became very close, and after I got mine six months later we were all over each other. We've kept it mostly secret, minus me taking her to prom because she didn't have a bf (because she's dating me). Recently she's been dropping blatantly obvious hints that she wants to marry me, and I'm nervous about the whole thing. What do I do? Should I do it? How do we inform our family, if we do at all?

Just a few more things to clear it up a bit,
>We're both in college, just finished our first year. Our schools are within driving distance
>She's absolutely gorgeous 8.5/10
>We live in California, so it's legal for us to marry
>I'm infertile, so there's no fear of retard babies
>This isn't lust or puppy love, I genuinely love her and she genuinely loves me
>I won't post any pictures because she occasionally browses 4chan, including this board, and I don't want her to be mad at me

Due to the fact that I won't post pics, I'm sure a lot of you are thinking this is bait. It isn't. I genuinely want advice, and even though I'm a dummy for asking 4chan for advice, I still want it.
I mean do you want to do it? Could you handle your family casting you out, would they?
>In love

We can disregard everything else
That shit was normal back in the 18 hundreds
>at the age of 19
>I won't post any pictures because she occasionally browses 4chan, including this board, and I don't want her to be mad at me
if she sees this, does it really matter if you posted pics or not? youre very specific already, even gave us your state
I don't think my dad would cast me out. He just wants me to be happy. He'd be shocked, but he'd get used to it. Idk how my mom would react. My cousin's parents (dad's family) are quite religious, so she'd probably be cast out for both the incest and the premarital sex. I don't think she cares, though.

I can see myself spending the rest of my life with her. There's just so many factors right now (college, unknown reactions from family, etc.) that I don't know when or how I should propose if I end up doing it.
There's 40 million of us in California and she probably isn't even up rn, but I don't want to expose who we actually are to random people.

As to your other point (our age), my parents were married at 20 and they've been together for 26 years. If we get married it'll be closer to when we're 20 than now. Matter of fact my cousin probably will be 20 at that point.
If you decide to get married, you should probably elope and move somewhere up/down state. It might take your family a few years to accept your union, if they do at all. Are you prepared for that?

Personally, I think you should just get a place with her and say you're doing it to save money. That way you can be with her all the time without the major commitment of marriage. You're 19 and your brain isn't done developing yet, so I question your ability to make this kind of decision. sure, have fun, but don't potentially ruin your family life and maybe reputation for a decision that might be a bad one. If you both feel the same in a few years then go for it.
Pretty sound advice. I'll talk to her tomorrow morning about it. Thanks
You're 19 and infertile? How?
I have extra veins on the cord connecting my nuts to the rest of my body. It adds extra heat to them, and it killed a majority of the sperm. I'm effectively infertile.
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and there is no medical way to treat that? like would it help to cool them down 24/7? like put some CPU heatsinks attached to them? as long as the sperm production is there i dont see how newly produced sperm would then be infertile.

it's a bit early to marry by the age of 19 by my taste, but if its the norm in your place, it should be ok.

Well up to 50% of all weddings in history were between cousins or closer, so I wouldnt expect as much opposition, especially as you are infertile.

Try it out, open up to your father first and then with him you tell everyone else, I guess he can support you should you be outcast by everyone else.
Details about the sex. How did it start?
OP here. I'm back from sleep.

First started sophomore year of high school. We didn't see each other practically at all prior. Talked at a family gathering and started to get friendly. When she got her license she started driving over to my place often. We were just friends at this point, but we were seeing each other very frequently. We didn't start banging until after we both could drive. I don't remember what we were doing at my house. Maybe watching Game of Thrones? Both my parents work a good distance away, so I knew they wouldn't be home until late. She mentioned her older sister dating some guy, it led to her dating life, which basically didn't exist. We ended up kissing, and within ten minutes we were in my bed. It was close to the end of the school year at this point, so when summer came along we were free to do whatever we wanted. It escalated from there.
People who want you to be happy won't be mad at you for being happy
Eblven ignoring the cousin issue you're 19 and too young to be running into marriage. You don't even know who you are yet, how could you know what kind of partner you want for the rest of your life.
It could have been dumb luck, but my parents were married at 20 and they've been together for 26 years. I know it isn't the most common thing, but it isn't uncommon.
I don't think it's a good idea man, you're 19, you've got the world ahead of you, people will change and you're going to need your family to be there for you and she needs hers too. Are you willing to become literally everything for her? It's a big responsibility and I don't think you can possibly understand that at 19. Just don't do it, your mind is just locked by biology right now, meet somebody else and you'll snap out of it
if its legal then go for it.

>implying your family even cares.
>ike would it help to cool them down 24/7? like put some CPU heatsinks attached to them?
I died laughing
I'm sorry OP, but I think your story is detailed enough for her to recognize it if she sees it.
Op do not get married at 19. I repeat do not get married at 19.
Just wait a few years. No rush. Get established im your lives first. You need to be able to be independent at thr least. You guys can stay together without being married. Or do a long engagement in a couple years.
First cousins or distant cousins? Is one of her parents brother/sister to one of yours?
Parents. Her mom is my dad's sister
Oops. First cousins. Forgot to put that
How do you know you're infertile?
Are you actual cousins?
Like she's the biological offspring of one of your biological parents' biological siblings???
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marry and fuck like crazy. have fun >:P
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One important point that's tied into the 'don't get married at 19' thing: you're both about to go to college. That's going to be a huge step in both of your lives. For many young couples, this is the breaking point, even those who aren't forced into LDR. Don't get married before you've seen if your romance can survive this test. It will be an experience after which both of you will be more sure of what you want. Beyond that, best of luck to you.
does she know you're infertile?

if no, let her know before making any choices.

but i say go for it


feminist slags detected
i got married at 19

divorced at 24

feels bad man
Look at the bright side: at least you aren't ostracized as a cousin-fucker.
all my cousins are men

i'd totally bang some of my half sisters though
Half-sister as in you share one parent? Yeah, that's disgusting. Kys.
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